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003 (1354) Elementary Spanish II

Florida A&M University
Department of English and Modern Languages
Spring 2016
Syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with
advance notice
Days &Time:
Office hours:

Dr. Evelyn Trujillo/ e-mail: [email protected]

MWF 10:10-11:00 Tucker 201
Tucker Hall 456
599-3737 x 2492
MW 12:30-2:30 a.m. (Others by Appointment only)

Required Textbooks: Dorwick, Prez-Girones, Becher Isabelli. Puntos de partida

McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2009, 9th Ed. Access Code to accompany textbook will be
available for students use.
This course continues the development of the basic language skills, with increasing
emphasis on listening comprehension. This is a communication class and
emphasizes the everyday life and culture of Spanish-speaking people.
Prerequisites: SPN 1120 or Placement Exam (See Undergraduate Catalog for SAT II,
AP, and or IB scores)
Goals: By the end of the semester students will be able to do the following at the
beginner level:
understand predictable questions and commands in familiar topic areas
interact orally on familiar topics
use language for personal communications needs, ask and answer
questions and request clarification as needed
demonstrate familiarity with selected aspects of Hispanic culture(s)
Expected Learning Outcomes: The following performance outcomes should be
expected at the end of the course:

Communication: demonstrate competence in writing, reading, and

Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking to learning and real world
Cultural diversity: demonstrate an appreciation for differences among
Collaboration: work in groups to complete tasks.
Ethical Values: Demonstrate personal responsibility and integrity in
academic and personal situations.
Lifelong learning: Students will demonstrate an appreciation for further
education and self-improvement


Class Policy- No telfonos (cell phones) are allowed to be on during the class.
Participation and effort
Class participation is a vital part of your language-learning experience .You can
improve your grade by (1) coming to class prepared and ready to participate on a
regular basis; and (2) consistently interacting in Spanish with your instructor and
Attendance: Attendance will be recorded to assure that students are complying
with the University Class Attendance Regulations. Specifically, the class attendance
regulations will apply to all students as follow: A student will be permitted one
unexcused absence per credit hour of the course he or she is attending. After

three (3) unexcused absences two points of the final average will be
lowered. Documented proof of cause for absences beyond three hours is
required. These policies take effect immediately.
Lateness: Being late to class creates distractions for both your fellow students and
your instructor. If you are late three times, it will count as an absence.
Exams: Missing exam will be given only with a documented and universityapproved excuse. Any student with a cellular during exam time will receive F

in the exam immediately. Not exceptions.

Quizzes will be over vocabulary.

You will receive grades in:

Quizzes (20%)

Grading System
100-90 A

89-80 B

79-70 C

69-60 D

59-50 F

Chapter Exams (80%)

American with Disabilities Act

Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: (1) register

with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center, and (2)
bring a letter to your instructor from the office of Equal Opportunity or Student
Disability Center indicating that you need academic accommodation no later than
the second week of classes.


Tentative Schedule from January 6-April 22, 2016

Jan. 6-20

Jan. 22

Chapter 7-Food and Meals

Saber and Conocer
Direct Object Pronouns/ The Personal -a
Indefinite and Negative Words/ Formal Commands
Exam # 1- Chap.7 /Quiz 1-pp 228-229.

Jan. 25- Feb. 5

Chapter 8-Traveling & Vacations

Indirect Object Pronouns/ Gustar / Preterite

Feb. 8

Exam # 2 Chap. 8 /Quiz 2-pp. 262-263

Feb. 10- 22

Chapter 9- Celebrations &Emotions

Irregular Preterite/ the Preterite of Stem-changing verbs
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Together

Feb. 24

Exam # 3 Chap. 9 / Quiz 3, pp.290-1

Feb. 27-March 18

Chapter 10-Pastimes/ Domestic Chores

The Imperfect/ Summary of Interrogative Words

March 21

Examen # 4- Chap.10 / Quiz 4 pp.318-19

March 23- April 6

Chapter 11- Health and Well-being/Illnesses and Going to the Doctor

Preterite and imperfect
Relative Pronouns/ Reciprocal actions with se

April 8

Exam # 5- Chap. 11/ Quiz 5, pp. 348-49

April 11-20

Chapter 12-Housing and Neighborhoods/ Technology

Informal Commands/ Subjunctive

April 22

Exam # 6- Chap. 12 / Quiz 6, pp.380-1


Grade Sheet- Spanish 1121.003(1354)

Spring 2016

Dr. Evelyn Trujillo

Student Name__________________
Exams= 80%
Exam 1 _____________

Exam 4- ____________

Exam 2- ____________

Exam 5 ______________

Exam 3- ____________

Exam 6 ______________
Total ______________

Quizzes 20%
Quiz 1 _____________
Quiz 2

Quiz 4 ____________


Quiz 3 ____________

Quiz # 5 ___________
Quiz # 6 ____________
Total _______________
Spanish Grade ___________

Example of how to calculate your grade:

Add all the exams average and divided between 6 and then multiple for 80%
(81+75+72+100+95+98= 518 / 6= 86.3 x .80=69.06)
(Do the same for quizzes but multiple for 20%
(100+100+100+100+100+100=600 /6= 100 x .20=20)
Add all final average- 72.13(exams) +20 (quizzes) = 89.06 Grade for the course (B)


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