Building As Human Shelter: King Post Top Chord Web Members
Building As Human Shelter: King Post Top Chord Web Members
Building As Human Shelter: King Post Top Chord Web Members
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b. Roofing Materials
1. Roofing Sheets
2. Rivets/Nails
3. Gutter
4. Flashing
5. Ridge Roll/Hipped Roll/Valley Roll
*Methods of construction:
1. Preparation of the Roof Accessories
2. Installation of Gutters, Valley Roll
3. Layering of roof Sheets
4. Nailing or Punching and Riveting
5. Installation of Flashing, Ridge and Hip roll
Beam -is the structural member supporting the transverse load with each end resting on a support.
Beam is classified as:
1. Simple Beam sometimes called simply supported beam. It refers to as single span beam
supported at its end without a restraint.
2. Continuous beam is a term applied to a beam that rest on more than two supports.
3. Semi continuous beam refers to a beam with two span with or without restraint at the two
extreme ends.
The Compression and Tension Beam
The portion of the beam above the neutral axis at the support o column is under
tension while the lower part is under compression. Likewise, the lower portion of the beam
that tends to bend downward between the supports is considered to be under tension while
the upper portion is under compression.
*Accdg. to NSCP(National Structural Code of the Philippines), Chapter 4, section 407.7.1; The
minimum clear spacing between parallel bars in a layer shall be db but not less than 25mm.
Reinforcements for Beam
- are provided to resist the diagonal tension and counteract the shear action on the
Column is a support to a beam or girder, floor or roof and also an arch. In general, columns are
classified as short columns and long columns.
1. Short column is when the unsupported height of the column is not greater than ten times
the shortest lateral dimension of the cross section.
2. Long column is when the unsupported height of the column is more than ten times the
shortest lateral dimension of the cross section.
Types of Column:
a.) Plain concrete pedestal - This may be used only if the height does not exceed three times
the least lateral dimension.
b.) Tied columns - A column in which the longitudinal bars are braced with a series of closed
c.) Spiral columns - a column in which the longitudinal bars and concrete core are wrapped with
a closely spaced helix or spiral.
d.) Composite columns - These columns may contain a structural steel shape surrounded by
longitudinal bars with ties or spirals or it may consist of high-strength steel tubing filled with
Tied Columns
Tied columns have reinforcements consisting of vertical and longitudinal bars held in
position by lateral reinforcement called ties. The vertical reinforcement consists of at least 4 bars
with a minimum diameter of 16mm or number 5 steel bars.
The ACI Code on Lateral Ties so provides that:
All non pre stressed bars for tied column shall be enclosed by lateral ties of at least No.3 bar size,
for longitudinal bars No.10 or smaller and at least No.4 size for No.11, 14 and 18 and bundled
longitudinal bars. The spacing of the ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameter or the least
dimension of the column.
The Code was specific as to the size of the lateral ties required with respect to the size of the
longitudinal bar of main reinforcement of the column. Thus:
1. A number 3 or 10mm size steel bar for lateral ties is required if the main reinforcement of
the column is No.10 or smaller bar.
2. Number 4 or 12mm lateral ties shall be used if the main reinforcement of the column is
either No.11, 14 or 18 steel bars.
The Spacing of lateral ties for a tied column is governed by anyone of the following rules
whichever is lower.
1. That the distance should not be more than 16 times the diameter of the main reinforcement.
2. That the spacing should not be more than 48 times the diameter of the lateral ties.
3. That the spacing should not be more than the shortest dimension of the cross section of the
Reinforcement Ratio and Limitation
The ACI Code states that:
The cross sectional area of the vertical reinforcement shall not be less than .01 nor more than .09
times the gross area of the column section.
Spiral Reinforcement Limitations and Spacing