Smetana, The Moldau, and The Patriotic Program
Smetana, The Moldau, and The Patriotic Program
Smetana, The Moldau, and The Patriotic Program
Grade Level
9 12 Orchestra
Students will
effectively participate in group discussion, small and large
read about music
connect their repertoire to historical and literary contexts
use content vocabulary relevant to their repertoire
actively listen to recorded music
solve technical and expressive issues within the piece
evaluate a short musical performance
play with expression based on their knowledge of the composer, the musical elements in
the piece, and the historical context of the piece
set musical goals based on their independent needs and the needs of the group
write clearly and coherently about music
Copies of article The Moldau by Betsy Schwarm
Copies of article Nationalism in Music by Frederick Starr
Musical parts
Cued recording of the excerpt of the river theme from The Moldau
concept map outlines
note cards for paired response
sheets of paper for conversation roundtable
recording device for playing checkpoints
Day One Procedure
Warm-up with a two-octave scale in the key of the piece
Thought provoking question [SL.9-10.1, MU:Pr4.2.E.Ia]
o How can music without words tell a story?
Relate musical theme to theme in literature.
Read The Moldau article from Encyclopedia Britannica [L.9-10.4a, L.9-10.6,
MU:Cn10.0.H.5a, MU:Cn11.0.T.5a]
o Discuss the meaning of vocabulary terms symphonic poem / program.
o Identify the themes in the piece according to the article.
Connect them to the type of music/instruments that play them.
Concept map plus listening activity [R.9-10.2, MU:Re8.1.E.5a, MU:Pr4.2.E.5a]
o Listen to an excerpt of the river theme from a recording of the original Moldau.
o Of the themes listed in the article (the springs, the river, the hunters, the wedding, the
water nymphs, the St. Johns Rapids, the ancient castle in Prague), which is this
theme likely to be?
What technical or expressive things are you having the most trouble
Identify sections of the piece that you will practice.
Sign up for a lesson for extra help along the way.