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Table of contents


Chapter name


Executive summary
Reasons for having a Space Settlement
Social studies
Structural design
Construction phases
Artificial gravity
Bubble particularities
MEF( Moon Extraction Factory)
Science and technology
Food, water and climate
Crop growing
Livestock, poultry and fish
Water management
Social infrastructure
Acceptance criteria
Political system
Law and order
Education system



1.Executive summary

1.1 Space settlement introduction

A space settlement has been a major interest in the scientific world since the
1950s. Although of high importance, this matter remains unknown to the masses. By
developing this project, we became aware of the possibility of finding human shelter
in what seemed to be a hostile environment. This is why we want to thank NASA and
NSS for giving us the opportunity of elaborating a home away from the Earth.
By making this project we feel as taking part in something bigger than just our
ordinary teenage life, as helping nowadays world reach a higher level of evolution.
How else could we do that but by expanding our influence into the most gloomy of
areas, the outer space. We feel that raising the awareness of students of today will
enable humanity to enter a new space era, the era of space colonization. As we
consider this possible to happen during our lifetime, we consider our generation
responsible for transforming what close minded people regard as a far-fetched
dream into reality. This is why were aiming at helping others our age ( and not only )
fully understand the potential NASA has for future greatness.
We would like to express our special thanks to our physics teacher, Ioana
Stoica, for she has been a backbone for our project. Being our form teacher makes
her closer to our hearts. This made her able to give us the necessary moral support
throughout all the time we spent working on this project.
One of our most sincere thanks goes to NASA and NSS for making this all
possible to happen. By providing us useful bibliography, we were able to inform
ourselves. The information we acquired got us interested in space colonization not
only for a few months, but for a lifetime. We are grateful that NASA didnt leave this
matter to professionals only, but gave high school students the unique chance to get
involved in something that will change human life as we know it forever.
Last but not least, we have to thank our parents, friends and school because
we couldnt have made it this two months without their help, which was priceless.
They brought out the best in us.

1.2. Reasons for having a space settlement

James S. McDonnell believed that The creative conquest of space will serve
as a wonderful substitute for war., meaning that the opportunities that the outer
space offers us are a blessed way of avoiding calamities and catastrophes on Earth.
For example, the space offers mankind the chance of expanding, of building
new lands called ,,Space Settlements. For now, this project is just a concept, but in
a few decades, who knows what gloomy places in the Universe the man will have
A Space Settlement represents an innovative way of extending our knowledge
about the space, microgravity, nanotechnology and many other subjects. For a
colonist it represents a lifetime experience, probably the most unique and beautiful of
all, because living on such a settlement not only gives the occasion of seeing
unforgettable sights, but also of rediscovering the inner-self. Closer to infinity, the
man will have reached all the stages of evolution when colonizing the space: a
dream came true, a gift.
Another advantage of the settlement is, considering the fact that someday in
the future the Earth will no longer be able to host such a numerous population,
representing a convenient shelter conceived by humans. This will be due to
overpopulation and also to the exhaustion of natural resources.
In conclusion, we believe that such a project shapes our minds in such a way
that we are more open-minded, innovative and self-defending.

1.3 Aurora
The most obvious choice for naming our space settlement was a technical
name, an acronym related to its fundamental characteristics. However, we figured
out that such a choice would be quite tedious. We decided to choose a more vivid
name, one who would better fit the idea of space colonization.
Having said that, the name we opted for is Aurora. At first thought, the
reasons for choosing this one might not be apparent, but when taking a closer look it
becomes self-explanatory.

The word aurora is the Latin for dawn, and for what we consider, a space
settlement will symbolize the dawn of a new space era, that of space colonization.
Furthermore, Aurora is the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology. Its
equivalent in Greek mythology is Eos, daughter of Hyperion and Theia. Born of a
bringer of light, the ultimate source of energy and his wife, the Devine she is
considered to be the mother of all star and planets. In a similar manner, the first
space settlement will become the bringer of human life as we know it in outer space,
being the achievement which will boost colonization in the universe.
Our space settlement will travel together with the moon never leaving the
place where its supposed to be, theyll stay together like sisters as Auroras sister
was Selene, mother of the Moon. Brother of hers, Helios, god of the Sun will provide
them with light, much needed for the thriving of life.
On the other hand, the name Eos can also be an acronym for Earth orbiting
settlement. As this is a simplified version of the definition of our colony we find it
most suiting.
In order to conclude, we believe this name to be a good pick because not only
does it have a fitting meaning, it is also catchy, thus arousing interest.

1.4. Social studies

A project such as a Space Settlement is a big step in the scientific history, so
public opinion is a highly fundamental matter to discuss regarding this subject. As
ideas and opinions are very easily spread, we decided to make a survey in our
school in order to get a glance of what other students our age think about this
Question 1:
Do you know what a Space Settlement is?

a) Yes - 11 Answers

Vague idea

b) No -2 Answers
c) I have got a vague idea -3 Answers

Question 2:
How long do you think it will take the
scientists to be able to build such a

10 years
10-25 years

a) 10 Years - 3 Answers

25-50 years

b) 10-25 Years- 3 Answers

over 50

c) 25-50 Years- 3 Answers

d) Over 50 Years - 6 Answers

Question 3:
Do you think a Space Settlement is a
safe place?

a) Yes - 4 answers


b) No - 3 Answers


c) Depends - 8 Answers

Question 4:
What kind of leisure place would
you like to predominate on the
Space Settlement?

Green Parks

Theme Parks

a) Green Parks - 10 Answers


b) Theme Parks - 1 Answer

c) Cultural Centers - 4 Answers

Question 5:
Do you think that life on a Space
Settlement is a better version of the
life we have on Terra?


a) Yes 5 Answers
b) No - 8 Answers
c) Depends- 2 Answers

Question 6:

Would you keep in touch with the

people you know on Terra if you
lived on a Space Settlement?

a) No - 1 answer


Only with

b) Yes- 12 answers
c) Only with close relatives - 2 answers

Question 7:
Do you think space colonization will
reach the stage when Earth will
become a deserted planet?


a) Yes - 11 answers
b) No - 4 answers

Question 8:
Would you like to live on a Space
Settlement ?



a) Yes - 5 answers
b) No - 4 answers

Only for a
little while

c) Only for a little while - 6 answers

In conclusion, the ideal home in space for students like us is a place located
far away in the future, which should provide a safety feeling, offering a quality system
of communication with the people on Earth. As leisure points, the preferences go for
green parks, where they can be able to take long walks and admire unique sights.


In order to decide the most proper location for our settlement we had to consider
various factors and analyze more possibilities. Some of the most important criterias
were: the distance from Earth, the ease of acquiring raw materials, the existence of
interplanetary dust and the stability of the placement. All these elements had the
power to jeopardize any mission even if the design was to be flawless.
A location on the Moon means a constant flow of resources, light metals like
Aluminum, Titanium and Iron, Oxygen, Silicon. These materials would prove useful
for construction, breathing and making glass. However, there isnt enough Hydrogen
and Carbon for maintaining a space colony. Even if there are some advantages, the
lack of sufficient gravity and the two week-long nights ruled out this possibility. As the
multitude of available materials attracted our attention, we realized that the distance
to the moon should influence our final decision of location because it could prove a
great source of supplies.
One of the possible choices would be the Low Earth Orbit (LEO). It has the
advantage of being situated
closely, from the Earths
surface to an altitude of 2000
km and of being continuously
sunlit. Due to its placement,
within the planets atmosphere
orbits of various satellites decay
rapidly. In order to avoid Earths
gravitational pull an object
situated here has to travel at
great speed and being placed
in such an orbit means it will
constantly be in need of being
pulled back to its initial position.
This would mean a constant
consumption of fuel which we
would like to avoid in order
keeping the price as low as
Space Station is located here but for a larger object, like our space settlement the
lack of stability would be fatal.
Even if more stable, The Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) isnt a proper choice, nor is the
Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) which has the disadvantage of being placed in the
middle of the Van Allen Radiation Belt. Although interesting for its eight shapes, the


Highly Elliptical Orbit isnt a good pick as it is a very likely place for accidents to

In 1772, Joseph Louis Lagrange discovered five points of equilibrium where

gravitational forces and orbital motion balance each other. In a three-body system,
one with negligible mass in comparison with the two others can be stationary in
respect with them.
We analyzed all 5 points.
The L1 point lies on the line defined by the two large masses M and m, and between
them. It is the most intuitively understood of the lagrangian points: the one where the
gravitational attraction of M partially cancels m gravitational attraction. It is the only
L-point which exists in non-rotating systems.


If M = mass of the Earth, m = mass of the Moon, m1 = mass of the spacecraft and k
N m2
is the Newtons constant of gravitation ( G 6,67 10-11
and D = the distance
kg 2
between Earth and Moon). The distance between Earth and a spacecraft situated in
lagrangian L1 point is R:


The centrifugal force which acts on the spacecraft is balanced by the attracting
forces of the Moon and the Earth. If the spacecraft is running with v velocity

v 2 G m1 M G m1 m

D R 2

Dividing both sides by m1 results:

v2 G M

D R 2

The second point L2 is located on the same line, beyond the smaller of the two
masses, like in the above figure.


The difference among L1 and L2 points consists in fact that the attracting forces of
the Moon and the Earth are now in the same direction and they have to be balanced
by the centrifugal forces of the spacecraft:

v 2 G m1 M G m1 m

D R 2

v2 G M

D R 2

The L3 point is on the line defined by the two masses and beyond the bigger one. In
a system consisting of Moon, Earth and a spacecraft L3 is situated on the opposite
side of the Sun from the Earth, so it isnt easy to use.
The L4 and L5 points are positioned so as to form an equilateral triangle with the two
larger masses. We prove this in the following:


If A is the position of Earth, B is the position of Moon and C is the Spacecraft. The
calculation handled in the frame rotating with the Moon. So the spacecraft at point
C, which is in equilibrium with the Moon and the Earth, will always keep the same
distance from the Moon and from Earth. The center of rotation is the point D and all
three bodies have the same orbital period T. If C is motionless in the rotating frame,
there exists no Coriolis force. The spacecraft will sense a centrifugal force, as will the
Moon and the Earth.
We note with R the radius of rotation of the spacecraft that is different from the one
of the Moon, which is
, and with V the velocity of the Moon, and with v the
velocity of the spacecraft.
Because distance = velocity x time we have:
2 R v T and 2



2 v


2 V
c M


v V

R c

And from this we have:



The centrifugal force on the Moon is


m V

m V 2 1

and it is balanced by the pull of the Earth



where G is Newton's constant of gravitation.

m V 2 1

Dividing both sides by (m/c) gives our second equation:


V 2 1


If we note m1 be the mass of the spacecraft, the centrifugal force which act on it is

m1 v 2
and that must be balanced by the attracting forces Fe of the Earth and Fm of the
Moon. Only the components of those forces along the line R are effective in
opposing the centrifugal force.
m1 v 2
Fm cos Fe cos

Where and are the two angles into which R divides the angle C.
G m1 m
G m1 M
But Fm
and Fe
and with these the equation becomes:


v2 G m
2 cos 2 cos (3)
The forces pulling the spacecraft in directions perpendicular to R must cancel. So,
Fm sin Fe sin

m1 m
m M
sin G 1 2 sin
sin 2 sin (4)

We divide with G m1 and results

Squaring both sides of equation (1)

v2 V 2
2 1
c M

Multiply both sides by c2 and divide them by (1 + m/M):

v 2 2
R V 2 1 m



Using the relation (2) in (5) results:

v 2 2

Now we multiply both sides by (1 + m/M), divide them by c2 and multiply them by R.

The relation (3) told us that

v2 G M

R 1
2 cos 2 cos , so it results:


1 G 2 cos G 2 cos
c c M


We divide everything by G M :


m 1
1 2 cos G 2
c M a



And we also have the relation (4):

2 sin 2 sin
From now on we suppose that triangle ABC is equilateral so a = b = c = r and all its
angles are 60 degrees.
In this case, if the above equations are multiplied by r2, the factors (1/a2), (1/b2) and
(1/c2) all disappear, and results

m m
1 cos cos
c M M
m sin = M sin



From here

m sin

M sin
We substitute this on the right side of (7) and results
m sin cos
c M sin

We multiply by sin

sin 1 sin cos cos sin
c M
But sincos + cossin = sin( + ) = sin C = sin B
We divide now both sides by R, and results:


sin B

M m

The relation above is the law of sines in the triangle CDB. That denotes that our
prediction that the ABC triangle is equilateral goes to truth.

The L4 and L5 are by far the most stable of the five as a result of the action of the
Corriolis force. Even if perturbations can interfere with the body placed in one such
point, it will drift back toward its initial position. This is why we consider these two
points to represent the best decision we can make for the placement.
A good plan to consider is the possibility of placing the first settlement in the center
of L4, and afterwards, when the space colonization industry will grow, to place the
second one in L5. This way the two points could be compared more subjectively.



3.Structural Design

3.1 Construction phases

Phase of construction

Estimated time of completion

1. The construction of the settlement

will start with the central cylinder. This shall
be built first because all of the other pieces
will be assembled on it. This cylinder must
be built from its upper end where there will
be a spaceport. This needs to be built in an
incipient phase because the spaceships
which bring the parts of the settlement from
the moon need to have a special space to
dock to. For economy of material the
spaceport can be made from a woven
metal frame structure. From the landing
site the people and the materials will be
carried inside the settlement by a lift. The
transition from the unpressurized to the
pressurized area inside the settlement will
take place in an accommodation room. In
this room there will be no pressure initially,
than after the entry of people air will be
introduced until the pressure is equal with
that from inside of the settlement.
Afterwards, the doors will be opened in
order to permit communication with the
interior. This will also make us avoid
pressure loss from the interior.

2 years


2. The second step will consist of building

a sphere situated on the central cylinder at
its middle. This will be a place for
recreation and entertainment. A wide range
of sports that can be practiced in 0 g will be
available and settlers will be able to
experience the effect of weightlessnesss
From this sphere the spokes that connect
the bubbles with the central cylinder will

2 years

3. The next step will represent the

construction of four of the eight bubbles.
After they are completed 6000 of the
inhabitants will have the possibility to move
in. the placement of this bubbles will
resemble a cross. Not all the bubbles will
be placed at once as the construction
wouldnt be completed up to this stage.
We consider that for a start four
symmetrically placed bubbles are enough.

4 years


4. In the next step we will build the

agricultural area and the food processing
industry, placed near the spaceport. These
areas will consist of two tori of the same
minor radius and a sphere, the docking
area. The tori will be utilized for agriculture
and livestock growing. This part will be built
before the arrival of people as crops and
animals need to grow in order to provide a
stable source of food. Viewed from above
surfaces will look like concentric circles
whose radii decrease towards the center.

3 years

The area will be a pressurized one

even if people will not be too deeply
involved in agricultural processes because
everything will be automated.
will only be present in these areas to
control the automatic activity and to
interfere in case of failure.


5. The next step is building the

industrial area that is located opposite the
central cylinder from the agricultural area
and has the same features with it.

2.5 years

Unlike on earth, there will be new

industries which will aim to produce
oxygen from metal oxides on the moon and
to ensure water circulation.

This area of the settlement will be

home for a particle accelerator designed
for a deeper study dedicated to physical
phenomena. We will also have an
observation room for the universe where a
powerful telescope will allow new research
of space. Apart from being scientifically
important, it will be a method of


1.5 years

6.Afterwards we will mount two

mirrors that reflect the sunlight to the
settlement. Light from the sun will be
reflected by the two mirrors and redirected
to the windows of the settlement with other
mirrors mounted outside the sphere of 0


4 years

7. In the last step we build the last

four bubbles that complete the settlement .
Bubbles will be connected through some
corridors which can be crossed by shuttle.
Each corridor has the ability to block
access from or to a bubble in case of

Total duration of construction for Aurora : 19 years.

However, we expect this term to be slightly exceeded by a matter of 1-2 years.


3.2 Artificial gravity

We cant imagine how living would be without gravity. The absence of gravity
would dramatically change the way we perceive life. We cant imagine a planet
without gravity.
When considering building a space settlement, lack of gravity is one of the
first things which comes into our mind. We might think it would be a completely new
way of life which we could adapt to. In fact, things arent this way at all.
Life without gravity offers, indeed, many more possibilities than we can
imagine. It seems a very attractive opportunity. Humans can perform impossible
tasks on Earth and large masses require no support.
However, there are two main disadvantaging factors when talking about 0G
life : psychological facts and medical facts.
Human beings arent made to live in no-gravity conditions. The lack of gravity
will lead to bone decalcification at rates of 1-2% / month, in order to correct the
electrolyte balance, causing bone mass to decrease and make our bones vulnerable
to minor impacts. Studies show that over long time, electrolytic balance is not
achieved. Furthermore, hormone imbalances also occur. Astronauts who were
subject to 0G life for a longer period of time showed increased hormone levels,
unstable protein and carbohydrate states, as well as hypoglycemia and increased
heart rate. Even though these effects are reversible after a short period of time, but
we dont know if they can be inverted after prolonged weightlessness. Vascular
changes, variations in muscular reflexes, decrease in the effectiveness of the
immune system may become irreversible.
The psychological factor is also important. It takes a short to medium period
of time to adapt to an environment with 0g, or some individuals may not adapt at all.
The transition between 1g and 0g environment may cause a complex psychological
phenomenon, which is undesirable.
One of the easiest and most practical ways of generating artificial gravity is by
spinning. The centrifugal force will act as the gravity force, helping us make our
environment similar to the Earth.
In order to generate the desired gravitational acceleration we must spin the
settlement with a certain velocity and the residential constructions must be located at
a precise radius from the central spindle. We can determine these values as it


We have 8 residential bubbles with a radius of 345 meters each. Therefore,

each ones diameter will be of 690 meters. They describe a circle with the length L =
2R = 8d, where d is the diameter of one bubble. Therefore :

In order to generate a certain gravitational acceleration, we use the following

physical ecuations

Dividing by m in
both sides we obtain


In case of our
residential constructions
situated at a radius of 891
meters and we want to
obtain a g of 9,85
we must obtain a speed

This means that

one full rotation will take
59,35 seconds, which is 0,99 rpm.
Considering that we want different gravitational acceleration for our other
spacecraft modules, we must calculate their position from the central axle in order to
obtain the desired effect.
When calculating the values of the radius for the other components for a
specific g, we get :


Using this formula can determine that in order to obtain 0,1g on the central
hub spheres, they must have a radius of 91,52 meters, one of the tori which will have
0,5g should have its big radius R = 455,18 meters. The other tori, the largest ones
will also have 1g and will have the same parameters as the bubbles.

In order to generate the effect of rotation we will use 2 electrical thrusters,

which will be situated on diametrically opposed sides, connected to joints of 2
bubbles. This way, they can be located farther away from the axis of rotation, and,
, the higher the position vector, the less the force required.

3.3 Bubble particularities

In order to keep a stronger resemblance to Earth we chose to have different
types of environments inside of each bubble. This way, inhabitants would adapt
better as the probability of finding a place more similar to home increases. A very
important characteristic is the fact that the people are able to travel between the
The methods of repartition will be flexible, depending on the requests. City bubble

For the residents who prefer an exciting lifestyle, the City is the perfect
resolution. With a multitude of restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, cafs, cinemas and
shops this bubble can offer a suitable environment for those who are dynamic. The
best alternative for flexible inhabitants who yearn for opportunities and want to
extend their lives in multiple domains.
So, what are we going to find there?


First of all, modern residences for the inhabitants.

For education we should provide a school with all the necessary modern
facilities and a university which will include every branch of education the graduates
require for their future jobs. In order to aid the young learners the City should also
have a library. There will also be an Art museum, providing the young artists the
opportunity to present their work.
There will also be different types of restaurants, especially franchised wellknown brands which will take part in an auction in order to open branches on Aurora.
A cinema is also a necessity provided that it will play the latest movies, as well
as multiple cafs bars and clubs spread around the city. There will also be some
shops with local products as well as designer goods.
The necessary green space will consist of two larger parks and additional
green areas.

30 Countryside bubble

This area will contain houses with big gardens and will represent a quiet place
for those who want to escape from the crowded cities. They will be able to lead
relaxed lives, taking long walks and tending to their plants.
The inhabitants of this bubble will have the possibility to raise animals and
grow crops in their gardens if they would like to take this up as a hobby. This is the
only place where inhabitants will be allowed to do this.
In this area green space will be predominant. Besides houses, there will be a
general store and a small market where the colonists will be able to sale and
purchase home-grown produce. Riverside city bubble

This area is suitable for a more luxurious lifestyle, inspired by the sights of
Seattle. It is a more select option, keeping the same characteristics as the city but
being more cosmopolitan.
It is the best option for the ones who want to live in a stylish, yet relaxing
place. The river is going to be the main sight attraction, and it will guest restaurants
and other social places among its docks.
The riverside city bubble will serve more as a home than as a fun area.
However, in this place the inhabitants will be able to practice nautical sports, such as
swimming, water polo and canoe. Suburb bubble

The Suburb will be mainly designed for residential buildings. It will have a
higher population density than other regions of our settlement. It is intended to be
populated with people who are going to work in the agriculture and industry sectors
of our habitat (i.e. the 4 tori designed for that).


Here there will also be the place where big grocery stores, as well as
supermarkets and hypermarkets will be found, in order to ensure all the required
products for the population.
Depending on the needs, there will be several types of houses available to the
colonists, ranging from smaller cottages or bungalows to larger, more spacious
villas. There will be houses with 3 rooms for new families without children. If needed,
these smaller houses will be extended (added a room or two) in order to
accommodate new family members.
We want to promote the formation of new stable families with children. In
order to do that, the suburban bubble will have parks and areas for children to play in
as well as some courts and pitches. We will encourage applicants who want to have
a family to pick this bubble as their first choice. Seaside resort bubble

Living by the seaside, isnt it just a dream came true? Within our space
settlement we will fulfill the wildest dreams of our colonists turning this bubble into a
water paradise.
The bubble will resemble a relaxing, yet fun resort in which seaside lovers can
value their opportunities by swimming in the artificial sea and practicing nautical
sports. Also, they will be provided with a beach , a multitude of summer sports
terrains and beach bars. This area is going to contain general stores, spas, designer
shops. The vegetation in this seaside bubble will be abundant with Mediterranean
plants, and the architecture will also be inspired by the Mediterranean style.

32 Hillside city bubble

This bubble is perfect for valuing a quiet and relaxing atmosphere and a great
place for indoors and outdoors sports, such as horse riding, hiking, basketball,
volleyball, tennis etc. The main attractions are going to be the sports center and the
cultural center. In the centers, there will also be cafs and bookshops.
The hillside city will provide wonderful sights for mountain lovers and will be
suitable for families with kids or teenagers because it is going to have kindergartens
and schools.
The homes will be constructed out of materials that will resemble wood and
glass materials keeping a modernist valence.

33 Lakeside village

The Lakeside will be one of the most picturesque locations of our settlement.
There will be a large lake situated in the center of the bubble, and most of the
buildings will be built by its banks. The lake will have both touristic and economic
functions. It will mainly be designed for fishing and growing aquatic animals, but it
will also be a place where people can rent boats to take a relaxing ride and admire
the beauty of the landscapes.
Most of the houses located in the proximity of the lake should be assigned to
people who like fishing so that they can monitor their growing animals. Each bigger
creature will be marked with a special chip, so that their situation could be checked
at all time, in order to ensure a good development of the industry.
We intend to design three artificial islands which will each host a modern hotel
where people could spend their holidays. The hotels will actually represent an
association of futuristic bungalows, placed next to each other by the shore.
Designing separate bungalows instead of hotel rooms will have the role to make
visitors feel more like home.

34 Downtown bubble

The downtown will be the main business, political and educational centre.
Besides that, this bubble will host a vibrant nightlife and will provide the settlers with
a state of the art shopping centre.
With little room for residents, the colonists chosen to live here will be selected
carefully. The homes here will be mainly for the political leaders and the business
managers. Furthermore, teachers and scientists will have the possibility to live here if
they want to. This will also be a place to live for highly skilled students from Earth,
who will be accepted to study at this university.
The biggest university will be found here. It will have the necessary
laboratories for teaching all the courses and will have the largest library. The library
will be open for everyone but for full access to all the books a small fee will be
required which will be used in order to increase the volume of available books. After
receiving a code, colonists will be able to download all desired material.
All the business centers will be located here. As well as them, the city hall and
People and Goods Administration Council (P.G.A.C) will have their quarters here.
Other than a business hub this will be an awesome location for entertainment.
Different types of restaurants will be available and also a wide range of clubs, pubs
and cafs. The shopping centre will provide a modern environment for a more
pleasant and easy shopping experience. People will buy the clothes on their own
and they will have a series of computers with cameras which will aid them in
choosing the clothes which fit best.
Moreover, the park which will spread randomly throughout the entire available
surface will also be a museum. Exhibits or virtual replicas of them will not only be
displayed in the open air pavilions but also in the green spaces. The space will
represent both an arts and a science museum. The exposed items will be both
reproductions of significant artifacts from earth and new works of art created by the


3.3.2 Houses
The construction of houses on the settlement has to be fast, effective and well
organized in order to be cheap. Therefore, the houses will be designed after the
same pattern. However, adaptation of the plans is still necessary as the environment
from every bubble will differ. House design

The houses will be designed after a certain pattern. In order to keep the
diversity, residents will have the possibility to personalize their house as they will.
The chosen pattern is depicted below:


The average house will have 4 rooms:

One living room with kitchen
2 dormitories
1 study
2 bathrooms
The surface of such a house will be of 250 m2, with the print on the soil of
about 100 m2. If need, one extra room can be added to the ground floor. House construction

The method of construction needs to be as efficient as possible. Therefore,
the houses will be built in a mobile construction site.


3.4 Materials
An important part of our preparatory work will be finding an efficient and
continuous supply of raw materials during the construction of our space settlement
and later on.
One option would be the Earth, as we can find everything we need. But being
given its inconveniences, most important its high gravitational force.
When studying space, propulsive effort required to get from a point to another
one is measured in the total change of velocity (v) . Studies show that the required
v to go from LEO to the lunar orbit is 4100 m/s, which is only a little over the one
required to achieve the geosynchronous orbit. This shows that the most effort is
required to get off the first 100km from Earth. If we compare the travel time and the
required effort, we can conclude that even though it takes a lot less to go from Earth
surface to LEO than travelling from LEO to the lunar orbit, which takes around 5
days, the effort required in the first case is more than double.
Even though the Earth may represent a complete source of materials, we can
reduce the overall costs by choosing other alternatives. For example, the Moon is a
very good and accesible source of Aluminum, Iron, Titanium, Silicon, as well as
Magnesium, Chromium, Calcium, Sodium, Potasium and Phosphorus. Another good
point is that Oxygen is an important by-product of the refining of lunar materials,
which can be used as a propellant or for later use in the atmosphere. The external
structure of the settlement will be made of strong and reliable materials which can be
mostly found on the Moon surface. Another important fact we had to take into
account was that by importing materials from the Earth, we would drain its resources
and therefore may cause difficulties to its inhabitants. Therefore, putting everything
in balance, we consider that the Earths natural sattelite is the best option in
providing the necessary raw materials.
The process of constructing our space colony will consist of 2 stages :
1.Building a Moon Extraction Factory which will extract the metal ore;
2.Building the space settlement.

I. Building the Moon Extraction Factory

The first thing we are going to do once we get our crew there is to build places
where they can live.


It is very expensive to send a lot of people into space, thats why we must
send only qualified personnel. They have to build first the Moon Base, where they
live, to extract materials and to build settlements modules.
The following table shows the distribution of the people who will be assigned
to the facility.

Qualification domain


Metallurgic specialists


Mining & refining workers




Electronics technicians


Vehicle operators



Computer programmers



Biologists & Physics Researchers



Nutrition specialists





On the Moons surface, the elementary metals such as iron or aluminum

cannot be found in a pure form on the ground, but we can find minerals where atoms
of aluminum are bonded to atoms of oxygen and silicon. These are called silicates.
In order to dissociate the atoms, the material must be processed at special
conditions ( heat, chemicals, electrical current). The industrial facility corresponding
to the process is called smelter.
The selenar surface contains anorthite, a similar to the ore bauxite on the
Earth, from which the aluminum is produced on our planet. Anorthite consist of
aluminum, oxygen, silicon and calcium, with the chemical formula CaAl2Si2O8.
After being processed , from the ore we will obtain pure aluminum metal and also
calcium, oxygen and silica glass ( SiO2). Another option would be processing to
obtain lime (CaO) and alumina ( Al 2O3) instead of the metals, or other silica glasses
with various properties.

Lunar Soil Composition

Magnesium Other





Metals are usually found in the shape of metal oxides. These oxides bond to
silica and produce various minerals, though they can sometimes be found in their
basic oxide state, without silica.
One of the great advantages of the lunar soil mining is that we can obtain
oxygen, which will be afterwards used to support life on our space colony. In order
to obtain oxygen from the Moon surface, we need to subject the molten silicate to


During this process, the metal cations are reduced at the cathode to form
metals, while at the anode the silicate polymer chains are oxidized to form oxygen.
The reactions are as follows :

The anodic reaction producing oxygen is the following


The only problem here is the

ions which oxidate.

So, basically the idea is that the higher the concentration of the Fe 2+ cations,
the lower the efficiency of oxygen production is.
The energy necessary to keep the process going is fairly considerable, which
is why we will need to have suitable power sources. We will use solar panels for
daytime and also several nuclear reactor plants instead of a single big plant, as
smaller plants can be transported and assembles more easily, as they will need to
be refueled every one or two years.

3.5 MEF (Moon Extraction Factory)

In order to properly exploit the riches of the moon we will need to build a
facility, a Moon Extraction Factory (MFT). Its characteristics and the way we will
develop it is fully described below.

3.5.1 The beginning

As a start, the facility only requires specialized personnel that has previously
had experience in material extraction. A small number of engineers specialized in
different areas will depart from Earth with a space shuttle. They will carry
withthemselves the necessary for spending two months without further assistance
from home. The equipment transported with the first shuttle will represent the first
step in building the facility.


The moon miners will have to assemble the first building which will serve them
as a base. They will develop a space where they will grow food on their own with the
aid of a hydroponic system which for increased ease will be an aeroponic one. The
production of food will start with fast growing vegetables (i.e. salad) and vegetables
that have an increased caloric content (i.e. soya, beans, mushrooms, peas).
Besides the material need for the construction of the base they will have a
moon buggy which will be used for testing different areas of the moon in order to
choose the ones that are the most suitable for a more abundant extraction. The robot
will automatically examine different assigned regions of the highlands or terrae and
the lowlands also known as Maria.
We already know that the concentrations of required materials are different in
the two regions. However, the robot will be used for discovering deposits that shall
turn out as more profitable.

3.5.2 Sending materials

A great advantage of the use of the moon as a materials source is its escape
velocity, the speed an object needs to escape a gravitational field.

The formula of the escape velocity is as follows:

Ve =

G is the universal gravitational constant, also known as Newtons constant (G

6.67384(80) * 10 -11 N(m/kg)2 )
M is the mass of the body
r is the distance from the centre of gravity
GM is the standard gravitational parameter ( )

By calculating we realized that compared to that of Earth (11 km / sec ), the

Moons escape velocity is smaller, one of around 2.2 km / sec. This will allow an
easier transport of materials from the moon factory to the L4 point.


3.5.3 Extraction of lunar materials

The lunar materials will be extracted by specially designed robots which will
scoop the lunar surface and afterwards load the acquired material into transporters
which will carry it to the factory for its separation.
The robots will be manufactured in
the main base. The parts for the first ones
will be sent from earth but afterwards they
will be made out of extracted materials,
mainly from aluminum and iron.

Moon extraction excavator

Their design will provide them with

endurance to extreme temperatures in
order to be able to work all over the moon.
As mining materials from a very cold
surface could prove as a challenge, robots which will have this as a task will have an
efficient system of heating.

3.5.4 Processing of lunar materials

For the processing of the materials a wide variety of methods will be used.
The whole transformation from scoops of lunar soil to ready to use materials for the
construction will take place in the complex of factories.
Some of the methods are listed below:

Thermal extraction
Sintering (i.e. spark plasma sintering, selective laser sintering)
Magnetic separation
Melt-quench-leach process


3.5.5 The main base

The main base is the place where all the pieces that will be afterwards used for the
construction of Aurora, will be manufactured. The necessary materials will be
brought by transporters.
In order to be an environment well protected by radiations, the whole base will be
covered with lunar soil.



4.Science And Technology

Today, we are again like children walking on the seashore. But the ocean that
Newton knew as a boy has largely disappeared. Before us lies a new ocean, the
ocean of endless scientific possibilities and applications, giving us the potential for
the first time to manipulate and mold these forces of Nature to our wishes.
Michio Kaku

A more advanced world, a place for the best in the domain of science and a
dream location which will make it possible to engage in the pursuit of previously
unthinkable progress. This is what Aurora will offer.
What exactly do we hope for? Well, as our era is ending from a scientific point
of view, we believe that our settlement should be the first of many advancements of
the new world. We want a deeper and thoroughgoing understanding.

4.1 Research
Being a scientifically advanced habitat, Aurora will give its inhabitants and
visitors to chance for unique research opportunities that would push the limit of our
understanding up to unimaginable levels. Having said that, we consider that
scientists who stand out on Earth should be given the chance to come to study on
the space settlement. Excellent students will also get scholarships as we want to
bring as many brilliant minds as possible.
So what will the research opportunities be? Of course, they will come from
within the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, basically all the
We decided to take a closer look on the research we hope to undergo on
Aurora. Therefore, we analyzed the laboratories and instruments present on the
settlement, mentioning some of their characteristics and possible discoveries that we
hope to make.


4.1.1 Particle accelerator

A particle accelerator is a device that propels particles at very high speeds and
contains them into well-defined beams. The machine does this by using electric and
magnetic fields. We wish to make use of the whole potential of the station. We want
to take advantage of the presence of physicists on Aurora and of the fact that the
station is constantly showered by cosmic radiations. In order to increase our
knowledge in particle physics we decided that our space settlement will have a
particle accelerator. Location and components

The particle accelerator will be situated in the lower medium torus, next to the
industry torus.
The accelerator will have different types of structures, each one designed especially
for a specific task. The main categories will be: linear particle accelerator and circular
or cyclic accelerators. In the accelerators there will be:

Parts where particles will move and will be accelerated

Parts used for steering particles
Parts use for measurements.

For a particle that penetrates with v0 = constant, perpendicular to lines of a uniform

electric field of constant intensity,
oriented on the Oy axis is:

the force acting on the particle

On Ox axis, Newtons second law applied on the particle:

On Oy axis, Newtons second law applied on the particle:


| |

| |

| |
| |

The trajectory equation for the particle is:

| |

| |

The particle that penetrates with v=constant perpendicular to the lines of a uniform
magnetic field of induction B, the Lorentzs force acting on the particle is:

In a linear accelerator, particles are accelerated in a straight line by the two fields
electric and magnetic:

q E q v B v


The linear accelerators are often used to provide an initial low-energy kick to
particles before these are introduced into circular accelerators.

In the cyclic accelerators, the particles are injected so that velocity is perpendicular
to the magnetic field. So, the velocity magnitude does not vary and the trajectory is a
circle of radius R:


| |

| |

| |

If the velocity of the particle is near the velocity of light, the problem will solved

Electric field:

On Ox axis:

On Oy axis:


There are many methods for accelerating particles. However, the DC field is the
simplest one so we decided to use this one. Concept
As it doesnt make sense to make a replica of an accelerator situated on Earth
because of its smaller size, the concept behind our accelerator will be different.
Cosmic rays, energetic charged subatomic particles originate in outer space. This is
why we considered studying them. We figured out that we could use these radiations
to collide atoms. As a result, positrons will appear particles which we will us in our
The radiation will be captured in a room with residual gas and the particles which will
result after the processes that will be undergone will have been studied.
We will prove the existence of the Higgs Boson and we will pick up proofs in order to
confirm or infirm The Standard Model. Not least, one of the goals will be to study the
black holes.

There are many methods through we can accelerate particles. However, the
DC field is the most simple one so we decided to use this one.


4.1.2 Gigantic telescope

As Hubble already proved, a telescope placed outside the atmosphere of the
Earth can make pictures of a higher precision due to the absence of atmospheric
gases or lights. Even if there are a lot of telescopes none has a very large size due
to the necessary expenses for developing a really big one. It doesnt only represent a
great way of discovering new and unique landscapes, but it also is a mean of
considering new scientific resolutions.
Therefore, we believe that allocating space on Aurora for this kind of project
will be well worth even if we lose some of the available space.

Gigantic telescope prototype

51 Location and design

The telescope will be placed in the lower bubble, next to the particle
The half exterior part of the bubble will represent the telescopes eye. This
part will be made out of Silicon brought from the moon. The eye will have no covers
as it will work non-stop. We will have special robots that will be used to clean the eye
every day, at a specific hour when research will be interrupted.

The pictures that are taken will be analyzed by a special computer, designed
to do the most precise calculations, observations and predictions. Access to full data
will only be available to a restrictive number of trusted scientists. However, some
specially selected pictures will be published in Auroras magazines. At the end of
each week an article regarding possible discoveries will be available to inhabitants. Expectations
The telescope has four major goals in its research: the first one is keeping
science lovers up-to-date and the second is studying the existential possibility of
celestial bodies to posses pre-biotic Earth conditions. The next one is looking for
signs of extra-terrestrial life and their level of self-consciousness. Finally, its last and
most grand of all is searching for planets that could host humans in the future, under
the valance of the probability of being destroyed by a great calamity.

4.1.3 Microgravity laboratory

The prospect of research in microgravity is already possible but only in certain
places. It is known that ISS regularly hosts experiments in 0 g. We are familiar with
projects like Plants in Space and Butterflies in Space, having been involved in


such kinds of research activities. Moreover, conditions from outer space can be
reproduced artificially on Earth.
Even if such kind of research is already being done, we believe that having an
environment with continuous microgravity is still to be regarded as important from a
scientifically point of view. Goals
Micro-experiments conducted in microgravity will lead to the discovery of new
materials, which will be specially manufactured for their future possible task. The
industry will benefit new industrial application which will be urgently sought. Looking
from a medical point of view, patients with muscular problems and semi-paralysis
conditions will be treated in a specially designed 0 gravity medical care center,
because of the ease of movement that microgravity gives to people with disabilities.
Even if bones dont grow properly in microgravity environments, experiments
showed that proteins develop faster and become larger. This could lead us to the
production of drugs for previously incurable diseases.
Such an environment could be used for growing crystals. Even if they could
turn out to be a source of profit, we will not use them for such purposes, as the costs
to transport them to Earth would be too high. However, tourists will be potential
The crystals collected from the plantation will be used in medicine in order to
create nanorobots on Aurora. Another application of this type of crystals will be found
in the design and the glass industry.

4.1.4 Downtown laboratories

These types of laboratories will resemble the ones on Earth. Even if the
approach will be a traditionalistic one, the machines available in these spaces will be
state of the art.
In these laboratories students will carry out their research. They will be
available for everyone because in here the research is going to be based on


improving the technology on Aurora: starting with robots and ending with gadgets

4.2 Gadgets
The multitude of gadgets available on the settlement will be overwhelming. As
they cover such a wide range of products possible to produce from a technological
point of view, analyzing each of them would be impractical.
We decided to focus on the most important part of the settlement, the
interactive glass concept.

4.2.1 Our concept

Because transporting gadgets can be uncomfortable and because nowadays
gadgets occupy a lot of space we decided to base our design on a special type of
smart glass that will interact with the inhabitants phones or tablets. Multifunctional tablet

Every inhabitant will have a multifunctional tablet. The sizes of such a tablet
will be of 15 centimeters in height and 27 in width.
The tablet will serve for a multitude of tasks. Beside, the well known
applications of taking photos, sending messages, browsing the internet and phoning,
it will contain data about its owner. As each inhabitant will have such a thing, the
tablet will be:

Ones ID: The identity cards from e Earth will be reproduced in an

electronic card but it will contain more information about its owner (i.e.
fingerprints, DNA and blood analysis)

A credit card: Everything on the settlement will be paid for with the
card. The currency will be represented by Aurora dollars.


A criminal record: Any penalty and violation of the law, however minor,
will be registered on the tablet

A health record: The results from test results and daily analysis will be
stored on the tablet. This way, when a settler goes to the doctor an
archive with all the details will be available in an instant. Also, in case
of an accident doctors from the emergency department will be able to
use it.

A direct connection to Earth and all the news from the settlement: The
tablet will represent a way to stay informed.

The tablet will have the capacity to give phone calls to people from the interior
but through a special connection. The tablet will produce holographic images of the
callers, creating the impression of a face to face encounter. Multifunctional phone

The multifunctional phone will have the same characteristics as the tablet,
differing only by it size, a smaller one. Its design is especially made for an easier
handling. Flexible display electronic paper

Paper as we know it is day by day becoming less and less utilized. This is
mainly due to the fact that trees are an important part of environment and people
want to preserve them. Bringing paper from Earth would be expensive and cutting
trees on Aurora for this motive will be pointless. Therefore, in order to keep the same
aspect we decided to create a flexible display electronic paper.
As the name says it, this gadget will have the appearance of a sheet of paper,
preserving the same physical proprieties of being bent. By using nanotechnology,
this concept becomes realizable.
The gadget will have the capacity of storing the information. Writing with
special pens will be possible on it but it will also have a keyboard.
This paper will be a replacement of the traditional one, thus being utilized with
the same purposes.

55 Intelligent glass

By referring to intelligent glass we introduce the concept of a type of glass
that is interactive. This means, a photosensitive, durable, damage resistant material
that has a touch-screen display.
The applications for such a material will be found in:




Kitchen counters

Kitchen appliances (i.e. fridges, cookers, microwaves)


Wall-format display

Transport vehicles

The multifunctional tablets

The flexible electronic paper

Multifunctional phones



Cooker working on the intelligent glass concept

When in contact one with another, two devices made by using the intelligent
glass technology can synchronize displays, which makes their
usage significantly easier in order to preserve a modern and
unique lifestyle. Just imagine, video phone calls using devices as
big as windows, recipe books written directly on the walls of the
kitchen, and many more, all these facilities improve a colonists
way of life.
Fridge working on the intelligent glass concept

4.3 Robots
As the settlement is going to be a self-sufficient environment, it means that it
is able to find the needed resources in order to function properly. However, the
population will be way evolved in the future in order to do several tasks that are
necessary. So, this is where the robots duties have to interfere. Robotically done
missions would not only mean the evolution of the scientific research, but it would
also mean avoiding waste of human resources. Another advantage of using robots is
the fact that they can be programmed in such a way so they execute their task
more accurate than a human being.


4.3.1 Types of robots

The robots are going to be categorized minding the type of task they are
appointed to do, as following:

Agriculture robots
The agriculture robots are going to be placed in the agriculture torus
and their task is to harvest the crops, using several mechanical arms
and each is specially designed in order to pick up the products with
minimum effort and loss. They also transport them on tracks to the
storage torus, where they are prepared to be used in the industry. Their
work is also explained in chapter 5.2.Crop growing.

Medicine robots
The robots that are going to be used in the medicine field represent a
future resolution of nanotechnology research evolution. They are
divided in three categories, the ones that can give a prospect to the
patients with supervising from a doctor, the large ones, which will be
used in surgeries and are able to successfully cut and treat a person,
and last, but not least, the microscopical robots, which can infiltrate in
the human body with the purpose of removing ill cells. Their work is
explained in chapter 7.6.Medicine.

Transport robots
Transporting requires capable drivers that are available 24h/24h. Our
opinion is that in the future, such a job as a conductor is impractical
since the existent technology can replace humans to do this task,
because they are more efficient and safe. The robots in this category
will be equipped with advanced GPS service, the ones working in the
tourism domain being able to understand and execute voice
commands. In chapter 7.6 Tourism and 7.5 Transports their duties are
also mentioned.


House-holding & cleaning robots

The house-holding robots will be

the most domestic ones, having a large
range of tasks that they are able to do:
-Cloth cleaning
-House cleaning
-House reparations
-Garbage disposal

House-cleaning robot

Each residence and building will be provided with such robots in order to keep
a clean environment and to ease the colonists effort, so that they can have enough
time for relaxation and life enjoyment.
This category also hosts the robots which are designed to clean the surface of
the settlement and other public spaces.

Specially designed robot used for cleaning

the giant telescopes eye

Animal harvesting robots

As well as the agriculture robots, the animal harvesting ones have to
collect animal products using different types of adaptable hands.

Lunar mining robots

These robots have to collect materials from the moon and transport
them to the factory that processes them in order to be suitable. Their
work is detailed in chapter 3.5 MEF

Laboratory & science practical robots


The laboratory robots are used for research and help scientists do their
work. They have access to the laboratories and are provided with
equipment that can repair other robots.

Construction robots
Their work is described in chapter 3.3 Bubble particularities, Design

Entertainment& delivery robots

The entertainment and delivery robots will be spread around the
settlement and can help visitors or colonists to make the tour of Aurora,
to provide information or to accompany them.

They are designed in such a manner that they are very friendly and talkative.

4.3.2 Particularities
The robots are going to be constructed using materials found on the moon,
like: magnesium, aluminum, iron and silicon and are going to be designed by
scientists on Earth. They should be constructed in such way that they are perfectly
sealed and water resistant.
When a robot breaks, it should be repaired by the machines provided by the
laboratories, as explained in chapter 7.3. Industry.
The machines are going to work using solar and nuclear provided power on
the Settlement.



Types of robots percentage


Lunar mining


Householding &


4.4. Energy
4.4.1 Solar energy
In space, we have only two sources of energy that can be converted into
electricity in order to sustain the settlement. These sources are solar energy, and
nuclear energy, Solar energy is much more easily to obtain, after placing all the
required solar panels.
We have decided to cover with small modular sollar cells all the exterior of the
settlement. Photovoltaic cells are made of semiconductive materials and use the
photovoltaic effect to transform electro-magnetic energy (waves) into electric energy.
One of the facts which is not widely known is that in space solar energy is
easier to obtain than on Earth. Beyond Earth's atmosphere the solar energy flows
more steadily and more intensely from the Sun than that which penetrates to the
surface of the Earth. One square meter of solar cells facing the sun may supply up to
7.5 times more electrical energy than on Earth. This is also caused by the fact that
on our planet half of the day it would be dark, while space has continuous solar


We will use Gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cells. These cells have a higher
efficiency than the usual silicone cells. The photovoltaic arrays will be composed of
triple-junction solar cells based on GaAs with germanium and indium gallium
phosphide layers which
can have an efficiency of over 32% and can operate also
with light as concentrated as 2,000 suns.
Another advantage of the Gallium Arsenide is that it has a higher saturated
electron velocity and higher electron mobility, allowing transistors made from it to
function at frequencies in excess of 250 GHz.
All the energy gathered from the solar arrays will be converted to electrical
energy and afterwards stored into nanocapacitors. This is a new form of storing
electrical energy and may be even 10 times better than older technologies without
sacrificing any power. Such devices exploit unique combinations of materials,
processes, and structures to optimize both energy and power density.

4.4.2 Nuclear energy

Another important source of energy for our settlement is going to be the
nuclear energy. In order to generate high amounts of energy in short time with very
few losses we intend building a nuclear fusion reactor similar to the one used in
Inside a fusion nuclear reactor the atoms are sped up to such a high speed
that they collide. One example is the Sun itself, where the temperatures reach
15,000,000 degrees Celsius. There, hydrogen atoms collide, despite their
electrostatic repulsion and from two light hydrogen atoms ( H-H) a new heavier
element, Helium, results.
The most efficient method to produce energy to reproduce the reaction in a
laboratory is by using two hydrogen (H) isotopes deuterium (D) and tritium (T). This
reaction requires the lowest temperatures and ensures the highest energy gain. The
temperature required is almost ten times the one on Sun, about 150,000,000
degrees. The fusion between deuteirum and tritium will produce on helium nucleus,
one neutron and energy.


One of the major problems of this system is that it both requires and
generates lots of heat. After the collision occurs about 80 percent of the energy
taken away from the plasma field by the neutron which has no electrical charge and
is therefore unaffected by magnetic fields. The neutrons will be absorbed by the
surrounding walls, transferring their energy to the walls as heat.
The reactors main requirement is the temperature which must get as high as
150,000,000 degrees Celsius.
Heat transferred using high-intensity electrical current, known as the ohmic
heating is limited to a certain level. Therefore, we must use alternative heating
methods to reach our target temperature.
Two families of external heating methods, the neutral beam injection and
high-frequency electromagnetic waves will support ohmic heating to bring the
plasma to temperature.
The natural beam injection consists in sending high energy particles in
plasma. Charged deuterium particles are being accelerated to a defined energy
level. The ions then go through an ion beam neutralizer where their electrical
charge is removed. The high velocity particles can be afterwards injected into the
heart of plasma where they transfer energy to plasma particles.

This heating power of millions of watts boosts the temperature closer to the
level where fusion occurs. But still, a third source of heat, high frequency
electromagnetic waves, will be required to reach 150 million C


The energy of high-frequency waves introduced into the plasma increases the
velocity of the particles chaotic motion and their temperature as well.
Ohmic heating, neutral beam injection and high-frequency waves will work
together in the plasma to a temperature where fusion can take place.
The big advantage of fusion reactors over fission is that the reactive waste
amounts is hundreds of times less.

4.4.3 Energy Satellites

Energy satellite prototype

For safety reasons, in case of

unexpected events, we will deploy 2
satellites in the orbit equipped with solar
panels which will constantly gather sun
light and transform it into electrical
energy. The energy generated by this
nanocapacitors, and, once they reach
their maximum capacity, energy will be transferred to Aurora by powerbeaming.
The energy will be converted to light, and a monochromatic LASER beam will be
directed to the photovoltaic cells located on the colony.
By using all these methods, we will generate way more energy than our
settlements needs. Considering that on Earth the energy demand is getting higher
and higher as time passes, it would be a good idea to find a way to transfer energy
to out mother planet, as its natural resources are getting wasted more and more, and
inexhaustible resources are not used at the maximum capacity.
Therefore, we consider using a system of satellites which will send electricity
through microwaves. We shall build 2 receiving stations on the Earth, placed
diametrically opposed. On a straight line, at geosynchronous orbit (at an altitude of
about 35,800 km). Apart from this, another satellite will be launched into orbit an
around 200,000 km from Earth. This will act as a receiver transmitter between
Aurora and geosynchronous orbit satellites.
Air and water quality and temperature control will be measured and controlled
non stop. All data will come to a central computer. Also this computer will collect data
from all sensors that are placed on the surface settlement and continuously


measuring radiation levels but also the integrity of the surface. Any damage to it will
spread from the central computer to security center of the settlement which is
equipped with devices which can occur in a short time to repair the fault occurred.
Even if a larger defect may affect the lives of people they can be evicted from the
bubble in which they are living or doing business and may return after the defect will
be repaired.

4.5 Protection
4.5.1 Magnetic field

After making such an enormous investment

making sure everything will go as planned is
essential. Therefore we considered the events
that could jeopardize our mission and devised
systems that should protect Aurora.

We must protect our settlement from dangerous

radiation that could affect the people. On the Earth
the its magnetic field protect the planet by the solar
wind, a stream of energetic charged particles emanating
the Sun. The Earth is acting like a magnet with North pole at the South pole of the
Earth, and the South magnetic pole at the North magnetic pole. This magnetic field
deflects most of the charged particles.

We think that we can make a similar magnetic field using a powerful electromagnet.
An electromagnet is creating by running electric current through a wire. This wire will
pass through the walls of the settlement creating a magnetic field that is not harmful
to humans.

A magnetic field is sustained by special conceived networks of wires. This network of

fires will be located beneath the solar panels. This network is powered directly from
inside from an energy source. It must be a DC energy source.


For a solenoid (a long helical coil) the expression for the magnetic flux density can
be written in the equation form:


nI ,


I= current
= permeability



N= number of turns
l= length of the coil
N=number of turns per unit length

4.5.2 Impacts

In case an asteroid approaches the path of the settlement we will see this in time
because of the radars that are mounted in the observation room and are connected
to the central computer. People will be announced and the panic control system will
start. From their arrival to their new home, inhabitants will be trained in order to be
able to face such situations. If such a warning is launched, we will invert one of the
motors used to create gravity so that they both generate thrust in the same
direction, allowing the space station to move and avoid impact with major asteroids
or any other dangerous moving bodies.
After the danger gets past, we can invert both engines to replace our settlement
back to its equilibrium point, and then re-start generating gravity.
For increased safety, we will also have rockets ready to be launched in case of major
emergency. These will be aimed at any asteroid approaching the station whose size
would be fatal to our construction. These rockets should divide it into smaller parts,
thus reducing the damage.


5.Food, Water



5.1 Diet
An unhealthy diet is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases.
These include cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases (i.e. diabetes, obesity),
cancer and musculoskeletal health (bone health, osteoporosis). Therefore, the best
will be done in order to ensure a good nutrition for the colonists, meaning a well
balanced diet combined with physical activity.

5.1.1 A healthy diet

The diet chosen for an average settler with the age of 35, height of 1.70 m
and with a weight of 70 kilos who does an average physical effort will be composed

15 % proteins

25 % lipids

60 % carbohydrates

By knowing the percentages of nutrients and the caloric intake of 2500 kcal
per day we can calculate how many kilocalories of each category are needed. Thus:

For proteins:

For lipids:

For carbohydrates

* 2500 = 375 kcal per day

* 2500 = 625 kcal per day
* 2500 = 1500 kcal per day

By using the required formulas we can now calculate the necessary amount in

For proteins:

For lipids:

For carbohydrates

= 93.75 g per day

= 69.44 g per day
= 375 g per day


A recommended diet plan that will meet the ordinary settlers needs for a
healthy diet is suggested below.







200 g
100 g

16 g

100 g
20 g


100 g

20 g

500 g
200 g
500 g
200 g
30 g
500 ml
50 g
25 g
50 g

7.5 g
10 g
12 g

50 g
40 g
25 g
20 g
10 g
5.5 g
26 g

10 g
16 g
0.5 g

10 g
10 g
100 g
20 g
30 g

23 g

20 g

20 g
10 g


Fruits 10-15 %
Fruits 20 % (2)
Vegetables 5 % (3)
Vegetables 10% (4)
Milk / Yogurt
Oil-bearing plants
Meat / Fish

(1) : i.e. apricots, cherries, strawberries, grapefruit, mango, oranges,

peaches, tangerines
(2) : i.e. bananas, grapes, dates
(3) : i.e. green onion, cucumbers, cauliflower, green beans, tomatoes,
spinach, green salad
(4) : i.e. carrots, beetroot
! Smoking is going to be forbidden on Aurora because of the next reasons:
-It is an unhealthy habit, and it doesnt correspond to the ideas set
-There is not enough space on the agriculture torus in order to plant tobacco
-The atmosphere would be altered by the harmful eliminated gases


5.1.2 Physical activity

As specified in the acceptance criteria ( pag : xx), every inhabitant should be
physically fit. Physical inactivity is considered to be the fourth leading risk factor for
global mortality. This serves to strengthen our sureness that the colonists should
practice sports with regularity.
According to the study Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for
Health devised by WHO (World Health Organization) the optimal physical activity
differs mainly on three categories: children from 5 to 17, adults from 18 to 64 and
elderly people from 64 and above.
A table of the recommended activities for every age group and time that should be
spent doing them in order to improve health is listed below:

Age group

Children from
5 to 17

Adults from 18
to 64

Adults from 64
and above

Physical activity
Sports (i.e. bicycle riding, swimming, canoeing, etc.)
Play (i.e. games that involve running or other physical
activities )
Muscle-strengthening activities (i.e. gymnastics, pushups, rock climbing, use of resistance bands)
Bone-strengthening activities (i.e. jumping, running,
tennis, basketball)
Moderate-intensity training (i.e. walking)
Muscle-strengthening activities (i.e. weight lifting)
Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e. jogging,
Muscle-strengthening activities (i.e. push-ups)
Moderate-intensity aerobic activity ( i.e. walking,
cycling )
Muscle-strengthening activities ( i.e. heavy gardening )

Recommended period of
At least 60 minutes a day

At least 3 times per week

150 min / week

2 times / week
75 min / week
2 times / week
150 min / week
2 times / week

Together with the diet suggested above, this physical activities plan will
guarantee our average inhabitant with a healthy lifestyle, thus lowering the risks of
developing a certain amount of conditions.


5.1.3 Health Control System (HCS)

A typical diet for an ordinary inhabitant, why not enough?
First of all, everyone is different, designing one plan and expecting it to work
for everyone is unrealistic. On the other hand, ones may have some problems (i.e.
lactose intolerance) or may want to lose weight. So what is the solution for this?
A very efficient solution to this matter is implementing a Health Control
System, which, in our vision would represent a method of remotely monitoring a
colonist in order to comply with a plan for sustaining the health condition. Therefore,
the best option to reach is conceiving a device based on nanotechnology which will
aid the inhabitants in order to test themselves in the medical domain. Every colonist
is going to have the obligation of using this device and send his data to a clinician
computer via a communication network. Such a computer will analyze the
information and provide the patient a suitable diet which may consist of certain
aliments and medication. If necessary, the inhabitant will have to consult a doctor
and withstand surgery.
Each colonist is able to choose the form of the device over a given variety:

Multifunctional bracelet

Insulin pen

Multifunctional tablets

5.1.4. Cooking
Cooking can be regarded as a means of eating a wide variety of healthy food.
The technology available will replace this activity. However, this can be regarded as
a hobby. Therefore, our inhabitant will be able to choose between the traditional way
of preparing food and a more atomized one. Traditional cooking

By traditional we do not mean cooking like ages ago, we mean cooking the
way we do it today: electrical cookers, microwaves, fridges, pots and pans. All of this
will be available if wanted.


Books with recipes will be available for download. In order for an easier
lecture, they will appear on the kitchen counter. The smart glass will be a touch
screen that will interact with everybodys tablet, as explained in chapter 4.2
Ingredients will be available for online buy. When deciding to prepare a
recipe, all the necessary aliments will be delivered at home.

Recipe application
In order to learn how to cook, an application specially designed will be
available in the store. Worldwide cuisine will be present in our multicultural
environment. Every recipe will have 4 parts:


Preparation mode


Caloric intake

We described every part below.

The ingredients will be listed, together with pictures of them. Over the counter,
aliments for sale in the online store will be projected in order for a more precise pick.
After the settler chooses what he needs and wants, everything will be delivered at
home in about 5 minutes.
Afterwards, the preparation phase will start. In the five minutes before the
delivery the program will give advice related to the following processes.
After the aliments arrive the instructions will appear on the counter. For every
phase an image of how the dish should look will be projected. For young or
inexperienced learners the projections will also show the way you should stir, mash,
heat or fry.
Recommendations of how everything should be served will appear after the
dish is ready.
Furthermore, the program will display the calorical intake and the amount of
proteins, carbohydrates and lipids every plate contains.
Inhabitants will have 4 levels from which to choose, according to their
experience: for dummies, easy, intermediate and experienced.


5.1.5 Technology in dishes

Day by day, less people cook as already prepared dishes are available
everywhere. Therefore, we thought of some systems for automatic cooking. In order
to create an easy to use system we decided to have a main machine that could be
used for almost everything.
This robot will be able to cook the ingredients that are introduced in it. The
inhabitant will only have to choose the aliments and the recipe and after a certain
amount of time, different on each occasion, take out the dish and enjoy any of the
recipes available in the online catalog. Molecular gastronomy

If they want, the inhabitants of Aurora will have the opportunity to cook dishes
that follow the principles of molecular gastronomy. With the help of special
appliances that will make practical use of physical and chemical transformations, the
range of foods available will increase.
Some examples of techniques and appliances are listed below:


Food dehydrator

Syringes (for injecting fillings)

Addition of carbon dioxide (for adding bubbles and making foams)

Usage of liquid nitrogen (for instant freezing and shattering)

Use of maltodextrin (for turning a high-fat liquid into a powder)

5.2 Crop growing

The space settlement should be as economical as possible. Thus, we realized
that the present agriculture techniques are inefficient as crops require a lot of space
to grow, also needing soil that is fertile and rich in nutrients. Bringing soil from Earth


or recreating it on the space settlement is expensive, so another system of growing

plants needed to be devised.

5.2.1 Hydroponics
The most suitable decision would be using a system that would enable us to
grow crops without soil. The most practical approach is using a hydroponics system.
This method meets with all our needs. While taking up less space, it also makes
plants grow beautifully, larger and healthier than the ones grown in normal
conditions. Also this kind of agriculture is a time saver as labor that is necessary in
traditional practices is cut down a lot.
After participating in the Plants in space project organized by NASA we
became aware of the way plants grow in microgravity, therefore we know that the
crops on Aurora will be placed in a 1 g area in order to provide conditions similar to
those on earth. As natural light wont be enough we decided that the needed light will
be provided by diodes, same lighting source we used during our experiment, as they
have a proper intensity and they dont cause heating. Since O 2 absorption decreases
with a decline or raise in temperature the growing environment will have one of 20
to 30 degrees Celsius (68 F 86 F)
The solution in which plants are going to be grown will be a nutrient enriched
water-based solution. It will contain necessary minerals for the best development of
the crops. The nutrients are listed below in order, from the ones that are required in a
bigger mass to the ones that are the so called micronutrients:







Chlorine, Boron, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum


Without Oxygen water and nutrients absorption ceases. Therefore, the

solution will be oxygenated by an air pump for providing the proper amount of air
supply. Because response to a poor nutrition is fast an indicator will send information
about the concentration of each nutrient to the computer which will mechanically add
more substance if required. Their levels will be influenced by the stage of growth the
plants are in and by the need to cover a deficiency. The solution will be placed in the
storage tanks, at the base of the air pomp for a more even spreading.

5.2.2 Systems structure

There are 6 types of well-known hydroponics system. From the 5, some do
not call for a fertile soil but they still need a growing medium (i.e.: sand, gravel). For
economical reasons we didnt choose the drip or the wick system.
The rest of the systems are showed in the table below for comparison:

Water / Deep


Nutrient Film
Technique (N.F.T.)

Ebb and flow

platform used
for holding the
Water tank
Air pump
Oblique placed
platform with
baskets for
Water tank
Air and nutrient

Growing tray
Water tank
Air and nutrient

Operating mode



The floating platform

holds the baskets with
the plants half
submerged in the tank.
The air pump
oxygenates the nutrient
A constant stream of
water is maintained on
the bottom of the grow
The ends of the roots
are placed in the solution
which flows back in the
tank through a tube
placed at the end of the
The grow tray is
flooded with water from
the tray and then the
solution flows back into
the tank through a tube.
The nutrient pump is
controlled by a timer, for
a regular watering.

No growing
Ideal for
plants (i.e.
No growing
utilization of
space as it can
be built almost

There are a
lot of plants
which wont
develop well in
this system

Any growing
medium can
be used
(maybe one
made from

The grow tray

should be filled
with a growing

Plants can dry

out quickly if
the water flow
is stopped



Platform used
for hanging the
plants in the air
Water tank
Air and nutrient

The plant baskets

placed on the platform
are hanged in the air.
A nutrient pump sprays
a mist of solution over
the roots at regular
intervals every few

No growing
Doesnt take
up a lot of

In case of a
nutrient pump
failure plants
can dry out

5.2.3 Our systems

By analyzing the data we decided that the aeroponic and N.F.T. system are
the most suitable. They take up the least space because of the possibility of placing
them vertically and also give the wanted results in crops growing. Also, for a small
number of plants we will use the Ebb and Flow system.
Even if we chose both of them we consider the aeroponic to be more efficient,
thus it will be the main one. It consumes less nutrient solution, 1.5 milliliters per
minute, in comparison to one liter. Moreover, the time spent without water helps the
plant absorb a larger amount of oxygen. Also, no pesticide is required and the risk of
diseases is minimized. Aeroponic system

The aeroponic system works better if the roots are already developed as the
larger the surface provided for water absorption is, the better. Therefore, we think
that the plants should be held in a water culture system for their first stages of
growth. Afterwards, they should be moved, depending on their type in an aeroponic
one. Because moving the plants would be space, time and labor consuming, we
consider that our system should be able to metamorphose when needed.
A table of the components and their uses is listed below:



Use and characteristics

Water tank

Nutrient pump
submerged in the

Platform for plant


Air pump


The water tank will be the place for the storage of the
The nutrient pump will be used only in the second stage of
the growth, spraying a nutrient mist over the already-grown
The platform will have holes for the baskets. After the first
stage is over, the platform will be lifted by the pistons.
The pistons will be used to lift the platform and lower it after
The air pump will be turned on all the time, being used for
the oxygenation of the nutrient solution.
Used for measuring water temperature and levels of

Transformation process:
After the plants reach their second phase of growth (when they have roots
that are long enough) the platform will be lifted into the air by the automated pistons
for easier aces to roots. The arms of the submerged nutrient pump will also rise and
will start spraying the nutrient solution every few minutes on the roots. The water
level in the tank will lower, as the quantity of solution needed for the process isnt as
big. The evacuated water will be sent to the purification centre in order to be recycled
for its next use.
After the termination of the growing process and the harvest, the platform with
new plants will be lowered again and the process will repeat.
Placement of tanks
Each tank will have 9 places, so as to give enough place for every plant to
There will be three tanks placed one atop of the other. All three tanks will be
connected by a pipe in which the evacuated water will go. For safety reasons, not all
the tanks will be connected by pipes in order to avoid spreading a disease which
might appear in one area. The purification areas will be different for every type of


Transformation of hydroponic/aeroponic system

78 Other system

Nutrient Film Technique system (N.F.T.)

The oblique platform will be provided with nutrient from the tank below. The
flow of water will return to the tank through the orifice at the end of the tray. The
water will be changed at regular intervals.


The platforms will actually have the form of a tube. They will be placed so as
to form a right-angled triangle, with the angle of inclination of the tubes of 45. The
evacuated water will also be purified in different areas, sorted by the type of plant.

Ebb and flow system

The Ebb and Flow system will be used for plants like rice. The placement of
the tanks and the harvesting robots will be the same as the ones used for the

5.2.4 Mechanics
For the comfort of the settlers most of the agricultural process of growing
crops will be automated. Robots will do the work humans have done for years, as far
as possible. Even if machines will do most of the work, Aurora will also need farmers
for a better monitoring of plants. The so-called farmers wont do their usual task;
they will program the computers and adjust their measurements, helping as to a
better caring for the crops. Materials
The choice of the material from which we are going to make the robots is a
very important one. On Earth, aluminum would be a viable solution due to its
characteristics and its abundance. But on Aurora, will it be the best we have?
This metal has a lot of proprieties which will come as an advantage when
using it:


It is a light-weight material

It is ductile and malleable

It is soft but durable

However, it is not enough to be a proper material because a easy to use

source needs to be available. With Earth out of the question, our best option is the
moon. The extraction of aluminum from anorthite and its transport to the moon is
described in chapter 3.4 Materials.
Therefore, all robots used in agriculture will be aluminum-based. Types

Harvesting robots

The harvesting of the crops will be done by robots.

In the aeroponic and Ebb
and Flow systems, the robots will
move along rails placed over the
areas designated for growing. They
will start collecting from the plants in
the tanks that are placed on the
ground and after finishing with the
area they are assigned to they will
move upwards to the next set of
tanks. After grabbing the plant the
robot will put it on the conveyor belt
placed between the tanks which will
send it further for storage or

The robots will have the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped; they will have
the height of about 20 centimeters, the length of one meter and the width of 50


Each robot will have four flexible arms.

For an easier production the same robots will
be used for every type of plant. However, for
a more efficient process of harvest, at the
end of their arms they will have removable
tips, which will be different for every crop.
Another important element will be a scanner
which will help the machine detect the
element that needs to be collected,
eliminating plants if they are not reaching the
required standards. For some categories of
plants the first two hands will be used for selecting and placing the required part of
the plant on the conveyor and the others for taking the remaining parts and placing
them in the trash.
The removable tips will consist of blades and a variety of flexible hands used
for collecting.
For the Nutrient Film Technique system (N.F.T.) the robots will be
completely different. They will resemble bugs, having an ellipsoidal shape and 6 long
articulated legs on the side. They will move up and down on the tubes where the
plants are grown. They will be more independent and will not require any rails for
their movement.
The robots for this system
will have the shape of an ovoid.
On their sides they will have six
legs which will be articulated in
three places in order to allow
freedom and ease of movement.
In the middle, it will have two
longitudinally which will be used
disposing of unwanted parts.
Even if this kind of robot
may seem independent, the
tubes will be projected so as to not allow any other movement than the one the
machine is programmed to do.


Conveyor belts system

The farm will have a complex system of distinct conveyor belts that will be
used for the transportation of plants, leftovers and other necessary goods throughout
all the available area. Their main functions will be:

Transportation of plants from the growing place to the packaging or

storage areas

Transportation of the parts that are not edible to the recycling unit

Transportation of parts needed for reparation

Transportation of baskets or other objects needed for growing the


5.3 Livestock, poultry & fish

The food supply, other than plants, will be based on animal products. A
healthy nutrition requires more than vegan food, which will be provided on Aurora by
the animal farm torus. Excluding the possibility of daily transporting food from Earth
because it would cost much more and would contradict the purpose of a selfsufficient Space Settlement, the solution left to this issue is building a farm in the
capacity provided by the upper torus.

5.3.1 Noahs arch project

In order to have animals on the settlement, we have to find a way of
transporting them from Earth.

The animals will be brought in the preliminary stages of the construction in

order to have time to reproduce. This way, we wont have to bring such a big number
of animals from Earth, making an important economy. The stage in which we will
bring them is presented in chapter 7.5 Transports.


5.3.2 Productivity calculation


Required food

38 57
liters per

15-20 years


Diet composed
of grass or
grains (i.e.
15 30 kilo per


Hay, Silage

3-5 liters / day

From 15 to
18 years



4-6 liters / day

10 to 12


Corn, wheat,
oats, barley

10-15 liters a



Chicken feed,

0,3 Liters


Whole wheat,
cracked corn,

0,3 Liters


Fish feed, algae

Sexual maturity
period: 15 months
9 years
1 calf per year

Products and

Sexual maturity
period: starts from
3-15 months
Sexual maturity
period: starts from
6-8 months; 5
months pregnancy
6 - 8 months; 115
days gestation; 1827 pigs per sow per

Milk : 2.7 liters

per day

2-3 years

5-6 months.


3 years

Sexual maturity at 2
years, lays 3-8 eggs
which incubate for
24-28 days.
Reproduction starts
at age 3-4 ( salmon)
, and 10-12 ( catfish
and carp); lay over
300.000 eggs a year





The animals are going to be divided in two categories, the ones that will be
used to produce meat and the one that wont.


Animals that wont be used to produce meat

Dairy cattle
Catfish, carp,
salmon, tuna fish

Amount of
9000 kg
860 kg
454 kg

Amount of

Amount of
2500 eggs per year

Animals that will be used to produce meat


Dairy cattle
Catfish, carp,
salmon, tuna fish

Amount of
232 kg
45 kg
136 kg
2.5 kg
5 kg
1,5 kg

5.3.3 Animal repartition

The livestock and poultry will be distributed as in the diagram below,
throughout the Torus:


As for the farmed fish, they will be provided with a

gigantic aquarium suspended along the ceiling, equipped
with compartments which separate different species of
fish. This is an optimal solution in order to save space.
Even if fish can have side effects from living in
microgravity it was shown that after 3 to 4 days their
sensory system comes back to normal.

5.3.4 Living conditions

The conditions in which the animals are going to live will be similar to the ones
on earth. For example, the cattle are going to be placed in barns and will be milked
by special cow-milking robots. The diet will be supervised by robots in order to avoid
obesity or other diseases. Every department (e.g. poultry, fish) will be provided with
a vet capable to diagnose each sick animal.
The fish are going to be fed by special robots that are able to glide on tracks,
and in order to collect them and their eggs there will be used special collector robots
as well.
The livestock, poultry and farmed fish are going to be placed in the D torus,
which provides enough space for production and reproduction.
Every material on the settlement will be recycled so the torus will be
connected to the recycling area.

5.3.5 Control units

Each ground department will be provided with a vet center, a reproduction
center and food containers as in the scheme below:


The reproduction center will be opened only in special periods. Here the
collected sperm is brought from the males in order to fertilize the females.
The vet centers are cottages provided with special equipment fitting every
animals needs.

5.4 Water management

As water can be a rather difficult resource to obtain, a plan for managing
available resources needs to be carefully devised. Below we presented the required
amounts of water, the methods we will use to produce it and the way well store and
reuse it.

5.4.1 Water requirements

An average adult, who weights 70 kilos, lives in a normally warm environment
and takes the recommended amount of 60 minutes of exercise per day, should drink


2.065 liters daily. In the table below we presented the main requirements of water of
an inhabitant:
Water requirements for an inhabitant

Drinking water
Cooking water
Washing water
Toilet flush
Dish wash water
Clothes wash water
Total :


A little amount of water will be necessary for clothes and dishes cleaning as
the available machines will be economic. Also, due to advancements in
nanotechnology clothes will have the capacity of self-cleaning.
Other than for humans, water will be needed for animals, agriculture,
cleaning, entertainment and various other processes.
After we calculated the necessary amounts of water we decided that the total
quantity available on our settlement should be of around 20 000 000 liters.

5.4.2 Water storage

The water will be stored in tubes, in every torus. The water in the channels will
be aerated for a better oxygenation. The cylinders containing water will be
interconnected with the central hub from where the pipes used for water distribution
will start.
Furthermore, the purification unit will be linked to it. After the water is clean
and ready to reuse, it will be sent in this tube.
Even if the tube will only have 5 main sections each of them will be divided
into more parts used for different purposes, from drinking water to water used for
flushing and water used for cleaning.
There will be 5 different sections in the channel, each one designated to one



Available storage space

268 372,5
5 000 000
7 000 000
5 000 000
2 731 627,5
20 000 000

5.4.3 Water production

Because all the amount of needed water would be difficult to bring from Earth
we considered some different ways of obtaining it. Therefore, we also considered
moon as a source. By analyzing various chemical and physical processes we chose
the ones that would be most suitable. Moons Crust

As lunar crust also consists of ice, the moon could also prove to be a source
for extracting water. More abundant at the north pole, water could be extracted from
the ice even if the temperatures are really low and this could prove as a challenge.
However, this will require really powerful robots which will have instruments
that will be used for heating the soil. Robots are explained with more details in
chapter 3.5 MEF. Iron extraction

One of the methods used for obtaining iron will be from ilmenite,
a crystalline iron titanium oxide.
The chemical formula for ilmenite is FeTiO3. The reaction of reduction of
ilmenite is as follows:
FeTiO3 + H2 Fe + TiO2 + H2O


This process will be used mainly for production of iron and titanium but water
will be a precious by-product, increasing our supply of the much needed liquid. Sebatier process

The Sabatier chemical reaction is a process through which carbon dioxide

and hydrogen react at elevated temperatures and pressures. This happens in the
presence of a nickel catalyst. The chemical substances that result from this process
are methane (CH4) and water.
The nickel catalyst can be replaced with an aluminum one which would be
easier to obtain.
The chemical reaction is as follows:
CO2+ 4H2 CH4 + 2H2O
Methane is a useful substance as it can be a good source of fuel for our
space transporters and shuttles. Therefore, we consider this reaction to be a suitable
one as it gives us two useful by-products.
0.2 kilograms of hydrogen and 1.2 kilograms of carbon dioxide would be
enough for the production of 1 kilogram of H 2O. Other chemical reactions

The Sebatier process has methane as a by-product. Other than for fuel this
substance could be further be used in other reactions in order to produce water
MgSiO4 is a substance composed out of:





When mixing it with methane the following chemical reaction takes place:
MgSiO4+CH4 MgO+Si+CO+2H2O
This reaction can be used for obtaining Magnesium oxide, Silicon, Carbon
monoxide and most importantly, water.
The Carbon monoxide resulted from this reaction can be used to produce
water with the help of another reaction:
CO+3H2 CH4+H2O

5.4.4 Water cycle

A key element to having the necessary amount of water will be the method of
reusing it. Therefore, we will describe the processes used for purification and we will
also design a water cycle. For more efficiency, we will use a wide range of methods,
each resulting in a different quality of water, depending on what its purpose is. Microfiltration and Ultrafiltartion

Microfiltration is the process that involves the use of a membrane in order to
remove contaminants from water. The membranes used have pores sized from 0.1
to 10 m (micrometers).


This method could help in the biological wastewater treatment. Because not
all the impurities can be eliminated with this first process we could regard it as a first
step for a more efficient method of filtration.
Ultra filtration involves the same concepts. However, the size of the pores is
reduced form the maximum of 0.1 to 0.001 m. this type is more precise but it is still
far from perfect. Reverse osmosis

The reverse osmosis process is also a thin film composite membrane

separating technique. However, the difference consists of the fact that it involves
using pressure.
Even if the method is largely known for its ability to separate salt from
seawater, it is highly dependent upon the conditions in which the fluids find
What can be called a pursuit for balance is the easiest way of describing this
process. When two substances with the same solute but of different concentrations
are put into contact the tendency is to mix until reaching uniformity. When adding a
membrane the fluid with lower concentration will go through the membrane to the
substance with a bigger concentration.
It is normal for the heights of the column of liquid to be different due to the
effect of osmotic pressure.
The reverse process starts by applying a pressure that exceeds the previous
one. This way fluids travel back through the membrane while solids that arent
dissolved remain in the other compartiment.

91 Nanofiltration
Nanofiltration a process
mostly used for drinking water
purification. It is based on
membrane separation and
also utilizes pressure but it is
methods presented above.
The retention of monovalent
ions is, however, limited. Disinfection

There are several techniques used for water disinfection. Some of them are:

Ozone disinfection

Ultra-violet (UV) disinfection (Solar water disinfection)

Chlorine dioxide disinfection Sand filters

The process of sand filtration uses sand or other granular media in order to
remove impurities. This type of method can join in in a multi-stage treatment.
Even if maintenance nowadays proves a little difficult we believe that this
wont be a problem on Aurora. Therefore, this process is a good one also.


5.4.5 Water types, by purity

Water with different levels of purity can be utilized in various ways. It makes
no sense to use water of the greatest quality for flushing, does it? Therefore, we
separated water by type into 3 main categories:

Ultrapure water
Used in pharmaceutical industry

Drinking water

Drinking water will have to meet the quality standards given by the
World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, we will use processes that
will eliminate

Water with a small amount of impurities

Used for other purposes than drinking (i.e animals, crops, flushing,
shower, sink)

5.5 Climate
We believe that the climate of the area is a very important factor regarding a
colonists convenience, meaning that it is necessary discovering the right
temperature for optimal living conditions, resembling the ones on Earth.
When conceiving a climate we have to take into consideration the following
aspects: temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind and precipitation.
Because the environment in every bubble will be different temperatures will
vary but they will stay in a comfortable range, between 18 to 28 degrees, which
proves optimal for an adequate living.
In the areas that are not designed for living the temperatures will be selected
in order to meet the needs of each space. For example, the agricultural and animal
torus will have different temperatures within, adjusted to the needs of the species
living in a specific area.


There also are some areas in our settlement that wont need heating.
Therefore, areas used for storage (e.g. grain storage) will be maintained at lower
temperatures. Also the spokes wont be heated as it is only necessary to heat the
elevators inside.

5.5.1 Particularities

On Aurora, there are going to be two main seasons: the cold one(winter) and
the hot one(summer).
In the periods between these two seasons, there will be a transition monsoon,
corresponding to the spring or autumn. It is mentionable the fact that the
temperatures in the table are the optimal options, but in reality they are going to vary
on a scale of 1or 2C.
Temperature table:

1.City Bubble
2.Countryside Bubble
3.Riverside city Bubble
4.Hillside city Bubble
5.Seaside resort Bubble
6.Suburb Bubble
7.Lakeside village
8.Downtown Bubble







The atmospheric pressure will be kept at the normal standard, 760 mmHg.
The precipitations are going to take place at an established time, being
abundant on the Riverside city Bubble, Hillside city Bubble and Countryside Bubble,
moderated in the City Bubble, Suburb Bubble and Lakeside Bubble and seldom on
the Seaside resort Bubble and Downtown Bubble.
The humidity will be kept at normal conditions, ~44%, avoiding possible health
inconveniences of the colonists.
The winds, as on Earth, will be stronger during the winter time and weaker
during the summer time. At the Seaside resort Bubble there are going to be sea


breezes and on the Hillside city Bubble there are going to be cooler breezes during
the entire year.
Rain will be produced using sprinklers attached on the ceiling of the bubbles,
which are connected to water containers.

In the agriculture and animals torus the medium temperature will be held at
optimum values during the year in order to support fast growth, meaning 22.5
Celsius. All the other climate compounds will be kept at normal standards.
In the industrial torus and storage torus there will be no need of high
temperatures, so in there the thermometers are going to measure ~10 or less.

5.5.2 Climate control Methods

The methods we will use for thermal control will be separated into four main
categories. Our systems will be based on heat exchanges. Therefore, we will try
making machines that use conduction, convection, mass exchange or radiation. In
order to keep within a price range, the machines that control the climate will be made
out of affordable materials and will use solar power as an energy source because it
is available in large quantities.

Thermal conduction

The thermal conduction is the transfer of energy or heat between matter. It is

a transfer with collisional and diffusive proprieties of kinetic energy of particles with
ponderable mass.
The heat thereby flows through the body itself due to a series of vibrations of
the molecules.
We could use conduction to heat the floors or wall by using metal plates that
will collect the heat directly and afterwards spread it out evenly.


Thermal convection

This method is based on fluids used for transferring the heat. Fluid movement
generates what we call a conductive heat transfer and what we generally know
through the image of radiators.
This method of thermal control could be also used on Aurora, under several
occasions. For example, we could still keep the concept of radiators for heating the
main components. However, bringing radiators into homes is not efficient.

Mass exchange

During this process thermal energy is transported by a physical transfer of

either a hot or a cold object around one place.
Its main application is hydraulics.

Thermal radiation

Thermal radiation involves the transfer of heat between objects undisturbed

by any intervening matter. Engineers consider it a fundamental method of heat
transfer. Systems

There will be a main computer, located in the central hub which will control
climate all over the station. Each bubble will have 8 main heating control units.
Each control unit will be composed of large fans which will generate the
required temperature. As some sections of Aurora will be hotter environments than
others the unit will transfer heat from those areas to the cooler ones. This way, using
the methods presented above, heat wont be wasted.

5.5.3 The ceiling

The ceilings of the Bubbles, although are going to reflect the light during
daytime, as the hours would pass and the sun sets, they have got to be opaque
during the evening and night in order to create an Erath-like artificial environment.


Using nanotechnology, the ceiling will have the ability of getting more or less
opaque at certain hours, with the purpose of creating the illusion of day and night on
the settlement. It is going to be adjusted in order to copy the exact behaviour of sun
rising and setting depending on the season, just like in the diagram below:

Summer season


Winter season


Transition season



As the ceiling would grow more opaque, the temperatures would also lower in
order to fit day/night characteristics.

5.5.4 Atmosphere Atmospheric composition
In our try to make the settlement feel as home-like as possible we consider
that the atmosphere on Aurora should perfectly copy the one on Earth. Therefore the
concentrations should be as following:

Atmospheric composition chart





The gases needed in

order to create the artificial
atmosphere are going to be
brought from the moon and
Earth in spaceships provided
with sealed tanks. These
volatile substances will firstly
chemical processes in order
to be pure and optimum.
Then, they are going to be

bubbles and tori throughout sealed tubes. systems

Provided that the settlement is a closed self-sufficient ecosystem, the gases

which compose the atmosphere should be preserved. This is why we decided to
take into consideration an air purification system . When the gas is contaminated, its
properties(pressure, composition) change, therefore it is easier to detect any


deviations using nanotechnology. Small sensors are going to be placed on the inside
walls of the settlement in order to control the atmospheric conditions.
The extinction of the impurities in the air is going to be done by
nanotechnology air impurity removal system, which is basically going to filter the

The oxygen is going to be produced on Aurora using chemical processes and

it is going to replace itself continuously. Also, the plants will convert carbon dioxide
into oxygen.
The carbon dioxide and monoxide are going to be absorbed and extincted.

5.6 Recycling

On a space settlement it is very important to reduce consumption, reuse and

recycle everything for good reasons like before:
-Raw materials are a limited resource we might not always be able to replace what
we throw away
-Energy and resources are wasted whenever an item goes to landfill.
Everything we use has to come from somewhere and must go somewhere
once were finished with it.
A price of an item must reflect the energy used in the item's production and
the impact it will have after we use it, when we throw it away. The environmental cost
of an item isn't just a reflection of what's needed for its production.
What items can we recycle? Well, almost everything. Some of the items are
shown in the following table. Even food waste can be collected for composting.
Almost anything that will decompose naturally can be used for compost. However, as
we dont have enough space for storage the natural processes will be speeded up by
chemical and physical phenomena. In every bubble there will be a food waste
collection centre that will turn food waste into green energy, giving it a new purpose
that contributes to a cleaner, greener settlement.


The recycling equipment technology includes optical equipment to sort, waste

grinders, glass cleanup and recycling systems, over belt magnets, eddy current
separators and industrial can densifiers.




6.1 Acceptance criteria

In a much smaller society, like the one we are planning to develop, any small
discrepancy between inhabitants of the settlement can become a conflict that can
turn a hitherto peaceful environment into an unpleasant place to find oneself.
Therefore, we have to carefully devise some acceptance criteria for the future space

The selected adults will be aged between 27 to 40 years.

1. No one suffering from medical conditions, infectious diseases or terminal illnesses
should be accepted.
2. In this phase of the project the inhabitants should not present mental disorders in
order not to put themselves or others in danger or generate conflicts.
3. Neither should they be disabled in any way because these people may be
rest and thus may be exposed to greater risks.


4. The criminal record of everybody should be clean, as we dont want anyone who
has had antecedents with the police in our habitat.
5. Everyone should be physically fit and able to pass the ordinary tests for
6. People with a lot of self-control should be selected, in order to resist in crisis
7. All of the future inhabitants which are adults should have previously proved
themselves from an intellectual point of view. Having graduated university is a
requirement as we need capable men on the settlement in case of anything
unexpected is to happen. Also work experience in their particular domain is a must.
8. The IQ of every adult inhabitant should be more than 110.
9. Every child should have a good command of English and every adult should have
an average level of C1 after the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages, as English will be the official language.


6.2. Demographics

Because Aurora will be a closed environment with a limited number of people,

the selection of people must be made regarding the ways people decide to get
married and have children. The number of male and women needs to be in an
equilibrium because having an unstable balance would result in difficulty in finding a
partner. The percentage of children that are brought on board cant be a high one
because the human work force needed to sustain the settlement is of a large number
even if robots will do a lot of work for people. Therefore, we decided on the following
percentages of men, women, married adults and children, considering the fact that at
first we will bring on the settlement 16000 colonists:

Men/Women chart



We chose the percentages for various reasons, one of the most important
being the trend of population feminization caused by the higher life expectancy that
women have.
Also, we have to take into consideration the percentage of married adults,
single women, single men and children:


6.3 Industry
In our try to make Aurora as self-sustainable as possible we needed to
carefully plan an independent industry. Industry refers to the production of goods
within an economy. Our space settlement will have its own economy, and therefore
will have its own products, not only its own produce.
What we hope to achieve is an industrial society, capable of mass-producing from a
technical point of view.
The industry will be divided in categories, according to the products it deals with. The
categories are presented in the table below in an alphabetical order:

Percentage of specific industry from the

whole production process

1.Chemical industry
2.Computer industry
3.Construction industry
4.Defense industry
5.Energy industry
6.Entertainment industry
7.Food industry
8.Health care industry
9.Manufacturing industry
10.Robotic industry
11.Mass media industry
13.Textile industry
14.Water industry

0.5 %
10 %
0.5 %
20 %
15 %
20 %
10 %


Note: the industries mentioned in the table are only the ones that Aurora will have
after the construction process is finished and all the residents have moved in
The industries will be located in the industry torus, the lower big torus.

6.3.1 Chemical industry

This industry will convert raw materials into new products, using a variety of
chemical reactions. This kind of industry will provide pharmaceutical products.
A most important task for this industry will be the production of water and
oxygen. Moreover, it will also have the task of removing toxic gases from the
atmosphere in order to maintain optimal air conditions.

6.3.2 Computer industry

The computer industry will have an important role on Aurora as everything will
be automated. The main computer will have an amazing storage capacity and it will
be able to control everything that happens on aurora. Computers from homes will be
interconnected and will work as a unitary machine.
The computer industry will produce highly advanced software needed for the
powerful research apparatus. Moreover, complex computer infrastructures will be
designed because the technology from Aurora
will also evolve.

6.3.3 Construction industry

When our settlement will reach its final
stage, when all the residents will move in,
everything will be already constructed.
Therefore, our construction industry wouldnt be
a major one. The only use it will have will be
replacing items that have been damaged.
Two of the construction robots will remain on Aurora in order to add extra
rooms to homes, if need, as described in chapter Design.


6.3.4 Defense industry

The defense industry will provide Aurora with the systems needed for
protection, as described in chapter 5.5 Protection.

6.3.5 Energy industry

The industry will transform nuclear and solar power into the much needed
electrical energy. The solar panels and the nuclear reactors will provide the
settlement with large amounts of energy.
Extra energy will be transferred back to Earth as described in chapter 4.4

6.3.6 Entertainment industry

All of the machines designed for entertainment will be produced in the same
industry, the entertainment industry. Elements necessary for practicing sports, for the
parks and theme parks, cinemas, bars and club.

6.3.7 Food industry

The food industry will have the role of packaging and storing the food. The
food will be stored in proper conditions. Grains will be stored in dry places, fruits in
cold places and animal produce in fridges.
Agriculture will be divided in four parts the range of food will be mainly
composed of fruit, vegetables and grains (70%), textiles like cotton (10%), plants
needed for beverages (i.e. tea and coffee beans) and medical purposes (10%) and

6.3.8 Health care industry

This industry will make machines needed for the medical system. Even if the
robots will be mainly constructed in the robotics factory, the elements needed for
investigation will be produced here.


6.3.9 Manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry will be used for processing raw materials in order
to build replacements or parts that are needed for addition or the completing of
different systems.

6.3.10 Robotic industry

The robotic industry is going to construct the required types of robots. All this
systems are described in detail in chapter 4.0 Science & Technology, 5.3 Robots.
The reparation of the robots will be done in this section. All broken parts will be
brought here and replaced. These parts will be afterwards recycled in this section
also because the molten metals will be reused for the same process.

6.3.11 Mass media industry

The mass media industry will have more occupations. It will be used for:

Film industry
Publishing (newspapers, magazines)

6.3.12 Telecommunications industry

Being an important subject, communications are described in particular in
chapter 6.4 Communications.
The communication industry will have the task to manufacture the systems
that are required. The tablets will be assembled in this factory. The necessary cables
will also be made here and the plans that engineers will make over time for the
improvement of the communication will be followed in order to create new systems.


6.3.13 Textile industry

Inhabitants will take clothes with them from Earth but it is obvious that the
production of clothes should start at an early point because they are essential.
Before the inhabitants leave Earth an auction will be made. In that auction, the
designer stores that pay most will have the chance to open shops on Aurora. The
money received from this auction will be used for bringing the first materials for the
local brand. The stores that decide to come will have to cover for the transport
Even if some brands will be brought from earth, the settlement will have its
own brand. This brand will be used for the production of smart underwear that will
help medicine, analyzing the liquids that the body perspires for detailed diagnosis.
The local producer will make clothes out of materials grown in the agricultural
section (i.e. cotton) and will put them for sale in the local shopping centers.

6.3.14 Water industry

The water industry is thoroughly described in the chapter dedicated to this
subject, chapter 5.4 Water management.

6.4 Communications
The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the
quality of our lives
Anthony Robbins
A futuristic civilization should be designed in such a way that communication
from any point to another should not only be possible, but also fast. Therefore, we
elaborated a competent system which allows the inhabitants to communicate
thorough technical means between each other and between them and Earth.


6.4.1 Internal communication

Regarding the internal communications, it is desirable that the colonists can always
be up-to-date.
Instead of the usual telephones and TV sets we now have on Earth, the
colonists are going to use multifunctional tablets of different sizes depending on their
purpose. The small tablets will work as a cellphone, newspaper and internet
browser. It is portable and always connected to WI-Fi. The email is going to be
highly secured, as well as every account which requires password. Instead of the
satellite communication, the phones are going to sustain 3D holographic calls
through internet.
The medium tablets should be easily used and they serve as kindles,
shopping guide books, newspapers and small TVs.
As for the large tablets, they are TVs , and they can be hanged on the walls.
Whilst on stand-by, these have an wallpaper image which should fit to the interior
design of the house.
The settlement will host a fast wireless network which all the inhabitants have
unlimited access to.

Medium tablet

6.4.2 External communication

As our survey revealed, most of the people living on the settlement would find
rather vital communicating with their acquaintances on Terra. The communication
with Earth will be done by using Earths communication satellites. This implies the
fact that the receiver device should be a very advanced one, and kept away from


populated spaces in order to avoid artificial disturbances. This is the optimum way
for speed voice and video calls, file sharing or holographic conferences.

6.5 Transports
Transport of the mails, transport of the human voice, transport of flickering picturesin this century as in others our highest accomplishments still have the single aim of
bringing men together.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Since early times, transport has not only represented a process, an activity,
but also a lifestyle, a way of surviving and a skill. Nowadays, transport is measured
in time, money, materials as convenience. This is why we believe that transferring
throughout our settlement is a very important matter to discuss.

6.5.1 Transport survey

Because the transport is related to the mass of population, we decided to
make a survey in our class, asking student several questions regarding this issue.

Question 1:
What do you think it is the easiest mean of

a ) Bus - 2 answers


b) Tramway - 1 answer
c) Underground - 10 answers


Question 2:
Do you often use public transport?

a) Yes - 12 answers
b) No - 1 answer

Question 3:
Do you prefer walking or using a
mean of public transport?


a) Walking - 4 answers
b)Any way of public transport - 9

Any way of
public transport

Question 4:
How often do you order a taxi?

A few times a
Once a week

a) A few times a week - 3 answers

Almost never

b) Once a week - 2 answers

c) Almost never - 8 answers


Question 5:
Would you feel comfortable in a mean of
transport driven by a robot?
a) Yes - 11 answers


b) No - 2 answers


Question 6:
If you would have to get to a place near
you, would you use public transport?
a) Yes - 3 answers


b) No - 10 answers

Question 7:
Do you think bus stations should be close
one to another?


a) Yes - 12 answers


b) No - 2 answers


Question 8:
How often do you think public
transports should arrive at stations?
a) 1-2 minutes - 1 answer
b) 5 minutes - 9 answers

1-2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
Another answer

c) 10 minutes -1 answer
d) Another answer - 1 answer
This survey stand as a reference regarding public opinion. We believe that
any component of the settlement should be studied both ways, theoretically and
practically in order to get an optimal product.

6.5.2 The transportation from Earth to Aurora

After the agriculture torus will be built and prepared for the growth of the
crops, special stock spaceships are going to be sent from Earth loaded with the
needed grains. The stock spaceships are multifunctional and can also be used for
luggage or other Earth-Aurora transportations. They do not provide breathable air,
so they are going to be driven by a computer.
When the animal torus is ready to host the living creatures, they are going to
be transported using bigger spaceships provided with spacious platforms. The
atmosphere on these ships and the temperature are going to be kept at normal
standards. These machines will also be provided with a storage place for the
animals food.
Finally, when the settlement is equipped in order to be habitable by humans,
the first step is transportation of the colonists luggage and personal goods, followed
by the second step, which consists of transporting the people from Earth to Aurora.

Colonist transporter


6.5.3 Public transport Bubbles
Regarding the fact that the settlement is not big enough in order to have its own
highways or roads for cars, the main conveyance will consist of underground tubes
(U.T.) divided into three sizes: small, medium and large. The U.T.s will be designed
in such a way that they are going to be driven by computers.
The small-sized U.T. is able to host up to 2 persons and is going to be found in the
Downtown Bubble.

Small sized U.T.


The gaps of time between 2 arrivals are going to be of 3 minutes each during
daytime and 8 minutes during night-time. It is going to be able to link the Bubble to
the Central Hub. The stations are going to be equally spread around the area in
order to provide a premium service.

The medium-sized U.T. has

a capacity of 3-4 persons and it
provides the best comfort of all. It is
basically a larger version of the
small machine. The gaps of time
between two arrivals will be 4
minutes during daytime and 5
minutes during night-time.


It is going to be available on
the bubbles excepting the

Medium sized U.T.


Downtown and it also links the bubble to the Central hub. The stations are organised
just as the ones for the small-sized U.T.

The large-sized U.T. has a capacity of up to 8 colonists. Any two large-sized

U.T.s can be linked one to each other in order to create a bigger train(e.g. for school
trips, crowded stations). It has the same route as the other U.T.s but it also links the
bubbles one to another throughout the spokes. The gaps of time between two
arrivals will be 4 minutes during daytime and 5 minutes during night-time.

Linked large size U.T.s

Large-sized U.T.s inter-bubble route



In the diagram below it is represented the repartition of the space inside the

The U.T.s are going to use magnetic methods of moving on guide ways. The
magnetic cushions exert less friction, therefore, the speed is higher.
Every tube is going to have chargers and will provide LCD screens showing on the
walls the time, date, temperature, exact time of arrival and news. Central hub &Torus

The Central hub will be connected with the bubbles through the U.T.s route.
Inside its area though, the colonists are going to use spacious elevators. These
elevators connect the hub to the 0g Sphere and the Torus.

6.5.4 Taxi
Since public transport is sometimes not enough to satisfy everybodys needs,
we came up with a taxi design which would represent a faster solution to the U.T.s
and also a more comfortable one. A certain number of small taxis is going to be
found in each bubble. Any colonist can order one by simply calling a number.
Immediately his or her location is going to be stored and in a few minutes a machine
would arrive in the exact place. The taxis will be driven by robotised computers.


Each taxi has a capacity of three persons and a trunk for luggage. The user can
easily choose from a touch-screen which music she or he wants to be played and
which scent to spread. The multifunctional tablet provided would also be Wi-Fi
A taxi can set from anywhere in a bubble and arrive where the passengers

Taxi prototype

6.6 Tourism
,, The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new
Marcel Proust

6.6.1 Earth-Settlement tourism

One of Auroras purposes is finding new possibilities through travelling in the
outer space, so our duty is to conceive an easy, relaxing and capable tourism
system. For Aurora it represents a source of money, but also an opportunity for
The people from Earth will be able to visit the settlement for leisure or
business purposes because Aurora not only provides a great source of unique
landscapes, an extraordinary experience, but also a very good opportunity for affairs.
Before setting to the outer space, the visitors are going to be tested in order to see if


they are physically and emotionally capable to complete such a journey. They are
going to travel using commode and fast spaceships equipped with state of the art
technology . Although the costs are going to be very high at first, as the space
settlement concept will grow more and more popular and will extend, such a journey
will be affordable.

Human transport spaceship design

Hillside cabin prototype

visitors from Earth
will be provided
with a spa resort in
Bubble, cabin logs
Bubble and a lush
Downtown Bubble.
Also, in the
0g Sphere there is
arranged a special place where the inhabitants can have fun floating through the air.


Inside the bubbles, the green zones, boulevards, cafs and cinemas are
going to be the main attraction. Each of them being equipped with last generation
gadgets, they are going to represent unique and relaxing leisure points.

6.6.2 Recreational space transport

The recreational space transport can be ordered by any person currently
staying on the settlement and it will fulfill everybodys expectations regarding the
outer space tourism.
The mean of transport will be represented by spherical spaceships provided
with glass tubes, whose purpose is to make observation of the outer space more
In order to consume less energy, these spaceships driven by computers will
be launched from the docking sphere and wont consume any fuel during the
journey. When it is time for returning on the settlement, they are going to be caught
by fuelled robots called catchers, which will transport them on Aurora.

Recreational space transport ships


6.7 Medicine
Doctors, they currently represent some of the most important people from a
community. But what if we stated that their tasks will decrease at an enormous rate,
would you believe us? Well from the survey we carried out in our class, we are
certain that this is what our classmates also think. Medical survey

Question 1:

Do you think doctors will exist by the time our

Space Settlement will be built?


a) Yes - 12 answers
b) No - 0 answers
Question 2:
On a scale from 1 to 10 what importance do you
think robots will have in the medical system?

1 - 1 answer

7 - 3 answers

2 - 0 answers

8 - 3 answers

3 - 0 answers

9 - 1 answer

4 - 0 answers

10 - 3 answers


6 - 1 answer

Question 3:
Do you believe that automated machines will have
the ability to make precise diagnosis and recommend
a) Yes - 3 answers


b) No - 2 answers
c) Only with help from doctors - 7 answers


Question 4:

Do you think that microscopic robots will be

able to travel through the body, find malicious
cells and destroy them on the spot?


a) Yes - 8 answers
b) No - 2 answers

Yes,but only

c) Yes, but only with guidance - 2 answers

Question 5:
Would you feel comfortable if throughout your
stay in a hospital to only be treated by robots?
a) Yes - 2 answers
b) No - 10 answers


Question 6:
Do you think that an early diagnose gives you
more chances of survival?


a) Yes - 12 answers
b) No - 0 answers

The changes that we predicted to happen within the years until our settlement is
constructed are presented below. The topics we related to are the ones we consider
of greatest importance, therefore the medical system from Aurora will become selfexplanatory after we detail these ideas.

122 Doctors
As we said before, we consider that the duties of a doctor will change dramatically.
However, the preparation for a future doctor will be as rigorous as possible as
medicine is a science that provides future.
The role of socialization with patients will become more important even though the
surgery and prescriptions will be more accurate. As robotics, whether we speak
about nanorobots or surgery robots will have tighter connections to everyday healthcare the patients will feel the need to talk to someone, rather than listen to a
Also, the task of operating will fall to robots for a greater precision. However, the
robots will be programmed by the doctors. Machines that will be similar to todays
MRIs (Magnetic resonance imaging) will create 3D replicas of the patients body,
thus helping the doctor to program the robots. Nanomedicine
So what is nanomedicine? Its simplest definition states that it is the application of
nanotechnology in medicine. How could it help us? Well, were going to explain this
because the opportunities it seems to give are already exciting.
Fields where applications could be found:

Drug delivery

An application well known in the domain of nanomedicine is drug delivery.

The method of administration of drugs will change dramatically as nanoparticles will
be used. Their special characteristic will be the ability to transport the drugs exactly
to the source of the malicious cells, ensuring a direct delivery system.
This will guarantee more precision and smaller time periods for healing as
patients wont have to take an antibiotic for a week at least before it makes its effect.
This kind of particles will attach to cells like cancer tumors in order to heal the illness.
However, in order not to be recognized as foreign material they will need to be
covered or made out of proper substances.
Sending this kind of particles into the body will be a breakthrough in medicine.
However, what we hope to achieve is a constant flow in the blood vessels.
Therefore, we will introduce particles that will have different tasks in every
inhabitants blood:


Control particles / Location particles (they will patrol through the blood
vessels, and if they find any threat they will send a signal)
Transporter particles (particles that will encapsulate the drugs)
Aluminosilicate nanoparticles (particles that will help for the coagulation of
Stimulators (used to encourage cartilage growth)
Iron oxide nanoparticles (used for better results of MRIs)


Nanoparticles will be used for an early diagnose. From the ones mentioned above,
the first and the last will be of great help. The control particles will be used for
diagnosis in early stage. Moreover, magnetic nanoparticles will improve magnetic
resonance imaging by making tumors more visible.

Healing and cell repair

The advantages of nanomedicine are more extensive, thus drug delivery wont be
the only technique used for healing. Nanoparticles will have the ability of healing
infections. Also, they could be used to repair cells and do surgery at the cellular
level. Daily analysis

An important focus that medicine will have on our space settlement will be
prevention. In order to avoid the progress of a condition, settlers will be continuously
monitored in order to detect any signs of a developing one.
Every house will have various systems in order to detect anomalies in every family
members health. The main computer will scan their body temperature in order to
detect any anomaly. Also, the smart toilets will make urine tests and the
toothbrushes will test oral health. Showers will be sophisticated devices which will be
capable of taking radiographies and scanning cerebral activity.
What is more, every inhabitant will have more sets of intelligent underwear. Its main
characteristics and the benefits it will bring to medicine are outlined in the chapter
designated to industry.
Of course, for better and more complex examinations the settlers will have the
possibility of going to the clinic.

124 Surgery
The results of our previous survey show that over half of our classmates
believe that doctors wont do surgery anymore. This is exactly what we also believe.
However, even if nanotechnology will be advanced enough to replace some basic
surgeries, patients will still need operations.
In order to maximize the percentage of success, surgeries need to be done
with more precision. Nowadays doctors are being trained in order to achieve this
level. Until full preparation mistakes can be done during the training process. This is
why we think that robots will do both minor and major operations on the settlement. Resonance imaging technique

Medical appliances like MRIs will evolve taking medicine to the next level.
The machines will create replicas of patients in 3D. In one room the patient will be
scanned while in the other one the replica will appear on a table similar to the
surgery table.
The doctor will be able to select sections from the projected body lifting them
and carrying them with him wherever he finds it useful. Also, any part of the body
can be removed in order for a closer study.
The MRIs will be more accurate with the help of magnetic nanoparticles.

MRI machine

125 Surgery robots

After taking the MRI the doctor will start planning the surgery. When the best
solution is found, he will perform the surgery on the replica. If the procedure turns out
to be successful, the robots will make it in exactly the same way on the patient. Also,
for the most common surgical procedures, the robots will be able to operate on their
own, supervised by a doctor but without the data coming from the replica of that
exact pacient. Artificial blood

Because blood transfusions may be necessary and blood is difficult to store
we believe that artificial blood should be produced. This would reduce the need of
blood donations and would eliminate the risk of not finding a suitable donor. Organ farm

As medicine will reach the stage where organs will be artificially reproduced
we considered that our space settlement should have an organ farm. Organs will be
created on-call, reproducing the exact ones that should have been replaced. The
section for this farm should be allocated in the main hospital for easy access. This
will eliminate unnecessary waiting hours for patients in need of a transplant. Hospitals
Even if treatment received at home is clearly more popular, we decided that
Aurora should also have a hospital. This will serve for major surgery and research.
However, for recovery, patients will also have the choice of staying home. We feel
that it is unnecessary to have clinics because it is more comfortable for an inhabitant
to find all the needed assistance in one place. Main hospital

The main hospital will have a pleasant appearance in order to make patients
feel as good as possible. Because the design of nowadays hospitals is quite tedious
we will try and make this one more welcoming.
It will be placed in the Downtown bubble. Having large rooms and grand
hallways, the hospital will resemble a gallery. The specialists of different domains will
be spread out, on categories. Therefore, when coming there not only will the settlers
feel like home, they will also have all the required assistance available in the same


The hospital wont have more than 50 beds which will host the patients that
have infectious diseases and the post-surgical ones that need permanent
Some of the departments of the hospital will be:

Infectious diseases
Emergency department
Neonatal care unit
Pediatrics Home hospitalization

If some patients are more comfortable with staying at home this choice should
be available. Therefore, one home in each room will have the ability to
metamorphose in a typical hospital room. If quarantine conditions are needed glass
walls will seal the room. The beds will be adjustable and the nightstands will have
the instruments needed for perfusions. An emergency button will be placed close to
the patient if anything unexpected happens.

6.8 Political system

6.8.1 General information
Although a space settlement represents a futuristic concept, any form of human
colony should have its rules and a group of nominated people to represent them.
This is the reason why our team has decided to conceive a lucrative political system,
in order to make the inhabitants feel as they belong to something bigger.
The form of organization for Aurora is going to be republican, following a democratic
regime. It is implied that considering the fact that a space settlement is a new form of
organisation, new systems have to be introduced. This means that the settlement will
be represented by an elected prime-minister and a government made of several
members who are going to depict a number of departments such as: education,
work and pensions, health, internal and external issues, culture, media and sport etc.
We consider that at this point there is no need for a president since the population
only consists of 16k inhabitants. Anyways, the absence of a president does not
mean that the colony wont be represented by a person. The prime-minister will be


the one who is appointed to manage the civil service and execute the directives of
the head of state.

6.8.2 Election phases

The elections are going to be organised before the departure of the colonists in
After choosing the inhabitants and having all of their contact details, there is going to
be introduced a mail-based information campaign in order to find suitable candidates
for prime-minster and ministers. Each of the mentioned positions is going to have up
to three nominees.
The nominees are going to be given time to organise campaigns, which will consist
of informing the future colonists about their capabilities, what qualifies them to
occupy a certain position, publishing their CVs , recorded speeches. A candidate
can also apply for more than one position.
When the election time comes, the voters will be provided with a mail voting
system, with name codes and passwords, keeping a high web security. This
represents a fast way of calculating the percentages and spreading the news. At
this point, each of the ministers should have been elected, and the run for primeminster will hold place between the candidate with the most votes and the first
runner up.
After a nominated time, the colonists are going to have to vote again for the position
of the prime-minister.
Also, each bubble is going to have a mayor and there will be provided a department
which will take care of the area administration.

6.8.3 Positions , duties and requirements

The highest position will be occupied by the prime-minister. He is going to represent
the population of the settlement and seek for their safety and prosperity.
N.B. The politics will not occupy a big part of the colonists lives. It should represent
a natural way of organisation, not at all a scandal source or a corruption space.
-degree in politics/law
-presentable figure


-strong-willed person
-possessing the qualities of a leader
One step lower on the scale there are going to be placed the minsters, which are
going to form the government.
Name of the department


Business, Innovation and Law

possessing qualities and
skills for the position
Culture, Media and Sport

customer affairs, innovations,
trade, training, provide laws
and conceive projects

Possessing qualities
skills for the position

and Administrate arts, creative

museums, sports issues,
provide laws and conceive
Possessing qualities and Administrate
skills for the position
system, hospitals,
Most likely to posses medical laws and conceive projects
Transports, environment, Possessing qualities and Administrate
food and rural affairs
skills for the position
animal health, flooding, food,
provide laws, administrate
transport issues
Education and Tourism
Possessing qualities and Child protection, education,
skills for the position
school and university issues,
tourism matters
Work and pensions
Possessing qualities and Administrate the welfare and
skills for the position
pension policy, ensure social
stability, provide laws and
conceive projects
Energy and climate change Possessing qualities and Energy
skills for the position
administrate electricity, oil
and gas, provide laws and
conceive projects


The next position on scale is represented by members of mentioned departments,

whose duties are to help the ministers and provide fast solutions to any question put
to light. Such a member can be part of up to 5 departments and also have another
job on the settlement.
The paper work is going to be replaced my robots and computer programmes in
order to minimize human effort and resources and avoid afferent errors.
Each bubble will also be provided a mayor and an administration elected after the
arrival of the colonists on the settlement.

6.8.4 Headquarters
The headquarters of the government and other administrations are going to be
located in the downtown area, in modern designed buildings and the access to them
is going to be based on digital amprents.

6.9 Law and order

Just like any other society, Aurora should guide itself on a thoroughly designed set of
laws whose purpose would be to ensure the welfare of its inhabitants.

6.9.1 Laws
Firstly, laws regarding all the aspects of life and all the institutions on the
space settlement will be issued and then gathered to make up a constitution. As life
on Aurora is meant to be as similar as it can possibly be to the one on Earth, so will
be this constitution.


6.9.2 Keeping the law

As far as this aspect is concerned, we hope that the selection method we chose for
the people taking part in this will prevent any major crime from happening. However,
to ensure that not even the smaller law offenses are being committed, Aurora will
have a Police Department which will supervise the inhabitants by various methods:

To begin with, access to different parts of the toruses or to different

buildings will be allowed only for people working or leaving in those places.
Depending on the type of building, visitors/ outsiders will have free access
only with a well defined reason or during an emergency. For example,
people not working in a hospital will enter the building only when coming to
consult the doctor on a medical condition or when visiting a relative with a
medical condition, people not working in the Police Department will go
there only when they have to make a complaint or when being called by a
police officer and so on. In this way, we hope to avoid situations such as
insane men coming to school with weapons to harm children, thieves
stealing from a shop or unauthorized people messing around with the
power supply system of the space settlement.
Furthermore, all this will be achieved with the help of a security system
installed on the doors of Aurora which will recognize people wanting to
pass through the door by their fingerprint and which will permit or prohibit
the access after consulting a complex and well structured database. This
systems purpose isnt only to prevent such extreme and rare cases of
criminality as presented above but also to keep track of the location of the
inhabitants which might come in handy in different situations.

In addition to the door installed security system, Aurora will have security
cameras supervising some of its major objectives: hospitals, banks,
government buildings etc.
In case of any law offense which might happen, people only have to call the
Police Department which will be ready to intervene and investigate the
case, or if necessary, put an end to the unpleasant situation. Among the
police facilities, there will be police cars, weapons, radars, an inner
communication system, a well equipped laboratory for conducting
investigations etc.

6.9.3 Breaking the law


If any inhabitant breaks the law he will suffer the consequences. Criminals
will be judged and punished according to the severity of their crime. On Aurora there
will be different levels of punishment according to the crime committed.
For instance, perpetrators of foul play will be deported to Earth for
prosecution. Prior to this they will be held in a confinement aboard Aurora awaiting
the next transport to Earth.
Less serious law offences will lead to imprisonment onboard the space
settlement for a number of days according to the sentence. Upon the release they
will be closely scrutinized. Any violation of their release agreement will lead to further
Finally, for misdemeanors, the punishment will be a fine, or community work.

6.10 Education system

As our space station will be a self-sustainable community, devising a
compulsory and free education system is necessary for our younger inhabitants. Our
system must provide the integral and harmonious development of human
individuality and the formation of self personality.
While we know what the system should offer the real dilemma is what should
our students learn in order to be prepared for the requirements of their later life. It is
clear that the teaching methods wont be the ones we are currently familiarized with
and the curriculum will suffer major changes.
Even if the technology required for electronic learning will be available, we
think that the students should be given the opportunity to choose whether they want
a computerized way of learning or whether they prefer the classical approach of
having a teacher. Either choice, they will still have to come to school for practical
sessions and at least two days for theory courses. We feel that not only does a
teacher have the ability to make children want to learn, also learning within a group
can develop competitiveness and thus desire to know better.
We believe that the curriculum should include various subjects. A table of the
main categories and recommended subjects can be found below.




Economics and Politics
Earth Studies
Computer Science


Observational Astronomy
Theoretical Astronomy
Solar System studies


Spacecraft engineering
Automatic engineering
Power Engineering




The students should have the freedom of choosing the subjects they are interested
in and have more classes of the chosen courses. However, they should not neglect
the rest of them.
The students will be assessed monthly at each category with a written exam and a
practical test. Once every year they will pass a global examination and will
afterwards be sorted by their level, not by their age. Students of all ages will learn
together, without being pulled down by the average level present within their age
group. Every child will have to attend at least 9 years of school, starting with the age
of 7. If they get at the highest level in the classes they are interested in they will have
the possibility to attend university courses related to the subjects and they will have
to attend school courses related to other themes. For the average student there will


be 12 years of school, time that should be enough to finish at least 3 classes related
to the same subject.
Physical activity will be mandatory. Each student will have to practice at least two
sports to keep fit, one of them being a team sport in order to increase cooperation
skills. They will have to choose from a variety of sports, ranging from basketball or
hockey to extreme sports such as snowboarding or sky-diving to new-generation
sports practiced in the 0G sphere.

Interactive table




In order to estimate the final costs of our settlement we must calculate the
total surface of all the modules, described in the following table :
Central 0g
Two small tori


Materials used
0,75 m thick
stainless steel


/ total



Build from 0,75m

thick steel ;
1600m covered
with mirror surface.

Two large tori


Living bubbles


18 spokes ( 500m
x 15m)
15 spokes ( 840m
x 20m)
Central axle (
1800m x 50 m )

/ torus
/ total

/ torus
/ total

/ total

0,75 m thick steel,

also glass

1 m thick Titanium
+ glass

1,25m thick
Titanium, 1,25 m
thick reinforced
glass on the roof
Made of stainless
steel 0,75m thick

Total material price


Price ( USD )
77, 841, 820, 800
9, 382 ,931, 290
118, 827, 210,290

Total robot price

Robot type

Number of robots

Price of a robot
(in US dollars)

Total price
(in USD million)

Animal harvesting


3, 000, 000
2, 500, 000



House holding &
Laboratory &
Lunar mining


1, 000, 000
1, 000, 000
2, 000,000






6 ,000,000
5, 000,000
8 ,000,000




Price / unit
(in USD

Total price
(in USD million)

Total devices price


Number of units

Medium tablet
Big tablet




Other expenses
Worker retribution $125,000 / year /
Moon Extraction Facility
Solar Satellites
Fission Reactor
Particle accelerator
Residential Houses
Other costs

Price ( USD million )


Total costs for Aurora: $ 234,342,710,290

Provided that the ratio between quality and price is the optimal one, we
consider that the total costs for Aurora will be worth spending.



Even if the amount of work we put in for this project was enormous we feel that the
experience was one of the greatest we had during our years as students. Not only
was the idea of having an orbital colony absolutely inspiring, but when we were given
the chance to make a design of our own, our enthusiasm grew even more.
This enthusiasm had an important role in keeping us motivated during all the
problems we encountered and all the nights we didnt sleep in order to thoroughly
finish the project.
Learning about new concepts and technical details was exquisite. However the
greatest part was the fact that the decision of becoming affiliated with such a domain
now seems to be a probable one as through this project, NASA gave us the
opportunity to think through possibilities that have never before crossed our mind.
We discovered new side of ourselves, improving our communication skills and our
ability to work conscientiously.
For us, Aurora is a dream place, the place where we hope our children and
grandchildren will spend their lives.


References per chapter

1: Executive summary
T.A. Heppenheimer (1977) : Colonies in Space, Warner books
NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study - NASA/ASEE/Stanford University , 1975

2: Location
T.A. Heppenheimer (1977) : Colonies in Space, Warner books
NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study - NASA/ASEE/Stanford University, 1975


3: Structural design
NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study, NASA/ASEE/Stanford University, 1975

4: Science and Technology

An introduction to Particle Accelerators - E.J.N. Wilon, Oxford, 2001


NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study, NASA/ASEE/Stanford University, 1975

AAAS (1993). Benchmarks for Science Literacy. New York: Oxford University Press
Richard Feynman, QED, strania teorie despre lumina si materie, Pergament, Bucharest, 2007.
Steven Weinberg, Descoperirea particulelor subatomice, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2007.
Richard Feynman, Despre caracterul legilor fizicii, Pergament, Bucharest, 2007.
Michael Fowler, Modern Physics, spring 199 class, www.virginia.edu.
Frank Crawford, The Berkeley Physics Course, vol. III Waves, EDP, Bucharest, 1983.
Viorel Malinovschi, Didactica fizicii, EDP, Bucharest, 2003.

5: Food, water, climate

T.A. Heppenheimer (1977) : Colonies in Space, Warner books


NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study, NASA/ASEE/Stanford University, 1975


6: Social infrastructure
NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study, NASA/ASEE/Stanford University, 1975

7: Costs
NASA Ames/Stanford 1975 Summer Study, NASA/ASEE/Stanford University, 1975


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