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Abstract: Using a set of scenarios derived from actual evaluation studies, this simulation study
examines the reported influence of evaluation information on decision makers potential actions. Each
scenario described a context where one of three types of evaluation information (large-scale study
data, case study data, or anecdotal accounts) is presented and a specific decision needs to be made.
Participants were asked to indicate which type of data presented would influence their decision making. Results from 131 participants indicate that participants were influenced by all types of information,
yet large-scale and case study data are more influential relative to anecdotal accounts; certain types of
evaluation data are more influential among certain groups of decision makers; and choosing to use one
type of evaluation data over the other two depends on the independent influence of other types of evaluation data on the decision maker, as well as prior beliefs about program efficacy.
valuation utilization is arguably the most researched area of evaluation and it also
receives substantial attention in the theoretical literature. By this time, we have come to
reasonable, but not universal, agreement on a definition of use, that is, the effect the evaluation has on the evaluandthe thing being evaluatedand those connected to the evaluand.
Thus, use is a central outcome of any evaluation, because without it, evaluation cannot contribute to one of its primary objectives, social betterment.
American Journal of Evaluation, Vol. 28 No. 1, March 2007 8-25
DOI: 10.1177/1098214006298065
2007 American Evaluation Association
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Figure 1
Levels and Mechanisms Through Which Evaluation Produces Influences
Attitudes and
Attitude Change
Change Agent
Social Norms
Skill Acquisition
Collective Action
(Public & Private
Agenda Setting
Behavior Change
Terms such as conceptual use, instrumental use, process use, and symbolic use have seeped
into our evaluation lexicon and help to describe this central dimension of evaluation. Kirkhart
(2000), for example, and others (e.g., Henry, 2000; Henry & Mark, 2003; Weiss, MurphyGraham, & Birkeland, 2005) have argued, however, that describing the changes that occur as a
result of an evaluation as evaluation use is limiting and they are better understood if referred to
as evaluation influence. The term evaluation influence, according to Kirkhart, moves past the
term use, which was originally associated with data-based (or results-based) evaluation findings.
She argues that influence is an umbrella term that addresses the conceptual limitations and simplifies the awkward language used to describe evaluation use beyond results-based use, such as
process use and symbolic use.
Compared with evaluation use, the empirical literature on evaluation influence is sparse
and relatively little is known about the specifics of how evaluation may influence decision
makers attitudes and actions. Henry and Gordon (2004) maintain that there is only limited
research that unpacks how evaluations wield their influence (p. 4) and the influence of evaluation on program, policy, or participant improvement.
Mark (2004) argues that although the need for more empirically derived evaluation practice
has been stressed for almost four decades, we are largely a field of expert-based . . . evaluation
practice, rather than an evidence-based evaluation practice (p. 1). He poses several broad questions about evaluation practice and its effect, including, How do we know which types of evaluation are more likely to make what kinds of contributions? (p. 1). Mark also suggests that such
Christina A. Christie, Claremont Graduate University, 123 E. 8th Street, Claremont, CA 91711; phone: (909)
607-9020; e-mail: [email protected].
Authors Note: The author wishes to thank Katie Martin for her support with conducting this study and Sanjeev
Sridharan for his helpful editorial feedback and comments.
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ambitious research questions may be understood if we begin with more simple research questions that will build a body of evidence that could be considered collectively. This study is an
attempt to understand a quite specific area of evaluation influence, that is, the reported influence
of evaluation information on decision makers potential actions, in hopes that we will develop a
greater understanding of the relative benefits of different evaluation practices.
Henry and Mark (2003) and Mark and Henry (2004) offer a framework for developing a
better understanding of evaluation influence, which serves as the conceptual foundation (and
inspiration) for this study. Their framework, depicted in Figure 1, has three levels: individual,
interpersonal, and collective. Each level is further explained by identifying specific mechanisms, measurable outcomes, and forms of influence.
This study examines the first level of evaluation influence, the individual. It is intended to
provide a general understanding of the types of information decision makers (i.e., a specific
actor in an evaluation) report as having influence on decisions related to programs. This study
is intended to contribute to what I hope will one day become a larger body of literature on
evaluation influence, which, as Mark suggests, can be examined collectively to develop an
empirical literature on the evaluation process.
Presented in this article is a descriptive analog (Mark, 2004) or simulation study. As such,
a set of scenarios derived from actual evaluation studies was constructed (as opposed to using
real events experienced by study participants during an evaluation with which they had been
involved). Each scenario describes a context where one of three types of evaluation information, large-scale study data, case study data (occasionally referred to as small-scale study data
in this article), or anecdotal accounts, is presented and a specific decision needs to be made.
Participants were then asked to indicate the extent to which the type of information presented
would influence their decision. As such, this study offers a first step in understanding the
complex web of factors that influence decision makers choices.
The questions guiding this study are summarized:
What is the likelihood that evaluation information will influence decision makers actions?
Are certain types of data reported to be more influential?
When asked about relative influence, which data source do decision makers choose?
build from Kirkharts model a theory of evaluation influence that identifies multiple levels,
pathways, and mechanisms in an effort to explain influence. A version of this model is shown
in Figure 1.
Henry and Mark (2003) and Mark and Henry (2004) identify three levels of influence:
individual, interpersonal, and collective. At each level, they have identified between four and
six mechanisms (change processes or outcomes), derived from social science literature, that
may occur as a result of an evaluation. At the individual level, the authors refer to changes
that occur in an individuals knowledge, attitudes, opinions, or actions as a result of the evaluation process or results. At this level, six mechanisms and measurable outcomes are identified: attitudinal change, salience, elaboration, priming, skill acquisition, and behavior change.
The interpersonal level describes changes that occur as a result of interactions between individuals. Here, five mechanisms are identified: justification, persuasion, change agent, social
norms, and minority-opinion influence. The third level, the collective, depicts the direct or
indirect influence of evaluation on the decisions and practices of organizations, whether
public or private (Henry & Mark, 2003, p. 298). Four mechanisms further define this level,
which include agenda setting, policy-oriented learning, policy change, and diffusion.
This study focuses on decision making, a dimension of the behavioral change process
mechanism at the individual level. Henry and Mark (2003) describe behavioral change as a
mechanism that connotes changes in what individuals do, in terms of the delivery of, or participation in, a program or process. Skills involve cognition and action (p. 299). They suggest that this is an important mechanism when attempting to understand instrumental use, that
is, the more direct or immediate use of evaluation information for decision making. To clarify how various kinds of information influence decision makers actions, study participants
were presented scenarios containing one of three kinds of information: large-scale study data,
case study data, and anecdotal accounts. These three types of information do not exhaust the
various categories or types of evaluation information that is generated by todays professional
evaluators. However, they are qualitatively different from each other, thus offering distinct
categories, and represent three general, important, and common categories of information
used by decision makers (Tan & Halpern, 2006). Scenarios call for an immediate decision
and, as such, link the influence of different types of information to instrument use. Thus,
Henry and Marks model provides a useful conceptual framework for this study, which investigates the influence of particular types of evaluation information on decision makers.
Participant Recruitment and Study Procedure
The main study sample was recruited from two academic educational leadership advanced
degree programs, administered at a large public research university located in California. These
two highly regarded advanced degree programs have a long history of training educational
leaders and, as such, offered a larger sample of individuals working in leadership roles and
positions, with varying years of leadership experience, working in a variety of contexts.
Education programs have been targets of evaluation inquiry for decades, and as a result, educational leaders are regularly asked to make decisions about programs presumably using some
type of evaluation information. As such, they were a particularly appropriate sample for investigating the relationship between evaluation information and evaluation influence.
The program directors were contacted and asked for permission to survey current students as
well as program alums. An e-mail soliciting voluntary participation was sent to a sample of 297
people from the program directors (but written by the researcher), which explained the purpose
of the study and provided an html link to the online study instrument. The instrument was hosted
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on a popular Web-based survey service. Participants did not receive compensation for participation. To ensure a reasonable sample size and to offer a comparative group of decision makers, a
small sample (n = 29) of program directors was also recruited from a large California county
health department. Directors of county health department programs were sent the identical
e-mail from a senior program director. Data were collected over a 1-month period during fall 2004.
Simulation as a Method of Measuring Decision Making
The use of simulation studies in evaluation research is well documented in the literature.
Some of the most notable studies were conducted by Brown, Braskamp, and Newman from 1978
to 1985 (Braskamp, 1980; Brown, Braskamp, & Newman, 1978, 1982; Brown & Newman,
1982; Brown, Newman, & Rivers, 1985; Ory & Braskamp, 1981). These studies are an important part of the evaluation empirical literature and have provided central insights into evaluation
use. In particular, simulation studies provided a way to empirically study factors related to use
being discussed in the literature (Alkin, Daillak, & White, 1979; Patton, 1997) in a systematic
and controlled manner. For example, by randomly assigning stakeholders to different simulation
contexts, Brown, Newman, and Rivers were able to examine the likelihood of evaluation utilization given varying evaluator characteristics (Braskamp, 1980; Brown et al., 1982), report
styles (jargon free or jargon filled; Brown et al., 1978; Brown & Newman, 1982), and contentiousness of the evaluation context (Brown et al., 1985). As the use of simulations grew,
Brown, Braskamp, and Newman (1982) conducted a meta-analysis of those simulation studies
related to use.
The validation of simulation studies has been a topic of intense discussion in the literature
of many disciplines using simulations (e.g., Dickson, Whitely, & Faria, 1990; ONeil, Allred,
& Dennis, 1997; Prohaska, Keller, Leventhal, & Leventhal, 1987; Rausser & Johnson, 1975;
Ward, 1954). Simulations can be validated by examining their level of fidelity,1 conceptual
validity,2 convergent validity,3 internal validity, and external validity (Feinstein & Cannon,
2002). Although the validation methods are meant to increase the realism and applicability of
simulation studies, all researchers recognize that the main limitation of simulations is that
participants are making riskless choices (Ward, 1954), meaning that when responding,
participants do not have to deal with the real consequences of their decisions. Although this
limitation reduces the realism of any simulation, studies that compared simulation results
to other empirical methods found that simulation studies produced similar results to other
methodological approaches (e.g., Cannon & Burns, 1999; ONeil et al., 1997; Smith,
Winer, & George, 1983). Thus, even though there are some limitations, simulations should
still be considered a useful tool for the systematic examination of theoretical propositions
in evaluation.
Study Instrument
The instrument was developed and pilot tested by the researcher. It was designed to capture
the influence of three types, or sources, of evaluation information: large-scale evaluation study
data, case study evaluation data, and anecdotes. The scenarios presented in the instrument were
derived from real evaluation situations and address decisions related to the following kinds of
programs: pedestrian safety, substance abuse prevention, literacy instruction, school-based
consensus decision making, preschool programs, after-school programs, university-sponsored
high school academic outreach programs, learning communities, civic participation, and mentoring programs. To develop the scenarios, the researcher conducted open-ended interviews
with five practicing evaluators, asking each to describe at least three real situations that might
be used for a simulation study examining the effect of different types of information on decision makers. Each interview lasted between 90 minutes and 2 hours. The situations described
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by the evaluators were then used to develop the scenarios used in the instrument. Each evaluator was asked to review the scenarios derived from their own experiences for feedback and
accuracy, and scenarios were then revised based on the evaluators suggestions.
The instrument was divided into four sections. Section 1 contains 10 items intended to measure participants beliefs about the efficacy of the programs that were presented in the scenarios. Items in section 1 were included to measure and control for biases about the programs
presented in the scenarios that could have potentially influenced participants responses.
Items in section 2 measured the effect of the three specific kinds of evaluation information
on decisions. Three questions were included for each type of evaluation data, and the influence of information was measured using a 9-point scale that contained response options ranging from not at all to somewhat to very much.
Decision making is a complex process and is difficult to study in any context. Scenarios have
a long history of use in the study of decision making (e.g., Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986; Ford &
Richardson, 1994; Hodgkinson, Bown, Maule, Glaister, & Pearman, 1999; Pablo, 1994). Thus,
a simulation study design was chosen for this study. However, it was important to communicate
to participants that the scenarios presented were not intended to capture the complexity of decision making. To be sure that scenarios did not go beyond the scope of the purpose of the study,
they were written to be focused on data type and, to avoid confusion, did not offer extensive
detail about the situation beyond the most pertinent information. Rather, each scenario was
designed to isolate a single factor, information type, on decision makers potential actions. To
ensure that participants were clear about the purpose and scope of the scenarios, the lead-in to
section 2 stated:
The purpose of this study is to better understand the way people make decisions related to
programs. To follow are 9 short scenarios. Following each scenario you are asked to imagine yourself in a decision making role, and then to indicate the extent to which the information presented
in the scenario would influence your decision making. We understand that decision making is a
complex process and often requires careful consideration of many factors and information from a
variety of sources, including context, politics and personalities. The scenarios presented are simple
by design. This is not meant to diminish the complexity of decision making, but to help us understand the impact of specific kinds of information on decisions.
Each of the nine items in section 2 presented a scenario describing a situation where evaluation information was to be used to make a decision. Scenarios had no specific mention of only
quantitative or qualitative data. Instead, descriptions either implied the kind of data that were collected or, when there was specific reference to data, both quantitative and qualitative data were
mentioned in the scenario. There were three scenarios for each of the three evaluation information types. An example of a scenario for each evaluation information type is presented in Table 1.
In section 3, participants were asked to imagine four different situations where they would
need information for decision making. Following each of the four scenarios were three
responses, one related to each of the three types of information, and participants were asked
to choose the one that would most likely influence their decision making. These items were
intended to measure relative evaluation information type preference. An example of an item
from section 3 follows:
21. Imagine that last year your school implemented a substance-abuse prevention curriculum.
This same curriculum was implemented across your state. Participating in a statewide evaluation
of the curriculum are 1500 students from 50 schools. Your school, however, was NOT selected as
one of the evaluation sites. You have to decide whether to revise the curriculum at your school for
the following year.
Table 1
Sample Survey Items: Scenarios
Data Type
14. A study funded by the Department of Education collected data from over
Large-scale evaluation
24,000 students throughout the United States. The results indicated that
study data
after-school programs have no statistically significant impact on childrens
academic achievement. However, the study found after school programs to
have a positive impact on students social behavior. Imagine that you have been
asked to increase funding for an after-school program at your school. Please
indicate the extent to which this information would influence your decision to
increase funding for after-school programs.
12. A case study of school governance conducted at a local district found that
Case study/small-scale
when a consensus decision-making model was adopted, schools were managed
evaluation study data
more effectively, as indicated by both qualitative and quantitative measures.
Imagine that you are in charge of a large urban school and a state mandate has
come down requiring you to specify and implement a new school governance
model. Please indicate the extent to which you would consider adopting a
consensus decision-making model based on these case study data.
16. A local newspaper published an article highlighting a community colleges
Anecdotal accounts
experience with learning communities. It was reported that learning
communities increase the retention and academic success of at-risk students.
Imagine that you are an administrator at a community college where the majority
of students are at risk. Please indicate the extent to which this information would
influence your decision to make funding available for faculty who were interested
in implementing learning communities in their classrooms.
Please check the information that would most likely influence your decision.
As a measure of consistency, section 3 also included a repeat item, that is, an item already
asked earlier in the instrument (thus, only four of the five items included in section 3 were
unique items). The correlation between the two identical items was .9.
Section 4 of the instrument included six demographic items: gender, race/ethnicity, age category,
highest degree obtained, subject area of highest degree, and type of institution at which employed.
The instrument was pilot tested for readability and understandability using a sample of 14
program directors and academic deans from a Southern California community college. Each
pilot study participant was asked to complete the instrument and note any words or phrases
that needed revision in any way. A focus group was held immediately after participants completed the instrument about the instrument and its administration. Two focus groups were conducted, one with eight and the other with six participants. Data from the focus groups were
used to revise the instrument.
A total of 326 individuals were contacted to participate in this study, and 131 (40%) completed the questionnaire online. All graduates of the two educational leadership programs
described previously and all of the program directors at a large county health department were
asked to participate in the study. The majority of the study sample was female and either
Caucasian or Latino/a. Most participants also had an advanced degree in education or school
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Table 2
Characteristics of the Sample (n = 131)
Younger than 30
Asian/Pacific Islander
Mixed race/ethnicity
Highest degree obtained
Degree program
Evaluation/research methods
Public health
School administration
None of the above
Institution employed
Government agency
Public K-12 district office
K-12 school
a. Column totals may not add to the total sample size because of missing data.
administration and, at the time of survey administration, were employed in a related field (see
Table 2).
Using natural cutoff points internal to the scale and defined a priori, three categories were
created for responses to each question in section 2 to summarize the influence of each type of
data on decision making. The categories, greatly influenced, somewhat influenced, and not at
all influenced, were then used to describe the extent to which decision makers were influenced by information from large-scale evaluation studies, case studies, and anecdotes.
Analysis proceeded in four stages to accomplish the goals and answer the questions laid out
at the beginning of the study. In the first stage, the researcher looked at characteristics of the
sample and the extent to which participants were influenced by types of evaluation information.
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In the second stage, differences in the influence of evaluation data were examined across
demographic groups. Third, relationships between types of data were examined. Finally, factors that were associated with choosing to use one type of information over the other two were
examined. This article presents results from logistic regression models and uses odds ratios
and 95% confidence intervals to describe and interpret associations. Readers should keep in
mind that these analyses are descriptive in nature and thus are not intended to provide predictive conclusions about what types of information influence decision makers.
What Is the Likelihood That Evaluation Data Will
Influence Decision Makers Actions?
The questions included in section 2 of the study instrument presented a scenario, and then
participants were asked how this information would influence their decisions when implementing or planning for various health and educational programs. Descriptive analyses indicate that, overall, participants were likely to use all three types of evaluation data. The vast
majority of participants reported that large-scale evaluation study data, case study data, and
anecdotes would greatly or somewhat influence their actions. Furthermore, each type of information greatly influenced approximately 50% of participants. Very few participants reported
that data would not influence their decisions at all, with the exception of anecdotal accounts
(see Table 3).
Are Certain Types of Data Reported to Be More Influential?
Descriptive analyses indicate that, overall, a similar distribution of participants reported
being greatly, somewhat, or not at all influenced by each type of evaluation information (see
Table 3). However, type of evaluation information was found to be more influential among
certain groups of decision makers. In particular, it was found that the extent of influence differed by educational background, sector of employment, and the degree to which decision
makers were influenced by other types of evaluation data (presented in Tables 4 and 5).
As expected, differences in the influence of data from large-scale evaluation studies, case
studies, and anecdotes were not observed across age, sex, and race (these results are not
reported in tables). Although degree of influence did not vary markedly across these demographic groups, the influence of large-scale evaluation study data differed between participants
who received degrees or were employed in the field of education and the rest of the sample
(see Table 4). The odds of being greatly influenced by large-scale study data were much less
(OR = .35) among participants who were employed at public K-12 schools or district offices.
Similarly, it was observed that participants who received their degree in education or school
administration were .57 times less likely to be influenced by large-scale study data.
Furthermore, strong positive associations were observed between the influences of largescale and case study evaluation data. The influence of case study evaluation data was also
strongly associated with that of anecdotes. However, an association between the influence of
information from large-scale evaluation studies and anecdotes was not found. Thus, participants who were greatly influenced by large-scale evaluation study data were not more likely
to use anecdotal accounts in the decision-making process and vice versa. However, decision
makers who were greatly influenced by case study data were 5.77 times more likely to report
that they would use large-scale evaluation study data and almost equally as likely (OR = 5.48)
to report using anecdotes to inform their decisions.
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Table 3
Percentage of Participants Endorsing Each Data Type (n = 131)
Section 2
Influence of large-scale study data
Not at all
Influence of case study evaluation data
Not at all
Influence of anecdotes
Not at all
Section 3
Relative influence
Data chosen to implement a pedestrian
safety program
Large scale
Case study
Data chosen to implement a substance abuse
prevention program
Large scale
Case study
Data chosen to implement a program within
ones organizationb
Large scale
Case study
Data chosen to implement a program within
ones organizationb
Large scale
Case study
Data chosen to implement a program within
ones organizationc
Large scale
Case study
a. Column totals may not add to the total sample size because of missing data.
b. When suspected to receive resistance from staff.
c. When in favor of program that has not been proven successful.
Table 4
The Influence of Information From Large-Scale Evaluations:
Differences by Degree Program and Employment Sectora
(n = 63)
Degree program
Education or school
Other degree
Institution employed
Public K-12 school or
district office
Other institution
Not Greatly
(n = 42)
95% CI
p Value
0.22, 1.61
0.14, 1.00
Table 5
Associations Between Types of Evaluation Data: Odds of Being
Greatly Influenced by Large-Scale Study, Case Study,
and Anecdotal Informationa
Large Scale
Large scale
Greatly influenced
Not greatly influenced
Case study
Greatly influenced
Not greatly influenced
Greatly influenced
Not greatly influenced
95% CI
p Value
2.5, 19.8
0.2, 1.9
Case Study
95% CI
p Value
95% CI
p Value
2.1, 15.2
0.2, 1.9
2.3, 15.7
2.1, 13.8
data (see Table 3). Also of interest, relative influence of large-scale evaluation study data
was highest when participants were asked about implementing a program in their own organization (see Table 3).
Using logistic regression, no differences were found in the relative influence of evaluation
data across demographic groups, which, again, was expected (not reported in table).
As seen in Table 6, it was found that relative influence was associated with the independent
influence of certain types of data, specifically when examining the decision to implement a
pedestrian safety program. Being greatly influenced by large study and anecdotal information
corresponded with choosing to use that particular type of information in decision making. It was
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Case Study
(n = 47)
(n = 46)
(n = 12)
1.1, 11.8
0.1, 1.0
0.2, 1.9
0.9, 6.2
95% CI
Large Scale
p Value
0.2, 1.8
0.6, 3.9
0.3, 2.4
0.2, 1.5
95% CI
p Value
Case Study
0.0, 0.8
0.6, 15.8
0.5, 13.1
0.0, 1.3
95% CI
p Value
Large scale
Greatly influenced
Not greatly influencedb
Case study
Greatly influenced
Not greatly influencedb
Greatly influenced
Not greatly influencedb
Program beliefs
Didnt agree
Level of Influence
Relative Choice
Table 6
The Relative Influence of Three Data Sources on Implementing a Hypothetical Pedestrian
Safety Program: Odds of Choosing to Use One Type of Information Over the Other Twoa
found that the odds of using large study results compared with case study results or anecdotal
information was 2.44 times greater for participants who were greatly influenced by large study
information. Similarly, the odds of using anecdotal information compared to information from
large or case studies were 3.18 times greater for participants who were greatly influenced by
anecdotal information.
Conversely, participants who were greatly influenced by anecdotal information had less
than half the odds (OR = 0.42) of using large study information over case study and anecdotal
information. And, participants who were greatly influenced by large-scale study information
had 0.29 times the odds of using anecdotal information over large and case study information.
No correspondence was found between the degree of influence of case study information and
choice to use case study information over other types of information.
Participants who agreed that pedestrian safety programs were important had 3.69 times the
odds of using large study information rather than case study or anecdotal information, and had
0.19 times the odds of using anecdotal information over the other two. This was consistent
with results of other conditions.
This article contributes to a better understanding of a specific but relevant question about
evaluation influence: Which types of information reportedly influence decision makers
potential actions? The results presented herein offer an empirical measure of the reported
effect of evaluation data on decision making and aid in answering the three questions presented in the introduction of this article.
Participants were influenced by all three types of information, yet, in general large-scale and case study
data, they tend to be more influential relative to anecdotal accounts.
Descriptive analyses indicate that the vast majority of participants were somewhat or
greatly influenced by all types of evaluation data and very few participants reported not being
influenced at all. These results suggest that people in decision-making roles rely on different
types of information when making decisions. Thus, it can be presumed that when faced with
real, live decisions, the complexities presented by the various social and political factors
(which were not seriously considered in the scenarios presented in this study) may well be of
greater influence than type of evaluation information (Granville, 1977). This suggests that
although an evaluator may be aware of some of the particular factors influencing decision
makers decisions, when developing studies, it may be most advantageous for evaluators to
ask decision makers specifically to identify the particular types of evaluation information that
they believe would be most influential given the social and political context of the evaluation.
Results indicate that when examining relative influence of evaluation information type,
large-scale study data were always chosen over anecdotal accounts. In one of the five scenarios, case study data were chosen most frequently, relative to the others, and in another scenario, large-scale and case study were evenly selected by participants. This points to the
decision makers desire for both broad and more in-depth information when making decisions
about programs, thus reflecting the need for evaluation studies that are designed to yield both
types of information.
In one scenario, an anecdotal account was chosen more frequently relative to case study
information (however, in this scenario, large study data were chosen most frequently relative
to the other two types of information). Although this occurred in only one scenario, this suggests
that, although not very frequently, anecdotal evidence may be seriously considered by decision
makers in particular circumstances. This finding substantiates what has been described as the
power of a good anecdote. For example, when presenting a paper on applied psychology,
Diane Halpern, then president of the American Psychological Association, told a story of
going before a U.S. Congressional committee to present research study findings, and immediately prior to her appearance before the group, a congressional aid advised her to tell a
good story when describing the implications of the research (Tan & Halpern, 2006). Thus,
evaluators should not necessarily dismiss the influence of anecdotal evidence but rather
acknowledge that it does, in some cases, have influence. Therefore, distinguishing between
case studies (which involve rigorous systematic data collection) and anecdotal accounts
(which are better described as case examples) and the limitations related to each is advantageous when decision makers are considering such information for program decisions.
Choosing to use one type of evaluation data over the other two may depend on the independent influence of other types of evaluation data on the decision maker, as well as his or her prior beliefs about
program efficacy.
The influence of each type of information was associated with the influence of one or both
of the other types of evaluation data. This study found that participants who were greatly influenced by large-scale evaluation study data were not more likely to use anecdotal accounts in the
decision-making process and the reverse was also true. This suggests that those who prefer
large-scale data were more likely to discern the methodological differences between case studies and anecdotes (or case examples). It may be that those who are influenced by large-scale
data better understand the strength and rigor of a case study compared to that of an anecdotal
account. However, decision makers who were greatly influenced by case study data were likely
to report that they would use both large-scale evaluation study data and anecdotes to inform their
decisions. It may be that those who are influenced by case study data are more likely to use a
story or account in some decision-making situations but, in other situations, see the value of
using large-scale study information to inform decision making. This points to the need for a
better understanding of how case study information and anecdotal accounts are used, and conditions under which those who tend to be more influenced by case studies use information
yielded from large-scale studies for decision making. In sum, the results from the analysis of
relative influence highlight a need for a better understanding of how types of evaluation data are
related, are used alone, or are used in combination with each other.
This study also found that prior beliefs about program efficacy were associated with relative influence of evaluation information. Compared with those who did not agree, participants
who agreed that pedestrian safety programs are effective and their implementation beneficial
had increased odds of using data from large-scale evaluation studies and decreased odds of
using anecdotes to implement such a program. This suggests that when decision makers
believe in a program, they are less likely to be influenced by a story, be it an in-depth case
study or an anecdotal account. Once convinced of a programs efficacy, decision makers were
more likely to use large-scale study data to influence their decisions, thus suggesting that
large-scale study data are more influential when one is looking to confirm prior beliefs. This
finding offers a potentially interesting avenue for further empirical work.
Certain types of evaluation data may be more influential among certain groups of decision makers.
For the most part, the influence of evaluation data did not vary across subgroups of the
sample. However, participants with degrees in education and working in fields related to
Downloaded from by ticu dorina on October 5, 2009
education were less likely to use large-scale study evaluation data. This finding is worthy of
discussion and, I believe, may be best understood in light of todays politics.
As most evaluators are aware, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) offers preference to
funding educational programs that have been, are currently, or will be tested using randomized
control trials (RCT). The academic debate on this topic has been lively and emotionally charged
at times (for examples, see Donaldson & Christie, 2005; Scientific Culture, 2002). Many
school administrators have opposed the legislation for a variety of reasons, including the RCT
stipulation. When examining the results of this study in this political context, it may be that those
opposed to the NCLB RCT stipulation have chosen to reject evidence from studies resembling
experiments (or quasi-experiments) and what is being observed is a backlash on the part of decision makers incensed by NCLB. This, of course, is just speculation. Alternatively, because many
educational evaluation studies have not employed RCT designs, it may be that educational decision makers are less familiar with the strengths offered by these study designs or are less accustomed to or comfortable with information generated from these types of studies and thus are less
likely to be influenced by it. Whether or not these explanations are even in part legitimate, this
finding has important (negative) implications for evaluators designing large-scale quasi- or experimental designs for answering questions about educational program effectiveness.
Henry and Marks Framework: Some Empirical Insights
When considering the results of this study within the context of Henry and Marks framework, it should be recognized that many factors, which have been identified by others (e.g.,
Alkin et al., 1979; Patton, 1997; Patton et al., 1977), influence the individual level of their
model. This study addresses, within the context of this framework, the reported influence of
different types of information on decision makers (i.e., individuals) decisions. Findings offer
empirical insight into the kinds of information reported to be influential, as well as the relative influence of such information. Of interest was the extent to which specific types of evaluation information are influential given a decision makers prior beliefs about program
efficacy. Related to this is the relationship between types of evaluation and this framework.
The Henry and Mark framework focuses on an individuals attitudes and behavior (see
Figure 1). This study examined decision makers actions, which are behaviors, and the extent to
which prior beliefs about a programs effectiveness may affect an action or behavior, but did not
examine attitudes. Study findings indicate that all three types of information influence decision
makers decisions. Decisions are actions (i.e., a behavior), thus suggesting that each of the three
information types tested in this study may influence an individuals behavior. Prior beliefs about
program efficacy were also found to influence decision makers. Therefore, when examining the
various pathways to individual influence within the context of the framework, it may be valuable to also consider the influence that evaluation information may have on individuals beliefs,
in addition to what the current framework identifies: attitudes and behaviors.
In light of the study findings, there are some additional points to consider within the context of the Henry and Mark framework. Henry and Mark (2003) suggest that behavior change
at the individual level appears to be an important outcome in some evaluation theories,
including some participatory and empowerment approaches (p. 301). Although this study
focused specifically on decision makers, findings may offer insight into the types of information that influence individuals involved in evaluations more generally. Thus, we might
imagine that the findings of this study would also apply to other important program stakeholders, for example, program staff. Thus, when individual behavior change is a prescriptive
theoretical outcome of an evaluation, we might consider the types of information that are
more or less likely to influence an individuals behavior change.
Henry and Mark (2003) also suggest that in practice, the outcomes identified in their
model are connected like the links in a causal chain (p. 305). For example, an individuallevel attitudinal change might then cause changes in persuasion at the interpersonal level.
Borrowing from the health behavior literature (e.g., Rosenstock, Strecher, & Becker, 1988),
we know that changes in individuals attitudes and behaviors are linked. As a consequence,
the findings of this study related to the influence of different types of information at the individual behavioral level are also relevant when considering changes in attitude at the individual level. It would be likely, then, that the same type of information that decision makers
report influencing behavior would also influence attitude change, and perhaps even salience,
and elaboration.
Results from this study can inform further research on evaluation influence. For example,
future studies might examine the extent to which information generated from an evaluation
influences individuals attitudes, behavior, and beliefs and identify which of the three is most
influenced by evaluation information, and under what conditions. Extending the study sample to include program stakeholders other than decision makers would help identify whether
certain types of evaluation information are more likely to influence individuals with varying
roles and decision-making authority within program and organizational contexts. Finally, further research should look to examine how changes at the individual level of the Henry and
Mark framework might be linked to changes in other levels of the framework.
Study Limitations
The unreal nature of a simulation study raises concerns about the generalizability of findings from these studies to real-world situations. A shortcoming of using this method for this
study is that participants did not have to make an actual decision but, rather, were asked to speculate about the extent to which a particular type of information would be influential. Admittedly,
there are many factors not included in the scenarios that influence decision makers, as is often
the case with any simulation study design. For example, all of the cases presented in the scenarios assumed that rigorous, quality studies had been conducted (when examining larger scale
and case study data). The scenarios in this study were not designed to consider the trustworthiness of the studies, which would be a consideration in a real-world context, thus posing a limitation on the extent to which the scenarios may in fact reflect a more real context for some
participants. Efforts were taken to minimize such effects by using real evaluation studies to
derive the scenarios; however, there is no substitute for using situations in which participants
were actual actors and decisions were consequential.
Still, an argument can be made that there are benefits to developing an understanding of
the reported effect of different types of evaluation information via a simulation study. For
example, an advantage of a simulation study is that participants are asked to respond to the
scenarios focusing solely on the evaluation information type, which were free of the social
and political confounds that a real-life situation might bring. For the purpose of this investigation, simulation helped to isolate the effects of evaluation information. Nevertheless, the
results from this study should be considered in the context of its limitations and should be
tested further to see whether other methodological approaches would produce similar results.
In addition, the study sample was limited primarily to educational leaders. Findings suggest that the political context in which educational decision makers are currently working
may have influenced participants responses. Although there is no specific reason to assume
that educational decision makers are qualitatively different from decision makers in other
contexts, because the sample was indeed limited to this particular population, I would again
limit generalizing the results of this study beyond educational decision makers. I would also
suggest that further research be conducted with a broader sample of decision makers to validate the findings of this study across populations and contexts.
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