2015 Gerson RevisWinter
2015 Gerson RevisWinter
2015 Gerson RevisWinter
Sleep as
Patients Heal
Dr. Gersons
Book Today
Winter 2015
andra Rapp
was diagnosed
with breast
cancer in 1997 at the
age of 62. She had a
lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiation.
She considered it the
worst year of her life.
Fifteen years later, she
was diagnosed with
stage III uterine serous
carcinoma, an uncommon and aggressive
form of endometrial
cancer, and had a complete hysterectomy.
Her surgeons were
not able to remove all
the cancer, and said
she might live three
more years if she also
Sandra Rapp lost 89 pounds
did abdominal radiation and chemotherapy. She researched the
negative side effects of
abdominal radiation and felt she couldnt face it all again.
I am not going to be tortured to death, she said. There
are things worse than dying and I have been there. I would
rather die of carrot juice than chemotherapy. If she only
had three years to live, at least she would live healthily. She
got approval from her oncology surgeon to take six months
to try something else
before doing chemo and
The previous fall,
when her daughter took
a Gerson training program, Sandra first found
out about the Gerson
Therapy. She contacted Dr. Donato, a Gerson
practitioner in Oregon,
and got started on the
She had great support from her friends and family. One
friend volunteered to buy and deliver organic carrots to her
from Costco twice a week. I saw people who didnt recognize me and told me that I looked so good, Sandra remembers. They wanted to know all about what she was doing.
The best moment was when my daughter told me, You
look like my mom again.
Sandra lost weight she hadnt been able to lose for
years. She weighed 218 pounds at her heaviest after the hysterectomy. After doing the Gerson Therapy, she weighed
129 pounds.
Diane Ake has worked for the Gerson Institute for 10 years.
She is the Director of Training, Volunteer Coordinator and
Newsletter Editor.
Falconer Abraham
He watched videos online, ordered educational materials and began what he refers to as a lazy mans version
of the therapy. The enemas helped with the headaches
and a bit with the breathing, but Falconer wasnt seeing
the results he hoped for, so he turned to another treatment
he had found online. His condition worsened and, in 2013,
he talked to his doctor about an operation. Once again,
his doctor said that the polyps would likely return, requiring multiple surgeries, and that he would need to stay on
Prednisone for the rest of his life.
Gerson Therapy. Although he did most of the therapy himself, his eldest son helped out with juicing, and his wife
started making Gerson-style dinners. His father bought him
a second juicer for work and gave the family a second refrigerator. His mother listened to the frustration, rants, and
wild talk that came out on occasion when doing the therapy felt extra difficult.
Having already discovered that the therapy needed to be
implemented fully to work, Falconer turned to the Gerson
Institute for support. He found Gerson Basics Online
to be an excellent resource; it became his TV when he
was having difficulty sleeping. He also took part in the
Telephone Coaching Service, working with a Gerson coach
and his doctor to monitor his progress.
patients like Falconer who need all the resources they have simply to
stay on the Gerson Therapy. Many thanks to all of you Gerson persons for making the coaching program and especially the scholarship option available for Gerson patients.
While he isnt fully recovered, Falconer has the following message for those considering the therapy for chronic
conditions like his: Its worth a try. Dont cheat. And get
a lot of positive understanding people around you. Youll
need them.
We at the Gerson Institute are grateful that we have a lot of positive, understanding people around us as well. Without the support
of our donors, we wouldnt be able to offer coaching scholarships for
In Southern California, were almost always guaranteed sunshine, though the current drought conditions have made water an increasingly scarce commodity. Luckily for Charlottes orchard, Wild Willow has
a new irrigation system that ensures that as the trees
Wish List
Handmade cards
Postage stamps
Organic carrots
Projector screen
If you can donate any of these items, please contact Mika Payden-Travers at
which is why sleep is so important for learning new information.2 If youve felt groggy from too little sleep, youve
experienced the obvious impact of serious sleep deprivation
on your mental alertness. New studies, however, suggest
that mild chronic sleep deprivation can also have a serious
impact certain mental functions, especially in the areas of
creativity and innovation.3
f youre like me, you like to make a New Years resolution that puts you on the path to better health. I
wanted to share with other Gerson supporters what
Ive learned about sleep just in case you, like me, focus on
nutrition but dont always remember the other factors that
impact your health and well-being.
While sleep is important for everyone, it is especially important for Gerson patients, who may need more than
the standard 7-9 hours. Rest is a vital
part of the therapy. Without adequate rest the body does not have
the energy it needs to heal. Its good
to remember that food is medicine
but so is sleep!
During my first two years
of graduate school, I probably slept
about six hours a night on average,
but there were some especially painful days when I tried to function on
just three or four hours.
1 http://www.gallup.com/poll/166553/less-reecommendedamount-sleep.aspx
2 http://www.healthline.com/health/sleep-deprivation/
3 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21075236
4 http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_
5 http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/excessive-sleepiness-10/10-results-sleep-loss
6 www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Health_
7 http://chriskresser.com/how-artificial-light-is-wreckingyour-sleep-and-what-to-do-about-it
relation to treating
cancer. In Chapter I
he quotes Dr. Werner
Kollath, one of the
pioneers of the health
food movement in
Germany in the late
1920s and 30s, who
stated: Symptomatic
treatment is harmful
wherever in nature
it is applied to the
soil, plants, animals,
Kayla Smith, ND
human beings, or in
medicine. Each part
is important, but the
whole in its infinitely fine order is more important. In
Chapter V, Dr. Gerson reveals, the living being, whether large or small, plant or animal, is in every respect perfectly created or developed, in all its functions and all
its parts, best in its totality. I would propose that Dr.
Gersons work was the embodiment of the now-popular term, holistic medicine. He certainly was in alignment with the principles of naturopathic
medicine, the field of
medicine in which I
was trained, which has
as its basis the idea of
nature as healer and to
first do no harm.
He continually
advocates for living in
harmony with nature.
In Chapter II, he puts
forth: In the nutritional field, observations for centuries have
shown that people who
live according to natural methods in which plants, animals and human beings
are only fragments of the eternal cycle of Nature do not
get cancer. On the contrary, people who accept methods of modern nutrition on an increasing scale become
involved in degenerative diseases, including cancer, in
a relatively short time. He refers to the Hunzas, who
Your Letters
Myracle Harris
Hi my name is Myracle Harris. I am 13 years old.
Last year when I was 12, on November 18th my mother
Venus Gibson passed away from skin cancer. I think that
if I would have found your website before she passed
away we could have saved her life. I think the doctors
didnt do enough to save her. But thanks for having this
Special Apple
1 Red Delicious apple
1/4 cup rolled oats
2 tbsp apple sauce
Editors note: Beata Bishop is a 30-year malignant melanoma survivor, thanks to the Gerson Therapy, and a longtime
Gerson activist who was instrumental in founding the UK
Gerson Support Group and the first licensed Gerson clinic in
Europe: the Gerson Health Centre in Hungary. She wrote a
book about her recovery, called A Time to Heal, and cowroteHealing the Gerson Waywith Charlotte Gerson.
Both of these books are available at store.gerson.org. To learn
more about licensed Gerson clinics, visit www.gerson.org.
this over the sink to catch the feed pan when it falls (D,E).
5. Wipe off all the dirty areas of the juicer with a wet
sponge, including the top of the press plate and just
below the press plate.
Grip the press plate from both sides and carefully lift
up in order to clean below. (F) Dry with a clean towel.
Repeat this process between each juicing session.
2. Remove excess pulp from the housing with a spatula
or wooden spoon (C). If a large amount of pulp is left
behind, press the extra pulp. Put the housing back on
to be able to operate the press.
3. The feed pan can be easily removed by inverting the
housing with the feed pan attached, and gently tapping
all around the bottom of the feed pan until it falls off. Do
2. When you are done with the cloths for the day,
clean and fold, put in a glass or plastic container or plastic bag, and store in the freezer. The next day, remove
from the freezer and thaw them in distilled (or non-fluoridated) water before use. If you dont have space in your
freezer, store the cloths in the refrigerator in a mason jar
submerged in distilled water with a few squirts of hydrogen peroxide. Then rinse with clean water before using.
Eric Freeman is a Gerson Chef and has worked for the Gerson
Institute for the past four years.
(562) 612-4492
juice presser
$75 give
$75 give
Why place several
orders when you can
get everything at the
same place?
We now supply ALL
the Gerson supplements
(including the crude
liver and B12 [through
our office in Mexico]).
We accept credit and
debit cards, checks, and
money orders.
If you have a question
please give us a call.
Fax: 619-428-6095
Web Site:
Need supplies?
Looking for gifts?
Shop at our online store!
Your purchases help fund our training,
education and patient support services.
Need supplies?
Donors (continued)
Ingvor Johnson
Richard Kammenzind
Barry & Shari McCarroll
Thomas Weston McGee
Mary Magro
Ross Mansergh
Otto Meer
Tony Migaiolo
John Moffitt
William L. Nasby
Karl Neumann
Shirley Nichols
Mrs. Edward Olson
Ken Patterson
Maes Petrus
Horst & Christine Plendl
James Radigan
Randy Repass
Barbara A. Reynolds
Petra Rieker
Stephen G. Richards
Anonymous (2)
How Co. Ltd.
Jennifer Mrla-Gray
Anonymous (2)
Barbara Anderson
David Baluk
Arthur Barrett
Zornitza Batcheva
Emma Bellamy
Chad Bennett
Lee Mary Brenneisen
Timothy Bruss
Cheryl Buck
Lucy Colangione & Alex Doronkin
Amber Farnsworth
David Gilbert & Chom Harvey
Ivan Green
Guy Herald Cookware
Ray & Dawn Hammond
Cliff and Holly Hansen
Col. Lee M. Holmes
Shana Lathrop
Barbara March
Sara Marguils
Robert Mathews
Janael McQueen
John Meyer
Norwalk Juicers of CA
Ken Patterson
Wendy Rose
Marisa Russo
Frank Stone
Carol & William Sutton
Mine Taylan
The Perry & Barbara Miller
Family Foundation
Joshua Vilches
Raymond Ward
Anita Wilson
Dr. James Winer
Robert Zarrella
Tina Atchley
Donna Baldwin-Veazey
Wanda Cieciorko
Herman Ferreira
Flux Fun Run
Kristine Frost
Arthur & Marilyn Gore
Marc Gowland
Lori Greenberg
Thomas Griffiths
Marlene Heppner
Lisa Herzog
Tan Huynh
Yossi & Kuuleialoha Johnson
Vincente Lim
Jimmy & Mindy Lin
Israel LoBue
Penny Loughnan
Marie Louise Lekumberry
Christian May
Kathleen Mathews
Barry & Shari McCarroll
Victoria Mears
Neil Montanus
Bill Nasby
Bradly Nelson
Shuji Oba
Paula Ray
Richard Reimers
Chintana Sangdeejing
Todd Schilling
Justin Scott
William Shuman
Elizabeth Soto
Deborah Szekely
Donald K Surgeon
Melanie Swayn
Time Honored Formulas
Versa Climber
Haylen VanKoppen
Gary Veytsman
Wanda Wysocka-Cieciorko
Robert Weible
Carolyn Winter
Dean Wooster
Kayo Yoshida & Shane Galaas
Mary Lutz
Neil McHugh
Francy Merritt
Denise Mora
Georgina Penning-Geis
Elizabeth Perius
Norlita Pyle
Ingebory Radel
Louise Raheb
Bobbi Scogin
Brenda Soong
Joshua Steinberg
Frank Stone
Connie Trumpf
Erika Turner & Evelyn Sapriza
Charles Valerio
Terry Wells
Sophia Wicklund
Mandy Williams Palen
Theresa Yong
Sherra Basham
Karen Balkanski
Jennifer Barton Jones
Kathleen Belmares
Bruce Brown
Lana Butler
Thomas Cooper
Candice Dolkowski
Lorne Gartner
Sandra Goergen
William Hetzler
Paula Higgins
Melinda Hill
Thomas Jarde
Steve Napoli
Becky Lasch
Mary Laird Silva
Donald Eisler
Sue Witmer
Healing News
Date &Time
10-23 January
11-24 April
9-22 May
Board of Directors
January 3
February 7
March 7
January 12-18
March 23-29
February 19-21
June 11-13
Module I
Mondays 11 AM
The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization in San Diego, California, dedicated to providing
education and training in the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other
chronic degenerative diseases.
Gerson Basics
Gerson Basics is a 3-day class that covers all the essential practical information that Gerson patients and
their caregivers need before embarking on their healing journey. This class includes:
Thank you! Your support makes it possible for us to offer scholarships to people who want
to do the Gerson Therapy, but are on a tight budget.
To apply for a scholarship or to learn more about this class, visit www.gerson.org.
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