Application of CAD/CAE & Rapid Prototyping Technology in Medical Field

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013

Application of CAD/CAE & Rapid Prototyping

Technology in Medical Field
Mandar M. Deoa
Tanay V. Danib
A. M. Wankhadec
M.N. Syedd
Final Year Mechanical Engineering Department, J.D.I.E.T., Yavatmal, 445001(M.S.), India.
Asst. Prof. Mechanical Engineering Department, J.D.I.E.T., Yavatmal, 445001(M.S.), India

Now a days , one of the critical factors in
competitive technology is time to market along
with full proof design. This critical factor indicates
the entire product design cycle from concept to
product design to prototype to manufacturing
process design to actual implementation. To have
command over this critical factor Computer aided
designing (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) is
taking hold as a mean of speeding the time to
market for new product development. The CAD
approach is used in Rapid Prototyping techniques
(RPT) for design and development of new
products. Use of this CAD techniques in RPT
techniques shorten the time to market and further
for research and development of time of new
products. In this seminar we are going to discuss
about the conversion of CT scan or MRI results
which are taken as input and then converted in to
CAD file then analyze those files with the help of
CAM software then production that product with
rapid prototyping. Medical applications are some
of the most interesting applications of the rapid
prototyping technologies. These technologies are
able to produce a physical model of the anatomic
structures. This model is very useful for diagnosis,
surgery planning, training, and for design and
manufacture of the custom implants & we are also
going to discuss about the rapid prototyping
Technology (RPT)
1: Introduction
The scientific research in the field of
substantially during the last decades, and considerable
progress has been made. This development is due to
the progress in reliable general analysis tools like the
finite element method, methods of design sensitivity
analysis, and methods of mathematical programming,
and has been strongly boosted by the exponentially
increasing speed and capacity of digital computers.

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This is practically made possible by using Computer

Aided Design and Analysis, which accounts for
completeness and accuracy of model.
Rapid Prototyping is a promising powerful
technology that has the potential to revolutionize
certain spheres in the ever changing and challenging
field of medical science. The process involves
building of prototypes or working models in relatively
short time to help create and test various design
features, ideas, concepts, functionality and in certain
instances outcome and performance. The technology
is also known by several other names like digital
fabrication, 3D printing, solid imaging, solid free form
fabrication, layer based manufacturing, laser
prototyping, free form fabrication, and additive
manufacturing. The use of Rapid prototyping for
medical applications although still in early days has
made impressive strides. It is used in orthopedic
surgery, maxillofacial and dental reconstruction,
preparation of scaffold for tissue engineering. It is
used as educational tool in various fields like
obstetrics, gynecology and forensic medicine to
plastic surgery. It has now gained wide acceptance
and is likely to have far reaching impact on how
complicated cases are treated and various conditions
taught in medical schools. The primary advantage of
the customized bone substitute based on RP is that it
can design and make the prototype of the bone
substitute rapidly with the customized shape.[7]
It has also covered fields like design &
development of medical devices, planning &
explaining of complex surgical operations. With use
of rapid prototyping we have seen a great
improvement in the field of prosthetics &
implantation. It is also useful in Orthopedics,
Congenital Defects, Obstetrics, Dental, Maxillofacial
and other fields.
1.1: Imaging using CT scan or MRI scan:
In short, the procedure involves getting a CT
scan or MRI scan of the patient. It is preferable that
the CT scan is of high slice caliber and that slice
thickness is of 1- 2mm. Most of the MRI and CT
software give output in form of digital imaging and

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May

communication in medicine format popularly known
as DIACOM image format which is in 3-D format [6].
1.2: Changing the format of scanned file &
segmentation using conversion software:
Now the data is exported in DIACOM file
format. A 3D-reconstructed object has to be converted
into a specific data file format for a subsequent
processing. The objects data format is transformed
into the .STL-file format where surfaces get
triangulated [1].The conversion requires specialized
software like MIMICS, 3D Doctors & AMIRA. These
software process the data by segmentation using
threshold technique which takes into the account the
tissue density. This ensures that at the end of the
segmentation process, there are pixels with value
equal to or higher than the threshold value. A good
model production requires a good segmentation with
good resolution and small pixels. Various software
available for conversion are:
MIMICS by Materialize Analyze by the
Clinique Mayo
SliceOmatic by TomoVision
3D Doctor BioBuild by Anatomics
1.3: Creation of design & its evaluation:
This step requires combined effort of
surgeon, bio engineer and in some cases radiologist. It
is important that unnecessary data is discarded and the
data that is useful is retained. This decreases the time
required for creating the model and also the material
required and hence cost of production. Sometimes this
data can be sent directly to machine for the production
of model especially when the purpose of model is to
teach students. The real use however is in surgical
planning in which it is critical that the surgeon and
designer brain storm to create the final prototype.
There may be a need to incorporate other objects such
as fixation devices, prosthesis and implants. The step
may involve a surgical simulation carried out by the
surgeon and creation of templates or jigs. This may
require in addition to the existing converting software,
computer aided designing software like Pro- Engineer,
Auto CAD or Turbo CAD.

1.4: Analysis of the created design:

In this process the model which is created in
CAD software is tested with the help of Finite
Element Method (FEM) or analysis software like
ANSYS, NASTRAN etc. Fig. shows an ankle joint
which is analyzed in ANSYS.

Fig.: Analysis using CAE software

1.5: Creation of the model:

There are various technologies available to
create the RP model including stereo lithography
(SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), laminated
object manufacturing (LOM), fused deposition
modeling (FDM),and Ink Jet printing techniques. The
choice of the technology depends on the need for
accuracy, finish, surface appearance, number of
desired colours, strength and property of the materials.
It also takes a bit of innovation and planning to orient
the part during production so as to ensure that
minimum machine running time is taken. The model
can also be made on different scale to original size
like 1: 0.5, this ensures a faster turnaround time for
production and sometimes especially for teaching
purpose this may be convenient and sufficient.
1.6: Validation of the model:
Once the model is ready, it needs to
evaluated and validated by the team and in particular
surgeon so as to ensure that it is correct and serves the
purpose. The whole process stated above can be
understood in the flow chart [5]

Fig. Designing using CAD software

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The selection of the suitable RP technique for the
manufacturing of a certain product is a very complex
problem and has been addressed by some authors. In
fact, the problem of investment evaluation and
selection of RP technologies implies a complex
multicriteria decision, depending on several factors [2].
Many different rapid prototyping (RP) technologies
have been used in the fabrication of 3D biological
scaffolds for example, selective laser sintering (SLS),
stereo lithography (STL) and 3D pr1inting. However,
these above mentioned fabrication technologies are
limited for cell growth applications because of the
methods of scaffold construction they use [3].
2.1: Stereo lithography (SLA):
Stereo lithography creates 3-D models by
tracing a low powered ultraviolet laser across a vat
filled with resin. The material is cured by the laser to
create a solid thin slice. The solid layer is then
lowered just below the surface and the next slice
formed on top of it, until the object is completed. It is
regarded as a benchmark by which other technologies
are judged.
2.2: Selective laser sintering (SLS)
SLS creates 3-D models out of a heat-fusible
powder, such as polycarbonate or glass-filled
composite nylon, by tracing a modulated laser beam
across a bin covered with the powder. Heating the
particles causes them to fuse or sinter together to
create a solid thin slice. The solid layer is then
covered by more powder and the next slice formed on
top of it, until the object is completed.
The same process can be performed with a
combination of low-carbon steel and thermoplastic
binder powder, resulting in a 'green state' part. The
binder is then burned off in a furnace and the steel
particles are allowed to sinter together. The resulting
steel skeleton is subsequently infiltrated with copper,
resulting in a metal-composite part.
2.3: Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
FDM creates 3-D models out of heated
thermoplastic material, extruded through a nozzle
positioned over a computer controlled x-y table. The
table is moved to accept the material until a single thin
slice is formed. The next slice is built on top of it until
the object is completed. FDM utilizes a variety of
build arterials, such as polycarbonate, polypropylene
and various polyesters which are more robust than the
SLA models.
2.4: Laminated object manufacturing (LOM)
In this technique, layers of adhesive-coated
sheet material are bonded together to form a
prototype. The original material consists of paper
laminated with heat-activated glue and rolled up on
spools. A feeder/collector mechanism advances the
sheet over the build platform, where a base has been
constructed from paper and double-sided foam tape.
Next, a heated roller applies pressure to bond
the paper to the base. A focused laser cuts the outline

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of the first layer into the paper and then cross-hatches

the excess area (the negative space in the prototype).
Crosshatching breaks up the extra material, making it
easier to remove during post-processing. During the
build, the excess material provides excellent support
for overhangs and thin walled sections. After the first
layer is cut, the platform lowers out of the way and
fresh material is advanced. The platform rises slightly
below the previous height, the roller bonds the second
layer to the first, and the laser cuts the second layer.
This process is repeated as needed to build the part,
which will have a wood-like texture. Although these
models are robust, it is difficult to remove unwanted
region of paper from areas of complex geometry.
2.5: 3-D printing
3-D printing creates models by spraying
liquid through ink-jet printer nozzles on to a layer of
metallic or ceramic precursor powder, thus creating a
solid thin slice. The printing process is repeated for
each subsequent slice until the object is completed as
a 'green-state' part. The part is then fired in a furnace
to sinter the powder. The resulting skeleton object is
subsequently infiltrated with metal, resulting in a full
density part. This process is very fast and produces
parts with a slightly grainy surface. Machines with 4
colour printing capability are available.
3: RP Medical Applications

3.1: Great improvements to the fields of prosthetics

and implantation.
RP techniques are very useful in making
prostheses and implants for years. The ability to
quickly fit prosthesis to a patient's unique proportions
is a great advantage. The techniques are also used for
making hip sockets, knee joints and spinal implants
for some Medical Applications of Rapid Prototyping.
Both the release of and the improvement of the
properties of used materials have had a significant
influence on the quality of prostheses and implants
made by RP. One interesting example is maxillofacial
prostheses of an ear which is obtained by creating a
wax cast by laser sintering of a plaster cast of existing
ear. Due to RP technologies it is very easy to
manufacture custom implants. The made model could
be used as a negative or a master model of the custom

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implant. Many researchers explored new applications
of RP in this field.

taken in concrete case. They are also used as teaching


Fig: On the left the intact ear - On the right the ear prosthesis.

3.2: Planning and explaining complex surgical

This is very important role of RP
technologies in medicine which enable pre surgery
planning. The use of 3D medical models helps the
surgeon to plan and perform complex surgical
procedures and simulations and gives him an
opportunity to study the bony structures of the patient
before the surgery, to increase surgical precision, to
reduce time of procedures and risk during surgery as
well as costs (thus making surgery more efficient). It
is convenient for preoperative planning as well as
checking the implant design as shown in Figure 3(D
F). Therefore, better communication between the
designer and surgeon is established, because handling
the solid entity is easier compared to handling
contours[4]. This is especially important in cancer
surgery where tumor tissue can be clearly
distinguished from healthy tissue by different color.
Surgical planning is most often done with stereo
lithography (SLA) where the made model has high
accuracy, transparency but limited number of colors
and 3DP (for more colored models, presentation of
FEA results).

Fig: The case of a fractured skull (a-c), showing parenchymal

bleed in the brain of an infant.
MR image (d) indicated the position of the bleed. The model
was built combining and registering CT images, providing the
skull structure, and MR images, providing the bleed volume
and position.

3.3: Teaching purposes.

RP models can be used as teaching aids for
students in the classroom as well as for researchers.
These models can be made in many colors and
provide a better illustration of anatomy, allow viewing
of internal structures and much better understanding
of some problems or procedures which should be

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Fig: RP model to explain Anatomy

3.4: Design and manufacturing biocompatible and

bioactive implants and tissue engineering.
RP technologies gave significant contribution
in the field of tissue engineering through the use of
biomaterials including the direct manufacture of
bioactive implants. Tissue engineering is a
combination of living cells and a support structure
called scaffolds. RP systems like fused deposition
modeling (FDM), 3D printing (3-DP) and selective
laser sintering (SLS) have been proved to be
convenient for making porous structures for use in
tissue engineering. In this field it is essential to be able
to fabricate three-dimensional scaffolds of various
geometric shapes, in order to repair defects caused by
accidents, surgery, or birth. FDM, SLS and 3DP can
be used to fabricate a functional scaffold directly but
RP systems can also be used for manufacturing a
sacrificial mould to fabricate tissue-engineering

in scar
with help of surgery
4: Conclusion:
Prototyping has made a significant impact in the field
of biomedical engineering and surgery. Physical
models enable correct identification of bone
abnormality, intuitive understanding of the anatomical
issues for a surgeon, implant designers and patients as
well. However this is just a little step ahead. There are
many unsolved medical problems and many
expectations from RP in this field.
Fig: Structure created for tissues to grow and fitted

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5: References:
[1] Accuracy of medical RP models:
Timon Mallepree and Diethard Bergers
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
[2] Integration of product and
process development using rapid prototyping and
simulation technologies,
Chen, D. and Cheng, F. (1999), Journal of Industrial
Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 1-6.
[3]Construction of 3D biological matrices using
rapid prototyping technology
P.S. Maher, R.P. Keatch, K. Donnelly and R.E.
Division of Mechanical Engineering and
Mechatronics, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK,
J.Z. Paxton
Division of Molecular Physiology, University of
Dundee, Dundee, UK.
Rapid Prototyping Journal
15/3 (2009) 204210
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 13552546]
[DOI 10.1108/13552540910960307]
[4]Design for medical
rapid prototyping of
cranioplasty implants
L.C. Hieu, E. Bohez,
J. Vander Sloten, H.N. Phien,
E. Vatcharaporn, P.H. Binh,
P.V. An and P. Oris
Rapid Prototyping Journal
Volume 9 Number 3 2003 pp. 175186
q MCB UP Limited ISSN 1355-2546
DOI 10.1108/13552540310477481
[5]Fabrication of customised maxillo-facial
prosthesis using computer-aided design and
rapid prototyping techniques
Sekou Singare and Liu Yaxiong
Li Dichen and Lu Bingheng &
He Sanhu and Li Gang
Rapid Prototyping Journal
12/4 (2006) 206213
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 13552546]
[DOI 10.1108/13552540610682714]
[6]Integration of MRI and
stereolithography to
build medical models: a
case study
S. Swann
Rapid Prototyping Journal
Volume 2 Number 4 1996 pp. 4146

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MCB University Press ISSN 1355-2546

[7]The customized mandible substitute based on
rapid prototyping
Liu Yaxiong, Li Dichen,
Lu Bingheng, He Sanhu and
Li Gang
Rapid Prototyping Journal
Volume 9 Number 3 2003 pp. 167174
q MCB UP Limited ISSN 1355-2546
DOI 10.1108/13552540310477472

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