Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Structures: Flow Lines and Flow Net of Soil
Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Structures: Flow Lines and Flow Net of Soil
Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Structures: Flow Lines and Flow Net of Soil
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Flow Lines
-are the paths which water particle follow in the course of seepage. Water flows from the point of higher head
to low head.
Equipotential lines
-are the lines formed by joining the points of same head or potential on the flow lines.
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If we draw the flow lines and the equipotential lines for a given flow of water through a given soil we get a
net like sketch which is known as flow net. Flow lines are always at 90 degrees to the equal potential lines.
1. Flow lines and equal potential lines intersect each other at 90 degrees.
2. The areas bounded by the flow lines and equal potential lines form approximate squares.
(ii) Determination of seepage pressure: The change in the effective pressure due to flow of water is known
as seepage pressure. The seepage pressure at any point can be determined by
Ps= H.Yw
where, H= hydraulic potential at any point
= h - n.h/Nd = (Nd-n).h/Nd
n = numbers of potential drops.
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