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Writing Unit

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Unit 4th Grade

Common Core Standard:
With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as
needed by planning, revising, and editing.
Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

CLL Goals:
Make notes of interesting new words and intentionally remember them to use in oral
discussion or writing.
Critically examine the writers word choice.
Use specific vocabulary to talk about texts.

The purpose of this unit is to develop students skills for descriptive writing. Fourth grade
students will be able to add multiple details to a piece of writing (personal writing or given
to the students) to support the description and overall quality of the writing.

Day 1:
Topic: Introduction to Descriptive Writing
Resources: Pencil/Pen, Paper, book: Before John was a Jazz Giant: A Song of John Coltrane
by Carole Boston, assessment sheets, white board and marker
Teacher Action:
Discuss with students what descriptive writing is.
Read the story: Before John was a Jazz Giant: A Song of John Coltrane by Carole
After the book is read, ask the students what made this book descriptive? What was
good about the book and what could be improved?
Write sentences on the white board, from the book, and discuss how one could
punch up these sentences to make them more descriptive and what is good about
Student Action:
Listen to the book: Before John was a Jazz Giant
Participate in discussion about descriptive writing
Participate in punch up sentences on the white board
Complete assessment split over the days lesson

After the teacher has read the book to the students, the class will depict sentences
from the story and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of them.

For example: The teacher will write the sentence from the book: Before John was a
jazz giant, he heard, steam engines whistling past, Cousin Mary giggling at
jitterbuggers, and Bonjangles tap-dancing in the picture show.
The teacher will then ask what makes this a descriptive sentence? What words were
used that were more descriptive than others?
Repeat this process with sentences from the book, or made-up sentences, until the
teacher feels that the students have a good grasp on the concept.
Students will be given the following slip (or a version of) to assess how well they
understand descriptive writing, and how they believe this can be done.
This is an example of what an assessment slip for this day would look like. All slips
will be different according to the childs needs and abilities.
Student Name:
Please punch up or descriptify the following sentences as we did in class. Make at least
three changes for each sentence to make in more descriptive.

1. One night I made coffee because I was tired doing my homework.

2. My cat is mean to my friends because she scratches them.

Each student will have different sentences that they must punch up. Since, all
students slips will be different, it will not make one student stand out from the rest
of his/her class.
The sentences may be from the book read in class, a familiar class book, or
sentences that the teacher created him/herself.
IPads can be used for any students that may have small/large motor difficulties.
Day 2:
Topic: Discussing the purpose and use of parts of language
Resources: White board, marker, and example sentences
Teacher Action:
Briefly discuss the parts of speech such as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb
Ask students to share what each part does for a sentence (ex. Adverb describes a
Prompt and scaffold students thinking if needed
Write sample sentences on the board in which students will punch up in partners
Ask students to record these sentences on a piece of paper with both partners
names. This will serve as the lesson assessment piece.
Wonder around the room to find sentences to share and check for understanding.
Adjust the activity as needed.

Student Action:
Participate in group discussion about parts of speech
Punch up sentences with partner, then share with class as necessary.
Work as a team to come up with the best punch up sentence

Share sentences if asked by teacher

The teacher will have prepared sentences that vary in difficulty, to share with the
students in groups.
Instead of just asking the students to make the sentence better, the groups will be
asked to identify which part of speech they are using to make their sentence more
The teacher will repeat this process until the class seems to have a good grasp on
the lesson concept. The sentences will vary in difficulty to meet the needs of all
As the students are punching up the sentences on the board, the teacher will
circulate the room to find groups to share sentences.
The students assessment for the lesson will come from his/her participate during
the actual lesson. The teacher will ask the students to hand in the paper their group
used to record the sentences on during the lesson.
This will serve as the assessment toward the understanding for the lesson, as well
as, provide the teacher with an idea of the groups engagement and participation.
Before the students leave for the day, ask the students to bring a book from home
that they believe models good descriptive writing.
Student Name:

Engagement and
The student was not The student was
The student was
engaged and did not somewhat engaged
fully engaged and
and participated
properly during the mostly during the
respectfully during
the lesson.
The student (group) The student (group) The student (group)
did not complete all completed most
punching up
punching up
punching up all
sentences and
sentences and
sentences and
showed little to no
showed some signs
showed signs of
signs of knowledge
of knowledge toward knowledge toward
toward descriptive
descriptive words.
descriptive words.
words. Student also Student also
Student also
displayed little or no displayed some
displayed proper
effort within writing. effort within writing. effort within writing.
Book for Class
The student did not
The student brought
bring a book for
a book to school that
they thought
descriptive writing.
This lesson will provide differentiation by the sentences that the teacher uses
during the whole group and small group work.

Throughout the lesson, as the teacher is observing and adjusting the lesson, the
teacher can provide alternative sentences to groups if needed.
The groups will be based off of abilities and needs.
IPads or any additional resources can and will be used to assist students.
Day 3:
Topic: Exploring Descriptive Writing
Resources: Mentor texts provided by the students, mentor text provided by the teacher:
Many Luscious Lollipops, paper, pencil/pen for writing
Teacher Action:
Recap what has been discussing the past few days about descriptive writing
Read Passage from teacher mentor text that displays good descriptive writing
Group students in groups of 3 or 4 to discuss and punch up the sentences chose
Student Action:
Listen to the teacher read descriptive writing
Use own book to find five descriptive sentences, and 3 sentences that could use
some work to become more descriptive
Work as a group to discuss what makes the sentences each student chose
descriptive and how they can make the 3 sentences they chose better
The class will listen to the book the teacher reads and discuss how the author used
descriptive writing throughout the book to explain details.
The students will use their book they brought from home during the lesson.
The teacher should have extra books that students can use if they forgot to bring
Each student will be asked to find 5 sentences that are excellent examples of
descriptive writing, and 3 sentences that could be better.
Once the teacher groups the students, the group will first discuss what makes the
sentences each student chose descriptive and how they can make their 3 sentences
better. The group must work together for all members to complete the lesson.
Each group will then share what they believe to be the best example of a descriptive
writing sentence, out of the whole group, to the whole class.
The class will then vote on which sentence is the descriptive winner of the day.
The assessment for the day will be based on the sentences and corrections that the
students used within their groups. This will allow the teacher to judge the level of
engagement and effort put forth by each student and overall understanding of
descriptive writing (since each student will still have to turn in their individual
sentences even though the group worked together to create them).
Student Name:
The student exhibits a advanced/developing understanding of how to add detail to




The student was engaged and participated during the lesson.




The student has displayed adequate effort and understanding through the punch up
sentences created during the lesson.



Student Self Assessment:
How well do you do you understand what descriptive writing is? (1=low, 3=high)



What questions do you still have about descriptive writing?

Why do you think being descriptive in your writing is important?

Differentiation will be provided in the lesson based on what book the students chose
to bring from home. The teacher will also have a variety of books that students can
Each student is allowed to choose which sentence they believe to be descriptive and
which they chose not to be, which gives the students choice in their answers.
Any student who may need assistance with writing or reading may use the IPad or
any additional resources to assist their learning.
Day 4:
Topic: Writing with Descriptive Language
Resources: James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl, teacher example writing of a topic,
Topics for students to chose from for writing piece
Teacher Action:
The teacher will start class by reading a few descriptive sections of James and the
Giant Peach that display descriptiveness of a particular topic in the book.
The teacher will have a hat full of writing topics and options. These can be tailored
to students abilities and needs
Teach will share a descriptive writing that he/she created over a topic he/she
picked from the hat earlier.
The teacher will point out key elements of the writing that make it descriptive.
Check in with students during their writing time
Student Action:
Students will listen to the passages from the book James and the Giant Peach.
Students will pick a topic from the hat and begin to brainstorm ideas.
Students will begin to write a rough draft of descriptive writing based on the topic
they chose.
After the teacher shares with the class his/her descriptive writing based on a
specific topic, the class will be asked to begin and brainstorm ideas for their topic.
After a sufficient amount of time is allowed for brainstorming, the students should
begin to conduct a rough draft of their descriptive writing based on X topic.
Most of the class time this day will be spent conducting the writing and conferencing
with the teacher. (The descriptive writing should be about 1 page written, not

Once a rough draft is completed the students may silent read. If students do not
finish, they will be asked to finish the rough draft as homework.
Example Topics: The Fourth of July, Your favorite Pet, Your family story, An
unforgettable experience, The first day of school, Your favorite holiday and why,
What interests me, or My biggest dream is
The students assessment for the day will be the first rough draft of the students
writing over their selected topic.
This will assess the students knowledge of the material discussed with the unit thus
far, and allow the teacher to see where the each student is with the concept.
The teacher will conference with each student either on day 4 or 5.
Student Name:
The student displays descriptive writing in their piece.






The student displays an understanding of their topic and has a respectable start on their
descriptive writing piece.






The student displays a basic understanding of the concept and material discussed thus far.






Student Self Assessment:
How comfortable do you feel with your topic for your descriptive writing piece? (1=low,





What do you feel went well with your writing today?

What do you still need to work on?

What can I (the teacher) do to assist you further in your descriptive writing?

Students will be allowed to switch topics if a reasonable argument is made.
The topics will be created based on common student interests in the classroom.
Each student will be assessed based on his/her ability and understanding of the
concept up to that point/day.
The lesson can be adjusted as needed under the teachers discretion made during
conferencing time with each student.
Any student who may need assistance with writing or reading may use the IPad or
any additional resources to assist their learning.
Day 5:
Topic: Work Day for Descriptive Writing Piece

Resources: Student rough drafts, any conferencing materials needed

Teacher Action:
The teacher will check in and conference with any student he/she has not met with.
The teacher should also meet with students who may need some more help and
guide their thinking or make any suggestions as needed.
Student Action:
Students will work on conducting a final product.
Students will work on adding detail to their writing based on the specific topic they
chose from the hat.
The students will basically have a workday to continue to develop their descriptive
writing piece.
The teacher will conference with students as needed and provide assistance to
further and guide their thinking.
If a student finishes early, they will be given time to silent read.
The students will be assessed based on the following rubric whether adequate
progress is being made toward a final draft of a descriptive writing.
Student Name:

The student has
The student has
The student has
little to no
some progress
made adequate
progress toward
toward their final
progress toward
their final product product during
their final product
during class time
class time
during class time
Understanding of
The students
The student
The student has
adding Detail to
shows little to no
displays some
displayed in
understanding of
understanding of
his/her draft their
how to add detail
how to add detail
ability to add detail
to a piece of
to a piece of
to a piece of

Student Self Assessment:
What did you accomplish today with your time in class?

What do you have yet to finish tomorrow?

Is there anything you would like me (teacher) to do to help you further with your writing?
Differentiation will be provided with this lesson based on the teacher expectations
and student ability.
Some students may be asked to write more or elaborate on a certain part of their
writing when the teacher conferences with each student.

Some students may struggle to develop his/her writing or add descriptive language
into his/her piece so the teacher can prompt or scaffold the students ideas, as well
as, provide the student with starter sentences.
Any student who may need assistance with writing or reading may use the IPad or
any additional resources to assist their learning.

Day 6:
Topic: Finalizing Descriptive Writing Pieces
Resources: Students descriptive writing pieces
Teacher Action:
The teacher will continue to check in with each student this final workday.
The teacher will provide each student with a partner to help each other finalize their
descriptive writing piece.
Student Action:
The students will finalize their descriptive writing piece today.
Students will work with their partner at least for a portion of the time, and may
choose to work alone to finish their writing piece.
The two students will exchange their writings, and each student is to read and
provide the other student with 3 suggestions to make his/her writing piece more
descriptive overall/or with a specific sentence.
Students will finalize their descriptive writing pieces today for the gallery walk.
The teacher will provide each student with a partner in which case each partner will
offer suggestions and any ideas they have for their partners paper.
If students do not finish their writing piece in class, they will be asked to finalize
their product as homework.
The teacher should have email parents earlier in the week to extend an invitation to
the class gallery walk of the students final products.
The students will be assessed on their collaboration work, productivity during the
time given to work, and overall development of descriptive writing.
Student Name:

The student did not The student
The student
work well with
displayed good
displayed positive
his/her partner and collaboration with
collaboration with
offered little or no
other students and
other students and
feedback to their
offered some
offered relevant
relevant feedback to feedback to partner.
The student did not The students mostly The student used
use the time
stayed on task and
his/her time wisely
provided to work on made progress
and made adequate
final product.
toward the final
progress toward
their final product.

Overall Development The student shows

The student show
The student is
little or no signs of
showing signs of
understanding the
understanding of
concept of
descriptive writing, toward descriptive
descriptive writing, but still has not
writing and has
and has not
mastered this in
displayed this during
displayed this in
his/her writing.
work time provided.
his/her writing.

Student Self Assessment:
How comfortable and confident do you feel with your final product? (1=low, 5=high)






What can be improved if anything?

How comfortable do you feel with descriptive writing? (1=low, 5=high)






The teacher will group students based on ability and needs.
The teacher will conference will students and provide assistance in areas as needed.
Each student will be assessed based on his or her ability and level of understanding
of the unit concept.
Any student who may need assistance with writing or reading may use the IPad or
any additional resources to assist their learning.
Day 7:
Topic: Gallery Walk of Each Students Final Descriptive Piece
Resources: Students individual descriptive writing, compliment box for each student,
sticky notes and pens to write compliments on for each student
Teacher Action:
The teacher will have emailed all parents to inform and extend an invitation to them
for the gallery walk.
The teacher will set up the gallery walk and compliment box for each student.
Student Action:
The students will walk around the room and read each students final descriptive
writing based on his/her selected topic.
Each student will be asked to compliment on his or her classmates writing and place
this in their compliment box.

The class will have a gallery walk to display all students writings.
Parents will be invited and encouraged to attend this gallery walk if possible.
This is a chance for students to show off their work over the past week.

Each student will be asked to write one compliment on a sticky note about their
classmates writing and put it in their (the student whos writing one is
complimenting on) compliment box.
Each student will be assessed based on his or her final descriptive writing product
and behavior during the gallery walk.
Student Name:

Students writing Students writing Students writing
was not clear and was fairly clear was clear,
did not follow a
and followed
flow or obvious
some type of
and easy to
displayed a
displayed a
displayed an
understanding of understanding
understanding of
of descriptive
writing and
writing and
writing and
briefly showed
exhibited this
exhibited this
this throughout
throughout their thoroughly
their final
final writing
throughout their
writing piece.
final writing
Conventions/Punctuation Students final
Students final
Students final
piece had 5 or
piece had 3 or
piece had few (3
more errors in
more errors in
or less) to no
their final
their final
errors in their
final writing.
Behavior During
Student was not Student was
Student was
respectful and
polite and
respectful and
was unengaged
engaged in
in gallery walk.
gallery walk,
engaged in
He/she did no
also provided
gallery walk, also
most classmates provided each
classmates with with one
classmate with
one compliment.

Student Self Assessment:
Overall I felt that my final descriptive writing piece was:
1. Could Use Improvement Yet 2. Pretty Good 3. Great!

I now feel comfortable using details while writing now? (1=low, 4=high)


Overall, I would give this unit a _____? (1=low, 5=high)





The gallery walk will be set up to accommodate all students, parents, and guest
needs. Assistive tools such as wheel chairs will be taken into consideration when the
teacher is creating the gallery walk.
The teacher can also blow up the students final writing piece to a larger text if
needed for all guests to be able to read the final piece.

Sample Writing:

When I decided to run in college I was unaware of the struggles this would bring to
my college years. After decided I would wear the blue and white jersey for the Bulldogs of
Drake University, I could hardly contain my excited. I would share the unbelievable news
with anyone that would lend an ear to me. My sister had dedicated her four years of
undergraduate college to the running life, so I was sure I could accomplish such a working
feat. However, little did I know that my perfect little farm life would be flipped upside

As I began the first season of collegiate sports the leaves were turning a million
different autumn colors. Everyone on the team could smell the cross country season
approaching. Smells of fresh fall flowers, cool breeze breaking through causing us to break
out the winter running gear, and beautiful sunsets that would take your breath away as it
painting the sky with a pallet of colors. No giant roadblock could stand in my way of a
breakout season. I was going to display to my dedicated team why I would be the best.

As time trickled away like snow melting during springtime, I continued to struggle
to put my foot down and prove to people how successful I was with my running lifestyle. As
everyone climbed that mountain of success, I plummeted backward like car slowly slides
on black ice during wintertime. Although my frustration could not benefit my results on the
board, I discovered a way to add to the team in an alternative way. As quickly as molasses
moves in January, I began to accept that this season was not what I expected, but I could be
the support and encouragement so many members of the team needed. Running has
defined my life almost as much as powdery snow and artic winds winter for so long now. It
is about time I begin to accept there is more for one to prove in their life than inching
across the finish line, legs shaking, body trembling only to simply improve a single second
for a person record.
Reflection of Lesson/Writing:

I chose to try and write a descriptive piece over college sports. Although, I did have a
little more control over my topic, I felt that it still represents what the students
participating in this unit would fell like. This topic was familiar to me on a deeper level than
most students, but I found it very difficult to be overly descriptive with it. I also found that
the topic might have been too vague. It is possible I should have been more specific with
topics for myself (and the students in the lesson for that matter). Perhaps I should have
chosen a specific race or moment that stands out to me during my years of running. It was
very difficult for me to write a descriptive piece for this. I am not sure I would want this


piece to be my final draft of something, but that is why I gave the students three days to
complete theirs with this unit.

When writing my own descriptive piece I found myself repeating descriptive words
and having to come up with new ones that would fit the place. I believe this also brings up a
real problem with technology today! Although, in this lesson I would have students simply
write with paper and pen/pencil their rough draft and final paper, students could easily
look up synonyms for a word in the word document without really being creative
themselves. Descriptive writing may be harder to teach students than I previously thought.
I believe that anyone can provide students with good examples of descriptive writing, but
to actually teach/model/inform students how to be successful descriptive writers is going
to take more than just reading descriptive books to them. It will take practice, practice, and
more practice on the students part to get it right. Just as with any piece of writing, it will be
a developing process that will get better with time and rehearsal.


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