Jednosmerne Protiv Dvosmernih Ulica - Eng
Jednosmerne Protiv Dvosmernih Ulica - Eng
Jednosmerne Protiv Dvosmernih Ulica - Eng
Ever since the explosion of automobile use that occurred after WWII, people have moved
their residences further and further from downtown centers, out into new suburban
communities. With this exodus came a daily travel ritual in which suburbanites in motor
vehicles behave as tides do, placing a tremendous strain on the downtown street
network. The historical response to this strain has been to improve the efficiency of
moving vehicles into and out of the city at all costs, without considering other system
We now understand that downtowns that operate predominantly as a place of work
and clear out in the evening are the ones most often struggling to foster new development
and business ventures. The longstanding mantra to seek the greatest speed by which
commuter motorists can flee the city has accelerated the downtown deterioration process.
The sad results are streets congested with fast-moving automobiles and barren of lively
pedestrian, cultural, or commercial activity after the mad evening exodus.
As many communities are in the process of revitalizing their downtowns, a
common issue is the prevalence of intricate and often confusing one-way street networks.
This legacy of one-way streets can be traced back to when the streets sole mission was to
move traffic into and out of the downtown employment center as quickly as possible. An
emerging role of downtown as a cultural and entertainment center is now challenging the
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embedded mindset that the primary purpose of streets is the unequivocal movement of
commuter automobile traffic.
One-way streets in downtowns were not an overnight occurrence; rather, their
proliferation was the result of a series of events that occurred over a number of years.
The development of one-way downtown networks can be traced through four very
distinct periods of evolution.
The Pre-Freeway Era encompasses the time from prior to the development of the
automobile to just after the conclusion of World War II. Cities were at the height of their
development, and downtowns not only served as the seat of the local governments, but
were also the hub of all social, civic, and cultural activity within the surrounding region.
Downtown streets were home to not only motor vehicles, but also streetcars, trolleys,
buses, and most importantly, people. Movement of each of these travel modes was
equally balanced, with cars and pedestrians coexisting peacefully in a controlled, slowspeed environment. Retail business activity was at an all-time high, with most goods and
services available in the core of the downtown.
It is important to note that during this era most downtown workers did not
commute great distances; rather, most lived within 2 to 5 miles of their downtown jobs.
Suburbs had not yet been invented, as the transportation facilities of the day did not
support long commute distances. However, all this was about to change, in the name of
America learned several important lessons during the course of World War II.
Perhaps one of the most profound was the example that Nazi Germany provided through
its impressive system of limited-access highways, by which expedient movement of
troops and goods across the country was possible. With the passage of the Federal
Highway Act of 1956, the Freeway Proliferation Era had begun.
The construction of the freeways did exact many benefits for commerce; however,
it also opened the door for downtown workers to move farther from their place of work.
As downtown workers began to seek out less expensive, more desirable housing in the
suburbs, the mode balance on downtown roadways that had been prevalent for many
years began to shift toward facilitating the speedy entrance and exodus of commuters.
Downtown streets began to be converted to one-way travel to facilitate this expedient
movement into the city in the morning and out in the afternoon.
As downtown workers continued the flight to the suburbs, providers of goods and
services soon followed. Small downtown shops were recreated in the suburbs as regional
shopping malls, supermarkets, and discount stores. Workers no longer patronized the small
shops downtown since they could fill their needs closer to home, often at lower prices.
Many of the small, family-owned businesses that had been located downtown for years
either moved to the suburbs with their market or succumbed to closure as the market
This Post-Freeway Era reached its peak in the 1980s, when even traditional
downtown corporate offices sought out the cheaper land in the suburbs. Many formerly
strong downtowns were reduced to blighted, empty streets and boarded-up storefronts,
devoid of life after 6 pm.
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Signal progression can often be maintained on two-way streets to favor the peak
direction movement during the morning and afternoon peak hours with minimal effect on
through-vehicle delay or the capacity of the network.
The Users Perspective
Another group with a vested interest in what happens to downtown one-way street networks
is the users of those facilities. Users can be grouped into three general categories: the
motorist, the transit rider, and the pedestrian. Each group views the street network in a
different way, as discussed below.
Motorists use the street network as a means for navigating the downtown to get to their
destination. In most cases, a downtown motorists destination is someplace to park the
car, namely a garage, lot, or on-street parking space; upon parking, the motorist leaves
the vehicle as a pedestrian to access the final destination. It is well known that people
attempt to park as close to their ultimate destination as possible, in an effort to minimize
walking distance.
One-way streets do not pose a major inconvenience for commuters and regular
visitors to the downtown; these motorists have learned the downtown network and know
the best route to their destination. Rather, it is the occasional visitors to downtown who
are often confused and disoriented on encountering a one-way street network. Often, these
motorists are able to see their destination but are shunted away from it by the one-way
streets. But these occasional users are in fact the customers that revitalized downtowns
are trying to attract. If circulation in the downtown can be made easier by converting
one-way streets, people in this target market segment may be better pleased with their
overall downtown experience and become more regular downtown patrons.
Transit Patrons
A one-way street network exacts a similar toll on the downtown transit system and its
users. In a one-way network, stops on the same route for opposite directions are forced
to be located on two different streets. Again, the most affected users are the occasional
downtown visitors, who are not familiar with the system. For instance, a visitor who is
dropped off at a stop downtown on a one-way street may not realize that the transit stop
for his return trip is actually located one block away on a different street. Regular transit
users can even become victims of this system in sections of downtown with which they
are not familiar. In a two-way system, transit stops for a particular route can be located
across the street from each other, eliminating this confusing situation.
As stated previously, at some point every downtown visitor becomes a pedestrian.
Whether one arrives by private vehicle, taxi, or rail or bus transit, it becomes necessary at
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some time to navigate the street system on foot. One-way streets present challenges to the
pedestrian due to the speed and direction of adjacent vehicular traffic and pedestrian
expectations at intersections.
On a two-way street, pedestrians always have the choice of walking facing the
oncoming traffic or with their backs to it. This choice does not exist on a one-way street,
where pedestrians moving in the same direction of the vehicular traffic will always have
adjacent traffic coming behind them regardless of which side of the street they choose to
walk on.
At intersections of two streets that are each two way, pedestrians have an
expectation of potential vehicular conflicts with their path as they cross the intersection.
This sequence reverses itself for the opposite movement across the intersection, for a total
of two conflict sequences that the pedestrian should expect. When a one-way street is
included in the intersection, the number of potential conflict sequences increases
dramatically. This phenomenon will be discussed in greater detail in the evaluation
section of this paper. Suffice it to say, a pedestrian who is crossing an intersection of oneway streets must pay particular attention to the direction of both through and turning traffic
to avoid a conflict.
It is also important to remember that a one-way street system always has a greater
magnitude of vehicle turning movements compared to a two-way system. Any turning
movement, regardless of street configuration as one- or two-way, creates exactly the same
potential for vehicle/pedestrian conflict, namely, one legally turning vehicle crossing the
path of one legally crossing pedestrian. Thus, aside from the complexity of conflict
sequences, there are simply more (typically 3040%) vehicle/pedestrian conflicts within a
one-way street network than in a comparable two-way system.
Downtown Community Perspective
Much attention recently has been given to downtown vitality and redevelopment efforts.
One-way street conversions to two-way are part of a much bigger effort to make downtowns
more livable and economically successful. City leaders, both political and business, are
becoming increasingly concerned with the quality of the outdoor environment experienced
by downtown visitors.
Some national chains are beginning to develop downtown locations, with an
emphasis on service industries such as office supplies, bookstores, and coffeehouses. In
our experience, most of these retailers prefer the exposure and accessibility offered by a
location on a two-way street. This fact is supported by examples such as Vine Street in
Cincinnati, where 40% of businesses in this economically depressed downtown corridor
closed after the street was converted from two-way to one-way.
As retail and entertainment activities begin to increase downtown, cities today are
experiencing an influx of new downtown residents not seen in decades. Young professionals
with no children, looking for an urban lifestyle, as well as empty-nesters who are tired of
the big house and yard (with a corresponding big commute) are beginning to return to the
housing areas within and immediately adjacent to downtown. For these people, livability is
of paramount importance. As shown in Figure 1, large gains in overall livability can often
be accomplished while exacting only a slight increase in vehicular delay.
The cost of living in downtown neighborhoods is relatively high compared to
suburban neighborhoods. Downtown residents expect the high cost of living to be offset
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Livability index.
by better services, close proximity to public facilities such as parks, walkable streets, and
being close to the center of activity. Being able to walk to these attractions is very
important to urban residents.
A high level of auto accessibility in a downtown is more important to urban residents
than access to regional roadways. By requiring less out-of-direction travel and fewer
turning movements, a two-way street network is better for short trips to local
establishments than a one-way street network. Livable streets benefit all users of a
downtown whether they are using transit, an automobile or walking.
In order to effectively evaluate the impacts and benefits of converting a given one-way
street network to two-way travel, it is proposed that a combination of evaluation
measures be used. As summarized in Figure 2, these measures include traditional travel
service impacts such as capacity and vehicular delay, but also take into account livability
issues within the downtown street network such as transit routing, pedestrian mobility
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and safety, and retail business street exposure. These measures are defined in detail
within this section.
Network Capacity Comparison
The first evaluation measure is a comparison of the total east-west and north-south street
capacity for both the existing one-way and proposed two-way travel conditions. To make
this comparison, traffic counts on the street segments must be obtained for the a.m. and p.m.
peak hours. These existing volumes must then be reassigned on the converted network to
allow for the redistribution of traffic that will occur when the one-way restriction on certain
streets is lifted. This reassignment can be accomplished through the use of a manual
reassignment for small street networks or by using a traffic modeling software package for
more detailed networks. Once a set of traffic volumes has been established for both the oneway and two-way scenarios, screenlines can be established to account for all of the eastwest and north-south lane capacity through the network. Capacity volume thresholds can
then be established for the desired level-of service on the streets contained in the screenline.
Since it is acknowledged that a one-way lane does have a slightly greater capacity that a
corresponding two-way street, a 1020 percent reduction in lane capacity is taken for the
two-way facilities. Volume-to-capacity ratios (v/c) can then be established for each of the
facilities along the screenline in both a one-way and two-way configuration. Aggregated
v/cs can be obtained by summing the volumes and capacities for each travel direction,
giving an indication of the total available system capacity in both the east-west and northsouth travel corridors. An example of this application as used in New Haven, Connecticut,
is illustrated in Figure 3.
Most downtowns have a well-developed street grid; this abundance of alternate
routes is the inherent advantage that downtowns have over their competitors, suburban
office and retail parks, where all traffic is generally forced onto the one or two
available arterials. This corridor capacity approach assumes that as one facility begins
to approach its capacity, some traffic will divert to other parallel, less-used facilities.
This diversion begins to animate some of the downtown roadways that were previously
forgotten in the one-way system, making them more visible and attractive for
Out-of-Direction Travel
As stated previously, one of the inherent disadvantages with one-way streets is that they
force additional turning movements at the intersections caused by motorists who must
travel out-of-direction to reach their destination. These additional turning movements
increase the chance of a vehicular-pedestrian conflict at any given intersection, and also
result in a systemwide increase in VMT over a comparable two-way system due to the
amount of recirculating traffic.
The magnitude of these measures can be quickly estimated using the following
approach. By choosing several downtown portals, typically used entry and exit points
from the downtown street network, and several major downtown destinations, usually a
high concentration of parking, supply, or office use, vehicular paths can be traced from
origin to destination and back assuming both a one-way and two-way street network. This
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method will give a comparison of the number of turning movements and total travel
distance for each street configuration. Our experience shows that a one-way system
usually yields approximately 120 to 160% of the turning movements when compared to
a two-way system, and the travel distance between portal and destination is usually 20 to
50 percent greater in a one-way street system.
An additional measure of this comparison can be made by simulation modeling of
both the one-way and two-way networks with TRAF-NETSIM. The simulation program
would yield system VMTs and delays for each case, which could then be compared.
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sequences involve a wide variety of directions of vehicle flow and pedestrian views of the
vehicle. The conventional view of the safety of one-way street crossing usually focuses on
crossing the upstream leg of the intersection, in which only a single turning movement is
encountered (sequence #11 and #12 in the diagram). However, this situation comprises
only 2 of the 16 possible conflict sequences. The complexity and variety of the other
14 are typically overlooked when discussing the merits of one-way streets.
Eclipsing of Storefront Exposure
One-way streets have a negative impact on storefront exposure for those businesses
highly dependent on pass-by traffic. As a vehicle stops at or enters an intersection the
driver has excellent visibility of the storefronts on the far side of the cross street. On
one-way street networks, precious storefront exposure is lost when one direction of
travel is removed, causing one side of every cross street to be partially eclipsed from
view, as illustrated in Figure 5. Eclipsing occurs on cross-street storefronts along the
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nearside of the intersection relative to the direction of travel, and where downtown
street networks contain many one-ways the accumulated negative impacts are
significant. A methodology was developed to calculate the loss of exposure to first
floor commercial property.
The quantity of eclipsed store frontage is a function of the quantity of one-way
street approaches in the intersection, block perimeter size, building setback and street
As block perimeter size increases, assuming the store frontage eclipsed remains
relatively constant, the percentage of impacted property decreases. The opposite is true
when block perimeters decrease, exacting an unfair disadvantage to the downtown with
a superior small-block size street grid. Building setback and street width combine to
determine the storefront footage visible across the street from the corner to the range of
sight limited by the glancing angle. The greater the sum distance from building setback
to building setback on the cross street, the more the store frontage eclipsed. An
application of the eclipsed frontage analysis is shown in Figure 6.
Once the evaluation measures have been quantified using the presented
methodology, they can be summarized in a matrix similar to the one presented in
Figure 7. In this way, a clear comparison is readily available for review by all
interested parties.
By carefully evaluating the results of an analysis using the methodology described above,
a community can make a better-informed decision about converting one-way streets to
two-way travel. Decision makers can weigh these quantitative criteria against the vision
and goals a community has for its downtown and determine if the through-traffic impacts
are acceptable in gaining livability within the downtown. Once the decision is made to
convert to two-way networks, several implementation strategies are available to make the
transition as simple and cost-effective as possible.
Figure 8 graphically depicts five options that can be used to implement a
systemwide downtown network conversion from one-way to two-way streets. The
strategies allow communities to undertake as much or as little conversion as they desire
in each phase and provide a systematic approach to deal with specific financial concerns
or skeptics. As can be seen from Figure 9, a conversion plan as dramatic and far-reaching
as the one recommended for New Haven, Connecticut, can entail significant costs and
time and is therefore a candidate for phasing.
Many communities are in the process of converting their one-way streets to
two-way networks. Table 1 summarizes some of those communities as well as where
they are in the process.
In conclusion, it is important to note that converting the street network from
one-way to two-way will not by itself guarantee an immediate resurgence of growth
and activity downtown. Most communities have come to this recommendation as a
part of a greater vision or urban design plan for their downtown. The conversion of
one-way streets is most often accompanied by other initiatives designed to attract
additional downtown development or redevelopment and make downtown a more
livable community.
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Chief Supporters of
Albuquerque, City transit system
and council member
Berkeley, CA
Local business
community (OverThe-Rhine Chamber
of Commerce)
Business community
Norfolk, VA
Toledo, OH
Current Stage in
Create a pedestrian-friendly
City council will
approve conversion this
environment near a new
intermodal facility and reduce year.
confusion for visitors
Accommodate buses and bikes Final draft of
and reduce neighborhood cut- conversion plan now in
Calming traffic and attract
A city council
new neighborhood businesses resolution has called for
Primary Contact
A majority of one-way
streets to be converted
in August, 1998.
Completion of boulevard
Conversion of two
system surrounding downtown streets to be complete
and traffic calming in
by mid-July 1998.
residential area
Create a pedestrian- and
Two streets were
visitor-friendly downtown
converted in 1997, and
plans call for the entire
downtown network.
There is no longer a need for a Several streets have
one-way network
been converted, and
more on an ad hoc basis.
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The authors would like to express their gratitude to Jonathan Hoffman, student at the
Georgia Institute of Technology and Glatting Jackson intern during the summer of 1998,
for his assistance in compiling data and studying the effects of retail frontage eclipsing
in New Haven, Connecticut.
Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual (1994 update). TRB, National Research
Council, Washington, D.C., 1994.
Harwood, D. W. NCHRP Report 330: Effective Utilization of Street Width on Urban
Arterials, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1990.