Solutions To Chapter 8 Exercises

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Solutions to Chapter 8 exercises

8.1 (a) In this case the inverse image of any open set is itself, hence it is open, and f is continuous.
(b) Let the constant value be y0 Y . Then f 1 (U) = X if y0 U and f 1 (U) = if y0  U .
In either case f 1 (U) is open, and f is continuous.
(c) In this case f 1 (U) is open in X no matter which set U Y is chosen, so f is continuous.
(d) In this case the only open sets in Y are Y, . Now f 1 () = and f 1 (Y ) = X . So f is
continuous since both and X are open in X .
8.2 First suppose that f : X Y is continuous, and let x0 X . Let U be any open set in Y
containing f (x0 ). Then f 1 (U) is an open set in X containing x0 and f (f 1(U)) U , so f is
continuous at x0 . This holds for any x0 X , so f is continuous at every point of X .
Now suppose that f is continuous at every point of X , and let U Y be open in Y . We
want to show that f 1 (U) is open in X . Let x f 1 (U). Then f (x) U , and since f is
continuous at x there exists an open set, call it Vx , open in X with x Vx and f (Vx ) U , so
Vx f 1 (U). Then

f 1 (U) =
since each x0 f 1 (U) is in Vx0

Vx ,

xf 1 (U )

Vx , and conversely any point in

xf 1 (U )

for some x0 f 1 (U), and Vx0 f 1 (U). Hence

Vx is in Vx0

xf 1 (U )

Vx f 1 (U). Now f 1 (U) is a union

xf 1 (U )

of open sets, hence is open and f is continuous.

8.3 Suppose first that A is open in X . The only open sets in S are , S and {1}. Now
A () = , A (S) = X and A (1) = A, all of which are open in X so A is continuous.

Conversely suppose that A is continuous. Then A is open in X since A = 1

A (1) and {1} is
open in S.
8.4 Equivalence of topological spaces is reflexive, since for any space X the identity function of
X is a homeomorphism. It is symmetric since if f : X Y is a homeomorphism of topological
spaces then so is f 1 : Y X . It is transitive since if f : X Y and g : Y Z are
homeomorphisms then so is g f : X Z : for g f is bijective since f and g are, and
continuous by Proposition 8.4; so is its inverse f 1 g 1 by definition and Proposition 8.4.
Hence equivalence of topological spaces is an equivalence relation.
8.5 We need to show that any open set U R is a union of finite open intervals. Now by
definition of the usual topology, for any x U there is some x > 0 such that (xx , x+x ) U .
It is straightforward to check that


(x x , x + x ).

8.6 Suppose that the given condition holds. Then the inverse image under f of any finite open
interval (a, b) is open, since f 1 (a, b) = f 1 ((, b) (a, )) = (f 1 (, b)) (f 1 (a, )),
which is the intersection of two sets open in X , and hence is open in X . Continuity of f now
follows from Exercise 8.5 and Proposition 8.12.
8.7 We have to show that B is a basis, and that it is countable. We first show B is a basis. For
this we need to show that any open subset U of R2 is the union of a subfamily of B .
So let U be an open subset of R2 and let (x, y) U . It is enough to show that there is
a set B B such that (x, y) B U . First, there exists > 0 such that B3 ((x, y)) U .
Now choose some rational number q such that < q < 2. Let q1 , q2 be rational numbers with

|x q1 | < / 2 and |y q2 | < / 2. Let us write d for the Euclidean distance in R2 . Then
d((q1 , q2 ), (x, y)) =

(x q1 )2 + (y q2 )2 < .

Now (x, y) B ((q1 , q2 )) Bq ((q1 , q2 )) B. Also, Bq ((q1 , q2 )) B3 ((x, y)) U : for if

(x , y  ) Bq (q1 , q2 ) then
d((x , y  ), (x, y))  d((x , y  ), (q1 , q2 )) + d((q1 , q2 ), (x, y)) < q + < 3.
This shows that U is a union of sets in B .
To show that B is countable, note that there is an injective function from B to Q3 defined
by Bq ((q1 , q2 ))
(q, q1 , q2 ). Now B is countable by standard facts about countable sets: Q is
countable, a finite product of countable sets is countable, and any set from which there is an
injective function to a countable set is countable.

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