M. Madeline Weigelt's Resume
M. Madeline Weigelt's Resume
M. Madeline Weigelt's Resume
Madeline Weigelt
5501 180th ST NE
Atwater, MN 56209
[email protected]
(320) 224-3028
Strength and Skills
• Reliable, responsible, with strong work ethic.
• My skills are transferable. I acquire the necessary skills for work I am
doing in a quick manner and can also transfer previously learned skills
when needed. I have quickly mastered any job I have done.
• Accepts supervision well, and works well as a team member.
• Also excellent in analyzing data, researching, and remembering
• I am motivated by a self-felt, self-accepted calling to the cause of good,
growth, and gain in the lives of others.
• Posses strong preference to work under the management or supervision of
others who are competent and knowledgeable in their area of expertise.
Education and Training
College of Saint Scholastica, Duluth, MN
MA in Exercise Physiology
• Courses included functional anatomy, applied exercise physiology,
cardiovascular physiology, exercise and electrocardiography, professional
development of exercise physiology, psychophysiology of health and fitness.
Summer 2008-
• Began to design obesity program for Superior School District, later
discovered that they already had a program going.
• Was an independent internship that had concluded in July.