Website Design Rubrics

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The pages are

unattractive. Text is
difficult to read. The
backgrounds are

The pages appear

busy or boring. Text
may be difficult to read.
The backgrounds are
somewhat distracting.

The pages are eyecatching and attractive.

Text is easy to read. The
backgrounds are subtle
and appropriate.

The pages are well

organized with tables.
Text spacing and
alignment make reading
easy. The backgrounds
enhance the page.


There are no photos,

icons or clip art or they
are inappropriate or of
low quality.

Photos are blurry or

fuzzy; icons and clip art
do not fit with the
topic. Too many pictures
make the download time

Photos, icons, and clip

art are appropriate, of
high quality, and
download fairly quickly.

Photos, icons, and clip art

are used creatively and
may follow a theme.


Information is poorly
written, inaccurate, or

Information could be
better written and too
much information is
given in each section.

Information is well
Information is creatively
written and interesting to written and cleverly
read and is presented in presented.
short sections.


The user may become

lost or links may be
missing or not working.

The user may become

confused when
navigating between
pages. Some links may
not work.

Links are consistent and

easy to find so that the
user can easily navigate
back and forth through

Links are created with

images and icons to
enhance the text links.


Minimal effort. Poor

layout/design. Did not
incorporate required
attributes, graphics, did
not resize pictures,
inappropriate graphics.

Was clever at times;

incorporated most of the
attributes; used a
limited variety of
appropriate graphics.

Was well done and

interesting to the
audience; added a few
original touches to
enhance the project;
used a good variety of
appropriate graphics.

Was extremely clever and

presented with originality.
Excellent layout/design
work incorporating all
required attributes, great
variety of appropriate
graphics that enhanced
the pages.


Goals and Objectives The overall objectives
of the student
projects have been
clearly stated and the
students include
quantifiable targets
and anticipated
Justification/Technica The students have
justified and
convinced the panel
why their project is
needed and the
potential impact of
the project is large
enough to account for
the time and effort of
the student and from
the panels.
Impact or Benefits
The students have
explained that their
project has the
potential to make a
significant impact
and indicated target
group which will
benefit from the

Very Satisfactory
The overall objectives of
the student projects
have been clearly
stated however the
students did not include
quantifiable targets and
anticipated outcomes.

An objective about the
project has been
presented but is not
clearly coherent to the
desired output.

The objective of the
project is only for the
sake of submission.

The students have

justified and convinced
the panel why their
project is needed
however the potential
impact of the project is
not enough to account
for the time and effort
of the student and from
the panels.

The students have

presented some reasons
why their project is
needed yet they were
not able to convince the
panels of its potential

There is no justification
of the impact of the
submitted project.

The students have

explained that their
project has the potential
to make a significant
impact however they
were not able to
indicate a target group
which will benefit from
the project.

The students have

presented that their
project has the potential
impact but were not
able to convince the
panels of its

There is no impact or
benefit that can be
gain from the
submitted project.


The students have

presented their
project in a clear way
and the presentation
is understandable to
a non-expert
The students were
able to answer all the
questions from the
panels with strong

The students have

presented their project
in a clear way however
the presentation is very
technical and requires
expertise or knowledge
of the presented topic.
The students were able
to answer most of the
questions with clear

The students have

presented their project
with minor help form
the instructor on
clarifying some terms
that are used in the
The students were able
to answer some of the
questions with

The students have

presented their project
by merely reading the
material that they
have prepared.



Very Satisfactory



Collaboration of Idea

The student
conceptualize the
entire idea of the

The student contributes to

some of the idea about
the application.

The student just merely

agrees with the presented
idea about the application
by his/her group mate.

Student did not

contribute anything to
the idea of the presented


Always present during

group meetings and
actual development

Always present on actual

development task and
attends most of the time
during group meetings.

Seldom present on actual

development task and
actual development task.

Always unavailable on
group meetings and
actual development task.

Harmoniously worked
with others

Accomplished the
assigned task all the

Accomplished assigned
task most of the time

Seldom accomplished
assigned task

Did no accomplished the

assigned task


The students
contributed minimal
answers without any

Participation towards
the completeness of
the project

Student completely
contributed towards the
accomplishment of the

Student contributed most

towards the
accomplishment of the

Student shared minimal


Student did not share

any insight towards the
completeness of the

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