A Neurocognitive Perspective On Language: The Declarative/ Procedural Model
A Neurocognitive Perspective On Language: The Declarative/ Procedural Model
A Neurocognitive Perspective On Language: The Declarative/ Procedural Model
Michael T. Ullman
What are the psychological, computational and neural underpinnings of language? Are these
neurocognitive correlates dedicated to language? Do different parts of language depend on
distinct neurocognitive systems? Here I address these and other issues that are crucial for our
understanding of two fundamental language capacities: the memorization of words in the mental
lexicon, and the rule-governed combination of words by the mental grammar. According to the
declarative/procedural model, the mental lexicon depends on declarative memory and is rooted
in the temporal lobe, whereas the mental grammar involves procedural memory and is rooted in
the frontal cortex and basal ganglia. I argue that the declarative/procedural model provides a new
framework for the study of lexicon and grammar.
Language depends on two mental capacities: a memo- order of lexical items, but also their hierarchical rela-
rized ‘mental lexicon’ and a computational ‘mental tions. In this example, an abstract representation for the
grammar’1,2. The mental lexicon is a repository of verb phrase ‘glicked the plag’ contains a representation
stored information, including all idiosyncratic, word- for the noun phrase ‘the plag’. This grammatical ability
specific information. It includes those words with arbi- to derive meaning from any well-formed complex
trary sound–meaning pairings, such as the non-com- structure underlies the incredible productivity and cre-
positional word ‘cat’. It is also thought to contain other ativity of human language. Such rule-governed behav-
irregular word-specific information, such as any argu- iour is found at various levels in language; for example,
ments that must accompany a verb (‘devour’ must be in phrases and sentences (syntax), and in complex
accompanied by a direct object), and any unpredictable words such as ‘walked’ or ‘glicked’ (morphology).
forms that a word takes (‘teach’ takes ‘taught’ as its past Importantly, the rules are a form of mental knowledge,
tense). The mental lexicon might also comprise com- in that they underlie our individual capacity to produce
plex linguistic structures, such as phrases and sentences, and comprehend complex forms. Moreover, the rules
the meanings of which cannot be derived transparently underlie mental operations that manipulate words and
from their parts (for example, idiomatic phrases such as abstract representations in the composition of complex
‘kick the bucket’). structures. The learning and use of the rules and opera-
But language also consists of regularities, which can tions of grammar are generally implicit (subconscious),
be captured by the rules of grammar. The rules con- and it has been argued that such grammatical knowl-
Departments of
Neuroscience, Linguistics, strain how lexical forms can combine to make complex edge is not available to other cognitive operations — it
Psychology and Neurology, representations, and allow us to interpret the meanings is ‘informationally encapsulated’3. Last, although com-
Georgetown University, of complex forms even if we have not heard or seen plex representations (‘walked’) could be computed
Research Building, 3900 them before. For example, in the sentence ‘Clementina anew each time they are used (‘walk’ + ‘-ed’), and cer-
Reservoir Road North West,
Washington DC 20007, USA.
glicked the plag’, we know that Clementina did some- tainly must be if they have not been previously encoun-
e-mail: thing in the past to some entity. The meaning can be tered (‘glicked’), they could, in principle, also be stored
[email protected] derived from rules that underlie not only the sequential in the mental lexicon after being constructed.
The declarative/procedural model cortex (including Broca’s area and the supplementary
The neurocognitive bases of the mental lexicon and the motor area), the basal ganglia, parietal cortex and the
mental grammar have been the focus of many stud- dentate nucleus of the cerebellum10–12,19–22. This system
ies2,4–7, which have concentrated on several issues might be related to the dorsal visual stream13 and is
including separability (do lexicon and grammar important for learning or processing skills that involve
depend on distinct or shared neurocognitive corre- action sequences23. The execution of these skills seems
lates?), computation (what computational mechanisms to be guided in real time by the posterior parietal cor-
underlie the learning, representation and processing of tex, which is densely connected to frontal regions13.
the two language capacities, and how is linguistic Inferior parietal regions might serve as a repository for
knowledge represented?), domain specificity (are the knowledge of skills, including information about
neurocognitive correlates of lexicon and grammar ded- stored sequences20. Similarly, the basal ganglia are also
icated only to language, or do they subserve other func- densely connected to the frontal cortex24. Basal ganglia
tions?), and the identification of their neural correlates circuits seem to be arranged in parallel and are func-
(can we localize their neural circuitry to particular tionally segregated; each of them projects through the
brain structures; what is the temporal order in which thalamus to a particular cortical region, largely in the
these structures participate during language processing, frontal cortex24.
and how do they interact?). According to the declarative/procedural model, the
Several models have attempted to address these declarative memory system underlies the mental lexi-
issues. Here I focus on one model — the declarative/pro- con, whereas the procedural system subserves aspects
cedural model — and compare its claims and predic- of mental grammar. So, declarative memory is an asso-
tions with those of competing models. The basic premise ciative memory that stores not only facts and events,
of the declarative/procedural model is that aspects of the but also lexical knowledge, including the sounds and
lexicon/grammar distinction are tied to the distinction meanings of words. Learning new words relies largely
between two well-studied brain memory systems — on medial temporal lobe structures. Eventually, the
declarative and procedural memory — that have been knowledge of words becomes independent of the
implicated in non-language functions in humans and medial temporal lobe and dependent on other neocor-
other animals8,9. tical areas, particularly those in temporal and tem-
The declarative memory system10–12 has been impli- poroparietal regions. The temporal lobe might be par-
cated in the learning, representation and use of knowl- ticularly important for storing word meanings,
edge about facts (semantic knowledge) and events whereas temporoparietal regions might be more
(episodic knowledge). This memory system seems to important in storing word sounds. Lexical memory is
be closely related to the ventral visual stream13. It not informationally encapsulated, but is accessible to
might be particularly important for learning arbitrari- multiple mental systems.
ly related items — that is, for the associative/contextual On the other hand, procedural memory subserves
binding of information. The knowledge might be the implicit learning and use of a symbol-manipulat-
explicitly (consciously) recollected, and might not be ing grammar across subdomains that include syntax,
informationally encapsulated, but accessible to multi- morphology and possibly phonology (how sounds are
ple mental systems11. Declarative memory is subserved combined). The system might be especially important
by regions of the medial temporal lobe — in particu- in grammatical-structure building — that is, in the
lar, the hippocampus — which are largely connected sequential and hierarchical combination of stored
with temporal and temporoparietal neocortical forms (‘walk’ + ‘-ed’) and abstract representations into
regions14. The medial temporal lobe is required to con- complex structures. The learning of rules should
solidate (and possibly to retrieve) new memories, depend on parts of the system that are involved in pro-
although they eventually become independent of the cedural learning. One or more circuits between the
medial temporal lobe and depend on neocortical basal ganglia and particular frontal regions might sub-
regions, particularly those in the temporal lobe15,16. serve grammatical processing and perhaps even finer
Other brain structures are also part of this system. distinctions, such as morphology versus syntax. From
Anterior prefrontal cortex might underlie the selection this point of view, the frontal cortex and basal ganglia
or retrieval17,18 of declarative memories, whereas por- are ‘domain general’, in that they subserve non-linguis-
tions of the right cerebellum might be involved in tic and linguistic processes, but contain parallel,
searching for this knowledge18. ‘domain-specific’ circuits.
The procedural memory system10–12 has been impli- It is important to note that the model does not
cated in learning new, and controlling well-established, assume that all parts of the two memory systems sub-
motor and cognitive skills. Learning and remembering serve language. At least in the procedural system, and
these procedures is largely implicit. It has been argued probably also in the declarative system, parallel circuits
that the procedural system is informationally encapsu- are posited to have analogous computational functions
lated, having relatively little access to other mental sys- in language and in other domains. Similarly, the model
tems11. (Note that I use the term ‘procedural memory’ does not assume that these two memory systems are the
to refer to only one particular brain memory system11 only systems that underlie lexicon and grammar. Other
and not to all non-declarative or implicit memory sys- neural structures and other cognitive or computational
tems.) The system is rooted in portions of the frontal components might be important for both capacities.
INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGY Comparison with other models representing lexical forms and abstract representations,
The modification of a word to fit The declarative/procedural model is similar in certain combining them to construct complex linguistic struc-
its grammatical role. For respects to other ‘dual-system’ models1,2,25. These models tures. These structures are often suggested to be com-
example,‘sang’ and ‘walked’ are
hold that lexicon and grammar are separable and sub- posed from their parts every time they are used2,28,29.
inflected in the past tense.
served by distinct cognitive systems1,2,26. The learning, Grammar has been claimed to depend on the left frontal
DERIVATIONAL MORPHOLOGY representation and processing of words and other arbi- cortex, particularly on Broca’s area and adjacent anterior
The creation of new words. For trary information in a rote or associative memory is sub- regions30,31. So, the declarative/procedural model shares
example, the nouns ‘solemnity’ served by one or more systems that might be specialized several features with other dual-system models. Their dif-
and ‘toughness’ are derived from
the adjectives solemn and tough,
for and dedicated to these functions1,3,27. It has been ferences will become clearer when I discuss the specific
respectively. claimed that the use of stored words might depend on left predictions made by each of them.
temporal and temporoparietal structures7. The learning, ‘Single-system’ theories posit that the learning and
knowledge and processing of grammar are also sub- use of the words and rules of language depend on a sin-
served by one or more systems that are dedicated to their gle computational system that has a broad anatomical
linguistic functions. The grammar manipulates symbols distribution32,33. According to this view, there is no cate-
gorical distinction between non-compositional and
compositional forms. Instead, rules are only descriptive
Box 1 | Dual-system models and regular/irregular morphology entities, and the system gradually learns the entire statis-
All dual-system models assume that regular (default) forms are computed by rules that tical structure of language, from the arbitrary mappings
manipulate symbols representing their parts, whereas the use of irregular (non-default) in non-compositional forms to the rule-like mappings
forms involves form-specific stored representations. However, the models differ in the of compositional forms. Modern connectionist theory
specific aspects of these claims. has offered a computational framework for the single-
system view. It has been argued that the learning, repre-
Regular forms
‘Piece-based’ theories, such as the declarative/procedural model, assume that affixes are
sentation and processing of grammatical rules and lexi-
stored lexical items that are combined with stems25,29,134. Some piece-based theories cal items take place over many interconnected, simple
assume that pieces are put together anew each time they are used9,25,29,134. For example, processing units. Learning occurs by adjustments to the
‘walked’ is the real-time product of a function combining two arguments — ‘walk’ and weights of connections on the basis of statistical contin-
‘-ed’. Other piece-based theories posit that forms are combined from pieces and then gencies in the environment4,34.
stored as whole words135, with or without more-specific representation of part–whole Deciding between these competing perspectives has
structure. So,‘walked’ is listed as a whole word but could also contain information been problematic, partly because tasks that probe for
specifying its constituent parts ‘walk’ and ‘-ed’. lexicon or grammar usually differ in ways other than
Other dual-system theories deny the piece-based computation of complex words. These their use of the two capacities. For example, it is difficult
posit that, unlike phrases and sentences, the parts of complex words do not exist as to match measures of grammatical processing in sen-
separate pieces, but are specified by relations that capture regularities among words. For tence comprehension with measures of lexical memory.
example,‘walked’ is related to ‘walk’ by an affixation function that takes ‘walk’ as its only For this reason, much recent research has focused on the
argument. The controversy between real-time computation and memorized distinction between regular and irregular morphology,
representations also exists among these theories. Although it is sometimes assumed that especially in English past tense9,25,34,35. This offers a com-
regular complex words are computed anew whenever they are used136, it is alternatively parison between two otherwise well-matched types of
claimed that the representations of existing forms are stored137,138. linguistic form. The application and construction of
Irregular forms irregular past-tense forms is not entirely predictable
Because the application of an irregular transformation is, by definition, arbitrary, all dual- (compare, for example, bring–brought, sing–sang and
system models claim that each word is associated with some type of stored information come–came), and must therefore depend on memo-
regarding any irregular transformations. Theories differ as to how the information is rized representations9,25,29. Regular past tenses follow a
represented, what type of information is stored, and with which irregular items it is stored. simple rule, the affixation of ‘-ed’, which is the default
Some models suggest that any memorized irregulars are stored as symbols in a rote transformation for the past tense. Regular past tenses
memory29,48. All such models admit that ‘suppletive’ forms (utterly idiosyncratic, as in could therefore be rule products. This distinction
go–went) must be stored. However, it has been argued that subregularities that are found between regular and irregular forms is found across lan-
among many irregular transformations (for example, the shared pattern in sing–sang, guages, in both INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGY and DERIVATIONAL
spring–sprang and ring–rang) can be captured by rules of grammar29,139. Although MORPHOLOGY. So, the irregular/regular distinction offers a
memorized representations that link the stems of irregulars to their individual rules must
relatively simple and well-studied cross-linguistic
exist, the irregular morphological forms themselves are suggested to be rule products that
approach for examining the neurocognitive correlates
are computed anew each time they are used. These rule products can be computed by
of lexicon and grammar.
morphophonological ‘stem-readjustment rules’ for forms that undergo stem changes
(dig–dug or sing–sang) and/or affixation rules. Last, several dual-system models, including
Predictions of the models
the declarative/procedural model, claim that irregulars are represented and processed in a
distributed associative memory that is at least partially productive, therefore allowing the Dual-system models predict that representations of
generation of new irregulars (for example, spling–splang). So, the system learns the irregulars are stored in lexical memory, whereas regu-
mappings of individual morphologically complex forms (sing–sang), learns patterns lars are grammatical rule products (BOX 1). Single-
common to the mappings of different forms (sing–sang, spring–sprang, ring–rang), and system models argue that all forms are learned, repre-
can then generalize these patterns to new forms (spling–splang). Moreover, some of these sented and processed in an associative memory, which
models25, including the declarative/procedural model, assume that the representations of can be modelled by a connectionist network. Whereas
forms can be structured, reflecting the morphophonological and phonological part–whole early connectionist models focused on the phonological
structures of words. mappings between stem and past tense34,36, a recent
single-system model attempted to integrate semantic Domain generality. According to the declarative/proce-
and phonological knowledge, which are assumed to be dural model, but not to other dual- or single-system
linked to temporal lobe and frontal lobe structures, models, lexicon and grammar are subserved by distinct
respectively35 (BOX 2). systems, each of which underlies a specific set of non-
The declarative/procedural model predicts that irreg- language functions. Only the declarative/procedural
ular forms are stored in declarative memory. This is model predicts associations in learning, representation
an associative memory of distributed representations, and processing, among irregular forms, non-composi-
over which the phonological and semantic mappings of tional lexical items, facts and events. Similarly, only this
the transformations are learned, stored and computed model predicts associations between regular forms,
A double dissociation is (BOX 1). The procedural system, by contrast, is suggested aspects of syntax and other domains of grammar, and
observed when two different to subserve the composition of regular forms from their motor and cognitive skills.
tasks lead to complementary parts in real time (‘walk’ + ‘-ed’). The computation of a
patterns in behaviour or brain morphologically complex form involves the parallel acti- Localization. The declarative/procedural model makes
activation. Task X is normal in
patient A but not patient B,
vation of the two systems; the declarative system tries to specific claims about links between the two language
whereas task Y is normal in compute a form in associative memory, while the proce- capacities and sets of specific brain structures on the
patient B but not in A. Similarly, dural system attempts to compute a rule product in real basis of the roles of these structures in the two memory
in scanning healthy subjects, task time37. As the memory-based computation proceeds, a systems. Certain dual-system models predict similar
X leads to activation in one brain
continuous signal is sent to the rule-processing system, links, but they do not make the particular neuro-
area but not another, whereas
task Y shows the opposite indicating the probability of the successful retrieval of a anatomical claims of the declarative/procedural model.
pattern. form from declarative memory. This signal prevents the Single-system models do not predict the same func-
procedural system from carrying out its computation. So tion–structure associations.
FREQUENCY EFFECTS the computation of ‘dug’ blocks the computation of
Words stored in memory are
remembered better and faster if
‘digged’. If a memorized form is not retrieved, then the As I discuss next, these predictions are supported by
they have been more frequently rule can apply, resulting in over-regularization errors such evidence from several languages, obtained using a range
encountered. as ‘digged’8,37–40. In addition, the successful computation of methodological approaches in children and adults.
frontal cortex and the basal ganglia in ‘-ed’ suffixation. about 400 ms post stimulus (N400s), and depend on
More generally, they support the hypothesis that these bilateral temporal lobe structures115–117. Difficulties in
structures underlie the expression of grammatical rule-governed syntactic processing can yield early
rules, as well as movement, and indicate that they have (150–500 ms) left anterior negativities (LANs)118,119,
a similar function in the two domains. which have been linked to rule-based automatic com-
putations120 and left frontal structures121. Intriguingly,
Amnesia. Bilateral damage to medial temporal lobe difficulties in processing word-specific syntactic knowl-
structures leads to an inability to learn new information edge can elicit an N400 rather than a LAN122. Syntactic
about facts, events and words12. Importantly, neither processing difficulties also tend to elicit late (600 ms)
phonological nor semantic lexical knowledge is centroparietal positivities (P600s)123. However, these
acquired98,99, supporting the hypothesis that these struc- positivities are associated with controlled processing120
tures underlie the learning of word forms, as well as and posterior brain regions, and are not suggested to
meanings. The ANTEROGRADE AMNESIA seen after damage to depend on the procedural system.
the temporal lobe is accompanied by variable degrees of Several ERP studies have examined regular and
RETROGRADE AMNESIA. However, knowledge acquired a long irregular inflectional morphology in German124,125,
time before the lesion tends to be spared12. So, although Italian126 and English127–129. All of these studies have
medial temporal lobe structures underlie the learning of found distinct ERP patterns for regular and irregular
new lexical information, knowledge of words learned morphology. Although the specific results have varied, a
during childhood should be intact in adult-onset amne- trend has emerged. Whereas inappropriate regular affix-
sia. As expected, our examination of the well-studied ation (anomalous addition124,125 or omission128,129 of the
global amnesic H.M.100 revealed that he did not differ from affix) can lead to a LAN, modification of irregular
normal age- and education-matched subjects in syntac- inflection tends to elicit a more central, N400-like nega-
tic processing tasks, or in the production of regular and tivity124,128,129. Moreover, this LAN does not seem to dif-
The inability to store new irregular forms in past-tense, plural and derivational fer in topography from the LAN that is elicited by syn-
information in long-term morphology. tactic anomalies128,129, underscoring common neural
memory. mechanisms for regular morphology and syntax.
Neuroimaging evidence Whereas most ERP studies examine language during
Loss of or inability to recall Haemodynamics. Several studies using positron emis- comprehension, a recent experiment probed regular
information that was previously sion tomography (PET) and functional magnetic reso- and irregular past-tense production, and examined cor-
stored in long-term memory. nance imaging (fMRI) have investigated the pattern of tical localization of the scalp-recorded potentials130.
brain activation during language processing. Lexical and Regular past tenses elicited more frontal activation than
Arguably the best-studied
semantic processing is strongly associated with activa- irregular verbs, but irregular forms yielded more activi-
patient in the literature on tion in temporal/temporoparietal regions, including the ty in left temporal lobe regions, strengthening the tem-
memory, H.M. became amnesic medial temporal lobe (FIG. 1)16,101–104. In addition, selec- poral lobe/frontal lobe dichotomy that is predicted by
after the bilateral resection of tion or retrieval of lexical and semantic knowledge leads the declarative/procedural model.
large parts of the temporal lobe
to activation in anterior prefrontal cortex17. By contrast,
in an attempt to treat epilepsy
episodes. The analysis of H.M.’s several tasks that are designed to probe syntactic process- Magnetoencephalography. In a MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHIC
amnesia provided a clear ing preferentially elicit activation of Broca’s area, the sup- investigation of regular and irregular past-tense produc-
dissociation between declarative plementary motor area (FIG. 1) and the left basal ganglia tion, DIPOLE MODELLING was used to localize sources of
and procedural memory. (caudate nucleus)102,105–109. Interestingly, the processing of brain activity131. Dipoles were localized to a single left
lexically stored syntactic knowledge (for example, word- temporal/parietal region for both regular and irregular
A non-invasive technique that specific knowledge about what arguments a verb takes) verbs, 250–310 ms after verb-stem presentation. Dipoles
allows the detection of the is accompanied by activation of the temporal lobe104. in left frontal regions were found only for regular verbs
changing magnetic fields that are Imaging studies have examined the production of and only for times immediately after the left temporal/
associated with brain activity. As
regular and irregular forms in the English past tense110–112, parietal dipoles (310–330 ms). No dipoles were found
the magnetic fields of the brain
are very weak, extremely and in the German past tense and past participle113. These in the right hemisphere. These results are consistent
sensitive magnetic detectors studies have found differential activation in frontal and with a dual-system model in which temporal/parietal-
known as superconducting temporal regions for the two forms, although the specific based memory is searched for an irregular form, the
quantum interference devices, regions have varied across the studies9. A study of successful retrieval of which blocks the application of a
which work at very low,
superconducting temperatures
Finnish, a morphologically very rich and productive frontal-based suffixation rule8.
(–269 °C), are used to pick up language, reported greater activation in Broca’s area for
the signal. regular morphologically complex words than for non- Conclusion
compositional words114, strengthening the view that this In summary, studies using different methodologies have
region underlies rule-based morphological processing. examined the acquisition, computation, processing and
A method to determine the
location of the sources that neural bases of lexicon and grammar, focusing on irreg-
underlie the responses measured Electrophysiology. Event-related potentials (ERPs) ular and regular morphology in several languages.
in a magnetoencephalographic reflect the real-time electrophysiological activity of the These studies have tested the predictions of different
experiment. It provides an brain elicited by cognitive processes that are time-locked single- and dual-system language models. The data
estimate of the location,
orientation and strength of the
to the presentation of target stimuli. Difficulties in largely conform to the dissociations and associations
source as a function of time after semantic processing with lexical or non-linguistic stim- that are predicted by the declarative/procedural model,
the stimulus was presented. uli elicit central/posterior bilateral negativities that peak supporting its validity (BOX 3).
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Michael Ullman is a faculty member of the Department of
Neuroscience and at the Georgetown Institute for Cognitive and
Computational Sciences at Georgetown University, Washington DC. He
holds secondary appointments in Linguistics, Psychology and
Neurology. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Brain and
Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His
group examines the neural, psychological and computational underpin-
nings of language, focusing on the mental lexicon of memorized words
and the mental grammar, which underlies rule-governed behaviour. He
uses various methodological approaches, including neuroimaging, neu-
ropsychology and psycholinguistics, to probe the structure of words
(morphology), and phrases and sentences (syntax), in several languages,
including English, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.