Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
the skin) to which heat was then applied for a short period of
time (1/2 to one hour). The results were so astounding that
castor oil packs are still very popular today.
Cayce recommended the use of castor oils packs in hundreds of readings to improve the bodys eliminations, lymphatic
circulation and assimilation of nutrients. By using castor oil packs,
the flow of lymph is increased throughout the body. This helps
to speed the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and to reduce the size of swollen lymph nodes. The end result is a pronounced, systemic improvement in organ function with a general lessening of fatigue and depression.
Dr. William McGarey, a medical doctor in Phoenix, Arizona
who extensively studied Cayces medical recommendations,
showed that his own patients using castor oil packs had significant increases in the production of lymphocytes as compared
to those using placebo packs. In his book, The Oil That Heals,
Dr. McGarey recounts many seemingly miraculous cases where
castor oil packs were the key therapy used to help his patients
overcome many different types of disorders in a very short
period of time.
Beware of Junk Castor Oil
Beware of the source of your castor oil. Unfortunately, much
castor oil currently available is derived from castor oil beans that
behave been pesticided or poorly grown (thus having few or no
healing properties) and which have been solvent-extracted or deodorized (which damages healing phytonutrients and imparts
residual toxic solvent contaminants).
Castor Paste
Cayce also recommended applying castor paste on callouses
on the feet, moles, ingrown toenails, warts and other problem
areas. Castor paste is made by mixing a pinch (about 1/8
tsp.) of baking soda with 3 to 4 drops of castor oil in the palm,
then massage into the affected area. You can also wrap a
towel over it for several hours.
The Very Best Castor Oil
The best castor oil comes from the ancient land of its original
discovery and use: India. The nonhybrid castor beans are still
grown by traditional herbal masters in the dense, central forests of India in fertile, luxurious soil and pure air. This castor oil
is cold pressed (without hexane) and is 100% pesticide-free.
This premier quality castor oil is guaranteed to contain the
full range of highly active, undamaged healing phytochemicals,
including ricinoleic acid, undecylenic acid and much more. Now
this previously unaccessible grade of castor oil is available to
Am Oil Chem Soc 6a;37:323-5.
McGarey, William A., The Oil That Heals: A Physicians Successes
with Castor Oil Treatments
Rev. 4/08/03