Banking Information

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Banking Information

With Economic data

Group: Banking Career in Bangladesh


Editor : Mou Shaila

20 January 2016

[Bank & Other EXAM ]

From Different EXAM:

15. Which types of bank account allows Overdraft

1. In the CAMEL bank rating system the letter A

Facility to the depositors? Current Account

stands for Asset Quality

16. Monetary policy will be most effective when----

2. Bourse is a European word for what financial

interest sensitivity of demand for money is

mechanism? Stock Exchange


3. Which is the financial center and main city of

17. Which organization of World Bank is known as

Switzerland? Zurich

the soft loan window? IDA

4.In Islamic banking ____ is a contract of sale

18. If the central bank buys government securities in

between the bank and its client for the sale of goods

the open market, the supply curve of real money

at a price plus an agreed profit margin for the bank.

will shift to the? Right and the interest rate will



5. What is FDI Foreign direct investment

19. Which institution is the regulatory authority of

6. Which of the following is the effect of inflation?

capital market intermediaries in Bangladesh?

Purchasing power of money decreases

Securities and Exchange Commission

7. Which part of Sariah covers the law regarding

20. The effective rate of protection measures- the

financial and banking system?Muamalat

percentage increase in domestic production value

8. Which was not a state owned commercial bank?

added that is due to protection

Pubali Bank

21. Which one is considered as the banker to

9. Suppose that initially the nominal rate of interest

government of Bangladesh? Bangladesh Bank

is 8% and the expected rate of inflation percent. If

22. The banking companies in Bangladesh are

the expected rate of inflation increases to 8% what

regulated under the provision of Bank company

will be the new nominal in rate? ( Pubalibank 140-B

Act 1991

page )

23. When Bank rate increases then --- banks

10. What is the current cash reserve ratio (CRR) in

loanable funds decreases


24. The Marshall Lerner condition states that a

11. Along the short run curve if the actual rate of

devaluation will improve a country balance of

unemployment falls below the natural rate of

payments if the sum of elasticity of demand for

unemployment? The actual inflation will be higher

exports and imports is Zero

than expected inflation rate

25. In 2008 the exchange rate of the Euro

12. Which one is the association of bank executive in

appreciated against the US dollar. A possible cause

Bangladesh? Associaciation of Bankers Bangladesh

for the appreciation of the euro was the European


Central Bank raised the value of the Euro

13. Which of the following transaction will not me

26. What is the current Bank Rate of Bangladesh? -

recorded in Bangladeshs balance of payment?

Bangladesh gets foreign aid from japan

27. A country with a current account surplus is

14. Which one of the abbreviated from represents

using part of its domestic saving to lend overseas

the regulatory body of insurance companies in

rather than finance domestic investment

Bangladesh? IDRA

28. There will be no crowning out if the demand

Banking Information

for money increases as real GDP increases

43. Which of the following is a combination of

29. ? MICR

stagnation and inflation? Stagflation

30. Devaluation of money results in an increase in

44. A bull market means that share price are

which of the following? Money Supply


31.The effect of shorting the length of the operating

45. Which of the following is the principal guideline

cycle is decreased cash inflow

to be followed in Islamic Banking? Sharia Law

32. Return on equity can be calculated by: dividing

46. Scheduled Banks of Bangladesh are regulated

net profit margin by asset turnover and financial

under Bank company Act 1991


47. In Green Banking what does ERM stand for?

33. Asset turnover measures: the sales revenue

Environment Risk Management

generated by efficient management of asset

48. In a certain period difference between visible and

34. Which of the following will cause an increase in

invisible import and export of a country is called

return on equity (ROE) as long as experiences do not

Balance of Trade

grow faster than revenue? An increase in sales

49. In banking SLR means Statutory Liquidity Ratio


50. The first Private sector Bank is AB bank

35. If a companys return on equity ratio increases

51. Investment depends mainly on Future expected

from one year to the next year, the most likely


cause is an increase in net income and/or a

52. Basel II protocol is a risk management tool for

reduction in total experience as a percentage of sales


53. What is hedge fund? Private investment fund

36. If a companys return on Asset stays the same

54.In which year Islamic Development Bank

from one year to the next but its financial leverage

established? 1975

ratio increases then the most likely cause is a

55. In Islamic bank SSb means Shariah Supervisory

decrease in the debt equity ratio


37. If the current ratio is 2 to 1, the payment of a

56. The Duration of a valid cheque is 6 months

cash dividend which was recorded as a liability on


the date of declaration will- decrease the current

57. BIS stands for what? Bank for International



38. Which of the following ration is not a test of

58. What does the acronym EOI commonly stand for?


Expression of Interest

39. CIB stands for Credit Information Bureau

59. According to the recent Bangladesh Banks order

40. The difference between lending and borrowing

what can be the maximum lending rate of a

rate banks called Spread

Commercial Bank? 13.5%

41. Which one of the following is not included in the

60. Head office of the Bank of South is in

formal sectors of financial system of Bangladesh?


42. How frequently does BB announce the monetary

61. What is not included in narrow money (M1)

policy of Bangladesh? Half yearly (6 months)

Time deposits

Banking Information

62. Which one is not included in the current account

80. In a BOB statement outflow of dividend on

of balance of payment of a country? Foreign direct

portfolio Investment is capital inflows


81. Price specie flow mechanism is related to

63. The LM curve shifts rightward if nominal

Flexible exchange rate regime

interest rates decrease

82. The number of imported automobiles in a year is

64. In the simple Keynesian model, the magnitude of

an example of what type of data? Discrete

the multiplier depends on Marginal prosperity to

83. Scarcity is the imbalance between Limited


resources and unlimited wants

65. Which of the following is not part of aggregate

84. In the oligopolistic market, firms sell

demand? Exchange rate

Homogeneous or different product

66. Cross elasticity of demand is positive if the goods

85. The IMF articles of agreement encourage

are substitutes

currency convertibility on Current account of the

67. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary


phenomenon, who said this? Milton Friedman

86. Supply side policy is related with the Supply

68. The relationship between wage price inflation

side improvement on real output

and the level of economic activity is known as

87. Managed floating of the exchange rate allows a

Phillips curve

central bank to Control volatility of the exchange

69. Which one does not directly affect the value of


money multiplier? Currency deposit ratio

88. A discount bound Pays the bondholder the face

70. In conducting monetary policy Bangladesh Bank

value at the maturity date

pursues a strategy of Monetary targeting

89. An organization that mobilizes deposits from and

71. An increase in the rate of interest would increase

lends to its members without any Bangladesh bank

the opportunity cost of holding money

regulation is - Micro Finance institution

72. Negative externalities can be internalized

90. CDBL stands for Central Depository Bangladesh

through subsidies


73. Excess capacity is absent in Perfect competition

91. Which Ministry controls banking sector in

74. Horizontal demand curve for a perfectly

Bangladesh? Finance

competitive firm indicates demand is unlimited to

92. In which type of account we should deposit our

a single firm

money in order to earn higher rate of return?

75. Demand curve fir a perfectly competitive

Fixed deposit

industry us Horizontal

93. Banks function do not include Trading

76. In the long run, a monopoly firm earns/incurs

94. Money market is a market for - short term

Zero points


77. Short run Mc cuts AC at its minimum point

95. How many foreign commercial bank are now

78. Decrease in the general level of prices in known

operating in Bangladesh? 9

as Deflation

96. BO in BO accounts stands for- Beneficiary Owners

79. Monetary policy deals with Interest rate and

97. Dr.Atiur Rahman is the ___ governor of

money supply

Bangladesh 10th
Banking Information

98. In which year Grameen Bank established? 1983

requirements as measures of credit control are

99. Bank rate means Interest rate at which

classifeid as: ans: qualitative methods

Bangladesh Bank lend money to other Bank

Q-8: A close ended funds means:

100. What is NBFI None Bank Financial Institute

ans: the corpus is of fixed size with a definite

101. In which year bdt 1000 Note first introduced

redemtion period, listing on stock exchange provides


easy liquidity, the market price is always below the

102. CAMEL rating is a system that Assigns a

Net Asset Value [All the above]

numerical rating to bank

Q-9: An open ended funds means:

103.What is S.W.I.F.T ? A global fund transfer

ans: the fund exists for perpetuity. There is no


ceiling on the amount to be collected or raised,

104. Dhaka Bank limited Started to provide Islamic

investors are assured of dividends, capital

banking services in the year 2006

appreciation and safety of their investments, a

105. Which type of bank account t does not pay

repurchase facility close to Net Asset Value [All the

interest to the depositors? Current Account


106. We open current account with a commercial

Q-10: The main functions of mutual funds are:

bank for a purpose of Safe custody of funds

ans: investment of funds so collected in capital

Q-11: Demand draft is a __
ans: negotiable instrument

Banking Related Question:::::

Q-12: In the case of a demand draft

Q-1: What do you mean by money laundering?

ans: Drawer and drawee are the same but he payee

ans: convering money obtaining through illegal

is different

sources in to legal money.

Q-13: Who is primarily liable on a cheque?

Q-2: Which amongest the following is not term

ans: Drawer

deposits issued by commercial banks?

Q-14: Crossing Denotes_

ans: Current account

ans: a direction to the paying bank to make payment

Q-3: Which among the following is called as mother

of the cheque through a bank

of deposits?ans: Savings account

Q-15: The negotiable instruments Act deals with __ ?

Q-4: When it comes to scheduled commercial banks,

ans: Promissory notes, bills of exchange and cheques

which out of the following is not true?

Q-16: Time deposits means:

ans: Local area banks

ans: The deposit which are lent to bank for a fixed

Q-5: When it comes to the following term namely-


IPO, what do you mean by "P"? ans: Public

Q-17: What is call money?

Q-6: By crossing we mean:

ans: Money borrowed and lent for overnight or a

ans: two transverse parallel lines on a cheque


Q-7: Bank rate policy, open market operations,

Q-18: Demand deposits mean:

variable reserve requirements and statutory liquidity

ans: Deposits withdrawable on demand by the


Banking Information

Q-19: Commercial paper may be issued for a period

Q-32: The actual return of an investor is reduced

of __?ans: 7 days to one year

sometimes when the prices of the commodities go

Q-20: Which type of risk arises before a bank that

up all of a sudden and in financial sector this type

trades in governement securities?

of phenomenon is known as

ans: Market risks

ans: Probability risk

Q-21: A debtor makes default in repayment of a bank

Q-33: In economics, it is generally believed that the

loan and which type of risk is this for lending bank?

main objective of a public sector financial company

ans: Credit risk

like bank is to: ans: maximizing the total profits

Q-22: What do you mean by universal banking?

Q-34: Which of the following cannot be called as a

ans: Provision of all financial services in one bank

debt instrument as referred in the financial

Q-23: Cheque truncation means:

transactions?ans: Stocks

ans: using the electronic image of a cheque

Q-35: Which of the following is a third party

Q-24: The process of transformation of physical

products often sold by banks?

shares, commercial paper or certificate of deposit

ans: Mutual Funds

into electronic form is called as:

Q-36: Money laundering normally involves __

ans: Dematerialisation

ans: Placement of funds, Layering of funds,

Q-25: Mortgage relates to which type of loan among

integration of funds [All the above]

the following? ans: Housing loan

Q-37: Sub-prime refers to_

Q-26: Banking sector comes under which of the

ans: Lending done by financing institutions including

following sectors? ans: Service sector

banks to customers not meeting with normally

Q-27: Which of the following terms are not used in

required credit appraisal standards

banking sector?ans: Credit rating

Q-38: Currency Swap is an instrument to manage-

Q-28: The availability of cash and other cash like

ans: Cash flow in different currencies.

marketable instruments that are useful in purchases

Q-39: Which of the following types of accounts are

and investments are commonly known as:

known as Demat Accounts?

ans: Liquidity

ans: Accounts in which shares of various companies

Q-29: The ratio of the cash reserves that the banks

are traded in electronic form

are required to keep with BB is known as:

Q-40: Lack of access to Financial services is

ans: Cash reserve ratio

technically known as.......?

Q-30: Which of the following policies of the financial

ans: Financial Exclusion

sectors is basically designed ot transferring local

Q-41: Which term is used to describe a situation

financial assets into foreign assets freely and at

where an inflation rate is high, the economic growth

market determined exchange rates:

rate slows down, and unemployment remains

ans: Capital account convertibility

steadily high?

Q-31: An industry which is fighting hard to increase

ans: Stagflation

its market share in existing market (with new

Q-42: In which country is the bank for International

popular products) is known as:

Settlements Located? ans: Switzerland

ans: Market challenger.

Banking Information

Q-43: A segment of the financial market in which

10. A common form of intra-bank short term

financial instruments with high liquidity and very

borrowing is - Call money .

short maturities are traded is known as---?

11. CAMEL rating system that - assings a numerical

ans: Money Market

rating to a bank .

Q-44: The difference between the outflow and inflow

12. SWIFT is - A global fund transfer system .

of foreign currency is known as ___:

13. Import quotas tend to be associated with -

ans: Current Account Defict

Expand domestic and sales .


14. The rate at which commercial bank borrow

money from the central bank is called - bank rate .

-BB branch ___10


-last branch ___Mymensingh

1. SWIFT stand for - Society for world wide intra

-division of BB-42
-Recently, BB launched new dept __ Green banking &

bank financial telecommunication.

2. Share market of our country is regulated by Bangladesh securities and exchange commission .

-SOCB __6

3. The major stock market index in England is -



-Islamic Bank __8

4. In Bangladesh , The company act amended in -

-Foreign Bank _9


-Schedule bank __56

5. Intermediaries , who are agents of investor and

-SAARC Bank ---

The best football player in Asia,2015= Ahmed Khalil

match buyers with sellers of securities are called Brokers.

6. The theory that " bad money drives good money

inflation rate..december 6.10 %

1. The Export partner country of Bangladesh is - The
2. The Euro introduced to world financial markets 1 January 1999

out of circulation " is given by - Gresham .

7. Specialized firm that finances young start-up
companies are called- venture capital firm .
8. Finance companies are- Capital market
intermediaries .

3. SLR stand for - Statutory Liquidity ratio .

4. The first private commercial bank of Bangladesh AB Bank .
5. The Chittagong stock exchange was established in
- 1995
6. The apex body of the private sector business
community in Bangladesh is - FBCCI .
7. The act adopted for prevention of use and
transfer of money illogically is called - Money
Laundering Prevention Act .
8. "BIA" stand for - Bangladesh Insurance company .
9. The largest trading block in The world - WTO

9. Due to inflation , purchasing power of money Decrease .

10 . Five taka note issued by - Sectery of finance .
11. TIN stands for - Tax identification numbers .
12. Account No. needed crossed cheque , Travellers
cheque .
13. Name of the central bank of Nicaragua- Central
bank of Nicaragua ( Banco central de Nicaragua) .
14. Name of the currency of Georgia - Lari.
15. The World bank is an - International Financial
institution .

Banking Information

16. Govt fiscar policy related to - Tax.

Liberal International Bank Official Ratio

17. The legal tender issued by the central bank of a

London Inter Bank Offered Rate

country is called - Treasury bill.

Answer (d).

18. The members of FBCCI are - Businessmen and

Bill of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques are

Industrialists .

defined as

Operating profit er dik theke 2015 er 1st position e

(a) Negotiable Instruments

ache Islami Bank Bangladesh limited. Profit 18.07

(b) Trust Receipts


(c) Documents of Title to goods

(d) None of the above

(e) Stamped Instruments

New foreign Insurance company: LIC,(India) and

Ans: A

Taiyo Summit Life Insurance Company(Japan, joint

Who is primarily liable on a cheque?

venture with Summit group)

(1) Drawee banker

Which of the following terms is used in banking

(2) Drawer


(3) Payee

-Interest rate swap

(4) Collecting banker

-Input devices

(5) none of the above


Ans: 2

-Zero Hour

Demand draft is a


(1) not negotiable instrument

Expand the term EMI as used in banking/finance

(2) not transferable instrument


(3) negotiable instrument

Easy Monthly Instalment

(4) Quasi-negotiable instrument

Equal Monthly Investment

(5) none of the above

Equated Monthly Instalment

Ans: 3

Equated Mortgage Investment

NBFCs consist of----

Answer (c)

(1) Equipment Leasing Company and Investment

Expand the term EMI as used in banking/finance



(2) Hire purchase Finance Company and Mutual

Easy Monthly Instalment

Benefit Finance Company

Equal Monthly Investment

(3) all of the above

Equated Monthly Instalment

(4) None of the above

Equated Mortgage Investment

Ans: 4

Answer (c)

1. Common stock is a source of-long term finance. 2.

Expand the term LIBOR as used in financial banking

A devaluation of currency is expected to- in crease


export. 3. The symbol '' indicates the currency of-

Local Indian Bank Offered Rate

UK. 4. A 'CBA' represents-workers. 5. The bank

London-India Bureau Of Regulations

interest rate are controlled by- Bangladesh Bank. 6.

Banking Information

The major two functions of a schedule bank- deposit

of corporate stock, then-you own part of the

collection and lending money. 7. The most important

corporation. 33. 'bKash' is an example of-mobile

function of money-exchange. 8. The World Bank was

banking. 34. The Ministry responsible for collecting

established in June 25, 1946.DSE(Dhaka Stock

taxes in Bangladesh- Ministry of Finance. 35. The

Exchange) operates under the direct control of-

first private commercial bank in Bangladesh- AB

Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC). 10.

Bank Limited. 36. Value Added Tax(VAT) introduced

Dumping in international trade means- charging a

in Bangladesh on- 01 July, 1991. 37. The term used

lower price for exported goods than the same goods

for money borrowed or lent between banks for a day

sold domestically which affects the domestic

or night- Call money. 38. The name of the Central

producer. 11. The first central bank of the world-

Bank of India- Reserve Bank of India. 39. An increase

Bank of England. 12. The previous name of

in the growth rate of the money supply is most

Bangladesh Bank- State Bank of Pakistan. 13.

likely to be followed by- Inflation. 40. The Fiscal

Treasury bills are sold by - Bangladesh Bank. 14. IDB

Year starts in Bangladesh on-1 July. 41. The major

was established in-1975. 15. In Bangladesh, fiscal

export partner country of Bangladesh is- the USA.

years ends on- June 30. 16. In banking, SLR stands

42. At present number of offices of the Central Bank

for- Statutory Liquidity Ratio. 17. Devaluation of taka

country wide is- 10. 43. Taka 1 polymer note was

is likely to increase- export. 18. The interest rate is-

first introduced in Bangladesh in - 2000. 44. The

the cost of using borrowed funds. 19. The main

Euro introduced to world financial markets- 1

purpose of merchant banking is to contribute to the

January 1999. 45. The Chittagong Stock Exchange was

development of-capital market. 20. Money mainly

established in- 1995. 46. The apex body of the

serves as- medium of exchange and means of barter.

private sector business community in Bangladesh is-

21. 'The soft loan window' of World Bank is-IDA (IDA

FBCCI. 47. The act adopted for prevention of use and

stands for International Development Association).

transfer of money illegally is called- Money

22. The father of Geometry is-Euclid. 23. In the

Laundering Prevention Act. 48. BIA stand for-

simple Keynesian model, the magnitude of the

Bangladesh Insurance Academy. 49. The largest

multiplier depends on- marginal propensity to

trading bloc in the world is- EU. 50. A common form

consume. 24. The relationship between wage-price

of inter-bank short term borrowing is- Call Money.

inflation and the level of economic activity is known

51. CAMEL rating is a system that- assigns a

as- Phillips curve. 25. In conducting monetary policy,

numerical rating to a bank. 52. SWIFT is- A global

Bangladesh Bank pursues a strategy of- monetary

fund transfer system. 53. Import quotas tend to be

targeting. 26. Excess capacity is absent in- perfect

associated with - expand domestic production and

competition. 27. In the long run, a monopoly firm

sales. 54. The rate at which commercial banks

earns/incurs- zero profit. 28. Decrease in the general

borrow money from the central bank is called- bank

level of prices is known as-deflation. 29. Consumer

rate. 55. Circuit breaker in a stock exchange works

surplus means- difference between what consumer

as- An obstacle to excessive change in share price.

wants to pay and actual price. 30. Uruguay Round

56. In Islamic Banking the customers are considered

was related to- WTO 31. NBFI stands for-Non Bank

as- partners to profit sharing. 57. Charge a lower

Financial Institution. 32. When you purchase shares

price for exported goods than the same goods sold

Banking Information

domestically is called- dumping. 58. In a stock

Washington D.C. 87. The present governor of

exchange 'OTC' means- Over The Counter. 59.

Bangladesh Bank is- Dr. Atiur Rahman. 88. Dow Jones

Grameen Bank was established in-1983. 60. Profits of

is related to- Stock Market. 89. WEF stands for-

a firm that are distributed or given out to its

World Economic Forum. 90. The main export item of

investors are called- dividends 61. RJSC stands for-

Middle East is- Petroleum. 91. 'ECNEC' stands for-

Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. 62. The

Executive Committee of National Economic Council.

headquarters of European Central Bank is located in

92. The index used in Bangladesh to measure

- Frankfurt, Germany.

Inflation is - Consumer Price Index (CPI) 93. The

63. In Islamic Banking SSB stands for - Shariah

largest stock exchanges in the world by market

Supervisory Board. 64. The organization or agency

capitalization in 2013 is- New York Stock Exchange.

issues Two Taka note in Bangladesh is- Ministry of

94. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was

Finance. 65. The free market involves- market forces

established on - 1st January 1995. 95. The Islamic

of supply and demand. 66. Investment depends

banking system emerged in Bangladesh in -1983. 96.

mainly on- Future Expected Profits. 67. The central

The business of banking started first in - Italy. 97.

bank in England is known as- Bank of England 68. In

Numismatics is the study of - Coins. 98. The name of

Islamic Banking, 'IBS' stands for- Islamic Banking

institution is known as 'Britton Woods Institutions -

Scheme. 69. The headquarter of IDB is in- Jeddah. 70.

IMF and World Bank. 99. The act empowers

In Green Banking, ERM stands for- Environmental

Bangladesh Bank to issue licenses to carry out

Risk Management. 71. CRR stands for- Cash Reserve

banking business in Bangladesh is- Bank Company

Ratio. 72. Buying and selling in two market

Act, 1991. 100. The duration of a cheque is valid for

simultaneously- Arbitrage. 73. Sellers market denotes

-6 months. 101. IPO is the term used in -Stock

a situation where- commodities are available at

market. 102. The Cambodian currency is- Riel. 103.

competitive rates. 74. Development means economic

Goverment Fiscal Policy relates to- Tax Expenditure.

growth plus- social change. 75. Money market is a

104. A direct tax is- Income tax. 105. The largest tea

market for- short term fund. 76. Devaluation of taka

exporter country in the world is- Sri Lanka. 106. The

is likely to increase- export. 77. The term 'Secondary

ministry which control banking sector in

Market' is commonly used in- stock market. 78. The

Bangladesh- Finance. 107. GATs stands for- General

term ' Book Building Method' is related to- Price

Agreement on Trade and Services. 108. The number

discovery method of IPO. 79. The main source of

of Export Processing Zones in Bangladesh is-8. 109.

bank fund-deposits. 80. In a perfect competition

The designation of the Head of the IMF is- Managing

market structure there are-many small firms. 81.

Director. 110. The duration of the 6th Five Year Plan

Dhaka Stock Exchange was established in-1954. 82.

is- 2011 to 2015. 111. The bank which in the USA

Number of foreign commercial banks are now being

recently paid the hightest amount of penalty under

operated in Bangladesh is-9. 83. The first Finance

money laundering law-HSBC. 113. The regulatory

Minister of Bangladesh was - Captain Monsur Ali. 84.

agency for non-bank financial institution in

The acronym GDP stands for - Gross Domestic

Bangladesh- Bangladesh Bank. 114. TICFA stands for-

Product. 85. The name of Thai currency- Baht. 86.

Trade & Investment Cooperation Framework

The headquarters of the World Bank is inBanking Information

Agreement. 115. Total number of schedule bank in

1. Who is the regulator for Micro-finance institutions
in Bangladesh - MRA( Microcredit Regulatory
Authority ) 2. Which one of the following companies
has issued largest ever IPO in capital market - Ali
Baba .
3. The central bank of India - Reserve bank of India .
4.Which one of the following legal tender money coin .
5. Which one of the following is an affiliate of the
international Bank for Reconstruction development IDA .
6. Who was the finance minister during the
liberation war in 1971 - Captain M mansur Ali .

1. Budget details :
Budget Title : Incorrigible optimistic
Budget'15 = 2,95,100 Crore BDT
= 2,08,443 Crore BDT
Budget Deficit = 86,657 crore BDT (4.7% of GDP)
Income source :
Value added tax = 61.8%
Internal finance = 19.1%
Except tax income = 8.9%
Foreign debt = 8.2%
Foreign Aid = 2%
Expenditure schedule :
Public administration = 19.2%
Education = 11.6%
Transport & Communication = 9.7%
Rural development = 7.1%
Agriculture = 6.8%
Fuel & Energy = 6.3%
Defense = 6.2%
Health = 4.3%

7. In the Camel bank rating system , the letter A

stands for - Asset quality .
8. The Headquarter of European central bank located
is - Frankfurt .
9. The current president of world bank - Jim yong
king .
10. Which is the first Bangladesh EPZ - Chittagonj
11. Soft loan window of world bank is - IDA .
12. Yuan is the currency - China
1st e-bank....the national city bank of newYork
ATM Poddhoti prothom chalu kore standard
chartered bank.
Ready cash prothom janata bank chalu kore.
Bangladesh bank a electronic ba e-tendering
poddhoti chalu hoi-12 may 2010

Economic Info. Jan' 2016)

2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP):

GDP amount:
Nominal = 195.52 Billion USD (36th)
PPP = 655 Billion US$ (31st)
15, 13,600
8, 24,532
GDP per capita = Tk. 95,864 (2014-15)
Target GDP Growth Rate = 7%
Current GDP Growth Rate = 6.51%.
Projected GDP Growth Rate:
WB = 6.2% (2014) 6.5% (2015) 6.7% (2016)
IMF = 6.25% (2014), 6.5% (2015), 6.8% (2016)
ADB = 6.4% (2014-15) 6.7% (2015)
BB= 7% (2015) 6.8-6.9 (2016)
Record Highest GDP = 6.71% (2011)
Record Lowest GDP = 4.08% (1994)
Average GDP Growth Rate = 5.64%
Projected GDP growth rate of the World by
1. IMF:
2. World Bank:
2014 = 3.3%
2014 = 3.2%
2015 = 3.5%
2015 = 3.4%
2016 = 3.7%
2016 = 3.9%

Banking Information

Government expenditure= 6.9% of GDP

Government Spending to GDP = 17.62%
Contribution of sectors in GDP:
Service = 56.42%
Industry = 27.99%,
Agriculture = 15.59%.
Tourism = 6.25%
Investment to GDP ratio = 28.99%.
3. Annual Development Program (ADP):
ADP for 2015-16 = 100997 crore BDT including 3997 crore
BDT for Autonomous Bodies.
First priority: Communication sector
= 21.88%; 20236 crore BDT
Second priority: Power (Electricity)= 15.33%, 15485 crore BDT
4. Inflation rate:
January = 6.04%
February = 6.14%
March = 6.27 %
April = 6.32%
May = 6.19%
June =6.25%
July = 6.37%
August = 6.17%
September = 6.24%
October = 6.19%
November = 6.05% ( Point to Point)
Consumer Price Index (CPI) = 220 (Oct' 2015)
December = 6.10%
5. Balance of payment, Remittances :
Import Payment (2014-15) : $40.70 billion
Export Receipt (2014-15) : $31.20 billion
Balance of Trade = -57.73 Million BDT (Sep' 2015)
Remittances :
FY2014-15 = $1530 cr. 7.6%
FY2013-14 = $1422 cr. 1.7%
FY2012-13 = $1446 cr.
Gold Reserve = 13.78 tons
Foreign Exchange Reserve=
27 Billion USD (29th OCT, 2015)
FDI = 1504 Million USD (2014)
Highest FDI from = Singapore
Crude Oil Production = 4.00 BBL/D/1k
6. Socio-Economic Context :
A. Per Capita Income = $1314
Capital Adequacy Ratio = 10.27%
Classified Loan = 9.67%

B. Poverty Rate :
Economic Review '2014 :
Poverty rate = 25.6%
Extreme poverty rate = 12%
Ministry of Planning (GED) : Feb'15
Poverty Rate = 24.47%,
Extreme Poverty Rate = 10.64%
C. Population growth rate :
Economic Review = 1.37%
World population report = 1.2%
population density 1035 per sq. km
D. Literacy rate =
62.3% (Economic Review, 2015)
57.9% (Economic Review, 2014)
57.7% (UNDP, 2014)
E. Unemployment Rate :
BBS = 4.50% (47% graduates are unemployed)
WB = 14.20%
7. Banking % :
------------Average Monthly Interbank Rate
= 3.85% (Nov 30' 2015)
Average Interbank rate during 1997-2015
= 8.42%
Record Highest Interbank Rate
= 33.54% (Dec' 2010)
Record Lowest Interbank Rate
= 0.74% (Nov' 2009)
Bank rate = 5%
Repo = 6.75%
Reverse Repo = 4.75%
Special Repo = 10.25%
SLR for conventional banks = 13%
SLR for Islamic banks = 5.5%
CRR for Both Categories
= 6.0 % (Daily Basis)
= 6.5%. (Fortnightly basis)
CRR for NBFI = 2.5%
SLR for NBFI = 5%
8. Credit Rating of Bangladesh:
-------------------------------A. Standard & Poors:
Sovereign = BBForeign = BBT&C Assessment = BBOutlook = Stable
B. Moody's Stable Rating =Ba3
9. Wage Earners' Remittance Inflow:
2015-16: $7.26 billion [1st July to 25th December 2015]

Banking Information

2014-15: $15.32 billion

2013-14: $14.23 billion
2012-13: $14.46 billion
10. Monthly remittances inflow in FY2015-16:
July: $1.39 billion
August: $1.20 billion
September: $1.35 billion
October: $1.10 billion
November: $1.14 billion
December: $1.08 billion [up to 25th Dec, 2015]
11. Foreign Exchange Reserve:
$27 Billion = 29/10/2015
$26 Billion = 17/08/2015
$25 Billion = 25/06/2015
$24 Billion = 29/04/2015
$23 Billion = 26/02/2015
$15 Billion = 05/05/2013
$10 Billion = 10/12/2009
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Monetary Policy : 2016(Jan-June)

Banking Information

Banking Information

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