A Low Complexity Channel Estimation Algorithm For Massive MIMO System

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International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014), pp.81-92


A Low Complexity Channel Estimation Algorithm for Massive

MIMO System
Jiang Jinga and Wang Ni
Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xian and 710061, China
jiangjing18@gmail.com; lemontree626808 @163.com
Massive MIMO can boost the capacity and increase the coverage, however the pilot
overhead of its channel estimation will linearly increase with the antenna increasing. In order
to reduce pilot overhead and improve the quality of channel estimation, a multi-dimension
Wiener filtering channel estimation algorithm was put forward. First we analyzed Massive
MIMO system model and channel model in which Base station configured a two-dimension
antenna array; then accomplished channel estimation applying the correlation function of
time, frequency, the row and column of the antenna array, and presented a simple closedform solution of the space-time-frequency correlation function to reduce the complexity of the
algorithm. The proposed algorithm extends one-dimension space filtering to two-dimension,
so doesnt need to transmit pilots in every raw of the two-dimension antenna array contrast
with 3D-Wiener and can reduce beyond 50% pilot overhead. Based on the simulation results,
this algorithm can achieve 8dB performance gain over 2D-Winner and 3dB over 3D-Wiener
with same pilot overhead and can acquires the optimal throughput with considering both the
channel estimation quality and pilot overhead.
Keywords: Massive MIMO, Channel Estimation, Multi-dimension Wiener Filter, Spacetime-frequency Correlation

1. Introduction
In the foreseeable future, the requirements of high rate wireless applications and the high
density of wireless devices are expected to lead to enormous new challenges in terms of the
efficient exploitation of the achievable spectral resources. Among the prospective airinterface techniques, Massive MIMO (known as Large-scale MIMO) in the base station can
boost the cell throughput, improve the link quality and decrease the transmission power [1, 2].
Massive MIMO is characterized that Base station can distinguish the objective user not only
the position in X/Y planar but also the height in Z axis. To achieve the alignment of three
dimensions, it will configure two-dimension rectangle array which has more antenna than the
traditional one-dimension array [3]. Massive MIMO can precisely concentrate the
transmitting power on the height of the target user so as to improve the link quality and
reduce the interference to other users. On the hand Massive MIMO can support spatial
multiplexing of multiple users with different heights, so can boost the system capacity.
The most common method to acquire MIMO channel knowledge in the receiver is channel
estimation aided by pilots or preambles [4, 5]. The transmitter delivers pilots from every
antenna or different beams, and the receiver estimates channel information of the
corresponding antenna or beam using LS (Least Squares), LMMSE (Linear Minimum Mean
Square Error), 2D-MMSE (Two-dimension Minimum Mean Square Error) or 2D (twodimension) Wiener filtering algorithms. With antenna and distinguishable beam increasing,
the overhead of pilots or preambles will linearly increase and greatly decrease the system

ISSN: 2005-4262 IJGDC

Copyright 2014 SERSC

International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

throughput. For Massive MIMO with more antenna and more precise beams, new channel
estimation algorithms should be studied on how to reduce pilot overhead and improve the
quality of channel estimation.
The following literatures have studied on how to utilize the channel correlation to reduce
pilot overhead and improve the quality of channel estimation. Literature [6] proposed 2DWiener channel estimation algorithm which achieved channel estimation interpolation using
time-frequency channel correlation. It can significantly reduce pilot overhead and improve the
channel estimation quality comparing LS, LMMSE algorithms. The three dimensional Wiener
filter (referred to as 3D-Wiener) channel estimation algorithm was considered in the literature
[7]. It achieved channel estimation interpolation using the space-time-frequency correlation of
MIMO channel and proved that 3D-Wiener is superior to 2D-Wiener of approximately 5dB
with same pilot overhead. Literature [8] proposed a three-dimensional MMSE channel
estimation algorithm using the channel space-time-frequency correlation. But those literatures
were for the conventional one-dimensional antenna array and havent defined the space
correlation of arbitrary two elements for the two-dimension antenna array. As 2D-Wiener
dont use spatial correlation of MIMO channel, pilot will deliver from every antenna to
estimate channel information and its pilot overhead is linearly increased with the number of
antenna. 3D-Wiener and 3D-MMSE dont use two-dimension spatial correlation of MIMO
channel, pilot will deliver from every raw of the antenna array to estimate channel
information and its pilot overhead is increased with the number of rows. For Massive MIMO,
the space-time-frequency correlation of the two-dimension antenna array and new channel
estimation algorithm still need more studied.
On the study of the space-time-frequency correlation with the two-dimensional uniform
rectangular array, literature [9] presented and simulated the solving of the spatial correlation
of uniform rectangular array, but hasnt considered the integrated solving scheme of spacetime-frequency correlation function. Literature [10] proposed the space-time-frequency
correlation solution with arbitrary antenna arrays, but its solution is very complicate and hard
to be applied in the actual channel estimation algorithm. Literature [11] proposed a Massive
MIMO channel model for IST-Wiener channel simulation but didnt analyze the channel
In this paper, we extend one-dimension space filtering of original 3D-Wiener algorithms to
two-dimension space filtering and propose a multi-dimension Wiener filter channel
estimation algorithm. We achieves the channel estimation interpolation with multi-dimension
filtering and gets the optimal Wiener filtering weights using the channel correlation functions
of the time, frequency, raw and column of the antenna array. The proposed algorithm doesnt
need to transmit the pilot from every antenna element contrast to 2D-Wiener or even every
raw contrast to 3D-Wiener and can be significantly reduced the pilot or preamble overhead.
At last based on theoretical analysis and simulation results, its shown that the proposed
algorithm has the better quality of channel estimation than 2D-Wiener and 3D-Wiener
algorithm with the same pilot overhead. What is more, the proposed algorithm acquires the
optimal throughput with considering both the channel estimation quality and pilot overhead.

2. System Model and Massive MIMO Channel Model

Based on the literature [3], a typical antenna configuration is used in base station as shown
in Figure 1. The transmitter configures a uniform rectangular antenna array (URA) with N row
raw and N col column, which composes N same omnidirectional antennas with same RF
characteristic and N N row N col . The spacing of every two adjacent elements is d x to x-


Copyright 2014 SERSC

International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

axis and d y to y-axis. The receiver configures uniform linear array (ULA), as shown in Figure
2, with M antenna elements, which the spacing of every two adjacent units is d x to x-axis.
Assume that time-frequency resources of MIMO+ OFDM system are divided into a
plurality of same resource blocks and every resource block includes K subcarriers, L OFDM
symbols and applies the same pilot transmission scheme. In this paper a resource block will
be the object to describe the multi-dimension Wiener filter channel estimation algorithms. For
the t OFDM symbol and the subcarrier, the received signal of a physical resource block
is can be expressed as:

Y t , H t , X t , nt,


Where Y t, is the M 1 dimension receiving signals and the dimension of

Y is LK M 1; H t , is the M N channel matrix from the transmitter to the receiver

and the dimension of H is LK M N . X t, is the N 1 dimension transmitting signal.
nt, is the M 1 dimension additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero mean and

variance . Assume that the average normalized channel gain E H t,


average signal to noise ratio (SNR) per symbol is


1 and the



1 N col



Figure 1. Antenna Configuration of the Transmitter



Figure 2. Antenna Configuration of the Receiver

Copyright 2014 SERSC


International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

In this paper we focus on the estimation of the channel impulse response (CIR) without
considering the impact of large-scale fading. It is commonly assumed that the distance from
the antenna array to scatters a much larger than the antenna spacing. Therefore, propagation
waveforms in the scattering environment are plane waves. There are I multi-paths from the
transmitter to the receiver which every path is distributed to Rayleigh distribution. For the
t th OFDM symbol and the th subcarrier, the channel matrix H t, can be expressed as:

H t, a R i ,i i t , aT i ,i
i 1

Where denotes the transpose of the matrix or vector. I is the total number of multiT

path, and i t , is CIR of the i th path. aT i , i is the steering vector of URA in the

transmitter, i is the angel between the x-axis and the direction-of departure (DOD) of the

i th path from the transmitter and commonly known as the azimuth angle i is the angel
between the z-axis and the DOD of the i th path and commonly known as the elevation angle.
a R i , i is the steering vector of the ULA in the receiver. aT i , i is defined as the
following formula (3):

a i , i vec a N row a TN col

1, e j ,, e j ( N col 1) , e j ( ) ,, e j N col 1 ,...,

j N 1

,..., e j N row 1 N col 1

Where a Nrow 1, e j , , e j ( Nrow1)






and is the raw steering vector of URA. a Ncol



a Ncol 1, e j , , e j ( Ncol 1)

Further 2d x cos sin / and is the wavelength. 2d y sin sin / .

a R i , i is the steering vector of the receiving antenna array and the M 1 dimension

vector as formula (4) shown:

a R i , i 1, e j , , e j ( M 1)


3. Multi-stage Wiener Filtering Channel Estimation Algorithm

In this paper, pilots are transmitted from the antenna. The n0th transmitting antenna
transmits pilot signals in the t 0th OFDM symbol and the 0th subcarrier, other antennas
transmit null signal in the current physical resource element as illustrated in Figure 3, and the
receiver will estimate CIR of this antenna based on received pilot signals. Pilot signals are
transmitted spacing d t symbols in the time domain, d f subcarriers in the frequency domain
and d s antennas in the space domain, which means there is only one antenna to transmit the
pilot in every d s antenna and other antenna dont need to transmit the pilot in any timefrequency resources.


Copyright 2014 SERSC

International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

Null Signal
Antenna n0+ds




Antenna n0


Figure 3. The Pilot Transmission Scheme

Assume that X t0 , 0 , m0 , n0 is the pilot signal transmitted in the t 0th OFDM symbols, the

0th sub-carrier and the n0th transmitting antennas. CIR can be estimated by LS algorithm to
estimate from the receiving signal in this time-frequency resource and is expressed as:

Y t0 , 0 , m0 , n0
H t0 , 0 , m0 , n0
X t0 , 0 , m0 , n0


The channel information of other antenna and other time-frequency resources are obtained
by the interpolation using Wiener filtering. Wiener interpolation filter achieve the minimum

t , and the desired

mean squared error between the filtered output signal H
m ,n
signal H m,n t , . The channel information of every receiving antenna is acquired by formula
(5), and the output signal of Wiener filter is written as:

H t , , m, n w opt H t 0 , 0 , m, n0
Rdp R pp
H t 0 , 0 , m, n0


The channel correlation matrix Rdp and R pp are the four-dimensional function, so the
proposed algorithm called multi-dimension Wiener filter channel estimation algorithm. R pp is
the LK M M auto-correlation matrix of the estimated CIR at the pilot position. For the
t 0th OFDM symbols, the 0th sub-carrier, the m0th receiving antenna and the n0th transmitting
antenna, the autocorrelation matrix R pp is calculated as follows:

Rpp t0 , 0 , m, n0 E H t1 , 1 , m, n1 H t0 , 0 , m, n0


Wherein denotes conjugate. Rdp is the cross correlation matrix between output values

of CIR in data position and the estimated CIR in pilot positions and is calculated as follows:

Rdp t , , m, n E H t , , m, nH * t0 , 0 , m, n0


t , , m, n is unknown, we will use the spaceWherein denotes conjugate. As H

time-frequency correlation character of Massive MIMO channel to solve formula (8). It is
commonly assumed that CIR is Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering (WSSUS)
model, it means that the time correlation t of all the multi-path is same with the time

Copyright 2014 SERSC


International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

interval t , and the frequency correlation

with subcarrier spacing is same in the

system bandwidth. Where t is denoted the time correlation function between the
channel of symbol t and symbol t t ; is denoted the frequency correlation
function between the channel of sub-carrier and sub-carrier

.Therefore, t

and are irrelevant with the spatial correlation function. We utilize formula (5) to
estimate CIR of every receiving antenna, so it is only necessary to consider the spatial
correlation of the transmitter. Through the above analysis, formula (8) is the independent
product of spatial correlation function, the time correlation function and the frequency
correlation function [6-8]:

Rdp RT n1, n2 t


t t2 - t1 and 2 - 1 . RT n, n1 is the spatial correlation function

between the n transmit antennas and the n1 transmit antennas.

The time correlation function and is calculated as follows [5, 6]:

t J 0 2tf max Tsym


Where f max is the maximum Doppler shift, Tsym is OFDM symbol length, and J 0
represents the zero order Bessel function. The frequency correlation function and is calculated
as follows [5, 6]:

Pi e j 2
i 1


Where Pi is the expected power of the i th path.

For the transmitting antenna, we assume that the n antenna is located in the nrow
row and
column of the transmitting antenna array and the n1th antenna is located in the



and ncol
column of the transmitting antenna array, the spatial correlation function of the n

transmitting antenna and the n1th transmitting antenna can be calculated according to the
following formula:

RT n1 , n2

row , ncol

, an

row , ncol

0 0

0 -

0 -

, p , dd

j 2 / ncol n1col d y sin sin

0 0

0 -


e j 2 / nrow nrow d x cos sin dd


0 -

j y sin sin

e jx cos sin dd

Copyright 2014 SERSC

International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

Where p , is the joint probability density function of the azimuth angle and the
elevation angle. Assume that the azimuth angle is independent distribution with the elevation
angle, so p , p p . is the angel spread of the azimuth angle and 0 is the
average azimuth angle, is the angel spread of the elevation angle and 0 is the average
elevation angle. If the azimuth angle

is uniform distributed in 0 - 0 and

the elevation angle is uniform distributed in 0 - 0 , we can deduce

C 1 4 . x and y respectively are phase deviation of x-axis and y-axis.

Let x2 y2 , arg tan x , then formula is denoted as:

0 0
e j sin sin dd

4 0 - 0 -
0 0 cos sin sin


0 - 0 - j sin sin sin

RT n1 , n2


Based on the well-known representations:

cos sin sin J 0 ( sin ) 2 J 2 n sin cos 2n

n 1

sin sin sin 2 J 2 n-1 sin sin 2n - 1

n 1

J 2 n (2 z sin )d

J n2 z



Formula (13) can be expressed a simple closed-form solution:

RT n1 , n2

J 02 ( )

J n sin 0 - sin 0 -

n 1 2n

J 2 1 cos 0 - - cos0
n 2
n 1 2n

We calculate the cross correlation matrix Rdp using formula (10), (11), (16), and estimate
channel information of every transmitting antenna in the resource block based on formula (6).

4. IV Performance Analysis and Simulation Results

In this section we analyzed and evaluated the MSE and Throughput performance of this
algorithm. To more clearly evaluate the performance, we compare Multi-dimension Wiener
channel estimation algorithm with current 2D-Wiener and 3D-Wiener filter channel
estimation algorithm. Simulation parameters are shown in Table 1.

Copyright 2014 SERSC


International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

Table 1. Simulation Parameters


65.1 ns
Transmitter: 4 4 URA,
Receiver: 4 ULA. Antenna spacing: / 2
IST-Wiener Model, B1 NLOS (16 paths)

Antenna configurations
Channel Model
Physical Resource Blocks

12 subcarriers14 OFDM symbols

Pilot transmission scheme

Time intervaldt =4Frequency interval df =3

as shown in Figure 2
Space intervaldescribed in simulation method

MSE of the Multi-dimension Wiener filter channel estimation algorithm is calculated as

the following formula (16):


e2 t , , m, n

MNLK 1 t 1 n 1 m 1

t , , m, n Rdp t , , m, n
E H t , , m, n w opt

t , , m, n wopt t , , m, n

w opt
R pp t , , m, n w opt

According the solution of formula (6), the latter two can be canceled each other out. Then
formula (16) can be simplified as the following formula (18):


t , , m, nRdp t , , m, n
E H t , , m, n w opt




2D-Winner with pilots scheme I

3D-Winner with pilots scheme I
Multi-dimension Winner with pilots scheme I
Multi-dimension Winner with pilots scheme II











Figure 4. MSE~SNR Simulation Results


Copyright 2014 SERSC

International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)






Multi-dimension Winner with pilot transmission scheme I
Multi-dimension Winner with pilot transmission scheme II









Figure 5. Throughput ~SNR Simulation Results

MSE~SNR simulation results of different channel estimation algorithms are shown in
Figure 3 (left figure). The multi-dimension Wiener filter channel estimation algorithm
configures two pilot transmission schemes. The scheme I is that pilots are transmitted on
every antenna same as 2D-Wiener, 3D-Wiener. The scheme II is that pilots are transmitted on
every antenna in the odd column of URA. The multi-dimension Wiener filter channel
estimation algorithm utilizes the two dimension spatial correlation of the row and column of
URA. With the same pilot overhead, it can acquire approximately 8dB performance gains
over 2D-Wiener which filtered without the spatial correlation and 3dB gain over 3D-Wiener
which filtered with the one-dimension spatial correlation. In particular, pilots overhead of the
pilot transmission scheme II is less than scheme I, but as a result of the row and column twodimensional space filter, the MSE performance is worse about 0.6dB than 3D-Wiener channel
estimation algorithm and better 3.6dB than 2D-Wiener.
In order to comprehensively evaluate the quality of channel estimation and pilots overhead,
we compare the throughput performance, which specially is that the amount of transmitting
bits in simulating physical resources is multiplied by the correct probability and then subtract
pilots overhead. In the simulation, we use 1/2 convolutional code and 16QAM modulation,
and a single stream beamforming for the data transmission. Pilot transmission scheme is
determined by the characteristics of every channel estimation algorithm. 2D-Wiener transmits
pilots from every antenna and its pilot overhead is 57%. 3D-Wiener antenna can use the onedimension space correlation, therefore it transmitted pilots from odd antenna in every raw of
URA and its pilot overhead is 28.5%. The multi-dimension Wiener filtering can be
implemented using two-dimension space correlation and configures two pilot transmission
schemes. Schemes I is same with the scheme of 3DWiener. Scheme II transmits pilots only
from the odd antenna in odd raws of URA and its pilot overhead is 14%. Shown as Figure 3
(Right), the throughput of the proposed algorithm is optimal and much higher than the 2DWiener. At low SNR, the proposed algorithm with the same pilot scheme get higher the
throughput than 3D-Wiener, and as the SNR increasing, the quality of channel estimation is
improved and pilot overhead determines their throughput, therefore the throughput of the
proposed algorithm is same as 3D-Wiener. In Pilot transmission scheme II with minimal
pilots overhead, the proposed algorithm takes full advantage of the two-dimension space
correlation of URA, the throughput performance of proposed algorithm is superior to 3DWiener both in the low or high SNR and can achieve optimal throughput performance.

Copyright 2014 SERSC


International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)

5. Conclusions
In this paper we analyze Massive MIMO channel model and the space-time-frequency
correlation of URA and put forward a simple and closed solution of the space-time-frequency
correlation function between arbitrary two pairs of transmitting antenna and receiving
antenna. Further the multi-dimension Wiener filtering algorithm obtains the optimum filter
weights using the above-mentioned correlation function and achieves the channel estimation
interpolation with multi-dimensional filtering in the time, frequency, rows and columns
domain. This algorithm can reduce by half or three-quarters of pilots overhead while
obtaining a good channel estimation performance. Based on simulation results, it is proved
that the proposed algorithm can acquire higher system throughput comparing with 3D-Wiener
and 2D-Wiener channel estimation algorithm for Massive MIMO system with a uniform
rectangular array. This algorithm can be applied in Massive MIMO system with good
research and practical value.

This paper is sponsored by National 863 Program (2014AA01A705), National Natural
Science Foundation of China (61102047, 61201194) and the science research project of
Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (11JK1016).






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Jiang Jing received M. Sc. from the Xi Dian University in 2005 and a
Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from North
Western Polytechnic University, China in 2009. She had been a
researcher and a project manager from 2006 to 2012 at ZTE Corporation
in China, and currently as an associate professor of School of
Communication and Information Engineering in Xi'an University of
Posts & Telecommunications, China. Her research interests include
wireless communication theory and MIMO system design. She has been
a Member of the IEEE, 3GPP.

Wang Ni was born in Shaanxi Province, China, in 1988. She

received the B.E. degree from School of Communication and
Information Engineering in Xi'an University of Posts &
Telecommunications, in 2012. She is currently studying as a M.E. in
School of Communication and Information Engineering in Xi'an
University of Posts & Telecommunications, China. Her research
interests include Massive MIMO System, Heterogeneous Network

Copyright 2014 SERSC


International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing

Vol.7, No.4 (2014)


Copyright 2014 SERSC

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