Research and Markets: Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, 3rd Edition
Research and Markets: Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, 3rd Edition
Research and Markets: Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, 3rd Edition
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets
( has announced the
addition of John Wiley and Sons Ltd's new book "Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, 3rd Edition" to their
This book serves as a reference for engineers, scientists, and students concerned with the use of
materials in applications where reliability and resistance to corrosion are important. It updates the
coverage of its predecessor, including coverage of: corrosion rates of steel in major river systems
and atmospheric corrosion rates, the corrosion behavior of materials such as weathering steels and
newer stainless alloys, and the corrosion behavior and engineering approaches to corrosion control
for nonmetallic materials.
New chapters include: high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys, nanomaterials, and dental
materials, anodic protection. Also featured are chapters dealing with standards for corrosion testing,
microbiological corrosion, and electrochemical noise.
Key Topics Covered:
1 Corrosion Failure Analysis with Case Histories
2 Cost of Metallic Corrosion3 Economics of Corrosion
4 Lifetime Prediction of Materials in Environments
5 Estimating the Risk of Pipeline Failure Due to Corrosion
6 Designing to Prevent Corrosion
7 Simplified Procedure for Constructing Pourbaix Diagrams
8 Pourbaix Diagrams for Multielement Systems
9 Computation of Pourbaix Diagrams at Elevated Temperature
10 Galvanic Corrosion
11 Dealloying
12 Passivity
13 Localized Corrosion of Passive Metals
14 Stress Corrosion Cracking
87 Corrosion Monitoring
88 Diagnosing, Measuring, and Monitoring Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
R. Winston Revie has had a career of more than thirty years at the CANMET Materials Technology
Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada, where he is a Senior Research Scientist and Program Manager.
Currently, he is President of the NACE Foundation of Canada, a registered educational charity. He is
also past director of the Northern Area of NACE International; a past chairman of the ASM Canada
Council and of the Electrochemical Society Canadian Section; and a past president of the
Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Dr. Revie
coauthored the third and fourth editions of Corrosion and Corrosion Control, a widely used textbook,
and was the editor of the second edition of Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook. Dr. Revie is a Fellow of
NACE International, ASM International, and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
For more information visit