AIX Migration Steps7
AIX Migration Steps7
AIX Migration Steps7
Please follow the below host based storage migration steps in dual vio setup.
Take the backup of the Lpar (Mksysb and TSM for datavg), and take the backup
Share the current configuration (IBM disks info) to the storage team (No of
disks and size of the disks), and ask storage people to provide the new Hitachi
disks based on the current configuration.
Execute "cfgmgr"on the vios servers to make sure the newly added Hitachi dis
ks are available with the correct size and note the LUN info.
Change the disk's attribute like the algorithm and reserve_policy
Map the disks to the lpar with the help of mkvdev command (mkvdev
ost# -vdev hdisk# -dev vtd_name)
vadapter vh
Come to the Lpar and then execute the cfgmgr and confirm the number of disks
and size of the disks also the disks having the two path.
Change the attribute of healthcheck_interval
Extend the disks to the VG and then execute the migratepv command (nohup mig
ratepv IBM_disk Hitachi_disk &)
Once the migraiton is completed, take it out the old IBM disks by executing
the reducevg command (Reducevg datavg IBM_disk)
Remove the disks from the lpar by executing rmdev
Now going to VIOS server and then delete the IBM disks VTD Mapping and then
delete the IBM disks.
Once you delete the IBM disks, ask the storage people to unmap the IBM disks
from their end, once they did, we will execute the cfgmgr and make sure the IBM
disks cannot return back.
Ask the app people to shutdown the app/DB (This is OPTIONAL if your manageme
nt wants to make sure to avoid any risks - we can perform rootvg+datavg migratio
n on the fly. However if we perform the storage migration on cluster (HACMP) env
ironment, we need to down the app (In cluster end - bring resource group offline
) to avoid risks.
We can perform the storage migration in SAN based also. Steps are slightly d
iffer from Host based method.
We can perform the migration by using the below methods.
1. Migratepv
2. Mirrorvg
3. Alt disk install