02 00 SANMP GoalsandObjectives V04-21-08 LR
02 00 SANMP GoalsandObjectives V04-21-08 LR
02 00 SANMP GoalsandObjectives V04-21-08 LR
MAY 2008
According to FAA AC 150/5070-6A, the goal of an airport master plan is "to provide guidelines for future
airport development which will satisfy aviation demand in a financially feasible manner, while at the same
time resolving the aviation, environmental, and socioeconomic issues existing in the community."
The goals and objectives were initially developed at the outset of the master plan but continued to be
refined throughout the planning process. Central to the planning process was a foundation of
communication and consensus between the authority staff, and the consultant team. A Technical
Committee was established with scheduled bi-weekly meetings focused on discussions and analysis of
progress and findings. Technical Committee members include Authority staff from each division within
the Authority as well as the consultant team.
Improve airport safety and security for Airport customers and users
Prepare measured, incremental improvements that are cost effective and respond to the regions
forecast for air service for passengers and cargo
Because the Master Plan for future development at the existing airport site occurred simultaneously with
the ASSP, a study that could have resulted in the relocation of the region's primary airport to a different
site, a unique challenge was presented to the Master Plan team. The Master Plan team was challenged
with presenting an effective strategy for two varying scenarios. Should the ASSP have resulted in a voter
decision to relocate the airport, the Master Plan would have needed to provide a responsible
development guide for the existing site to meet aviation demand during an interim period prior to the
actual relocation. This is due to the fact that, even with a new airport in development at a different
location, the existing site would remain in use for a period of 15-20 years while the new airport is under
development and construction. Demand for air service will still be growing during the interim period, and
improvements will be required at the existing airport to meet the demand.
The alternative (and eventual) outcome of ASSP is that it is determined that the existing airport site will
continue to serve as the region's airport indefinitely.
Delaying the Master Plan until the conclusion of the ASSP would have presented costly delay for overdue
improvements to the existing facilities. Among other necessary improvements to existing facilities, the
facility requirements (Chapter 7 of this document) illustrate the need for additional aircraft gates as soon
Provide adequate facilities to accommodate air service demand (forecast growth through 2015)
while improving levels of services, airport safety and security, and enhancing airport access.
Develop facilities that utilize the current airport property and facilities efficiently and are
compatible with surrounding land uses.
The overall objectives of the Master Plan provide a guideline for carrying out the planning process and
meeting the goals. A series of detailed objectives were also developed to address specific issues related
to the airport master-planning process and each airport component. Each individual objective is a clear
statement about developing the SDIA Master Plan. Accomplished in concert, the detailed objectives will
allow the Authority to meet the SDIA Master Plan goals.
The detailed objectives are organized into six categories. The first two categories, environmental and
financial, pertain to all phases of the master-planning process, and these objectives shall be addressed in
every segment of the Master Plan. The last four categories, airside, terminal, ground transportation, and
airport support, pertain to the four airport components and provide a framework for developing improved
airport facilities.
Environmental Objectives
Environmental objectives will help the planning team reduce and minimize the environmental effects
associated with development of airport facilities. In particular, they provide a framework for measuring
how people are affected by airport development. SDIA is adjacent to residential communities and
businesses and the environmental objectives reflect how the Authority will involve the community and
address the concerns of the airports neighbors. The environmental objectives are listed below:
Involve community stakeholders in the planning process and be responsive to their concerns.
Mitigate existing and future noise and other environmental impacts to the greatest practical degree.
Coordinate with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) and the ASSP.
Financial Objectives
Financial objectives present priorities for handling the costs associated with the varying infrastructure
improvements presented in the Master Plan. The financial objectives are listed below:
Involve financial stakeholders in the planning process and respond to their concerns.
Balance improvement plans with the ability to amortize the capital costs during an appropriate period
of time.
Improve airfield safety and efficiency through reducing the need for runway crossings by taxiing
Improve the existing runway and taxiways to meet current FAA-recommended design standards
where practicable thus reducing the need for taxiing aircraft to cross the runway.
Allow the airfield to operate without restrictions to the movement of Aircraft Design Group V aircraft
(such as the Boeing 747, and 777).
Provide additional parking for aircraft that must Remain Overnight (RON), preferably adjacent to the
terminal area to reduce runway crossings by taxiing aircraft.
Terminal Objectives
Terminal objectives provide a framework for improving the passenger ticketing and check-in facilities,
baggage claim facilities, gate facilities, concessions, and other terminal structure components. The
terminal facility objectives are listed below:
Improve Levels of Service for the traveling public in the terminal complex.
Provide a functional and efficiently designed terminal with consideration of the following:
o For departing passengers: clear orientation from transit and parking to ticketing and check-in, to
security, to concessions, and to the aircraft gates.
o For arriving passengers: clear orientation from the arrival gate to baggage claim to transit and
Incorporate the demands of the latest airport passenger security screening areas into the terminal
Maintain full operational capability (no loss of gates) and minimize disruption during construction.
Maximize the efficiency of future facilities through consideration of common use facilities.
Improve airport access for both private vehicles and public transit to meet anticipated population
growth and vehicular demand.
Ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic in and out of the Airport.
Reconfigure the roadway system to avoid congestion points that lead to traffic delays and confusion.
Organize the ground transportation facilities to provide sufficient terminal parking, remote parking,
rental car facilities, commercial vehicles, and taxis/vans/shuttles.
Accommodate improved and expanded air cargo facilities that meet air cargo demand and utilize
existing ground transportation networks.
Work with FAA and existing tenants to improve general aviation facilities in a responsible and efficient
manner while recognizing SDIAs role as the regions primary commercial service airport.
These Master Plan objectives support the Authority's goals and provide a framework for development of a
feasible plan for the future of SDIA.