Description Bridges: Descripción de Un Puentes
Description Bridges: Descripción de Un Puentes
Description Bridges: Descripción de Un Puentes
Descripcin de un puentes
Bsicamente, las formas que adoptan los puentes son tres, que, por otra parte,
estn directamente relacionadas con los esfuerzos que soportan sus elementos
History drawbridges
History of ancient drawbridge
Although there is evidence drawbridges used by ancient Egyptians 4,000
years ago, they were not common until the Middle Ages in Europe. These were
called bascule bridges, using the configuration of a single sheet stretched across
the moat of Norman and Plantagenet. Leonardo da Vinci planned and designed
many drawbridges in the late fifteenth century.
History of modern drawbridge
Modern drawbridges were developed in the mid-nineteenth century due to
advances in steel production. The durability of steel allowed these bridges were
larger and higher above the water. Many drawbridges in the US were built in the
early twentieth century. As technology has advanced, hydro has begun to replace
the gears and movement mechanisms.
Description of a drawbridge
Drawbridge is a type of movable bridge that can be raised with the help of a
mechanical installation and allow entry through a gate, or to allow maritime traffic
through a body of water. The moving part is very wide is rotated through a
horizontal axis or as a hinge. To raise platform ropes or chains coupled to the shaft
at opposite corners are used.
There are several types of drawbridges. A leaf bridges open and rise on one
side of a waterway. Double leaf bridges open half and amount to both sides of the
waterway. Some bridges are raised vertically like an elevator or retract themselves.
Drawbridges have evolved over the centuries from the defenses of a castle
to convenient ways to allow large ships to pass through a channel, often urbanized.
The materials used and mechanization of these have changed over the years too.
Los puentes levadizos han evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos desde las
defensas de un castillo hasta formas convenientes de permitir que los grandes
buques pasen a travs de un canal, a menudo urbanizado. Los materiales
utilizados y la mecanizacin de stos han cambiado con los aos tambin.
Utility drawbridge
The usefulness of a lifting hydraulic bridge is that it allows the passage of
ships of great height that unique space where you can spend to go offshore, this is
because the lifting path can not be built by his great cost to Only give out a few
Such bridges are also used to access over bodies of water. Mainly bridges
two platforms and each stands in the opposite direction and are usually based on
the principle of rollers are used.