Gears Appendix
Gears Appendix
Gears Appendix
Circular Pitch (P) is the distance on the circumference of the pitch circle between
corresponding points of adjacent teeth.
P = / Pd
Circular thickness (t) is the thickness of the tooth on the pitch circle.
t (Basic) = .5 P
(P = Circular Pitch)
Clearance (c) is the radial distance between the top of a tooth and the
bottom of the mating tooth space.
c = .157 / Pd
(Pd = Diametral Pitch)
Composite Action is the variation in center distance when two gears are
rolled in tight mesh.
Contact Ratio (mc) is the ratio of the arc of action to the circular pitch.
mc = sqrt(Ro1 - Rb1) + sqrt(Ro2 - Rb2-C SIN )
(Ro1 and Ro2 = Outside Radius of gear 1 and Gear 2)
(Rb1 and Rb2 = Base Radius of Gear 1 and Gear 2)
(C = Center Distance, P = Circular Pitch, = Pressure Angle)
Contact Ratio Total (mf) is the ratio of the sum of the arc of action and the
face advance to the circular pitch.
Crowned Teeth are teeth having modified surfaces in the lengthwise
direction to prevent contact at their ends.
Dedendum (b) is the radial or perpendicular distance between the pitch circle and the bottom of the
tooth space.
b = 1.157 / Pd
(Pd = Diametral Pitch)
Diametral Pitch (Pd) is the ratio of the number of teeth per inches of pitch
Pd = / P
(P = Circular Pitch)
Pd = N / D
(N = Number of Teeth, D = Pitch Diameter)
Pd = N + 2 / Do
Pd = (Pb / Cos ) /
Pd = 25.4 / m
Double Helical Gear is a gear of cylindrical form with two sections of teeth, one right hand and the
other left hand, that engage simultaneously with teeth of a similarly designed mating gear.
Effective Face Width (Fe) is the width of face that actually comes into contact with a mating gear.
External Gear is a gear with teeth formed on the outer surface of a cylinder or cone.
Face Width (F) is the width of the pitch surface.
Fillet Curve is the concave portion of the tooth profile where it joins the bottom of the tooth space.
Fillet Radius (rt) is the radius of a circular arc approximating the fillet curve.
Form Diameter (TIF) - is the diameter of the circle beyond which the tooth profile must conform to the
specified involute curve.
Full Depth Teeth are teeth in which the working depth equals 2.0 divided by the Diametral pitch.
Gear(s) are machine elements that transmit motion by means of
successively engaging teeth.
Gears Center is the center of the pitch circle.
Gear Ratio (mG is the ratio of the number of teeth in a mating set of gears.
Helical Gear is a cylindrical gear with helical teeth.
Helix Angle () is the angle between a tangent to the helix and an
element of the cylinder. Usually the pitch helix is referred to.
Hub Diameter is the diameter of the central part of the gear body surrounding the bore and extending
beyond the web, spokes or body.
Hub Extension is the distance that the hub extends beyond the face of the gear body..
Interference is the contact between mating teeth at some other point than along the line of action.
Inside Diameter (Di) is the diameter of the circle which contains the tops of the teeth of an internal
Involute is the curve that is described by the end of a line which is unwound from the circumference of
a circle.
Involute function of an angle is the difference between its Tangent and its angular value in radians.
Inv.a=tan(a)-(a ( / 180))
(a = An angle in degrees)
Involute Polar Angle () is the angle between a radius vector to a point on an involute curve and a
radial line to the point where the curve touches the base circle.
Involute Roll Angle () is an angle whose arc on the base circle of radius unity equals the tangent of
the pressure angle at a selected point on the involute.
K Factor (K) Is the ratio of tooth thickness change to the measurement
over/between pins change.
Lead (L) is the axial advance of a helix for one complete turn, as in the threads of cylindrical worms
and teeth of helical gears.
L = D / Tan
(D = Pitch Diameter, = Helix Angle)
Lead Angle () is the angle between a tangent to the pitch helix and a plane of rotation.
Length of Action (Z) is the distance on an involute line of action through which the point of contact
moves during the action of the tooth profiles.
Line of Action is that portion of the common tangent to the base circles
along which contact between the mating involute teeth occurs.
Line of Centers is the straight line through the center of tangent pitch circles.
Line of Contact is the line or curve along which two tooth surfaces are tangent to each other.
Long and Short addendum teeth are the teeth of engaging gears (on a standard designed center
distance), one of which has a long addendum and the other has a short addendum.
Module (Metric) (m) is the ratio of the pitch diameter in millimeters to the
number of teeth.
m = 25.4 / Pd
(Pd = Diametral Pitch)
Normal Base Pitch (Pnb) is the circular pitch taken along the base circle normal to the gear helix
Pnb = Pn Cos n
(Pn = Normal Circular Pitch, n = Normal Pressure Angle)
Normal Chordal Addendum (anc) is the chordal addendum the normal plane.
Normal Chordal Thickness (tnc) is the length of the normal thickness chord between pitch line
elements of a tooth.
Normal Circular Thickness (tn) is the circular thickness in a plane normal to the helix angle.
tn = tt Cos
tn = .5 Pn
Normal Circular Pitch (Pn) (Normal to the helix angle) is the shortest distance on the pitch surface
between corresponding pitch line elements of adjacent teeth.
Pn = Pt Cos
(Pt = Transverse Circular Pitch, = Helix Angle)
Pn = / Pnd
(Pnd = Normal Diametral Pitch)
Normal Diametral Pitch (Pnd) is the diametral pitch corresponding to the
normal circular pitch and calculated in the normal plane.
Pnd = Pd / Cos
(Pd = Transverse Diametral Pitch, = Helix Angle)
Normal Helix is the helix on a pitch cylinder normal to the pitch helix.
Normal Plane (n) is the plane perpendicular to a given straight line or to a tangent to a curved line.
Normal Pressure Angle (n) is the pressure angle in a plane normal to the pitch line element.
Tan n = Tan t / Cos
(n = Normal Pressure Angle, = Helix Angle)
Normal Profile Angle is the profile angle in a normal plane of a helical or spiral tooth.
Number of teeth Number of gear teeth.
N = Pd D
(Pd = Diametral Pitch, D = Pitch Diameter)
Operating Pitch Diameters (dp) are the pitch diameters determined from the numbers of teeth and the
center distance at which gears operate.
dp = Db / Cos
(Db = Base Circle Diameter, = Pressure Angle)
Outside Diameter (Do) is the diameter of the circle that contains the tops
of the teeth of an external gear.
Do = N + 2 / Pd
(N = Number Of Teeth, Pd = Diametral Pitch)
Do = D + 2 / Pd
(D = Pitch Diameter, Pd = Diametral Pitch)
Outside Cylinder is the surface which coincides with the tops of the teeth of an external cylindrical
Outside helix Angle (o) is the helix angle at the outside Cylinder.
Outside Lead Angle (o) is the lead angle at the outside cylinder.
Outside Radius (Ro) is the radius of the circle which contains the tops of the teeth of external gears.
Pinion is a gear with a small number of teeth. Of two mating gears, the one with the smaller number
of teeth is called the pinion.
Pitch Circle is the circle through the pitch point having its center at the
axis of the gear.
Pitch Cylinder is the imaginary cylinder in a gear that rolls without slipping on a pitch cylinder or
pitch plane of another gear.
Pitch Diameter (D) is the diameter of the pitch circle.
D = N / Pd
(N=Number of teeth, Pd = Diametral Pitch)
D = N .3183 P
(P = Circular Pitch)
D = N / Pd
(Pd = Diametral Pitch or Transverse Diametral Pitch for helicals)
Pitch Radius (R) is the radius of the pitch circle.
R = .5 D
(D = Pitch Diameter)
Pitch Point is the intersection between the axes of the line of centers and
the line of action.
Pitch Range is the difference between the longest and the shortest pitches on a gear.
Point of Contact is the point at which two profiles touch each other.
Right Hand Helical Gear is a gear in which the teeth twist clockwise as
they recede from an observer looking along the axis.
Roll Angle (Involute) () is an angle whose arc on the base circle of radius
unity equals the tangent of the pressure angle at a selected point on the
Roll Angle to Form Diameter Is the inactive angle of involute or the amount of roll in degrees from
the base circle to the start of active profile.
Root Diameter (DR) is the diameter of the circle which contains the roots of the teeth.
Root Radius (Rr) is the radius of the root circle containing the bottoms of the tooth spaces.
Tooth Face is the surface between the pitch line element and the top of the tooth.
Tooth Fillet is the curved surface of the tooth flank joining it to the bottom land.
Tooth Flank is the surface between the pitch line and the bottom land
including the fillet.
Tooth Surface is the total area including the tooth face and the tooth flank.
Tooth to Tooth Composite Action is the amount of composite action from one tooth to the next.
Top Land is the surface of the top of the tooth.
Total Composite Action is the total amount of composite action for an
entire gear.
Transverse Circular Pitch (Pt) is the circular pitch in the transverse plane.
Pt = Pn / Cos
(Pn = Normal Circular Pitch, = Helix Angle)
Pt = / Ptd
Transverse Circular Thickness (tt) is the circular thickness in the transverse plane.
tt = tn / Cos
Transverse Contact Ratio (mp) is the ratio of the arc of action to the
transverse circular pitch.
mp = sqrt(Ro1 - Rb1) + sqrt(Ro2 - Rb2-C SIN t )
Pt COS t
(Ro1 and Ro2 = Outside Radius of gear 1 and Gear 2)
(Rb1 and Rb2 = Base Radius of Gear 1 and Gear 2)
(C = Center Distance, Pt = Transverse Circular Pitch, t = Transverse Pressure Angle)
Transverse Diametral Pitch (Pd) is the ratio of the number of teeth to inches of transverse pitch
Pd = Pnd Cos
Pd = / Pt
Transverse Plane (t) is perpendicular to the axial plane and to the pitch plane. In
parallel axis gears, the transverse plane and the plane of rotation coincide.
Transverse Pressure Angle (t) is the pressure angle in the plane of rotation.
True Involute Form Diameter (TIF) - is the diameter of the circle beyond
which the tooth profile must conform to the specified involute curve.
Undercut is a condition in generated gear teeth when any part of the fillet curve lies inside of the line
drawn tangent to the true involute form and its lowest point. Undercut may be deliberately introduced to
facilitate finishing operation.
Whole Depth (ht) is the radial distance between the outside circle and the root circle.
ht = 2.157 / Pd
(Pd = Diametral Pitch)
Working Depth (hk) is the greatest depth to which a tooth of one gear
extends into the tooth space of the mating = 2 / Pd
(Pd =
Diametral Pitch)