The C Re: J A N - F E B 2 0 1 6 Prayer Diary

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JAN FEB 2016

n e wsle t te r

Prayer diary
Saturday 16th January
Wine Tasting Fundraiser,
7.30pm at The Oval, Harpenden
Monday 18th January
X:site St Albans planning team
Sunday 24th January
Fuel, 7pm-9pm at High Street Methodist
Church, Harpenden
Tuesday 26th January
TTS, 7.45pm 9.30pm at High St
Christ Church Baptis
t, Indigo Court, Welwyn
Theme is working with under 5s n City, AL7 1LG

JAN FEB 2016

A New Conference for

Youth and Childrens Min

Connecting Resourc
ing Encouraging Sen


THE CORE is being organ

ised by a partnership of
Diocese of St Albans Youth

Saturday 30th January e,Phase and YoungLife International

X:site Harpenden
Encouraging and equippin

g your youthwork

Thursday 4th February

Youth and Childrens leaders breakfast,
9.30am at High St Methodist Church,
CORE youthwork conferen

ce.indd 1

Sunday 7th February

Preaching at Christ Church St Albans
Monday 8th February
Trustees meeting






At Christ Church Baptist,

Indigo Court,
Welwyn Garden City

Friday 22nd April to

Saturday 23rd April 2016
Friday 5.00pm until Satur
day 3.30p

Cost: For a full ticket inc
Friday night,
food and accommodation
For the Saturday only, 9am
inc lunch and refreshmen
ts 25

30/11/2015 20:54

April 22nd 23rd

Youth and Childrens Ministry Conference,
in partnership with YoungLife, Phase and
the Diocese of St Albans.

Friday 12th Sunday 14th February

7-11s Weekend Away at Felden Lodge
Monday 22nd February
More? Caf Week 1 (venue TBC)
Tuesday 23rd February
X:site Harpenden planning team
Sunday 28th February
Fuel, 7pm-9pm at Christ Church St Albans
Monday 29th February
More? Caf Week 2 (venue TBC)

Encouraging and equipping

your youthwork

All the believers were

together and had every
thing in common.
They sold property an
d possessions to give
anyone who had need
Every day they continu
ed to meet together in
temple courts. They
broke bread in their ho
mes and ate together
with glad and sincere
hearts, praising God
and enjoying the favou
r of all the people Acts

If I were to pick out one single encouragement

from this years Houseparty it would be how everyone seemed to just get along.
There were no cliques, nobody left out and everyone appeared to be hugely
content in one anothers company. From everything I know and have learnt
about young people this is a rare phenomenon. To see 39 young people from
more than a dozen different churches and groups getting along and not only
that, having an absolutely amazing time together, is a massive encouragement
to what we are doing.
As I read the words above from Acts 2, from the very beginnings of the church, I
take some encouragement of the similarities that I witnessed at the Houseparty
that we share with these first Christians. To see young people supporting one
another, seeking out the needs of one another and doing something about it,
taking time to be interested in each others lives, for making laughter, joy and
generosity part of their daily lives, this surely is what we, as
Christians, should be known for.
I tell churches that sending your groups on a residential
is like having a years worth of youthwork in a
weekend, but more than that, when young
people and kids from different places get
together, something happens that is rarely
manufactured in the regular weekly
gatherings; barriers are down,
friendship is prioritized, care is shown,
cliques are absent and adventure and
exploration seem to be easier to
We will continue to do residentials
not just because they are a lot of fun
and support the local church but
because they are an essential and
life-giving expression of who we are.

G o d at w o r k :

O u r p r a y e r r e q u ests :

Let's start with the Houseparty!

What a joy, what a time of laughter,
what a time of faith exploration
and what an amazing bunch of
people to spend
New Years with.
We had 39 young
people and 14
leaders and our
venue this year was Felden Lodge again. Highlights included talks from 3 young
people on the Holy Spirit, a spontaneous worship time, superb food courtesy of
Tim and Hannah, the New Years Eve disco, the hotly fought 'office chair olympics'
and just lots of wonderful relaxed time hanging out

Upcoming events:

Thanks for a 'surprise' financial gift from a church at the start of the year

Preaching at Christ Church St Albans on Sunday 7th February

The year has started with a real buzz and we are hugely excited, and a little
overwhelmed, about all that God has for us this term

Also please pray for:

'More?' had its last session at The Merchant which was quite sad after almost
8 years there. But our last cafe brought out lots of old friends and we ended in
style. We thank God for all He has done while we have been at The Merchant and
we trust him for the future of 'More?', wherever it may be!
Bookings are coming in for our 7-11's weekend in February, I am hugely
thankful for all the exciting children's ministry that is happening in our area and
thank God for being able to work alongside so many gifted and passionate people
X:site St Albans was launched at the end of last year and we had 38 children
come along but what was even more exciting was over 30 leaders from more than
12 churches working together. We are really looking forward to the Harpenden
X:site at the end of January and then our 2nd X:site St Albans on the 19th March
In December we had our Christmas 'Love New Greens' event where we hosted
a cafe, a present-wrapping service and a Santa's Grotto for the families of New
Greens. This was organised and run by the Fuel Team and was a great success as
well as a brilliant time for the Fuel Team to hang out and serve together

Fundraising Wine Tasting event and auction on Saturday 16th Jan, pray for good
conversations and the opportunity to share about all we are doing. As I write this we
are sold out, thank you all so much for your support!
X:site Harpenden, pray for the team, the preparation and the 70+ children who
will be coming
7-11s weekend away, pray for safety, a joyful atmosphere and the chance to
spend time with kids telling them about Jesus
Our TTS evening this month is on working with under 5s, pray for some great
conversations and encouragement on this hugely important area of ministry

Trustee meetings, we also are seeking some new trustees as we see the ministry
grow and need additional resources to be able to continue all we are doing and
invest in new areas
Pray for the team of Tracy, Claire and Mike as they work together and each play
their part in the ministry of 267
Pray for us as we explore where to go next with More?
Pray that God continues to give us all we need and that
through the challenges we face we will be able to stand
firm in the calling that God has given each of us
In April we are launching a new Youth and Childrens
Ministry Conference, this is in partnership with
YoungLife, Phase and the Diocese of St Albans. Pray
for our planning and for word to get out about this
exciting new opportunity and that all those involved
in youth and childrens work will be encouraged and
resourced through this event

A great time preaching at Markyate Baptist Church

Lastly, we took a 'consultancy surgery' to the Youthwork Conference and took
time to meet and chat with attendees with the aim of simply encouraging them
but also maybe giving a new pair of eyes to some of the struggles they may be
facing. We saw around 20 people and felt that it was a really positive experience
and natural for what the267project longs to do

If you would like to volunteer or spend a Year out

with the267project then drop us an email
[email protected]
or [email protected]

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