Grad Mechanical Funding
Grad Mechanical Funding
Grad Mechanical Funding
Full-time MSc or PhD students typically qualify to receive financial support throughout their
program of study. MEng students do not usually receive financial support. Part-time students are
not eligible for financial assistance. Note: Unless specifically promised upon admission, there is
no commitment to funding by the department.
View the Faculty of Graduate Studies Funding Information and Awards Database.
There are four main types of financial assistance available to graduate students in the
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering:
1. Graduate Assistantships Trust These research assistantships come from research
grants, research contracts, and research agreements held by the supervisor. They are
obtained from external sources such as government agencies and industrial
organizations. Students receiving one of these assistantships work on relevant research
that is sponsored by an external agency. Except for the first $500, these assistantships
are considered to be taxable income.
2. Graduate Assistantships Teaching (GAT) These assistantships are provided by the
university through the department. A student receiving one of these assistantships works
up to 12 hours each week supervising laboratories and tutorials, and marking
undergraduate assignments and reports.
3. Scholarships and bursaries - Additional support from external sources is available to
exceptional students. Some of these include:
The Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarships These scholarships are open to
any graduate student, who has already completed at least one year of graduate level
study. They are valued at $16,000 (renewable once, upon proof of satisfactory
progress), with an additional $2,100 given over the entire program for equipment and
travel directly related to PhD research.
The University of Calgary Silver Anniversary Graduate Fellowships These
fellowships are open to any resident of Canada who is registered in the PhD
program. These fellowships are valued at between $20,000 and $16,000. They are
renewable once with evidence of satisfactory progress.
National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Scholarships
These scholarships are open to any graduate student who is either a Canadian
citizen or a landed immigrant. They are valued at $15,600 per year for MSc students
and $17,400 per year for PhD students.
QEII Scholarships - Masters level: $10,800/year; Doctoral level: $15,000/year
Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF) - To support high caliber International
or Canadian students undertaking full-time studies in areas of research important to