Cyclone Separator de

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Outline for Cyclone Separation




Mechanical Description of Cyclone Separators


Krebs Cyclone Parts List


a. The Flow Pattern
b. Feed Entry
c. Phase Separations
d. Pressure Drop and Flow Rate
e. Feed Dilution
f. Separation Efficiency








List of Symbols




Appendix-Actual Experimental Results

a. Calculation of Force Produces in the Cyclone (Gs)
b. Capacity Curve for Krebs Cyclone Separator (P vs. Q)
c. Pressure Drop through a Piping Network
d. Separation Efficiencies and Recoveries
i. Polystyrene (PS) in Water
ii. Polystyrene (PS) and HDPE in Water




SB92 in Benedum Hall of Engineering



The cyclone is a simple device, which causes the centrifugal separation of materials in a fluid
stream. Unlike the slow setting within a settling tank, the pump and cyclone separator system
yields fast separation and utilizes less space. Separations occur quickly because one g of
gravitation force is replaced by many gs of centrifugal force. These materials may be particles
of solid, bubbles of gas or immiscible liquids. In the case of two solids suspended in the feed
liquid they may separate according to size, shape, or density. The cyclone utilizes the energy
obtained from fluid pressure to create rotational fluid motion. This rotational motion causes the
materials suspended in the fluid to separate from one another or from the fluid quickly due to the
centrifugal force. The rotation is produced by the tangential or involuted introduction of fluid
into the vessel.

A hydrocyclone is a cyclone separator that uses water as the bulk fluid.

Hydrocyclones are becoming well established in industrial applications.

Applications of

hydrocyclones fall into several broad categories; clarification, thickening, classification, sorting,

Washing, liquid-liquid separation, liquid degassing and particle size measurement. They are
frequently used as protection or pre-treatment devices to improve the performance or decrease
the cost of down stream equipment. The target industries include mineral processing, mining,
petrochemicals, oil production, waste water and effluent treatment, food processing,
pharmaceuticals, and other industries dealing with slurries.


Mechanical Description of Cyclone Separators

The cyclone consists of a vertical cylinder with a conical bottom. Hydrocyclones have no
moving parts, and pumping the fluid tangentially into the stationary cono-cylindrical body
produces the essential whirling motion. The cylindrical part is closed at the top by a cover,
through which the liquid overflow pipe, known as the vortex finder, extends some distance into
the cyclone body. It is necessary that the end of the vortex finder extend below the feed inlet to
reduce premature exit of the overflow.

Located near the top cover is either a circular or

rectangular feed opening where liquid enters the hydrocyclone through the tangential inlet. The
underflow leaves through a hole in the apex of the cone. Figure 1 is a general representation of a
typical cyclone separator. Both spirals rotate in the same direction.

Acrylic Model
This model is a clear plastic 2 diameter cyclone that allows an effective visual separation. It is
a self-contained unit including a sump, pump, and cyclone. It is equipped with an involuted feed
entry. The cyclone vortex finder and apex are not interchangeable, so experimental flexibility is
limited. Pressure is manually adjustable for a visual change but this change cannot be quantified.
Figure 2 shows the acrylic model.

Krebs Cyclone
Krebs separators can be designed as compact units compared to other separators such as gravity
settling tanks. Cyclones have much smaller vessel volume and residence time, requiring less
space and time to achieve separation. They are designed with protective coatings to provide
external and internal corrosion protection. Krebs uses the involuted feed entry configuration in
all their models. The vortex finder and apex orifice are replaceable so that the separator can be

Unlike the acrylic model this cyclone has a pressure gage upon feed entry to

accurately measure pressure drop. The Krebs full-scale cyclone separator is shown in Figure 3.

Krebs Desander
The desander is similar to the previously described cyclone with one major difference: the apex
is within the unit, and the solids accumulate below the apex. Periodically, a Ball valve at the
bottom of the desander can be opened to discharge accumulated solids. The desander is used
when the solids content in the stream is very low. This allows for the desander to act as an
accumulator and is extremely efficient in collecting the solids in a dilute stream. The desander
can be used to clean the entire cyclone/pump system quickly because it will allow all of the
solids in the stream to be accumulated and collected without running the entire stream through


Krebs Cyclone Parts List


Acrylic Model
The parts for the acrylic model are noted on Figure 4.


Full Scale Unit

The parts for the full scale unit are noted on Figure 5.



The Flow Pattern

The flow pattern in a cyclone separator is a spiral within a spiral. Upon the tangential entry the
fluid travels in a downward flow along the outside of the cyclone body. This plus the rotational
motion creates the outer spiral. The existence of the vortex finder and the inability for all the
fluid to leave at the apex outlet assists the inward migration of some of the fluid from the
external spiral. An increase in inward migration occurs, closer to the cone apex and the fluid in
this migratory stream reverses its vertical direction and flows upwards, to the overflow outlet.
The spirals rotate in the same circular direction.

Feed Entry
The main function of the inlet orifice is to provide a smooth flow pattern at the point of entry
into the cyclone. There are two commonly used feed entry configurations; tangential and
involuted. Involuted feed entry is used to increase the efficient conversion of kinetic energy to
centrifugal force. It minimizes the turbulence that inhibits fine separations and contributes to
excessive wear. Both the acrylic model and the Krebs full-scale unit utilize an involuted feed
entry. Figure 6 shows both a tangential and an involuted feed entry.

Phase Separations
Separation of Solids from Liquid or Solid Mixtures in a Liquid
Classification according to size
The principle of particle size distribution is relatively simple. The larger particles migrate to the
wall of the cyclone and proceed downward while the smaller particles tend to exit with the
overflow. Classification is not precise and some coarse material must be accepted with the fine

Separation according to density

The solid or solids separate such that the heavier components sink to the underflow, while the
lighter components float to the overflow. The more dense material exits with the underflow
and the less dense with the overflow. Separation of two solids is most effective if one solid is
less dense than the feed liquid and the other solid is more dense than the feed liquid. If this is not
the case, effective separation can occur, but particle size can be expected to have an impact.

Separation according to shape

Materials being separated typically have differences in shape and, therefore, differences in their
settling velocities.

Solids of different shapes having the same density can be expected to

separate by shape according theoretically predicted settling velocities.

For solids having

different densities and different shapes, separation behavior must be determined experimentally.

Separation of Liquid from Liquid or a Gas from Liquid

Separation according to density
Fluids having different densities will separate due to the centrifugal effects generated by the
rotating fluid. The separation can be described by two processes. The fluids that are more dense
move radially outwards and down the cyclone wall exiting through the apex. The less dense
material moves radially inwards and out the vortex. For example, water can be deaerated in a
cyclone with all the gas exiting through the overflow accompanied by some liquid while most of
the liquid and none of the gas exit out the underflow. Water can be removed from an oil and
water mixture, with the water exiting through the underflow and more concentrated oily water
exiting through the overflow.

Pressure Drop and Flow Rate

The cyclone develops its power to separate through the use of fluid pressure energy. The
pressure drop value is the difference in pressure between the points immediately before feed
entry and immediately after overflow exit. A hydrocyclone of fixed dimensions, operating with
a given fluid, gives a fixed relationship between the volumetric throughput and static pressure
drop. The two variables are therefore interdependent, with increased pressure drop leading to
increased flow rate. Capacity curves provided by Krebs for several overflow diameters are
provided in this lab summary. Solids are not used when capacity curves are measured.

Separation Efficiency
The term efficiency used here is a measure of the ability of the separator to recover solids in the
underflow. Solids removal from the underflow is needed because a large majority of the fluid
will continue through the overflow and through the rest of the process. This simple description

can result in perfect efficiency by directing all the feed materials into the underflow, recovering
100% of the feed solids in the underflow and 100% fluid out the overflow. Therefore, if the
objective is to remove solids from an aqueous slurry, the efficiency is summarized in the

Su Lu

Si Li

where E is the efficiency of separation of solids from feed to underflow, S is the amount of the
solids present, L is the amount of liquids present, and the subscripts I and u refer to the inlet and
underflow streams, respectively. Using this definition of efficiency, Table 1 focuses on solids
recovery in the underflow and presents the most common criteria for separation efficiency.
If the objective of the cyclone is to separate two solids, however, one is not concerned
with the distribution of the liquids and the separation efficiency can be considered as:

E. -=(% of lights recovered in overflow + % of heavies recovered in underflow)/2.












Vortex Finder


Decrease Efficiency


More likely to suck
particles up

Pressure Drop


Increase Efficiency

Flow rate increases,

increase in G forces

Apex Diameter


Prevents Overload,

Causes flushing of

and in the extreme

particles and fluid

case decreases
Feed Flow Rate


Increase Efficiency

Increase G forces

Liquid Viscosity


Decrease Efficiency

Harder for particles to


Liquid/Solid Density

Increase Change in



Increase Efficiency

More likely for

particles to migrate to
opposing spirals in

Solid Particle Size


Increase Efficiency

More likely for

particle to migrate to
exterior wall

Solid Concentration


Decrease Efficiency

Decrease G forces

Feed Inlet Area


Decrease Efficiency

Same amount of feed

enters but under less

Cyclone Diameter


Decrease Efficiency

Decrease G forces

Cyclone Length


Increase Efficiency

Residence time



Decrease Efficiency

Increase cyclone

Vortex Finder Length


Decrease Efficiency

More likely to suck

particles up

Table 1: Effect of Parameter Variation on Cyclone Efficiency



A. Utilizing the acrylic model, observe and learn the phenomenon within the cyclone
separator so that this knowledge can be applied to the full-scale cyclone separator. Do
NOT introduce solids, use only water and air.
B. Once a general knowledge and visual understanding is obtained using the acrylic model,
test and prove the theory behind the cyclone separator on the full scale unit. This will be
achieved by investigating the effects of:

Slurry comp.


Feed rate effect of varying volumetric flow rate of water (no particles) on
pressure drop through cyclone when generating the capacity curves


Apex and Vortex finder diameter note the size of both the apex and vortex
finder in all experiments

Your objective is to optimize the performance of the cyclone separator for a

separation specified by your instructor.



Acrylic Model
The operation of the cyclone will be observed with only water being circulated, not a slurry. The
feed rate (via pinching), vortex finder diameter (via pinching), and apex diameter (via partially
blocking the apex) can be adjusted. The effect each of these parameters has on vortex formation
and direction and appearance should be noted. Using the following tables, make the given
changes in each parameter to test each theoretical effect.


Experimental Variables for Krebs Cyclone




Vortex finder diameter

(overflow outlet)

Increases capacity

Decreases efficiency
Improves sharpness of
Increases capacity
Increases efficiency

Pressure drop


Decreases underflow to
throughput ration
Concentrates underflow
Dilutes overflow

Apex diameter
(underflow outlet)


Prevents overload

Table 2: Cyclone Hardware Experimental Variables

(apply to full scale unit)
Experimental Variables for Krebs Cyclone and Acrylic Cyclone



Feed flow rate


Increases efficiency
Increases pressure drop

Liquid viscosity


Decreases efficiency

Liquid/solid density difference

Increase ) Density

Increases efficiency

Solid particle size


Increases efficiency

Solid concentration


Decreases efficiency

Table 3: Feed Composition Experimental Variables

(apply to full scale unit and acrylic model)



Efficiency of the cyclone can be expressed as the fraction of the feed solids, which exit via the
underflow less the fraction of the feed liquid, which exits via the underflow:
Su Lu

Si Li


The flow ratio can be expressed as the total underflow output divided by the total feed input:

(Su + Lu )
(Si + Li )

In a dilute slurry the solid content of both streams is negligible, therefore the ratio can be
approximated as:


The recovery of the system can be expressed as a ratio of the solids in the underflow divided by
the solids flow in the feed input:


Separation efficiency when mixtures of solids are used involves only the recovery of the
appropriate solid in the overflow or underflow,

S.E. = (% of lights recovered in overflow +% of heavies recovered in underflow)/2


VIII. List of Symbols

c = solid concentration by volume

D = cyclone diameter

Di = diameter of the inlet

Do = diameter of the overflow

Du = diameter of the underflow

E = efficiency of separation of solids from feed to underflow

l = vortex finder length

L = cyclone length

Li = liquid phase flow rate in the feed stream

Lu = Liquid phase flow rate in the underflow

Rf = flow ratio

Rs = solids recovery

Si = solid phase flow rate in the feed stream

Su = solid phase flow rate in the underflow

Q = feed flow rate




Apex: the outlet at the bottom of the cyclone

Collecting efficiency: ability to capture and retain particles

Cut size: the particle size with equal probability of being in the overflow or underflow

d50: the particle size diameter when 50% of the feed particles appear in the underflow

Flow ratio: the ratio of underflow to feed (Rf)

Overflow: the fluid stream that exits at the top of the cyclone

Pressure drop: the inlet pressure minus outlet pressure

Sharpness of cut: the amount of material that is misclassified into the two outlet streams

Slurry: a liquid with suspended solids

Underflow: the fluid stream that exits at the bottom of the cyclone

Volume split: the ratio of underflow to overflow

Vortex: a whirling motion exerting radial centrifugal force with a central low pressure

Vortex finder: the outlet at the top of the cyclone

Last Update: August 2001


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