Warhammer Quest Characters) Halfling Thief
Warhammer Quest Characters) Halfling Thief
Warhammer Quest Characters) Halfling Thief
Halflings are well known for their nimble feet and even fortune delving into abandoned Dwarf Holds and
nimbler fingers. While many follow their fathers and turn performing mighty deeds in dungeons. Halflings make
their dextrous skills to works of craft such as basket excellent bait for monster traps and are usually quick and
making, cobbling and cookery (in fact a lot of cookery) lucky enough to escape once the monster has fallen for the
many also find themselves drawn towards the danger and trap. Their diminutive size allows them to be pushed
excitement of stealing. Of course, Halflings never take through sewers, under badly fitting gates and into rat-
anything too valuable (except by accident) as that would infested nooks and crannies. As you might tell, a Halfling
not be nice to the person who previously owned the item. is considered by some to be the most essential piece of
Nonetheless, it is surprising the number of things that go dungeoneering equipment you could get.
'missing' when a Halfling is about. The poor little chaps
don't know they're doing it half the time, they just seem to Despite this rough treatment, most Halfling 'Treasure and
acquire rings, boxes of matches and small pets as they go Property Removal Experts' don't mind popping down the
about their normal business. odd dungeon. With a couple of big, burly trained bullies
and a sneaky looking wizard to back you up, the City
In fact, Halflings have a very relaxed attitude towards Watch don't come calling at your door so often! Besides,
property in general, and casually swap items with one where else can you find so many gifts; pretty gems, silver
another all of the time (mostly without realising they're plates, Swords of Mystical and Magical Significance. Not
actually swapping). Halfling birthdays are a celebration of only all that, someone actually listens to what you're
this attitude and many gifts are freely given away by the saying, even if they do decide to ignore you completely
Halfling whose birthday it is (usually as a consequence of when you finished giving your advice.
inviting another twelve Halflings to your house and then
falling asleep after dinner). Famous Halfling Thieves from the history books include:
Nikkit Kwik (also known as the Burglar of Brionne),
Many Halflings find that the skills which were taught to Bumblebean Lightfoot, Nifflet 'Statue Stealer' Stumbly,
them as part of their natural childhood and adolescence are and the Halfling who once managed to steal the Great bell
frowned upon by people outside of the Moot. They also out of the Temple of Sigmar in Nuln, 'Two-feet-tall'
find themselves very popular with certain organisations, Telworth Buttercup. The 'King of Thieves' is the renowned
such as the Thieves Guild and the local Watch patrol. Ned Neddley, responsible for stealing almost anything that
wasn't nailed down (and if he had a claw hammer with
As can be expected, the speed and agility of Halfling him, he'd steal the nails too).
Thieves has been noted by many of those who seek their
Halfling Thief
Once per turn the Halfling Thief may delve around in his
Lunch Box for a suitable snack. Roll 1D6 at any time
- STARTING AS A during the turn. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 he finds something
tasty and heals 1 Wound. The Lunch Box is rather large so
HALFLING THIEF - there is no limit to the number of times he can do this. He
can do this even when he is on zero Wounds.
You may start as a Battle-level 1 Halfling Thief instead of
one of the Warriors from the Warhammer Quest box.
Make the Halfling Thief Warrior Card and his Lunch Box - ADVANCED RULES -
Equipment card.
Halfling Thief
Halfling Thief
Halfling Thief
6 Special Dessert. The Halfling mumbles an 9 The Halfling Thief manages to 'acquire' a few items of
ancient incantation over the food and jewellery worth 2 rolls on the Earnings table.
passes it to one of the other Warriors (or
eats it himself). This affects one Warrior 10 The Halfling Thief's day's work is very successful, and
for this turn. Roll a dice for each hit the he manages to pick up a few objects d'art, one of which
Warrior suffers. On the roll of a 6 the is actually a piece of Objective Room treasure, make an
Wounds of the hit are instantly healed immediate roll on the table.
back; do not deduct any Wounds from the
Warrior's total. 11 The Halfling Thief takes part in a daring daylight
robbery which gains him 4 rolls on the Earnings table.
12 After eating some delicious cookies you are taken
into a small back room and given a jar of Magical 12 The Halfling Thief is met by the criminal underworld
Pickles. The jar of Magical Pickles may be used once of the settlement, who invite you to take part in a big
per adventure and will heal your Wounds back to robbery You cannot turn down their offer and must do
their starting total. Other Warriors may not use the nothing for the next D6 days but should roll a D6. On a
jar of Magical Pickles as it is too precious to waste roll of 1 you are caught red-handed and may be sent to
on non-Halflings. court. On any other result you gain 6 rolls on the
Earnings table from the escapade.
5 The Halfling Thief manages to steal something 1) Choose a Store or Special Location as the target
before being chased out of town. You may select of the Burglary. This may be ANY Location,
any item from the shops you are allowed to enter. even those not normally open to the Halfling
Roll for its availability and if it is there you get one Thief. However some Locations do not contain
for free. You must also leave the settlement appropriate items for the Thief to steal. This will
immediately. become clearer later.
6 The Halfling steals a few odds and ends which are 2) The Halfling Thief may visit the Underworld to
worth 10 Gold. Add this to your gold total. obtain Rumours of his target.
7 The Halfling runs a few quick games of 'Find the 3) The Halfling Thief may spend some time
Lady' before he is chased off by the Watch. Gain planning the Burglary.
1D6x50 gold.
Halfling Thief
4) The Halfling Thief performs the Burglary. 3-5 'They've got stuff all over the place, but it's hard
to find!' The Burglary can be carried out as
The Target normal.
In order for the Halfling Thief to steal something during a 6 'The place is brimming with Stuff!' Add +1 to
Burglary, the location burgled must contain an list of items any Stock rolls you make during a burglary of
that are available to the Warriors who usually visit it. The this location (see later for Stock rolls).
list must include a price and a Stock value. See the main
rulebook for more details. Once you have decided upon the
target, roll as normal to see if there is such a place in the Gaurds Table
Settlement, if there isn't one in the Settlement, the Halfling D6 Roll Guards
Thief must choose another target. A Location or store may 1 1 'The place is right next to the Watch House!
only be the target of one attempted Burglary per Don't go near it!' You may not attempt to Burgle
Settlement. that Location in this Settlement.
Halfling Thief
the dice rolls. If you roll a 1 on the Guards table you are
3-4 You get the normal selling price for the item. Caught.
5 You get the item at + 10% of its normal selling Regardless of the truth of the rumours, now roll 1D6 on
price. the following table, applying any modifiers from rumours,
Planning or any other source. A roll of a 1 is always a 1,
6 You manage to sell the item for its full value. irrespective of modifiers.
Burglary Table
Items which do not have a selling price listed (such as
items available from the Elven Quarter) count half their Roll Result
full price as their normal selling price. This only applies to 1 Stop Thief! The Watch apprehend you in the act
Halfling Thieves selling their items to Fences, not to and you are Caught. The Burglary has failed
anybody who wishes to sell an item with no listed selling
price. Once you have rolled on the table above you must 2-3 After all of your careful preparations you are
sell the item, whether you like the price or not! disturbed and flee empty handed.
At the end of his last day of Planning the Halfling Thief Whenever a Halfling Thief enters a shop for any reason he
sets all of his plans in motion and performs the Burglary. may attempt to steal something. To do so he must make a
A Halfling may perform a Burglary without any Planning stock roll as normal, but modified by -4. If the Halfling
or rumours at all. If he has not done any Planning he will enters the shop solely for the purpose of theft there is a
not have any bonuses to his Burglary roll, while without further -1 modifier to the stock roll due to his suspicious
the knowledge of rumours he may walk into a trap. behaviour.
Whatever his Planning or state of readiness, first off all There is no limit to the number of items he may attempt to
roll 1D6; on a roll of a 1 the rumours were wrong! Roll shoplift, but cannot shoplift more than 1 of a single item
again on the Rumour Table to see what the reality is. If it (or a batch, such as D6 bandages). This is unaffected by
indicates that the Watch is there (i.e. a roll of a one on the any purchases he makes. You may only enter a store once
Guards table) then you are Caught and must abort the per Settlement, as usual, whether you go there to shoplift,
Burglary. purchase or both.
If you have not already gathered any rumours for this If the Halfling fails the adjusted stock roll, he is Caught
target, generate them now, to see if any modifiers apply to and may be punished.
Halfling Thief
3 Theft
4 Grand Theft
Unlawful Acquisition
Theft with Intent
Throughout his escapades there are many situations that
say the Halfling Thief has been Caught (OH NO!). The
Halfling Thief immediately loses whatever he was caught Sentence Table
stealing, from that particular store or location. To escape
capture, the Halfling Thief must roll 1D6 and add his Roll Sentence
Initiative. If the result is an eight or more, he has given 1 You are found innocent and are free to go!
them the slip and escapes. If he fails to do this, roll 1D6 on Anything confiscated from you (including any
the following Punishment Table: item you were caught stealing!) is returned to
your possession.
Punishment Table 2 You are given a stern warning but left free to go.
Roll Punishment 3 1,000 Gold fine which you must pay
1 The Halfling is sent to Court (see below) . immediately. If you cannot, after selling items
and so on, you must pay all you have and are
2 The Halfling is beaten up and thrown out of the thrown out of the Settlement.
settlement. He loses 1 Wound permanently and
must leave the settlement immediately. 4 Physical chastisement *. The judge orders you to
be physically mutilated in some way. Roll 1D6
3 The Halfling is thrown out of the settlement and and consult the following table:
told never to let his shadow fall there again.
Roll Chastisement
4-5 The Halfling Thief is summarily fined 2D6x100 1-2 Ear, finger or other non-vital
gold. appendage. This gives the Halfling a
rather more rascally look than before,
6 The Halfling Thief is charged 1D6x100 gold for and hurts for weeks afterwards.
the problems he has caused. 3-4 Leg cut off. You now move at half
your movement rate and have -2
BEING SENT TO COURT deducted from your Initiative, plus
There are some results on previous charts that say you are you may only break from Pinning on a
sent to Court. If this happens the Halfling Thief may do roll of 6. If you lose your other leg
nothing for the next D6 days while he languishes in jail. you must retire this warrior.
Any stolen items the Halfling Thief has yet to sell are 5-6 Lose a Hand. You are at -1 to hit with
confiscated, remove them from your Warrior sheet. any weapon, if you lose both hands
you must retire.
On the last day the Halfling is sent to Court and faces the
judge. You should roll 1D6 on each of the following tables 5 1D6x5 years imprisonment* The Halfling must
to see what the Court decides. be retired immediately. However, if you can roll
a 5 or 6 at the start of any adventure the Halfling
has managed to escape and he may participate
Crime Table
from that adventure onwards.
Roll Crime
1 Being a Halfling
2 Attempted Theft
Halfling Thief
6 Death!!!” Roll 1D6 and consult the chart to see TRAINING TABLE
what your method of execution is going to be. If a Halfling Thief gains an increase to a characteristic
You are dead... which is already at its maximum, such as a 1+ Bow Skill
or a Weaponskill of then the player may choose which
Roll Method characteristic is increased instead. However, the Halfling
1 Beheading. 'Off with his head!' Thief may not choose to increase his Strength dice this
2 Hanging. 'The fellow's so short we won't way, and if he chooses Wounds he will gain 1D6 (re-
need a big scaffold!' rolling the first roll if it is a 1).
3 Drowning. 'Tie him to a pebble and
throw him in the river!' D66 Result
4 Burning. 'The chap's got so much fat on 11 Skill Cling Tightly. The Halfling Thief
him he'll probably melt to death!' 5!' leaps onto a Monster and wraps his arms around
5 Tenure. 'I'm bored, take him down to the its arms, legs or head, causing it to stumble
cells for later around trying to shake the Halfling off. You must
6 Starvation. 'I can think of no worse give up all your attacks to cling to a Monster that
punishment for a Halfling!' is larger than the Halfling. The Monster must be
in adjacent square at the start of the Warriors'
Sentences marked with * may be avoided if the Phase and may do nothing while the Halfling
other Warriors can pay to get the Halfling out clings to it. Roll a D6 at the start of each
(bribe the judge!). The amount to be paid is subsequent Monsters Phase, on a roll of 1 or 2
worked out by adding together the rolls on the the Halfling has been shaken off, takes 1D6
tables above (including the sub-tables) and Wounds with no deductions and is placed prone
multiplying the result by one hundred. If the in an adjacent square for a whole turn, while the
Halfling Thief manages to evade his fate by monster may act as normal. On a 3+ the Halfling
bribery the whole party must leave the settlement must continue to cling on, he may not stop
immediately and may never return there, on pain clinging voluntarily
of death!
12 Skill I can Fly! The Halfling is so acrobatic
that the other Warriors can throw him across the
- HALFLING THIEVES room. To throw the Halfling a Warrior must be in
an adjacent square at the start of the Warriors'
AND TRAINING - phase. Neither the Halfling or the other Warrior
may move that turn, but they may attack an
adjacent Monster if they have not yet attacked.
Halfling Thieves don't train in the normal way, instead
The Halfling may be thrown a number of squares
they perform a series of burglaries, robberies and con- equal to the other Warrior's strength, though the
tricks under the watchful eye of a more experienced thief.
distance may be shorter if you wish. The Halfling
The master thief continuously gives the Halfling hints and
may only be thrown into empty squares, but can
tips on certain aspects of their profession, and occasionally pass over any other obstacles.
shows them the odd trick or two. When you want to go up
a level you pay the gold as normal (it is used to fund the Profile The Halfling gains +1 Weapon Skill
next few days' seams), but instead of simply updating your
Warrior's profile you should roll D66 on the training table
14 Skill Roll with blow. The Halfling rolls
below. The number of rolls you get depends on the level with the Monster's attack, reducing the amount of
you are going up to, as detailed on the table below. In damage he takes. Whenever he takes damage the
addition, you get certain set increases at some levels like
Halfling may reduce the number of wounds he
other Warriors, this is shown on the advance profile below. takes by 1D6+ his Battle-Level. The Halfling
As a Halfling's training is more risky by its nature, you may reduce the wounds by 2D6+ his Battle Level
should roll a D6 every time you go up a level, after you
instead if he wishes, but must be placed prone in
have worked out your new Warrior profile and skills. If the square he was in. The Halfling remains prone
you roll a 1 you have been caught on some escapade and for a whole turn.
must try to escape (see Being Caught).
Halfling Thief
- 10 -
Halfling Thief
36 Skill Goldmaster. The Halfling Thief is 2 You stab the Monster in the foot, it
adept at grubbing around in the dirt and prising loses 1D6 attacks in the next
coins out of cracks in the floor and walls. monster's phase as it hops around in
Whenever the Warriors find a piece of treasure pain
the Halfling Thief may roll 2D6. If either of the 3 You managed to cut the muscles in
dice end up as a 1 then he has found nothing, the back of one of its legs. The
otherwise multiply the result by ten and add this Monster loses D6 wounds and the
to the Halfling Thief's gold total . warriors have +1 to their hit rolls
against that Monster for a whole turn.
41 Skill Hide Evidence. When your Warrior 4 With a vicious swipe you cut the
is taken to court he hides the things that he has Monster's ear off, causing it to bleed
stolen. The Halfling Thief does not lose the heavily and bellow in rage. The
stolen items he possesses when he is taken to Monster takes 1D6 damage
court. immediately and will take 1D6
damage at the start of every
42 Skill Destiny. Your Warrior is set aside by subsequent Monster's phase. The
the gods to perform great deeds. At the start of bleeding stops if a one is rolled (the 1
each adventure you gain +1D6 Luck points. Any is still deducted from the Monster's
of these 'destiny' points that are not used are lost wounds). If a Monster dies from
at the end of the adventure. Roll separately for bleeding it is placed on the Halfling's
each adventure. warrior sheet.
5 Shrieking a war cry of The Moot the
43 Skill Nimble Feet. This skill allows the Halfling Thief brings his blade round
Halfling thief to duck between a monster's legs. in a glittering are that severs limbs
The Halfling may move through squares and imbeds into the Monsters side.
occupied by other Warriors or Monsters at half The Monster takes 2D6 wounds
his normal rate (each square moved through immediately and will also suffer
counts as 2). He may not end his move in an damage from bleeding as detailed in
occupied square. This skill cannot be used to result 4
move the Halfling through monsters that are not 6 The Halfling Thief lunges at the
larger than him, such as Goblins. Monster and his blade passes straight
through its neck, killing it
44 Profile You may add +1 to your Toughness. immediately. The Monster is dead but
your Warrior may do nothing at all for
45 Profile You may add +1 to number of the next 2D6 turns as he stares in
Attacks. disbelief at the Monsters corpse lying
at his feet
46 Skill Sneakily Stab. The Halfling sneaks
up on a monster and stabs it in a soft bit. The 51 Profile You may increase you chances of
Halfling may give up all his attacks for a turn to escaping from pinning by 1 (3+ becomes 2+, for
make a Sneaky Stab. Roll to hit as normal, and if example).
successful roll 1D6 on the chart below. A Sneaky
stab is never deducted for Toughness or Armour 52 Profile The Halfling gains +1 to his Ballistic
and Monsters with Dodge, Ignore Blow or Ignore Skill (so, 4+ to hit becomes 3+).
Pain may not use these abilities against a Sneaky
stab. 53 Skill Distract. By pointing suspiciously,
pulling rude faces and giggling loudly the
Roll Effect Halfling Thief manages to attract the attention of
1 The monster is unaffected by your some of the Monster's in the room. This skill will
weak blow and turns towards you. affect any Monster on the same board section as
The Monster immediately gets 1 the Halfling Thief. Roll 1D6 for each Monster,
attack against the Halfling Thief, on a roll of 6 it may do nothing for that turn. This
resolved as normal, and this does not skill can be used a number of times each
affect the Monster's abilities or attacks adventure equal to that shown on the table below:
in the next Monster's Phase.
- 11 -
Halfling Thief
Halfling Thieves are very useful in roleplay adventure ,
where their agility and nimble fingers allow them to
- 12 -
Halfling Thief
“That's what I thought. Fifteen miles out of my way and no sign “So! How about those three crowns for the fare?” A couple of
of my pony.” the more inexperienced Chaos Dwarfs started reaching into their
tunics, but their leader said a rude word and drew his huge two
He turned back to the Chaos dwarves and grinned innocently. handed hammer from his belt.
“I don’t suppose anybody could lend me a half-crown for the As The Chaos Dwarfs chased Hufnall out of the door the other
stage fare to Nuln? My pony was stolen last night and I must Warriors leapt on them from behind.
have taken a wrong turn in Mad Dog pass. I thought it looked a
bit dreary and was rather hot for the year Then I said to myself Hufnall winced as he watched the flash of the swords and heard
'Hufnall, you silly Baked Bean, you’ve wandered into the the screams of the dying Chaos Dwarves. He tossed his apple
Darklands again'. And here's me without my purse and only a core away and started to whistle quietly to himself:
few scraps to eat...” as he spoke the Halfling Thief had sauntered
over to the doors again and was casually munching an apple. “Should've given me the eight crowns for the fare to Nuln!”
- 13 -