Process Monitor
Process Monitor
Process Monitor
Final Report
Spring Semester 2009
Prepared to partially fulfill the requirements for ECE402
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Sheming Chen
Phillip Misek
Ryan Hoppal
Final Report
Process variation is an important issue that process engineers and circuit designers must allow for when
designing in todays nanometer CMOS process technologies. Variations in gate lengths, widths, random
doping fluctuations and threshold voltage affect the behavior and relative matching of transistors. In
order to design more effectively, the circuit designer needs to know where in the process certain
parameters are.
Historically, most process characterization has been done on the wafer level, not on individual dies.
These process monitors have typically been very large and complex, often taking up an entire die
themselves. These monitors are usually implemented to look at the elusive underlying parameters, not
at the intermediated results used for on-the-fly circuit adjustments. Several of these monitors would be
spread about on a wafer and used for binning or characterization. As process technologies began to
move past the 180nm mark, there was an increased interest in digital correction of individual dies. This
has led to process monitors of various sorts being implemented on individual dies to provide more
optimized performance.
Most of the previous work done in this area relies on two basic principles, PTAT currents and frequency
domain analysis. While PTAT currents have been used for a long time in reference circuits, they are
beginning to run into some unique constraints in deep sub-micron geometries. Also, many of the
circuits used to generate PTAT currents are physically unable to operate at the low supply voltages
present in modern high performance circuits. Frequency domain analysis is becoming increasingly
popular due to the very high switching speeds present in advanced digital circuits.
The goal of this project is to create a modular process monitor that can easily be fit onto a pre existing
die. This report describes the subsequent design of a CMOS process monitor that will measure inverter
delay and polyresistance variation. The main test structure uses multiple ring oscillators with different
loads. High speed counters and adders are used to process the signals, and the final result is output as
an 8 bit word. The test circuit also has front-end digital control logic that enables the user to select
which parameters are tested, and how the data is processed. This control logic also allows the test
structures to be turned off to save power. Included in this paper is the final layout of many individual
circuit pieces as well as extracted circuit simulation results for proof of design. Since our test circuits
follow a modular design and functionality, future work may be done to analyze other process
parameters. A module measuring the threshold voltage is probably the next logical expansion.
Final Report
Table of Contents
Title .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 3
List of Figures and Tables .............................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgements........................................................................................................................ 23
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................... 23
Final Report
List of Figures:
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Final Report
I. Introduction:
Process variation invariably occurs in the fabrication of CMOS devices. The process parameters of a
CMOS technology can vary lot-to-lot, wafer-to-wafer, and die-to-die. Even though there have been
advancements in lithographic technology to put down more identically-drawn devices, random
distributions of these devices still occur because of variations in doping densities, oxide thicknesses, and
diffusion depths, just to name a few. These variations result from non-uniform conditions during the
deposition and diffusion of the impurities, greatly affecting the behavior of the devices. This variation is
of critical importance in both analog and digital circuit designs, especially in circuits that rely on relative
device matching.
The significance and complexity of process variation becomes even more prominent with transistor size
scaling. As we get in deep-sub-micron CMOS processes, circuit designers must increasingly account for
process variations in their designs. In the 65nm process, process variations are a huge challenge.
Devices are placed so close together that layout dependent stress variations (which are not normally
encountered in larger device geometries), become an important factor. This is illustrated in the wafer
yield map in Figure 1. This map shows variations in frequency parameters from die to die.
Final Report
Since a circuit design must meet its specifications under all possible conditions, we need to know where
in the process each particular wafer or particular die is. For example, if the die is fast or slow? Process
monitoring circuits are used to characterize the performance of each die or wafer.
The goal of our project is to design a monitor that will tell us the location in the process of gate delay
and polysilicon resistance. We will be using ring oscillator test structures since they provide a statistical
normalization across many devices. We organized our test structures into a modular design, so that this
process monitor can support future expansion.
First, we will discuss our findings from our first-year research into process variations and process
monitors. We will then go into detail describing our circuit design, starting with the circuit theory and
concepts, analysis in the frequency domain, our circuit schematics, and SPICE simulations for each of our
process monitor modules. Then we will discuss the design of our digital circuits that control the circuit
modules and the outputs. Finally we will go over the results from our extracted circuit and step through
the process of using these results in order to tell the designer where in the process the circuit is.
Figure 2: Normalized Wafer to Wafer and Die to Die Variations for a 65nm Process
Note the skew targets denoting the different process corners.
Final Report
Final Report
elements to the netlist. The extracted circuit was then simulated at all process corners in a final check
for functionality. The process corners of interest are transistor speed and polyresistance speed. As part
of the specifications for our project, we were told to assume operation at room temperature. As of the
time of this paper, the final extracted deck is still running.
Figure 3: Diagram showing complete design flow. Steps in red box are steps that were completed for our
senior design project.
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Final Report
a. Digital Framework:
In order to support this modular structure, an easily scalable digital framework is required. The front
end is essentially a large MUX with some additional logic for the enable signals and the feedback. The
other main control component is the logic associated with the output buffers and the feedback signal to
re-enable the monitor. As for the digital processing, there is a comparator/arithmetic module which is
inherent to the process monitor itself. Each module will individually contain a set of standard values in a
look-up configuration.
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Final Report
The final stage count that we decided on was 48 stages using both the extracted counters min
frequency at the SS corner and the max propagation delay through a single stage at the FF counter.
Although our circuit was small enough the counter and RO could never be at different corners, we felt
that we could add this extra measure of safety with little additional cost.
iv. Layout:
There were two layouts that needed to be completed in order to create the ring oscillator. The first
layout is a test layout to extract the average propagation delay through a single stage, and subsequently,
the number of stages in the final test structure.
Figure 7: Initial ring oscillator design used for finding average propagation delay
Final Report
Figure 9: Final extracted simulation counts with single clock frequency input
c. Counter:
We need a high speed counter to determine the number of oscillations in our ring oscillator structures.
Since the 65 nm CMOS transistors have very fast switching times, our ring oscillators are running at very
high frequencies. This necessitates a fairly fast digital counter. We used a standard counting scheme
and broke the counter up into 3-bit blocks. To design our counter, we found that cascading three 3-bit
counters gave us reasonably fast counter without too many gates. We designed our 3-bit counters using
3-input NAND-NAND logic with minimum size transistors to give us the lowest possible propagation
delay. We also used three clocked synchronous D-flip-flops to produce our sequential logic.
An approximate estimate of the frequency of the ring oscillator is 1/(N*(tpLH+tpHL)). The delay time of
each inverter stage is approximately 20ps, so for an 80-stage ring oscillator, the RO frequency is
somewhere around 625 MHz. Therefore, our counter needs to be faster than the ring oscillator in order
to correctly count the number of oscillations. We need a 9-bit counter because 29 = 512. So a 9-bit
counter allows us to count 512 oscillations, this was used with the extracted layout min frequency in
order to obtain the ring oscillator number of stages. The max frequency of the counter at the SS corner
was 1.33 GHz. Our ring oscillator needs to have enough stages so that it does not exceed the max
frequency at the SS corner.
Final Report
Figure 10: 3-bit Counter Block Implemented with D-FlipFlops, NAND, and INV logic
Final Report
d. Polyresistance Module:
i. Theory/Design:
The second module we designed measures polyresistance variations. Specifically, we are looking at nonsilicided, doped poly-silicon . Currently, polyresistance in 65nm processes is speced at +- 20%. In reality,
the variation is usually controlled to +- 7 %, but the designer must still meet the 20% figure. Being able
to determine where the resistor are within the process would allow designers to create higher
performance circuits utilizing digital correction.
In order to enhance the isolation of the resistance parameter we plan for the module to eventually use
two different test structures and compare the results. Currently in our final circuit we have the
schematic, layout, extraction, and retest completed for the first test structure. The second test structure
is left as a continuation for the project.
The first test structure is that of a resistively loaded ring oscillator. By adding a resistive load between
the stages of the RO, we can transform resistance variation into frequency variation. The resistor in
between each of the stages pairs with the capacitance of the inverter on either side of it to create a CRC
like network. Just as in a RC network, by increasing the resistor one increases the , thus decreasing the
The next issue to look at is how to isolate this resistively loaded ring oscillator in order to look at
changes in the polyresistance value and not changes in the switching speeds of the NMOS and PMOS
transistors that make up the inverter. These switching speeds are affected by changes in layer
thicknesses and in variations within the geometries. Our design accomplishes this isolation by running a
ring oscillator without resistive loading in parallel to the resistively loaded ring oscillator module. In
order to obtain our result in terms of how much the frequency has changed (leading us to the change in
resistance), we need to look at the difference between the two ring oscillator (both with the resistor
inserted in, but one with the resistor shorted out) counter values when the non loaded ring oscillator
counts as high as the counter can go (in reality we would probably let the counter count through a
couple times to get a better result with less statistical variation).
Final Report
Figure 14: Polyresistance module running in parallel with inverter delay module
The way this module works is that the main control block will send a signal to the module telling it to
measure the process variation in polyresistance. The module will then turn on both of the ring
oscillators in parallel. When the ring oscillator with the resistor shorted out finishes, both of the test
structures will turn off. The value will be grabbed from the loaded ring oscillator and subtracted from
512 (since the shorted resistor RO completes one entire cycle before turning off both of the ROs). With
this difference we are now able to compare to the nominal difference and from there find out where in
the process the resistor is. In order to isolate this result from the transistor process corner, one runs the
inverter delay module in parallel in order to find out the transistor corner, than change the nominal
value based on the transistor corner.
Final Report
iii. Simulation/Results:
Resistance (K)
Figure 15: Frequency vs. Resistance plot for a 100 stage resistively loaded RO
So, how accurate is this form of measurement and what should the starting resistor value be? To answer
this question we created a test bench schematic that included 100 inverter stages within a resistively
loaded RO pattern (the odd stage is created with an NAND gate which helps start the RO). We ran a
parametric sweep on the resistance values and measured the frequency of the oscillator. From the data
taken it is obvious that the resistance value and frequency of the RO are related linearly (proven by the
R^2 value of almost exactly 1 in our plot). This means that using a larger resistor instead of a smaller
resistor gives the designer no additional sensitivity for the measurement. Therefore it makes more sense
for our group to use a resistor value closer to 1-2k instead of a larger resistor value since the smaller
resistor takes less room on the chip.
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Final Report
Figure 17: Layout for both ring oscillators (left: loaded, right: non-loaded (shorted resistor))
v. Final Simulation
With the extracted circuit we ran both ring oscillators at all corners until the resistively loaded RO with
the resistors shorted completed through all 512 counts. At this time we took the value from the loaded
RO and subtracted from 512 its count. This gave us our difference. The plot of our difference for all
corners is displayed below.
Final Report
RO Counter Difference
Resistor Corner
Figure 18: Extracted Simulations at all Corners
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Final Report
V. Acknowledgements:
We would like to thank Mr. Brian Misek for sharing his wisdom in IC design. We would also like to thank
Dr. Hugh Grinolds for his semester-long guidance and support. And of course, we are very grateful that
Avago Technologies supported our design project and provided us with access to their IC design tools
and libraries. Also, Charles Thangaraj from the CSU VLSI Lab was patient in answering our countless
VI. Bibliography:
1. Phillip E. Allen & Douglas R. Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, 2nd ed. , Oxford University
Press, USA, January 12th, 2002.
2. RJ Baker, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 2nd ed. , Wiley-IEEE Press, November
9th, 2007.
3. Neil Weste, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, 1st ed. , Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1984.
4. J. Keane, T. Kim, and C.H. Kim, "Silicon Odometers: On-Chip Test Structures for Monitoring
Reliability Mechanisms and Sources of Variation", Workshop on Test Structure Design for
Variability Characterization, Nov. 2008
5. Manoj Sachdev, Defect-oriented testing for nano-metric CMOS VLSI circuits, 2nd ed.,
Dordrecht:Springer 2007
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Final Report