Evangelical Magazine (November 2006)

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November/December 2006


Published by the Evangelical Movement of Wales

How shall they hear?
Reaching Hearts
A passion for the lost
Editorial Board
Mark Barnes
Andrew Christofides
Editorial: Why evangelise?
Spencer Cunnah
Chris Jenkins
Peyton Jones The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are both land-locked This provides an urgent spur to the task of making the There is a beautiful symmetry here. On one side there is
Huw Kinsey Publishers lakes, but there is a significant difference between them. gospel of Jesus Christ known. Will we be able to face the Jesus Christ who is sinless. On the other side there are sin-
Christine Owens Evangelical Movement of Wales The Sea of Galilee has both an inlet and an outlet. Water Lord Jesus Christ with a clear conscience if we know that ners like us. As a result of God’s gracious intervention, Jesus
Menna Thomas Bryntirion we have neglected the responsibility of sharing the gospel Christ is made sin and we are made righteous through faith
flows through it and as a result the Sea of Galilee is alive
Keith Vine Bridgend
with fish and all sorts of marine life. But the Dead Sea with people who must also stand before that same Judge? in Him. So simple, and yet so extraordinarily wonderful!
John Woolley CF31 4DX
has only an inlet. No water flows out of it and as result Can we be reserved, laid back or prayerless in the light But the publicity of this great plan of reconciliation, all
Wales, UK
Tel: 01656 655886 the Dead Sea is lifeless, with such a high concentration of of the coming Great Day? Evangelism is not a Christian devised and executed by God Himself, is placed in our
Fax: 01656 665919 dissolved minerals in it that it is not even fit to drink. All hobby or an optional extra in the Christian life. It is a hands. Paul describes the message as ‘the word of reconcili-
offi[email protected] of which is a thought-provoking picture of the church of rescue operation as urgent as any lifeboat that is launched ation’ (2 Cor. 5: 19). That is why evangelism requires
Registered charity 222407
Jesus Christ in the United Kingdom at this present time. from our shores into a stormy sea. The verdict of Jesus more than silent testimony. It requires words. It is a mes-
Christ, the Judge, leaves us with no option but to start sage in words about what God has done in Jesus Christ,
Consulting Editors Evangelise or perish! looking for ways for the gospel to flow out from ourselves,
Revd Stephen Clark and that message has to be passed on. Certainly people
A Christianity that only takes in will end up a dead from our homes, and from our churches. will be encouraged to listen as a result of our Christian
Revd Philip Eveson
Christianity. No matter how much sound teaching we behaviour and as we demonstrate the love of Christ to
Revd Graham Harrison Responsibility
Revd Stuart Olyott hear, fellowship we enjoy, or reformed our worship, if it them. But we cannot hide behind the silent witness of
does not flow out in gospel witness to the world around, “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that our lives, even holy lives. No one can believe the gospel
church life will grow stale, unwholesome and dead. if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those unless they have heard it. Faith comes by hearing.
There is a great danger at the moment that the issues that who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who
died for them and rose again” (2 Cor. 5: 14-15). Paul’s ego and People sometimes ask what right we have to intrude upon
are preoccupying church life are just internal matters. the lives of other people with the gospel. It’s so un-Brit-
Great energy can be expended discussing—perhaps argu- reputation were not at stake as he made the gospel known.
In fact, he was able to be detached from criticisms that were ish! But in evangelism we are not acting as interfering
ing about—what hymn book should be sung from, what busybodies, but as personal representatives of the King of
version of the Bible should be read and what the correct levelled against him. His experience of Jesus Christ had put
him beyond self-centred considerations. The love of Christ kings. No doubt being ambassadors for Christ requires
order of service should be. It does not really matter what diplomacy, but it also carries with it a certain dignity. We
the issue is if it has the practical effect of drying up had rendered him indifferent to both the flattery and the
disapproval of human beings. He was not the centre of his have every right to face men and women with the claims
gospel outreach. If that is allowed to happen, then very of Jesus Christ. He is their rightful King, whether they
quickly spiritual gangrene will set in and do its lethal own universe any more. He lived for Jesus Christ whose
glory was the determining factor in his thinking. The amaz- acknowledge Him or not. Indeed, we are to do more
work. A generation or two later you’ll find a church that than that—as ambassadors we are to plead with men and
has become a nasty clique dominated by a few families ing reason for this was that Jesus Christ had died for Paul,
and he could never get over that astounding fact. As far as women to accept the reconciliation which the Lord offers
who still drag themselves along. But the church will have to all in the gospel of grace.
committed suicide, leaving a building to be turned into a Paul was concerned, the sacrifice that Jesus Christ had made
warehouse, antiques centre, garage or mosque. on the cross had meant the death of the old Paul with his If these great biblical incentives are not enough for us
obsessive self-righteousness and pride. He could no longer to make every effort to reach out with the gospel then
One of the keys to any church’s life is its evangelism. We live for himself in that way. God had given him a whole new our churches will die. They will dry up. And they will
evangelize or perish! So how do we overcome British focus in his life. Does that challenge us? Are many of our deserve to dry up, and be nothing more than examples
reserve, natural shyness, our preoccupation with other inhibitions about evangelism associated with pride? What of what happens in a Dead Sea where no water flows
things and lack of spiritual zeal? How do we change our will he think of me if I tell him that I am a Christian? What out—where we have nothing to say to a lost world des-
churches from being like the Dead Sea, only taking in, will she say about me to others if I offer to read the Bible perately in need of a message we claim to possess.
to being more like the Sea of Galilee, taking in but also with her? How will my neighbours react if I share the gos-
flowing out into the community in vital gospel witness? Spencer Cunnah
pel with them? But the love of Christ strips selfish motives
from our hearts and drives us out with a passionate desire
“We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that
that other men and women around us should discover the
grace of God and the new life in Christ that we have found.
each one may receive the things done in the body, according to How shall they hear? (Peter Jeffery) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, Persuasion Christianity Explored (Andy Christofides) . . . . . . . . . . . 5
the terror of the Lord, we persuade men…” (2 Cor. 5: 10-11). “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were Reaching Hearts (Ben & Bethan Thomas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Bible’s first motivation for evangelism is the ultimate pleading through us; we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be recon- Opening Doors: Stories from local churches . . . . . . . 8
accountability of the whole human race to Jesus Christ ciled to God.” (2 Cor 5: 20). Christianity is not about human Going out with the gospel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Evangelical Magazine is published bimonthly the Judge. A verdict will be delivered at the final judg- beings finding their way to God. It is about God sov- Use words if necessary (Chris Jenkins) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
and promotes and witnesses to the historic ment. The apostle Paul stresses the individuality of this ereignly opening up a way back to Himself by a gigantic act A passion for the lost (Anne Kelland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
evangelical faith of the Christian Church. judgment. Each one will receive what is due. We are of grace. The root problem that the gospel addresses is our O-mission (Roger Carswell) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The views expressed by individual contributors to this assessed personally before the Judge with no excuses, no sin, which is the primary obstacle between us and God. We Church on the move (Ross Mackeznie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the passing the blame and no hiding place. As the American need to be reconciled to God. In the gospel Paul describes Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Editorial Board or of the publishers. Advertisements, while President Truman reportedly put on a plaque on his desk
accepted in good faith, do not carry the Board’s endorsement. a great exchange that has taken place: For God made Him In righteousness I will see Your face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
in the White House, ‘The buck stops here’, so it will be who knew no sin [the Lord Jesus Christ] to be sin for us, that Children’s Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
November 2006 Volume 45 No.6 on the Day of Judgment. No secrecy. No cover-ups. No we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5: 21). Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ISSN 1743-4092 private confessionals.
© Bryntirion Press 2006
Cover image courtesy Björn Kindler
The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 3
How shall
they hear?
Peter Jeffery
Evangelism is not primarily a matter of method and
technique, but of a correct biblical attitude on the part of
Christians. This article is not about evangelistic methods.
Its concern is rather to help believers see their God-given A re vie w a r t ic le
responsibility to evangelize a lost world. How we do it is
nothing like as important as doing it. This is not to say Christianity Explored is a ten-week course aimed at introduc- y Christofides
by And
that method is unimportant. Unfortunately, in recent ing people to Jesus Christ. Week by week course participants
years, much evangelism has been so man-centred that explore Mark’s gospel, addressing three questions that are at
able in which Rico Tice gives the talks. The sessions are
it has produced countless ‘decisions for Christ’ but few the heart of Christianity: Who is Jesus? Why did he come?
shot on location around Britain and are of such a high
conversions to Christ. A method that does not see souls What does it mean to follow him? So runs the promotional
standard that I personally no longer give the talks myself
truly saved, but merely attracts and entertains sinners, is who comes to Christ. There are many other ways in which blurb for a course that has become so widely used by
but simply play the recordings. The advantage is that now
not biblical evangelism. The purpose of evangelism is to Christians can glorify God, but surely one of the greatest is church groups throughout UK.
non-preachers can run the course.
reach sinners with the gospel, so that they might come in to be used by God to proclaim the gospel of Christ through At a time when almost total ignorance of the Christian
repentance and faith to Christ. which alone sinners can be saved. It is no use mourning Secondly, it is simple for participants. The publicity sup-
message pervades the land, anything that can be used
over the way the world thinks of God if we do nothing to plied makes it clear that those attending need no prior
One of the problems of the man-centred methods of the to shine gospel light into the gloom is most welcome.
make Him real to men and women who are dead in their knowledge of Christianity. They are assured there will
last forty years is that some Christians have been put off Christianity Explored is most welcome!
sins. Our first concern, then, must be for the glory of God. be no ‘religious bits’ such as singing or prayers; also that
from doing any evangelism at all. Evangelical believers Devised by the Anglican curate, Rico Tice, (currently they will not be asked any direct questions or asked to
tend to swing from one extreme to another. We see bad, A concern for lost souls on the staff of All Souls in London) the course is thor- read out loud, but they will be given plenty of oppor-
unbiblical methods being used and decide the safest oughly scriptural, simple to use and, vitally, simple to
Men and women without Christ as their Saviour are going tunity to ask questions of their own. The course is very
thing to do is nothing. This attitude is just as wrong as a understand. Over the past six years at St. Mellons Baptist
to hell. They are not simply going to ‘a Christless eternity’, simple and readily accessible to all who attend.
preoccupation with instant results. ‘No evangelism’ is not Church in Cardiff, we have used the course in various
as it is often put. They are without Christ now. They are go-
the answer to bad evangelism. settings and with different groups. On each occasion Christianity Explored is Flexible
ing to exist for ever under the wrath and judgment of a holy
A correct attitude to evangelism will reflect three things, God. Christians often ask, ‘How can I get a burden for those participating have been helped; believers have been A possible barrier to churches using the course is perhaps
namely: souls?’ The answer has to be: read the Bible and believe it. strengthened and, often, outsiders have been converted. that ten weeks is too much of a commitment. From
• a concern for the glory of God Believe what it has to say about the terror of the Lord and So, what’s it all about? experience we have not found this to be the case, with
• a concern for lost souls the eternity of judgment. Then consider that this is what numbers holding up well and even increasing over the
your unbelieving children and parents and friends will have Christianity Explored is Scriptural period. However, the course is flexible enough to allow
• a concern to be obedient to the commands of
to face unless they turn to Christ. If that does not give you The course takes participants on ‘a walk through Mark’s for a shorter six or seven-part series to be offered if time
a burden for souls then nothing will. If unbelievers are to gospel’ where they encounter the Lord Jesus Christ for was a real issue.
Western civilization, in Europe and North America, has avoid hell they must be saved. There must be a genuine themselves. The content is thoroughly biblical, simply
produced a culture that cares little or nothing for God. You work of the Holy Spirit in their lives that transforms them examining the text of Mark and relying on the Spirit Christianity Explored is developing
only have to think of some of the things that are legally and by grace and justifies them by faith. If we believe this, then to apply the message. An often repeated phrase used by A version of the course for use with those who have Eng-
socially acceptable today, like abortion and homosexuality, our methods of evangelism will be those which, as far as Rico Tice is, ‘We preach Christ—God opens blind eyes’ lish as a second language has been developed. This is very
to see the truth of this. God no longer counts in the think- possible, avoid empty decisions. We want to see these folk helpful for use amongst overseas students, refugees and
ing of most people. The nominal Christianity propagated truly saved, not just become religious for a short time. Christianity Explored is Simple asylum seekers. A youth edition has just been launched
by religious programmes on the radio and TV demonstrates First, it is simple to use. The course comes with three which could be useful in schools and church youth
the same truth. For most people today biblical Christianity A concern to be obedient main booklets: How to run the course, Study guide lead- groups.
is a joke, an outdated theory that is no longer relevant, and Do you see how these two concerns will govern our atti- ers’ edition, and Study guide for participants. These are
being ‘born again’ has become a term of disdain. As a follow up to Christianity Explored, Discipleship
tude to evangelism and give it both relevance and urgency? available from Christian bookshops or from the course
Explored is now available, taking participants through the
So thirdly, will be a concern to be obedient to the commands of website (www.christianityexplored.com) where next day
A concern for the glory of God Christ. He has commanded us to go into all the world and
book of Philippians.
delivery is an option. Along with the booklets, the site
Only one thing is going to change all this, and that is for tell out this gospel. Once our attitude is right, evangelism In conclusion, this is a really useful and most welcome
can supply invitations and posters in order to advertise
men and women to be truly saved and made new in Christ. will become inevitable. We will not have to be persuaded resource, which in the right hands and under the Spirit’s
the course.
Once a man knows and experiences the joy of new (that is, and organized into periodic ‘evangelistic campaigns’, but guidance can be used by any believer to the benefit of
spiritual) birth he will never mock it. Once a sinner’s eyes When Christianity Explored was first launched, a good
will see evangelism as a privilege and joy. many and to the glory of God.
are open to the beauty of Scripture it will be his delight for deal of preparation time was necessary in order to give
ever. One of the reasons why God saves sinners is that they Peter Jeffery is a retired minister an author of a number the sessions’ main talks which needed to be adapted from Andy Christofides is the pastor of St Mellons
might be to ‘the praise and glory of his glorious grace’ (Eph. of books including “How shall they hear?” (published transcripts in the course manual. Now however, a series Baptist Church, Cardiff and a member of the
1:6). Thus God is glorified in the salvation of everyone by Evangelical Press) from which this article is taken. of videos and more recently DVDs have become avail- editorial board of The Evangelical Magazine.

4 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 5
the building of a former medical mission in Clerkenwell.
The fact that it was ready within just a few months of our
agreeing to come was a clear sign of the Lord opening 
the door for us. 
Arriving with a three-month old baby could have proved
difficult, but the Lord made our paths straight. The
church welcomed us so warmly that we settled in very

Reaching Hearts
quickly; and having a little one means it’s easier to strike 
up conversations with people we meet in the local parks 
or shops. Megan, now twenty-months old, is learning
 
in the heart of London Welsh at home and attends a Welsh playgroup in south
London once a week. We’re quietly fighting all the Eng-
lish influences on her impressionable mind!
Ben and Bethan Thomas Reaching out

As a church and leadership team our greatest desire is 
to see those who live in this area brought to Christ. We 

Dick Whittington came here to find his fortune, but thou- medium-term. But we were willing for that assumption to are well known in the community and have many good 
sands of Londoners today are spiritually poverty-stricken. be challenged and God certainly had other plans—plans contacts through our children’s meetings, regular door-to- 
that we would never have dreamed of ourselves. door work and bi-monthly special services. Recently we’ve 

London Inreach Project given these a theme, for example, ‘Thanking God’ around 
The path He took us down began when we got married
It was this great need among those living in the very and committed ourselves as a couple to seek to be obedi- harvest time and ‘Love’ on the Sunday before Valentine’s 
heart of the city that burdened a small group of men ent to His will, whatever that was. I had always known Day. Several people who don’t come every Sunday have

twenty-five or so years ago. They got together to form that the Lord had the final say in the way I used the joined us, which has been an encouragement.
the London Inreach Project with the aim of planting re- abilities and strengths He had given me. For eight years,
The church in Soho has been given the use of a shop
formed evangelical churches in Central London to reach the place to serve him was BBC Wales, where I worked building by the council. The shop is on one of Soho’s
those living in that area. It’s estimated that there are as a journalist, a job I loved. I’d had the ambition to be busiest streets and is a very visible gospel presence in the
around seven thousand permanent residents in Covent a BBC reporter from the age of twelve. After becoming heart of this depraved area. On a Thursday evening we
Garden alone, making that task a considerable one. a Christian at fourteen on an EMW Camp, I still felt it put a book table outside and distribute leaflets to those
After much prayer and groundwork, the first church to was right to continue working towards this goal and the passing by in an attempt to speak to them about Christ. How shall they hear
be formed was Immanuel Community Church in Soho. Lord opened doors to make it possible. Many people stop and open up to us, with a number
Ten years later in 1997, Covent Garden Evangelical
without a preacher?
However in the summer of 2004 my situation at the taking a gospel or other literature and promising to read
Church came into being. The work has been steady but BBC became less certain and we began to pray more it. Please pray for the hundreds who have taken leaflets
slow and today a small fellowship of ten members and specifically for guidance about our future. Then, over the as well as those who have been confronted with their
a handful of adherents gather regularly. Currently the summer break we saw a ‘Wanted’ advert for an assistant spiritual need in conversation.
Covent Garden Church meets with Immanuel Com- worker to join those already labouring in Covent Garden. LTS provides training that is
On Saturday afternoon a small team can be seen round
munity Church. Because of our location we usually have After several visits, much prayer and many conversations intellectually demanding
the corner from the Royal Opera House with a blue felt spiritually helpful and
visitors worshipping with us and we can be as many as with friends and church elders, we accepted the invita- practically relevant
board and a timeless message. The open-air work reaches
thirty on a Sunday. There are two full-time evangelists tion to make the move up the M4. mainly those from outside Covent Garden who are See our website for full details
in Covent Garden, Derek Sewell and Ben Thomas, who
passing through this part of London. Most don’t want
work closely with Andrew Murray, the pastor in Soho. Confirmation their afternoon of shopping interrupted by talk of eternal
London Theological Seminary, 104 Hendon Lane, London N3 3SQ
Telephone 020 8346 7587 E-mail: [email protected] www.ltslondon.org
There was just one stumbling block—the small question things, but some do stop and, as we talk, we see evidence
God’s call of somewhere to live. Yet in a matter of weeks the Lord
As with any part of Central London, there are two faces that the Lord is at work in their heart. Pray for strength,
answered our prayers by providing for our needs: a flat in clarity and ‘wisdom from above’ in the open air.
to Covent Garden. There’s the public face seen by the
tourists—theatres, famous shopping streets, artists and A key aspect of our work is door-to-door outreach. Meeting
performers—and there are the families who work, go to people ‘on their own territory’ can be a challenging thing,
school and buy bread and milk here. It’s these people that but we praise God for many good relationships built up
we feel God has called us to get alongside and live and over the years. Nevertheless we long to see those who know
share the gospel with. us well, and know the claims of Christ equally well, stop
resisting the only One who can save them. Please pray that
In many ways, London is a world away from Cardiff,
in this, and all aspects of the work, the seed sown would fall
where Bethan and I lived until we moved to work here. A
on good ground and would bear fruit for eternity.
capital it may be, but Cardiff can never compete with the
pace of life and sheer volume of people who flood every Ben and Bethan Thomas are Covent Garden
part of London. (Well, match days might come close.) Workers with the London Inreach Project. Before
If you’d asked us a couple of years ago whether we ever their move to London they were members
thought we’d leave Wales, we would have been fairly sure of Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff.
that the Lord wanted us where we were for the short- to

6 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 7
Opening doors Reading Group Mission Impossible?
Two years ago we were holding a Christianity Explained Prior to St. Mellons Baptist Church’s May Mission (en-
Stories from local churches course. When it came to an end a man called Mel asked titled Mission Impossible?), much prayer and careful plan-
whether we were planning a follow up. It was out of that ning had taken place. Prayer bookmarks were made avail-
request that our Reading Group grew. able to church members to help them to pray regularly for
When it began I was hoping to gather together four or the Mission. A free magazine containing a message from
the pastor, various testimonies of church members and
five friends from the church who would read a book for a
Toddler’s Group an outline of the Mission meetings, was prepared. This
month and then meet to discuss what they had learned. To
It’s Thursday and the Toddler’s Group is a hive of activ- publicity was distributed to the St.Mellons area as well as
my surprise we started with more than twice that number
ity. The noise level rises as little bundles of energy hurtle the surrounding hamlets, totalling approximately fifteen
and now have about fifteen regularly reading the books
down the slide, or dart in and out of the Wendy house, thousand homes. (You can read this magazine at our
and attending the meetings. Ages range from late teenag-
or crawl nose-to-tail through the bendy tunnel. It’s a website: www.stmellonsbaptist.org.uk/missionimpossible)
ers to those who long since qualified for their bus passes!
bit quieter in the craft corner where some of the older ����������������������

The books are chosen by me. The intention is to provide a

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pounds part of the Bible, such as Sinclair Ferguson on the

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two who are dropping paint all over themselves or their

���� ��� ��� ��� ���� ����� ���� ����� ��� ��������� ������������������� ��������������������
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Sermon on the Mount or Dr Lloyd-Jones on Habakkuk.

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���������������������� �������� ��������� ������ �����������������������������

neighbours with great enthusiasm. It’s just as well that

������������������ ��������� ����� ������ ������ ����� ��������������������������������
������������������ ������������������������������ ������ �������������������
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We will follow that with a book that deals with Christian

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we provide plastic aprons.

������ ���� ���� ������������� ��������������
������ �������� ���� ���� �������������������

Real Lives
��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ���� �������������� �������������������������������
������������������� � �������������� �������������� ��������������������
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�� ������ ������ ��� ��������� ���� ���� ����� �����������

doctrine or experience, such as R C Sproul’s Holiness of

��� ���� ��������� ��� ���� ������������������� �������������������������������������
��������������� ������������������
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The mums and grans (and the occasional dad) are stand-
����������������������������� ���� �������������������� ������������������������������

How can a small, enthusiastic, evangelical church with

�������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������
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God or Jerry Bridges Pursuit of Holiness. Finally we will

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������� ���� ������ ��� ���� ������������

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�� � ������ �������� ���������

ing around or sitting in groups, chatting while they keep

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��������������������������� ���� ������������������������������

limited manpower and resources touch real lives in its

������������� ��������������� ����� ���������������������������������
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read a biography or a book that looks at some period of

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a wary eye on the children. Church mums and some

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locality? This might be a model for others to follow.

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church history, such as Arnold Dalimore on Spurgeon or

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���� ���������� ��������� �������� ����� ��������
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������������ ������������������������ ����������������� ����� ���������� �������������

older helpers move about, lending a hand where needed.

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UCCF Cardiff and Pontypridd provided a team of ten

���������������������� ���������������� ����������������������������� ���� ��������� ������������������� ������������������� �
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J C Ryle’s Five English Reformers.

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Sometimes a conversation gets serious as problems and

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students led by Ben Carswell (UCCF Staff Worker) and

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An attempt is made to ensure that books chosen are ‘meaty’

����������� �������������������� ����������������� ����������������
������������������� �����������

frustrations are shared.

�������� ���������� ������������������� ������������������ ������������������
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they worked alongside Noddfa Church, Pontarddulais for

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but not too demanding, though a few more challenging

��������������������� ���������
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a week in June. They distributed 3000 Neighbours News

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A measure of calm is restored as the toddlers gather to

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books have been introduced. Our meetings, which are

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magazines, and 5000 invitations to all the houses in the

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sing Christian songs and to listen to a story. Today it is

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held in a member’s house, last about an hour and a half

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area. Pastor Martin Williams said, ‘We could not have

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the story of baby Moses hidden in a basket among the

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with a break for tea and biscuits. During our time together
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bulrushes. One mum is moved when she considers the

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effect this must have had on Moses’ mother. She is one the help of UCCF. The team was excellent.’ we work our way through a questionnaire. This helps us to
of a small group of ladies who meet for coffee on Friday ground our discussion in what we have read. The Mission week commenced with an evening meal, by
The mission had been planned for over a year. It started at
mornings to look in more depth at the story they’ve heard It has been interesting to hear people’s reactions to differ- invitation only, at Blooms restaurant. About 140 people
the Bont Carnival on the Saturday with a bookstall and
on the previous day. She has also been coming along to ent books. One or two have been found equally helpful enjoyed the three-course meal and listened intently
coffee tent. Each morning the team met with members
the Sunday services, bringing her child with her. by the whole group. Other books have been a real bless- to Roger Carswell’s challenging epilogue. Two-thirds
of the church to pray. The team spent the morning on
ing to some while others have found them less helpful of these people were the guests of church folk. As the
The story time is over, drinks are served, and the last door-to-door visiting. They gave out Neighbours News
personally. It is good to be reminded that Christians are evening ended, each guest was given a pack containing a
of the mums and toddlers have left. The dishes have and invitations to Real Lives meetings each evening. Team
John’s Gospel and Roger Carswell’s book Why Believe?
been washed and toys and other resources have been Bible studies were held each afternoon. Evening meetings not clones. We do not all have to enjoy the same books,
cleared away. We are tired, but a few more seeds have ran from 6.45 to 8.00 p.m. and featured an interview/tes- even ones the pastor thinks we will! When we started The Family Fun Night took place on the Friday evening.
been sown, a few more links timony, followed by Ben Carswell preaching from John’s out, a few joined the group with reservations. They said About 75-80 people attended, including contacts from
forged, a few more contacts gospel. Ben also spoke at the church’s annual Cool Kids they found reading really hard, but intended to have a the church’s Sunday School and Youth Club. Hotdogs
strengthened. We have Club prize-giving to which local families were invited. go. Without exception, all such have found the discipline were served as families moved around different stations,
many opportunities here of the group a help, and they have enjoyed reading the facing the challenges of a variety of games as they did so.
Two GPs, Carl and Sally Venn talked about life and
– who knows what may books. Others thought they were not interested in church The evening concluded with a clear gospel epilogue.
death issues at the ladies’ night. On Tuesday, John Mosey
become of them? We focused on ‘When terror strikes’—reflecting on the loss of history but soon discovered they were mistaken! The Saturday morning got off to a good start with the
reflect that the children his daughter in the Lockerbie disaster. Another evening, As a result of the meetings it has been good to see people’s Men’s Breakfast at the Pastor’s home. Roger Carswell
love to sing, ‘Our God Dan Owen explained how God found him after he confidence growing as they find they have something to gave a gospel talk at the end. ‘Finding God in Goa’ was
is so big, so strong and travelled on a ‘One-way ticket to Goa’ in India. On other contribute to the discussions. Comments have included; ‘It the title of the evening meeting in the chapel. This took
so mighty, there’s nothing that evenings, Bill Capper shared his testimony as a successful is good discipline to find ourselves reading books we would the format of an interview with Roger Carswell asking
He cannot do’, and so we businessman and Ali Kavanagh told the young people how not otherwise think of.’ And ‘It stops us half reading books!’ Daniel Owen from Newtown how he had become a
are encouraged to pray that God rescued her from drugs and drug-dealing. One spin-off from the group has been that members have Christian. A gospel message was given on the Sunday
many children and adults taken to passing on the books to others, often sending them services also, with the Sunday School singing in the
One student later recorded in her blog, ‘I had a really great
who meet here week by to friends in other parts of the country, and even abroad. morning. As at all of the other meetings, packs were
week of mission… I met so many lovely people and had the
week will come to a living given out to those who were interested.
privilege of working alongside them for the gospel… we Despite its origins, the members of the group have, from
faith in the Lord Jesus During this encouraging week, most of the people who
pray that much fruit will be seen as a result of the week.’ the beginning, mostly been Christians, and since we
Christ. came had been personally invited. Some made a profession
God brought a wide range of folk along. He surprised us started, the Lord has wonderfully saved Mel!
Anne Hadley, of faith, many others felt challenged and seven faithfully
with His blessings. You can learn more about what we Our Reading Group came into being almost by accident, attended the Christianity Explored follow-up course.
Freeschool did on our website: www.noddfa.com but has proved to be a source of great encouragement and
Court, blessing. Why not try something similar in your fellowship? Nikki Spouse, St Mellons Baptist Church, Cardiff
Sharon Doherty, Noddfa Evangelical
Church, Pontarddulais Richard Wigham, Tabor Baptist Church, Llantrisant
If you would like further information about any of
these initiatives, or would like to tell us of initiatives
8 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 undertaken by your church, please write to us.
Going out with the gospel itinerant preacher to arrive at a gospel service on a Sunday Of the many benefits of open-air evangelism one is that it
evening somewhere only to be told by the elder at the door, helps to create an interest in spiritual things in some, and it
Andy Banton ‘I don’t think there’ll be any unbelievers in tonight.’ When helps to identify others, who are already interested, in hear-
we go into a pedestrianized shopping precinct in the mid- ing more. During the three days in Chester about a hundred
dle of the day we never find a lack of unconverted people. individuals were spoken to personally and as many gospels
of John given away.
The laws of this land still permit open-air preaching in
virtually every town and city. The remarkable halting • A Catholic lady stopped briefly to listen to the
of proposed government legislation back in January has preaching. She accepted a ‘What is Truth?’ tract,
ensured the continuation of that freedom at least for and immediately began to read it. It was apparent
the present. However, at best, we should only see it as a that she had never considered her own personal
reprieve for the gospel and therefore the church needs to standing before God. She listened, and willingly
make the most of the window of opportunity we still have. accepted a John’s Gospel.
So many churches seem to be failing in their duty to boldly • Two young men at first mocked as the gospel was
go out to people with the gospel and the blame lies at the preached. Later on they returned, and this time
Doing ‘church’ in twenty-first-century Britain seems to be those people, then let us go to them and point them to the door of the leaders all too often. A pastor once told me that were far more serious. They apologized and were
about as un-cool as you can get. As a result many pastors One who is able to change their hearts and save their souls. it is a lack of expertise which prevents most pastors from most earnest in asking how they could be sure of
have all but given up preaching evangelistic messages. What Of course the softly, softly, don’t risk offending people preaching in the open-air. I only wish that he was right. If going to heaven. They were told of the need for
we need to do is wake up and realize that we are, in part, strategy has a sure appeal. But if we are serious about shar- he were, then there are those available who would will- genuine repentance and faith in Christ and both
the ones to blame. We still seem to expect people to come ing the gospel then sooner or later we are going to have to ingly ‘come over and help’. Sadly, I fear he is not right at all. took a gospel of John and an evangelistic DVD.
to us, but by and large, they don’t and they won’t. Actually mention the issues of sin and death and judgment. Let’s get Rather it is a lack of willingness which seems to confine • A young lady listened to the preaching for a
the Lord Jesus has made it very clear that He expects us to on with it sooner rather than later! Some of us have to la- good men to their pulpits while the world outside perishes. while. She admitted to struggling with drug
go to them. The emphasis of the Lord both in His teaching ment times when we left it too late and the opportunity was
During the year, the Open-Air Mission has what are addiction took a gospel of John and copy of an
and example is for the people of God to ‘Go’. That may not gone! Yes, many Christians find witness very difficult. We
known as ‘Team Events’ where outreach is carried out at evangelistic DVD which deals with addiction.
be an easy prospect, but no-one said that evangelism would want to speak of Christ but struggle to bring the conversa-
be easy and that the Christian life itself would be easy. specific events or locations. One such event took place • A large group of teenage school children stopped
tion around to spiritual things. In an open-air situation that
over three days back in May. Ten Christians, five of to listen to the preaching. A number engaged in
problem is removed. If someone has stood and listened to
Sitting comfortably gospel preaching you don’t afterwards have to talk about the them full-time evangelists, took to the streets of central conversation and took gospels and Creation book-
One of the wonderful assurances of the Great Commission, Chester to proclaim the message of salvation, supported lets. Among them was a girl who seemed quite
weather to open-up the conversation, you can go straight in
which is still the standing orders of the church, is that when by local evangelical churches. The following is an extract earnest and remained to talk after the others left.
by asking them what they thought of the message. If you
we go, He, the Lord of Glory, the Head of the Church, stand in a High Street giving out tracts you will find that of the report given by the team leader Keith Bullock: • A Sikh gentleman was very interested and chat-
the Captain of our Salvation promises to go with us (Matt. just doing so will open up conversations about eternal things. ted for quite a while. He gladly took a gospel of
We praise the Lord for the wonderful opportu-
28:20). Should that not make a tremendous impact upon John and promised to read it.
nity we had to preach the gospel in Chester again
us? Can we possibly be satisfied to think we have done our Inconsistency this year. We seemed to have had a far better • A Hungarian man who couldn’t speak English
duty by staying in our cosy buildings and praying for the How inconsistent we so often are as reformed Christians. response to the preaching than for a good many gratefully took an Ultimate Questions booklet in
lost and preaching to the saved. The good fisherman will We put godly evangelists, like George Whitefield and years. Admittedly the weather played a part as his own language.
find out where the fish are and go there and fish! If we are Daniel Rowlands, on pedestals and crown them as great it turned out to be perfect for the kind of work There are indeed people willing to listen to the gospel and
called to be fishers of men, surely we should do likewise! heroes of the faith. We read books about them, we listen
we do—a real answer to prayer. Numerous willing to talk about salvation. What is needed are tender-
It’s as though we have convinced ourselves of one, or both, to lectures given about them and we go home thanking
conversations took place, with a large amount of hearted Christians who are willing to go out where they are
of the following: firstly that men are so indifferent today God for them. But the one thing we won’t do, it seems,
literature distributed. We had no opposition from and share the gospel with them.
they won’t listen to preaching or engage seriously about is to copy them. It may have been locked church doors
the authorities or from local shopkeepers and
spiritual issues, and secondly that God does not have the which drove Whitefield into the open-air, but it is surely Gawin Kirkham, one of the first General Secretaries of the
office workers. Many Christians, both local and
power He once had to deal with men and bring them to empty church pews which should drive us out today. It is Open Air Mission, speaking in the late 1870’s said:
time for churches to pick up the baton of our bighearted
visitors, encouraged us in the work and were en-
Himself. If the Bible is true then both of these are false. Preach in the open-air; you have a population
forefathers and go into the town and city centres of our couraged themselves as they heard the good news
What our society needs is the gospel! What men and wom- that needs it, and a climate in which, for con-
needy land and preach ‘Jesus Christ and Him crucified’. of our Lord Jesus Christ being heralded forth.
en, boys and girls need is the gospel! Tragically, they are not siderable periods, it can be done with ease. Be
getting it, so many are living and dying without it! If we Do men consider it undignified to stand in the local High not deterred by difficulties. The work is of God,
really believe the gospel and its power to do supreme good Street and preach Christ? After all they have their reputa- and the commission given by His Son Jesus
to others, should we not do all we can to take it to them. tion to think of. Yet Scripture is full of examples of men Christ is as much in force now as when it was
who were willing to put some of their dignity aside for uttered: Go out quickly! Time presses. Souls are
Ignorant of the gospel the sake of something far more important. We must ever perishing. The need is urgent. Men will hear.
We’ve persuaded ourselves that ‘Friendship Evangelism‘ remember that we serve the One who was willing to make God will bless. And soon there will be the ‘Well
is the order of the day. The supreme weakness with it as Himself of no reputation in order to seek and to save the lost. done, thou good and faithful servant, enter
a sole means of reaching people needs to be stated loud thou into the joy of the Lord.’
and long—millions of people in our land don’t know Open Air Mission
This must surely be a challenge and an encouragement to
any Christians. Multitudes are outside of the scope of What we find when we go out to preach and witness for our
our churches today.
the church, have no Christian friends or neighbours and Saviour is that people are there who are willing to stop, look
therefore are ignorant of the gospel. If we have any love for and listen to the gospel. It can be so discouraging for an Andy Banton is the General Secretary of Open Air Mission

10 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 11
possible to lead a ‘good’ life and that this will get us to the hearer. When we explain that the righteous God
heaven. Many people think this and we must not confirm judges sin, we can trust the Holy Spirit to give people a
them in this misapprehension. It is much harder work sense of fear and burden that they need to be forgiven.
to open our mouths and speak of God’s glory and man’s Of course many will reject our message and harden their

Preach the gospel, sinfulness. I fully understand why Christians don’t want
to do this. It is painful and difficult to explain that all of
a person’s very best thoughts and actions only earn hell.
hearts to the message. This is not our problem. Our call-
ing is to be faithful, not necessarily successful. It is the
Spirit’s work to convict the sinner and He alone can carry
use words if necessary Witnessing needs words this responsibility, certainly not me or you.
So, I hope you agree with me that words are nothing to
It is however an immense privilege to talk about the gos-
apologize for. God uses His Word, the Bible. We do not
Chris Jenkins pel. Paul could say, ‘we are ambassadors for Christ, God
have to earn the right to speak God’s Word. Remember
making his appeal through us’ (2 Cor. 5:20). Doesn’t this
put a different complexion on explaining the gospel? We what Jesus says: ‘all authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all
I wonder how you respond to the quotation above. I have is the Word of God. As John put it, ‘The Word was God’ speak on behalf of King Jesus. God uses us to appeal to
nations’ (Matt. 28:18). The authority to do this belongs
found that many Christians accept the authority of this (John 1:1). God chose to reveal Himself in the words of unbelievers to turn from their sin and trust Christ’s death
to Christ and we need no other permission than His
saying without question. It has, it seems to me, become the Bible. on the cross as their only grounds of forgiveness.
almost an additional scripture for many. I want to chal- I understand why it would be nice to do without words. God blesses words. As Paul puts it in Romans 1:16 ‘I am
lenge this. not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God Chris Jenkins is the pastor of Litchard Mission Church,
Words divide. If we speak about Christ this provokes a
Perhaps we feel obliged to obey this quote because it response either negatively or positively. Perhaps people for salvation to everyone who believes’. Word and Spirit Bridgend and a member of the editorial board.
comes from Francis of Assisi. Francis is obviously very won’t like us if we speak about Jesus. Whereas simply work together so that words become ‘the power of God
famous and I’m sure was a great man. He founded the ‘witnessing’ by being a good person in work or in our for salvation’. That is to say, as we speak the apparently
Franciscan order of monks. He is a famous example of community means being known as a good person. The foolish words of the gospel, God works by His Holy
dissatisfaction with materialism. He was the son of a rich question is, however, will people understand that you are Spirit to convict the hearer of the truth of our words. As
merchant and chose a life of poverty. All very impressive! good because Jesus has saved you. This is where words are Paul puts it, ‘it pleased God through the folly of what we
I suspect however that Francis’ famous love of animals essential. preach to save those who believe’ (1 Cor.1:21). Paul came
is what endears him to the British. After all, we are a to this conclusion in multi-faith Corinth where Paul’s
If we do not use words we are effectively leaving people
nation of animal lovers! I have even known churches words were treated with a fair degree of contempt. The
in the state of the ignorant heathen in Romans 1. Yes,
(not ones associated with the Evangelical Movement Jews wanted miracles, not words, and the Greeks wanted
such a person is ‘without excuse’ because they can see
of Wales!) hold animal blessing services and Francis is only very sophisticated words of Greek philosophy (1
that there is a God who is to be worshipped, from His
invoked as the authority for this. Cor.1:22). In this context Paul’s comfort and inspiration
creation. But they cannot get to Christ from their general
was that although ‘I was with you in weakness and fear
If Evangelicals are not drawn to services of animal bless- apprehension of creation. As Paul puts it in Romans
and much trembling, and my speech and my message
ing, they are often impressed by Francis’ famous hymn, 10:14 ‘But how are they to call on him in whom they
were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstra-
‘Make me a channel of your peace’. This hymn does have have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of
tion of the Spirit and of power’ (1 Cor. 2:4). The Spirit
merits, who wouldn’t want to be a peacemaker? Person- whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear
comes upon the words which we speak for Christ, and
ally however I’ve always found the hymn rather sancti- without someone preaching?’ Notice that the purpose of
what appears foolish to the unspiritual, God transforms
monious. I don’t really like hymns which focus on ‘me’ preaching is not that people should ‘see’ something about
into a demonstration of His Power!
and what I’m going to do for God. I would rather sing us, the purpose of preaching is that they might ‘hear’.
about the peace which Jesus makes through His blood on This is where words are essential. Sinners need to hear Words will be provided
the cross and my total dependence upon His grace. the gospel—in word form. Jesus made the same promise. In John 14-16 Jesus is pre-
I’m sure Francis’ life of sacrifice would put me to shame, paring His disciples for his departure and He reassures
Doctrine needs words
but his words ‘Preach the gospel use words if necessary’ them that the Holy Spirit will be a better companion
Words are essential to describe God’s glory. Remember
drive me mad! One friend of mine likens the quote to to the believer than Jesus was to the twelve! This is a
the second commandment, ‘You shall not make for
saying to an English teacher, ‘Teach English, use words glorious truth which we must keep in mind as we speak
yourself a carved image’. A picture of God would dimin-
if necessary’, or to a maths teacher, ‘Teach maths, use for Christ ‘I will not leave you as orphans, I will come
ish His glory, only words can do Him justice. Certainly
numbers if necessary’! to you’. We may feel very alone, feebly stammering for
we can look at God’s creation and see something of the
Christ in a hostile environment. The truth is, says Jesus,
Dangerous magnitude of His glory and even God’s divine nature the Holy Spirit ‘dwells with you and will be in you’ (John
However, this quote is not only silly, but also dangerous. (Rom. 1:19,20). However, to understand that God’s glory 14:17). He is alongside us and within us, guiding and
It permits Christians to close their mouths when they destroys sin requires words. Similarly to understand that providing our words. Not only that, but when we speak
should speak out in witness and evangelism. Of course God glorifies Himself supremely by saving sinners, words for Christ the Spirit does an amazing thing ‘He will
we must preach the gospel in word and deed. Our words are required. convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and
must be matched by our deeds. We must repent when Words are required to explain about sin. Again Romans judgment’ (John 16:8). This is such a comfort to us. We
this is not the case. But we must use words! The idea that 1 teaches us that we have consciences but it takes the may be most inarticulate but when we explain sin to our
preaching is possible without words is laughable! Preach- Word of God to convict us that, again in Paul’s phrase, friends the Spirit will convince them that this is true.
ing without words is not preaching. Moreover God likes ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Rom. When we try and explain about God’s righteousness, and
words. He spoke creation into being (Gen. 1:3). He sus- 3:23). If we just try and live out the gospel without words, the gift of Christ’s righteousness for all who trust Him,
tains all things by the word of his power (Heb. 1:3). Jesus many will conclude the opposite of the gospel, that, it is we can rely on the Spirit of God to bring this home to

12 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 13
involved in medical work and with the small developing There have also been misunderstandings on the team, and
church and later in the leadership of the team together seeing some team members leaving the field because the
with my co-worker Shirley Strong from Australia. We work was too difficult.
saw the missionary team grow to include at least ten Finally, a big disappointment has been watching minis-
different nationalities, and also the Evangelical Church tries closing down because of lack of personnel.
of the Gambia registered under the leadership of a Gam-
bian. Throughout these years I can praise God for His What are the responsibilities of your present
faithfulness. In my weakness He has been my strength. job?
My present job involves a lot of travel, mainly within
One thing is for sure: when we walk with the Lord, He
Africa. We must always be ready to spend hour upon
leads and directs our steps. He closes and opens doors
hour at airports because fl ights are delayed. Flexibility is
of opportunity and service. As my time in the Gambia
so important as the programme can change very quickly
was coming to an end, I received an invitation to join our
especially when a crisis occurs.
International Office team. So from mid 1999 until the end
of 2002 I lived at Bulstrode, the WEC headquarters in UK, Our main role is advising, giving pastoral care, training

A passion for where I was mainly involved in administration. This was a

further time of adjustment and learning. In 2003 I returned
to Africa and now I am living in Dakar. Pauline Wager and
and crisis management. Pauline and I try to visit fields
at least twice a year but some of the smaller fields more
often. We attend the annual field conference on each

the lost I are the Regional Directors for West Africa and responsible
for six WEC fields: Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau,
Guinea Conakry, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
field, and then make another visit later in the year to see
the teams where they live and work.
I find my ministry very challenging and fulfi lling. People
Anne Kelland Can you give us some highlights of your years often comment that I seem to be always travelling but
this is the work that the Lord has called me to, and I
in West Africa?
have proved over and over again that ‘the joy of the Lord
Chris Owens interviews Anne Kelland who has served with continually encouraged me and prayed for me. I also got The first is being part of a team working together with
is [my] strength’ (Neh. 8:10).
WEC in West Africa for more than thirty years. involved in the church and in missions. one goal and a passion to see people turning from dark-
ness to light. This has involved hard work and flexibility, What would you like readers of the magazine
How did a girl from the Rhymney Valley I was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Car- to be praying for you, and your team, both for
especially working in a multicultural team, but the
become the WEC field leader for West Africa? diff. At one Sunday service the Lord spoke clearly to
rewards have been enriching. now and the future?
me through some words in Mark 16:19-20: ‘After the
I was born in a small house in Cefn Fforest and later The theme of our recent international conference was On
Lord had spoken to them . . . the disciples went out and Another is seeing people come to the Lord and go on to
lived in Maesycwmmer. It was a caring family and I went fire for the King with a passion for the lost. This is my desire
preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them become leaders in the church in both the Gambia and
regularly with my three brothers to church and Sunday that my love for Him and my passion for the lost will be
confirming his word.’ I knew the Lord wanted me to Guinea. It has also been painful. We once had to stand
School. When I was sixteen my father died suddenly. I evident in my life. Pray for wisdom and strength in all
go and share His Word and He would work with me by helplessly as a young believer was beaten by his father
was very close to my dad, and the last thing that I wanted our interaction with the field leaders, teams and churches
confirming His word. So I began to make enquiries at in front of our home. Crowds were standing around and
to do was to sit my GCE exams. A family friend came to we visit. Pray that we will be a source of strength and
different Bible schools and the Lord opened the door for they asked us to intervene. When we asked what could
the house and encouraged me to take the exams, so I did. encouragement to them.
me to go to the WEC Missionary Training College in be done he asked us just to go inside and pray.
A few months after finishing school I started my ortho- Glasgow for two years. The third was attending the first Christian wedding ever Secondly, pray for more personnel to fi ll the many gaps
paedic nursing training. It was during this time that I in a village in Guinea. Pastor Lamin’s daughter Mariama on our field. We need people with a passion to see souls
My time at college was a very happy one and full of new
came into contact with the Nurses Christian Fellowship experiences, where I learnt not only how to study the married Pastor Modou of the Evangelical Church of the won for the Lord and also to disciple believers to matu-
and first heard about a personal salvation. I can’t remem- Bible in depth, but also to depend on God in a new way Gambia. It has been a privilege and a challenge to watch rity and leadership. The church in Africa is growing but
ber a time when I didn’t believe in God and that His Son and to trust Him to supply all my needs. I also learnt so there are still many unreached people groups. If readers
these lives develop and blossom in serving the Lord. They
Jesus had died for the sins of the whole world, but it was much about prayer, not only for myself, but for the needy want to know more about work among the Mandinka,
are the Church leaders now and our role is to pray and
only as I related more with the Christian nurses that I situations around the world. Days of prayer and fasting Fula, Wolof, Jola, and more, please write and I will
support rather than to lead.
realized they had a peace which I didn’t have. However, were a new experience for me. I had never done door-to- gladly give you more information. My e-mail address is
it wasn’t until three years later during my general nurse’s door visitation but every week we would go out in twos,
There must have been discouragements too. [email protected]
training that I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. up and down the tenement blocks in Glasgow knocking What were they?
I gradually got involved in the Nurses Christian Fel- on doors to share God’s Word. At first I was terrified and One has been not being able to communicate effectively Evangelical Times
lowship, no longer just going along to the meetings for often prayed that no one would answer, but God gave us because of lack of fluency in the languages and lack of
December Evangelistic Issue
the coffee and biscuits at the end! I didn’t like to be up wonderful opportunities to tell of His love. Every Sunday insight into the culture.
A splendid opportunity to evangelise your community
front and often made excuses when asked to do things. I we would go in teams to the main market in Glasgow for Another was having to dismiss several of our key medical A colourful, non-threatening, newspaper-style vehicle
for the gospel
found praying in a prayer meeting especially difficult. In open-air meetings. In all these new experiences God was staff who were baptized believers because they had been Challenging, thought-provoking testimonies and
our nurses’ home we held a weekly early-morning prayer preparing me for what He had for me in the future. stealing medicine from the clinic and we could no longer evangelistic articles in the familiar style of your local
‘free newspaper’ (including adverts and news).
meeting. Each week I went determined that I would pray, After college I became a member of Mount Pleasant trust them. How disappointing it was to see leaders in Thirty-two pages (twelve in full colour) with greatly
reduced prices for bulk copies, which must be
but I would come away not having prayed. But The Lord Evangelical Church in Maesycwmmer and the church the church walk away from following the Lord. At times ordered before 6 November 2006.

had His way of getting me involved. One week He kept has been very supportive. The Lord confirmed His call to like this it is easy to stop trusting anyone and to want Contributors: Edgar Andrews, John Blanchard, Andy
Banton, Peter Jeffery, Samantha Jellett, Peter Jensen
everybody away except for one other person! It was the the Gambia, West Africa, with 1 Cor. 16: 9: ‘a great door to give up. But the Lord had to show me over and over (Archbishop of Sydney), Peter Masters, John Thornbury,
Geoff Thomas and others.
start of my praying in public! As I look back now I am for effective work has opened to me.’ So from 1975 until again the need to forgive and to start re-building rela- Phone, fax or e-mail for a free sample copy from a previous December
Phone: (01325) 380232; Fax: (01325) 466153; E-mail: [email protected]
so grateful to the nurses who didn’t give up on me but the end of 1998 I worked there with WEC. At first I was tionships, just as He does with me.

14 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 15
everyone to know. There may well have been criticism by missions which are effective in evangelism. For details of
some locals, but that all led to a greater dependence upon one recent mission which the Lord used, I encourage you
the Lord to bless the labours of the Christians. to read the article, ‘A strategy for Church evangelism’ on
www.theevangelist.org.uk website.
Mission possible! It is all too easy to throw up our hands in horror that
Is it not time to take up the challenge to show that we the Lord’s work is difficult and not very fruitful. But
love the Lord, and the lost by organizing long weekend, who knows, perhaps we could prove again the truth of
or better still, weeklong missions? We do not want our Psalm 126: 5-6 that as we sow in tears, we will reap with
gospel to be hidden away, proclaiming it to the same great joy and a rich harvest of people coming to faith in
people within the confines of the same four walls. So let Christ? There must be sowing before there can be reaping.
us attempt great things for God, and then expect great
things from God. Let us ensure that everyone in our
Roger Carswell is an itinerant evangelist
locality know us, know what we believe, and know that with The Association of Evangelists.

we want them to believe too. It seems to me that one of
the best ways is to arrange prayerfully, carefully thought-
out evangelistic missions, which target everyone in the

O-mission neighbourhood. The gospel is still the power of God for

salvation, even to our post-modern generation.

A mission will cost both financially and in effort. It will ������������������������������������

Roger Carswell
seek to be strategic and relevant for the people of the �����������������������������������
neighbourhood. It will depend on Christians having �����������������������������������
sufficient confidence that the gospel will be winsomely, ������������������������������ ���������������������������������
���� �������� ���� ���������� ������� ����������������������������������
Excuse me, but I am bewildered… and troubled by my for a new life, or the family living on a tough estate, or faithfully and compassionately preached that they can
bewilderment. Discouraging statistics on how congrega- our Muslim or Hindu neighbour? When I see the night- invite and bring people to listen. People have changed, ��������������������������
tions are dwindling have bombarded the church, and clubs emptying at 2 or 3 in the morning, I wonder who is so the style of mission needs to be helpful to the people ��������������������
church attendance numbers are in free-fall. We are reaching the person who goes to bed when I get up, but of this present day. The message is still that of ‘Christ
living in days where there is almost total ignorance about gets up when I go to bed? and Him crucified’ but we will need to think through
anything to do with the Christian message, or the Bible So why have church missions become a thing of the past? the style of mission. For example, outside of our Sunday
services, I think it is better not to ask unsaved people to ���������������������������
story. Christians have so little credibility that when the And why have we lost confidence in the gospel to such
BBC recently produced a series of programmes on the sing our hymns, but to come and hear our message in a ���������������������������
an extent that we feel we can only proclaim anything of
person of Jesus, the presenter was a committed Muslim. the good news as a tag-on after a fun evening, or a lavish warm and welcoming atmosphere. Instead, a good musi- �����������������������������������
Schools are increasingly wary of Christians taking as- meal or a quiz night? Are we only able to evangelize cal group can serve the purpose of musically pointing �������������������������������������
semblies or lessons. The true and living God has been the very young and very old? Have we really reached people to the Lord. We will need to think through our �������������������������
excluded from government, the media, education and the stage where we cannot interest people in hearing a vocabulary—many words and phrases that we love are ��������������������������
society. God has seen fit to allow people from all over relevant, engaging message about the Lord? Is our post- complete gobbledegook to non-Christians. And even if
the world, from different cultures and religions, to come modern age impossible to reach by simply proclaiming they use our vocabulary, they may not use our diction-
and live as our neighbours. The ordinary British person the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit? Or are we ary, and mean something different from us. We need to

is thought to be spiritual and longs for happiness, which excusing our lack of faith and zealous work for the Lord carefully choose the person who is to preach so that the
seems illusive. And yet, the evangelical church has sud- by saying to ourselves that no one is interested in the message is clear, non-condemning but true to the claims
denly gone silent in its gospel proclamation. We seem of Jesus Christ. I have found that a good, clear testimony
to have retreated into the safe houses we call churches,
gospel? Has our proclamation become irrelevant to our
lost and desperately needy society? that is shared through an extended interview can be very ����������
and are satisfied by caring for our own needs. We are powerful, and have genuine appeal for a non-Christian to
concerned for overseas missions but hardly shed a tear Fervour come and hear. I know from repeated experience, even in
for those who live on our street but are without Christ or Not so long ago there used to be church or even inter- recent years, that it really is possible to organize Church
hope. Church missions. They were times when Christians
united in prayer and outreach to touch communities with
A thing of the past the gospel message. Their main focus was the evangelistic
In a previous generation Christians preached to cinema event each evening, but during the day the gospel would FOUNDED IN 1831 FOR THE CIRCULATION OF PROTESTANT OR UNCORRUPTED VERSIONS OF THE WORD OF GOD
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16 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 17
Ups and downs
Inevitably, but sadly, we have lost a few that used to
attend the church building at Wheelock, but by far the
majority of our members have seen the school as God’s
provision for us at this time. Even some who were a little
reluctant initially now recognize that God was leading
us in this direction. The additional space has given us the
ability to welcome more people, including a few from the

Church on immediate area. We use the school dining room to have

coffee and muffins after the morning service so that we
can enjoy meaningful, informal conversation. Delivery of

the move
leaflets and evangelistic material to four thousand homes
in this area of Sandbach has been carried out, and we
pray that we may have an impact here. We hope to do
another delivery in the autumn and stimulate interest in this can lead to loneliness. It is so easy to become anony-
Ross Mackenzie a Christianity Explored course, and perhaps hold some mous in a large group of people. Preparation for worship
accessible evangelistic services at Christmas. includes praying for sensitivity to seek out and encourage
What have been the downsides? An early start! We start those of our brothers and sisters especially in need, and
£250,000, providing seating for 266; erect a new building setting up at 9.30 a.m. for the 10.30 service. Everyone engaging in the sort of conversation the writer of Hebrews
on our car park costing £530,000, providing seating for has the opportunity for practical ‘ministry’ by putting up exhorts us to in his ‘Let us’ section in 10:24-25.
300; purchase or rent an existing building nearby; move posters, taping off ‘no go’ areas, setting up Sunday school
rooms etc. Some weeks there are unexpected problems, As elders and deacons we have been reading John Ben-
to a school hall or similar for each Sunday morning; or
which leaves us only just enough time to set up correctly. ton’s The Big Picture for Small Churches and noticed the
have two Sunday-morning services. following, ‘The real problems in churches are to do with
The most difficult period has been the summer exami-
This was made a matter of prayer privately, corporately nation month when there are 250 desks and chairs to lack of life and fruitfulness, not the fact that it is a little
at our mid-week meeting and also on several Sunday af- remove and then replace with yardstick accuracy. Sitting flock. The evidence of the grace of God does not depend
ternoons when we prayed together specifically about this down for the morning service can be accompanied with on numbers’. The opposite of this is obviously true,
situation. A helpful feasibility study was received from a hot sweat trickling down your back! But we think this is numerical growth is not necessarily a sign of the grace
The church at Wheelock a small price to pay.
Christian architect with advice and costing. As we had a of God. We are not to let numerical increase, and the
Heath recently celebrated its three-hundredth In addition, it can be a job keeping track of new visitors.
limited amount of land, and were effectively land locked, administrative burden that it can bring, distract us from
anniversary. The building is in an obscure village, chosen The deacons attempt to welcome, chat to, and get the
it was agreed that any expansion would be too costly for the true spiritual health and growth of the church. John
during its furtive beginnings as a meeting place for dis- names of, all new attendees. This is not always possible
senters on the run from the established church. Today the actual benefits. Searches for land and buildings were Benton also makes the observation, ‘I have often noticed
and, at the monthly deacons’ meetings, we can end up
the village of Wheelock Heath is still small, though unfruitful, and we accepted that, having recently under- a rather disturbing situation. It seems to me that many
with an interesting array of nick-names, based on ele-
it has grown with the addition of a number of small taken major work on the manse, a further major project larger churches are actually small churches, but with
ments of the conversations recalled.
commuter-belt estates. The towns of Sandbach (20,000 was probably not a wise move. Further, since the main very large fringes’. This becomes evident when asking for
population) and Crewe (120,000 population) are three area of membership growth was from people moving Going forward additional support for the Sunday school, open air work,
miles away, although people travel to the church from as into the area (70% of the growth) which is a commuter The dynamics of the church changes as numbers increase and various other evangelistic activities. We should not
far away as Congleton (10 miles) and Alsager (6 miles) and it is possible to lose close contact with people. We op- be unaware of the evil one and his devices, and consider
belt, some of the movements may not be lasting. Some
as there is little in the way of conservative evangelical erate a small group structure, which alleviates the problem scale in the same terms as the world around us.
felt that two Sunday-morning services could lead to a
churches in South Cheshire. The area is a commuter belt to some extent, but some still slip through the net and
for Liverpool, Manchester, Stafford, and North Birming- weakening of our fellowship. We long to see days of deep spiritual change in hearts,
ham. Times which involve change can be divisive, but we created by the Spirit of God, through the Word of God.
thank God that He gave us unity and harmony during This may be facilitated in a building with more space, but
A big decision God’s secret work is far beyond such physical parameters.
this time and it was a time when we drew nearer to Him.
As a result of people moving in to the area and conver- A contemporary, faithful, and living local expression of
sions taking place, the church had grown from seventy Soon the growing and settled view of the church was
Christ’s Church, experiencing the fresh presence of our
members in 2001 to107 members. With as many as 170 towards the option of moving to a school hall, and a
God, evidenced in deeper worship witness and mission,
attending on Sunday mornings, the numbers had reached number of suitable local buildings in the Sandbach and
is what we yearn for.
bursting point for our small building, particularly for Crewe directions were considered. Our pastor, Danny
Sunday School accommodation. The associated discom- Please pray for us! Pray above all, as we believe God has
Foulkes, reached an agreement with the headmaster
fort and safety concerns forced us to make a decision led us forward thus far to this new location, that He will
of the girls’ secondary school in Sandbach to use their
about our meeting in the future. be with us in the future, in the worship and honouring
premises every Sunday morning for a six-month trial.
This challenge to the status quo of the previous 300 years, of His name, and the joyful, willing proclamation of His
This, we believe, was confirmation of God’s leading and
led to a number of suggestions outlined in a very helpful gospel, in this new and needy area.
we first met at the school in January 2006, and have done
document issued by the elders. A number of options were
so every Sunday morning since. We continue to meet in Ross Mackenzie is an elder of Wheelock
open to us: remodel our existing building at a cost of
our existing building in Wheelock each Sunday evening. Heath Baptist Church

18 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 19
God and Me The Jesus Gospel
resolve if need be, to die for it. This intriguing historical
Penny Boshoff, Authentic, £9.99
I had been looking for a daily
novel is based on the true story of martyrs from that area
who died in the arena in 203AD, as described in the inter-
Liam Goligher,
Paternoster, £7.99 New Bookshop
Bible-reading scheme for my
son, aged three, for some time
and had been disappointed to
esting note at the end of the book.
In the foreword, David Wright of Edinburgh University
If the mark of a good book is
that it causes you to worship
your Saviour, then The Jesus
and Coffee-shop
find that most Bible-reading comments: ‘a narrative of impelling human and spiritual
guides were generally aimed at
older children, written in black
interest… perhaps the tired declining churches of today’s
Europe should be learning still from the ancient North
Gospel is truly an excellent
book. for Wrexham
and white with the occasional African Christians who knew how to die for their faith… The subtitle ‘Recovering the
line drawing! Not very attrac- will attract others to live for it’. Lost Message’, demonstrates The Evangelical
tive to a three-year-old! the book’s purpose – it’s a Movement of
Diana Crocker
Not so God and Me! This
response to Steve Chalke’s The
Wales’ bookshop Opens
War and Grace Lost Message of Jesus, which
fantastic book is full of bright
Don Stephens, Evangelical Press, £8.95
cause something of a furore in Wrexham is Saturday
colourful photographs designed in 2003. This was not simply moving into
to appeal to a young child’s imagination. Designed to War and Grace is a terrific book. It contains thirteen because Chalke was denying the atoning work of Christ new, much 28th
be read together, each daily devotion features a simple mini-biographies all involving
lesson to support a short Bible passage and a suggested people caught up in the First
on the cross – countless numbers have done that over the
generations – but that Chalke was denying penal substi-
larger premises at October
prayer, all beautifully illustrated with a full-page colour or Second World Wars.
17 Charles Street.
tution whilst claiming to remain evangelical.
photograph. The new location
The stories are wonder- Thankfully, Liam Goligher does not defend the truth of
The book is written for 3-6 year olds and aims to help fully varied. Some show how
is easier to access and has
scripture by poring over Chalke’s work point by point.
your child find out about God: what He is like, how He Christians involved in the much improved facilities,
Instead (to paraphrase Spurgeon), he lets the lion out
cares for them and how He wants them to live in His confl ict were helped and of the cage. The Jesus Gospel is no mere defence against including a coffee-shop and meeting
world. Penny Boshoff cleverly links each lesson with a strengthened by their faith. liberal theology, it’s a glorious affirmation of the truths of room (available for hire to local churches
familiar situation such as ‘Sharing toys’, ‘Sorry!’, ‘New Others tell of those converted the whole Bible in relation to the Cross. and Christian groups). David Gee will be
baby’, ‘Starting school’, ‘I’m angry’. The author has taken during or following the war.
Goligher, who was one of the preachers at this year’s leading the new development, supported
Bible passages from the whole of scripture, not just those There are stories of generals
you would normally associate with young children and EMW Aberystwyth conference, structures the book us- by Julie McIntosh and Angela Gee.
and civilians, and of both men
there is plenty of scope to widen the readings if your and women. The stories tell of ing thirteen ‘scenes’ (chapters), grouped into three ‘acts’.
The opening week will feature a
child wants to learn more. Americans, Britons, Germans Each scene is solidly based on a biblical chapter or book,
and this is what gives the book it’s authority and power. number of unmissable promotions
I cannot recommend God and Me too highly. For children and Japanese, of those who survived the war, as well as
and exciting programme of opening
between the ages of three and six it is an invaluable re- those who did not. In Act 1, the book opens with the High Priestly prayer of
Jesus in John 17, before moving to the Pentateuch for a events. Phone 01978 364405 for details.
source to introduce them to the joy of daily Bible reading What marks this book out is the obvious love Don
and show them that God is there in every part of their Stephens has the people he writes about. The following thorough biblical grounding of sin and atonement, with
lives, and in the world around them. Go on. Buy it. Now! comment is not uncommon: ‘For over thirty years I have chapters on the fall, the flood, the Exodus and the Day Holt Street

had the privilege of writing and speaking to…’ War and of Atonement.
Nichola Napper He n

Grace is truly a labour of love. You feel that the author In Act 2, Goligher moves to the person and work of Jesus,

la s St r

et Str

knows each of the men and women in the book, and as a showing the scandal of forgiveness (Psalm 51), the suf-
The Bronze Ladder et

result the reader feels he knows and understands them, too. fering servant (Isaiah 53), and the purpose of Jesus (the


rg es Cr
Michael Lyon, Troubador Publishing, £7.99 Gospel of Mark).
It would make a great gift for a teenage boy (and it’s not reet es
High Street Charles St en
I found this book to be one of those

often you can say that about a Christian book). It’s real Act 3 shows the consequences of the cross, with chap-
that ‘you can’t put down’ – a really
Boys’ Own stuff – though I hope that doesn’t put off ladies ters looking at the book of Romans, reconciliation (2
good read. After a varied academic
from reading it too! Did you know the Japanese pilot Corinthians 5), God’s love (1 John), holy living (1 Peter)
career, the author went to live in
who led the attack on Pearl Harbour was later converted? and judgement (Revelation).
Tunisia learning Arabic, teaching
Were you aware that the British secret agent who was This is a book to be read alongside an open Bible, and one
English and researching local histo-
the inspiration for 007’s ‘Q’ was a Christian? Had you that should have has two main audiences. Christians who
ry. The knowledge he acquired about
realised the chaplain to Goering, Hess and the other want to know more of what the Bible says about Jesus’ aton-
the early North African Christian
Nazi leaders at Nuremburg was a believer? Then you need ing work will find their hearts warmed as their minds are
church forms the background of the
to read War and Grace! challenged. As the majesty of gospel truths stir your heart,
fictional story of two young people
from very different upbringings, Almost everyone will enjoy and be helped by this book. The you will be brought to your knees in worship. But it’s also a
living in the Roman Province, who gospel is very clearly explained within each story, and there- book that could be of particular value to those who say they
become deeply affected by the spread of Christianity fore has great evangelistic potential. Yet believers will read it believe that Bible but haven’t grasped the implications of it’s
across the Roman Empire from about 200-400 AD. It is a and be both challenged and encouraged. So buy at least two message. They will discover that its impossible to ignore the
very moving account of the opposition that they and their copies – one for yourself and one to give away! seriousness of sin, or the glory of God’s redemptive plan.
friends faced because of their newly found faith and their Mark Barnes Mark Barnes

20 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 21
In righteousness I will see Your face
Jo Williams (1972-2006)
Some of you may know, or know of, our dear friend For many it is their first experience of Britain, or even
Joanne (Jo) Williams who was taken by her Lord at the of being abroad at all. For many there is a curiosity, an
age of thirty-three earlier this year after being diagnosed openness to discovering about the religion of their new
with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in September 2004. Jo is host nation. There is no doubt that Jo was concerned that
now a member of Christ’s heavenly kingdom—a joy for these guests of ours might be truly welcomed with fitting
her, but a huge loss for her family, friends and the mem- Welsh hospitality, that they might find true friendship
bers of Highfields Church, Cardiff, where she is so well among their hosts, and above all, that they might find
and truly loved and remembered. Jo had a massive impact an opportunity to hear and receive the gospel of Jesus
on a lot of people in many different areas of life, but here Christ.
we simply want to remember those areas of church minis- One former international friend wrote after Jo’s passing,
try with which she was especially involved—EMW sum- ‘I can recall several times when, struggling with adapting
mer camps and International Student work in Cardiff. to my new cultural environment, Jo came to my side,
when no one else seemed to notice, and lifted my spirits
EMW camps
with her encouragement.’ Every September, when the
Along with her sister, Beth, Jo had been a regular EMW new international students would be arriving in Cardiff
summer camp-goer since the age of ten. Many will by the busload, often somewhat disorientated, she would
remember the two of them at the various camps and be there, taking leave from work to spend all day stand-
Aberystwyth Conferences over the years. At the age of ing in the Talybont car park or at the train station, meet-
fifteen Jo strongly felt the need to give something back to ing the new arrivals, carrying suitcases, helping them
this valuable work and so she became a ‘cook’ or ‘kitchen with their needs, making friends, showing the love of
helper’ working with Deanne and Peter Hallsworth at God for the stranger and the alien, a work she had been
Bryn-y-groes, Bala, and building up a close relationship doing since her own student days.
with both of them. Her commitment to her Lord, and
her evident talents working with children and young One of the many things that Jo did as part of her work
people were soon noted, and it was no surprise that, at with international students in Cardiff was to hold Bible
the age of eighteen, she was asked to be an officer and studies in her home. On alternate Wednesdays, during
later, a ladies’ leader at EMW camps. term time, a small group of female students would attend.
They enjoyed Jo’s warm hospitality and cups of tea—Chi-
Jo was a highly valued member of every camp team in nese green or British. They borrowed books and fi lms
which she had a part. She had the ability to organize ac- to help with their English and enjoyed looking at Jo’s
tivities for the whole camp while also keeping her eye out family photographs. Most important of all however, they
for the individual who was either struggling with home- were able to learn about God, and to ask questions about
sickness or needing to talk about spiritual issues. She also Christianity. They were prayed for and cared for, and Jo
looked after the officers exceptionally well, providing loved doing it.
those much-needed cups of tea and biscuits at regular
intervals! Many also benefited from her enthusiasm and Jesus at the centre
encouragement in sharing the Word of God with young At her funeral service at Highfields Church, Cardiff,
people. All who attended camps with Jo, or who worked Revd Peter Baker said of her, ‘Jo was like very few people
alongside her, would agree that she had a real heart for of her generation—100% committed. She gave herself
the work and that her involvement in totally. Jo liked rugby, music and fi lms. Jo was a very
this area will be greatly missed. normal person. But there was only one thing she lived for
and that was her faith in Christ. Like a stick of rock, the
International student
name Jesus ran right through Jo Williams and anywhere
work you broke her, and life did break her sometimes, you
Every year thousands of would find her faith, her love for the Bible, and her com-
overseas visitors come to live mitment to the message of Christ. That’s why the text on
in Cardiff; many the order of service at Jo’s funeral sums her up: For to me
of them are to live is Christ and to die is gain. For those of us who
students, some remain, the question is “for me to live is… what?”. Jo
are asylum would tell us, “No one less than Christ is worth the
seekers or effort” ’.
And in righteousness I shall see your face; when
ers. I awake, I shall be satisfied with seeing your
likeness (Psalm 17:15).

22 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006

Forward! be our watchword
The EMW Annual Meetings held this year in early
October at Malpas Road Evangelical Church, Newport,
were different! They were intended to be a bridge be-
tween the preaching rallies of the past and an all-inclu-
sive family day planned for the future.
Andy Christofides started with an attention-grabbing The new building was opened for meetings on 3 Sep-
gospel message, genuinely suitable for all ages. Stuart tember 2006, when Revd Nigel Clifford and Revd Paul
Olyott, after presenting us with some frightening statis- Clement preached. The official church opening service
tics, called on four men to tell us about the work in their was conducted on 16 September when the previous min-
part of Pagan Wales. Tim Gill (Newtown), Owen Grif- ister, Revd John Mainwaring, preached to around 180
fiths (Rhondda Valley), Chris Rees (Narberth) and Roger people. There was also a special evangelistic meeting held
Thomas (Ceredigion) all painted a picture of scattered for the construction workers, suppliers and non-Chris-
believers and struggling churches. The rallying call was tian friends and family on 21 September when the Rev
given to the larger churches to pray for, help and support
Andrew Davies preached to around 130 people.
these spiritual wastelands.
These days were very special in the life of the church.
After refreshments and fellowship, there were concurrent
Many of those in attendance were founder members. All
meetings. One, led by David Norbury, was an interactive
could testify to the goodness of God in His provision for
meeting for young people, entitled Youth Focus. This ma-
the new building.
jored on the camps work of the Movement. At the same
time, Geraint Fielder gave a paper on The Forward Move- Nigel Clifford
ment and Us, reminding us of the ministry of John Pugh
and the Joshua brothers with lessons for our own day. New pastor at Ebenezer
In the final meeting Jonathan Stephen, the new principal Saturday, 30 September saw the induction of Revd
of the Evangelical Theological College of Wales, took us Graham John to the pastorate of Ebenezer Baptist
to the edge of the Red Sea with Moses. Here we were Church, Swansea.
reminded that God called Israel to be obedient and to go Revd Sulwyn Jones, who had skilfully guided the church
forward, not stand still or go back. The call for us today through the process of calling a new pastor, led the
is also to go forward, despite the times in which we live. induction service. The scriptures were read and prayer of-
I was glad to have travelled to Newport to be at these fered by Revd Winford Thomas, the previous minister of
meetings. Why not plan to be there next year? I, for one, the church. John Aaron gave a clear account of how the
will be looking forward to them. fellowship had set about the task of seeking and calling
a new minister and become increasingly convinced that
Mike Leaves
God was leading them to Revd Graham John.
New building in Clydach Graham’s response left no one in any doubt that he too
Bethel Evangelical Church, Clydach was founded thirty had been deeply conscious of the leading of the Holy
years ago after seceding from the Presbyterian Church
of Wales. The first church met in a small Red Cross Hall.
Within a few years an old church building was purchased
from the Church of Wales. With the introduction of new
rules governing disability access and toilets a decision
had to be made whether or not to update the existing
building or consider a rebuild.
The new church is a two-storey structure with the seating
capacity in the main hall increased from 80 to 120. The
main hall is situated upstairs with a baptistery fitted
into the floor. There is also an elders’ room and an office
on the first floor. The ground floor has a minor hall and
ancillary rooms. Access to the first floor is either by stairs
or disability lift.

The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 25

Spirit in this matter. Church members and new minister Jones (Old Testament/Hebrew), John Kendall (Reading One way in which we try to be of practical help is by Paul’s previous ministry was at Crickhowell Evangelical
then made solemn vows to pledge their commitment to Skills for Exegesis/Greek), Dr Mark Pickett (Missiology) publishing twice a year a newsletter entitled News & Views Church and a good representation of that congregation
support and pray for one another. Revd Meirion Thomas and Jonathan Stephen (Preaching/Pastoral Studies). which is distributed freely to over 200 recipients and in- was present at the induction. Steve Levy, from Mount
prayed for God’s blessing on both pastor and people, and The principal described some of the projects planned, cludes articles, book reviews, testimonies, news of confer- Pleasant, Swansea, preached from Isaiah 9:6 and force-
Brian Jones gave a warm welcome to Sian, Owen and ences and a questions-and-answers section. We would be fully applied the necessity that the church should make
including a multipurpose building to enable conference
Evan into the family of the church at Ebenezer. very pleased to add any of your readers to our distribution Christ its Sovereign Lord in every aspect of its life.
seating for 500, a sports hall, lecture rooms and local
Rev. Peter Milsom’s sermon from 2 Cor. 4 on the treas- list, if they supply contact details. Contact the Women’s There is great expectancy in Penyrheol that God will use
church/community use, and a women’s course to train for
ure of the gospel stored in jars of clay, made everyone Ministry Team 01793 619603 or visit www.fiec.org.uk Paul and Lynsey as they take up the work, and we pray
biblical ministry to complement the men’s course.
realise the awesome responsibility, which the minister Elisabeth Smyth God’s richest blessing on them and the church.
The preacher, Rupert Bentley-Taylor, Bath, preached
and congregation have in being entrusted with the task of
urgently from Revelation 22, the last words of the Bible. Alan Levy
declaring the gospel of Christ. It set a seal on the decla-
Here, he said, is set out all we need to know and do:
Sixtieth anniversary
ration of Graham’s keynote sermon from 1 Corinthians Interesting comments are often picked up at resources Personalia
Trust God’s Word, Proclaim God’s Word, Exalt Jesus Christ.
on his first Sunday in Ebenezer, like the apostle Paul, to exhibitions attended by Go Teach. Here’s one: ‘Never Norman Millership has accepted a call to the pastorate
‘know nothing…but Jesus Christ and Him crucified’. Kerry Orchard heard of you’. It comes as a surprise to hear this comment of Ystrad Mynach English Baptist Mission. For further
After the service Graham and his family, the members of because Go Teach has specialized in publishing Bible details see the Diary insert.
Ebenezer, the members of Seion, Maerdy, where Graham
Ladies’ Day teaching material for children and young people for sixty
There were 228 ladies present, representing fifty-three years! We understand the comment Graham Hind has resigned from the editorial board of
was pastor for fourteen years, and the many fellow Chris-
churches, at our seventh Ladies’ Day, held at the Brackla however, because, Go Teach con- The Evangelical Magazine following a prolonged period
tians who had come for the occasion, met together to talk
Tabernacle, Bridgend, on Saturday, 16 September. It stantly reaches new customers and of ill health. We pray that he and his wife, Tina, who has
about their sense of expectancy of blessing for the future,
proved a very encouraging time as some of the comments is only one of many publishers also been unwell recently, will know God’s richest bless-
and to enjoy the excellent refreshments.
about the day demonstrate—‘appropriate’, ‘challenging’, producing teaching material for ing for the future.
Rhiannon Harris ‘honest’, ‘helpful’, ‘thought-provoking’, ‘praise God for children Andrew Norbury has been appointed student pastor at
His goodness and answers to prayer’, ‘excellent ministry Peniel Evangelical Church, Maesteg, where he will work
Welcome and dedication at ETCW and fellowship’.
Another is, ‘What’s happened to
alongside the pastor, Revd Owen Blackwood.
Some 400 people, including approximately eighty from Go Teach?’ We sometimes hear
Carey Baptist Church, Reading, attended the service at the The day was divided into two morning sessions, ‘Why this expression of pleasant surprise James Sercombe has accepted a call to Crickhowell
Bridgend Recreation Centre. The occasion was an opportu- pray?’ and ‘Does God answer?’ The speaker, Deborah when people who stopped using Go Evangelical Church. James has spent the last six years
nity to meet some of the new students. Unusually, all of the Woolley, Cardiff, helpfully divided the first part into Teach realize how much its appearance has improved. in gospel ministry to students, working with UCCF in
thirteen new campus-based undergraduates are from Eng- i) Prayer: what is it? ii) Prayer: why do I struggle with While the editorial policy remains unchanged, our Wales.
land or Wales. One new campus-based postgraduate student, it? iii) Prayer: how can I remedy it? After a short break material is presented in full colour with a visual aids Bruce Powell has retired from the pastorate of Holywell
Lambert Kouboube, a pastor from Cameroon, also spoke. the second session centred around Hannah—‘not just a book for every age group. You can see an example of our Free Church, Loughborough. At present he is recovering
woman who prayed, but a woman of prayer.’ We were Come Learn leaflets in each issue of this magazine. This following a sudden illness. He plans to relocate to his
It was an opportunity too, to meet the new principal, sixtieth anniversary year will set Go Teach on the road
challenged to have a ‘Hannah spirit’. native South Wales in the near future.
Jonathan Stephen. He paid tribute to the excellent theo- for further expansion as it will be combining its editorial
logical foundations laid by his predecessor, Eryl Davies. During the afternoon we saw the practical outworking Three recent graduates from ETCW have accepted calls
and distribution offices onto a single new site in Cheshire
He made it clear that he had no intention of digging up of both these topics in our third session, ‘Yes, God does to churches: Montaz Ali, has accepted a call to Trin-
and taking on new staff.
these foundations, but rather building on them. As an answer!’, as we listened to testimonies from six women, ity Baptist Church, Tenterden, Kent. Nick Fuller, has
Englishman, he recognized the unique role the college including a teenager, who, with a friend, was able to Keep up the good work! It is always a pleasure to hear received a call to a pastorate in Mirfield, West Yorkshire,
start a Christian Union in her school, after some years this comment, as we did again this year at our stand at and Gary McKee, has been called to the pastorate of
of prayer. All clearly testified that our God is a prayer the Missions Exhibition at the EMW Conference in Sunderland Evangelical Church.
answering God. Aberystwyth. EMW is one of the sponsoring bodies of
Go Teach, and assists with a Welsh translation. Carwyn Arthur has accepted a call to minister at Beth-
The whole day was memorable and uplifting and we trust we lehem and Hermon churches, Treorchy.
shall have the joy of renewing fellowship again next year. Can I help? This is a question we would like to hear. You
can share in the work by helping with writing, editing or
Lynne Clark illustrating the lessons, encouraging other churches to Evangelical Movement of Wales
use the material, setting up a training event for children’s
Women’s ministry team
I write on behalf of the Women’s Ministry Team of the
workers with assistance from Go Teach, making a dona-
tion which will enable needy churches overseas to receive
Ministers’ Day Conferences
FIEC and in response to the article by Jill Christofides in Go Teach free of charge.
Monday January 29th, 10:30–3:30
the May/June edition of The Evangelical Magazine. It was Cost: £11 – £5.50 for students
We’d like to hear from you.
encouraging to see the subject of being a pastor’s wife
To book your place, or for further information, call
covered so honestly and helpfully by this article and we Ray Tibbs
01656 655886 or email [email protected]
thought you may be interested in hearing of the work we
are seeking to do. Penyrheol
Paul Whitely commenced his ministry at Penyrheol Free
Understanding and Preaching Revelation
played in Wales, including towards those who use the The Women’s Ministry Team was formed three years ago,
medium of Welsh. In January, the arrival of Dr Robert Church, Gorseinon, Swansea, on Sunday, 17 September, Greg Beale, Freeschool Court Evangelical Church, Bridgend
under the chairmanship of Sharon James, with two spe-
Letham (Systematic Theology) would bring the number and the following Saturday his induction service was held at
of full-time academic staff to six. He would join Dr Tom
cific aims: a) to encourage appropriate biblical women’s
Caersalem Evangelical Church, as Penyrheol was too small Godly Ministry for the 21st Century
ministries, b) to encourage and support pastors’ wives
Holland (New Testament/Hermeneutics), Iwan Rhys for the congregation of nearly 200 that attended the service. Ken Brownell, Bryn-y-groes, Bala
and those involved in women’s ministries.

26 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 The Evangelical Magazine: November 2006 27
E vangelical Movement of Wales

Indoor Camps
10-12s 13-15s
21st - 28th July, Bridgend 4th - 11th August, Bala
Dave Roberts & Rob Burridge
Andrew Rees & Danny Foulkes

28th July - 4th August, Bala 18th - 25th August, Quinta

Steve Davies & Andy Pitt
Gareth James & Stuart Harding

4th - 11th August, Bridgend

Paul Gamston & Ed Collier

18th - 25th August, Bala

Mickey Webber & Phil Swann
15-17 s
21st - 28th July, Bala
Dan Owen & Peter Cresswell

4th - 11th August, Quinta

To be confirmed Glyn Ellis & Tony Seager

Outdoor Camps
11-14 s 14-18 s
25th Aug. – 1st September 25th Aug. – 1st September
Mark Barnes & Jeremy Bailey Paul Gamston & Colin Tamplin

Gwersylloed Cymraeg
10-13 oed 14-18 oed
11eg – 18fed Awst, Quinta 11eg – 18fed Awst, Y Bala
Huw Pritchard & Geraint Morse Dafydd Cunningham & Martin Williams

Ladies’ Leaders are in place for most camps, and will be confirmed shortly. Booking forms and brochures will be
available at www.emw.org.uk/camps before the end of November, and will also be sent to all those who attended
camp in recent years. To add your name to the mailing list, call 01656 655886 or email [email protected]
Evangelical Movement of Wales, Bryntirion, Bridgend, CF31 4DX. Registered charity 222407.

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