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The Handbook of

Chocolate Alchemy

Table of Contents
Chapter 1................................................................2
How to build the workshop of a chocolate alchemist
required equipment
Chapter 2................................................................4
How to transmute base metals to silver
the first steps of chocolate making
Chapter 3................................................................7
How to transmute base metals to gold
the familiarization to chocolate making
Chapter 4...............................................................10
How to create the philosopher's stone
the real magic of chocolate making
Bonus: Recipes............................................................................15
Bonus: Chocolate Tempering ....................................................16

The Noble Metal

Alchemy has been practiced almost all over the world in a complex network of philosophical systems
for at least 2,500 years. Alchemy was a mixture of religion, mystics and medicine. According to the
alchemists' tradition, their work descriptions and instructions given to others had to be expressed as
symbols and allegories so that only the acquainted could use them. Therefore, many writings are so
unclear and ambiguous that they have remained as mysteries.
One of the most famous examples is the Mutus Liber (mute book) from 1677 which with 15
pictures shows how to make the philosopher's stone. The philosopher's stone was a mystical substance
and with it one could supposedly turn other metals to gold.
Drawings made by french pharmacist Isaac Baulot show angels,
burning men, mystical creatures and alchemists distilling morning dew
or extracting sun or moon essence. The last drawing that is supposed to
tell how the philosopher's stone is finally made is so ambiguous that it
has remained as a complete mystery.
The purpose of the symbol language alchemists used was to keep
fortune hunters away from the knowledge, so that only a real master,
adept, could familiarize oneself with the great wisdom. They
emphasized that you didn't only need bellows and fireplaces but also
spiritual endeavors and eventually gold could be made as well by the
flame blazing in a furnace as by the angel following the alchemist's

The 15th picture of Mutus Liber

( Adam McLean 1999)

The purpose of this handbook is to teach you the use and techniques of chocolate philosopher's stone
which guide you to change base gourmand habits to noble, extremely delicious health habits. You
don't need to get a magic wand and learn shamanic spells but I believe that the techniques presented
in this book can be of good help to everybody interested in the deeper nature of chocolate and more
advanced fabrication methods.

How to build the workshop of a chocolate alchemist

required equipment
In this chapter I will introduce all necessary equipment that even more experienced chocolate
alchemist might need in his workshop. Note that even though you can make chocolate with very
simple methods and equipment, this guide introduces also some sophisticated strategies. Furthermore,
the chapters dealing with chocolate making are divided into three parts (first steps, familiarization,
adept's ordeal by fire) according to the level of techniques involved. Concentrate on the techniques
that serve you best.
Pots and bowls
The first utensils that an alchemist needs to make chocolate are a pot (to boil water) and a bowl (to
mix the ingredients). To heat up the water choose a pot with a large diameter so that the bowl fits
easily inside. A metal bowl is best for mixing the ingredients because it heats up and bonds the heat
much better than plastic bowl. You can of course use a plastic bowl at the beginning but alchemist
always prefers ceramic, glass, wooden or metal utensils instead of plastic.
You can also use hot water from the tap at the first fabrication step when fats are melted to liquid
form. But especially if you use cacao butter, it's faster and more advisable to melt using a pot on a
stove. Then the heat of the water will melt the fats to liquid more efficiently than hot tap water.
To grind or achieve smoother texture alchemist can also use a blender. One of the most useful is a
mini blender. If you make bigger amounts of chocolate at once, a powerful blender, like Vitamix, is
the best tool to achieve a right texture. Again, you can use any blender you like but a blender with
sufficient power guarantees a smooth texture without any unblended chunks.
TIP: Mini blender is a very powerful and handy tool for chocolate alchemist's kitchen. It also suits
well for general use, especially for people who travel a lot.

Melting the ingredients


Often, chocolate alchemist needs utensils to crush the ingredients. A mortar is a useful utensil for that
purpose. Favor heavy stone, marble or wooden mortar. Avoid ceramic and plastic mortars because
usually they leak undesired material to the crushed ingredients.
Chopping board and knives
Sometimes you need to chop ingredients (for example, cacao butter, dried fruits etc.) to smaller pieces
with knife. Chocolate alchemist always prefers top quality tools when he works with top quality
Bamboo chopping board is gentle to knife blade and stays in good condition for a long time. Quality
ceramic knife stays sharp for years and regarding its magnetic properties it's a better option than
normal steel knife. That is, chocolate alchemist knows that vitamin C deactivates by 50 percent when
it gets in touch with iron or steel (ferromagnetic metals), so he always prefers ceramic, copper and
wooden utensils.
Other utensils
If you use both coconut oil and cacao butter for your chocolate, you might want to homogenize the
oils with milk frother or with metal whisk so that the oils will mix as well as possible. To mix the
chocolate, a good tool is a wooden spoon. Furthermore, wood is a gentle material and won't damage
the blender blades when you scoop the chocolate from the bottom of the blender. Also, wood is a
neutral element and it does not have reactive qualities like metals.
Cacao butter should be cut to as small pieces as possible so that it melts fast to liquid form. For that,
the easiest and fastest tools are a quality chopping board and a knife but cacao butter can also be
grated with a grater.
When chocolate alchemist uses as gentle methods as possible he should use a metal sieve to add
chunky powders to chocolate to be sure that the texture is sufficiently smooth. The metal sieve should
have small holes.
When the chocolate is ready, it is poured into a mold that suits the situation. The best chocolate molds
are silicone or hard plastic molds. You can also experiment with paper muffin molds when you make
bigger chocolate pastry.
TIP: You can also use ice-cube molds which are easy to find, or you can pour the chocolate onto a flat
plate and afterwards cut it to smaller pieces with a knife.

Mini Blender


Ceramic Knives

Milk Frother

How to transmute nonmetals to silver

the first steps of chocolate making
How to start making super-healthy chocolate easily and fast?
1) Get the necessary ingredients according to availability, budget and your needs.
2) Gather all the necessary utensils and ingredients on the table and make sure that all utensils are
completely dry. Even the smallest amount of water weakens the consistency of the chocolate
substantially so dry the utensils carefully.
You can get easily started with these ingredients:

Organic virgin coconut oil

Cacao butter
Raw cacao powder
Organic honey
Maca powder
Lucuma powder
Goji berries
Quality salt

NB! Raw chocolate means a chocolate made out of ingredients which are not heated above 40 C
(104 F) in any circumstances. For example, dark chocolate powder and agave syrup are heated above
40 C (104 F) and therefore they are not raw ingredients.

How to proceed:

Use coconut oil as the basis because it melts easier and faster than cacao butter.
Pour coconut oil into a bowl, add raw cacao powder and taste so that the cacao content suits
your taste.
Sweeten with organic honey (you can also use stevia or luo han guo).
Add maca and lucuma powders and a pinch of quality salt.
When you think that the taste of the chocolate is good enough pour the chocolate on a flat plate,
in ice-cube molds or in specific chocolate molds and put the chocolate in a freezer for 20-30
Take the chocolate out of the freezer and let the chocolate soften for a while in a room
temperature. Enjoy your creation!

NB! You can find more specific ratios at the recipe section at the end of this book.
Most common mistakes in chocolate making
The taste of the chocolate is not as good as I would like it to be what should I do?
Before putting the chocolate in a freezer chocolate alchemist must make sure that it tastes good. So,
taste and refine the flavor of your chocolate as long as needed so you are sure that it is good when you
put the chocolate in a freezer at the end.
Water gets into the bowl during the fabrication, can I still save the chocolate?
It depends on the situation but you still might be able to save the chocolate quite nicely. Pour the water
chocolate on a plate and put it in a freezer. The water freezes on top of the fat and normally you can
scrape it off quite easily. Now, you can melt the chocolate again and continue making the chocolate.
Storing the chocolate
Raw chocolate can be stored in a refrigerator for weeks or months, so once made the chocolate doesn't
lose its power or spoil. Therefore, I recommend making a bigger serving of chocolate at once so you
don't need to spend all your time in the kitchen. For many, this is a great way to control sweet cravings.
When you get a sweet craving it's easy to get few pieces of very healthy and nutritious raw chocolate
from the refrigerator, which usually is enough to satisfy the craving at once so you don't need to run to
the refrigerator all the time.

This is the central idea of alchemy: to transmute base habits into more noble and pure and
in the same time understanding the significance of the spiritual processes.
That is, many people link lots of guilt and other emotions with chocolate eating. For
alchemist, letting go from the guilt brings the most important and precious things freedom
from stress and pleasure.

Transporting and serving the chocolate
If you need to transport raw chocolate from one place to another, it's recommended to use a suitable
method so that the chocolate doesn't melt during the travel. Especially, coconut oil based chocolate
melts quite fast in the room temperature. Normally, a cooler with ice packs inside suits best for
transportation. In hotter climates, it's recommended to use cacao butter as the basis of the chocolate
because it stays in solid form better than coconut oil based chocolate. The melting point of a cacao
butter is 35 C (95 F) and for coconut oil it is 25 C (77 F).
Chocolate should be served slightly soft not rock hard, straight from the freezer, because too cold
chocolate hides and makes it more difficult to taste all the flavors. When chocolate is served slightly
soft it melts nicely in mouth. Also, there should be napkins available to clean fingers if people can
resist the temptation of licking their fingers.
You should invest in the presentation and aesthetics of the raw chocolate. Then, the pleasure is even
more powerful. Heart shaped molds and ambiance vibrating with love work best.

How to transmute base metals to gold

the familiarization to chocolate making
After understanding the basic idea of chocolate making, a desire to experiment something new and
different is born. It is easy to continue building the big picture when the basis is ready. Then you can
focus more deeply on the opportunities that chocolate making offers and begin to move on to a
direction that corresponds better to the nature of chocolate alchemist.
After the concepts presented in the previous chapter are understood, the person acquainted with
chocolate alchemy focuses on the following things:
Ratio of the Fats (coconut oil/cacao butter)
Coconut oil melts more easily in the body but cacao butter has 10 C (50 F) higher melting point.
Cacao butter suits excellently for the base of the chocolate if we want that the chocolate doesn't melt
so easily in the room temperature. Excellent ratio for the fats is 3:1 or 2:1 (coconut oil cacao butter)
when there is enough cacao butter to increase the melting point but there is more coconut oil so the
effect in the body is more easily absorbed.
Eating too much cacao butter can be a bit too obstructing for the body (especially for the lymphatic
system). Therefore, excellently digestible coconut oil is a better option especially if you want chocolate
to provide energetic feeling. Experiment with the ratio to find what suits you best and then you have
an excellent base for the chocolate.
Usually, coconut oil melts very fast in its own jar or scooped to the bottom of a bowl. However, a
problem many chocolate alchemists face is when they try to melt the cacao butter in a too low
temperature ( in a hot water bath in a sink) and especially if the cacao butter in the bowl is in too big
pieces. So, grate the cacao butter as small as possible or chop it with a knife. In addition, melt the fats
in a bowl that is floating in a boiling water, then the fats will melt completely liquid very fast.
Choose the sweetener according to the theme of the chocolate. If you are after a milk chocolate like
soft chocolate, light organic running honey goes excellently. But if you want chocolate that is more
exotic, harder in consistency and snappy, really solid and dark honey goes better.
If necessary, you can use crystalline sweeteners (whole cane sugar, coconut palm sugar etc.) but favor
more solid sweeteners (honey, syrup, molasses, nectar) because you can achieve much better
consistency for the chocolate with those. You can also use rarer sweeteners like stevia, xylitol,
erythritol, nopal cactus, yacon syrup, maple syrup, inulin, luo han guo etc. but be careful with the
dosage of these. Too much of a powerful sweetener can ruin the whole chocolate.
The darker honey you use as a sweetener the more it has enzymes.

Lucuma powder is a rather sweet fruit powder that you can use as a sweetener. You might not need a
separate sweetener if you have enough lucuma powder and, for example, dried fruits like mulberries,
goji berries etc. in your chocolate.
You can also use only dried fruits as a sweetener, when the fruits should be chopped up to small pieces
and mixed into the chocolate. Excellent dried fruits are: raisins, mangos, figs, apricots, papayas, goji
berries, mulberries, incan berries, schizandra berries, jackfruits and dates.
Try all kinds of berry powders with the chocolate. Powders like blueberry, camu camu, acai, maqui
and goji are all worth testing. Also, try protein powder with chocolate. For example, quality rice or
hemp protein suits excellently. If you want to make creamier chocolate, you need to add yacon or
tocotrienols. Furthermore, try adding spirulina or AFA to your chocolate. They both go excellently
with cacao and with the extremely nutritious micro algae you can make your chocolate comprehensive
and filling delicacy or snack.
Add different super-herbs to your chocolate to get powerful effects and to boost possible synergies. For
example, medicinal mushrooms like reishi, chaga, maitake, cordyceps, lion's mane or more powerful
adaptogenics like shilajit, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, ashwagandha, gotu kola, tulsi and rhodiola are
absolutely worth testing.
Carob and mesquite powders are excellent for balancing the chocolate including much calcium, lysine
and taurine. These nutrients balance the high magnesium content and stimulating effect of the
Purple corn powder brings thickness, heaps of precious antioxidants and makes the chocolate more
Try to add some spices like cinnamon, chili, ginger or cayenne to your chocolate. Especially, cayenne
and chili are good vasodilators and they probably have been used with cacao longer than any other
You can also season your chocolate with essential oils. For example, peppermint or orange oil brings
enormously powerful flavors to your chocolate with small amounts.
Vanilla powder is one of the most crucial ingredients when making delicious chocolate. Add real
vanilla powder or scrape the insides of vanilla beans to bring vanilla flavor to your chocolate. You can
also soak whole vanilla beans in a honey jar so you can have extremely delicious self-made vanilla
honey. Vanilla will dissolve efficiently to the sugars of the honey and greatly enhances the honey's
Citrus fruit peels go also excellently with chocolate. Favor organic fruits. Wash and dry the fruits well
before grating the peels.
Also, mint goes well with chocolate, dried or fresh. If you use fresh, whole herb, blend the chocolate
smooth with a blender and the mint will mix well into the chocolate.

If you don't want your chocolate to be completely smooth, you can add cacao nibs into it. The nibs
bring nice crispness to the chocolate. You can also crush whole cacao beans or cacao nibs to smaller in
a mortar.
Try to add different nuts, that are crushed in a mortar, to the chocolate. For example, cashews,
walnuts, pecans, almonds or brazil nuts all go well.
Whole hemp seeds are a good way to bring crispy chewing and plenty of precious nutrients, whereas
shelled hemp seeds bring softness and make the chocolate more filling, in addition to nutrients.
Bee pollen is one of the most enormous ingredients you can add to your chocolate. Furthermore, it
goes extremely well with cacao and also sweetens the chocolate.
If you want your chocolate to be soft but crunchy, blended mulberries are the way to go and they
bring delicious toffee like flavor to the chocolate. Also, you can get a good consistency with goji, incan
or other berries by blending them. Of course, you can also chop them with a knife.
Fresh pineapple or cherries go also really well with the chocolate. Add the fresh pieces on top of the
chocolate just before putting it into the freezer.
You can also use frozen berries. The best way to use them is to put few frozen berries into the bottom
of the molds and when you pour the chocolate into the molds, the chocolate hardens almost
immediately because of the frozen berries. Especially, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are
great for this.
Fabrication Strategies
The consistency is the most important thing. The philosopher's stone is a chocolate which has
perfectly solid consistency, homogenous flavor and aesthetically beautiful appearance.
If you want silky and smooth chocolate, do it in a blender. Pour the melted fats into the blender and
add the powders and solids you want. Blend the ingredients smooth and pour the silky chocolate into
the molds.
But, if you don't want the chocolate to be completely smooth, mix all solids straight with the melted
fats and powders.
If you want soft chocolate that has slightly biscuit like consistency, blended dried fruits are the best to
achieve that. So, blend the berries you like to small crumb powder and add this powder into your

The purpose of the pictures alchemist's used wasn't to enlighten the ignorant but to provide
ingredients to the ones already familiar with alchemy to deepen their meditations. Man is
supposed to rise from the primal material through various levels of enlightenment to posses
the pure philosopher's stone. Only that will make possible to transmute base metals to gold
and silver (metals of sun and moon) and to get access to the universal tools of salvation.


How to create the philosopher's stone

the real magic of chocolate making
The gold maker's dream has been the ability to make gold, to transmute so-called base metals like
quicksilver, lead, and copper to silver and, above all, to gold. That has been the gold makers dream,
figuratively, and with it they have expressed the knowledge of which everybody are convinced, that is,
gold rules this material world. Who has gold, money, has the power in the world. The gold maker's
dream has been the happiness, power, success, all that everybody had, whose aims weren't completely
different. Even the people who would like to serve everything good in life learn to think that gold rules
the world and thus even the good can't rule the world before they master the gold. These people
notice that gold is controlled by forces who don't use it solely for good, but also for corrupted, selfish
purposes. Therefore, good meaning people might say, Gold should be controlled by good people.
In reality, alchemists aren't the makers of a material gold, it was only a proof for them that they had
achieved power over nature's forces. In fact, nobody can find the knowledge of making gold before
performing an alchemical process inside and transmuting himself to a sublime, noble being.
Nobody else can have the power over gold, can learn how to make gold, than he who has conquered
mammon in himself. He, who is bound to gold, wants gold in selfish purpose, can't become a gold
maker. The knowledge of making gold depends upon that man doesn't love gold for the sake of it,
alchemists said.
How then can you make the philosopher's stone
chocolate with perfect consistency, taste and appearance?
Next, we will go through each step separately and I will tell you why certain alchemical techniques
really are used. If you have sophisticated yourself as an adept who is interested in the strategies for
chocolate making that I'm going to present next, I want to congratulate you! You really are interested
in and acquainted with chocolate alchemy.
Creating the basis fats
Firstly, I want to emphasize that always when you make chocolate with a goal to achieve optimal
consistency, you must avoid mixing liquids with the chocolate at all cost! You can even put your
utensils in a dehydrator to make sure that they are ready to use with fats.
Personally, I prefer the basis of my chocolate to be 2:1 (coconut oil : cacao butter) ratio. I mince the
cacao butter with a knife and then add it and the coconut oil to a metal bowl, which I place floating in
a pot. It's good to understand that stable saturated fatty acids (coconut oil, cacao butter) won't be
ruined nor lose their properties even if they are heated to liquid form in a bowl that is floating in a
boiling water bath. In fact, we know that the temperature of a boiling water won't rise above 100 C
(212 F) and we can easily keep the process stable and the temperature of the fats low enough.

However, I won't turn the stove to full power at the beginning but I rise the temperature gradually to a
point where the water begins to boil and usually the fats have already melted to a liquid form. High
enough temperature is also an important factor for the right consistency of the chocolate to be sure
that all the fatty acids of the fats are really melted into liquid form.
It's good to be aware of that coconut oil for example isn't just one fat but consists of many fatty acids
like lauric, myristic and palmitic acids and all of them have different melting points. For example, if
we melt cacao butter in a water bath that isn't hot enough, all fatty acids might not have melted to a
liquid form, and we don't see when it happens.
Another important factor is the homogenizing, that is, mixing of the fats. Milk frother suits for this
excellently but also a metal whisk or wooden spoon goes. When cooling down, the fats tend to
separate from each other and their structure (the consistency of the chocolate) weakens.
Homogenizing will compress the fats together and now is the best time to add different herbs to
soak. Scattering the insides of a vanilla bean to the fats goes wonderfully but also bay leafs, pau d'Arco
or hemp leaves fit excellently with this kind of oil based hot infusion. Furthermore, at this point it is
good to add for example goji berries, which should be opened by making a small cut to the berries.
The best way to let the herb ingredients to be absorbed into the fats in this oil infusion is to let them
infuse at a mild temperature for a couple of hours.
As an aside, if you want to make excellent skin cream, you can use aforementioned herb oils as such,
but chocolate alchemist will of course continue to next step of the process which is adding the
Sweetening the chocolate the strategies
Honey is the best possible sweetener when you make chocolate that has as solid consistency and has as
beautiful appearance as possible, and you make it with plenty of time. The solider honey you use, the
solider consistency your chocolate will have when it cools down. Especially, if you want to make
chocolate that stays well solid in room temperature, hard organic honey suits best.
At this point I need to mention that the more you have fats compared to other ingredients in your
chocolate, the harder and snappier it will become. But if you have lots of powders and sweetness in
the chocolate, the consistency will be softer and more brownie like.
Let the honey steep and absorb well because the process will take its time. One other central factor
that you can use honey is to cause salt to be absorbed. Salt is an extremely important part of a
comprehensive and balanced chocolate. Without salt all the flavors will jump out separately but with a
quality salt the taste experience will be more comprehensive and stronger. But, salt doesn't dissolve so
easily to fats so you need to crush the salt as small pieces as possible and by dissolving it to the
sweetener you can improve the smoothness and solubility of the salt.

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Adding Powders
If you want to achieve perfect consistency, I don't recommend using blender because it will air the
chocolate and then the consistency won't be as solid and balanced as when hand mixed. The best way
to add the powders is to mix them all together in a separate bowl. Then, you should taste that the
flavor of the powder mix is the best and scatter the powder through small hole sieve into the fats. This
will prevent powdery lumps from appearing in your chocolate. At the same time you should mix the
chocolate with a wooden spoon so that it will become as smooth as possible.
However, notice that when making the powder mix, too much tasting will numb your taste buds quite
But, after mixing, you should again taste that the chocolate is the way it should be and then you can
admire your creation.
Details and Tips
Soy lecithin has an important part when searching for a perfect chocolate consistency. Lecithin acts as
an excellent emulgator, that is, an ingredient that binds fat soluble and water-soluble ingredients
together. Other emulgators are for example maca, lucuma and tocotrienols powders.
Yacon powder makes the chocolate deliciously creamy and milk chocolate like. Also, lucuma brings
same kind of properties to your delicacy chocolate.
Mesquite powder nicely balances the effects of the chocolate because it contains plenty of lysine and
Also, carob powder balances the chocolate because it contains plenty of calcium and thus balances the
high magnesium content of the chocolate.
Temper your chocolate if you want to make aesthetically optimal chocolate. Tempering makes the
chocolate's fats to crystallize into more compact form which affects strongly to the consistency and
appearance of the chocolate.
Pour the chocolate smoothly into the molds you have chosen. Always choose molds that best serve the
situation and environment.
Shake the molds a bit before putting them into the freezer so that possible air bubbles will disappear.
Chocolate with a perfect consistency can't contain empty air pockets.

Cooling Down the Chocolate and Serving
To cool down the chocolate, use hard plastic or silicone molds. Chocolate will detach easily from a
silicone mold. If you make the chocolate to a plate or separate molds, it's good to spread thin layer of
coconut oil onto the molds before pouring in the chocolate and freezing it. And when you take the
chocolate out of the freezer and put the plate in a warm water bath for a moment, the chocolate will
easily detach when the coconut oil layer melts.
It's best to cool down the chocolate in a freezer because then the effect is faster and the chocolate will
upset more easily.
When you put your chocolate molds into the freezer, protect and cover them, for example, with a
cutting board, that the humidity of the freezer doesn't negatively affect the chocolate's surface.
Let the chocolate cool down for 1 to 24 hours in the freezer. And before you serve the chocolate, let it
stand in room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes or even an hour, because if the chocolate is too cold
you won't taste all the flavors as well as when compared to a melted delicacy.
Marble tempering slab suits very well to serve the chocolate because marble binds cold well and this
way the chocolate will stay cool for a long time.

Kepler's Platonic Universe

( Adam McLean 1999)

Finally, what the recipe for the philosopher's stone could look like?

1 cup virgin coconut oil

! cup cacao butter
2 tbsp organic, hard and dark honey
! cup raw cacao powder
1 tbsp maca and carob powders
2 tbsp mesquite powder
2 tbsp pau d'Arco
! cup lucuma powder
! tsp vanilla powder
" tsp soy lecithin
a pinch of salt

Prepare a hot infusion from the fats where you soak pau d'Arco for two hours. Sieve the herb, then
add honey and salt dissolved in it. Sprinkle the rest of the ingredients through a thin hole sieve mixing
at the same time. Temper the chocolate on a marble slab by rolling it gently with a wooden spatula.
Pour the chocolate into the molds, cover it with a cutting board, put it into the freezer and let it cool
down for 24 hours. Detach the chocolate from the molds and let it stand in a room temperature for 15
to 60 minutes. Serve on a marble slab with a big smile.

The alchemical operation consisted essentially in separating the prima materia, the so-called
chaos, into the active principle, the soul, and the passive principle, the body, which were then
reunited in personified form in the coniunctio or 'chymical marriage'... the ritual cohabitation
of Sol and Luna.
- C.G. Jung Mysterium Coniunctionis

The Magic Seven

Silky Raw Chocolate



125 g cacao butter

5 tbsp cacao powder
3 tbsp lucuma powder
2 tbsp maca powder
2 tbsp organic honey
a pinch of salt
3 drops of essential peppermint oil

1.5 cups cacao butter

1 heaping tbsp coconut oil
! cup cashews (crushed)
! cup cacao nibs (crushed)
1 heaping tbsp maca powder
! cup lucuma powder
2 heaping tbsp cacao powder
1 heaping tbsp organic honey

Brain Booster

Christmas Chocolate



1 tbsp cacao butter

1 heaping tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp organic running honey
1 tbsp lemon peel
1 tbsp cacao powder
1 tbsp maca powder
! tsp suma powder
! tsp muira puama powder
! tsp ginkgo biloba powder
a pinch of salt
a pinch of chili powder
6 crushed brazil nuts
3 tbsp hemp seeds

! cup liquid cacao butter

1 cup virgin coconut oil
2/3 cup blended cacao beans
2/3 cup blended goji berries
4 tbsp organic honey
! cup mesquite powder
1/3 cup carob powder
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp cardamom
1 tsp vanilla powder

Monster Chocolate

Incan Chocolate



! cup cacao nibs

1.5 cups cacao butter
1/3 cup carob powder
1 tsp lucuma powder
! organic honey
1 tsp spirulina powder
1 tsp maca powder
2 tsp coconut oil
! cup crushed cashews

1 cup cacao butter

! cup coconut oil
3 tbsp organic honey
1 cup cacao nibs
1 heaping tbsp maca powder
! cup cacao powder
! cup incan berries
! cup lucuma powder
a pinch of salt

In professional fabrication, chocolate that contains lots of cacao butter is always tempered. In
tempering, the temperature of the chocolate is changed repeatedly in order to get the crystal structure
of the cacao butter in denser form. The fats of the cacao butter can crystallize in six different ways
and the goal of tempering is then to crystallize the chocolate to the best possible structure.
Why chocolate is tempered?

In order to get a shiny surface for the chocolate.

In order to get a smooth feeling of the chocolate in the mouth.
In order to get a hard consistency for the chocolate so that it snaps nicely when broken.

In addition, the melting point of the chocolate can be raised so that it doesn't melt in the fingers so
How chocolate is tempered?
In a good chocolate, there are type 5 crystal structures as much as possible. Then, the consistency of
the chocolate is the best and the most long-lasting. In practice, the chocolate is first melted to 43 C
(109 F) when all crystal structures are broken. Then the chocolate is cooled down to 27 C (81 F)
which induces the forming of type 4 and 5 crystal structures. A marble slab suits best for cooling down
the chocolate because it's cold and the chocolate rolled on it cools down and crystallizes quite fast. You
can also use cold water bath for cooling down.
Afterwards, the temperature of the chocolate is raised to 32 C (90 F) when type 4 crystal structures
are eliminated from the chocolate and only type 5 structures are left. If the temperature of the
chocolate is raised after this the tempering process is destroyed and you have to do it all again from the
Even the smallest variations in the temperature of the chocolate can ruin the outcome. Also, mixing
too much will cause the fats to separate and mixing too little prevents the formation of the type 5
crystals. Even though you succeed with the tempering, you must still keep mixing the chocolate and at
the same time pour it into the molds.

Marble Slab

If chocolate is not tempered so-called fat bloom can form onto the surface of the chocolate. Now,
the surface is anything but smooth and evenly beautiful. At home, the aesthetic side of the chocolate
may not be so important as in professional fabrication where the chocolate must be flawless also
A wooden spatula suits well for tempering on the slab. You can also use metal tempering spatulas that
are especially made for tempering. To determine the temperature of the chocolate you can use a
simple thermometer. However, you should then note that the temperature is measured from the
chocolate and not push the thermometer in contact with the metal bowl. You can also use a laser

Different fat blooms

Digital Thermometer

Tempering temperatures:

Melting Point



17 C (63 F)
21 C (70 F)
26 C (79 F)
28 C (82 F)
34 C (92 F)
36 C (97 F)

Soft, crumbly and melts too easily.

Soft, crumbly and melts too easily.
Hard consistency but doesn't snap and melts too easily.
Hard consistency but doesn't snap and melts too easily.
Shiny surface, hard consistency and the best snap.
Hard, formation takes weeks.


Some small variations and ideas for chocolate making
Make the chocolate so solid that you can make chocolate balls. Then, binding ingredients like lecithin,
maca and lucuma are important to make the chocolate compact enough. Put the balls into the freezer
and serve nicely.
Dip dried fruits, like dates or apricots, into the molten chocolate. You can make one of the best snacks
by removing the stone from fresh organic dates, putting a whole brazil nut or cashew inside and
dipping the whole thing into the molten chocolate. Chocolate covered dried fruits are a wonderful way
to offer an unforgettable taste experience to your friends or family.
Soak dried or fresh fruit in alcohol or in tincture and add this kind of fruits to decorate bigger
chocolate pastry. Cherries or plums work very well for that.
For example, you can make a tincture from the shell part of vanilla beans. So, every time when you
use the insides of the vanilla beans, save the shells. Put the shells into a jar and fill it with a quality
vodka of 40 % alcohol by volume (80 proof). Shake the jar daily for two weeks and you get extremely
good vanilla tincture.
Put mulberries, incan berries or other berries to the bottom of the molds and you get a nice surprise
inside your chocolate. You can also roll the berries inside the chocolate when making chocolate balls.

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