WIPnbennettResume 1-16-2016
WIPnbennettResume 1-16-2016
WIPnbennettResume 1-16-2016
To better myself, to better those around me, and to better all of humankind through
software development!
Advanced proficiency in C, C++, C#, XML; introductory to moderate proficiency in Java,
JavaScript, SQL
Unity, Maya, MS Visual Studio, Unreal, Android SDK, DirectX, OpenGL, MS Office,
Tortoise SVN, GitHub, Lua, Firebase, WebGL, Three.JS, Mercurial SVN, Photoshop
Elements, 3DS Max
Lead Programmer at SoCrates Studio on Perilous Adventures |
Designed and developed all systems and scripts in Unity3D for a big indie game
Features include dynamic chain-shot physics as a primary attack function, unique
dynamic audio system with synchronized music tracks attached to game objects,
robust dialogue system with content/trigger functionality fully editable by designers
in XML scripting, chamber exploration with dynamic camera movement, massive
collision event matrix management
Part time QA Game Tester | 2015
Employed by Volt as product tester for a variety of Microsoft Xbox projects
Responsibilities: Determination of incidents and bug occurrences, Report filing of
incidents and steps to resolve the issues, following instructions for test-case
scenarios, reproduction task write-ups when applicable, determination of product
usability and future consumer feedback
Engineer/Tech Artist on Unreleased iOS Title | 2014
Art implementation and testing in Unity on a multi-studio collaboration with Adult Swim
Responsibilities: programmer-artist communication, final stage of implementation of
art pipeline, testing and correcting proper rigging, animation blending, sprite
animations, cinematic sequencing, asset compression formats, QA testing,
correcting of bugs and bug task management.
Internship with Xiral Studios | 2011-2012
I designed and implemented gameplay systems and local SQL-Lite databases on an
Android title
Technical Director | 2011
I served as the technical director using Android SDK in Java for my senior student
I designed architecture and systems, data structures, content and tested and
debugged issues
Game Designer and Technical Director | 2009-2010
I was game designer and technical director for a 3D rhythm-based game for my junior
student game.
Game Designer/Programmer | 2008-2009
N a t h a n B e n n et t
VR web content
Designed and implemented a synchronized cross-platform web application
compatible in VR through AltspaceVR.
o A game resembling Pandemic, the cooperative board game playable with
2-5 players.
o Coded in JavaScript and HTML, utilizing WebGL and Firebase for networking
o Server-client model of network synchronization implemented with Firebase
Designed and implemented real-time model deformation via plane intersection
(sword slice)
Designed and implemented my own 3D physics engine from scratch.
o Features include: support for all convex polyhedra; detection using Minkowski
Portal Refinement; impulse based resolution; custom math library supporting
vectors, matrices, and quaternions.
Implemented Action Lists for AI behaviors as building blocks for Unitys prefab
Implemented Goal Oriented Action Planning architecture with A* for AI behavior
Extensive use of Finite State Machines
Built a graphics engine from scratch from triangle rasterizer to 3D transformation
matrices and also Z-buffering and view frustum culling + clipping
Implemented shape primitive generation, phong lighting, bump mapping and
shadow mapping
Implemented basic TCP and UDP architecture using Winsock for a real-time
multiplayer game.
DigiPen Institute of Technology | Redmond, WA
Class of 2012
B.S. in Real Time Interactive Simulation
Minor in Physics