3 Ghulam Abbas PDF
3 Ghulam Abbas PDF
3 Ghulam Abbas PDF
sprayed with Knapsack spray machine using water @ 296 L ha-1 along
with recommended dose of each weedicides after 45 days of sowing.
Canal water was used for irrigation. Sowing was done with the help of
Rabi drill in good moisture conditions. All other agronomic practices
(sowing and harvesting) were kept uniform for both the experimental
sites. The observations on the following parameters i.e. No. of weeds
after spray m-2, number of tillers m-2, plant height, number of spikelets
spike-1, number of grains spike-1 and grain yield were recorded during
the course of study. Wheat crop growing and development stages for
recording of parameters after sowing are as follows; germination m-2
15 days after sowing (DAS), Number of tillers m-2 40 DAS. Plant height
after sowing of 150 days, Number of spikelets spike-1 150 days and
yield contributing parameters after 150 days. The collected data were
analyzed statistically using Fishers analysis of variance technique and
treatment means were compared by Least Significant Difference (LSD)
test at 5% probability level (Steel et al., 1997). The data were
analyzed by the MSTAT-C statistical package on a computer (Freed
and Eisensmith, 1986).
Number of weeds m2 after spray
Weedicides had statistically significant effect on number of
weeds after spray in wheat (Table-1). The maximum value of No. of
weeds after spraym-2 (15.00) was observed in case of control
(untreated) treatment followed by 2.60 and 2.33 in case of T5fenaxaprop @ 625 mL ha-1and T4-Pujing (fenoxaprop-p-ethyl) @ 625
mL ha-1. There were no weeds in case of T2-Topic (Clodinafop
propergyl) @ 300 g ha-1 and T3- Puma Supper (Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl) @
625 mL ha-1. The present results of chemical weed control in wheat are
in conformity with earlier findings of Hassan et al., (2003).
Plant height (cm)
Maximum plant height (93.27cm) was observed in T2-Topik
(clodinafop propergyl) @ 300 g ha-1 followed by T3-Puma super
(fenoxaprop-p-ethyl) @ 625 mL ha-1 (93.00cm) and minimum
(88.58cm) was recorded in case of control. These results are in
agreement with the plant height findings of Khan et al., 2004.
Number of tillers m-2
Productive tillers are the key component of grain yield in wheat
crop. A perusal of data (Table-1) revealed that effect of weedicides
was found significant on no. of tillers m-2. Maximum increase in
number of tillers m-2 (6.15 % more than control) was observed in case
of T3-Puma Super (fenoxaprop-p-ethyl) @ 625 mL ha-1 which was
statistically equal with treatment T2-Topik (clodinafop propargyl) @
300 g ha-1 showing 5.34 % more than control. Next to these,
No. of
weeds after height
spray m-2
Topik (clodinafop
propargyl) @ 300 g
Puma Super
@ 625 mL ha-1
Pujing (fenaxapropp-ethyl) @ 625 mL
fenaxaprop @ 625
mL ha-1
LSD 0.05
15.00 a*
No. of
No. of
Grain Yield
Spikelet grains
(kg ha-1)
spike-1 spike-1
371.17 c 13.20 c
33.33 c
3233.00 c
0.00 c
45.20 a
4167.00 a
0.00 c
44.33 a
4100.00 a
2.33 b
39.53 b
3833.00 b
2.66 b
38.87 b
3817.00 b
88.58 c
No. of
*Means sharing a letter in common in the respective column do not significantly by LSD
test at P 0.05
Anonymous, 2009. Area, Production and yield of wheat in Punjab in
Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan. Economic Advisers Wing
Cheema, M.S. and M. Akhtar. 2005. Efficacy of different post
emergence herbicides and their application methods in
controlling weeds in wheat. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 11 (9-12):
Freed, R.D. and S.P. Eisensmith. 1986. M.STAT. Microcomputer
programme, Michigan State University. Agric. Michigan,
Lansing, USA.