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June 15th, 2012

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report
The US department of Defense original plan to research the mind control phenomena was to determine
the psychological and chemical formulas providing the US with the "perfect" espionage agent. This
quickly evolved into planning the "production" of the perfect soldier... government worker...slave.
However, German SS officer/occultist Himmler's research development scientists sent this search "for
the "Manchurian Candidate" off in another direction; psychological genetic engineering. It was
determined that "absolute" mind control could be realized through specific tortures of the intended transgenerational victim ...from the moment of birth!
Armed with this deadly research, a collection of "dedicated psychiatrists" from Germany, Italy, and the
US, collaborated on a new and ancient form of mind-control which was reborn through Project Monarch.
Modern science had simply unravelled the occult, cryptic, so called, "magical" secrets of mind control to
spawn a new generation of "superior beings" who could never ask what their country could do for them
but only what they could do for their country.
Project Monarch is a US Defense Department code name assigned to a subsection of the Central
Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Operation Artichoke which later become Project MK Ultra. Whereas Project
Monarch was officially dedicated sometime in the early 1960's by the US Army, it was set up as a
genealogical approach to define trans-generational (via genetic psychology) behavioral modification
through trauma based psychological mind control.
The original documentation which spawned this project was derived from collected intensive research
previously performed by top SS German Nazi scientists (1927-1941) as the result of their interest in the
multigenerational affects of occult psychology as applied in the nuclear family of known paedophiles. The
identified leader of this research was Himmler.
This German government Top Secret ("BLACK ARTS") research was originally considered to be a
significant "bonus" by-product of the US Department of Defense Project 63 A.K.A., Project National
Interest. Project 63 was dictated to the secret importation of a group of German Nazi and Italian fascists
scientists. This was accomplished in 1959 so as to reunite these scientists with their captured comrades
from world war II. These scientists areas of expertise were primarily physics (rocket R& D), psychiatry
(mind control/Psychological Warfare), and micro biology/ pharmacology.
Although Project Monarch information has to date not been declassified as was its research from the
Department of Defense mind control studies known as project MK Ultra, it never the less has become a
household word among a multitude of intelligence community operatives.
Project MK Ultra was exposed publicly in 1970 through law suits filed by Canadian survivors and/or their
surviving families. These brave persons received the cooperation of Canadian intelligence individuals
and others who uncovered one of the CIA's original mind control research mental health facilities based
in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Although the CIA and Canadian government settled the lawsuits out of
court so as not to be required to officially admit to any wrong doing, the secret was out.
The story of survivor Cathy OBrien is, perhaps one of horror and disgust but in the end it is also a story
of hope. All of what you are about to read is a matter of public record which has been documented in a
book called, Trance-Formation of America. The book is based on the transcripts of her testimony before
a special federal investigative committee. Cathy is a recovered survivor of Project Monarch. Those who
abused her were at the highest levels of government. The tragedy of her exploitation began at birth and
continued until the age of 31, when she was rescued by Mark Phillips. In the interview to follow she
reveals all about her experiences which are expounded upon in her publication.


The content of this interview is as follows.
Cathy OBrien: When I was born into a multigenerational incest-based
family in 1957, in Muskegon, Michigan, the knowledge on mind control was
already in place. And, what the Hitler/Himmler research had uncovered
regarding multigenerational incest-based or abuse-based families, they
found that those children would tend to abuse their children when they had
them, and so it would create a cycle after three generations. And, they knew
that once this cycle was started, and once this kind of abuse was going on
that the children would be most likely suffering from a dissociative identity
disorder. It was formerly mis-termed Multiple Personality Disorder.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: But, in fact, its not multiple personalities. We have one, but it is where that one
personality gets shattered and compartmentalized by abuse. And, when so much compartmentalization
happens within the brain, then the subconscious mind is wide open and easily led. This is what the
Hitler/Himmler research had found.
Interviewer: Because they were working heavily on mind control all through the 40s, especially.
Cathy OBrien: All through Nazi Germany, yes, absolutely! It was so strong in Nazi Germany, and that
was before the kind of technologies that we have today, which have just really accelerated and amplified
mind control.
Interviewer: And, Ill just supply a tiny piece of data here: A lot of these Mind Control Researchers,
under the guise of Physicists, and so forth, were brought into the country at the end of World War II,
under Project Paper Clip. So, we know we inherited a lot of Nazi scientists at that time.

Cathy OBrien: Yes, and so this information was full into the country by 1957, when I was born. So, this
multigenerational incest-based family had a very traumatic effect on me. Its not that I could think to
morally judge it, or to know anything like that. I mean I was just a little itty-bitty child, and . . .
Interviewer: How young were you when the abuse began? You, personally, how young were you when
the abuse in your family began?
Cathy OBrien: As far back as I can remember. I can remember back to when I was nine months old
because the brain photographically records the events surrounding trauma, and the trauma of my
childhood was extreme. Those are the farthest back memories that I have ever had. And, the sexual
abuse that I endured, even though I couldnt judge it, my brain automatically responded to that abuse the


way that all of our brains do. Its a natural brain function to compartmentalize the memory of the trauma
so the rest of the mind can function normally, as though nothing had happened.
So, my fathers sexual abuse of me was extreme, and I learned as I grew, and grew, and grew how to
deal with that sexual abuse and that part of my brain was used to dealing with it, while the rest of my
mind functioned normally. I couldnt think to bring to mind the fact that my father was sexually abusing
me when I was any place else. When I was playing with friends, when I eventually went to school,
anything like that, I never could think to bring that to mind.
Interviewer: It didnt exist for that other part of your personality.
Cathy OBrien: No, right, because it was sectioned the way that the brain compartmentalizes that
memory. Then when my father would come in to sexually abuse me, the part of my brain that was used
to that kind of abuse would be triggered open to deal with that abuse again, and again, and again, as
And, this is the kind of dissociative identity disorder that I was suffering from. When a brain develops so
many compartments there is no ability for any kind of continuity of thought because there is no conscious
awarenessthere is no conscious awareness what happened over here, what happened over here and
without that continuity of conscious awareness there is no concept of time. So, I completely had no
concept of time. As a matter of fact, I didnt know how old I was. I had no ability to even think in those
kind of terms. There was no flow or continuity in my life.
Interviewer: So, were you living in kind of in a fairy tale world the rest of the time, a world of your own
Cathy OBrien: Not really. I couldnt even think to do that. Pretty early on I was loosing an ability to even
do that. Instead it was more like living only in the moment, only in the present and responding to
whatever I was being exposed to. So, my life was, in essence leading me; I wasnt leading a life.
And, there is a criminal faction of the U. S. Government that was actively involved in MK-ULTRA mind
control. When the Nazi and Fascist scientists were brought into the United States, it was as though, you
know, we didnt win the war against Nazi Germany. Instead, we just simply transferred it over here and
it was being used on the population, either in a form of mass mind control, which is very prevalent today
through Social Engineering and manipulation through the medias and information control, which are all
very strong forms of mass mind control. Or, it can be the kind of absolute, total robotic mind control that I
Interviewer: Right.
Cathy OBrien: And, there was a local politician at the time that was actually sanctioning the kind of
abuse that I was going through. My fathers sexual abuse of me had extended into Child Pornography,
and he was selling the Child Pornography through the local Michigan Mafia Child Pornography Ring. He
only had a sixth-grade education, earned his living as a Worm Digger. So, he was supplementing the
family income with the proceeds from Child Pornography, of me.
Well, this local politician knew that any child who was so abused as to be used in pornography would be
suffering from this dissociative identity disorder, which made me a prime candidate, or a chosen one for
MK-ULTRA mind control. It was so well known that with that kind of compartmentalization, that would
leave the subconscious mind open to be easily led. The subconscious mind doesnt have any ability to
reason, any ability to consciously comprehend, any ability to question, or to do anything other than
exactly what it is told to do. So, this local politician approached my father and told him he could have


immunity from prosecution if he would agree to sell me into MK-ULTRA Mind Control. And, my father
thought that was great; he thought well, this is wonderful! The government condones Child Abuse.
Interviewer: So, for what purpose did they want to have you sold into MK-ULTRA mind control?
Cathy OBrien: There is various reasons why they were targeting children like myself. Many of them were
being targeted for military Special Forces; many were being targeted for the Intelligence community.
And, in my case, that was the direction that I was used. Eventually, through my mind control victimization
I was used on a White House/Pentagon level because I had been sexually abused and my sexuality was
heightened, that was a focus of the abuse, where I would be used sexually with various politicians, and
deliver government secrets at a time like that, because, they believed, what better place to store
government secrets than in the mind of someone who cant think to bring these memories to mind to tell
somebody. They thought it was a good place to store secrets because another function, automatic
function of the brain when it is exposed to trauma is it photographically records events surrounding
trauma. So, there is like a photographic memory within this little compartment. Even though it cant be
remembered over here, and thought to be brought to mind, there is still, nevertheless, a photographic
memory within that compartment and that is where the government secrets were stored.
Interviewer: Toward what end? Just so Im clear on this. They would store secrets to be used toward
what end? What was the . . .
Cathy OBrien: The various operations that I would be used in throughout my victimization because this
particular politician went on to become the unelected President of the United States, and that is Gerald
Ford. And . . .
Interviewer: That was the Michigan politician that bought you into . . .
Cathy OBrien: Yeah, he was just a local politician at the time. He went into state politics, and became
the unelected President of the United States. Seemingly bizarre set of circumstances, but it was all so
natural to my experience and my existence under mind control.

Interviewer: Lets go back for a moment. When you first started making contactthey started making
contact with you and bringing you into their environment, what happened there, and how old were you,
by then?
Cathy OBrien: I was about six years old when I was thrust into it fully, and when I began to loose any
free thought, whatsoever. Up until that time I remember having thoughts of wishing that there was a
place in the world where children werent abused, that there was a place where people didnt hurt each
other. And, even though I didnt necessarily perceive sexual abuse as abuse, it just wasnt right, and it


didnt feel good, and it was very traumatic to me, nevertheless. So, I had hoped that there was
someplace where people werent abused. I lost my capacity for that once I was sold into the project.
And, Gerald Ford had instructed my father to go to Boston, Massachusetts, for further instruction in how
to raise me in the project.
Interviewer: Now, this is a matter ofall of this is a matter of extreme Public Record.
Cathy OBrien: All a matter of Public Record; yes, it is.
Interviewer: You have been before Senate committees, before House committees. This is on record; this
is compiled from transcripts in the book.
Cathy OBrien: It is, and it was testimony to the U. S. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Interviewer: Yes.
Cathy OBrien: And, it was released in mass in a book in 1995, called, Trance-Formation of America.
That book was released on the advice of a Federal Attorney, or our attorney, who said at that point that it
would be the only way we would be able to survive, was to get the information out publicly. I never
dreamed that anybody would care to know about my victimization. But, mind control is so prevalent in
our society, and so many people are affected by it in various levels, particularly in the military and in
Military Intelligence, that Trance is now it its 14th Edition and it is just printedwe had it self-published.
Its now in its 14th Edition; it is in over ten languages, in 40 countries world wide, and its used in various
universities, such as the Oxford Law Library to help bring the information, these factsthese
documented and proven factsto light, that mind control does exist, and that it is being used against
individuals on a worldwide basis, but it is also being used against society, as a whole.
Whenever there is a trauma that happens insuch as when 9/11 happened in the United States; that
devastated the whole nation.
Interviewer: It left us very open and suggestible to what has come down since.
Cathy OBrien: It did; it left people easily led. And, that was a pattern that followed directly into what had
happened even in Nazi Germany, with the Reichstag, when that waswhen that trauma happened to
that nation, and the people were easily led, then. Because when people are traumatized they dont have
the ability to consciously think for themselves and they are just ready to be led. You know, Tell me what
to do, kind of thing.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Cathy OBrien: And they look to the government leaders to lead them. When, in fact, it was this handful
of criminals in the government that were actually misleading the people to deliberately take control of
them, the same way that they had taken control of my mind as a very young child.
Interviewer: So, lets go back to that. So, you were introducedhow did you first end up in their
company? How did this happen?
Cathy OBrien: Well, once I was thrust into MK-ULTRA mind control, my father was flown to Boston,
Massachusetts, where there is a criminal faction of the Catholic Church, which also funded Adolf Hitler. I
mean there is all kinds of public records of that when you follow the money. This criminal faction of the
Catholic Church, which I was being raised in, would take the information that they had learned about the
effects of trauma on the Human Mind through such things as the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades,


combine it with the Hitler/Himmler research, and further combine it with what the CIA now knew about
technological aspects that were just coming into play, and this whole combination of mind control was
becoming a very powerful form of mind control.
Of course, now we know that thethat Boston connectionthe abuse in the Catholic Church came to
light emanated out of Boston.
Interviewer: Right.
Cathy OBrien: It was a very deliberate and systematic abuse of children for the purposes of mind
control. There was a perversion diversion used to emotionally mislead people away from the fact that
children were being abused for a deliberate purpose. And, instead, they were saying it was
homosexuality because if they can emotionally mislead people another direction and divert them with a
perversion diversion in some other direction. They are not looking at the reality of the facts of what was
really going on.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: And at that particular time this whole criminal faction was being led by a Cardinal Law,
who was since caught in this whole Catholic Child Abuse scandal that was going on.
Interviewer: He didnt go down, though.
Cathy OBrien: No, he did not. As a matter of fact, the Governor of Michigan at that time was another
person that I was exposed to in MK-ULTRA mind control at the instruction of Gerald Ford. The governor,
at that time, was George Romney. This George Romney is the father of Mitt Romney, who is currently
running for the President of the United States.
Mitt Romney was like 12 years old when I was just a little bitty thing; he was a little bit older than I was.
But, nevertheless, his father was actively involved in bringing mind control into a much more powerful
form, into the Mormon Church. And, it was perpetuated and it hasas a matter of fact, the Mormon
Church is the number one place where our FBI is drawn from because once they complete there
Mission, they are already so robotically compliant that they just automatically go into doing exactly what
the government tells them to do for that aspect of things. It is interesting to note that Mitt Romney was
governor of Massachusetts at the time of the Catholic Child Abuse scandal, and was instrumental in not
only covering that up and perpetuating the diversion, but Cardinal Law was sent to the Vaticanhe was
given a transfer like so many priests are transferred around whenever their caught in this kind of child
abusehe was transferred, too, and given a promotion into one of the highest positions in the Catholic
Church, and even said the eulogy for when the Pope died not too long ago. So, he was given a very
prestigious position, instead.
So, this mind control is very prevalent and its very well controlled through the distinct placement of
certain individuals very high up either in the religious aspect, but most likely in politics, worldwide.
Interviewer: So, how was your experience? Now, youre only what, six years old, or so. You are in the
company of these high-powered politicians . . .
Cathy OBrien: Yes.
Interviewer: For what purpose? Whathow was your treatment? What went on?
Cathy OBrien: Fulfilling perversions which would also traumatize me further for the different criminal
covert operations that I would be used in by the CIA and the DIA on a White House/Pentagon level. The


Catholic abuse that I was exposed to at that time included sexual abuse by priests, which is very
traumatic to a young child because I felt like I had no where to turn. I mean who could I turn to? I couldnt
turn to my parents; I couldnt turn to local politicians; I couldnt turn to my church. It seemed like there
was nobody. I couldnt turn to my relatives.
Interviewer: You couldnt tell anybody anything.

Cathy OBrien: There was nobody, and it was the way things were for me growing up because mind
control had taken that much of a grip on our society by that time.
Interviewer: Right.
Cathy OBrien: That was very, very difficult, but the Catholic abuse also included Ritual abuse. Many
people are exposed to satanic traumas and blood traumas, which is extremely traumatic and creates
more compartments within the brain as the brain tries to deal with the horrors and the traumas.
Interviewer: The sexual abuse you were already accustomed to by that young age.
Cathy OBrien: Yes, yeah.
Interviewer: So, when that started happening with these power players it was, in a sense, it was just kind
of going into the same compartment that the other stuff had gone into until they expanded the abuse to
new levels of abuse?
Cathy OBrien: Right, yes. And as Gerald Fords political career climbed into the Presidency, so to did
my victimization; it just escalated on a political level quite rapidly.
Interviewer: How high did it end up going?
Cathy OBrien: White House/Pentagon level, and delivering messages to and from various government
leaders including the King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, which was/is very instrumental in all the wars and
turmoil that is going on there through Bander bin SultanPrince Bander bin Sultan, who is a very strong
friend of Dick Cheney and George Bush, and was ambassador here, and . . .
Interviewer: Did youwere you in the company of Cheney and the Bushs, and others.
Cathy OBrien: Yes I was. Yes I was. As a matter of fact, you look at Gerald Fords Cabinet and you can
clearly see why, because he had George Bush as the head of the CIA. He had Dick Cheney as his


Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld as his Secretary of Defense. Those are the same people that are in
place today.
And, we keep looking at, weve got the same people over, and over, and over, again, and it has got to
stop at some point. Even now in this Presidential Election thats coming up, Im still seeing the same
people that I have seen all of my life. Mitt Romney running for President; Hillary Clinton running for
office, and another person that I was exposed to, Bill Richardson, who was actively involved in not only
the Cocaine Operations that were running out of Mena, Arkansas, during Bill Clintons years, but he was
also involved with DARPA and other aspects that are more classified and Top Secret.
Interviewer: And when you say, involved with, you were involved with these people?
Cathy OBrien: I was exposed to all of them for various reasons. And, one reason that kept me in contact
with so many of them was the CIAs involvement in Cocaine Operations. That was very strong, and the
Cocaine Operations were a funding mechanism for, and also a part of an exchange for arms. So, we had
a whole lot of drugs and weaponry that was going on to fund secret wars and to perpetuate the control of
the controls that were happening in the United States were being expanded on a global scale.
Interviewer: So, how were you utilized in the illegal activities?
Cathy OBrien: Carrying drugs, muling a lot of drugs, delivering messages to and from the government
leaders, and the programming that I experienced was on various military and NASA installations. My
owner in the project, who I met when I was . . .
Interviewer: Owner? Do you want to explain owner?
Cathy OBrien: Owner, was the one who directed my activities and told me which projects that I would
be used in, and how I would be used on a White House/Pentagon level, even to the point of who I would
be exposed to sexually, including him. At the age of 13, I was exposed to U. S. Senator Robert C. Byrd;
that was my Owner in the project. Senator Byrd has been in office as long as I have been alive; hes
head of U. S. Senate Appropriations. He decides where the money is going to go for funding. And, one
of the things he was funding was DARPA, which is where, in essence, the War Machine and where mind
control was emanating from on a mass scale because of the computerization and the high technologies
that were involved in DARPA at the time.
Interviewer: And you were aware of these . . .
Cathy OBrien: Absolutely, I was, and his conduit because I was exposed to Senator Byrd all those
years, from the time I was 13 until I was 30, and Mark rescued me directly out of MK-ULTRA mind
control. This Senator Byrd, I was in constant exposure to him, and people that he had contact with, such
as Senator Leahy. And, Senator Leahy is/was funding DARPA, for example; he was the conduit of going
in and making sure that the criminal activity there was being funded.
Now, its not that this small handful of criminals see themselves as criminals. They see themselves as
justified in their actions. How they can justify such horrible activity as mind control is just beyond me, but
they are not capable of considering the strength of the Human Spirit; they dont consider looking at Soul.
They never considered the power of love. And, that is their downfall because criminal minds lack depth,
they lack wisdom, and love is the most powerful force in the Universe. I know that now that I am free to
think for myself, again, and was so lovingly rescued by Mark from the victimization.
Interviewer: But, you didnt know anything of love during these times. That wasnt anything that was part
of the equation.



Cathy OBrien: It wasnt part of the equation; it is the essence of my being. Once Mark rescued me from
MK-ULTRA mind control, I had no idea how old I was; I didnt know where I had been. I was totally
amnesic of those years, until I felt safe, and until I knew love for the first time and nobody was hurting
me. And, by that time I had a daughter. Kelly was born into MK-ULTRA mind control in 1980.
Interviewer: And who was the father?
Cathy OBrien: Her father was Wayne Cox. Wayne Cox is an assassin for the CIA that was using
occultism as his basis of traumatizing others in mind control, but it was also his own mode of operation
for murdering people and disposing of bodies by dismembering them. It was very traumatic and very
horrific. It was also very effective in being able to keep secret, particularly the Mena Cocaine Operations
that Bill Clinton was so much a part of prior to becoming President, but while he was Governor of
Arkansas, and Attorney General of Arkansas, and Wayne Cox was involved in those particular
operations. Thats kind of what brought me into the Cocaine Operations, and to that criminal faction of
government, and also the extreme trauma. My daughter, Kelly, was born at that time.

Interviewer: Was that intentional, do you think, for you to become pregnant?
Cathy OBrien: By them, I do believe that it was intentional on their part because who is going to look
twice at a woman and a child that are being involved in government operations on a global scale? It
looks innocent; people dont look twice, especially when somebody who cant think to tell what is going
on, or to even look for help. I couldnt think; I didnt have any survival skills of my own. I had long since
lost that. I didnt have the will to survive, even, by that point.
When my daughter was born, that is stronger than a persons own survival instincts, is maternal instincts,
and my maternal instincts to protect my daughter were so strong that they used that to manipulate me,
and that was the most traumatic form of control that they could ever have possibly come up with.
Interviewer: Was it just constant threats of what they would do to her if you didnt agree to this.
Cathy OBrien: Constant, yes, it was a constant leverage and Kellys life was always on the line. So, I did
everything that I was supposed to do in order to keep her safe. If I could have thought on my own, if I
would have any capacity for conscious thought, any free thought I would have known that I wasnt
actually able to help her by doing what they wanted me to do. I never would have done any of the
criminal activities that I was forced to do; it is totally against my will; totally against my being, because
without free thought, there is no free will, and without free will there is no Soul expression. There is no
ability to do anything that you stand up for, that you would stand up for and believe in.
Interviewer: Right.



Cathy OBrien: I couldnt even protect my daughter but I still had my maternal instinct to do that, so I do
believe that that was a very deliberate thing on their part as a further control mechanism. Plus, they
wanted to raise another multigenerational child in the project. And, Kelly, they figured they were going to
raise her in espionage, was the ultimate plan. So, Kelly was traumatized into the project at a very early
When Mark rescued Kelly and I in 1988, Kelly didnt know where she had been, either.
Interviewer: How old was she then?
Cathy OBrien: Eight years old.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: The kind of harmonic mind control that she was exposed to, the high technology that is
used today is what she was exposed to, and it caused physical damage to her brain stem. She needs to
have a technological rehab for her. The methods used for my deprogramming and my healing dont work
the same way with Kelly because, in essence, the key that locked the door to her brain and locked the
door to her mind needs to be used to unlock it. The government has the technology; it can be used for
other good things such as it has been proven that it can reverse Autism, and be used on autistic
children, and yet, this technology is being suppressed form society so that they can use it in an adverse
way and control people.
Interviewer: There are a lot of people like you that they have been using.
Cathy OBrien: Many! Many.
Interviewer: This is not an isolated incident; this is business as usual for them.
Cathy OBrien: It is! It is, and they are so wrong because since Mark had rescued Kelly and I, and taught
me how to remember those things that were so traumatic that I had compartmentalized in my brain, it
was emotionally incomprehensible. And, he taught me that by writing out my memory, by moving a pen,
it would take the emotionally incomprehensible and shift it over to the logic part of the brain because it
takes the logic part of the brain to move a pen.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: By not verbalizing and talking about what happened to me, and by writing it out, I was
actually able to take down the walls of those compartments in my brain and regain access to my own
Interviewer: What happened once this was all down on paper? When did it end up before the Legislature
and these special committees? How did that happen, and why did that happen?
Cathy OBrien: As quickly as it was deprogrammed, as quickly as it was written out, it was turned over to
U. S. Customs andprimarily U. S. Customs because it was a very clean organization that was doing all
they could to stop the CIAs involvement in the Drug Industry. They were working diligently to stop the
criminal activity that was going on. And, this was some very pertinent information. I had bank account
numbers, and CIA codes, keys and triggers.
Interviewer: Was this from being imprinted on your memory?




Cathy OBrien: Yes, maam, photographically recorded, so that when I did write it out, it was
photographic, and then validated by U. S. Customs and other factions of Intelligence.
Interviewer: OK, so the information and the numbers they were checking.
Cathy OBrien: Yes, and it was proving out as quickly as I was deprogramming it. And, this information
was actually helping; it should have helped more if it could have gone further, but the head of U. S.
Customs, William Von Raab, just resigned because the government was covering it up as fast as it was
being uncovered. But, nevertheless, many people in the Intelligence communities, many people in Law
Enforcement, many people in the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies became very disillusioned with the
criminal politics and began doing all they could from their own positions to make a positive difference in
dismantling this horrible mind control effort that was going on because our wars were being perpetuated
with it, as well.
Interviewer: Right. Well, has any of what you relayed to them been discredited, seriously discredited by
Cathy OBrien: Not at all. The onlyits all been covered up by the 1947 National Security Act, by those
criminals who are still in control of the government.
Interviewer: The same ones you are talking about; if they are not dead, they are still there.
Cathy OBrien: The same handful of people! As a matter of fact, this same handfulin 1984 I had cause
to be in Lampe, Missouri, which is just over the line, over the line from the Arkansas, Mena operations
and Bill Clinton and George Bush, who are very good friends along with Dick Cheney; they are all very
good friends, with the same agenda. George Bush, who I consider to be the highest up, along with Dick
Interviewer: George Bush, Sr.?
Cathy OBrien: Yes, George Bush, Sr., definitely. George Bush, Jr., I know for a fact, and witnessed, is
under absolute mind control.
Interviewer: I have always thought that just watching him.
Cathy OBrien: He is. He is a good example of what mind control looks like. He can deliver a speech
verbatim because it has been programmed in.
Interviewer: And, it is the same one the next 70 times when the media gets it; it hasnt changed a bit. His
inflection is the same.
Cathy OBrien: Yes. No. Exactly! The voice inflection is the same as how it was programmed. But, ask
him a spontaneous question and he cant answer it. And, that is exactly what mind control looks like;
thats exactly how I looked under mind control at that time.
But, the one place where they were training the military Special Forces, in particular, was at this Swiss
Villa Amp Theater in Lampe, Missouri, where I had cause to be exposed to George Bush and Bill
Clinton, who were involved in a military maneuver called The Most Dangerous Game, which is a form
of Human Hunting. And, it is supposed to teach a person they have no place to run and no place to hide.
Well, I since no better than that. There is a place to run, and it is right at them with the truth. There is no
need to hide; they are the ones who are hiding what they are doing under the 1947 National Security
Act, and any other means that they can come up with, any perversion diversion, or anything else that
they might do.



But, nevertheless, I heard Bill Clinton and George Bush talking, and George Bush told him then that
when the American people became disillusioned with Republicans leading them into what Adolf Hitler
and George Bush termed the New World Orderthis mind controlled societythen, Bill Clinton, as a
Democrat, would be put into place. And, that was his reward, so to speak, for all of the funding that he
was doing through the Cocaine Operations. George Bush ran this country through the Reagan
Interviewer: Yes.
Cathy OBrien: And, since I was actively working, actively working during the Reagan/Bush
Administration, I was privy to so much of that aspect. George Bush was very much in control; George
Bush, Sr. was very much in control of the United States during the Reagan Administration.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: Reagan said he was an actor, and that is all he was. He was just a mouthpiece for
leading the people and misleading the people in other directions. But whenthe plan after that was to
put George Bush, Jr. in . . .
Interviewer: After Clinton.
Cathy OBrien: After Clinton because he was being groomed for the Presidency and under total robotic
mind control. And, since the plan was to have people warring with each other on a religious level, they
created this illusion that George Bush is a religious kind of leader. Which, I dont think that flew with
anybody; I dont think anybody bought into that because it didnt run deep.
Interviewer: No, I dont think they did either. And, he was treated similarly to they way you were treated,
you are saying?
Cathy OBrien: Yes, he was. As a matter of fact, in Mount Shasta, there is another government military
installation where a Most Dangerous Game is played, and was played in the winter of 86. And, it was
theremy daughter was there, as well, and was traumatized the same wayand, it was there that Bush
Jr. was exposed to Most Dangerous Game, as well.
Interviewer: What do you mean, exposed to? He was one of the ones who were hunted?
Cathy OBrien: He was hunted.
Interviewer: By whom?
Cathy OBrien: At that particular one it was Dick Cheney and George Bush, Sr. And, one thing that Dick
Cheney always said is, If I would kill, you know, so-and so (whatever Special Forces guy it was or
whomever they were disposing of at that time.) If I would kill so-and-so, imagine what I would do to the
likes of you. So, I always knew that my life was on the line. But, that really wasnt anything that scared
me, or wasnt a motive. It was when Kellys life was one the line, and what he would do to her that was
so terrifying. But, it was so interesting because when Dick Cheney shot his friend in the face, recently,
and it made the news, before George Bush, Jr., as our acting President at this moment, was briefed on
how he was to answer that, or programmed into how he was to respond to it, the cameras were on him
and asked him the spontaneous question about this situation. And, he quoted his own programming
verbatim, and he said, If he would shoot his own friend in the face, imagine what he would do to the
likes of you. I mean what did people think when they heard that on television? Thats not a . . .
Interviewer: Those are the same words.



Cathy OBrien: Exactly! But, evenI knew what it meant. Im sure there are a lot of people, especially in
military operations that knew exactly what that meant. But, what did the average person think that he
would even say that to them?
Interviewer: Right!
Cathy OBrien: Well, he was kind of whisked off and reprogrammed at that point, and he was out of the
picture for some time, while the media was just scrambling to find a way to cover that whole thing up.
But, that is a prime example of what mind control looks like and how it acts.
In the same line up and plan that is being generated out of the same DARPA computerization the next
illusion of change that we are supposed to have is Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton, as a woman, is
supposed to go into the office of President. People have been so traumatized while Bush Jr. has been in
and Dick Cheney has been traumatizing the world with the wars and the horrors that have been going
on. All of a sudden Bill Clinton doesnt look so bad, and people think well, maybe Hillary is a solution and
a change. And, they forget; they have a short-term memory. When so much of the information was
beginning to come to light, and the Impeachment papers were going to be filed on Dick Cheneythis
was in very recent times.
Interviewer: Yes.
Cathy OBrien: Impeachment papers were being filed on him. The Gonzalez Hearings were just
beginning to happen. Funding for the war was being raised in Congress. Gun bills were in place to take
weapons away from the people so that we cant defend ourselves against what . . .
Interviewer: There was a lot that was happening at one time.
Cathy OBrien: There was a whole lot that was happening, and they needed a diversion.
Interviewer: As usual.
Cathy OBrien: DARPA was used; an assassin was used right there in Blacksburg, Virginia, the
Blacksburg Massacre occurred with a mind control-programmed assassin out of that.
Interviewer: How do you know this person was a mind-controlled assassin?
Cathy OBrien: Because of all the factors that are tied in with it, and because of the whole DARPA thing
that is emanating out of it. There is absolutely no question in the history, and the more you understand
about mind control, the more obvious it is whats happening here. Plus, the person who is head of the
Judiciary Committee that was holding these hearings at that particular time, all the congressional
hearings overseeing all of that, was Senator Leahy.
Interviewer: Mmmm.
Cathy OBrien: Senator Leahy is the one who is the funding mechanism for DARPA.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: And it is so easy to see where if you have a few well placed people how far-reaching this
whole thing goes. These foolish people, for as intelligent as they are, they have no wisdom. They have
never thought about the power of love. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It is the most
powerful healing force in the Universe.



They never stopped to consider what would happen when someone like Mark Phillips had hold of their
information and used it for the betterment of humanity, to be able to free humanity with the truth. They
never could consider that because that is not the way their brains work. Just like we cant think like they
do; they cant think like we do.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: And, thats where, ultimately, we win.
Interviewer: So, whatso, I think so many people, as they story has been told around the world, wonder,
how is it that you are still here?

Cathy OBrien: Because there are so many good people who are absolutely disgusted with this whole
process, and, intelligence levels on a global basis. This is a worldwide effort to get the information out.
As a matter of fact, the MK-ULTRA files were declassified very quickly by individuals within the
Intelligence community because they want the people to have the information. This information is
available through our website,; you can get the disc of over
70,000 CIA declassified documents because we obtained them while they were declassified. When Bush
went in he reclassified them, but too late; the information is out there. You know, once truth is out, it
spreads because people know truth. And, even if they dont want to believe it, at first, it never goes
away. And, truth ultimately frees them from fear. It frees them from the fear that has been controlling all
of us for far too long.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm.
Cathy OBrien: The truth will give them an information base by which to actually formulate their thoughts
and their actions, rather than the deliberate misinformation and fear mongering that has been going on
for several generations now. Its time to stop.
Interviewer: Well, and we are beingand as Ive heard you saywere being controlled from every
which level right down to Hollywood.
Cathy OBrien: Yes.
Interviewer: And, so, basically as a whistleblower, the idea is the reason to name names, and so forth, is
to say, People wake up; look! These are the people behind the green curtain.



Cathy OBrien: Exactly, because I mean going back on Fords Cabinet, again: This unelected President,
and all this, was during the years of the Kennedy assassination while all of that. That was really when
things really had a major turn in this country. His press secretary was Jack Valenti, and Jack Valenti is
head of the Motion Picture Association of America, and decides what people are going to see through
the media.
Interviewer: Mmmhmm. Right.
Cathy OBrien: So, the medias are very much controlled in information. But, people have a right to this
information; they have a right to know whats really going on, and that its only a handful of people,
because it is ridiculous for us to allow them to stay in power! Why are we following . . .
Interviewer: And to keep voting them in. Or, not voting them in, in the case of Diebold. I mean I guess
thats a silly statementaccepting that.
Cathy OBrien: Yeah, exactly. I mean peoplewere following leaders that we didnt elect.
Interviewer: Right.
Cathy OBrien: Because when you look at the electronic voting system in the United States, and follow
the moneysee who runs Diebold, the electronic voting machines.
Interviewer: Yeah!
Cathy OBrien: You find Dick Cheney and George Bush, again!
Interviewer: Right.
Cathy OBrien: I mean you are finding these same people over, and over and over, and its got to stop! If
people would just wake up to the reality that it is within each and every one of us to be able to make a
positive difference in the world. I mean be the change you want to see in the world. World Peace
begins within. And, when people know this as truth, when they realize that and believe in truth, again,
and when they trust in themselves, again, when they follow their own strength of Spirit rather than fear,
fear, fear, fear, that truth will free them from fear and empower them to be able to make a positive
difference in their own lives, in their own communities, in their own nations, and ultimately the world as a
whole. Thats where our hope lies; that is where the solution is because the truth that made me free can
make others free. And, those fools have never stopped once to consider the strength of the Human
Spirit. If they had, I wouldnt be here talking and being able to tell what happened.
Interviewer: Truer words were never spoken. The fact that you have been able to come to this place of
peace and empowerment and strength to tell your story, to help encourage others to stop listening to the
lies is evidence enough for all of us to get off our butts, wouldnt you say?
Cathy OBrien: I would certainly hope so, and Im seeing such a huge movement of it now that its only a
matter of time. And, like Mark said, you know the good guys have already won; the bad guys just dont
know it, yet.



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