The Doors of Life - Walter Devoe

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Walter Devoe

Every faculty of the mind is a sluiceway through which healing life can flow into nature; every
diversion and every pleasant sight can become a means of healing. Much of our depression and
consequent physical illness is the result of monotony. Life runs in a rut. The same tasks come to
hand each day. Only a few faculties of the mind are called into use and they are exercised to
death. Little children are no longer punished by being compelled to write one exercise fifty or a
hundred times at school, as it was found to be the most exhausting work a child could do.

The economical "piece work" in the factories, the necessary routine and system of commercial
life and the daily drudgery of farm and kitchen, unlightened by soul enthusiasm or mental
aspiration, can become a menace to the health of the victim. It is not the amount of actual work
performed that enervates the system and tires the soul, but the dreary sameness, the use of the
same brain cells continuously without variation, that wears· on the nerves and wrecks the most
perfect mechanism. Those of phlegmatic temperament can plod such pathways for years content
with little refreshment for soul and with less prospect of future change, but the majority are of a
temperament which is exhilarated or depressed by environment and requires new work and new
objects to arouse that interest and enthusiasm which mean new and invigorating life.

How quickly a change of scene, a trip to the mountains or a visit to friends will bring the roses to
the cheeks and a new sparkle to the eyes. When a physician's remedies fail he recommends a
change of climate, often with greater results than were obtained through his medicines.

Anything that will turn the blood into new channels and arouse brain cells that have been inactive,
will conspire to restore health, be it a new diet, stimulating to the alimentative faculty; a new
opportunity to earn more, bidding acquisitiveness to awaken; a new benevolence, calling
sympathy into action; new scenery to refresh the perceptive faculties; new friends to rejoice the
social side of the brain; physical culture to quicken ambition and will; new science to stimulate
the intellect; or a new philosophy of life and religion to satisfy the need of the higher faculties -
hope, spirituality, and veneration. All these are channels of life, and fortunate is the one who has
learned to exercise all, and can turn at will the current of his interest in anyone of these ways of
physical and spiritual refreshment. His mind will become full-orbed and balanced. He will find life
and joy in the interplay of his own faculties and will never want for novelty and entertainment. If
he cannot travel, his imagination will see the wonders of the world through the eyes of others
who flood the mails with pictured magazines and postcards.

A little people in a small country with miniature patches of ground to cultivate and tiny boxes for
houses would seem subjects for the curtailment of thought and incentive, and the development

of the monotonies of existence. But with these limitations the Japanese have been a people of
culture and contentment. Before the Occidental mind disturbed the tranquility of their lives, their
island was paradise and their homes were fairy bowers in gardens of gladness and beauty. Every
flower was a subject for a poem and they all wrote poetry out of the fullness of their hearts; the
art of gardening and the symbolism of stone and tree became a religion, helping their minds to
worship before the shrine of beauty; even the curve of a twig, the opening of a blossom or the
skeleton of a dead tree became an object of deep contemplation and philosophic speculation,
and in their flower kingdom they cultivated their inner nature from which flows continually the
spontaneity of joyous, healing life.

The secret of their contentment was the discovery of the beauty in small things. We require large
landscapes and new masses of mountains to startle our imaginations, but to their searching eye
a dead leaf curled on a bit of water was as a fairy boat, or a cherry blossom - a symbol of life and
joy. Their eyes could see grandeur and art in the sky-line that each day wearies our brain with its
terrible familiarity. What we see about us depends upon what our spirit is awakened to see and

O that I had the monotonous hours of your lives! I would transform them into the gold of
knowledge. The joy of seeing and learning is inexhaustible. The dreary ( ?) avenues are lessons
in architecture, drawn from the master mind of all ages. Your hills and fields are verdant with
illustrations of botany, your trees carol with ornithological delights and your rocks and railway
cuttings can reveal the mystery of evolution that the, Mind of things has been working out
through eons of time.

Coupled with these objective pleasures is the knowledge to be gained from sciences
innumerable, leading through a vista of mental wealth that the length of a hundred lives could not
exhaust. And then embracing all is the synthetic knowledge of the principles of life, 'which are
furnished by the contemplation of the Cosmos as a whole. All- these studies unfold the
understanding that the soul may drink from the "fountain of life” and find the way of perpetual
progress through which comes endless joy and health.


When one walks for the first time amid new scenes of natural beauty, and the mind is hushed and
awed by the solemnity and majesty of the mysterious power revealed in stupendous crystallized
masses or in active, intelligent entities, then for a while the veils of illusion with which mortal
concerns wrap the mind, are brushed aside and one feels isolated, with himself, as it were, and
can more clearly gauge the relative value of his motives and desires.

In the stillness of the mortal there comes a recognition of the nameless Power which slumbers in
the rocky hills and is becoming active in all the sentient forms of life, and something within, call it
what you will, acknowledges its relationship and oneness with all power and proclaims the truth
that from Universal Power it emerged and now stands superior to the slumbering rocks and the
active forces of nature as a self-conscious intelligence, capable of holding its conscious
individuality amid all the violence of force and the transforming effects of time, as an immortal
Witness of the workings of Power in the depths and heights of Infinite Wisdom.

This "I" of us stands serene amid changing things. It can lose friends and dear ones and not be
affected thereby, because deep in its constitution is the knowing that nothing can be lost. Only
that small part of the mind that deals with mortal affairs, and which loves and hates in a mortal
way, is disturbed by the false beliefs of loss or gain. When the Spirit of Nature has quieted this
mortal part, then is felt the comforting influence of the truth which makes free, the "I" which is with
us always.

"Lo, I am with you always,

Even unto the end of the world."

Then comes the blessed comfort of knowing our real self which dwells in God – in Universal
Power – and which is not disturbed by the loss of mortal wealth or friends or even the physical
body, because, as it has woven a destructible garment of matter for temporary use, so it has
woven an indestructible garment of life from the finer substances of existence as its permanent
form through which it comes in contact with all states of life and all grades of matter.

Only from the exalted state of this Universal Power in us can we know the absolute truth and find
perfect comfort and rest, and only by brushing aside the veils of the mortal mind and of the
subconscious mind, with its illusions of psychic fascination, can we know and rest in the
Self-hood, the center and source of individual power.

This soul of you holds the key to all power, plus health, wealth and happiness. The ancient

mystics were so constituted mentally that they were willing to forsake the pleasures of the world
and all its activities for the joy of knowing this Divine Self, and so they left the haunts of mortals
and lived in those crystal-clear solitudes of nature where nothing could disturb the awakening of
the Self-hood of power. They soon realized that in their own natures were the occult doorways
through which power and intelligence could come to them from any state of the Universal Mind.
Like them, you can find the center of power in yourself and that exhilaration of spirit which makes
work easier and health secure.

Go forth into the quietness of the woods when you can, and become harmonized to the songs' of
the birds and to the many voices of nature's little people, and in this contemplation of the music
of outdoors you will forget the cares and worries of the days of the past and feel a great and
wonderful healing relaxation. Close your eyes and imagine that the warm invigorating sun above
you is the vitalizing presence of the Creator. Identify the warmth which permeates your body and
the harmonious vibrations of nature with His Presence. They are the outer vibrations of His
Presence radiating vitality and strength to you. Breathe into every cell of your being this vitalizing
vigor of infinite space. As you rest with your eyes closed, your sense of feeling will be quickened,
your mind will not be distracted by the sight of external things, and you will come in touch with the
perfect harmony and vitality which flows into nature from the Ever-present, and in this meditation
you will feel that you are in the healing glory of His Omnipresence. You will feel that your body is
saturated with His Vitalizing Life. The Creator will seem more real in this vitalizing glow which
permeates your being. Then in this profound harmony hold these thoughts:

My soul is one with all the vitality of nature.

My soul is a magnet drawing to itself all these healing currents of nature.

My soul is absorbing these finer essences of life which fill the atmosphere; absorbing all the
strength which my nature needs and all the elements of which there is a deficiency in my system.

I am a living soul, being clothed with the glow and glory of the Creator's Infinite Vitality.

I am intelligent soul power, searching through the depths of nature's storehouse of life for the
healing essences, for the vitalizing powers, for the mystic medicines of healing with which the
Creator has stored His universe.

Great Spirit, I am drawing on thee for physical power.

Infinite Creator, I thank Thee for this realization of Thy Omnipresent Life.

There are refined forces - healing currents - about us that it is possible to feel. They exist around
us in the realm of Mind.

There are mystic words that we can use to come into mental rapport with these healing currents.
The Power of Perfection - the Divine Healing Spirit - dwells in the Realm of Ideas and is the Spirit
of Ideas of Absolute Truth. This is a deep arcana of wisdom for meditation.

The Absolute Being, beyond thought, beyond the realm of knowledge, beyond mind, beyond
everything, is conceived in the Mind of the Universe as myriads of celestial Images, Prototypes
or Divine Ideas. These Divine Ideas embody in the higher realms the meaning of the Truth that
they represent; hence they are the principles, powers and revelations of the Divine Perfection.

The Power of Omnipotence is not material or elemental forces. The material world and its forces
are but crude reflections of true Power. The wild, erratic forces of nature cannot work in harmony
with the purpose of the Creator and cannot reflect the Wisdom of Omnipotence until the mind of
nature has become more wise and peaceful, and that cannot be until man, the great disturber,
comes into unity with the harmony and wisdom of Omnipotence. As long as the mind of the race
as a whole is disturbed by passions, pains and selfish propensities, man and the mind of nature
cannot reflect the true power and wisdom of Omnipotence •.

Above the realm of nature forces and behind and within the surging turbulence of mental forces,
is the Divine Realm of Peace and Power. Man holds the key to that Realm when he understands
that its quality is life, truth and love - all that is good, beautiful and joy-creating. He can open his
mind to receive of its power by thinking, feeling, speaking and acting as do the inhabitants of that
immortal realm.

Words that awaken true thought and feeling will link his mind to those Ideas of Power which exist
in the celestial states of life, and he will feel the healing currents of the Spirit of Truth entering into
his being.

This is a challenge to every soul to make visible the power that it has by divine birth-right.

Man's mind is kept in unity-with the Creator through ideas of Truth. Man's soul is an idea of the
Creator that exists in his interior nature in a passive state until his body and mind are developed
to receive and express soul power.

Divine Ideas are souls – immortal souls – individualized powers of the Ever-present that exist on
earth and in heaven to do the Will of Omnipotence.

You, dear fellow pilgrim, with all your conceits, your weaknesses and your sins, are a transient
figure on the stage of time; but there is within your mortal nature one more ideal –
an Image of Perfection – whose consciousness shall live and blend with the Consciousness of
Divinity when all these earthly scenes and woes shall have become as the troubled dream of the
night that is past.

Awake, O comrade of the celestial cycles, and grasp this mighty, saving truth!

You soul is an Idea of Omnipotence. You are Power.

In your true being you are life and health and perfection now.

How shall you realize it? By identifying your intellectual mind, and your limited feelings, with that
soul power within you, which is the wisdom and image of Divine Love. You have the wrong
conception of power if you think of it as aught but a mighty spontaneity of Love. Strike this chord
in your nature, and Divinity will respond and melt your pains and woes into the blissful harmony
of Divine Being. If these words arouse you to see a new light, or if they strike an untouched chord,
do not let them depart from you, for they are mystic words of truth that will hold you in unity with
the healing currents that flow from the everlasting Fountain of Life.


There is a sense of being aroused by the assertion "I am", which, when exercised, gives one a
feeling of conscious power. At first this is felt more sensibly if the eyes are closed and the whole
mind is concentrated on the assertion of being, in the use of the words, "I am".

Persistent affirmation of positive states of mind polarizes, or draws to a center, the nebulous
thought elements of mind, so that one gains a personal grasp of one's self and feels positively
powerful to be and do and overcome. Practiced in the, morning for a while, it gives one a sense
of poise that remains all through the day.

In my own nature, personal consciousness was evolved from a state of subjective vagueness to
a state of objective power through methods of mental assertiveness.

The development of positiveness will give life, virility, and enduring quality to all your physical
and mental work.

''Nothing is at last sacred," says Emerson, "but the integrity of your own mind."

Until you have been by yourself and affirmed yourself it, will you know your own tone and quality
as an individual separate from the mental influences that surge about you, you do not know
yourself and have little power to impress others.

I feel myself to be a vital personality. I affirm what I am and sustain that tone and feeling with my
patients, and even at a distance they feel the dominance of the Tone of Being, and their minds
respond and vibrate with me into a new joy and greater realization of vitality.

To treat a person absently, affirm the positive life that you feel in your own body, as "I am life,"
until you realize that life force growing vivid and strong within you; then use affirmations for the
patient similar to the following, after having repeated the name or thought strongly of the person
for a few moments.

I am positive life for all your flesh.

I infuse your being with mental energy.

I radiate joyous strength through your spirit.

I am so radiant with healing power that none of your ailments or thoughts can come to me or
reflect back on my mind or body.

The peace of the Ever-Present now radiates about me.

All conditions about me are subject to His word of infinite peace. I turn my attention to Him and
rest in His mind that my soul may be filled with His immortal light.

All my physical ills are transformed into the perfect substance of His Spirit.

The peace and power of the Creator abide with my soul. Every cell in my nervous system is so
charged with healing peace that there can be no place for pain or discord.

The emanations of the Ever-Present are food and drink for my soul, building it strong in the
positiveness of the Divine Spirit, nourishing it with the warm, vitalizing rays of Life, restoring it to
the consciousness which it had with the Creator', that it may express His Power and Truth in all
its ways.


We know that we are near the dawning of a .new day, when the Creator's beloved shall not be
helpless under their burdens of sickness or fear, wrong or oppression, poverty or sorrow.

They must be taught that "as a man thinketh, so is he," and that they can come into a full and
satisfactory knowledge of the Eternal Power which lies slumbering within them.

We possess the golden key that unlocks the door of Truth. We will not allow them to remain in
ignorance of the blessed truth that sets prisoners free. Ignorance is the chain that binds.

No one need be oppressed; no one who is willing to develop the all-powerful spiritual force need
be in bondage.

Thought is practically omniscient. It reveals the goodness and power of the Creator. All high
revelation is of the goodness and power of what is true –― the reality. True thought is luminous.
It is the light of the Creator's Mind. Its pure intuitions endow the mind with perfect faith. It is a
mighty demonstrator of the hidden virtues and powers of the soul.

It has been shown that false beliefs, with no basis but the vanity of mortal thought, cause poverty,
pain, sickness and death. This being true, may we not expect most wonderful results when our
thoughts and our faith, as a living whole, are grounded in the power of the Presence of the
Creator? All the goodness, mercy, power and wisdom of the eternal God are here; we have but to
awaken to this truth and realize the richness of His Presence.

Divine truths should be held in the mind until they become the real foundation stones of our
rational thinking. They will become illuminated gems whose light will dissolve all dark emanations
from our presence.

Those who have received the light and ascended the mount of holiness, know that they are all
Spirit here and now.

It is the same power that guides soul and star alike.

Fill the cells of your being with the wisdom light, which is the glory of the Ever-Present, then
these living cells will manifest life and Spirit. They will radiate the exalted glory of the living,
eternal God. This God-life infused into your nature will endow you with a mighty healing force,
which you, in turn, can impart to the sick.
In the name of the Ever-Present Great Spirit, let us strive to dissolve the heavy burdens that
destroy the mortal bodies of humanity. They are overwhelmed by sorrow and pain and those
lingering sicknesses that waste the life force and tissue until they are sick unto dissolution, and
spirit and body separate before they receive the spiritual education this plane affords.

Let us pray that they may receive the precious truths that will reveal the manifestation of the law
of eternal Good, that this law may work in and through them, and that through it they may realize
the Comfort of the Creator. Through this knowledge of truth they will awake from the mortal sleep
to the realization of eternal life.

When truth is imparted to a patient by means of the silent or the audible word, it displaces the
physical or sense illusions which are at the root of the physical disturbance and helps to form or
reform the inner man in the image of a heavenly spirit of health and harmony. Thus we might truly
say that when disease is healed by spiritual means, it is the outcome of the evolution of a new
man, or the unfoldment of the powers of the spiritual man from within.

The unspiritual mind, with all its illusions, must be dethroned, the errors of understanding must
be subverted and dominion given to the higher spiritual mind. The luminous Ever-Presence will
dissolve the errors, illuminate the animal range of the mind which is filled with lusts of deceit,
dissolve the false attractions and change all the former ways of living. Through faith and the
holiness of truth, all states of the mind will be regenerated.

My spirit is folded in the healing peace of the Ever-Present Great Spirit.

I realize that it contains within itself the potency of divine life, which can spring forth with soothing
power through all my nerves.

I bless my flesh with the soothing power that flows from the consciousness of the Creator's

The very source of disturbance, the inner cause of it, is banished from my mind.

It must be utterly dissolved from my consciousness.

The light of the healing Ever-Presence dissolves all pain from my nerves, soothes them,
harmonizes them.
I am radiant with Divine Peace.

I am a spirit of immortal peace and harmony, and every cell in my body must feel the peace of my

The Creator is Love, the Supreme Attraction, abiding within the sublime state of the soul universe,
the inmost universe, which gives spiritual life and power to the mental universe and to the
material universe, as the individual power of man by its presence gives life and power to the
human mind and body.

The omnipotent attraction of the Creator is modified in its expression through the mental universe
out to the most negative degrees of the material universe, translated, as it were, into terms of
mental and material attraction.

The attractive power of His love appears in its expression through matter to be but a mechanical
law of attraction, and the intelligence in the law or power does not appear until the evolution of
the higher forms of life, but this appearance of mechanical coldness is due to the negativeness
and grossness of substance as well as to the absolutely impersonal and impartial character of
the love of the Ever-Present.

The omnipotence of His love may be better comprehended from the concrete revelations of
astronomy. Our sun is a mighty electro-magnet for the generation of the least powerful
expression of God's attractive force; but the action of this great magnet upon the planets, which
are less powerful magnets, reveals to us an operating power mysteriously grand.

And the far-seeing telescope reveals that all the fixed stars which illumine the dark spaces of
infinitude above the earth and below the earth, out into the vast universe in all directions, are all
of them mighty suns, most of them of so immense a size as to stagger all belief. They are as
much larger than our sun as our sun is larger than the earth, and it is a fact that it would take one
million three hundred and ten thousand globes the size of the earth to make a globe the size of
our sun. Add to this the fact that each one of these glorious suns is, like our sun, the parent of a
number of planets, and that each one of the many planets swinging in harmony around the
parent sun is inhabited by forms of developing life and intelligence, and we begin to gain a more
comprehensive idea of the magnitude of the Creator's universe and the omnipotence of His love,
which is the source of that attraction so universally active.

However, we have gone but a step toward the comprehension of the infinite Power of His love,
even in its material aspect. We have all viewed that belt of bright mist which encircles the starry
heavens. It is now claimed by astronomers that the Milky Way is, to our vision, the massed effect
of countless myriads of suns; that each point of light in that great belt of light is the distant gleam
of a shining sun, but so far away are those suns that they all melt into a perspective of misty light.
And our sun is one of the suns of the milky way; we are part of that great belt of light, and equally
distant from each other are those suns in the distant mist as are the suns which around us seem
scattered so widely apart. Ah, does not the mind dilate with wonder at the majestic power of the
infinite and Eternal Creator – the Omnipotent One!

And your body is an image of His great Body. How so? The atoms which compose your body of
flesh are approximately as far distant from each other as the planets and suns swinging in the
universal ether, and by the same law of attraction the physical atoms of your body exist and act
together ill harmony.

And your superiority over all animal forms is in this, that you not only have in common with
animals an organization of physical force from the material universe, and a spiritual organization
of mental force from the universe of mind, but you have also an organized soul form of wisdom
and love from the Soul

O Being of the Creator, He has organized all states of His infinite nature into your complex being.
In you Universal Intelligence becomes self-conscious, and from your experiences gains material
knowledge. The vast sensorium of the Creator's Mind is impressed by every incident in the life of
every creature, even to the least. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father's
knowledge, because the mental organization of the sparrow, as of every creature, is in and of the
Universal Mind, and all the experiences of each mind tend to increase the knowledge of the
Whole, for without individual experiences in negative and limited states of life, there could be no
knowledge of what would transpire in such states.

The Infinite Mind could not conceive of the possibilities latent in matter without limiting itself and
coming into some relationship with matter.

It is a common belief among many that the attribute of omniscience enables the Creator to know
every incident in every life in universes which are yet un-evolved. But the quiescent sensorium of
the Universal Mind awaits the unfolding or future possibilities which shall fill it with positive
knowledge. It is as yet a blank page upon which the finger of time has not written.

The Creator is the sum of all principles and possibilities, the infinite Presence in which all
principles and possibilities are forever evolving, and the mingling and interblending of His
positive and negative elements and attributes is the creative bliss of Being.

The Universal Mind contains the record of every event in earth's history. In this Mind, which
pervades interplanetary space, are objective spiritual realms, showing all the scenery of the
natural world, but of a refined beauty far surpassing the scenery of the material plane. And in
these realms of Mind exist all living creatures who have worn the mortal form. From the natural
attraction of like to like, those of like temperaments and loves are associated together in the

enjoyment of those things which are conducive to the expression of their peculiar talents. Thus
the musical faculty of the Universal Mind is a realm of musicians. They are the ideas of the
Creator that live in and perpetually evolve musical thought. The artistic faculty of the Creator is a
realm of artists, who spend their time in the enjoyment of art expression, and thus, through the
whole category of evolved sciences, arts and philosophies. Whenever man has discovered a
new possibility in nature and developed that possibility by the concentration of his mind, there
has been developed a new store of definite knowledge in the Universal Mind, and all future
beings have been enriched thereby.

That definite knowledge was not in the Mind of the Creator previous to its discovery by man,
taking for granted that the same fact had not been discovered on another planet. The principle at
some previous time was there, but it was for man to apply the principle in order to reveal truth in
its negative aspect.

If one studies and loves music, then there is formed a telepathic connection between his mind
and the realms of music in the Mind of the Creator, and if music is the dominant love and motive
of his life, he will, when freed from the flesh, enter into companionship with those who also love
music, to whom music is the grand passion of life. So with every love of man's nature. We are
one in thought with that which we love, from a like state of the Mind of the Creator we receive our
inspiration while incarnate, and when we enter the spiritual world - free to go whither our will may
take us – our home will be where our love is. Through all worlds and universes, material and
spiritual, the law of attraction reigns supreme, and through it is the wisdom and purpose of the
Creator which is Love – revealed. As the Mind of the Creator pervades His vast Universal Body,
and is life to it in every part, so the mental and physical universes are held in the embrace of His
omnipotent Love, and we, created in His image and likeness, are related to all three states of His
Being – we are flesh of His Body, mind of His Mind, and soul of His Soul. We may live in the
limited thought of the senses, in the broader understanding of the mind, receiving knowledge
from the Universal Mind, or in the deeper consciousness of the blissful love of our Father, whose
throne of love is within our souls.

The mighty power which holds the vast universe in perfect organization, has organized itself into
an individual soul within us, and through our souls we are in direct communication with the power
of the Creator, which is love. In fact, Love is the Power of our being, the source of our life and
intelligence, and as we educate our minds to receive its divine wisdom – to realize it – we shall
feel its power reorganizing our nature according to a more perfect pattern, according to the
wisdom of the Creator. We are but limited and imperfect manifestations of its likeness and image,
because of our limited perception and realization of the Mighty Presence of Wisdom and Love
within us. There is no limit to the power of Love. The Creator's expressions increase in beauty,
grace and perfection, as they develop in the wisdom of love. Peace, perfection and prosperity
are the natural expressions of the presence of His Love, when it is not limited by mortal thought

or desire. When our thought is focused on outward things for gain or pleasure, it soon meets an
obstruction which limits and causes dissatisfaction.

In study and contemplation of the truth the mind finds peace and harmony, for it listens to the
"voice of many waters" – the harmonious music of eternal verities.
But the true and enduring satisfaction that alone satisfies the soul and attunes the mind and body
to heavenly harmony, is the satisfaction felt in union with the blissful love of the Creator. In
communion with the Creator the soul realizes its eternal nature and rejoices in His love, as a
child in the arms of its loving parent.

In His arms of love the soul becomes a creature radiant with the glory of the Creator. His love
informs it and transforms into health the physical instrument through which the soul expresses.

The wisdom of the Creator is the revelation of the eternal principles of His Being, and this
wisdom with its power can only come through continuous devotion. The operation of divine
principles may be understood by the mind, but the secret of His Presence is won only by
sincerest love and devotion. Realization of God-satisfying realization – comes by loving much,
rather than by knowing much, although knowledge and discrimination are necessary aids to the
manifestation of that realization among mortals.

The stress of circumstances is developing us. All our experiences tend to intensify our nature
and make us more positive as individuals. The negative path leads through painful experiences.
Even the agony of physical pain focalizes all the forces of mind into a more intense unit. But the
way of the Creator intensifies the nature through devotion. Through a sincere desire to know and
feel the Creator, there develops an intense longing for His Presence, which polarizes all the
forces of the nature and directs them toward one end. This desire becomes the all-absorbing
thought of the mind, and the petty, distracting loves of the past fall away. All the forces of the
mind and soul become polarized into a white heat of intensity, which purifies the nature and
draws all the straggling thoughts and feelings into unity with the central attraction. The character
becomes inflamed with divine ardor and zeal, and within the flame of love and devotion, the Spirit
of the Creator moves and breathes, filling the character with a new and wonderful positiveness
and power; a positiveness that is tender and a power that is meek, but withal, an invincible
determination and purpose to make the Will of the Creator manifest. The whole being becomes a
living prayer of devotion. Oh, it is the deep prayer of the soul that touches the heart of Divine
Love, and every thought of the mind and atom of the body must be looking to the Creator in
devoted expectancy in order to receive its share of the Spirit. Only those atoms and thoughts that
have been schooled by devotion to look to the Creator will receive of this transforming Spirit.

By devotion we intensify and purify our nature and lift it to the state of realization, and by
affirmation of the truth received, we sound the tone of our realization in mind and body and make

the Creator manifest to the world. By devotion we develop the links that connect the negative
side of our nature with the positive Spirit dwelling within the inmost recesses of our being. And
from this unity of the sense mind and the intelligent mind with the consciousness of the Creator
within the soul, the transforming Spirit has free expression through nature, and the power of the
Creator becomes more and more manifest in health of mind and body.


The mind is made spiritual by the study of spiritual thoughts. Material and spiritual thoughts have
a distinct quality and rate of vibration. Spiritual thoughts are positive and uplifting, while material
thoughts are negative and have little life and joy in them. Mortals must constantly invent new
pleasures that they may not tire of living; for those whose minds are immersed in the world's
thought atmosphere of self-seeking do not realize the joyous life that springs perpetually from the
soul. The majority of persons do not know of the Rivers of Life, the higher centers of
inspiration through the soul life into the conscious mind. This inner source of satisfaction is
hidden from those who are absorbed in things of the external world.

The study of spiritual truth is of infinite value to everyone because it opens up a new realm to the
mind, a realm of divine ideas, a realm where the ideal is positive reality, and where the thoughts
of the Creator are embodied in beings of transcendent loveliness, who live in the eternal light of
the Creator's intelligent love where joy and harmony reign supreme. With each new influx of
thoughts from this sublime region of Mind, a new vitality is realized and the determination is born
to make the mind so positive and radiant with spiritual thoughts and feelings that there
will be no place for the darkness and dissatisfaction so prevalent in the minds of mortals.

There is a tendency among students of the wonders of spiritual truth to read too much and not
meditate enough. This develops the intellect by making it a storehouse for the facts and ideas
evolved by other minds, but it does not uncover soul inspiration. This is evident from the fact that
there are great intellects in the world who are veritable mines of spiritual wealth, as far as
beautiful ideas are concerned, but they know very little of the Spirit that dwells in the soul of man.
Each one must find for himself or herself the spring of inspiration within the soul, and from this
spring will flow living waters full of the healing power from the life of the Ever-present.

If one reads too much on deep spiritual subjects and does not give adequate time to meditation
upon what has been learned, confusion and dissatisfaction will be the result. No depth of mind or
strength of character is developed by storing the mind with beautiful ideas unless time is given to
the development of the Spirit of these thoughts, so that it becomes an inherent power
for good. True education consists in educing or evolving from within rather than memorizing what
others have realized and evolved.

Each mind can write volumes of wonderful realizations from the wisdom of the Creator cradled
within the soul. The soul is the joyous consciousness of Jehovih individualized, and desires to
formulate what it knows of the Creator in the feelings of love and thoughts of wisdom that it can
generate in the mind and embody in nature.

In ancient India it was the custom for the spiritual preceptor to teach his pupil a truth that he had
realized in his meditations, and then advise the pupil to go into seclusion and meditate upon the
subject until he had evolved a deep knowledge of it from within his soul and applied it, as far as
possible, in transforming his character.

When he had realized one truth, another was given that would uncover a new soul realization.
Thus the pupil developed harmoniously, and the mind was educated to receive and manifest the
intuitive power of the soul. In this way each truth planted in the garden of the mind should be
cultivated by devoted attention, watered with thought and vivified with love until it is ready to be
transplanted by the soul into the midst of the thought flowers of paradise. Spiritual truths should
be meditated upon until they unlock the chambers of thought within the soul, when the bliss of
realization and spiritual communion will suffuse the mind and fill it with the illumination of a
perfect joy, infusing all the thoughts with new life and power from on high.

The thoughts that are born in the mind by meditation may be called thought children. The soul is
their Father and it will feed them with manna of heaven and clothe them continually with new
substance that they may grow in grace and be a delight and satisfaction to the mind. These
thoughts may be cultivated to such a degree that they will all work together as a united mental
power for good.

Every cell in the human body is the habitation of a thought, and the soul light is also diffused
throughout these physical cells; but this intelligence of the soul cannot express its power
through them until the thoughts become enlightened with soul recognition.

Let the thoughts that now fill the mind and inhabit the body be educated in the knowledge of
Divine Intelligence present within them; let the mind meditate on thoughts of truth until it finds
itself in the cathedral of the soul, and the soul will give its joyous, healing life to every thought and
cell until the aggregate of thoughts and cells is spiritualized to positive harmony. This will give the
soul an instrument on which it may sound any healing tone, and through which it can speak forth
the mighty words of its power to the glorification of the I AM in all beings.


Discord and disease cannot live in heaven, because all beings who have realized that state of
consciousness live in accord with the Divine Intelligence and are transformed by its gracious
wisdom into a form that is perfect and peaceful. Mortals, living in this outer zone of ignorance and
discord, should be taught to turn their desires for healing toward the Fountain of Eternal Life, for
constant experience is proving that the marvelous Spirit of healing responds with mighty
demonstrations to those who persistently turn to it for relief from pain and discord.

What is that Mysterious Power that evolves so much of beauty and intelligence from the crude
forces of nature, that finds its most perfect expression in the more refined nature of the celestial
realms and there transforms every mortal crudity and imperfection into exalted beauty, every
sorrow and pain into joy and peace? What is that transforming Power that redeems, regenerates
and transforms spirits until they perfectly express its goodness and wisdom, and permeates even
this undeveloped world with so much of its life and organizing power that we can never cease
wondering as we sound the depths of its constructive wisdom and ability shown in every particle
of substance? Human language is inadequate to express what that all-embracing Power is. The
simple word God at once names it and does not name it, for the majesty and goodness and glory
revealed to the contemplative mystic on this plane and to the angels in heaven as the
sublime Reality for which that little word stands, cannot be comprehended by the intellect. But
the quality that is Divinity, which heals, redeems and inspires, may be imparted from soul to soul
as a ray of spiritual sunshine; as a quickening, moving tenderness, which vitalizes the nature
with the very essence of Divinity. Once in a while we meet on this plane characters that live and
express the purity, sweetness and strength of Divinity, and we feel that they emit a healing
atmosphere, a holy aura like that of angels. We are soothed and harmonized simply by their
presence, for their souls emanate a healing influence truly angelic, and we are better and
happier for having come in touch with them. Heaven is populated with such souls, and their
charm is the Presence of Divinity, the Spirit of spirits, the Soul of souls, that is visible in
heaven as a Sun of Glory, filling all the celestial abode with blissful, healing radiance.

And the rays of that Divine Sun permeate all space and interpenetrate every substance as the
spirit that forever moves over the "face of the deep", awakening life and intelligence in all
substance, and in us developing a spiritual nature that enables its eternal Consciousness to
become self-conscious in individualized form. Thus have we received from the Ever-Present all
the life and intelligence we have. He, as the impersonal Spirit, has led us all the way, according
as our limited intelligence would allow. Now, if we will look to Him and recognize this mighty truth,
that the Creator, the mighty Former and Lover of souls, is at present a source of unlimited life,
strength and intelligence in us, we shall by this true recognition and the faith and trust in

Omnipotence which evolves from it, come more directly in touch with the healing life of heaven
which is made manifest to all souls that live close to heaven's Heart of Love. How shall we
become attuned to the Creator so as to be healed? By affirming those truths which attune the
mind to the quality of the Mind of the Creator. Affirmation of Divine Truth is the mystic method
that has proved powerful in healing the sick and resurrecting into new light and joy those whom
bitter bereavements and cruel adversities had left crushed and broken-hearted.

Affirmation is the mighty method that stirs up and awakens the latent potentialities of Divinity
within the soul and develops that faith in the unity of the Ever-Present and the soul that is the
most powerful healing force known to man or angels.

There is no limit to the healing power souls may exercise if they cultivate a living faith in the
healing Spirit as ever-present and powerful to alleviate pain and reconstruct the human body
subject to the perfect law of life.

Faith in the Creator and the soul is the vitalized mental force that connects the personality in this
zone of mortality with the angelic realm of Divinity. We are living in a very negative and
discordant mental zone, while perfected beings live in the positive mentality of the Creator, in His
atmosphere, which is radiant with life and joy. By true affirmations we may make our minds more
and more positive until we vibrate in unison with the positive life and joy that not only fills heaven,
but interpenetrates our own atmosphere also.

We come in contact mentally with whatever we think of. To think of the presence of power of the
Creator as a merciful, healing life force is to come in actual mental contact with that presence. To
continue this thought by study and affirmation of healing truth, will attune the mind to harmony
with that beneficent power, lifting it out of the darkness and heaviness of mortal thinking into the
brightness and joy that is the result of thinking the Creator's thoughts after Him. Then we receive
of the light of heaven. He who dwells in this light is nearing perfection. If those who are ill will live
and abide in this light, it will heal all their diseases and crown each life with Godly love.


There is a magic power in music, and musicians should recognize the healing and
soul-awakening powers in all musical tones whether produced by voice or instrument. The
Intelligence of the Omnipresent One can express healing power through musical tones,
and a recognition of this truth will enable this potency of tones to spring forth to meet the need.

Few there be who have not had their emotions played upon by the spirit of music and felt its
uplifting power, as in praise and devotional singing; its inspiration to action, as in the march and
dance; or its quieting, soothing influence when embodying the deeper emotions of the soul.

Music is the most living and potent of the arts. It is alive with the Breath of Divine inspiration and
awaits the recognition of man to reveal to him the magic mystery of tone.

Every created thing has a key-note or basic tone, which, when sounded, will move its every atom
into vibrant accord. The church windows rattle to their tone when it is sounded on the organ, and
the strings of a piano vibrate in sympathy with the voice of a singer. Everything sympathizes with
and responds to its own key-note, and if one would unlock the dormant power in anything, one
must sound the key-note.

Every human being is keyed to a certain physical tone which is the basis of all the cell vibrations.
Every faculty of the mind sounds a mental tone, and the basic desire of all the faculties is the
mind's key-note. The spiritual nature is also a combination of substantial vibrations, whose
key-note is Love, and he who realizes Divine Love will move and awaken all souls, whether the
mind and body are affected or not. Spiritual, mental and physical healing may be accomplished
by the occult power of tones, but in order to heal, one must understand the potencies of
tones on all three planes of being.

Souls are out of harmony with the Creator through the darkness of ignorance that clouds the
world. Minds are out of harmony with the soul's desires or motives. The physical body reflects
the interior discord, with the result that disease and pain exist instead of harmony and health. To
attune souls to Divine Love, to fill minds with the wisdom of love and to restore bodies to a
realization of joyous vitality, is the work of the true healer; and to accomplish this divine mission
he or she must recognize the value and power of the mind and soul, and understand the potency
of words and of mental, soul, and audible tones which bring about these results.

As you learn that the tones of your voice or instrument are living, vibrant forms, endowed with the

intelligence of your thought force, your recognition of this truth will strengthen their spiritual
nature, adding to their quality, intensity and power as they go forth into space.

When you produce an audible tone, it has a body of sound vibrations, and also a spiritual form of
living light, colored according to its quality, and after the physical waves have become inaudible,
the finer vibrations still live in spiritual space and travel forth until, by the law of attraction, they
find lodgment in the spiritual nature of some one of God's children as a quickening seed of new

These emanations of musical tones are often seen by clairvoyants whose spiritual eyes are
open, and they can follow them through the bright or gloomy spaces of spirit life. They are seen
to proceed out from the immediate sphere of production in the form of rays or flowers of every
form and color, separating as their various qualities are attracted to souls in need of that quality.
They carry uplifting light and healing love to the sick and sorrowing souls of mortals.

You, who are a student of music, should realize the good that is being effected by the tones you
produce. Recognize the Divine Intelligence in every tone and you will realize a new inspiration in
your studies. Even the scales and exercises will become alive and interesting to you. You will
enjoy the expression of every detail of musical thought, and you will throw your whole soul into
your art as a means of praise to the Great Emotion of Divine Love, which seeks to reveal its
joyous life in all beings.

Remember, as you play or sing, that you are sending out your joyous feelings and brightening
thoughts to an invisible multitude of weary, darkened, sin-sick souls, some of whom will feel the
interior quickening of your tones. Some of the sorrow will be lifted so that the Angel of Hope can
enter their lives and lead them into the understanding whence your illumined tone proceeded.

You know that the Creator reigns in all the universe, and all cause for evil is disappearing as the
truth becomes known and manifest. You know the truth. Sing it, speak it, and play it in musical
tones until you become radiant with the joy-giving knowledge, until your thoughts and feelings
are attuned to the living truth. The Ever-present is at the center of all life, reaching out through
rays of love to uplift and comfort. His Presence is here, dissolving all fear, condemnation, sin,
disease and poverty, as His children become conscious, by faith, of His power.

Intone the "glad tidings of great joy" until, in the fervor of your devotion, you feel that the Spirit of
the Ever-present is upon you, and you have become a joyous tone of everlasting life and light to
all your world, visible and invisible.


Faith is the most powerful mental force that the human mind can generate.

Faith, founded upon the underlying principles of the Divine Mind – Love, Wisdom and Power –
the Truth – becomes a mental form of these mental principles and embodies their supreme

True faith is generated by the human brain through study and thought of divine principles. It is
made more cohesive and intense by positive affirmation of the truth of these principles.

Each single thought unites with every other thought to form a body of thought which is a form of
faith, and after this body of thought has become a cohesive form, it will be quickened by the Spirit
of Truth and grow from the infancy of trust in the Creator to the maturity of power and executive
of the Creator's Will.

Every created thing is the positive vibration of thought or mind, expressing through and
controlling the negative vibrations called matter. The physical tone of everything expresses the
quality of its mind. If it is low in the order of evolution, it will have but little mental force and a very
simple organism. If it is of gross mental development, the body will be gross also. The higher the
degree of mental development, the more complex and perfect the physical organism.

Thought and words are creative causes. They can cause good or evil conditions, according to
their quality. When they are founded on the Truth and express the mighty Causative power of the
Ever-present, they manifest as a miraculous power for good, for they can control all lesser
causes and compel them to manifest good.

Thus, by the word of Truth, all who have had faith have changed pain to peace, poverty to riches,
sickness to health, and death to life.

There is a perpetual sublimation and rare faction of elements and forces throughout all nature.
The lowest and most inert activities of nature are called matter, while the most intelligent and the
highest evolved of all nature's forces are called mind. But these are all one force or power in
various degrees of progressive development. As the highest evolved force is the most
attenuated, it therefore penetrates every other force in existence, and by its intensity becomes
the predominating cause of causes. The forces which emanate from the sublime degree of the
Mind of nature are the supreme cause of nature's endless evolutions, and by the power of their
Omnipresent Intelligence, they create divine order and harmony.

All of manifested nature is, therefore, interpenetrated by a subtle spiritual force which is the
Divine Intelligence called Jehovih.

All who have evolved to the comprehension of this Divine realm, and have appropriated and
embodied this Cause of causes to the degree that they are consciously master of all lower
causes, have reached the Etherean State and are called Gods or Goddesses, for they are the
highest power Jehovih has expressed.


Supreme faith comes as a result of the unfolding of intuition. As we study and think of the deep
principles of life and love, the intellect becomes brighter, and the heart is wedded to it in the
fervor of its passion for the Truth, and from the blending of heart and intellect that luminous
consciousness called intuition is born. When this divine faculty is born into the mortal mind, then
we are consciously joined to the Divine Mind, the Source of all virtue and wisdom.

We are always in contact with this Divine Source, but we are not always conscious of it.

As the faculty of intuition becomes well developed, the light of faith leads us toward shining
heights of wisdom. The advance light of faith makes straight the mental paths in the wilderness
of mortal thought and illuminates all darkness. Intuition sheds its bright light ahead of itself, into
the mind, from its more rarefied degree of consciousness, and this light is called faith. Faith is the
effect; intuition from the Ever-present is the cause. It is not the light by which the eyes perceive
material objects; it is the light by means of which the mind sees the eternal verities. In the light
of faith the mind sees the bounty of the Creator in the midst of apparent poverty. It is the very
"substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" by the mortal senses. In it the
health and perfection of the soul are revealed, and by its shining, pain and disease are dissolved,
and the body takes on the beauty and harmony of the soul.

Even death yields its victory, and sorrow lays aside her garments of mourning as the light of faith
reveals space inhabited by celestial beings who have passed from the darkness of earth to the
brightness of heaven.

"This is the victory

That hath overcome the world,
Even our faith."

As the billows of darkness – waves of turbulent mortal thought – roll over us, they are broken and
scattered by the clear, steady light that shines out from the steadfast, undauntable faith. We are
poised in a consciousness of eternal, immovable power, and we feel that "This rock shall fly from
its firm base as soon as I."

"Whatsoever is born of God

Overcometh the world."

If we follow the guidance of the Divine Intelligence as it becomes manifest through intuition, we
shall be led into more harmonious paths. With the vitalizing truth that springs from within the soul
we can meet and overcome every obstacle, for we are united to omniscient Intelligence and
omnipresent Power.

The great prophets tried at all times to inspire their followers with faith. Through it all good can be
accomplished, for it is a refined and positive agent of the God-Power. Its action is positive and its
evidence is in accordance with its Divine origin. Through it we gain the highest truth; for through
it we rely on the ever-present Divine Wisdom which feeds our lives constantly from an unbroken
stream of intelligent power. Through this faith and reliance, our lives become founded on the
Rock of Eternal Truth, and we live in communion with the original Source of life, gaining
knowledge from the Fount of Wisdom, the Father-Mother Creator.


The development of the intuitive faculties is the highest form of self-culture. The clear light of
faith illuminating the mind is the dawn of intuition, as the rays of the rising sun are thrown on the
mountain top in advance of its full glory.

Intuition is the open doorway between the Mind, which is of the Creator and the Mind's external
expression, which is man. Faith is that premonition of intuitive truth which makes itself felt before
we become acquainted with the true character of intuition; before we know we have the soul of
all truth within us, simply awaiting recognition before manifesting itself as the life of our life, the
fountainhead of our existence, from which we draw all life and knowledge.

Faith is the connecting link between the interior man, which is Creator-manifest Intuition, and the
exterior, which is man's visible presence. It is through faith that we make the unifying link, which
is to come into understanding of the fact that we are all mind from our intuitive Ever-present
source, clear through our physical organism, to and including the very bones.

Exercise your faith by affirming your unity with all life and power.

When one truth comes to you, it leaves the door open for the entrance of another, which will
quickly follow the fount of intuition, the Ever-present Voice speaking within one's soul.

Affirm :

All good is mine through my unity with all.

I can have health because the power dwells within me to compel the perfect action, in unity, of
every function of my body. I realize that by utilizing my unlimited power, I can banish all negative

I have no fear.

The Almighty manifested me.

His life flows through me.

I will cooperate with His life and prove my oneness with Him by Manifesting perfect life.


Understanding is not merely an intellectual comprehension of the truth of omnipresent Life, but
an organic comprehension, which means the blending of body and mind into a unit in the
thought, the realization that body and mind are one living intelligence called mind. This
comprehension is the atonement by which you are made whole.

You begin to realize vitality the moment you consciously recognize the great fact that your
physical body is organized vital mind substance and is now united with all the vitality of the
universal Mind. There is nothing in your body or in the universe but Mind. To know that your
physical mind and the Mind of the universe are now united, is to know the truth that constitutes
the atonement, the truth that saves and heals both mind and body.

You now accept and hold firmly to the following truths and from your faith there is born an inner
feeling of the presence of divine life and strength. From this faith intuition is born, which is a
Fountain of Life in you, and from this Fountain you can draw unlimited energy. Thus
understanding and health will be the reward of your faith.


I am alive in the infinite Mind.

I feel that I am one with the Spirit of Life.

I have faith in the healing mind in my body.

I must express the health of the divine Life.

Omnipotent Life forces me to be healthy and perfect.

All beliefs in the absence of Life are dissolved.

I am now being restored to my perfect nature by my faith in the Omnipresence of Life.

All is Life.


Faith is the life of your soul and the substance of your spiritual nature.

Were I in any condition of poverty or disease, I should hold fast to my faith in the Healing
Ever-Presence, no matter what the appearances or how long the darksome way seemed.

I have learned that there are conditions to be met by the Spirit in its healing ministry that few on
the earth can understand. Patience is one of the elements of success. When the Spirit can align
all things to the Ray of Power, then will its electric energy do the work.

Your faith is an aid in connecting the wires, as it were, through which the healing power will flow
to you.

There is much to hope for through faith. Without faith we have no spiritual wealth and can expect
none. Therefore, face all appearances with undaunted faith in the Goodness of Omnipotence
and trust the Creator.


Prayer is of little benefit unless you make the right receptivity. Faith and trust are necessary
conditions. Worry hinders the Spirit's action in us and for us. The right mental attitude is as
necessary for the influx of healing force as the wire is necessary to the flow of electricity.

No matter how small your faith, it can be increased by desire or prayer. Experiences will come
that will increase its activity in your mind. This faculty gains life and power as you commune with
the Ever-present in silence.

The greatest silence you can enter is the state of prayer and devotion in which, whether you are
using audible or silent expressions, or merely being in His Presence, you are inbreathing His Life
and Wisdom.

I have faith in eternal Love that gave my being birth.

I have faith in the love of the Eternal, which restores my soul to power.

I have faith in my perfect soul, which is all joy and strength in the consciousness of eternal Life.

My spirit is inspired by faith in the I AM.


In the depth of your being there is a power divine that can touch the stars or fathom the sea, and
bring to you the essence of health. Your soul is that power which contains the germs of all
possibilities, and these words are written to arouse your faith in its healing ability. You are
conscious of about one per cent of your power and intelligence. Ninety-nine per cent of
power and intelligence exists in the subconscious and supraconscious states of mind – in your
soul. You are so absorbed in the limited mortal intelligence that you have failed to realize the
depths of power and the heights of intelligence that lie so close to hand. You have even doubted
the existence of the immortal range of your existence.

Rest now and be still, and let me tell you the truth of your immortal Self, the real You. If you listen
in the right spirit, you will feel what many individuals have felt, the stirring and awakening of the
inner soul-nature.

YOUR SOUL IS GOD-BORN. It is power, and that power responds to words of faith and
appreciation. Listen with all your soul and feel the awakening power.

YOU ARE A SOUL OF JOY. The joy of birds and bees and the active life of all creation are but
the overtones in the symphony of the Infinite Creator, who radiates new glories of wisdom and
bliss each moment to the farthest stretches of existence. Your soul can feel these tones of light
and joy and be harmonized now in accord with the music of the Divine Life which is health and
peace. Be still and feel the peace and joy of the inner universe of Divine Feeling and your fears
and worries will fade and all your flesh will rejoice in the realization of the healing Spirit of Life.

YOUR SOUL IS A SPIRIT OF LIGHT. Be still, know this truth and let it shine. Its light will dissolve
the darkness and depression of your mortal mind and inspire you with faith, hope, confidence
and power to conquer; for it feels the pulsations of power from the Central Dynamo and knows
the Light which is beyond the comprehension of the mortal consciousness. You can feel the
surgings of this Inner Power, and as you feel them, you will bow in humility and adoration
before the majesty of the Divinity enshrined in your soul.

If you have not felt this power of your inner Self, if you have not sensed the All Light that radiates
from the Divine within, you have not begun to live in awareness of immortal things. You will feel
this new birth when the animal impulses in the stable of your nature are asleep. This new
child-consciousness in you will lift you up and save you from your sins and heal you of their
results, for you will no longer identify yourself with the mortal, because you will know, by

spiritual conviction that no mind can controvert, that you are an immortal Self, standing in the
midst of eternal laws and forces, which you can wield and direct to the accomplishment of your
soul's true destiny.

YOUR SOUL IS NOW POISED IN OMNIPOTENCE. It is a magnet for power, drawing to itself the
wisdom, love and joy of Infinite Life. Recognize this wonderful power of your soul and it will
clothe you with its benediction of light and pervade your flesh with healing life. Your soul is now
drawing physical vitality from the physical realm of life. It is supplying you with mental force and
vigor from the spiritual realm of mind, and it is penetrating into the inmost states of soul
substance and drawing to you the essence of Divinity.

Believe in the individuality of your soul. Recognize its power to search what to you is an invisible
and unknowable realm, and trust it to bring to you the health and wisdom you crave. It is a mighty
organizer, working most powerfully while you sleep. Have faith in its organizing power and expect
it to dissolve the causes of disease from your mind and body, and reorganize your nature after
the hidden pattern of Divine Perfection.



We would covenant with Thee that in all our ways Thou wilt guide, direct and bless. May the
compulsion of Love tune our hearts to perfectly accord with the law of good that all covenants
may be fulfilled according to Thy conscious will, for only in the purity of Thy Majestic Presence do
we realize perfected love. Thou art the Only One – Jehovih.

Let us recognize ourselves in the power of such a mighty individuality that no power can rob us
of even the least thought we have made manifest from the Ocean of Thought. The more firmly
we stand by our individuality, the more perfectly do we cooperate with the Creator's will in making
His life visible.

Faith and trust are potent forces, and especially so when wedded to intelligent activity.

You are the business partner of Omnipotence. Omnipotence furnishes the strength and you do
the work. You need the Creator's strength and wisdom. The Creator needs your experience and
executive power in your sphere of activity.

I am one with the Ever-present.

I am one with the great life principle.

I am one with eternal vitality.

I am almighty energy.

My faith makes me whole.

I abide in the Divine Mind.

I live in the tone of the Infinite One.

Every part of my body vibrates to the music of the spheres.

I am the spoken Word of almighty power.

The I AM created me, gave me His life and made me one with Him. I now claim His strength and

I am the life that flows from the I AM.

My mind yields strength to every organ of my body.


LIFE is nothing less than the individual unfoldment of the Mind of the Creator, or the intelligence
of Jehovih made manifest or visible in individuals. Marred and blemished as in our ignorance life
seems to us, yet a fuller understanding of it will show us that it is our never-ending glory, most
inestimable boon.

I have never valued life as I do now when I see how accessible Divine Intelligence is and how it
may be realized and lived until the very remembrance of our previous ignorant beliefs in sin,
sickness, poverty and death will have vanished from our minds. Divine Intelligence is ours with
which to cleanse, enlighten, purify and beautify ourselves, all through our effort to overcome
unbelief and false beliefs, first by denial, and then appropriating Good by affirmation. And this
effect is not merely to manifest itself in our internal lives, but in our external lives also; for body
and mind ARE ONE. Knowing that fact, we declare that the improvement of the mind guarantees
the improvement of the body.

You are now in the conscious recognition that as you are all Mind, there is nothing mortal or
perishable about you. As you understand this you will shed the exhausted or devitalized atoms
that you no longer need, leaving the deadness of old conditions as you partake of the vitality of
the new conditions unfolding in your life.







You can develop soul strength in your own interior by affirmative prayer. Your soul is divine
because it is one with the infinite Spirit. If you will cultivate your spiritual nature and allow the soul
sense to be opened, the divine Light will illumine your soul and through this Light the soul can
reveal its wisdom and strength to you. In these luminous moments when the spiritual sense is
receiving from the soul, you will realize that this transcends all physical sense and lifts the mind
above the limitations of the intellect. In so far as you are able to rise above the physical sense
and intellect, you will realize the close relation between your life and infinite Life. Then you will
see the necessity of keeping yourself in such close rapport with it that its Light Divine cannot be
hidden. The ideal of attainment is reached when the Voice of your Creator is never hushed by the
turmoil of the earth plane. As you listen to and follow its guidance, it will draw so near that you will
feel the powerful illumination of the Father's Wisdom. As you realize and live in this divine state,
you will feel constantly the heavenly Presence. Then you draw strength from within as well as
from nature. You must have absolute confidence in the Divine Power. Through your trust and
faith you can attain to mastery. Never let your hope, faith or courage fail even should you not
seem to attract all you desire. Be patient and faithful, for hope and courage are the parents of
health, strength and success.

I pray Thee, O Omnipotent Presence, touch my faith with the vigor of Thy Mighty Mind that my
strength may be increased and I may express the full vigor of my soul. Help me to incorporate
Thy strength in this physical temple. Attune my mind to the realm of courage, faith and joy that I
may show forth Thy goodness and power in health of body and constant peace of mind.


Cultivate your faith and give the divine influx an opportunity to work. Through your desire and
invitation, the divine influx will enter your nature and give vital force of wondrous power in healing.
The more fully the mind is opened toward Jehovih in perfect faith and devotion, the greater is the
realization of healing. This is the case where healing is instantaneous, for by the intensity of faith
all elements of mind and time are overcome. I know of a case where a" cancer was eliminated
from the body by the great devotion and faith of a simple-minded woman who lived in a state of
constant trust and expectancy until the growth gradually disappeared. There must be no
wavering in the belief in the presence of the healing power. Through constant practice of
affirmative prayer, the mind will be polarized to a holy, calm desire, an intense, expectant attitude,
undisturbed by material thoughts.

This attitude of mind invites and attracts. The wondrous healing power flows through this open
channel. Such devotees live for the time being in their invisible thought world, praying, hoping
and expecting that the holy healing prayer will actualize in their bodies, and in many instances
the heart of the Ever-present is touched. The vacuum in their bodies is filled from the unbounded
flow of the universal life essence that enters the soul with the magical thrill of its wholeness and

Use the following affirmative prayer:

MIGHTY SPIRIT! In Thy strength I am strong. In Thy healing atmosphere I 'am realizing health.
From Thy vital. Spirit flows the vigor that my body needs.

I rejoice in Thy strength.

I am filled with Thy unlimited energy. I have faith now in the change that Thy Spirit is bringing
about in my character and its external form.

Thy perfection is the pattern that molds my nature and satisfies my desire.

I am satisfied as I awake in Thy likeness of' health and strength.


The body is obedient to thought. The cells of the body can only obey the mental forces that form
them. They have their present form because they express that mental type. Every natural form in
the universe expresses its mental character. A ferocious nature always looks ferocious, whether
it appears in animal or human form. The heart beats in accord with the feelings, and the lungs
breathe in sympathy with the thought, and the chemicals formed by the organs are healthy or
poisonous, according to the state of mental activity. As you are all mind, your beliefs and mental
states are real conditions which cause and cure disease. Your beliefs about the awfulness of sin,
the power of sickness, the hopelessness of death, the certainty of poverty, and all other
depressing thoughts, are the mental conditions that depress the physical functions and produce
disease. These beliefs must be changed by the knowledge of the omnipresence of Good if your
body is to show forth the vitality of a healthy mind. Change your mind and your body will change,
because it can only express what you think and feel.


You are one with His bountiful life which can heal every physical condition. You are one with His
eternal Life and your mind will never die. Through faith in His bounty all good can come to you.
Believe that you are ONE with His pure, free Mind and be saved from the ·hell that your false
beliefs have made for you – the only hell there is. Salvation is by faith. Faith in what? The truth
that only Good exists as a permanent reality, that there is only ONE MIND in and all about you.
All will eventually be saved from the hell of this world's crude beliefs through recognizing the truth
that all souls are one in the universal Mind of the All One.

This is true because faith is an actual connecting link between the Creator and man. We walk by
faith until we reach understanding and then we know that Life is omnipresent because we feel its
power and heal the pervading our being. We know we cannot be separated from divine Life. We
have scaled another 'height, and we stand on the summit of another mountain range of thought,
higher and happier than we have ever been before.

The truth uplifts the mind. There is no greater joy than that from the birth of a new truth in our
organization. After you have realized the truth of omnipresent Life, you will be ready to
investigate other truths in which faith will again illuminate your way, for faith in the possibility of
your attainments will never die. All through the great forever faith will be your prophet and guide.
It leads your mind constantly in the direction of understanding. Understanding will never finish
her perfect work. To be at once and forever in the understanding of all truth would be to be as a
god in the entirety of the infinite Mind. We are individualized forms of knowledge. We are limited
by our individual beliefs. We are passengers through the wonderful universe of Wisdom,
traveling as fast as our beliefs expand through recognition of truth. And it is in this constant
expansion of mind that we shall find our heaven. "Heaven is within." Heaven is the unfoldment of
our faculties to the perception of new truth. As we perceive new truth, we make it manifest; thus
externalizing Wisdom and forming heaven about us as we progress in our unfoldment.


As my body shows forth in form and texture the quality and state of my mind, I can change my
body by changing my mind.

I dissolve the mental appearances called disease and pain.

I recognize the present purity and perfection of my soul nature and by faith and love I will show
the perfect quality of spirit in physical form.

All changing power is my recognition of the Divine Presence within.

I recognize and feel that I am now a perfect soul of love and wisdom.

I am continually receiving letters from those who mourn because their friends have journeyed
into the realm invisible. This is the great journey that all must take, and we should not feel any
more disturbance over it if we trusted our Creator than we do when our friends make a journey of
a thousand miles on the earth plane. It is true, they cannot return to us in their physical bodies,
but all spirits will meet in a little while in that land where there are no partings.

We should not expect our friends to manifest to us in spirit immediately after their entrance into
the new life, because they need to rest and prepare for work in that wider realm of spiritual
endeavor. They must learn the conditions of life in the new land, and when they become strong,
they can use the spiritual power of thought to help us overcome physical conditions.

When they first pass out of their mortal bodies, we can help their spirits to gain strength by
holding affirmations of strength for them just as if they were still in the body. They are as close to
us in the universal Mind as ever, and our minds can commune and give and receive blessings
through the far-reaching power of thought. There cannot be any loss, because our minds will
always be united, and as we go forward in this faith, we shall often feel the strengthening thought
and encouraging presence of our beloved.

I can feel only soul joy over the release of a spirit from disabling physical conditions. I have seen
the power of the Spirit exercised in behalf of those passing through a trying period of loss, so that
they were astonished at the way their minds were held in Divine Peace, above the waves of
mortal sorrow. They had a vivid consciousness of the truth that ALL IS WELL because their
beloved were still in the arms of Eternal Love.

There is no awful journey past the portals of death.

We do not die. I know we do not die. I have realized that death is but as a sleep and an
awakening. We merely wake up to a larger consciousness, as the child at birth wakes up to a
greater expression of life. We are merely reborn into a new world, circumstances and people.

There are no terrors and temptations waiting to destroy the soul.

As you awaken to the Truth, which is the great Reality hidden in all things – the mighty Power
vested in your own individuality – you will recognize that 'you have passed through the mirage of
ignorance which was unreal from beginning to end. You will no longer be bound by the belief that
disease is greater than the healing power in your own nature. The great possibilities of God-like
nature in you and around you will be revealed to you, and you will feel that you are a soul of
unlimited power.

Your beliefs, which are the beliefs of the race, and the limited state of humanity, have hypnotized
you into the feeling of being bound when you are free, like the elephant that from habit continues
to stand in the place where formerly he was chained. You have not tried to overcome because
you had no incentive to action in the form of knowledge of your inherent power.

Now you begin to demonstrate your power over your flesh and fortune. In this Light, you see that
the Creator includes not only all possibility, but also all organizations of life; for individuality is a
state or form of His Essence. Thus you see that God is at once both unindividualized and
unlimited in the possibilities of His Essence, and individualized in forms according to the degree
of development of each. Now you begin to feel the reality of the Ever-present; you feel the
omnipotent necessity of His nature which compels Him to express and grow in you toward
perfection. You feel faith in this invincible necessity of the Creator's nature, which does not ask
you whether or not you will express Him, but forces you to live His Being, because there is no
other Being for you to live. Your nature has tried to wrong itself and others by false thoughts and
activities, thus hiding from your consciousness the glory of the Reality of Purity and Perfection
that lives undiscouraged and undaunted at the center of your life.

You now know with the full assurance of a child of the Great Spirit:


You will not let this mighty truth fade from your consciousness:


Your soul has been yearning and stretching forth its spiritual hands to find the Source, and now it
has touched to some degree His essence of love and power.

You feel that your soul is filled with Light, and as you study Truth, your mortal understanding
grows clearer and you know that this Truth was meant to come to you while you were in the body,
that its power might be organized into your personality.

The Light of Truth has lifted your consciousness into the positive realm of Life. Your nature is like
a dynamo that exists to generate life and make the unlimited possibilities of the Ever present’s
life visible

You are saturated with life; and every organ in your body is intelligently performing its part in the
great work of evolving life.

Your mind is illuminated by the perception of the Mighty Essence of Life that invigorates
existence with the joy of living. You speak forth words of life that vibrate with healing power. Your
body can show forth nothing but perfect life because your false beliefs are fading, and you know
that in the whole vast universe there is nothing to render to the vision of mankind but the Law of
Life. Your being springs from the Great Spirit, who is the Fountain of Love and eternal Life.

Your soul can never die or in any way, nor become extinct, because the I AM is its life.— It is an
expression of the Living Presence and was sent forth on a mission of endless life. Your soul is a
constantly growing and expanding Germ of Divine origin. It lives its way through the mighty
universe, and no mistakes of the body can interfere with its existence. Even the errors and false
beliefs in which it becomes involved in its earthly journey are, in the end, a forcible impetus
propelling it forward in the way of life. Death comes to the body and not to the soul.

Nothing can quench, and no belief of the mortal world can change the Law, which is everlasting
and unlimited Life. The world's beliefs of loss, disease, and death have beaten their illusive
strength against the Law of Life for ages, but the 'Mighty Truth has uncovered the Reality, and we
see that Eternal Life stands serene and untouched as the unchanging reality that fades not away

You are now divinely blessed with the realization of Eternal Life.

The above decree should be declared audibly and silently whenever it enters the mind.

The silent mental atmosphere about us awaits our word and begins to vibrate when we speak
forth our decree of what we conceive from the Will of the Creator.

"In the beginning was the Logos." The Logos, or Word, is the creative power, and it is active
through the soul of man. The soul, as it becomes perfect in expression, vibrates in unison with
the tone or character of the Ever-present and this tone is the sound or voice of that Spirit which
has creative power in decreeing the will of the I AM.

"When a will modifies the world, there is Logos speaking."

The inner soul tone or Word of the Ever-present finds expression through thought vibrations, and
then through sound vibrations into the physical realm. Each mind is sustaining a tone quality
every moment, and its influence on the universal Mind is destructive or constructive as the
character is peaceful and harmonious or disturbed and passionate. The vibratory tone of thought
is qualified and made powerful, as the tone of the soul finds expression through the thought
atmosphere. The real occult power of thought is derived from the power of Divinity that the soul

The vibrations of your character, and the words that you utter, have power to change things.
They. set up vibrations in the mental realm that affect minds and inspire new modes of action.
Have faith in your words, and speak no words that you do not want to see as living things in your
life. As the majority of humanity are moved by whatever impulses happen to enter their
subconscious nature, we will make decrees that shall enter their minds with positive power and
move them to good. When we see that a thing ought to be done, we will decree that it shall be
done, and our words will grow in power and in fruitage of good thoughts they will be fulfilled. Thus
we shall silently right many wrongs and inspire many good deeds and protect many from evil as
we become established in the conscious exercise of our soul power as the Word of the I AM.

There is a state of Divine Consciousness which. is perfection. There is a realm where the love,
wisdom and all other attributes of Divinity are so harmoniously blended that to the perceptive
sense of the soul all is perfect. In that realm all substance has become so spiritual in its
refinement that it responds most perfectly to the Will of Divinity, expressing in beauty of form and
luminous grace the highest degree of intelligence. In the ideal realm all is order and perfection.
That realm is within and around us.

Order is heaven's first law because the Will of Divinity arranges all things according to Wisdom
which could not create imperfection.

Every mind may see the beauty of that Wisdom and feel the power of Will which inspires to

The ideal realm contains the fullness of divine power. From thence it flows through souls and
human minds into the world of crude forces and brings them more and more to express

All power is actively engaged in transforming all substance in an effort to manifest more and
more of perfection.

Omnipotence is now working in and through my nature to transform it into the image of

I have faith in the activity of this living power. My faith is an aid to its manifestation.

The purpose of life is a perfect creation. I have faith in the purpose of life. By faith I cooperate to
bring forth this Divine Purpose.

I recognize Divine Perfection as the all of power in this Presence. I deny from my mind every
belief in imperfection.

All power here is Perfection.

There is nothing in this Presence but Perfection. The radiant light of Perfection dissolves all
weakness, sin and imperfection from this Presence.
My mind has become one with the Consciousness of Perfection, and I can know and feel only
perfection as the reigning power of my being.

We must ever remember that our salvation and immortality depend not on a truth that WAS or
WILL BE, but on an ETERNAL TRUTH that is, and has now the same inherent potency that it
had in the past. Our immortality depends on the truth that THE CREATOR IS IMMORTAL AND
HIS EVERPRESENCE IS THE LIFE IN US. We know that everything mortal shall die or pass
away into oblivion. All those parts of the mind that sin shall "die", and they "die daily". Death does
not cease with the death of the body. The mind or spirit of man continues to "die daily" in his
spiritual home as he lays aside things of mortality. We have formed a false idea of the word
"death". It means transformation and growth into something better and finer, as the death of the
se ed that falls into the soil illustrates. All depends on the point of view. If we look at the universe
from the material point of view, we behold universal carnage and slaughter. It seems that God
delights in the death of things, for the slain are on every hand, in every department of nature. It
makes a ghastly picture. But the spiritual point of view reveals one great life working ceaselessly
and intelligently to change, transform and glorify, ever seeking to make more perfect expressions
of itself. This is the only true view-point as it reveals an everlasting Purpose at work, an
ever-active Will that is never satisfied with its creation, but which ever seeks to make it better,
greater and more complete through the manifestation of Infinite Intelligence.

I am not weighed down by the cares of material life.

I am an emancipated spirit, made free from sense limitations by an awareness of the

Ever-present Great Spirit.

No thing or thought can interfere with the free flowing spring of joy that rises in my soul from the
life of Divinity. The Creator is Joy and to the perception of His infinite Soul there is no reason for
sorrow or suffering. He is the Truth and sees the truth which is hidden to the sight of mortals,
hence their lack of joy.

I rejoice in the truth that the Creator's purposes for my soul cannot be thwarted.

I live in the bliss of His infinite Presence while time unfolds the possibilities and powers of my


I am eternal youth. I am not wearied by the passing years. Their cares and sorrows pass from
memory as a dream forgotten and leave no markings on my mind. I am the consciousness of
everlasting being that calmly contemplates the passing panorama of events undisturbed by
transient experiences.

I am superior to time and change because I am a soul of the Eternal.

Be not cast down a mind of mine, for I will lift thee to heights of joy undreamed of, through the
power of my immortal spirit. Only for a time shall we wear the guise of mortal limitation and then,
when earth's lessons are learned, we shall be free to learn the more glorious lessons of a
heavenly sphere, where we shall stand in the unclouded brightness of the sun of Righteousness
and know no more the weariness and darkness of earth.


FATHER-MOTHER of Angels and Spirits:

Send Thy holy angels to bear this passing soul to its resting-place in the abode of the blessed.
Thou hast prepared a place for it where it may abide in peace while being cleansed of the
disturbing sense of physical limitations. Thy light shining upon it now from the realm immortal,
dissolves all fear and awakens within it a mighty joy as it realizes that the bright shore of its
divine home welcomes it to rest in peace after all its struggle in this "far country" of earth.
Through Thy ministering spirits Thou wilt feed it with the words of Truth, which are the substance
of immortal life. Thou wilt teach it and renew it daily with Thy divine power. Thou wilt mercifully
unfold its latent powers to behold greater and greater revelations of truth in Thy eternal light, and
it will ever know that it is one with Thee through all its experiences in realms of life.

Oh Creator, through soul intuition and true faith I know all is well with this soul. I banish all
feelings of loss and sorrow which have their rise in ignorance of the mercy and truth of Thy
immortal Presence. Through the eyes of faith I see bright realms aglow with the radiance of
immortal spirits who live in Thy eternal life, and with them I rejoice that the burdens of earth need
no longer be carried by this beloved one, who casts aside the weight of years to wing its way into
the luminous atmosphere of divine freedom. Father, let some of its exalted joy be wafted back to
me as I patiently abide in Thy inner grace until my work here is finished and I, too, can fling aside
the heaviness of earth to realize the freedom and joy of a spirit of eternal youth.

My soul adores the Supreme Being. Through cultivating the faculty of veneration I can gain the
highest, holiest pleasure obtainable by man, and I shall realize the benefits of close communion
with the Ever-present.

I will enthrone the Creator in my soul and make His worship my chief duty as a means to attain
perfection. I will cultivate fervency and faithfulness in prayer.

The Great Spirit is the center of all my hope, love and aspiration. I worship Him in spirit and in
truth. I desire to express His perfect qualities and grow in the power of His Presence throughout

Contemplation of the Infinite One does not weigh me with the sense of unworthiness or
self-abasement, because I realize that it is the Creator's mind in me that comprehends the
Creator in the whole. I cannot feel vile or sinful or guilty before Omnipotence, as I realize that
such feelings are but the vanity of mortal egotism. I do not dread divine wrath, for I know and
feel that the Great Spirit is love. I am purified and redeemed by the greatness and power of His
Love and the Light of His Love dissolves all feelings of religious gloom and melancholy and all
ideas of future punishment and suffering.

Omnipresence! Let a Ray of Thy serene Light penetrate this most exalted faculty of worship and
quicken it with spiritual life that I may have the joy of communion with Thee.

Help me to realize that Thou art my Father and my Friend, one with my soul, and yet so superior
in Thy wisdom and power that I can, as a little child, look up to Thee in confidence and love, and
trust to Thy abounding goodness.

The End


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