Ubc 2010 Fall Slesinger Nathan
Ubc 2010 Fall Slesinger Nathan
Ubc 2010 Fall Slesinger Nathan
Matrix Composites
(Materials Engineering)
July 2010
Nathan Avery Slesinger, 2010
Process modeling is becoming a widely-accepted tool to reduce the time, cost, and risk in
producing increasingly large and complicated composite structures. Process modeling reduces
the need for physical parts, as it is not practical or economical to design and fabricate large
composite structures using a trial-and-error approach.
manufacturing process, and thus of process models, is the thermal history of the composite part
during cure. Improperly curing the composite part will compromise its mechanical properties.
Consequently, proper validation of the thermal model input parameters is critical, since the
simulation output depends on the accuracy of the input. However, there are no standard methods
to validate thermal process model input parameters.
In this work, repeatable and robust methods were developed to isolate and validate the
conductive heat transfer, thermochemical, and convective heat transfer sub-models.
validating the sub-models, the uncertainty of the complete thermal simulation was significantly
reduced. Conductive and thermochemical material models were validated by comparing the
thermal response of a material surrounded by rubber bricks to a 1-D simulation of the same
materials. Four composite prepreg systems and their respective material models were tested,
with agreement ranging from excellent (errors less than 1.0 C) to poor (errors greater than 5.0
Calorimetery, visual monitoring, and CFD were used to characterize the convective heat transfer
environment inside the UBC autoclave.
understand the capabilities and limitations of the autoclave. Local variations in airflow patterns
and heat transfer coefficients showed that heat transfer can be highly variable in an individual
piece of equipment.
The developed methods can be used individually, or in combination, to validate thermal models
and reduce uncertainties associated with the cure of composites. With further refinement, the
demonstrated methods can be developed into validation standards for thermal modeling of
composite materials.
The work that appears in this thesis is that of the author. However, some of the material in this
thesis has been reproduced and/or adapted from previously published papers. This author was
the primary author of all of the papers, and said papers were based off of this authors work.
This author would like to acknowledge Abdul Arafath and Takayuki Shimizu for helping to
develop the HTC measurement techniques and editing the 2009 paper. Also, acknowledgement
is due to Anoush Poursartip and Gran Fernlund for their assistance in writing and editing final
drafts of the 2010 papers. The publications are:
Slesinger, N., Shimizu, T., Arafath, A.R.A, Poursartip, A. (2009). Heat Transfer Coefficient
Distribution Inside and Autoclave. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, July
2009, Edinburgh, UK.
Slesinger, N., Fernlund, G., Poursartip, A. Development of a Test Method to Validate Cure
Kinetics Models Used in Process Simulation. (2010). 2010 SAMPE Spring Conference, May
2010, Seattle, WA.
Slesinger, N., Fernlund, G., Poursartip, A. Simple Visualization of Autoclave Airflow Using
Wireless Cameras. (2010) 2010 SAMPE Spring Conference, May 2010, Seattle, WA.
Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Preface............................................................................................................................................ iii
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. vi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii
Nomenclature................................................................................................................................ xii
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................... xiii
Dedication .................................................................................................................................... xiv
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1
Scope and Objectives...................................................................................................... 2
Background ............................................................................................................................. 3
Thermal Modeling of Composites .................................................................................. 4
Conductive Heat Transfer ....................................................................................... 5
Thermochemical Model .......................................................................................... 8
Convective Heat Transfer ..................................................................................... 11
Radiation Heat Transfer........................................................................................ 15
Autoclave Characterization........................................................................................... 15
Airflow Characterization ...................................................................................... 16
Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement............................................................... 17
Summary ....................................................................................................................... 18
1-D Thermal Test Calibration and Validation ...................................................................... 20
Surface Temperature Measurement .............................................................................. 20
Methods................................................................................................................. 20
Results and Discussion ......................................................................................... 22
1-D Test Validation....................................................................................................... 28
Methods................................................................................................................. 28
Results and Discussion ......................................................................................... 30
Summary ....................................................................................................................... 41
Thermochemical Model Validation ...................................................................................... 43
Thermochemical Model Validation - Methods............................................................. 43
Results and Discussion ................................................................................................. 43
ACG CF2426A/MTM45-1 ................................................................................... 43
Hexcel AS4/8552 .................................................................................................. 51
Toray T800H/3900-2 ............................................................................................ 58
Toray T700/2510 .................................................................................................. 64
Summary ....................................................................................................................... 69
Autoclave Characterization and Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement ........................... 72
Visual Monitoring......................................................................................................... 72
Methods................................................................................................................. 72
Results and Discussion ......................................................................................... 74
Simulation ..................................................................................................................... 80
Simulation ............................................................................................................. 80
Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement....................................................................... 82
Temperature Field......................................................................................................... 93
Summary ....................................................................................................................... 95
Summary, Conclusions and Future Work............................................................................. 97
Conclusions................................................................................................................... 97
Future Work .................................................................................................................. 98
References..................................................................................................................................... 99
Appendix A - Process Maps ....................................................................................................... 106
Appendix B - KE1204 Brick Fabrication ................................................................................... 109
Appendix C - DSC Results ......................................................................................................... 110
Appendix D - Conductive Validation Test Procedure ................................................................ 112
Appendix E - Thermochemical Validation Test Procedure........................................................ 114
Appendix F - 1-D vs. 3-D Analysis ............................................................................................ 117
List of Tables
Table 2-1: Survey of the range of carbon fiber thermal conductivities from literature and
manufacturers.................................................................................................................................. 7
Table 2-2: Heat transfer coefficient correlations. ......................................................................... 13
Table 2-3: Thermal and fluid properties of air and nitrogen gas at 20 and 100 C
(Microelectronics Heat Transfer Laboratory, 1998)..................................................................... 14
Table 2-4: Table of various autoclave HTCs used as process simulation boundary conditions
from literature. .............................................................................................................................. 14
Table 3-1: Insulator and conductor combinations used over surface TC ..................................... 21
Table 3-2: Thermal properties of Shin-Etsu KE1204 RTV rubber............................................... 29
Table 3-3: Largest steady-state gradients in the top brick of Pair 1 at 130 minutes. Note that the
through-thickness gradient was much larger than any of the in-plane gradients.......................... 32
Table 3-4: Thermal properties of FEP film and peel-ply.............................................................. 36
Table 4-1: Cured and uncured properties of 30 and 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates. ...... 44
Table 4-2: Timing and peak temperatures of 30 and 50 experimental and simulated
CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates. ................................................................................................... 44
Table 4-3: Change in the 50 ply laminate conductivity needed to reduce the through-thickness
thermal gradient to zero. Nominal conductivity was calculated with the Springer-Tsai formula
(Springer & Tsai, 1967). ............................................................................................................... 47
Table 4-4: Cured and uncured properties of 60 and 80 ply AS4/8552 laminates......................... 52
Table 4-5: Timing and peak temperatures of experimental and simulated 60 and 80 ply AS4/8552
laminates. ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Table 4-6: Cured and uncured properties of nominal and high Vf, 40 ply T800H/3900-2
laminates. ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Table 4-7: Timing and peak temperatures of experimental and simulated nominal and high Vf, 40
ply T800H/3900-2 laminates. ....................................................................................................... 58
Table 4-8: Cured and uncured properties of 60 ply tape and 40 ply fabric P700T/2510 laminates
....................................................................................................................................................... 64
Table 4-9: Exotherm timing and peak temperature of 60 ply tape and 40 ply fabric P700T/2510
laminates. ...................................................................................................................................... 64
Table 5-1: Back-calculated HTCs from lumped-mass calorimeters in empty autoclave ............. 86
Table 5-2: Running average back-calculated HTCs for steel plate and surrounding calorimeters
....................................................................................................................................................... 91
Table 5-3: Length scaling for steel plate....................................................................................... 93
Table 5-4: Summary of autoclave airflow and HTC characterization techniques........................ 96
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Coupling of convective and conductive heat transfer for the cure assembly in 1-D. .. 3
Figure 2-2: Development of crosslinks between polymer chains as cure progresses. is the nondimensional term for degree of cure. is zero when uncured and approaches one when fully
cured................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 3-1: Polyimide tape, aluminum foil, and wire combinations used to test surface
temperature measurement configurations on a lumped-mass steel rod. ....................................... 21
Figure 3-2: Dimensions of lumped-mass steel rod. ...................................................................... 22
Figure 3-3: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration A. Air temperature
significantly affected the measured surface temperature. (Cool down data not available) .......... 23
Figure 3-4: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration B. Air temperature
significantly affected the measured surface temperature.............................................................. 23
Figure 3-5: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration C. Conductive layer
gives excellent agreement throughout cycle. ................................................................................ 24
Figure 3-6: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration D. Measured surface
temperature does not reach steady-state. ...................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-7: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration E. Alternate foil
configuration still gives excellent agreement like that of configuration C................................... 26
Figure 3-8: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration F. ................................ 26
Figure 3-9: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration G. G was the only
configuration with thin wiring that did not reach a steady-state T............................................. 27
Figure 3-10: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration H............................... 28
Figure 3-11: Dimensions and thermocouple locations of a rubber brick...................................... 29
Figure 3-12: Section view showing material stack for validating the material model properties of
the rubber. The TC is located in the center of the stack at the interface between the two bricks.30
Figure 3-13: Experimental (diamond markers with dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines)
through-thickness profile for Pair 1. ............................................................................................. 31
Figure 3-14: Time vs. temperature for the interface of Pair 1. ..................................................... 31
Figure 3-15: Locations of the additional TC groups in zones 1 and 3 in the top brick of Pair 1.. 32
Figure 3-16: Experimental (diamond markers with dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines)
through-thickness profiles for Pair 1 at 15 minute intervals......................................................... 33
Figure 3-17: Experimental and simulated time vs. temperature profiles for the used brick Pair 1.
....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-18: Experimental (diamond markers with dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines)
through-thickness profiles for Pair 2 at 15 minute intervals......................................................... 34
Figure 3-19: Material stack for conductivity test with FEP and peel-ply layers. ......................... 35
Figure 3-20: Through-thickness profiles for experimental rubber/FEP stack (dashed lines with
diamond markers) and simulated rubber/FEP stack (solid lines) at 15 minute intervals.............. 37
Figure 3-21: Detailed through-thickness profile of experimental FEP stack (dashed line with
diamond markers) and simulated FEP stack (solid line). There are two potential profiles through
the FEP: a large resistance (green line), or multiple small resistances compounding (black line).
The true profile could not be determined due to insufficient experimental resolution................. 37
Figure 3-22: Experimental and simulated time vs. temperature profiles for mid-plane of FEP
stack. ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 3-23: Through-thickness temperature profiles for peel-ply conductivity test. Simulation
(solid lines) and experimental (diamond markers connected by dashed lines) profiles shown at 15
minute intervals............................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 3-24: Time vs. temperature profiles for the midplane temperature of the peel-ply. ......... 39
Figure 3-25: Through-thickness profile for KE1204 with FEP and peel-ply at the interface. ..... 40
Figure 3-26: Detailed view of through-thickness profile. Note discontinuity that results at both
simulated (solid line) and experimental (diamond markers connected by dashed line) profiles that
is the result of the additional materials at the interface. ............................................................... 41
Figure 3-27: Time vs. temperature profile for KE1204 rubber with FEP and peel-ply................ 41
Figure 4-1: Through-thickness profiles of simulated (solid lines) and experimental (diamond
markers with dashed lines) cured 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates at 15 minute intervals.45
Figure 4-2: Through-thickness profiles of simulated (solid lines) and experimental (diamond
markers with dashed lines) cured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates at 15 minute intervals.46
Figure 4-3: Time vs. temperature for cured 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate. .................... 46
Figure 4-4: Time vs. temperature profile for cured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate.......... 47
Figure 4-5: Through-thickness profiles of simulated (solid lines) and experimental (diamond
markers connected by dashed lines) uncured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates at 15 minute
intervals. Note increase in thermal conductivity of laminate as temperature increases. ............. 48
Figure 4-6: Time vs. temperature for uncured 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate ................. 49
Figure 4-7: Time vs. temperature for uncured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate ................. 49
Figure 4-8: Post-curing and fully cured time vs. temperature profiles for 30 ply
CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate. ..................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4-9: Post-curing and fully cured time vs. temperature profiles for 50 ply
CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate. ..................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-10: Through-thickness profile of cured 60 ply AS4/8552 laminate and NCAMP material
model............................................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 4-11: Through-thickness profile of cured 80 ply AS4/8552 laminate and NCAMP material
model............................................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 4-12: Comparison of cured 60 ply AS4/8552 laminate and two material models ............ 54
Figure 4-13: Comparison of cured 80 ply AS4/8552 laminate and two material models ............ 54
Figure 4-14: Comparison of uncured 60 ply AS4/8552 with NCAMP and Open Lit. material
models ........................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 4-15: Comparison of uncured 80 ply AS4/8552 with NCAMP and Open Lit. material
models ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 4-16: Comparison of cure reactions in AS4/8552 NCAMP (solid lines) and experimental
(dashed lines) profiles at five minute intervals. ............................................................................ 57
Figure 4-17: Comparison of cure reactions in AS4/8552 NCAMP (solid lines) and Open Lit.
(solid lines with markers) models at five minute intervals. .......................................................... 57
Figure 4-18: Breather insulation from the laminate allowed to bleed freely, Frame 1, and the
laminate wrapped in perforated FEP, Frame 2. ............................................................................ 59
Figure 4-19: Through-thickness profiles of fully cured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate
(dotted lines with circle markers) and high Vf, 0.68, laminate (dashed lines with diamond
markers) at 5 minute intervals. (A complete profile for the nominal laminate was prevented by
TC failures) ................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4-20: Through-thickness profiles of cured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate
(dashed lines with diamond markers) and 1-D simulation (solid line) at 5 minute intervals. ...... 60
Figure 4-21: Improperly compressed breather that acted as a heat sink on the lower rubber brick.
....................................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 4-22: Time vs. temperature profiles of cured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate,
cured high Vf (0.68) laminate, and simulated nominal Vf (0.57) laminate................................... 61
Figure 4-23: Through-thickness profiles of uncured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate
(dotted line with circle markers) and high Vf, 0.68, laminate (dashed lines with diamond
markers) at 5 minute intervals....................................................................................................... 62
Figure 4-24: Through-thickness profiles of uncured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate
(dashed lines with diamond markers) and 1-D simulation (solid line) at 5 minute intervals. ...... 63
Figure 4-25: Time vs. temperature profiles of uncured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58)
laminate, uncured high Vf (0.68) laminate, and simulated nominal Vf (0.57) laminate. Inset
shows detail view of exotherm peak............................................................................................. 63
Figure 4-26: Through-thickness profile for P700T/2510 tape (dashed line with diamond markers)
and fabric (dotted line with circle markers) at 15 minute intervals .............................................. 65
Figure 4-27: Time vs. temperature profile for fully cured tape, fabric, and simulated P700T/2510
laminates. ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 4-28: Through-thickness profiles for P700T/2510 tape (dashed line with diamond
markers) and 1-D simulation (solid line). ..................................................................................... 66
Figure 4-29: Cure reaction of P700T/2510 tape (dotted line with circle markers) and fabric
(dashed lines with diamonds) at 2 minute intervals. The green contours show the reaction in the
tape starting before the fabric, the gradient in the tape decreases while the fabric stays the same.
....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4-30: Through-thickness profiles for P700T/2510 tape (dashed lines with diamonds) and
1-D simulation (solid lines) at 2 minute intervals. The simulation reaction starts 2 minutes
earlier than the experiment at 115 C. .......................................................................................... 68
Figure 4-31: Time vs. temperature profiles for P700T/2510 laminates. The simulation reaction
can be seen starting earlier than the experiment, and the simulation missed the exotherm peak
temperature. Modeling the fabric by changing Vf increased the peak exotherm, but also causes
the reaction start earlier and lead the experimental laminate........................................................ 69
Figure 5-1: USB camera configuration showing the USB cabling routed through the autoclave
wiring. Note the power supply does not power the camera because the camera is powered over
the USB cable. .............................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 5-2: Wireless camera configuration showing the power and network connections required
inside the autoclave. The computer must be able to receive wireless signals. ............................ 73
Figure 5-3. Comparison of tuft displacements under flow. Tufts are useful for qualitative
observations, but note how the same tuft response can be seen with different flow conditions. . 73
Figure 5-4: Response of tufts in the empty autoclave before and during flow. The autoclave door
is to the right. ................................................................................................................................ 75
Figure 5-5: Tool with grid of tufts used to monitor airflow over the surface under different
positions in the autoclave.............................................................................................................. 76
Figure 5-6: Top-down view of tool placement. Centered and aligned with flow (1); offset toward
the wall (2); angled in the flow (3); perpendicular flow (4) ......................................................... 76
Figure 5-7. Response of tufts on centered tool. Airflow splits and reverses in the area near the
door. .............................................................................................................................................. 77
Figure 5-8. Response of tufts on offset tool.................................................................................. 78
Figure 5-9: Response of tufts on angled tool ................................................................................ 79
Figure 5-10: Response of tufts on perpendicular tool................................................................... 80
Figure 5-11: CFD results for the empty autoclave (Maijer & Poursartip, 2005).......................... 81
Figure 5-12: Response of tufts compared to CFD results for empty autoclave............................ 82
Figure 5-13: Dimensions of the steel rod calorimeter. Thermocouples are placed in the 19.0 mm
deep holes...................................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 5-14: Calorimeter locations distributed through out the empty autoclave. ....................... 84
Figure 5-15: Oscillating air temperature typical of a UBC autoclave cycle................................. 84
Figure 5-16: Steady-state slopes for air and calorimeter temperatures........................................ 85
Figure 5-17: Calorimeter locations for autoclave HTC analysis. ................................................. 86
Figure 5-18: HTC distribution at 60 C and 50 psig overlaid on CFD results ............................. 87
Figure 5-19: Theoretical and actual HTC scaling with temperature and pressure. At t = 0, HTC
is normalized to 1. Data during temperature holds is omitted for clarity due to the high variable
that results from a small Ts. ....................................................................................................... 88
Figure 5-20: Thermal gradient calorimeter dimensions. Thermocouples are located in the group
of holes shown in details A and B. ............................................................................................... 89
Figure 5-21: Location of steel plate used as a thermal gradient calorimeter. ............................... 90
Figure 5-22: Calorimeter locations for testing local HTCs around the thermal gradient
calorimeter. ................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 5-23: HTCs and airflow on, and around, the steel plate. Note top HTC is higher for the
plate and lower for the lumped-mass calorimeters. ...................................................................... 92
Figure 5-24: Thermocouple locations for temperature field measurements................................. 94
Figure 5-25: T distribution throughout the autoclave cycle at locations A1, A6, and A8 (other
locations omitted for clarity)......................................................................................................... 94
Figure 5-26: Close-up view of T at locations A1, A6, and A8 during pressurization from 50
psig to 100 psig and ramp from 100 C to 180 C (other locations omitted for clarity). ............. 95
Figure 5-27: Workflow for characterizing an autoclave............................................................... 96
Figure A-1: Process map for ACG CF2426A/MTM45-1 with colored isochronal lines and black
dynamic lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies
Inc. (2010)................................................................................................................................... 106
Figure A-2: Process map for Hexcel AS4/8552 Open Literature model with colored isochronal
lines and black dynamic lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing
Technologies Inc. (2010). ........................................................................................................... 107
Figure A-3: Process map for Hexcel AS4/8552 NCAMP model with colored isochronal lines and
black dynamic lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing
Technologies Inc. (2010). ........................................................................................................... 107
Figure A-4: Process map for Toray T800H/3900-2 with colored isochronal lines and black
dynamic lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies
Inc. (2010)................................................................................................................................... 108
Figure A-5: Process map for Toray T700/2510 with colored isochronal lines and black dynamic
lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (2010).
..................................................................................................................................................... 108
Figure B-1: Pre-cast cube with TCs tips inside slits. .................................................................. 109
Figure B-2: A) Mold filled with uncured liquid KE1204; B) Caul plate on top of mold to remove
curvature created by surface tension........................................................................................... 109
Figure C-1: DSC data for four KE1204 samples. Sample D was offset by 100 J/kgK, but had the
same slope as the other samples.................................................................................................. 110
Figure C-2: DSC data for two peel-ply samples. There was an offset of 50 J/kg K, but the
samples had the same slopes....................................................................................................... 111
Figure C-3: DSC data for two FEP samples. There was an offset of 100 J/kg K, but the samples
had the same slopes..................................................................................................................... 111
Figure D-1: Thermocouples are located at the center of the material at 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 points of
the thickness................................................................................................................................ 112
Figure E-1: Thermochemical validation specimen fabrication steps: 1) lay up laminate with
through-thickness TCs; 2) wrap laminate with peel ply and barrier film; 3) place TCs at interface
and surface of rubber bricks; 4) sandwich laminate between rubber bricks; 5) insulate edges with
breather; 6) envelope bag entire cure assembly.......................................................................... 115
Figure F-1. Geometry of 1-D and 3-D models used for simulations. ......................................... 117
Figure F-2: 3D model with additional bled resin block.............................................................. 118
Figure F-3: Temperature contours of in-plane heat transfer from resin block exotherm. .......... 119
Figure F-4: Comparison of thermal histories for different simulations of 50 ply
CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate. 3-D simulation is the most accurate, but a nominal 1-D
simulation is a good approximation due to the in-plane heat flow. ............................................ 119
Biot number
heat of reaction
thermal conductivity
Prandtl number
heat flux
Reynolds number
length coordinate
thermal diffusivity (for heat transfer), or degree of cure (for cure kinetics)
kinematic viscosity
I wish first to thank my supervisor, Dr. Anoush Poursartip, for all the mentoring, guidance, ideas,
and assistance he offered me for the duration of this work. Dr. Gran Fernlund, Dr. Reza Vaziri,
and Dr. Daan Maijer are three other UBC faculty members to whom I owe thanks for their
thoughtful discussions, excellent teaching, and feedback on my work. Dr. Abdul Arafath, for
spending many hours helping me with finite-element models and codes; without his assistance,
many of my numerical results would not exist. Thanks to Dr. Anthony Floyd, who graciously
handled my many software questions and bug reports.
I also offer much thanks to numerous other past, present, and future members of the UBC
Composites group, including Takayuki Shimizu, Roger Bennett, Malcolm Lane, David Van Nee,
Bryan Louis, Steven Zacharski, Leyla Farhang, Alireza Forghani, Dr. Navid Zobeiry, and Robert
Finally, I would like to thank my family for their encouragement throughout this endeavor, but a
special thanks to three people: my wife, Leanne, for patiently indulging my quest for knowledge
while I uprooted her for several years; my father, Jeff, for much sound advice and inspiration;
and my grandfather, Dr. Edward Wellin, who provided insightful commentary and spent many
hours editing my writing.
To my wife, my mother, and my grandmother - the three women who made all this possible with
their generosity, patience, and love.
1 - Introduction
1 Introduction
The use of fiber-reinforced composite materials has been steadily increasing over the last two
decades as the material systems and manufacturing methods have matured.
composites can now be found in consumer goods, the push continues for higher performance,
faster manufacturing, and lower costs in increasingly demanding applications. It is therefore
becoming less efficient to design and produce composite structures using trial-and-error or
parametric experimental development methods.
modeling techniques can be used to simulate the manufacturing process in a virtual environment
and provide data for analysis and optimization with a reduced need for physical parts.
Accurately modeling the thermal response is critical, since the thermal response of the composite
during cure is the foundation for the final composite properties.
The thermal response of the composite cure assembly (consisting of a part, tool, and vacuumbagging materials) is a coupled convective heat transfer, conductive heat transfer, and
thermochemical problem. Fibers, typically carbon or glass, are covered by a polymer-matrix,
typically epoxy or polyester, which solidifies during cure. For curing, heat is typically applied to
the cure assembly through forced convection in ovens or autoclaves. The heat on the surfaces is
transferred through the thickness of the cure assembly, making the thermal response a
conduction problem through the cure assembly. The resulting chemical reaction of the thermoset
cure generates internal heat. The response of the composite over the entire cycle (the thermal
history) can be an indicator of the quality of the cure. Proper cure of the matrix material is
critical, because the composite properties increase by up to six orders of magnitude during the
cure process (Roberts, 1987).
Although no standard procedure currently exists for validating thermochemical, conductive, and
convective composite material models, many different aspects of the composite cure process are
modeled using widely available 1-, 2-, and 3-Dimensional finite element software packages and
material property data. The chemical problem is challenging to validate because the response of
the composite must be isolated from the multiple additional materials required for a composite
lay-up. Validating the heat transfer problem is also difficult because the convective environment
in the autoclave or oven has poorly oriented and highly turbulent airflow.
A 1-D method for validation of the thermochemical and conductive heat transfer models, which
overcomes the above challenges, is presented in this work. A flat laminate is insulated in such a
1 - Introduction
way that heat transfer is 1-D through the thickness and the laminate is placed between two rubber
bricks of known thermal properties. The bricks isolate the response of the laminate and calibrate
the conductive boundaries on the laminate and rubber brick model. The uncertainty of the heat
transfer coefficient (HTC) boundary is reduced by using set-temperature boundaries from
recorded thermocouple data. The test, however, remains a robust test of the model because the
boundaries on the composite are free; the boundaries are driven by the lag through the calibrated
Several methods for measuring convective heat transfer boundaries and for determining airflow
patterns are also presented in this work. The measurements can also be used to characterize
autoclave or oven performance.
capabilities and limitations for a specific autoclave or oven are frequently unknown or ignored.
The methods can be used individually for a basic understanding, or together for a more detailed
understanding of the convective heat transfer environment. The uncertainty associated with
process simulation of the composite cure process is significantly reduced with the validation of
the composite material model and an increased understanding of the convective boundaries.
2 - Background
2 Background
The thermal history of a cured composite is a coupled problem that can be broken down into
conductive, thermochemical, and convective heat transfer components. Heat transfer through the
cure assembly is through conduction, and the chemical reaction of the cure process generates
internal heat.
autoclave or oven. Each model component has an associated level of uncertainty, and the
uncertainty compounds when the three components are combined into a complete thermal
simulation. Figure 2-1 is the cure assembly and the modes of heat transfer through a 1-D system.
The rate of internal heat generation in the composite depends not only on how quickly it is
heated by the surrounding materials, but also how quickly those materials remove the heat
through conduction and how quickly the surrounding convective environment removes the heat
from the assembly. Proper validation of the thermal model against experimental data is needed
to manage the uncertainty of the thermal simulation.
Figure 2-1: Coupling of convective and conductive heat transfer for the cure assembly in 1-D.
For this work, the distinction between the terms verification and validation must be stressed. A
2006 guide published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME V&V 102006, 2006) provides a detailed discussion of the roles of both verification and validation in
numerical simulation. Verification confirms whether the mathematical simulation of the solution
is correctly implemented. A known set of input parameters should result in a known output for a
properly verified simulation.
2 - Background
measurement tool in composites processing, and standard J-type TCs have a standard limit of
error of 2.2 C (Omega, 2010d). J-type TCs are inexpensive and the calibration range, 0.0 750.0 C, covers the temperature range of most composite manufacturing processes (MILHDBK-17-2F, 2002). Special J-type TCs are available with a standard limit of error of 1.1 C
if additional accuracy is needed.
High accuracy for model validation is needed because the typical allowable temperature
deviation during the isothermal hold portion of the cure cycles is 5.0 C (MIL-HDBK-17-3F,
2002). The properties of the cured composite are sensitive to the thermal history of cure, and
departing the allowable window means the composite may not have attained the properties
around which the part was designed, and it could be unsafe for use.
Process modeling can help to prevent temperature excursions by simulating the thermal history.
However, if the uncertainty of the thermochemical model is near the tolerance limit, the
predicted temperatures may appear acceptable when they are not. For example, a predicted peak
temperature 3.0 C above the hold temperature, using a model with 4.0 C of uncertainty, would
mean the actual part temperature could vary from the hold temperature by -1.0 C up to +7.0 C.
A prediction with 2.0 C of uncertainty makes the model truly valuable to a user; there is room
within the tolerance window for other uncertainties that occur during processing such as batchto-batch material variability and processing equipment variability.
Accurately measuring and modeling the thermal properties of the multiple materials in
the cure assembly such as: density, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and
temperature dependant property changes.
Thermal contact resistances at the interfaces of the materials in the cure assembly.
2 - Background
Accurately modeling the heat generation during cure at many temperatures and
temperature rates.
The validity of the model at both small (laboratory) scales and large (industrial) scales.
Complicated part geometries interfering with local airflow patterns and heat transfer
around the cure assembly.
q = k
temperature gradient. Increasing the heat flux will increase the through-thickness temperature
gradient for a constant thermal conductivity. Lienhard simplifies Equation (2-1) for 1-D, steadystate conduction to:
where L is the half-thickness of the material. The solution for transient conduction adds a rate
q = k
term. For a 1-D slab, the conduction equation for the thermal gradient through the slab, from
Leinhard, is:
2T 1 T
x 2 t
where T is the temperature, x is the distance through the slab, is the thermal diffusivity, t is the
time, and
where is the density and Cp is the specific heat capacity. Heisler charts can be used to look up
an approximate solution to the conductivity equation (Heisler, 1947). Another method, from
(Rasekh, Vaziri, & Poursartip, 2004), can be used to calculate the temperature lag during a
temperature ramp:
2 - Background
Tss = T& 0.5 +
where Tss is the steady-state temperature lag at the mid-plane, T& is the temperature ramp rate,
and Bi is the Biot number. Modern technology also allows an exact solution to be obtained using
a number of available math or finite element software packages.
The conduction problem is further complicated when multiple objects and materials are used.
Perfect contact between two surfaces does not occur due to natural variation in the surface
finishes and the contact pressure applied to the objects. At the microscopic level, the material
surfaces have peaks and valleys. Contact at the peaks produces good conduction, but gaps in the
valleys impede conduction. From Leinhard, the contact resistance from a gap is quantified as:
where T is the temperature difference across the interface.
Rc =
Multiple layers of materials are required to vacuum-bag a composite, and the layers can build up
significant interfacial resistances. Antonucci, et al. (2002) reported localized thermal variations
across the cure assembly surface due to deformation of the bagging materials. However, contact
resistance is assumed to be negligible or is ignored in current composite thermal modeling
Instead, literature has focused on the conductivity of the composite, and not on that of
surrounding materials. The conductivity of the composite depends on the conductivities of the
fiber and matrix. Fiber conductivities are difficult to measure, and carbon fibers have different
longitudinal (k11) and transverse (k22) thermal conductivities (Johnston, 1997; MIL-HDBK-172F, 2002).
conductivities, Table 2-1. Published thermal conductivity values do not consistently report
longitudinal and transverse properties. Toray T300 conductivities, for example, range from 2.5100.0 W/mK, and only one out of the four sources indicates if the conductivities are in the
longitudinal or transverse fiber directions.
2 - Background
Table 2-1: Survey of the range of carbon fiber thermal conductivities from literature and manufacturers
(Loos & Springer, 1983)
(Johnston, 1997)
(Hexcel Corporation, 2010a)
(Schuster, Heider, Sharp, & Glowania, 2009)
(Hexcel Corporation, 2010c)
(Hexcel Corporation, 2010b)
(Toray Inc., 2010a)
(Toray Inc., 2010b)
(Toray Inc., 2010c)
(Toray Inc., 2010d)
(Toray Inc., 2010e)
(Toray Inc., 2010f)
(Cytec Industries Inc., 2003a)
(Cytec Industries Inc., 2003b)
(Guo, Du, & Zhang, 2005)
(Schuster et al., 2009)
(Toray Inc., 2010h)
(Toray Inc., 2005)
(Cytec Industries Inc., 2003c)
(Toray Inc., 2005)
(Cytec Industries Inc., 2003d)
(Schuster et al., 2009)
(Toray Inc., 2010i)
(Toray Inc., 2010j)
(Toray Inc., 2010g)
(Schuster et al., 2009)
Matrix conductivities are isotropic, but the resin conductivity can change as the resin cures. A
numerical sensitivity analysis of changing resin properties during cure by Twardowski et al.
(1993) showed a 40% change in density and specific heat capacity, and an 80% change in
thermal conductivity. They declared these changes to be relatively unimportant, but the
published results show that there was excellent agreement only until the cure reaction
accelerated. The peak exotherm temperatures in their study varied from nominal temperatures
by more than 10.0 C (Twardowski, Lin, & Geil, 1993). Although they make no distinction
regarding what percent of the variation is specifically the result of conductivity, density, or
specific heat capacity changes, resin conductivity is a factor if model predictions are to be within
the 2.0 C target.
2 - Background
Because of the anisotropic fiber properties, the composite has different in-plane and throughthickness conductivities. Composite conductivities are also affected by the ratio of fiber to
matrix. For in-plane conductivity, the rule-of-mixtures is used:
k11C = V f k11 f + (1 V f ) k r
where Vf is the fiber volume fraction, k11f is the longitudinal conductivity of the fiber, and kr is
the conductivity of the resin (Peters, 1998). Fiber conductivities are higher than resin, so
increasing Vf increases the composite conductivity.
The Springer-Tsai relationship is used for calculating through-thickness composite thermal
conductivities (Springer & Tsai, 1967).
conductivity in the fibers and a packing arrangement with isolated fibers in a square grid of resin.
From a micro-mechanical point of view, the assumption of no fiber contact in the Springer-Tsai
relationship is incorrect.
higher Vfs increase the frequency of fiber-fiber contact (G. Zhang et al., 2010). Using a graphitefilled composite and percolation theory, G. Zhang et al. (2010) showed that through-thickness
conductivity increased from less than 1 W/m K at a Vf of 0.2 to 17 W/m K at a Vf of 0.9. Other
recent works have used finite-element models of unit-cells consisting of several fibers in partial
contact, surrounded by the matrix (Schuster et al., 2009). The unit-cell result can be more
accurate than assuming no fiber contact in a closed-form solution, but it is a time consuming
A new unit-cell must be analyzed for every change in fiber architecture, and
verification that the composite micro-structure matches the unit-cell geometry is difficult.
2 - Background
D polymer network as polymer chains are linked to each other with crosslinks, Figure 2-2
(Peters, 1998).
Figure 2-2: Development of crosslinks between polymer chains as cure progresses. is the non-dimensional
term for degree of cure. is zero when uncured and approaches one when fully cured.
Heat can be used to accelerate the reaction, and both types of cure reactions are exothermic. The
progress of the cure is quantified with a degree of cure (DoC) term, :
H (t )
where H(t) is the total heat generated by time t, and HR is total amount of heat that is generated
from a complete cure reaction (Loos & Springer, 1983). = 0 for uncured resin, and = 1 for
fully cured resin; thus, at any point in the cure process, 0 < < 1. Nominal resin properties
occur at maximum DoC.
Thermochemical models are typically generated from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
data. DSC compares the thermal response of a material to that of an inert sample. Differences in
temperatures and heat flows between the two samples are used to extract material properties such
as specific heat capacity, glass transition temperature, phase changes, and heats of reaction (TA
Instruments, 2010; Zielenkiewicz, 2008). Standards and guides are readily available for using
DSC to create thermochemical models including ASTM standards and the MIL-17 Composite
Materials Handbook (ASTM Standard E 2041, 2008; ASTM Standard E 2070, 2008; ASTM
Standard E 2160, 2004; ASTM Standard E 698, 2005; MIL-HDBK-17-1F, 2002; MIL-HDBK17-2F, 2002).
Validation of the DSC generated model is typically conducted against additional DSC results.
Using DSC to validate models is problematic, since a DSC sample is of the order of milligrams,
but the composite structures that use the models can be hundreds of kilograms. Variability
2 - Background
occurs in the distribution of resin on a sheet of prepreg, and the small samples required for DSC
can come from resin-rich or resin-starved areas (D. Dykeman, 2008). Different resin quantities
lead to different kinetic responses.
The rate of cure is the response used in traditional thermochemical models, as it is a determining
factor for the final DoC (D. Dykeman & Poursartip, 2004). An improperly designed cycle can
prevent the resin from ever reaching full cure by reacting too slowly to crosslink sufficiently
before vitrification occurs (D. Dykeman & Poursartip, 2004). In thermochemical models, cure
rate is a function of DoC and temperature (D. Dykeman & Poursartip, 2004; Loos & Springer,
= f ( , T )
The function f ( , T ) is unique to each resin system, and can have as many terms as needed to
properly characterize the resin with the desired level of detail. Development and optimization of
cure models is beyond the scope of this work. Instead, existing models are tested for validity by
comparing simulated to experimental responses.
Since this work is not concerned with the exact model form and coefficients used in the models,
process maps are useful illustrations of the thermochemical model behaviors. Process maps are
simple diagrams showing DoC vs. temperature curves which are used to study the cure model
behavior, (D. Dykeman & Poursartip, 2004). Process maps for the five material models used in
this work are presented in Appendix A to show the different responses of each thermochemical
model over a range of DoCs, ramp rates, and hold times.
Several authors have used laminates for validation of their DSC generated thermochemical
model, including Loos and Springer (1983), Rai and Pitchumani (1997), and Antonucci et al.
(2001). Loos and Springers thermochemical model can be improved further; only 3 of the 14
layers in their experimental cure-assembly were modeled because the additional components . .
. have no direct effect on the model (Loos & Springer, 1983). Only the composite, tool, and
breather were modeled while the metal caul plate and multiple layers of peel ply, release film,
and breather were ignored. The other layers may have been significant if, for example, the metal
caul plate had a significant thermal mass and drew heat away from the composite during the
cycle. It is possible that the heat generation for the model was incorrect, but the model showed
good agreement because the error was masked by the effect of the caul plate or other bagging
2 - Background
Rai and Pitchumani (1997), like Loos and Springer, limited the modeled material stack to the
composite and tool. Instead of a set-temperature boundary condition, Rai and Pitchumani used
an unspecified convective heat transfer coefficient (HTC) for the simulation boundary. Ensuring
the HTC is correct is an additional source of uncertainty introduced into their simulation, and
their definition of good agreement for model validation was a prediction within 5.0 C. An
accuracy of 5.0 C is unacceptable in practice since the uncertainty of the model has consumed
the laminates allowable temperature deviation.
Antonucci et al. (2001 and 2002) proposed validating thermochemical models using a method
that ignored the surrounding materials and used the thermal response of the laminate to convert
the thermal resistance of the surrounding materials into an effective HTC boundary condition.
This method reduced the uncertainty of the HTC boundary by quantifying it with experimental
However, the maximum absolute difference was still large at 8.0 C between the
experimental and simulated results. As with the set-temperature boundary by Loos and Springer
(1983), Antonuccis (2002) effective HTC boundary on the laminate surface did not account for
heat flow between the laminate and the surrounding objects. The worst agreement occurred
during the reaction peak, which was when internal heat generation was highest and when the tool
acted as a heat sink to absorb the heat generated. It is possible that the thermochemical model
was correct, but the effective HTC did not replicate the thermal mass of the tooling. Reducing
the uncertainty of the boundary conditions and the interactions between the materials in the cure
assembly is needed to improve model accuracy to within the 2.0 C target proposed by this
2 - Background
Re =
where is the free-stream fluid velocity, x is the distance from the leading edge, and v is the
where v is the kinematic viscosity, and is the thermal diffusivity of the fluid. If Pr > 1.0, the
velocity boundary layer is thicker and convective heat transfer dominates (Lienhard, 2006). If Pr
< 1.0, the thermal boundary layer is thicker and conductive heat transfer dominates (Lienhard,
2006). Pr 0.7 for the processing environment in this work.
The convective heat transfer coefficient (HTC) quantifies the rate of heat transfer from the object
surface to the fluid through the boundary layers:
where q is the heat flux, and Ts is the temperature difference between the surrounding fluid and
the surface (Kutz, 1998). h is orientation and geometry dependant, and two objects in the same
environment can have different HTCs. Relations using the Reynolds number and Prandtl
number have been developed to capture how HTC is affected by temperature, pressure,
geometry, and velocity changes, Table 2-2.
2 - Background
Table 2-2: Heat transfer coefficient correlations.
Laminar external
flow across a
single cylinder
Turbulent external
flow across a
single cylinder
Turbulent external
flow across a
single cylinder
h = 0.3 +
1 + 2
Pr 3
k fluid
2 k fluid
0.037 Re 0.8 Pr
1 + 2.443 Re 0.1 Pr 3 1 D
0.62 Re 2 Pr 3 Re 2 k fluid
1 +
h = 0.3 +
1 + 2
Pr 3
Laminar forced
convection across
a flat plate
Turbulent forced
convection across
a flat plate
0.62 Re
h = 0.664 Re 3 Pr
k fluid
k fluid
0.037 Re 0.8 Pr
1 + 2.443 Re 0.1 Pr 3 1 L
Churchill and
(Lienhard, 2006)
(Lienhard, 2006)
(Spang, 2008)
Churchill and
(Lienhard, 2006)
(Spang, 2008)
(Lienhard, 2006)
(Spang, 2008)
HTC should increase with increasing pressure and decreasing temperature, and a simple
relationship for fully developed turbulent flows was observed by Johnston et al. (Johnston,
Hubert, Vaziri, & Poursartip, 1998):
P 5
where P is pressure and T is temperature. Pressure thus has a greater influence than temperature
on HTC.
Air and nitrogen are the gases used in oven and autoclave environments, and their properties are
similar at room and elevated temperatures, Table 2-3. The heat transfer and scaling correlations
are therefore applicable to both air and nitrogen environments.
2 - Background
Table 2-3: Thermal and fluid properties of air and nitrogen gas at 20 and 100 C (Microelectronics Heat
Transfer Laboratory, 1998).
J/kg K
W/m K
1 m/s
5 m/s
20 C
100 C
HTC in an oven or autoclave is affected by all of the above influences: a temperature and
pressure cycle is required for cure, turbulent airflow patterns alter air velocities inside the
autoclave, and the complicated cure assembly geometry cause localized HTC variation. Because
of the difficulty in measuring and characterizing the HTC, gross assumptions and
approximations have been made in published process modeling works that use a convective heat
transfer boundary condition. Except for Antonucci et al. (2002) and Johnston et al. (1998), HTC
values were either approximations based on prior experience and/or literature, or they were
parametrically derived for optimal agreement, Table 2-4. All of the works used a constant value
for the HTC boundary, even though HTC changes with temperature and pressure.
Table 2-4: Table of various autoclave HTCs used as process simulation boundary conditions from literature.
(W/m2 K)
125 and 87
21.8 and 59.5
5.0, 37.636 and 54.075
(Ciriscioli et al., 1992)
(Bogetti & Gillespie, 1991)
(Johnston et al., 1998)
(Yi, Hilton, & Ahmad, 1997)
(V. Antonucci, Giordano,
Inserraimparato, & Nicolais, 2001)
(V. Antonucci, Giordano, Imparato,
& Nicolais, 2002)
(Rasekh et al., 2004)
(Guo et al., 2005)
(Shimizu, Kotlik, Arafath, &
Poursartip, 2008)
(D. Dykeman, 2008)
(J. Zhang, Xu, & Huang, 2010)
The most recent work in Table 2-4, Zhang, Xu, Huang (2010), shows that a gap remains in the
understanding of how numerical and experimental HTC boundary conditions are related in
2 - Background
composite process modeling. The HTC for simulation verification was over-defined, especially
when compared to the HTC for model validation, which was an approximation of the
experimental conditions based on previous experience. The HTC was within 0.001 W/m2 K for
simulation verification, but HTC was rounded to an arbitrary integer, 5.0 W/m2 K, for model
validation. Their assumption made for the validation HTC was that there will be some, but
unknown, reduction in convective heat transfer by the tooling materials between the composite
and air. The uncertainty of the HTC boundaries in the process simulation could have been
significantly reduced by measuring the HTCs.
Since the temperature difference between the autoclave and the cure
assembly is small, and the cure assembly is surrounded by the autoclave walls, radiation in the
autoclave can be approximated by a radiation heat transfer coefficient (Lienhard, 2006):
If m << 1
(T + TC )
Tm = A
hrad = 4 Tm3 A
where TA is the autoclave temperature, TC is the cure assembly surface temperature, is the
Stephan-Boltzmann constant, and A is the emissivity of the autoclave wall (Lienhard, 2006).
hrad = 11.0 W/m2K for a high estimate of an autoclave with steel walls (A 0.50), a thermal
cycle with a hold temperature of 475.0 K, and a 30.0 K lag in the cure assembly. Thus it is
acceptable to include radiation effects within the HTC term for this work; the radiation HTC is 310 times smaller than the convective HTC range of the UBC autoclave.
2 - Background
and the boundaries of the process model. Airflow can be characterized with anemometers,
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), visual monitoring, and HTC distributions.
For example,
Telikicherla et al. (1994) added a convective heat transfer boundary to the Loos and Springer
(1983) model by incorporating a CFD fluid flow simulation over the cure assembly.
simplicity, the walls of the autoclave model were flat, and the airflow was highly oriented and
interacted only with the cure assembly. At the time (1994), eight hours of supercomputer time
were required for the solution, and, although modern computing technology has advanced
significantly, CFD simulation is still time-consuming. CFD has limitations, but it is the only
method available to generate a detailed map of airflow magnitudes and orientations without
running the equipment.
Simple wind-tunnel visualization techniques could be used to augment CFD analysis for airflow
characterization. Smoke streams, specialized paints, or tufts are used to show airflow paths in
the highly oriented and laminar flow of wind-tunnels (Merzkirch, 1987). Visual techniques have
not been previously used in autoclaves because the wind-tunnel visualization techniques were
not designed for the poorly oriented and turbulent airflow in the autoclave environment. Also, a
method has not been developed to visually monitor the results through the autoclave shell.
Local HTC measurements can be used for airflow mapping.
measured by Ghariban (1992) resulted in local HTC variations by a factor of three. Johnston et
al. (1998) also showed variation in local HTCs at different locations in a single autoclave.
2 - Background
Correlations to the airflow can be made, since areas with high HTC values have higher velocity
airflow, and areas with low HTC values have lower velocity airflow.
developed specifically to measure HTCs in autoclaves including heated metal plates (Ghariban,
Lou, & Haji-Sheikh, 1992; Pursley, 1987), steel plates (Johnston, 1997), and composite parts
(Shimizu et al., 2008).
The simplest calorimeter is a lumped-mass calorimeter. Back-calculating the HTC from the
temperature data of a lumped-mass can be done with a simple, closed-form solution from
(Lienhard, 2006) and (Shimizu et al., 2008):
C p V T
A Ts t
where is the density of the calorimeter material, Cp is the specific heat of the calorimeter
material, V is the volume of the calorimeter, A is the area of the calorimeter exposed to the
convective heat transfer, and T is the change in calorimeter temperature over the time interval
An object that is not a lumped-mass will develop a through-thickness temperature gradient when
heated. The gradient that develops is used to back-calculate the HTC, and, because the profile is
quadratic, the top and bottom HTCs are separately back-calculated for a 1-D problem (Shimizu
et al., 2008). Due to the quadratic profile, three or more discrete measurement points in a
calorimeter under 1-D heat flow are needed for the back-calculation of HTCs:
2 - Background
C p L Ti i
i =1
Ts t
where n is the number of measurement points through the thickness, L is the half-thickness of the
calorimeter, and Ti is the change in temperature at the measurement point, and i is the
through-thickness distance between measurement points.
is a non-dimensional thickness
coordinate where = -1.0 at the bottom surface, = 0 at the adiabatic line, and = 1.0 at the top
Autoclaves and ovens are already equipped for temperature measurement, so calorimetry allows
HTCs to be measured on unmodified equipment using the simple, closed-form calculations
shown in Equations (2-15) and (2-16). The measured HTCs can then be used as equipment
performance benchmarks, to ensure optimum heat transfer to a curing part, or as process model
boundary conditions.
2.3 Summary
Current composite thermal modeling validation methods can be improved. No standard methods
for validation of thermal models are currently available, and the uncertainty of the thermal
simulation of the cure assembly can be reduced by validating the sub-components before
integrating them into a complete thermal simulation. The components that should be validated
are the conductive heat transfer, thermochemical, and convective heat transfer sub-models.
The conductive heat transfer model can be improved with greater understanding of the fiber
conductivities and contact resistances between the cure assembly components.
conductivities are difficult to measure, are anisotropic, and the literature varies significantly in
the published fiber conductivity values. Validating the conductive model against experimental
data from a laminate, instead of from the individual fiber and matrix data, can ensure that the
model is accurate in the situation for which it was designed.
The thermochemical model should be validated against experimental laminate data and not
against DSC data. There is a significant difference in the thermal cycles for a DSC sample and a
laminate. The process simulation is ultimately concerned with full-size structures, and the model
should be validated against the response of a laminate. Experimental and model agreement in
earlier works can be improved, and the temperature difference that is considered acceptable
agreement should be reduced to 2.0 C so that the uncertainty of the model is less than half of the
composites thermal processing window.
2 - Background
Users of convective heat transfer sub-models have often relied on approximations instead of
experimental data for the boundary conditions. Collecting experimental data by measuring the
heat transfer coefficients reduces the uncertainty of the simulation boundaries and processing
conditions. The measured HTCs can also be used to understand the capabilities and limitations
of an individual piece of equipment. Characterization of the equipment used for processing
ensures that the process simulation is representative of actual conditions experienced by a part
during cure.
covering the wire with a thermal conductor covered by a thermal insulator (Omega,
flattening the TC tips to a thin leaf and bonding to the surface (Omega, 2010a)
Using a thermal insulator isolates the wire from the air temperature, but the insulating material is
thermally massive compared to the TC tip, and induces thermal lag by heating and cooling more
slowly than the surface. Thin leaf TCs require a cement to bond to the surface, and the cement
can interfere with the temperature measurement.
3.1.1 Methods
Patches of high temperature polyimide tape, acting as an insulator, and aluminum foil, acting as a
conductor, were used in various configurations over a surface TC tip, Table 3-1 and Figure 3-1.
Discs of foil were cut out and firmly pressed over the TC tip. A ring of polyimide tape was
placed over the circumference of the foil to attach the foil to the surface.
Figure 3-1: Polyimide tape, aluminum foil, and wire combinations used to test surface temperature
measurement configurations on a lumped-mass steel rod.
A steel rod had holes drilled along the axis of the rod and a thermocouple inserted into each hole,
Figure 3-2. The ends of the steel rod were mounted into non-conductive supports and insulated
temperatures of the rod. The surface and interior temperatures should be identical since the rod
behaved as a lumped-mass (Bi = 0.04).
The rod was placed into an oven preheated to 150.0 C, and the temperatures of the TC under the
patch and the TC inside the steel rod were recorded until the steel rod reached equilibrium with
the oven temperature. The rod was then removed from the oven and naturally cooled to room
temperature. The same rod and internal thermocouples were used for every test.
T = Tsurface Tinterior
A positive T indicated the surface temperature was over-reported because the surface led the
interior measurement. T, Surface Temperature, Interior Temperature, and Air Temperature
were plotted for each configuration.
Configurations A and B, the bare TCs, were heavily influenced by the air temperature. The hot
air around the exposed TC increased the measured surface temperature by greater than 20.0 C,
Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4. Bare TCs are therefore not acceptable for surface temperature
Figure 3-3: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration A. Air temperature significantly
affected the measured surface temperature. (Cool down data not available)
Figure 3-4: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration B. Air temperature significantly
affected the measured surface temperature.
Figure 3-5: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration C. Conductive layer gives excellent
agreement throughout cycle.
Figure 3-6: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration D. Measured surface temperature
does not reach steady-state.
Changing to a smaller diameter foil with more layers gave results identical to C and D. E had an
initial error less than 2.0 C and reached a constant T less than 1.0 C, Figure 3-7. F had a large
initial error of 7.0 C, and did not reach a constant T, Figure 3-8. As with D, the increased
thickness of the wire of F made it more difficult to get the foil layer to completely conform to the
surface and eliminate air pockets.
Figure 3-7: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration E. Alternate foil configuration still
gives excellent agreement like that of configuration C.
Figure 3-9: T, surface, interior, and air temperatures for configuration G. G was the only configuration
with thin wiring that did not reach a steady-state T.
In summary, configuration C was the best design. Thin wiring covered by two layers of 24mm
diameter foil discs had an initial error during rapid temperature changes that was less than 2.0
C, and then reached a steady-state T that was within 1.0 C of the rods interior temperature.
Eliminating gaps between the conductive layer, the TC, and the surface was critical so that
stagnant air inside gaps did not affect the measurement The thin, conductive layer isolated the
TC from the air temperature while still transferring the heat of the surface to the TC tip.
Specific Heat2
(J/kg K)
Linear Specific
Heat Temperature
(J/kg K)/K
(W/m K)
Simulation was performed using RAVEN (Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc., 2010).
RAVEN is a front-end and analysis package using the COMPRO engine, which was developed
and is supported by The University of British Columbia. COMPRO is a modular 2-D finiteelement solver with thermochemical, stress, and flow sub-models (Hubert, Johnston, Vaziri, &
Poursartip, 1995). COMPRO works at the local-discretization level, meaning the model is a
cross-section of a composite or composite cure-assembly and not a micro-mechanical or largescale global model (Hubert et al., 1995). A complete description of the COMPRO engine can be
found in Johnston (1997).
The simulation was a 1-D model of the brick/material/brick stack that used the measured
thicknesses of the materials.
thermocouple data, were applied to the top surface of the top brick and bottom surface of the
bottom brick.
instrumented rubber bricks were stacked with a thermocouple placed at the interface of the
bricks, Figure 3-12. The stack was tested following the procedures in Appendix D, and the
autoclave cycle was:
Figure 3-12: Section view showing material stack for validating the material model properties of the rubber.
The TC is located in the center of the stack at the interface between the two bricks.
Both pairs of bricks had excellent agreement between the 1-D simulation and the experimental
Only results for Pair 1 are discussed as the results were identical to Pair 2. The
curvature of the through-thickness profiles showed the thermal conductivity was correct, Figure
3-13. The time vs. temperature profile showed the thermal mass (Cp) was correctly modeled
because the lead and lag of the simulation matched the experiment Figure 3-14.
Figure 3-13: Experimental (diamond markers with dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines) throughthickness profile for Pair 1.
The top brick in Pair 1 had two additional groups of through-thickness TCs to measure in-plane
gradients, Figure 3-15. At 130 minutes into the cycle, the largest measured in-plane gradient
during the steady-state ramp was 2.2 C, Table 3-3. 2.2 C was close to the measurement error
Figure 3-15: Locations of the additional TC groups in zones 1 and 3 in the top brick of Pair 1.
Table 3-3: Largest steady-state gradients in the top brick of Pair 1 at 130 minutes. Note that the throughthickness gradient was much larger than any of the in-plane gradients.
12 mm
9 mm
6 mm
The uncertainty in using the bricks for additional experiments and simulations was reduced by:
Validating the thermal properties (conductivity, density, and specific heat) of the material
prevented 2-D heat flow, and the low thermal mass did not remove significant amounts of
heat from the material stack.
Consequently, a 1-D approximation of the experimental heat transfer was accurate. Aged KE1204 Model
Both pairs of bricks underwent 24 thermal cycles while completing the series of conductive and
thermochemical validation tests for this work. To verify that the rubber properties did not
Figure 3-16: Experimental (diamond markers with dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines) throughthickness profiles for Pair 1 at 15 minute intervals.
Figure 3-17: Experimental and simulated time vs. temperature profiles for the used brick Pair 1.
Figure 3-18: Experimental (diamond markers with dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines) throughthickness profiles for Pair 2 at 15 minute intervals.
With the rubber model validated, the through-thickness rubber profile was used to verify the
response of the complete system in future tests. The profile through the rubber is affected by the
thermal response of the material between the bricks, and if the non-rubber material model is
the thermal resistance and additional uncertainty that resulted from the consumable materials
required for vacuum-bagging. Following the procedure of Appendix D, three material stacks
were subjected to thermal cycles:
A. 50 layers of FEP
B. 50 layers of peel-ply
C. 2 layers of peel-ply between 2 layers of FEP (Figure 3-19)
Figure 3-19: Material stack for conductivity test with FEP and peel-ply layers.
A and B used the same autoclave cycle as the two isolated bricks, in Section above. For
C, the cycle was:
Tests showed that the consumable materials had measureable effects on the thermal simulation
results. The thermophysical properties for the FEP and peel-ply are in Table 3-4.
Specific Heat
(J/kg K)
Linear Specific
(J/kg K)/K
(W/m K)
6.94E-08 FEP
The simulated FEP through-thickness profile did not agree with the experimental profile, Figure
3-20. A 1.4 C gradient from the FEP surface to the midplane was seen in the experimental FEP
profile, Figure 3-21. However, the simulated profile was a quadratic, asymmetric profile with a
gradient less than 0.5 C that went from the top to the bottom surface. Therefore, the general
assumption of nominal conductive heat transfer through the FEP stack was incorrect.
Inconsistent and wrinkled contact surfaces were created by the multiple FEP layers, which led to
thermal contact resistances dominating the through-thickness heat transfer in the FEP. The
resistance may have been one large resistance, or many smaller resistances that compounded
over the thickness of the material stack, Figure 3-21. The exact shape of the profile could not be
determined due to insufficient experimental resolution. The time vs. temperature profile had
good agreement for the duration of the cycle, and the offset of the profiles resulted from the error
in the FEP midplane temperatures, Figure 3-22.
Figure 3-20: Through-thickness profiles for experimental rubber/FEP stack (dashed lines with diamond
markers) and simulated rubber/FEP stack (solid lines) at 15 minute intervals.
Figure 3-21: Detailed through-thickness profile of experimental FEP stack (dashed line with diamond
markers) and simulated FEP stack (solid line). There are two potential profiles through the FEP: a large
resistance (green line), or multiple small resistances compounding (black line). The true profile could not be
determined due to insufficient experimental resolution.
Figure 3-22: Experimental and simulated time vs. temperature profiles for mid-plane of FEP stack. Peel-ply
Good agreement was obtained between experimental and simulated results of the peel-ply,
Figure 3-23. The largest error, the TC at -12.0 mm, was less than 1.0 C. Unlike the FEP film,
the peel-ply developed a quadratic thermal gradient as one would expect from a poor thermal
conductor. Excellent agreement between experimental and simulated midplane temperatures
was obtained for the duration of the cycle, Figure 3-24. If peel-ply is modeled, it can therefore
be simulated using nominal conduction. However, choosing to ignore two layers of peel-ply in a
thermal model would not introduce measurable errors in a simulation, as 50 layers of peel-ply
caused a gradient of less than 1.0 C to develop.
Figure 3-23: Through-thickness temperature profiles for peel-ply conductivity test. Simulation (solid lines)
and experimental (diamond markers connected by dashed lines) profiles shown at 15 minute intervals.
Figure 3-24: Time vs. temperature profiles for the midplane temperature of the peel-ply.
Testing a stack of the four layers, per Appendix D, showed the additional layers caused a
measurable lag at the interface, Figure 3-25 and detailed in Figure 3-26. The adiabatic line for
adiabatic line was at z = 0.0 mm, because the contact resistances created by the FEP prevented
heat transfer between the two rubber bricks.
consumables was not seen since the material layers were thinner than the TC tips, leading to
uncertainty about the TC tip z-coordinate. That said, a 0.5 - 0.8 C discontinuity was visible at
the interface.
Averaging the interface temperatures gave good agreement in the time vs.
Figure 3-25: Through-thickness profile for KE1204 with FEP and peel-ply at the interface.
Figure 3-26: Detailed view of through-thickness profile. Note discontinuity that results at both simulated
(solid line) and experimental (diamond markers connected by dashed line) profiles that is the result of the
additional materials at the interface.
Figure 3-27: Time vs. temperature profile for KE1204 rubber with FEP and peel-ply
3.3 Summary
Several configurations of TCs surrounded by insulating and conducting materials were evaluated
for their ability to accurately measure surface temperatures. A TC tip covered by a disc of
aluminum foil carefully burnished over the tip was the optimum configuration.
The foil
prepreg materials are tested, and experimental results are compared to simulated results of their
respective thermochemical models. Model agreement ranges from excellent, errors less than 1.0
C, to poor, errors greater than 5.0 C.
The composite is wrapped in peel-ply and FEP film to control resin bleed.
The composite mass is recorded before and after cure to calculate Vf.
The thermal cycle is repeated on the cured composite to provide an inert reference to
reduce the uncertainty of the model properties that are unaffected by the curing of the
The measured, cured thickness of the composite is used for both the cured and the
uncured simulations.
Four prepreg material systems were evaluated using the methods outlined in Appendix E:
Hexcel AS4/8552
Toray T800S/3900-2
Toray P707AG-15/2510
30 Ply
50 Ply
Table 4-2: Timing and peak temperatures of 30 and 50 experimental and simulated CF2426A/MTM45-1
Peak Temp
Peak Temp
Time of Peak
Time of Peak
30 Ply
50 Ply
Although there was significant resin bleed, a 1-D simulation at a nominal Vf was used to
approximate the composite behavior.
acceptable can be found in Appendix F, and the following results are for a 1-D simulation using
nominal Vf.
experimental and simulated profiles of the fully cured 30 and 50 ply laminates, Figure 4-1 and
Figure 4-2.
The error is attributed to the high Vf, which raised the laminates thermal
conductivity. For example, the cured 50 ply laminate had a 1.3 C gradient in the simulation
with the nominal Vf, but a 0.0 C gradient in the experiment, Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-1: Through-thickness profiles of simulated (solid lines) and experimental (diamond markers with
dashed lines) cured 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates at 15 minute intervals.
Figure 4-2: Through-thickness profiles of simulated (solid lines) and experimental (diamond markers with
dashed lines) cured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates at 15 minute intervals.
Time vs. temperature profiles had excellent agreement throughout the entire cycle, Figure 4-3
and Figure 4-4. There was a lag of less than 1.0 C in the simulation.
Figure 4-3: Time vs. temperature for cured 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate.
Figure 4-4: Time vs. temperature profile for cured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate. Uncured
At the start of the cycle, the experimental and model conductivities were similar and the through-
thickness thermal gradients matched, Figure 4-5. Resin flow was not modeled, so when the
laminate gradient decreased from the increasing Vf, the simulation gradient remained constant.
Equation (2-5) can be solved for k to calculate the change in thermal conductivity required for
the through-thickness gradient to go from 2.2 C to 0.0 C, and conductivity had to increase by
2100% to eliminate the gradient over the 18.5 mm thick laminate, Table 4-3. 11.22 W/m K,
although not possible to calculate using the Springer-Tsai formula and published k22 values for
AS4 fibers, was reasonable when compared to the through-thickness conductivities in work that
accounted for fiber-fiber contact and high Vfs (1 17 W/m K by G. Zhang et al. (2010)).
Table 4-3: Change in the 50 ply laminate conductivity needed to reduce the through-thickness thermal
gradient to zero. Nominal conductivity was calculated with the Springer-Tsai formula (Springer & Tsai,
% Difference
W/m K
differences caused the experiment temperatures to lead the simulation, the simulation reaction
started 15 minutes later than the experiment. After 30 minutes, the simulation reaction caught up
with and matched the experimental temperatures for the remaining 200 minutes of the hold.
Figure 4-5: Through-thickness profiles of simulated (solid lines) and experimental (diamond markers
connected by dashed lines) uncured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminates at 15 minute intervals. Note
increase in thermal conductivity of laminate as temperature increases.
The post exotherm cooling profile was not perfectly captured by the simulation because the
model did not account for the change in specific heat capacity that resulted from the increased
volume fraction, Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7. At nominal Vf, the simulated laminate had a
marginally higher heat capacity (886 J/kg K) than the experiment (850 J/kg K), and therefore
took longer to cool down. The effect was less noticeable in the 30 ply laminate because the
laminate was less thermally massive.
Figure 4-6: Time vs. temperature for uncured 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate
Figure 4-7: Time vs. temperature for uncured 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate
generated during the post-cure exotherm. The final degree of cure (DoC) from the curing
simulations was used as the initial DoC for the post-cure simulations. Good agreement occurred
between the experiment and the simulation, Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9.
The simulation
accurately captured the small amount of heat generated during the post-cure. The 50 ply, fully
cured, laminate was off by up to 3.0 C as a result of the error in thermal conductivity. The
differences were more pronounced during the post-cure cycle because the ramp rate was higher,
5.0 C/minute vs. 0.5 C/minute, and the 50 ply laminate was 7.75 mm thicker than the 30 ply
laminate. The area between the post-curing and cured curves was the total heat generation from
the post-cure process.
Figure 4-8: Post-curing and fully cured time vs. temperature profiles for 30 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1
Figure 4-9: Post-curing and fully cured time vs. temperature profiles for 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1
Both experimental laminates were at nominal Vf, but they also had exotherms that exceeded the
temperature limit of 190.0 C for the material models, Table 4-4 and Table 4-5. Two AS4/8552
material models were available for comparison to the experimental data. One model was from
the NCAMP database and the other was a model compiled from open literature data (Hubert,
Johnston, Poursartip, & Nelson, 2001).
Table 4-4: Cured and uncured properties of 60 and 80 ply AS4/8552 laminates.
60 Ply
80 Ply
Nominal Vf
Table 4-5: Timing and peak temperatures of experimental and simulated 60 and 80 ply AS4/8552 laminates.
Peak Temperature (C)
60 Ply
80 Ply
Open Lit.
Open Lit
158 Cured
The 60 ply simulation led the experiment, but the 80 ply simulation lagged the experiment,
Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11. Uncertainties introduced into the system by the FEP layer, not the
different laminate thicknesses, caused the different behaviors. One layer of FEP film and one
layer of peel-ply were modeled at the rubber/composite interfaces. Both laminates throughthickness profiles showed good agreement through the outer half of the rubber, but deviated as
they neared the rubber/composite interface. The 60 ply experimental profile showed lag at the
interfaces similar to the contact resistance induced lag in the FEP/Peel-ply stack from Section
The 80 ply experimental profile lacked the discontinuity at the interfaces; the
experimental profile was like the continuous MTM45-1 profile in, which lacked the
layers of FEP. However, uncertainties introduced by the FEP layer did not prevent simulation
predictions from being within the 2.0 C target.
Figure 4-10: Through-thickness profile of cured 60 ply AS4/8552 laminate and NCAMP material model.
Figure 4-11: Through-thickness profile of cured 80 ply AS4/8552 laminate and NCAMP material model
Agreement at the midplane of the cured laminates was within 2.0 C for both laminates and both
models, Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13. The cured simulations had similar behaviors, and both
captured the heating and cooling rates of the experimental laminates.
Figure 4-12: Comparison of cured 60 ply AS4/8552 laminate and two material models
Figure 4-13: Comparison of cured 80 ply AS4/8552 laminate and two material models
temperatures, but they were outside of their validated envelope of 190.0 C. Although the peak
prediction was wrong, the NCAMP model had excellent agreement up to the 190.0 C model
limit. However, the Open Literature model consistently under-predicted the reaction rate and
peak temperatures, Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15.
Figure 4-14: Comparison of uncured 60 ply AS4/8552 with NCAMP and Open Lit. material models
Figure 4-15: Comparison of uncured 80 ply AS4/8552 with NCAMP and Open Lit. material models
The through-thickness profiles showed the NCAMP reaction started within 5 minutes of the
experiment, and the reaction developed at similar rates in the simulation and experiment, Figure
The development of the reaction in the NCAMP simulation closely matched the
experiment up to the 190.0 C limit of the model validation. Comparing the reactions of the
different models showed the delay in the start of the Open Literature reaction, and its slower
reaction rate, Figure 4-17. The NCAMP model led the Open Literature model before the
reaction started because heat capacity is modeled differently; it is a function of temperature in
the Open Literature model, but it is a more detailed function of temperature and degree of cure in
the NCAMP model. Conductivity, however, is the same in both models and thus the simulations
had similar through-thickness thermal gradients.
Figure 4-16: Comparison of cure reactions in AS4/8552 NCAMP (solid lines) and experimental (dashed lines)
profiles at five minute intervals.
Figure 4-17: Comparison of cure reactions in AS4/8552 NCAMP (solid lines) and Open Lit. (solid lines with
markers) models at five minute intervals.
In summary, two models designed to simulate the same material had significant variation in their
thermal responses during cure. The developed validation methodology showed that the NCAMP
model captured the onset and development of the cure reaction best. In practice, the failure to
predict temperatures to within 2.0 C above the 190.0 C validation limit should not be
Pressurize to 90 psig
Pressurize to 0 psig
The freely bled laminate had a higher Vf, lower thickness, and smaller exotherm, Table 4-6 and
Table 4-7. Resin bleed was quantified by the mass loss, and was visible during post-cure
inspection, Figure 4-18. For simulation, a model developed in Dykeman (2008) and provided to
the author by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. was used.
Table 4-6: Cured and uncured properties of nominal and high Vf, 40 ply T800H/3900-2 laminates.
40 Ply
Vf = 0.58
40 Ply
Vf = 0.68
Nominal Vf
Table 4-7: Timing and peak temperatures of experimental and simulated nominal and high Vf, 40 ply
T800H/3900-2 laminates.
Peak Temperature (C)
Vf = 0.68
Vf = 0.57
Vf = 0.58
Figure 4-18: Breather insulation from the laminate allowed to bleed freely, Frame 1, and the laminate
wrapped in perforated FEP, Frame 2. Cured
The thermal histories of the bled and nominal laminates varied as a result of resin loss, Figure
4-19. As with MTM45-1 in, the volume of fraction of fibers increased with resin bleed,
which increased the conductivity of the laminate. The through-thickness gradient of the bled
laminate was 0.0 C compared to 1.6 C for the nominal laminate.
Figure 4-19: Through-thickness profiles of fully cured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate (dotted lines
with circle markers) and high Vf, 0.68, laminate (dashed lines with diamond markers) at 5 minute intervals.
(A complete profile for the nominal laminate was prevented by TC failures)
The nominal laminate and top rubber brick had excellent agreement with the cured experiment,
Figure 4-20. Errors up to 7.0 C were recorded from the bottom brick. The lag in the bottom
brick was caused by the pressure from the cycle collapsing the breather such that it became T
Figure 4-20: Through-thickness profiles of cured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate (dashed lines with
diamond markers) and 1-D simulation (solid line) at 5 minute intervals.
Figure 4-21: Improperly compressed breather that acted as a heat sink on the lower rubber brick.
Figure 4-22: Time vs. temperature profiles of cured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate, cured high Vf
(0.68) laminate, and simulated nominal Vf (0.57) laminate. Uncured
Since there was no change to the experimental stack in-between cycles, the bottom brick of the
uncured experiment also had a poor fit between z = 0.0 and z = -6.0 mm for the nominal Vf
laminate. The gradient in the high Vf laminate went to zero near 120.0 C, due to resin bleed,
Time vs.
temperature profiles confirmed the slow reaction development, Figure 4-25. The simulation
lagged both experiments by more than 8.0 C at 130 minutes, even though the peak temperature
was with 0.6 C of the experiment. For the model to fully capture the cure reaction, reevaluating
the rate of reaction in 3900-2 kinetics model is needed, but that was beyond the scope of this
work. Matching peak temperatures and exotherm timing did not mean the model has been
validated. The complete profile must be analyzed, as it is the complete thermal history that
shows the validity of a model.
Figure 4-23: Through-thickness profiles of uncured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate (dotted line
with circle markers) and high Vf, 0.68, laminate (dashed lines with diamond markers) at 5 minute intervals.
Figure 4-24: Through-thickness profiles of uncured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate (dashed lines
with diamond markers) and 1-D simulation (solid line) at 5 minute intervals.
Figure 4-25: Time vs. temperature profiles of uncured T800H/3900-2 nominal Vf (0.58) laminate, uncured
high Vf (0.68) laminate, and simulated nominal Vf (0.57) laminate. Inset shows detail view of exotherm peak.
The tape and fabric forms have different Vfs, but both laminates were highly reactive. The
different resin content of the tape vs. fabric prepregs resulted in significant variation in peak
temperatures, Table 4-8 and Table 4-9. The thicknesses of the two panels were within 0.5 mm,
as were the times of the peak exotherms, but a 15.2 C difference in peak temperatures resulted
from the 0.06 difference in the Vfs.
Table 4-8: Cured and uncured properties of 60 ply tape and 40 ply fabric P700T/2510 laminates
60 Ply
40 Ply
Table 4-9: Exotherm timing and peak temperature of 60 ply tape and 40 ply fabric P700T/2510 laminates.
Peak Temperature (C)
60 Ply Tape
40 Ply Fabric
123 Cured
Thermal histories of the cured tape and fabric were nearly identical, Figure 4-26 and Figure 4-27.
The material model used for the simulations was specifically for the tape, but there was excellent
agreement between both experiments and the tape simulation, Figure 4-27 and Figure 4-28. The
simulation was within 1.0 C of both experiments for the duration of the cycle.
Figure 4-26: Through-thickness profile for P700T/2510 tape (dashed line with diamond markers) and fabric
(dotted line with circle markers) at 15 minute intervals
Figure 4-27: Time vs. temperature profile for fully cured tape, fabric, and simulated P700T/2510 laminates.
Figure 4-28: Through-thickness profiles for P700T/2510 tape (dashed line with diamond markers) and 1-D
simulation (solid line). Uncured
Both T700/2510 laminates were highly reactive; the peak temperature exceeded the hold
temperature by 35.0 C for the tape and 50.0 C for the fabric. Through-thickness profiles at the
peak of the reaction showed 7.7 C and 13.3 C gradients in the tape and fabric laminates,
respectively, Figure 4-29. The gradients were over a distance of only 4.0 mm, and developed
because the rate of internal heat generation was much higher than the rate at which heat can
diffuse through the laminate. Such a large variation in temperature meant that the quality of the
cure, and therefore the laminate properties, were also variable through the thickness.
Figure 4-29: Cure reaction of P700T/2510 tape (dotted line with circle markers) and fabric (dashed lines with
diamonds) at 2 minute intervals. The green contours show the reaction in the tape starting before the fabric,
the gradient in the tape decreases while the fabric stays the same.
As discussed, the material model was generated using the tape form of the prepreg (Convergent
Manufacturing Technologies Inc., 2010). Through-thickness profiles of the curing experimental
and simulated tape showed excellent agreement until the peak of the reaction, Figure 4-30. The
predicted timing of the start of the reaction, and the development of the reaction prediction was
accurate for the tape model, Figure 4-31. Although the predicted peak temperature was off by
13.0 C, the error would not be of concern in practical applications. As with the AS4/8552
laminates in Section, temperature excursions more than 5.0 C above the hold
temperature are unacceptable and the simulated prediction was accurate to that point.
A fabric model was created by changing the Vf of the tape model to the calculated Vf of the
experimental fabric laminate. The cure reaction of the modified model started 5 minutes earlier
than the experiment, but developed at the same rate, Figure 4-31. A new material cannot,
therefore, be created by changing Vfs. The thermal response of the woven fabric differs enough
from the thermal response of [0/90]s unidirectional laminate that the fabric requires its own
material model. A composites thermochemical response is more than the sum of the fiber and
matrix properties; coupling from the micromechanics of different fiber sizing, bundling of the
fiber tows, weave architecture, or resin chemistry can also affect the thermal response of the
laminate. The tests with MTM45-1 in Section 4.2.1 were conducted with a 5-harness-satin
fabric, and showed excellent agreement because the model was generated from the fabric
Figure 4-30: Through-thickness profiles for P700T/2510 tape (dashed lines with diamonds) and 1-D
simulation (solid lines) at 2 minute intervals. The simulation reaction starts 2 minutes earlier than the
experiment at 115 C.
Figure 4-31: Time vs. temperature profiles for P700T/2510 laminates. The simulation reaction can be seen
starting earlier than the experiment, and the simulation missed the exotherm peak temperature. Modeling
the fabric by changing Vf increased the peak exotherm, but also causes the reaction start earlier and lead the
experimental laminate.
4.3 Summary
The developed methodology provided a DSC independent method to validate thermochemical
models. Five models covering four prepreg systems were tested. The use of instrumented
rubber bricks provided a robust method to confirm that the boundary conditions were properly
modeled, and that heat transfer in the material stack was 1-D. Without the calibrated thermal
gradient in the bricks, it would not have been possible to trace the lag at the bottom of the
laminate in Section 4.2.3 to the improperly compacted breather. Uncertainty in the simulation
was further reduced by confirming the inert properties of the composite independently of the
curing properties by repeating the thermal cycle on the fully cured laminate.
It was possible to obtain consistent agreement of 2.0 C or better with the better thermochemical
At a minimum, through-thickness and time vs. temperature profiles of the cured and uncured
laminates should be generated from experimental data.
Thermal histories are highly sensitive to Vf. However, a 1-D simulation can be an
accurate approximation up to Vfs 10% above nominal if the resin bleed was at the edges
of the laminates in this work. The actual Vf cannot be treated as an indicator of the total
amount of resin generating heat, as a significant amount of the heat generated by the bled
resin can be transferred to the laminate due to high in-plane thermal conductivities.
Matching the peak temperature and exotherm timing does not constitute complete model
validation. The entire time vs. temperature profile needs to be checked for agreement
with the experimental data.
Properly insulating the edges of the material stack is critical because the high in-plane
thermal conductivity magnifies the effects of 2-D heat flow.
A poor model fit beyond 5.0 C above the hold temperature does not necessarily mean
that the model is unusable.
processing window, it can be of value since a goal of the model is to prevent temperature
excursions during processing.
parameters are observed and measured: the airflow patterns, and the associated convective heat
transfer coefficients. Airflow is observed with cameras for visual monitoring and CFD for
simulation. HTC is quantified using simple calorimeters. The UBC autoclave environment is
highly turbulent, has poorly oriented airflow, and unevenly distributed HTCs.
Figure 5-1: USB camera configuration showing the USB cabling routed through the autoclave wiring. Note
the power supply does not power the camera because the camera is powered over the USB cable.
Figure 5-2: Wireless camera configuration showing the power and network connections required inside the
autoclave. The computer must be able to receive wireless signals.
Tufts of yarn were used to study the airflow pattern of the free-stream airflow and the airflow
pattern on and around a tool surface. For free-stream airflow, the tufts were tied to another
length of yarn pulled taut across the open space. The angle of displacement of each tuft was
compared to other tufts to estimate the relative magnitude of airflow around a specific tuft. As
Figure 5-3 shows, the tuft was vertical when there was no flow and then displaced a specific
amount under flow. Only estimates of the velocity were made because the airflow was not
normal to the tuft at every location, and if the flow was at a high velocity in a different direction
it displaced the same amount as if it were a lower flow in the normal direction. Arranging the
tufts in a grid on the tool surface, while moving the tool to different locations in the autoclave,
showed how positioning changes affect the airflow on the tool.
Figure 5-3. Comparison of tuft displacements under flow. Tufts are useful for qualitative observations, but
note how the same tuft response can be seen with different flow conditions.
Maximum velocity was at the top, where the angle of deflection of the tuft was highest. Velocity
decreased as the distance from the top of the chamber increased. Near the floor of the autoclave,
the tufts at the bottom showed reversed airflow in the 0.5 m nearest the door, where it then
transitioned to flow to the back of the autoclave. Airflow in the autoclave was poorly oriented
and highly turbulent, nothing like the highly oriented plug-flow assumed to be present during
Figure 5-4: Response of tufts in the empty autoclave before and during flow. The autoclave door is to the
The tool was monitored in four different positions inside the autoclave, Figure 5-6. Video was
Figure 5-5: Tool with grid of tufts used to monitor airflow over the surface under different positions in the
Figure 5-6: Top-down view of tool placement. Centered and aligned with flow (1); offset toward the wall (2);
angled in the flow (3); perpendicular flow (4)
Figure 5-7. Response of tufts on centered tool. Airflow splits and reverses in the area near the door.
5.2 Simulation
CFD simulations were conducted using the ANSYS FLUENT software package. Analysis of the
empty autoclave was performed by members of the Department of Materials Engineering at The
University of British Columbia (Maijer & Poursartip, 2005).
5.2.1 Simulation
CFD results for the empty autoclave showed the same airflow pattern as the visual monitoring,
Figure 5-11. Air velocities decreased as the distance from the top of the chamber increased, and
there was reversed airflow along the bottom floor of the autoclave. A low velocity, or nearly
stagnant, vortex developed 0.25m from the door, which corresponded with the stagnant response
of the tufts near the door. The recorded images and their corresponding location on the CFD
result agree, Figure 5-12. Visual analysis was a quick and intuitive substitute and/or qualitative
validation of CFD results.
Figure 5-11: CFD results for the empty autoclave (Maijer & Poursartip, 2005).
Figure 5-12: Response of tufts compared to CFD results for empty autoclave
thermal conductivity material such as wood or ceramic as used in 3.1.1, Figure 5-13. The
Figure 5-13: Dimensions of the steel rod calorimeter. Thermocouples are placed in the 19.0 mm deep holes.
An additional TC was placed near the calorimeter during the cycle to measure the local air
temperature. Temperature data from the rod after a thermal cycle was used to back-calculate
HTCs using Equation (2-15):
C p V T
A Ts t Methods
Lumped-mass calorimeters were placed throughout the empty autoclave to measure the local
HTCs, Figure 5-14. The locations were based on the CFD results and engineering judgment.
Three air pressures, 0, 50, and 100 psig, were used to provide three distinct HTC values at each
location. The cure cycle was:
pressurize to 50 psig
pressurize to 0 psig
Figure 5-14: Calorimeter locations distributed through out the empty autoclave.
HTCs from the lumped-mass calorimeters were back-calculated using temperature data and
Equation (2-15). The UBC autoclave temperature history oscillated during linear ramps and
holds, especially at high ramp rates, Figure 5-15.
temperature was needed for consistent calculations, and was calculated by fitting lines to the air
temperature and rod temperature at a steady-state temperature ramp, Figure 5-16. The offset of
the two lines was the constant Ts for Equation (2-15), and the back-calculated value was the
HTC at that location during that portion of the cycle.
5-17. The CFD and visual monitoring showed that airflow, and therefore heat transfer, were
highest at the air inlet and top of the chamber. The corresponding HTCs from Calorimeters A8,
A9 and A10, were the highest as well, Figure 5-18. Airflow below the support screen was shown
by the visual monitoring and CFD to be much lower, and this was again confirmed by the lower
HTCs of Calorimeters A1, A2, and A3. Variations of 30-60 W/m2K occur over distances of less
than 0.5 m, and the variation was not limited to the high velocity, highly turbulent areas around
A8, A9, and A10. A4 and A5 were in low velocity and stable airflows and differed from each
other by 37 W/m2K. Thus, even small and simple parts can experience significant variation in
heat transfer over their surfaces.
0 psig
HTC (W/m2K)
50 psig
90 psig
60 C
The temperature and pressure scaling correlation from Equation (2-13) was used for the ratios of
the initial and instantaneous temperatures and pressures to create the theoretical HTC scaling
profile, Figure 5-19, using Equation (5-1):
P 5
P0 5
The experimental HTC scaling profile was created by normalizing the initial HTC to 1.0 and
evaluating the ratios of the initial and instantaneous back-calculated HTCs using Equation (5-2):
Figure 5-19 shows that the autoclave HTC did not scale with the theoretical pressure/temperature
relationship. When the autoclave was pressurized the actual HTC was below the theoretical
scaling, but when it was not pressurized the actual HTC was above the theoretical scaling.
Figure 5-19: Theoretical and actual HTC scaling with temperature and pressure. At t = 0, HTC is
normalized to 1. Data during temperature holds is omitted for clarity due to the high variable that results
from a small Ts.
The source of the scaling error was likely the mechanical limitations of the autoclave. Using the
Ideal Gas Law, the ambient air density increased ~ 6 times at 100 psig and 180 C. If a massflow limit of the circulation fan was reached, the volume flow would decrease as the fluid
density continued to increase. For example, the first pressurization cycle doubled the HTC, but
the second pressurization cycle increased the HTC by less than 15%. Constant air velocity is
assumed in the correlation of Equation (2-13), so the decreased volume flow, which decreased
the air velocity, lowered the HTC below the theoretical value. Thermal Gradient Calorimeter Methods
An instrumented steel plate was used as a thermal gradient calorimeter, Figure 5-20. Equation
(2-16), repeated below, was used to back-calculate the HTC from the through-thickness thermal
gradients that developed in the plate::
i =1
L Ti i
Ts t
Figure 5-20: Thermal gradient calorimeter dimensions. Thermocouples are located in the group of holes
shown in details A and B.
For test A, the plate was tested with its surface unobstructed. The unobstructed plate was located
in the center of the autoclave and followed the same cycle as, Figure 5-21. The cure
cycle was:
pressurize to 50 psig
pressurize to 0 psig
For test B, three calorimeters were placed on top of the plate and three were placed below the
plate to measure local effects around the plate, Figure 5-22. The cure cycle was:
pressurize to 0 psig
Figure 5-22: Calorimeter locations for testing local HTCs around the thermal gradient calorimeter.
Test B was repeated with a pressure of 0 psig instead of 100 psig. The new cycle was:
Table 5-2 shows the HTC values for the steel plate and surrounding calorimeters. The previous
airflow observations showed B4 to be an area of low velocity or stagnant airflow, and the HTC
of B4 was the lowest of the lumped-mass calorimeters. The HTC on the top of the plate was
higher than the HTC on the bottom of the plate, but the calorimeters did not show the same trend.
The calorimeters showed a lower HTC above the plate and a higher HTC below the plate. The
difference was due to the calorimeters on the top of the plate being within 5.0 mm of the plate
surface, whereas the calorimeters below the plate were 100.0mm below the surface.
positioning of the bottom calorimeters was such that they did not experience the same airflow as
the bottom of the plate.
Table 5-2: Running average back-calculated HTCs for steel plate and surrounding calorimeters
B Plate Top
B Plate Bottom
0 psi
Heat Up
HTC (W/m2K)
0 psi
100 psi
Cool Down
Heat Up
100 psi
Cool Down
Below the plate, the HTC from the calorimeter closest to the outlet, B3, was much higher than
the others. B1 and B2 were shadowed by B3, which reconfirmed the reversed airflow predicted
by the CFD and visual observation, Figure 5-23.
Figure 5-23: HTCs and airflow on, and around, the steel plate. Note top HTC is higher for the plate and
lower for the lumped-mass calorimeters.
calorimeters, which are expected due to the difference in sizes of the two calorimeters. A length
scaling correlation was developed by modifying the Petukhov correlation for fully developed
turbulent flow in Table 2-2, repeated below:
k fluid
0.037 Re 0.8 Pr
1 + 2.443 Re 0.1 Pr 3 1 L
L0.8 1
1 L
which simplifies to
where L is the characteristic length. The top of the plate followed the correlation, but the bottom
of the plate did not, Table 5-3. If the calorimeter on top of the plate had an HTC of 44 W/m2K,
the 0.5 m plate HTC should have been 28 W/m2 K. The measured HTC was 18% higher, 33
W/m2 K, than predicted. The bottom plate HTCs were 40% lower than predicted because the
airflow was not parallel to the surface; it was already poorly oriented and was further disrupted
by the geometry of the plate. As with the temperature and pressure scaling, the length scaling
correlation did not apply in the autoclave due to the inconsistent airflow. If a precise HTC is
HTC (W/m2 K)
Detailed air temperature histories showed that the actions of the autoclave
components affect the temperature history, even though the temperature field was nearly uniform
in the autoclave chamber.
Figure 5-25: T distribution throughout the autoclave cycle at locations A1, A6, and A8 (other locations
omitted for clarity).
Figure 5-26: Close-up view of T at locations A1, A6, and A8 during pressurization from 50 psig to 100 psig
and ramp from 100 C to 180 C (other locations omitted for clarity).
5.5 Summary
Airflow inside the UBC autoclave was highly turbulent and poorly oriented, which creates
uncertainty when processing parts. Four methods of characterizing the autoclave performance
were used, and each method had advantages and disadvantages, Table 5-4. Understanding the
airflow with visual monitoring and CFD reduced the uncertainty of the global and local
convective heat transfer conditions inside the autoclave. HTC measurements further reduced the
uncertainty by quantifying the observed airflow variation as a measured HTC variation. Further
reinforcing the need to measure HTCs, the mechanical limitations of the autoclave made it such
that scaling correlations could not be consistently applied. A strong argument can be made that
an autoclave should be characterized by HTC and not by temperature uniformity or air velocities,
as in no way did a uniform temperature distribution indicate uniform heat transfer.
Instantaneous feedback
Large areas can easily be
Shows velocity magnitude and
All areas can be evaluated
Parametric evaluation
Provides representative HTC
Small footprint allows many
sensors to be used
Wide variety of material choices
Provides top and bottom HTC
Composite can be used
Limited to ambient temperature
and pressure
models showed that predictions within 1.0 C can be made for rubber, peel-ply, and composite
material models. However, the FEP barrier film is not accurately modeled using only its density,
specific heat, and thermal conductivity parameters due to interfacial contact resistances.
The developed methodology was used to validate and compare available material models; it was
DSC independent and used full-sized laminates. The set-temperature model boundaries have
less uncertainty than the HTC boundaries, and the gradient through the bricks verifies the
accuracy of the composite model boundary without forcing agreement at said boundary.
Measureable differences between experiments and simulations, as well as between models for
the same material, were observed. Fully cured composite thermochemical simulations showed
excellent agreement for all four materials tested, thus reducing the uncertainty of errors observed
with the curing simulations because the inert model properties were correct. Agreement during
the curing process was not as good, with predictions varying from better than 1.0 C
(CF2426A/MTM45-1) to errors greater than 5.0 C (Hexcel AS4/8552 Open Literature).
However, having regularly achieved the proposed 2.0 C target for model agreement showed that
it is reasonable to expect current and future thermochemical models to make predictions within a
2.0 C window.
The uncertainty of a thermal simulation was further reduced by understanding the airflow
patterns inside the autoclave and measuring the autoclave HTCs. Simple visual observation and
calorimetry methods were used to characterize the UBC autoclave. HTCs varied by more than a
factor of two, although the temperature field varied by only 2.0 C. Length, pressure, and
temperature correlations could not be applied due to the highly turbulent and poorly oriented
airflow observed in the autoclave, coupled with the mechanical limitations of the autoclave
components. Experimental measurements were the only way to reduce the uncertainty of the
autoclave environment. The methods developed by the author, which were demonstrated on the
autoclave, are equally applicable to convection oven environments.
Improving the understanding of the effects and magnitudes of the interfacial thermal
contact resistances.
temperature profiles which resulted from the resistance of the FEP film layer required by
the thermochemical validation test.
Incorporating the ability to vary HTCs during a thermal simulation. Cure cycles with
multiple pressures and the mechanical limitations of the equipment can be modeled more
realistically by varying the HTC boundary during the cycle.
The mapping of the airflow patterns inside an autoclave or oven can be improved with an
indicating device that provides a calibrated response to airflow direction and magnitude.
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Figure A-1: Process map for ACG CF2426A/MTM45-1 with colored isochronal lines and black dynamic
lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (2010).
Figure A-2: Process map for Hexcel AS4/8552 Open Literature model with colored isochronal lines and black
dynamic lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (2010).
Figure A-3: Process map for Hexcel AS4/8552 NCAMP model with colored isochronal lines and black
dynamic lines. Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (2010).
Figure A-4: Process map for Toray T800H/3900-2 with colored isochronal lines and black dynamic lines.
Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (2010).
Figure A-5: Process map for Toray T700/2510 with colored isochronal lines and black dynamic lines.
Adapted from material provided by Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (2010).
2. Center precast cube with the embedded TCs in a 100 mm x 100 mm x 16 mm mold and
fill the mold with uncured KE1204, Figure B-2 A. Place a flat caul plate on top of the
mold to eliminate the curvature resulting from the surface tension of the liquid rubber,
Figure B-2 B. Cure at room-temperature before demolding.
Figure B-2: A) Mold filled with uncured liquid KE1204; B) Caul plate on top of mold to remove curvature
created by surface tension.
Figure C-1: DSC data for four KE1204 samples. Sample D was offset by 100 J/kgK, but had the same slope
as the other samples.
Figure C-2: DSC data for two peel-ply samples. There was an offset of 50 J/kg K, but the samples had the
same slopes.
Figure C-3: DSC data for two FEP samples. There was an offset of 100 J/kg K, but the samples had the same
Figure D-1: Thermocouples are located at the center of the material at 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 points of the
2. Place the instrumented material between two rubber bricks. Place TCs centered on the
top and bottom surfaces of the brick, and at the interfaces between the two bricks and the
material. A detailed through-thickness temperature profile can be recorded because there
is now a total of 15 TCs aligned through the thickness of the stack (1 at the bottom
surface, 4 in each brick, 3 in the material, 2 at the interfaces, and 1 at the top surface).
3. Insulate the edges of the stack with a 30.0 mm perimeter of breather cloth. The breather
cloth is a low conductivity, low thermal mass material. The breather ensures that heat
transfer is 1-D through the thickness without absorbing an excessive amount of heat. The
amount of breather that is required varies depending on the dimensions and aspect ratios
of the stack of materials; in this work 30.0 mm was sufficient to provide a 1-D solution,
as verified by the absence of an experimental in-plane thermal gradient.
4. Envelope bag the assembly, being sure to keep the breather as square as possible.
Vacuum-bagging is necessary to ensure that the materials are pressed together and that
the pressure across the interfaces is consistent.
5. Record temperature data from all the TCs during a thermal cycle.
recommendations, or as needed.
2. Measure and record the laminate mass and thickness. The mass is used to calculate the
Vf. Comparing the uncured and cured thicknesses shows the amount of compaction that
occurred during cure.
3. Wrap the laminate with peel-ply and perforated release film, Figure E-1 Frame 2.
Controlling resin bleed while ensuring that voids are eliminated is critical since the
thermal response of the laminate is sensitive to the Vf and porosity.
The peel-ply
contains most of the resin bleed, and the barrier film stop resin from flowing into the
breather insulation.
4. Place TCs centered on the top surface, bottom surfaces, and at the interfaces between the
two bricks and the material, Figure E-1 Frame 3.
A detailed through-thickness
temperature profile can be recorded because there is now a total of 15 TCs aligned
through the thickness of the stack (1 at the bottom surface, 4 in each brick, 3 in the
laminate, 2 at the interfaces, and 1 at the top surface).
5. Place the laminate between two rubber bricks, as in Figure E-1 Frame 4
6. Insulate the edges of the stack with a 30.0 mm perimeter of breather cloth, Figure E-1
Frame 5. The breather cloth is a low conductivity, low thermal mass material. The
breather ensures that heat transfer is 1-D through the thickness without absorbing an
excessive amount of heat, Figure 3-12. The amount of breather that is required varies
depending on the dimensions and aspect ratios of the stack of materials; in this work 30.0
mm was sufficient to provide a 1-D solution, as verified by the absence of an
experimental in-plane thermal gradient.
7. Envelope bag the assembly, being sure to keep the breather as square as possible, Figure
E-1 Frame 6. Vacuum-bagging is necessary to ensure that the materials are pressed
together, that the pressure across the interfaces is consistent, and that the laminate
compacts properly during cure.
Figure E-1: Thermochemical validation specimen fabrication steps: 1) lay up laminate with throughthickness TCs; 2) wrap laminate with peel ply and barrier film; 3) place TCs at interface and surface of
rubber bricks; 4) sandwich laminate between rubber bricks; 5) insulate edges with breather; 6) envelope bag
entire cure assembly.
8. Record temperature data from all the TCs during a thermal cycle.
9. Repeat Step 8 on the fully cured material stack.
10. Measure and record the laminate mass and thickness.
11. Calculate the final Vf using Equation (E-1) below. A mass based Vf calculation is used
because it is unaffected by porosity or thickness variations in the laminate. Several
assumptions are made in the mass based calculation:
data sheet values for fiber and cured resin density are correct
mC 0
V f nom f
mr = mCf m f
Final V f =
f r
where mf is fiber mass, mr is resin mass, mC0 is the mass of the uncured composite, mCf is
the mass of the cured composite, Vf nom is the data sheet value for nominal fiber volume
fraction, C is nominal composite density, f is fiber density, and r is resin density.
12. Use the measured surface temperatures as set-temperature boundary conditions for a 1-D
simulation of the material stack. Using a set-temperature eliminates the uncertainty of
the HTC boundary on the surfaces.
Figure F-1. Geometry of 1-D and 3-D models used for simulations.
A block of neat resin was modeled at the edge of the laminate model for the resin bleed in 3-D,
Figure F-2. The mass of the resin bleed, the resin density, and the area of the exposed edges
were used to calculate the thickness of the resin in the resin block:
Tresin =
where mbleed
4 L Tlaminate
is the mass of resin bleed, resin is the density of the resin, L is the length of the side
of the laminate, and Tlaminate is the thickness of the cured laminate. The 50 ply 3-D laminate
model uses the Vf of the cured experimental laminate in Table 4-1 and a 3.5 mm block of resin
along the laminate edges.
Simulation showed that there was significant in-plane heat transfer from the resin block, Figure
F-3. Agreement for the 1-D simulation with nominal Vf (0.54) was not as good as the 3-D
simulation, Figure F-4. The resin block improved the peak exotherm agreement between the
experiment and the simulation from 1.1 C to 0.2 C. The 1-D simulation at the actual Vf underpredicted the exotherm by 1.2 C because it had less total resin mass than the experiment, 1-D
nominal Vf, and 3-D simulations. 3-D was the best solution since the laminate model has
density, specific heat capacity, and thermal conductivity properties of the high Vf laminate while
still having the correct total resin mass. However, approximating with a 1-D simulation at
nominal Vf achieved agreement better than the 2.0 C target with a simpler approach that did not
require modifications to the material model.
Figure F-3: Temperature contours of in-plane heat transfer from resin block exotherm.
Figure F-4: Comparison of thermal histories for different simulations of 50 ply CF2426A/MTM45-1 laminate.
3-D simulation is the most accurate, but a nominal 1-D simulation is a good approximation due to the inplane heat flow.