social classes in the social hierarchy. Social classes with a great deal of
power are usually viewed as elites, at least within their own societies.
In societies where classes exist, ones class is determined largely by:
personal or household per capita income or wealth/net worth,
including the ownership of land, property, means of production,
education and qualifications;
family background.
Those who can attain a position of power in a society will often adopt
distinctive lifestyles to emphasize their prestige within the powerful class.
Often the adoption of these stylistic traits (which are often referred to as
cultural capital) is as important as ones wealth in determining class
status, at least at the higher levels:
costume and grooming;
manners and cultural refinement;
political standing vis--vis the church, government, and/or social
clubs, as well as the use of honorary titles;
reputation of honor or disgrace;
language, the distinction between elaborate code, which is seen as
a criterion for upper-class, and the restricted code, which is
associated with lower classes.
purchaser was entitled to be called Master, (the title normally reserved for
esquires and gentlemen) and be referred to as a gentleman for the
remainder of his life.
In the next class the merchants were included, although they often
changed estate with gentlemen, as gentlemen did with them. Their
number had increased so much in those times that the only thing that
maintained them were the excessive prices charged for foreign goods.
The class of yeomen were those which by law were called Legales
homines, free men born English. They were entitled to an annual income
from their own free land up to a maximum sum of forty shillings sterling,
or six pounds as money went in those times. These yeomen had a certain
pre-eminence at the time, and were more highly thought of than labourers
and the common sort of artisans. They were normally well off, kept good
houses, and travelled to make money. And although they were not called
Master, as gentlemen were, or Sir, as knights were, but only John
and Thomas, they had always been the backbone of the nation. The
kings of England, when fighting battles, were always inclined to stay with
their yeomen, who were their footmen.
The fourth and last class of people in England were day-labourers, poor
husbandmen or farmers, and some retailers (those who owned no land)
copyholders, that is leaseholders, and all artisans such as tailors,
shoemakers, carpenters, brickmakers, masons, etc. This class of people,
therefore, had neither voice nor authority in the commonwealth. As for
slaves and bondmen, there were none. Indeed, such was the privilege of
England that if anyone went there from other realms, as soon as they set
foot in the country they were as free as their masters. Thus all notions of
servile bondage were utterly removed from them.
Harrison finds that the country was governed and maintained by three
sorts of persons:
1. The prince, monarch, and head governor, which is called the king, or,
(if the crown fell to a woman), the queen: in whose name and by whose
authority all things were administered.
2. The gentlemen, which class was divided into two sorts: first the
barony or estate of lords (which contained barons and all those above that
degree), and, second, those that were not lords, such as the knights,
esquires, and simple gentlemen. Out of this class the deputies and high
presidents were chosen, such as the Lord Lieutenant in Ireland and the
governors in Wales and Berwick.
3. The third and last sort was called the yeomanry, as well as those
below them, the labourers and artisans. They were not called masters and
gentlemen, but goodmen, as Goodman Smith, Goodman Coot, etc. In
matters of law these and the like were referred to as James Cocke,
yeoman; Harry Butcher, yeoman, etc. This addition to their names set
them apart from more vulgar and common sorts.
into a revolution. This is to the credit of a society that had the ability to
express itself in coping with social inconsistencies and change.
of infant and occupational mortality and fertility. Not only did this
revision give stronger emphasis to skill, but there is persuasive
evidence that the revision was constructed in the light of knowledge of
mortality rates.
In 1928, Stevenson gave the first indication of the conceptual basis of his
scheme. In a paper on The Vital Statistics of Wealth and Poverty read to
the Royal Statistical Society, Stevenson noted that culture was more
important than material factors in explaining the lower mortality of the
wealthier classes. And culture (which for Stevenson included
knowledge of health and hygiene issues) was more easily equated to
occupation than to income and wealth. Hence Stevenson inferred social
position from occupation as an indicator of culture. He admitted that
the assignment of occupations to classes was largely an empirical matter
and thus dependent on individual judgement. The validation of the
scheme could be seen in the results it produced, for example the mortality
gradients associated with the scheme which showed a uniform increase as
one moved down the social scale.
Thus, the Registrar-Generals class scheme (RGCS) rested on the
assumption that society is a graded hierarchy of occupations. The five
basic social classes recognised by the Office of Population Censuses and
Surveys (OPCS) were described, from 1921 to 1971, as an ordinal
classification of occupations according to their reputed standing within
the community. In 1980, this was changed so that social class was
equated directly with occupational skill. Unfortunately, OPCS did not
explain the principles behind this reconceptualization. Since only about
7% of cases were awarded different class codes when the same data were
coded according to both 1970 and 1980 procedures and then crossclassified, it seems that, in practice, the changes in mechanism for
experts whom they consult, and not in accordance with any coherent body
of social theory. This is why the classification has rightly been described
as an intuitive or a priori scale. This does not mean, however, that no
theory lay at the basis of Stevensons scheme. His notion of culture as
embodied by occupation did depend upon a definite view of social
processes. We can see this when we examine why the scheme was
deemed necessary.
Some scholars in the 1970s note that the social class scheme was
designed to analyse infant mortality, although others in the 1980s report
Stevensons primary interest as being in the study of fertility, and
especially the then vexed question as to whether the upper and middle
classes were reproducing themselves. Clearly, the two issues are related,
but they must also be seen as central to one of the earliest debates in UK
social sciencethat between the eugenicists and the environmentalists
(eugenics is the study of the hereditary improvement of the human race
by controlled selective breeding).
Although the first published application of the class schema in 1913 was
to the interpretation of infant mortality statistics, the real inspiration for
its construction came from the nineteenth-century debate about
differential fertility, between hereditarian eugenicists on the one hand and
environmentalists on the other. Stevenson, an environmentalist and
advocate of interventionist public health measures, developed the social
class scheme in order to test and disprove eugenicist theories. Thus, while
there is no explicit sociological theory to support the scheme, it is
nevertheless an assertion of the importance of social factors in accounting
for observed trends in fertility and mortality.
The social class scheme has been widely used by OPCS (Office of
Population Censuses and Surveys) in census reports, decennial
supplements, various survey reports, as well as in many academic studies.
Not surprisingly, given its origins, it has been particularly used in
research on health and in demography. However, for a variety of reasons
some government departments and agencies, and academics in disciplines
other than health studies and demography have used alternatives to the
RGCS (Registrar-Generals class scheme), and notably the second of the
official social classificationsthe Socio-Economic Groups (SEG).
For many sociologists, SEG is seen as a better measure than social class
for social scientific purposes. Its seventeen groups can be collapsed to
produce a scheme not dissimilar from the ones proposed for the studies of
social mobility and class structure. Thus we have two official ways of
classifying people in terms of their employment, based on different
principles and conceptions and without any straightforward mapping
between them.
Given this fact, and given also that the two schemes have remained
largely unaltered for decades while society itself has changed rapidly,
OPCS (the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys) recently
requested the Economic and Social Research Council to undertake a
review of RGSC and SEG. Not only was it thought that two
occupationally-based social classifications might be one too many, but
increasingly government departments and academic researchers have
complained about the fact that the classifications can ignore the 40% of
the population who are not in paid employment.
The ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Review is in two
phases. Phase 1, now completed, examined whether there was a
demographic research;
this leaves government in control of definitions and hence of the
information which must be collected in order to produce
Beyond the problems already discussed, the revision of government
social classifications will have to be considered within the framework of
current intellectual debates surrounding class analysis. Principal among
these, of course, are the problem of what unit of analysis to use, the
relationship between gender and class, the appropriate reference
occupation for the retired, the unemployed and other significant
economically inactive groups, and the even thornier problem of the very
relevance of class analysis to contemporary society and social scientific
explanation. However, whatever the problems, it is intended that Britain
should have a new social classification more fitted to the needs of the
twenty-first century.
Upper Classes in the United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, entry to the upper class is still considered
difficult, if not impossible, to attain unless one is born into it. Marriage
into upper-class families rarely results in complete integration, since
many factors (to be outlined below) raise a challenging barrier between
the upper, upper middle, and middle classes.
Titles, while often considered central to the upper class, are not always
strictly so. Both Captain Mark Phillips and Vice Admiral Timothy
Laurence, the respective first and second husbands of HRH The Princess
Anne lacked any rank of peerage, yet could scarcely be considered to be
anything other than upper class. That being said, those in possession of a
hereditary (as opposed, importantly, to a conferred, or life) peeragefor
example a Dukedom, an Earldom, or a Barony (though any of these may
be conferred)will, almost invariably be members of the upper class.
Where one was educated is often considered to be more important than
the level of education attained. Traditionally, upper class children will be
brought upat homeby a nanny for the first few years of life, until old
enough to attend a well-established prep school or pre-preparatory school.
Sportswoman of the Year. Men who ride will more often participate in
Polo, as is the case with both HRH Prince Charles and his sons, Their
Royal Highnesses Prince William and Prince Harry.
Hunting and shooting, too, are favoured pastimes. Some upper class
families with large estates will run their own shoots (typically they would
need about 1,000 acres, or 4 km, though some shoots do operate on
about half that), but many will know someone who keeps pheasants, or
other game, and may instead shoot with them. Much as with horses, there
is a particular affinity for dogs (especially Labradors and Spaniels)
amongst the upper class and, equally, sporting pursuits that involve them.
It should, however, be noted that none of the aforementioned sports are,
of course, exclusively upper-class.
Language, pronunciation and writing style have been, consistently, one
of the most reliable indicators of class. The variations between the
language employed by the upper classes and those not of the upper
classes has, perhaps, been best documented by linguistic Professor Alan
Rosss 1954 article on U (for upper class) and non-U English usage.
The discussion was perhaps most famously furthered in Noblesse Oblige
and featured contributions from, among others, Nancy Mitford.
Interestingly, the debate was resumed in the mid-seventies, in a
publication by Debretts called U and Non-U revisited. Ross
contributed to this volume too, and it is remarkable to notice how little
the language (amongst other factors) changed in the passing of a quarter
of a century.
With specific regard to pronunciation, much is made of the lower-class
(albeit slightly regional) tendency towards dropped consonantsfor
instance, lille for little or ow are you? for how are you? The
upper class are also distinguishable, though from the absence of vowels in
their speechthus, handkerchief becomes hnkrchf, venison
becomes vnsn and Shropshire becomes Shrpshr.
The choice of house (home, to a non-U-speaker), too, is an important
feature of the upper classes. While it is true that there are fewer upper
class families nowadays that are able to maintain both a well-staffed town
house and a country house than in the past, there are still many families
that have a hereditary seat somewhere in the country that they have
managed to retain: Woburn Abbey, for example, has been in the family of
the Duke of Bedford for centuries. Many upper class country homes are
now open to the public, or have been placed in the care of the National
Trust to aid with the funding of much-needed repairs. (In some cases,
both are true).
The inside of a house, however grand the faade, is equally indicative of
class. Upper class homes (if privately owned, and not staffed) tend to be
comparatively untidy composites of inherited grand furniture, which may
have become worn over time and vast piles of ancient books, papers and
other old reading material for which there is now no room.
Many upper class families will be in possession of works of art by old
masters, valuable sculpture or period furniture, with certain pieces handed
down through several generations. Indeed, inheriting the vast majority of
ones possessions is the traditional form in upper class families. On that
point, there is a well-known derisory quotation from Conservative
politician Michael Jopling, who referred to cabinet colleague Michael
Heseltine as the kind of person who bought his own furniture. (The
former was then put down himself by a Baron as the kind of person who
bought his own castle).
So too is the organisation (or lack) of the garden an important upper class
trait. Bedding plants, rockeries (a garden in which rocks are arranged and
plants cultivated in a carefully designed, decorative scheme), hanging
baskets and goldfish ponds will all have been banished in favour of box
hedges, shrub roses, herbaceous borders and stone pathways. Upper class
gardens will look more natural and unconstructed than artificially
trimmed (although as with houses, this is not always true where staff are
Money and material possessions are often thought of as a less important
factor as regards the United Kingdoms upper class than those upper
classes of other countries, but, although this allows for an upper class
family to be impoverished, an upper class family is likely to have had
wealth at some point in its history.
Vast financial prosperity (only slightly dependent on how it is earned) is
the subject of derision and contemptthe nickname fat cat, in
reference to a wealthy and highly priviledged person, is not one often
attributed to members of the upper class. According to Kate Fox, the
present-day anthropologist, the main difference between the English and
American social system is that in the latter, the rich and powerful believe
they deserve their wealth and power and are more complacent. In the
former, they tend to have a greater sense of social responsibility and
compassion for those less privileged than themselves.
The Normans
The Normans came to govern England following one of the most famous
battles in English history: the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Four Norman
kings presided over a period of great change and development for the
country. The Domesday Book, a great record of English land-holding, was
published; the forests were extended; the Exchequer was founded; and a
start was made on the Tower of London. In religious affairs, the
Gregorian reform movement gathered pace and forced concessions: Pope
Gregory I, known as Gregory the Great (590-604) increased papal
authority, enforced rules of life for the clergy, and sponsored many
important missionary expeditions, notably that of Saint Augustine to
Britain (596).The machinery of government developed to support the
country while the monarch was fighting abroad.
Meanwhile, the social landscape altered dramatically, as the Norman
aristocracy came to prominence. Many of the nobles struggled to keep a
hold on their interests in both Normandy and England, as divided rule
meant the threat of conflict. This was the case when William the
Conqueror died. His eldest son, Robert, became Duke of Normandy,
while the next youngest, William, became king of England. Their
younger brother Henry would become king on William IIs death. The
uneasy divide continued until Henry captured and imprisoned his elder
brother. The question of the succession continued to weigh heavily over
the remainder of the period. Henrys son died, and his nominated heir
Matilda was denied the throne by her cousin, Henrys nephew, Stephen.
fighting abroad. This was taken to an extreme by his son Richard, who
spent only 10 months of a ten-year reign in the country due to his
involvement in the crusades.
The last of the Angevin kings was John, whom history has judged
harshly. By 1205, six years into his reign, only a fragment of the vast
Angevin empire acquired by Henry II remained. John quarrelled with the
Pope over the appointment of the Archbishop of Canterbury, eventually
surrendering. He was also forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215, which
restated the rights of the church, the barons and all in the land. John died
in disgrace, having broken the contract, leading the nobles to summon aid
from France and creating a precarious position for his Plantagenet heir,
Henry III.
The Plantagenets
The Plantagenet period was dominated by three major conflicts at home
and abroad. Edward I attempted to create a British empire dominated by
England, conquering Wales and pronouncing his eldest son Prince of
Wales, and then attacking Scotland. Scotland was to remain elusive and
retain its independence until late in the reign of the Stuart kings. In the
reign of Edward III the Hundred Years War began, a struggle between
England and France. At the end of the Plantagenet period, the reign of
Richard II saw the beginning of the long period of civil feuding known as
the War of the Roses. For the next century, the crown would be disputed
by two conflicting family strands, the Lancastrians and the Yorkists.
The period also saw the development of new social institutions and a
distinctive English culture. Parliament emerged and grew, while the
judicial reforms begun in the reign of Henry II were continued and
Yorkist claimants such as the Duke of York asserted their legitimate claim
to the throne through Edward IIIs second surviving son, but through a
female line. The Wars of the Roses therefore tested whether the
succession should keep to the male line or could pass through females.
Ultimately, Henry VI was captured and put to death, and the Yorkist
faction led by Edward IV gained the throne.
The Yorkists
The Yorkist conquest of the Lancastrians in 1461 did not put an end to the
Wars of the Roses, which rumbled on until the start of the sixteenth
century. Family disloyalty in the form of Richard IIIs betrayal of his
nephews, the young King Edward V and his brother, was part of his
downfall. Henry Tudor, a claimant to the throne of Lancastrian descent,
defeated Richard III in battle and Richard was killed. With the marriage
of Henry to Elizabeth, the sister of the young Princes in the Tower,
reconciliation was finally achieved between the warring houses of
Lancaster and York in the form of the new Tudor dynasty, which
combined their respective red and white emblems to produce the Tudor
The Tudors
The five sovereigns of the Tudor dynasty are among the most well-known
figures in Royal history. Of Welsh origin, Henry VII succeeded in ending
the Wars of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York to found
the highly successful Tudor house. Henry VII, his son Henry VIII and his
three children Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I ruled for 118 eventful
years. During this period, England developed into one of the leading
European colonial powers, with men such as Sir Walter Raleigh taking
part in the conquest of the New World. Nearer to home, campaigns in
Ireland brought the country under strict English control.
Culturally and socially, the Tudor period saw many changes. The Tudor
court played a prominent part in the cultural Renaissance taking place in
Europe, nurturing all-round individuals such as William Shakespeare,
Edmund Spenser and Cardinal Wolsey. The Tudor period also saw the
turbulence of two changes of official religion, resulting in the martyrdom
of many innocent believers of both Protestantism and Roman
Catholicism. The fear of Roman Catholicism induced by the Reformation
was to last for several centuries and to play an influential role in the
history of the Succession.
Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom from 1603
Until 1603 the English and Scottish Crowns were separate, although links
between the two were always closemembers of the two Royal families
intermarried on many occasions. Following the Accession of King James
VI of Scotland (James I of England) to the English Throne, a single
monarch reigned in the United Kingdom. The last four hundred years
have seen many changes in the nature of the Monarchy in the United
Kingdom. From the end of the seventeenth century, monarchs lost
executive power and they increasingly became subject to Parliament,
resulting in todays constitutional Monarchy.
The Stuarts
The Stuarts were the first kings of the United Kingdom. King James I of
England who began the period was also King James VI of Scotland, thus
combining the two thrones for the first time. The Stuart dynasty reigned
in England and Scotland from 1603 to 1714, a period which saw a
flourishing Court culture but also much upheaval and instability, plague,
fire and war. It was an age of intense religious debate and radical politics.
Both contributed to a bloody civil war in the mid-seventeenth century
between Crown and Parliament (the Cavaliers and the Roundheads),
resulting in a parliamentary victory for Oliver Cromwell and the dramatic
execution of King Charles I. There was a short-lived republic, the first
time that the country had experienced such an event.
The Restoration of the Crown was soon followed by another Glorious
Revolution. The Glorious Revolution, also called the Revolution of 1688,
was the overthrow of King James II of England (VII of Scotland) in 1688
by a union of Parliamentarians with an invading army led by the Dutch
stadtholder (or governor) William III of Orange-Nassau (William of
Orange), who as a result ascended the English throne as William III of
England. It is sometimes called the Bloodless Revolution, but this is
Anglocentric as it ignores the three major battles in Ireland and serious
fighting in Scotland. William and Mary of Orange ascended the throne as
joint monarchs and defenders of Protestantism, followed by Queen Anne,
the second of James IIs daughters.
The end of the Stuart line with the death of Queen Anne led to the
drawing up of the Act of Settlement in 1701, which provided that only
Protestants could hold the throne. The next in line according to the
provisions of this act was George of Hanover, yet Stuart princes remained
in the wings. The Stuart legacy was to linger on in the form of claimants
to the Crown for another century.
The Hanoverians
The Hanoverians came to power in difficult circumstances that looked set
to undermine the stability of British society. The first of their Kings,
George I, was only 52nd in line to the throne, but the nearest Protestant
according to the Act of Settlement. Two descendants of James II, the
deposed Stuart king, threatened to take the throne, and were supported by
a number of Jacobites throughout the realm. For all that, the
Hanoverian period was remarkably stable, not least because of the
longevity of its kings. From 1714 through to 1837, there were only five
monarchs, one of whom, George III, remains the longest reigning king in
British History (1760-1820).
The period was also one of political stability, and the development of
constitutional monarchy. For vast tracts of the eighteenth century, great
Whig families dominated politics, while the early nineteenth century saw
Tory domination. Britains first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole, dates
from this period, and income tax was introduced. Towards the end of the
Hanoverian period, the Great Reform Act was passed, which amongst
other things widened the electorate.
It was also in this period that Britain came to acquire much of her
overseas empire, despite the loss of the American colonies, largely
through foreign conquest in the various wars of the century. By the end of
the Hanoverian period, the British Empire covered a third of the globe.
The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came to the British Royal Family in 1840
with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke
of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Queen Victoria herself remained a member of
the House of Hanover. The only British monarch of the House of SaxeCoburg-Gotha was King Edward VII, who reigned for nine years at the
beginning of the modern age in the early years of the twentieth century.
King George V replaced the German-sounding title with that of Windsor
during the First World War. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha survived in
other European monarchies, including the current Belgian Royal Family
and the former monarchies of Portugal and Bulgaria.
The House of Windsor
The House of Windsor came into being in 1917, when the name was
adopted as the British Royal Familys official name by a proclamation of
King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It
remains the family name of the current Royal Family. The present Queen
has familial ties with most of the monarchs in Europe. During the
twentieth century, kings and queens of the United Kingdom have fulfilled
the varied duties of constitutional monarchy. One of their most important
roles has been acting as national figureheads lifting public morale during
the devastating wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45.
The period saw the modernisation of the monarchy in tandem with many
social changes which have taken place over the past 90 years. One such
modernisation has been the use of mass communication technologies to
make the Royal Family accessible to a broader public all over the world.
George V adopted the relatively new medium of radio to broadcast across
the Empire at Christmas; the Coronation ceremony was broadcast on
television for the first time in 1953, at The Queens insistence; and the
World Wide Web has been used for the past seven years to provide a
global audience with information about the Royal Family. During this
period, British monarchs have also played a vital part in promoting
international relations. The Queen retains close links with former colonies
in her role as Head of the Commonwealth.
The British Sovereign can be seen as having two roles: Head of State, and
Head of the Nation. As Head of State, the Queen undertakes
constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one
thousand years of history. There are inward duties, with the Queen
playing a part in State functions in Britain. Parliament must be opened,
Orders in Council have to be approved, Acts of Parliament must be
signed, and meetings with the Prime Minister must be held. There are
also outward duties of State, when the Queen represents Britain to the rest
of the world. For example, the Queen receives foreign ambassadors and
high commissioners, entertains visiting Heads of State, and makes state
visits overseas to other countries, in support of diplomatic and economic
As Head of Nation, the Queens role is less formal, but no less
important for the social and cultural functions it fulfils. The Queens role
is to:
perform the ceremonial and official duties of Head of State, including
representing Britain to the rest of the world;
provide a focus for national identity and unity;
provide stability and continuity in times of change;
recognise achievement and excellence;
encourage public and voluntary service.
The Role of the Royal Family
Members of the Royal Family support the Queen in her many State and
national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the areas of
public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and
stability. Those who undertake official duties are members of the Queens
close family: her children and their spouses, and the Queens cousins (the
children of King George VIs brothers) and their spouses.
Younger members of the Royal Family who are presently in education or
military trainingsuch as Prince William and Prince Harrydo not
undertake official duties full-time, but often play a role in important
national events and commemorations. Every year the Royal Family as a
whole carries out over 2,000 official engagements throughout the UK and
worldwide. The number of people entertained each year to dinners,
lunches, receptions and garden parties at the Royal residences is 70,000.
The number of letters received and answered each year by the Royal
Family is 100,000.
These engagements may include official State responsibilities. Members
of the Royal Family often carry out official duties in the UK and abroad
where the Queen cannot be present in person. The Prince of Wales and
the Princess Royal, for example, may present members of the public with
their honours at an Investiture. When official events such as receptions,
State banquets and garden parties are held, the Royal Family supports the
Queen in making her guests welcome.
Members of the Royal Family also often represent the Queen and the
nation in Commonwealth or countries, at events such as State funerals or
national festivities, or through longer visits to strengthen Britains
diplomatic and economic relations. The Royal Family also plays an
important role in supporting and encouraging the public and charity
sectors. About 3,000 organisations list a member of the Royal Family as
patron or president.
and Royal Marines (who operate ashore under the Army Act) to take an
oath of allegiance to the monarch as Head of the Armed Forces.
The Queen takes a keen interest in all the Armed Services both in the
United Kingdom and in the Commonwealth. She keeps in touch with the
work and interests of the Services through the Chiefs of Staff and her
Defence Services Secretary, a serving officer who is also a member of the
Royal Household, who acts as the official link between the Queen,
through her Private Secretary, and the Secretary of State for Defence. The
Queen is regularly briefed by her Ministers.
The Queen and various other members of the Royal Family hold various
appointments and honorary ranks in the Armed Services, both in the
United Kingdom and in some realms. Such appointments include special
relationships with certain ships, honorary colonelcies (known as Royal
colonels) in Army regiments and corps, and honorary ranks connected
with Royal Air Force stations.
These links are maintained by regular visits by members of the Royal
Family to Service establishments and to ships, to meet servicemen and
women of all ranks and their families, both in the United Kingdom and
overseas. Members of the Royal Family have personal experience of life
in the Armed Services. As Princess Elizabeth, the Queen joined the
Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945, becoming the first female member
of the Royal Family to be a full-time active member of the Armed
Royal Visits
An important part of the work of the Queen and the Royal Family is to
support and encourage public and voluntary service. One of the ways in
which they do this is through involvement with charities and other
organisations. About 3,000 organisations list a member of the Royal
Family as patron or president. The Queen has over 600 patronages and
the Duke of Edinburgh over 700. These cover every area of the charity
and voluntary sector, from opportunities for young people, to preservation
of wildlife and the environment.
Queen and Commonwealth
The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 53
independent countries. From Antigua to Zambia, the Commonwealth is a
remarkable international organisation, spanning every geographical
region, religion and culture. It exists to foster international co-operation
and trade links between people all over the world. Some countries within
the Commonwealth have the Queen as their Sovereign, whilst remaining
independent in the conduct of their own affairs. They are known as
Commonwealth realms. The Queen and the Royal Family retain close
links with the Commonwealth realms, and with other members of the
worldwide Commonwealth organisation.
Ceremony and Symbol
Royal ceremonies and symbols hold a powerful fascination. Occasions
such as the State Opening of Parliament, Trooping the Colour and Garter
Day are some of the most colourful and exciting events of the year. But
they are not simply spectacular pageants. These official occasions are also
The Prince of Waless life and work are funded predominantly by the
Duchy of Cornwall. His Royal Highness receives the annual net surplus
of the Duchy of Cornwall and chooses to use a large proportion of the
income to meet the cost of his public and charitable work. The Prince also
uses part of the income to meet the costs of his private life and those of
his wife, The Duchess of Cornwall, and his sons, Prince William and
Prince Harry. As a Crown body, the Duchy is tax exempt, but the Prince
of Wales voluntarily pays income tax (currently at 40 %) on his taxable
income from it. The Prince of Wales does not receive money from the
Civil List, but the Grants-in-Aid paid to the Queens Household are used,
in part, to support his official activities.
Financial Arrangements of Other Members of the Royal Family
Other than the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh is the only member of the
Royal Family to receive an annual parliamentary allowance to enable him
to carry out official public duties supporting the Queen. Since 1993, the
Queen has repaid to the Treasury the annual parliamentary allowances
received by other members of the Royal Family. Most of the allowances
received by members of the Royal Family are spent on staff who support
their public engagements and correspondence. In 2000 the annual
amounts payable to members of the Royal Family (which are set every
ten years) were reset at their 1990 levels for the next ten years, until
December 2010.
The Queen pays most of the taxes to which any UK citizen is liable. Her
Majesty has always been subject to Value Added Tax and other indirect
taxes and she pays local rates (Council Tax) on a voluntary basis. In 1992,
the Queen offered to pay income tax and capital gains tax on a voluntary
basis. As from 1993, her personal income has been taxable as for any
taxpayer. Income from the Privy Purse is fully taxable, subject to a
deduction for official expenditure. The Civil List and the Grants-in-Aid
are not pay for the Queen but funding for her official work, so they are
disregarded for tax purposes. However, the unique nature of her position
of Sovereign makes the Queen exempt from tax in certain situations.
Titles and Succession
When a monarch dies, or abdicates, a successor is immediately decided
according to rules which were laid down at the end of the seventeenth
century. The family name of the House of Windsor dates back to 1917,
when King George V decided to adopt it. Most members of the Royal
Family, however, are known by formal titles which date back centuries
for example, the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, the eldest
daughter of a British sovereign (Princess Anne).
The order of succession is the sequence of members of the Royal Family
in the order in which they stand in line to the throne. The basis for the
succession was determined in the constitutional developments of the
seventeenth century, which culminated in the Bill of Rights (1689) and
the Act of Settlement (1701). When James II fled the country in 1688,
Parliament held that he had abdicated the government and that the
throne was vacant. The throne was then offered, not to Jamess young
son, but to his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange, as
joint rulers.
It therefore came to be established not only that the Sovereign rules
through Parliament, but that the succession to the throne can be regulated
by Parliament, and that a Sovereign can be deprived of his title through
misgovernment. The succession to the throne is regulated not only
through descent, but also by statute; the Act of Settlement confirmed that
it was for Parliament to determine the title to the throne. The Act laid
down that only Protestant descendants of Princess Sophiathe Electress
of Hanover and granddaughter of James Iare eligible to succeed.
Subsequent Acts have confirmed this.
Parliament, under the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement, also laid
down various conditions which the Sovereign must meet. A Roman
Catholic is specifically excluded from succession to the throne; nor may
the Sovereign marry a Roman Catholic. The Sovereign must, in addition,
be in communion with the Church of England and must swear to preserve
the established Church of England and the established Church of
Scotland. The Sovereign must also promise to uphold the Protestant
Line of succession (first ten positions):
1. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (b. 1948), eldest son of Queen
Elizabeth II;
2. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (b. 1982), elder son of
Charles, Prince of Wales;
3. Prince George of Cambridge (b. 2013), son of Prince William,
Duke of Cambridge;
new taxation, not their advice. Later in the thirteenth century, King
Edward I (1272-1307) called joint meetings of two governmental
institutions: the Magnum Concilium, or Great Council, comprising lay
and ecclesiastical magnates, and the Curia Regis, or Kings Court, a much
smaller body of semiprofessional advisers. At those meetings of the
Curia Regis that came to be called concilium regis in parliamento (the
kings council in parliament), judicial problems might be settled that had
proved beyond the scope of the ordinary law courts dating from the
twelfth century. The members of the Curia Regis were preeminent and
often remained to complete business after the magnates had been sent
home; the proceedings of Parliament were not formally ended until they
had accomplished their tasks. To about one in seven of these meetings
Edward, following precedents from his fathers time, summoned knights
from the shires and burgesses from the towns to appear with the
The parliament called in 1295, known as the Model Parliament and
widely regarded as the first representative parliament, included the lower
clergy for the first time as well as two knights from each county, two
burgesses from each borough, and two citizens from each city. Early in
the fourteenth century the practice developed of conducting debates
between the lords spiritual and temporal in one chamber, or house, and
between the knights and burgesses in another. Strictly speaking, there
were, and still are, three houses: the king and his council, the lords
spiritual and temporal, and the commons. But in the fifteenth century the
kings of the House of Lancaster were usually forced to take all their
councillors from among the lords, and later under the House of Tudor, it
became the practice to find seats in the commons for privy councillors
who were not lords. Meanwhile, the greater cohesion of the Privy Council
fourteenth century. Once used as a law court, the hall has held several
notable trials, including that of Sir William Wallace (1305), the
Gunpowder Plot conspirators (1606) and King Charles I (1649). Today
the hall is often used for important State occasions such as the Queens
Golden Jubilee and the lying-in-State of the late Queen Elizabeth the
Queen Mother, both in 2002.
The Palace almost completely burnt down in a fire on 16 October 1834,
which destroyed everything except Westminster Hall, the crypt of St.
Stephens Chapel and the Jewel Tower. The Houses of Parliament, as we
know them today, were rebuilt after the fire. The process, which
incorporated Westminster Hall and the remains of St. Stephens Chapel,
took just over 30 years. The rebuilding was completely finished by 1870.
Architect Charles Barry won an open competition for a new design with
his gothic vision. Barry was assisted by Augustus Welby Pugin,
especially in the details, fittings and furniture. During the Second World
War, on 10 May 1941, a bombing raid destroyed the House of Commons
chamber. Architect Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed a new, five-floor
block (with two floors occupied by the chamber). It was used for the first
time on 26 October 1950.
The Clock Tower owes its existence to the fire in 1834 that destroyed
most of Parliament. A commission was set up to choose a new building
design from 97 submissions and a clock tower dominated Charles Barrys
winning plan. The clock swung into action in 1859. In 1848, the
Astronomer Royal, Sir George Airey, and barrister Edmund Denison
(who was an amateur watchmaker) took charge of designing the Great
Clock. Clockmaker Edward Dent had the job of building it. Two attempts
were made to cast the Great Bell, or Big Ben as it is more popularly
known. Cast in 1856, the first bell was transported to the tower on a
trolley drawn by sixteen horses, with crowds cheering its progress.
Unfortunately, it cracked while being tested (blamed on Denison insisting
on an overly heavy hammer) and a replacement had to be made.
The second bell was cast in Londons Whitechapel Bell Foundry on 10
April 1858. In October 1858 the bell was pulled 200 ft. up to the Clock
Towers belfry (the part of a tower in which bells are hung), a feat that
took 18 hours. Big Ben first rang in July 1859 but, again, the bell cracked
in the following September. However, this time the bell was simply
rotated so the hammer did not strike the crack, which remains to this day.
No-one knows the exact origins of the name Big Ben but the most
popular theories are:
that the bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the First
Commissioner of Works and a tall man known in the House of
Commons as Big Ben;
that it was given the nickname of a champion heavyweight boxer
of the time called Ben Caunt; he fought his last fight in 1857 when
the bell, and the debate of what to name it, was in the public
Westminster Hall is the only major part of the ancient Palace of
Westminster which survives in its original form. The hall was built from
1097-99 on the orders of William Rufus (II), son of William the
Conqueror. When first built in the eleventh century, Westminster Hall was
the Great Hall of the Palace of Westminster, used for feasting and
entertaining. From 1189-1821, it was the setting for banquets following
the coronation ceremony held in Westminster Abbey. The Royal Courts of
Justice sat here until 1882, when they were removed to the Strand. The
original roof was supported by rows of pillars within the hall but in 1399
Richard II commissioned a hammer-beam roof to arch across the entire
span. During extensive repairs undertaken between 1914 and 1923, the
entire hammer-beam roof was reinforced by concealed steelwork and the
decayed portions replaced with new oak. The hammer-beam roof is the
largest medieval timber roof in Northern Europe with a span of 69 feet.
By the time fire engines arrived at the burning Houses of Parliament
during the fire of 1834, the House of Lords was already destroyed and the
Commons was on fire. The Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, directed the
work to soak the roof of Westminster Hall. The rest of the Houses of
Parliament was lost but the hall was saved. In 1941 incendiary bombs set
both Westminster Hall and the Commons Chamber on fire. On the
insistence of Colonel Walter Elliot MP, the hall was saved in preference
to the Commons Chamber. The Commons burned for two days but the
hall survived.
During certain ceremonial occasions, and like the Lords Chamber during
State Opening, Westminster Hall becomes a point of convergence for all
three parts of Parliament: the Queen, the House of Lords and the House
of Commons. The Queen attends parliamentary occasions in her capacity
as the ceremonial head of state. Westminster Hall is traditionally the place
where monarchs, and sometimes former Prime Ministers, lie-in-state
before their funerals. Tablets on the floor of the hall commemorate these
occasions. Exhibitions and other special events are also held in
Westminster Hall and are often open free of charge to the public.
Hansard is a report of both oral and written parliamentary proceedings.
Its origins go back to the seventeenth century, when unofficialand often
both Houses of Parliament, their sons and those police officers who died
in the First World War from 1914 to 1918. Designed by Sir Bertram
Mackennal in 1922, the statue was damaged during the Second World
War; to this day one of the upper statuettes remains detached from the
Above the memorial to the First World War in St. Stephens Porch, is the
large stained glass window which contains the service badges and
armorial bearings or initials of Members and staff of both Houses and
police officers, who died in the War of 1939 to 1945. The window was
designed by Sir Ninian Comper and replaced the original Pugin window,
which was destroyed in December 1940 during a bombing raid. In
addition to memorials, there are a number of books of remembrance and
other commemorative artefacts, including:
a piece of timber used during the evacuation of Dunkirk by the
British Expeditionary Force in June 1940, presented by the
Dunkirk Veterans Association to the House of Lords in November
a box of sand from five beaches (Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and
Sword) used at the Normandy Landings in 1944, presented by the
Normandy Veterans Association.
Layout of the Palace of Westminster
Visitors to the Palace of Westminster come in through St. Stephens
entrance and proceed until they reach Central Lobby. Central Lobby is the
central point in the Palace between the House of Lords and House of
Members who receive a salary are not entitled to claim the additional
allowances based on attendance. The two Opposition parties and the
Convenor of the Crossbench Peers in the House of Lords receive
financial assistance for their parliamentary business. Known as
Cranborne money, the amounts payable are uprated annually in line
with the retail prices index and are subject to independent audit.
The UK has many political parties, the main three being Conservative
(currently in government), Labour and Liberal Democrat. These three
work in both the House of Commons and House of Lords. In addition to
the main three parties, the Commons has a range of other political groups
also elected by the public. This includes nationalist organisations like
Plaid Cymru (Wales) and the Scottish National Party, Northern Irelands
various political parties, and minority parties like Respect.
Outside of the main parties, there are a small number of Members in the
Lords as well that are not affiliated with a main political party and those
belonging to minority groups. In addition there are a limited number of
Church of England archbishops and bishops and the Crossbench Peers
group. The Crossbench Peers group is formed by independent Members
who do not take a party whipwhich means that they are not told how to
vote by a political party.
Nearly all MPs represent political parties. The party with the most MPs
after a general election usually forms the Government. The next largest
party becomes the official Opposition. If MPs do not have a political
party, they are known as Independents. Members of the House of Lords
are organised on a party basis in much the same way as the House of
Commons but with important differences: members of the Lords do not
mostly on benches that cross the Chamber of the House of Lords behind
the clerks table.
In both the Commons and the Lords, Government ministers and
Opposition shadow ministers sit on the front benches and are known as
frontbenchers. MPs and Members of the Lords who do not hold
ministerial positions sit towards the back of the Chamber and are known
as backbenchers. MPs and Members of the Lords do not have to belong
to a political party. Instead, MPs can sit as Independents and Lords can sit
as Crossbenchers or Independents. The Anglican Archbishops of
Canterbury and York, the Bishops of Durham, London and Winchester
and the 21 other senior diocesan bishops of the Church of England have
seats in the Lords. This is for historical reasons. When they retire as
bishops their membership of the House ends.
Members of either the House of Commons or House of Lords can change
political party at any timeknown as crossing the floor. The term
comes from the fact that, traditionally, Members of Parliament from
opposing parties sit on opposite sides of the Chamber. Therefore, a
Member who changes party usually has to cross the floor of the House to
sit on the other side of the Chamber. The term is used to signify the
changing of allegiance.
When Parliament is dissolved every seat in the House of Commons
becomes vacant and a general election is held. Each constituency in the
UK elects one MP (Member of Parliament) to a seat in the House of
Commons. The political party that wins a majority of seats in the House
At the end of a debate the Question (i.e. the motion which is the subject
of the debate) is put to see if Members agree or not. The question may be
decided without voting, or by a simple majority vote. Public debates and
results of divisions in the chamber and committees of both Houses are
published in Hansard. Members of both Houses register their vote for or
against issues by physically going into two different areas on either side
of their debating chambers. This is known as dividing the House, while
the areas concerned are division lobbies. Therefore, a vote is called a
When a vote is held the Speaker in the Commonsor Lord Speaker in
the Lordsasks Members to call out whether they agree or not. The
Speaker will then judge whether there is a clear result. If this cannot be
determined, the Speaker or Lord Speaker calls a division by announcing
clear the lobbies (in the Commons) or clear the bar (in the Lords).
Members do not have to participate in a debate to be able to vote, and
may be elsewhere in the Parliamentary estate. To notify Members that a
division is taking place, division bells located throughout the
Parliamentary estate and surrounding premises ring and TV screens with
a specialised feed (called the annunciator service) display that a
division is taking place. When the division bells ring Members have eight
minutes to vote before the doors to the division lobbies are locked.
During a division, Members literally divide into two separate areas. These
are called the Aye and No lobbies in the Commons and the Contents and
Not Contents lobbies in the Lords. As they pass through the lobbies, the
Members have their names recorded by clerks and are counted by tellers.
Once the lobbies are empty the Speaker (Commons) or the Lord Speaker
(Lords) announces the result of the division. The whole process takes
Making Laws
One of Parliaments main roles is debating and passing laws. A Bill is a
proposal for a new law, or a proposal to change an existing law that is
presented for debate before Parliament. Bills are introduced in either the
House of Commons or House of Lords for examination, discussion and
amendment. When both Houses have agreed on the content of a Bill it is
then presented to the reigning monarch for approval (known as Royal
Assent). Once Royal Assent is given, a Bill becomes an Act of Parliament
and is law.
Different types of Bills can be introduced by:
the government;
individual MPs or Lords;
private individuals or organisations.
There are three different types of Bill: Public, Private and Hybrid Bills.
There is also another kind of Public Bill called Private Members Bills.
An Act of Parliament creates a new law or changes an existing law. An
Act is a Bill approved by both the House of Commons and the House of
Lords and formally agreed to by the reigning monarch (known as Royal
Assent). Once implemented, an Act is law and applies to the UK as a
whole or to specific areas of the country.
The procedure for passing the different types of Bills is broadly similar in
both Houses. At a very simple level, a Bill must pass through several
stagesin both Housesto become a law. For Public Bills the following
stages take place in both Houses:
When a Bill has passed through both Houses it is returned to the first
House (where it started) for the second Houses amendments to be
considered. Both Houses must agree on the final text. There may be
several rounds of exchanges between the two Houses until agreement is
reached on every word of the Bill. Once this happens, the Bill proceeds to
the next stage: the Royal Assent.
Private Bills go through broadly the same stages as Public Bills, but some
different rules apply. For example, a debate on the second reading of a
Private Bill will only take place if an MP or Lord objects to the Bill. The
committee stage for a Private Bill is also different. Bills which have been
petitioned against are considered by an Opposed Bill Committee, whereas
Bills not petitioned against go to an Unopposed Bill Committee. Private
Bills in the House of Lords do not have a report stage after they have left
Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle of the UK constitution. It
makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can
create or end any law. Generally, the courts cannot overrule its legislation
and no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change.
Parliamentary sovereignty is the most important part of the UK
constitution. People often refer to the UK having an unwritten
constitution but that is not strictly true. It may not exist in a single text,
like in the USA or Germany, but large parts of it are written down, much
of it in the laws passed in Parliamentknown as statute law. Therefore,
the UK constitution is often described as partly written and wholly
uncodified. (Uncodified means that the UK does not have a single,
written constitution.) Much of the work of the House of Commons and
the House of Lords takes place in committees, made up of around 10 to
50 MPs or Lords. These committees examine issues in detail, from
government policy and proposed new laws, to wider topics like the
The Budget
Every year the Chancellor of the Exchequer makes a major speech to the
House of Commons on the state of the national finances and the
Governments proposals for changes to taxation. This statement is known
as the Budget. The Budget usually takes place in March. There has to be a
Budget every year because some taxes, such as income tax and
corporation tax, are annual taxes (not permanent), so they must be
renewed each year. The Budget speech usually includes:
Since 1997, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has presented an annual preBudget report. This usually takes place in November/December. The preBudget report speech to the House of Commons usually includes:
a report of progress since the previous Budget;
an update on the state of the UK economy;
details of any proposed changes to taxation.
The start of the legal year is marked with a religious service in
Westminster Abbeyin which judges arrive from the Royal Courts of
Justicefollowed by a reception at the Houses of Parliament, hosted by
the Lord Chancellor (Lord Chancellors Breakfast). The ceremony in
Westminster Abbey has roots in the religious practice of judges praying
for guidance at the beginning of the legal term. The custom dates back to
the Middle Ages when the High Court was held in Westminster Hall and
judges would walk over to Westminster Abbey for the service. Before the
Reformation, during the sixteenth century, anyone taking communion was
required to fast for some hours beforehand. Afterwards it became
customary for the Lord Chancellor to offer the judges something to eat
before they went into the High Courthence the breakfast.
Today, judges still keep to the traditional ceremony but instead of the
two-mile walk from the Royal Courts of Justice to Westminster Abbey,
the judges now travel by car for the service conducted by the Dean of
Westminster. After the service, the Lord Chancellor entertains those
present at a breakfasta light buffetto which the fully-robed guests
proceed, on foot, from Westminster Abbey to the Houses of Parliament.
The breakfast is held in Westminster Hall, or the Royal Gallery. The
religious service includes prayers, hymns, anthems and psalms, with both
the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice reading a lesson.
Approximately 600 guests attend both events, with a further 300
attending the breakfast. Judges and Queens Counsels (QCs) wear full
court dress, while others wear morning dress.
The State Opening of Parliament marks the beginning of the
parliamentary session. Its main purpose is for the monarch formally to
open Parliament and deliver an outline of the Governments proposed
policies, legislation for the coming session and a review of the last
session. The State Opening usually takes place in November on the first
day of the new parliamentary session. There will also be a State Opening
shortly after a general election. This depends on the timing of an election,
the sessions before and after the election can be shorter or longer than a
normal session.
Traditions surrounding the State Opening and delivery of a speech by the
monarch can be traced back at least to the sixteenth century. The current
ceremony dates from the opening of the rebuilt Palace of Westminster in
1852 after the fire of 1834. State Opening is the main ceremonial event of
the parliamentary calendar, attracting large crowds, both in person and
watching on television and the internet. The Queens procession from
Buckingham Palace to Westminster is escorted by the Household Cavalry.
The Queen arrives at the Sovereigns Entrance at about 11.15 a.m., and
proceeds to the Robing Room, where she puts on the Imperial State
Crown and parliamentary robe. A procession then leads through the Royal
Gallery to the Chamber of the House of Lords, where the Queen takes the
the Lords and other authorities and chairs the House of Commons
Commission. The current Speaker is John Bercow, MP for Buckingham.
The Speaker is perhaps best known as the person who keeps order and
calls MPs to speak during Commons debates. The Speaker calls MPs in
turn to give their opinion on an issue. MPs signal that they want to speak
by standing up from their seat (a custom known as catching the
Speakers eye) or they can notify the Speaker in advance by writing. The
Speaker has full authority to make sure MPs follow the rules of the House
during debates. This can include:
directing an MP to withdraw remarks if, for example, they use
abusive language;
suspending the sitting of the House due to serious disorder;
suspending MPs who are deliberately disobedient (known as
asking MPs to be quiet so Members can be heard.
An MP is elected to the role of Speaker by winning majority support in
the Commons. This takes place after every general election or on the
death or retirement of the previous Speaker. It is the practice for a
Speaker to remain in office until retirement and to be automatically reelected internally in all Parliaments after their original election. Speakers
must be politically impartial. Therefore, on election the new Speaker
must resign from their political party and remain separate from political
issues even in retirement. However, the Speaker will deal with their
constituents problems like a normal MP. Speakers still stand in general
elections. They are generally unopposed by the major political parties,
who will not field a candidate in the Speakers constituencythis
includes the original party they were a member of. During a general
election, Speakers do not campaign on any political issues but simply
stand as the Speaker seeking re-election.
The Lord Speaker
The Lord Speaker is a role elected internally by Members of the House of
Lords. Politically impartial, responsibilities of the Lord Speaker include
chairing the Lords debating chamber, offering advice on procedure, and
acting as an ambassador for the work of the Lords both at home and
abroad. The current Lord Speaker is Baroness D'Souza. The main
responsibilities of the Lord Speaker include:
chairing daily business in the House of Lords debating chamber;
offering advice on procedure (the formal and informal rules of
the Lords everyday activities);
formal responsibility for security in the Lords area of the
Parliamentary estate;
speaking for the House on ceremonial occasions;
acting as an ambassador for the work of the Lords both at home
and abroad.
The House of Lords elected Baroness D'Souza as its second Lord Speaker
on 18 July 2011. Lord Speakers can sit for two terms only, which last a
maximum of five years each. The Lord Speaker assumed some of the
responsibilities previously held by the Lord Chancellor, but, unlike the
Lord Chancellor, is independent of government in their appointment and
Although the Lord Speaker chairs the Lords debating chamber, they have
less authority than their counterpart Speaker in the Commons. This is
because the Lords regulate themselves and the order of business in the
House. Therefore, unlike the Speaker in the House of Commons, the Lord
Speaker does not:
call the House to order or rule on points of order;
call Members to speak;
select amendments.
The Lord Chancellor
The Lord Chancellor is a Cabinet minister and currently a Member of the
House of Commons. Recent reforms including the creation of the
Ministry of Justice and the election of a Lord Speaker for the House of
Lords have significantly altered the role of Lord Chancellor. On 9 May
2007, the Ministry of Justice was created. The Ministry of Justice is
responsible for courts, prisons, probation and constitutional affairs. The
Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor is the Rt. Hon. Michael
Gove MP. On 4 July 2006, Members of the House of Lords elected their
first Lord Speaker. This new role assumed some of the Lord Chancellors
responsibilities, such as chairing debates in the Lords chamber and
speaking for the House on ceremonial occasions.
A new Judicial Appointments Commission began to operate from 3 April
2006. This ended the Lord Chancellors past position as head of the
judiciary (courts of law in England and Wales) and power to appoint
judges. The reform of the Lord Chancellors role separates its different
responsibilities and makes a clear distinction between government,
Parliament and the judiciary.
The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister is an MP and head of the government. The leader of
the party elected to govern the country in a general election automatically
becomes Prime Minister (unless a coalition government is formed). The
current Prime Minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative
Party. The Prime Minister chooses the other members of the government.
It is also the Prime Minister who sets the date for general elections by
asking the Queen for permission to dissolve Parliament. At that point the
current Parliament comes to an end and MPs and their parties seek reelectionthis can happen at any time. The Prime Minister answers
questions every Wednesday in the House of Commons from 12.00 p.m. to
12.30 p.m. Questions can come from any MP and on any subject.
The Leader of the Opposition
There is a Leader of the Opposition in both the House of Commons and
House of Lords. The leader of the largest opposition party holds this
position, which for the Commons and Lords is currently the Labour Party.
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour party, is the current Leader of the
Opposition in the Commons. This role commands an additional salary to
the parliamentary salary received as an MP. The Leader of the Opposition
in the Commons picks a Shadow Cabinet to follow the work of
government departments. The Baroness Smith of Basildon is the Leader
of the Opposition in the House of Lords.
The Cabinet
The Cabinet consists of a maximum of twenty-two government ministers
picked by the Prime Minister. They can be Members of either House. The
Cabinet develop government policies and some members head
government departments. The Shadow Cabinet consists of MPs from the
main opposition party in the House of Commons, currently the Labour
Party. Its role is to examine the work of each government department and
policies developing in their specific areas.
The Whips
Whips are MPs or Lords appointed by each party in Parliament to help
organise their partys contribution to parliamentary business. One of their
responsibilities is making sure the maximum number of their party
members vote, and vote the way their party wants. Whips frequently act
as tellers (counting votes in divisions). They also manage the pairing
system whereby Members of opposing parties both agree not to vote
when other business (such as a select committee visit) prevents them
from being present at Westminster. Whips are also largely responsible
(together with the Leader of the House in the Commons) for arranging the
business of Parliament. In this role they are frequently referred to as the
usual channels.
Black Rod
summon MPs to hear the Queens Speech. Traditionally the door of the
Commons is slammed in Black Rods face to symbolise the Commons
independence. He then bangs three times on the door with the rod. The
door to the Commons Chamber is then opened and all MPs follow Black
Rod back to the Lords to hear the Queens Speech.
The cabinet system of government originated in Great Britain. The
modern history of the Cabinet began in the sixteenth century with the
Privy Council, a small group of advisers to the Monarch. The cabinet
developed from the Privy Council in the seventeenth and early eighteenth
centuries when that body grew too large to debate affairs of state
effectively. In England, phrases such as cabinet counsel, meaning
advice given in private, in a cabinet in the sense of a small room, to the
monarch, occur from the late sixteenth century, and, given the nonstandardised spelling of the day, it is often hard to distinguish whether
council or counsel is meant. The Oxford English Dictionary credits
Francis Bacon in his Essays (1605) with the first use of Cabinet
council, where it is described as a foreign habit, of which he
disapproves: For which inconveniences, the doctrine of Italy, and
practice of France, in some kings times, hath introduced cabinet
counsels; a remedy worse than the disease. Charles I began a formal
Cabinet Council from his accession in 1625, as his Privy Council, or
private council, was evidently not private enough, and the first recorded
use of cabinet by itself for such a body comes from 1644, and is again
hostile and associates the term with dubious foreign practises.
The English monarchs Charles II (reigned 1660-85) and Anne (1702-14)
began regularly consulting leading members of the Privy Council in order
to reach decisions before meeting with the more unmanageable full
council. By the reign of Anne, the weekly, and sometimes daily, meetings
of this select committee of leading ministers had become the accepted
machinery of executive government, and the Privy Councils power was
and the post of Cabinet Secretary was created. The basic system has
survived since then. The name and institution have been adopted by most
English-speaking countries, and the Council of Ministers or similar
bodies of other countries are often informally referred to as cabinets. The
term minister came into being since the English sovereigns ministers
ministered the will of the king. In this period, the English monarch was
an absolute monarch, and as such directly exercised all of the executive
powers of the realm.
However, the modern Cabinet system was set up by Prime Minister
David Lloyd George during his premiership of 1916-22, with a Cabinet
Office and Secretariat, committee structures, minutes, and a clearer
relationship with departmental Cabinet Ministers. This development grew
out of the exigencies of the First World War, where faster and better cocoordinated decisions across Government were seen as a crucial part of
the war effort. Lloyd George himself once said, War is too important to
be left to the generals.
Decisions on mass conscription, co-ordination worldwide with other
governments across international theatres, armament production tied into
a general war strategy that could be developed and overseen from an
inner War Cabinet, 10 Downing Street, are all clear elements retained
today. As the country went through successive crises after the 1922-1926
General Strike, the Great Depression of 1929-32, the rise of communist
Bolshevism after 1917 and Fascism after 1922, the Spanish Civil War
1936 onwards, the invasion of Abyssinia 1936, the League of Nations
Crisis which followed, the re-armament and resurgence of Germany from
1933, plus the lead into another World Warall demanded a highly
organised and centralised Government based around the Cabinet.
made of timber and brick and had a large L-shaped garden. After the
deaths of Knyvet and his wife in 1622, the house passed to their niece,
Elizabeth Hampden, who lived there for the next 40 years.
Downing Street was built as a result of one mans scheming. Sir George
Downing was an enterprising roguea spy, traitor and shady property
developerwho saw building houses on prime London land as a means
to get rich quickly. Brought up in New England, Downing was one of the
earliest graduates of Harvard University. He came back to England during
the Civil War, and by 1650 he was Cromwells Scoutmaster General or
intelligence chief. At the heart of Cromwells inner circle, he enjoyed a
position of great power.
In 1654 Downing acquired the Crown interest in the land, but he could
not take possession as it was under lease to Knyvets descendents. It was
not until 1682, nearly 30 years later, that Downing finally secured the
leases to the property. He quickly set about the project, pulling down
existing properties. In their place sprang up a cul-de-sac of 15 or 20
terraced houses along the northern side of Downing Street. Designed for a
quick turnover, Downings houses were cheaply built, with poor
foundations for the boggy ground. Instead of neat brick faades, they had
mortar lines drawn on to look like even-spaced bricks. The original
numbering of the houses was completely different to todays. The number
sequence was haphazard, and the houses tended to be known by the name
or title of their occupants. The current Number 10 started out life as
Number 5, and was not renumbered until 1779.
It was a period of great change. Rule by a powerful monarch had given
way only a few decades earlier to a different style of government led by
Parliament and party politics. It became important to house the chief
1763 that the next prime minister took up residence. George Grenville
was there for only two years, as he was sacked by George III in 1765 for
imposing stamp duty on the American colonies.
The next prime minister to move in was Lord North, who became First
Lord in 1770. A home-loving figure, he became very fond of the house
and often entertained there. Visitors included writer Samuel Johnson and
Thomas Hansard, founder of the Parliamentary reporting system that still
exists today. Lord North resigned as prime minister in 1782, following
the loss of the American colonies. The Duke of Portland, prime minister
for only nine months, lived in the house briefly, before 24-year-old
William Pitt the Younger moved in.
William Pitt was the longest-serving tenant of Number 10. Britains
youngest ever prime minister, Pitt was resident at Number 10 between
1783-1801 and 1804-1806, and made it more his home than anyone else.
The house was a hive of political activity. Pitt planned some of his
greatest projects in his office there, including Parliamentary reform, free
trade and the improvement of national finances. It was also a social hub.
A keen entertainer and port drinker, Pitt invited guests including William
Wilberforce, who was working on the abolition of slavery, and George
Canning, a future foreign secretary and prime minister. One of the
stranger events in Number 10s history occurred in September 1786,
when William Pitt underwent an operation in the house for the removal of
a facial cystwithout anesthetic. Once the operation was over, he
reportedly told the surgeon off for taking 30 seconds longer than
From Balfour onwards, Number 10 became the residence and office for
all British prime ministers. Six years later, with the outbreak of the First
World War, the Cabinet Room at Number 10 was the nerve-centre of
Britains war effort. Under Prime Minister David Lloyd George, the
number of staff at Number 10 expanded and offices spilled out into the
garden to cope with the war.
Other important changes took place to the house. Labour Prime Minister
Ramsay MacDonald wanted Number 10 to regain some of the grandeur it
had during the times of Walpole and Pitt. Missing a proper library
containing more than Hansard reports, MacDonald started the Prime
Ministers Library, which was housed originally in the Cabinet Room.
The custom began of the prime minister and other ministers donating
books to the library; it continues today. Central heating was installed in
1937 and work began on converting the labyrinth of rooms in the attic,
which had formerly been used by servants, into a flat for the prime
As tension mounted in Europe in the 1930s, Number 10 became the focus
of international attention. In 1938 Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
posed outside the front door bearing the famous Peace in our Time
document which declared that any future disputes between Britain and
Germany would be settled peacefully. Almost exactly one year later, on 3
September 1939, Chamberlain broadcast from the Cabinet Room,
announcing that the country was now at war with Germany.
When Winston Churchill replaced Chamberlain as Prime Minister, he and
his wife moved into Downing Streets second-floor flat, where Churchill
did much of his work. He often dictated speeches, memos and letters to
his secretary while lying propped up in bed in the morning or late in the
evening, cigar in hand. By October 1940, the intense bombing period
known as the Blitz began. On 14 October, a huge bomb fell on Treasury
Green near Downing Street, damaging the Number 10 kitchen and state
rooms and killing three civil servants doing Home Guard duty.
Keeping Downing Street, the Prime Minister and the War Cabinet safe
became a top priority. Steel reinforcement was added to the Garden
Rooms and heavy metal shutters were fixed over windows as protection
from bombing raids. The Garden Rooms provided a small dining room,
bedroom and a meeting area which were used by Churchill throughout
the war. In reality, though, the steel reinforcement would not have
protected him against a direct hit.
In October 1939 the Cabinet had moved out of Number 10 and into secret
underground war rooms built in the basement of the Office of Works
opposite the Foreign Office. Following near-misses by bombs, in 1940
Churchill and his wife moved out of Downing Street and into the Number
10 Annex above the war rooms. Furniture and valuables were removed
from Number 10; only the Garden Rooms, Cabinet Room and Private
Secretaries office remained in use. But Churchill disliked living in the
Annex. Despite its being almost empty, Churchill continued to use
Number 10 Downing Street for working and eating.
A reinforced shelter was constructed under the house for up to six people,
for use by those working in the house. Even George VI sought shelter
there when he dined with Churchill in the Garden Rooms. Although
bombs caused further damage to Number 10, there were no direct hits to
the house, allowing Churchill to continue to work and dine there right up
until the end of the war. As soon as war was over, Churchill and his wife
moved back to Number 10. And it was the triumphant setting for his VE
Day broadcast, delivered from the Cabinet Room at 3 p.m. on 8 May
After the damage of the Second World War, drastic action was required to
make Number 10 fit for prime ministers again, and to bring it up to date
with modern technology. From 1945 to 1950, war damage in the house
was repaired. The attic was converted into a flat, and Prime Minister
Clement Attlee and his wife moved into it instead of the first-floor rooms
where earlier prime ministers had lived. The flat included a sitting room,
dining room, a study, and a number of bedrooms.
By the 1950s the state of the fabric of 10 Downing Street had reached
crisis point. Bomb damage had made existing structural problems worse
the building was suffering from subsidence, sloping walls, twisting
door frames and an enormous annual repair bill. It was decided that
Number 12 should be rebuilt; Number 10 and 11 should be strengthened
and their historic features preserved. Number 10 was completely gutted.
Walls, floors and even the columns in the Cabinet Room and Pillared
Room proved to be rotten and had to be replaced. Work was completed
in 1963.
All the building work of the past few decades could have been ruined
when a terrorist bomb exploded in 1991. An IRA mortar bomb was fired
from a white transit van in Whitehall and exploded in the garden of
Number 10, only a few metres away from where John Major was chairing
a Cabinet meeting to discuss the imminent Gulf War. Although no one
was killed, it left a crater in the Number 10 gardens and blew in the
sole responsibility for their policy initiatives; such was the case with Sir
Samuel Hoares resignation in 1935 over his proposed conciliation of
Fascist Italy. Despite the need for consensus and collective action within
a cabinet, ultimate decision-making power rests with the prime minister
as the leader of his party.
The monarch uses royal prerogative powers to appoint and dismiss
members of Cabinet. By constitutional convention the monarch exercises
these powers in accordance with the Prime Ministers advice. Any change
to the composition of the Cabinet involving more than one appointment is
customarily referred to as a reshuffle. The total number of ministers
allowed to be paid as Cabinet ministers (22) is governed by statute
(Ministerial and Other Salaries Act 1975), and this has caused successive
Prime Ministers problems, and accounts for some of the unusual regular
attendees at Cabinet, who are not paid as Cabinet ministers. The
numbers often fluctuate between 21 and 24.
In formal constitutional terms, the Cabinet is a committee of the Privy
Council. All Cabinet members are created Privy Councillors on
appointment and therefore use the style The Right Honourable. As
members of the House of Lords are The Right Honourable or hold a
higher style as of right, Privy Councillors in the Lords place the letters
PC after their names to distinguish themselves.
Recent custom has been that the composition of the Cabinet has been
made up almost entirely of members of the House of Commons. The
office of Leader of the House of Lords is offered to a member of the
House of Lords, but apart from this one post it is now rare for a peer to sit
in the Cabinet. The role of Lord Chancellor was, until recently, always
occupied by a member of the House of Lords, however since the creation
of the office of Lord Speaker this is no longer necessary and the current
post holder is Kenneth Clarke QC MP, a member of the House of
Commons. Prior to the re-appointment to the cabinet of Lord Mandelson
on 3 October 2008, the former Leader of the Lords, Lady Amos, was the
last peer to sit in any other Cabinet post, as Secretary of State for
International Development from May to October 2003.
Until Mandelson, the last Secretary of State for a major department drawn
from the Lords was Lord Young of Graffham, serving between 1985 and
1989 as Secretary of State for Employment until 1987 and Secretary of
State for Trade and Industry until 1989. Interestingly, the number of
junior ministers who are peers has increased since 1997, though being a
peer can be a block to Cabinet-advancement. Occasionally cabinet
members have been selected from outside the Houses of Parliament.
Frank Cousins and Patrick Gordon Walker were appointed to the 1964
Harold Wilson cabinet despite not being MPs at the time. On 3 October
2008 Peter Mandelson, at the time of appointment not a member of either
House, became Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and
Regulatory Reform.
A small number of other ministers below Secretary of State level may
also be included in Cabinet meetings as a matter of course. The Attorney
General (currently Dominic Grieve QC MP), together with the chair of
the governing parliamentary party, are customarily included and other
members of the Government can be invited at the Prime Ministers
discretion. In recent years, non-members of HM Government have been
the payroll vote (a term which refers to the fact that members of
parliament of the governing party will wish to be promoted to an
executive position, and then be on the governments payroll);
Local Government
History of Local Government in the United Kingdom
utility. Trams
By 1940 there had been a significant further drift from the country to the
cities and commentators felt that the structures set up in the 1890s were
Scottish burghs were reformed earlier in 1833 by the Burgh Police
(Scotland) Act and the Parliamentary Burghs (Scotland) Act, but not all
burghs were covered by the Act. In Ireland the reform did not come until
1840. In 1889, Scotlands four largest cities became counties of cities.
The lower rank of local government was not reformed until 1929. The
Local Government (Scotland) Act of 1929 created a system of counties of
cities, large burghs, small burghs, counties and districts. Parishes were
abolished for the purpose of local government. The districts in rural areas
provided only a limited number of services.
The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act of 1947 gave local
government power to control development and required councils to
produce development plans. The legislation was amended in 1973 to
require upper and lower tier authorities to produce structural and local
plans respectively. In the 1970s, a new system of regions and districts,
based on travel-to-work patterns, was put in place. The reforms sought to
end the urban-rural dichotomy in areas outside of the major conurbations.
A review of local government was undertaken during the 1990s which led
to the creation of unitary authorities providing all local government
functions in their areas.
Local Government Today
The system of local government is different in each of the four countries
of the United Kingdom. The most complex system is in England, the
result of numerous reforms and reorganisation over the centuries.
England is subdivided on different levels. The top level of local
government within England are the nine regions. Each region has a
government office and assorted other institutions. Only the London
region has a directly elected administration. Only one other regional
referendum has been held to date to seek consent for the introduction
direct elections elsewherein the northeast of Englandand this was
soundly rejected by the electorate.
The layers of government below the regions are mixed. Historic counties
still exist with adapted boundaries, although in the 1990s some of the
districts within the counties became separate unitary authorities and a few
One must also meet at least one of the four following qualifications on
the day one is nominated and on polling day:
have had ones main or only place of work during the last 12
months in the local authority area in which one is standing;
has within five years before the day of election been sentenced to a
term of imprisonment of three months or more (including a
suspended sentence) without the option of a fine;
has been disqualified under Part III of the Representation of the
People Act 1983 (which relates to donations and other offences).
The above list of disqualifications is not exhaustive. The full range of
disqualifications of candidates at local elections is complex, and some
exceptions to the disqualification provisions may also apply. Candidates
are, therefore, strongly advised to seek their own legal advice and consult
the relevant legislation to ensure that none of the disqualifications apply
when considering whether to stand for election as a councillor.
Strong and Prosperous Communities is a government white paper (report)
on the future role and structure of local government. It sets out many
changes, including plans to give people more say on public services and
action in their area. The main changes are:
reducing central government control;
setting up the framework for strong and high-profile local leaders;
giving more power to local people and communities;
making sure local services improve and become more popular.
Some changes need legislation. The Local Government and Public
Involvement in Health Bill went through Parliament in 2008. Other
changes can go ahead now and are based on what the best councils are
already doing. The Implementation Plan on the practitioners pages sets
out the timetable for the changes up to and around April 2009. But it does
not stop there. Local Government will go on evolving and improving to
make life better for people living and working in the place it serves.
electionsMinistry of Justice;
The Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly are responsible for local
government in Scotland and Wales.
Over 19,000 elected councillors serve on some 410 local authorities in
England and Wales. Also, over two million people work in local councils,
leisure facilities. They also agree on the local authority budget and set
the policy framework as well as appointing chief officers and making
constitutional decisions. Councillors are elected for a four-year term by
local people. There are nearly 39.7 million people registered to vote in
local elections. Voter turnout during the June 2005 local elections was an
estimated 64%, higher than the general election turnout of 61.3%. 55%
of people favour future elections by post with no polling stations and
69% consider all-postal voting to be convenient. However, people are
more likely to know about their local MP than their local councillor but
similarly people know less about Westminster Parliament than about their
local council.
Local government spends billions every year in order to provide local
services. The money comes from central government, from business rates
and from council tax. Local government spent 83.8 billion on the day to
day running of local services in 2005-2006. Research shows that people
believe council tax pays for between a quarter and three-quarters of
council servicesin fact it accounts for only 26% of all costs.
Local authorities have a duty to promote the social, economic and
environmental well-being of their local community. A number of policies
have been put into place at a local level in order to deal with some of the
main causes of social exclusion, such as unemployment and the high
incidence of children growing up in workless and low-income
households. A total of 91% of authorities have a cross-agency local
strategic partnership in their area which brings together a number of local
organisations such as the council, the police and the health service, to
improve the quality of life in their locality.
The Normans
Henry I of England was king from 1100 to 1135. When he ascended to
the throne he granted the Charter of Liberties. This document is not a Bill
of Rights but a series of decrees and assurances. Probably the most
important statement in the charter is at the beginning, where the king
admits that by the mercy of God and the common counsel of the barons
of the whole kingdom of England I have been crowned king of said
kingdom. This represents a step away from absolute monarchy and a
step toward constitutionalism. The king had recognised that the right to
rule came not only from God but also from the common counsel of the
barons. From this point onward, and more especially between the reigns
of King John and Charles II, the power structure in England evolved from
an essentially absolutist model to an essentially constitutional one.
The Plantagenets
John was King of England from 1199 to 1216. He was the youngest
brother of Richard I and his reign was fraught with conflicts. There was
conflict between England and France, between England and the Pope and
between the King and the barons. Eventually the barons forced John to
sign the Magna Carta (which confirmed feudal rights against monarchical
claims), often looked upon as the first truly significant document in a
long succession of documents over the centuries up to the present day
which collectively constitute the legal sovereignty of the land now known
as the United Kingdom. The constitution of this sovereignty is thus
distributed across many historical precedents rather than written in one
piece. Henry III (1216-1272) succeeded his father John. Henry was only
nine years of age when he became king and so the country was ruled by
regents until Henry reached the age of 20. Under pressure from the
barons, led by Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester, Henry had to
accept the existence of the first English Parliament.
In the next century, in the reign of Richard II there was an uprising, the
Peasants Revolt of 1381. The revolt came surprisingly close to getting
their demands (such as fair rents and the abolition of serfdom) granted by
the king but at the end the protesters were tricked out of it all. The revolt
remains as an important moment in history, but failed to contribute to the
written body of the constitution.
The Tudors
The first Act of Supremacy (1534) had made King Henry VIII the
supreme head of the Church of England and the second Act of Supremacy
(1559) restored these powers for Elizabeth I. This event reversed Catholic
legislation passed during the reign of Mary, though the title Elizabeth
gained was Supreme Governor of the Church of England rather than
supreme head so as not to imply that she had control over the churchs
doctrine. The act also required all officials and clergy to swear an oath of
allegiance acknowledging her as the governor of the Church of England.
The monarchy had to get the consent of Parliament in all issues, but with
the threat of war looming from Spain, Parliament showed great loyalty
toward Queen Elizabeth I since she was a strong leader. When the
Spanish Armada was defeated (1588), the Parliament felt safe and thus it
decreased its loyalty to the monarchy.
Parliament consisted of two levels of administration: the House of Lords
that was made up of the influential nobles, and the House of Commons
the support of the clergy or church) to the Anglican Church, but this
caused a great decrease in Anglican Church revenue, so he quickly took
those rights away. The actions of King James VI were unpopular during
his reign.
The Civil War: Charles I
James was succeeded by his son who became Charles I in 1625. Charles I
believed in the Divine Right of Kings Theory, like his father, and thus
continued to fight with parliament. Parliaments main power at this time
was its control of the taxes, so it demanded more power over the taxes.
Traditionally, Parliament had voted at the beginning of a Kings reign on
the amount allowed for a Kings Tonnage and Poundage, the customs
duties (taxes on imported goods like wool and wine) that made up a large
portion of a kings annual income. Now Parliament wanted to re-evaluate
these taxes annually, which would give them more control over the king.
James I had resisted this abrogation of his Divine Right and had dealt
with the situation by dissolving Parliament. Charles I did the same at first
and later just ignored its annual evaluations.
Charles acquired much of his money with forced loans from the nobles.
He also received a lot of money through taxes. One important tax that
Charles collected was the Ship Money tax that required the counties
bordering the sea to fund a navy to protect the English coastline. The
coastal counties were unhappy with it since Charles was collecting the
Ship Money tax during a time of peace and since he was not using it
really to fund the navy. To get even more money, Charles placed the Ship
Money tax on the interior counties as well, which angered the English
people, because now Charles was creating new taxes without the consent
first Bishops War (1639) ended in a truce. The second Bishops War, the
following year, began with the Scottish invasion of England in which the
Scots defeated the English and remained stationed in England until their
issues were solved. To get the Scots out, Charles I signed the Treaty of
Ripon (1640), which required England to pay an indemnity of 850 for
each day that the Scottish were stationed in England.
During the second part of the Bishops War, Charles I had run very low
on money (since he was also fighting France and Spain), so he was forced
to call a Parliament to make new taxes. He and the Parliament could not
agree on anything, so after three weeks, Charles I dissolved the
Parliament. Then he desperately needed new taxes, so he called a
Parliament again and it would only help him if he agreed to some terms,
which ultimately made Charles I a constitutional monarch. It was called
the Long Parliament (16401660), because it was not officially dissolved
by its own vote until 1660.
These terms were:
Charles I had to impeach Thomas Wentworth and William Laud.
He reluctantly placed them under arrest and put them in the Tower,
executing Wentworth in 1641 (for which Charles I never forgave
himself since he was close to Thomas Wentworth) and William
Laud in 1645;
Charles I had to agree to the Triennial Act (1641), which required
the Parliament to meet every three years with or without the kings
King Charles I left London and went to Oxford, and the English Civil
War began (1642). The North and West of England were on Charless side
(along with most of the nobles and country gentry). They were known as
the Cavaliers. Charles I created an army illegally (since he needed
Parliaments consent). The South and East of England were on
Parliaments side and were known as Roundheads, for their haircuts. In
response to Charles I raising an army, they did so as well. Yet, they did
not have the military might that King Charles I (and his nobles) had, so
they solicited the help of the Scots with the Solemn League and Covenant
that promised to impose the Presbyterian religion on the Church of
England. They called their army the New Model Army and they made its
commander Oliver Cromwell, who was also a Member of Parliament.
The New Model Army was comprised mostly of Presbyterians.
Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth
Though Parliament won, it was clear to the Scots that it was not going to
uphold the Solemn League and Covenant by imposing Presbyterianism
on England (Puritanism was not quite Presbyterian), so the New Model
Army, Parliament and the Scots began falling apart. The Scots were paid
for their help and sent back to Scotland. The Presbyterian Roundheads
were interested in freedom to practice their religion and not in making the
Presbyterian religion the state religion.
Cromwell proposed that Parliament reinstate the bishops of the Church of
England and King Charles I as a constitutional monarch, but allow for the
toleration of other religions. At the end of the war though, the people of
England could accept Charles I back in office but not religious toleration.
They also wanted the New Model Army dissolved since it was a
the throne, and were crowned as joint monarchs in April of the same year.
The Declaration of Right itself was later embodied in an act of
parliament, now known as the Bill of Rights, on December 16, 1689. In
the separate Kingdom of Scotland, the 1689 Claim of Right of the
Scottish Estates was expressed in different terms, but to a largely similar
effect, declaring William and Mary to be King and Queen of Scotland on
April 11, 1689.
Provisions of the Act
The Bill of Rights laid out certain basic tenets for all Englishmen of that
time. These rights continue to apply today, not only in England, but in
each of the jurisdictions of the Commonwealth realms as well. The
people, embodied in Parliament, are granted immutable civil and political
rights through the act, including:
Freedom from royal interference with the law. Though the
sovereign remains the fount of justice, he or she cannot unilaterally
establish new courts or act as a judge.
Freedom from taxation by Royal Prerogative. The agreement of
parliament became necessary for the implementation of any new
Freedom to petition the monarch.
Freedom from the standing army during a time of peace. The
agreement of parliament became necessary before the army could
be moved against the populace when not at war.
Freedom for Protestants to bear arms for their own defence, as
suitable to their class and as allowed by law.
On 1 May 1707, the United Kingdom of Great Britain was created by the
political union of the Kingdom of England (which included Wales) and
the Kingdom of Scotland. This event was the result of the Treaty of
Union that was agreed on 22 July 1706 and then ratified by both the
Parliament of England and Parliament of Scotland each passing an Act of
Union in 1707. Almost a century later, the Kingdom of Ireland, which had
been brought under English control between 1541 and 1691, joined the
Kingdom of Great Britain with the passing of the Act of Union 1800.
Expansion of the Electoral Franchise
Between 1832 and 1989, numerous Acts of Parliament increased the
number of people allowed to vote. The expansion was from 5% of the
adult population to the system of universal suffrage for all people 18 or
over that exists today.
New Labours Reforms
In Labours first term (19972001), it introduced a large package of
constitutional reforms, which it promised in its 1997 manifesto. The most
major were:
The United Kingdom has three legal systems. English law, which applies
in England and Wales, and Northern Ireland law, which applies in
Northern Ireland, are based on common-law principles. Scots law, which
applies in Scotland, is a pluralistic system based on civil-law principles,
with common law elements dating back to the High Middle Ages. The
Treaty of Union, put into effect by the Acts of Union in 1707, guaranteed
the continued existence of a separate law system for Scotland. The Acts
of Union between Great Britain and Ireland in 1800 contained no
equivalent provision but preserved the principle of separate courts to be
held in Ireland, now Northern Ireland.
The Appellate Committee of the House of Lords (usually just referred to,
as The House of Lords) was the highest court in the land for all
criminal and civil cases in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, and
for all civil cases in Scots law. Recent constitutional changes (2003) have
seen the powers of the House of Lords transfered to a new Supreme Court
of the United Kingdom. In England and Wales, the court system is headed
by the Supreme Court of England and Wales, consisting of the Court of
Appeal, the High Court of Justice (for civil cases) and the Crown Court
(for criminal cases). The Courts of Northern Ireland follow the same
pattern. In Scotland the chief courts are the Court of Session, for civil
cases, and the High Court of Justiciary, for criminal cases, while the
sheriff court is the Scottish equivalent of the county court.
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is the highest court of
appeal for several independent Commonwealth countries, the British
overseas territories, and the British Crown dependencies. There are also
immigration courts with UK-wide jurisdictionthe Asylum and
Immigration Tribunal and Special Immigration Appeals Commission. The
decides what the law is, and how it is to be applied in the particular case.
If there is a jury, they will be informed of the relevant law by the judge
and will then reach a decision based on the facts of the case as they see
them. Because the judges have to abstract general principles from specific
cases, they are effectively creating new law.
Interpretation of Statutes
Statute law would appear to be more certain than case law. However, the
statutes must be interpreted by the judge, which might be difficult for
several reasons: the Act may be unclear or ambiguous, or circumstances
may have changed since the Act was passed by Parliament. In interpreting
an Act, a Judge may refer to certain other documents (e.g. the relevant
European Treaty when interpreting an Act which is intended to implement
the treaty) but cannot refer to the discussion in Parliament. Judges will try
to interpret the law in a way which furthers the purpose of the Act. This
sometimes is in conflict with the literal interpretation.
Summary of Interpretation
if the law is clear
then use it
else if the law is ambiguous but has one sensible meaning
then use that meaning
else try to apply a meaning that achieves what Parliament probably
Applying Case Law
In applying case law, the judge will look at the relevant case report and
extract what he or she believes is the principle behind the decision of the
judge who decided the original case. Although a judge will be guided by
the statement of reasons and other comments given in an earlier
judgement (particularly if it is a judgement from a senior court such as
the House of Lords), the abstraction they decide upon is not necessarily
what the original judge would have chosen. This is permissible because
under British Law, judges do not make the law by formulating and stating
it but by applying it to cases coming before them.
Within this framework, a judge is bound by precedent according to a
hierarchy of courts. However, judges can escape the bounds of precedent
distinguishing the present case by finding some facts which make it
different from the previous case;
deciding that the principle of the previous case is too obscure to be
declaring that the previous case is in conflict with a fundamental
principle of the law (i.e. it was wrong!);
finding that the previous case was decided in ignorance of a
relevant case or statute;
finding that a new statute overrules the previous decision;
finding that there are several similar cases with conflicting
decisions at the same level.
This gives the judges significant flexibility in applying the law in
particular circumstances to reach what they believe to be a just decision.
Hierarchy of Courts
The crown courts mostly try criminal offences. In the larger towns,
these courts function with a Judge and a Jury (of 12 ordinary men and
women). The Judge decides the punishment according to the law and
taking into account previous offences. The county courts are destined to
hear civil cases, which may include cases of bankruptcy, ratification of
wills, divorce etc. The High Court is where more serious civil cases and
appeals from County Courts are presented. Three judges without a jury
preside over it. The Court of Appeal hears appeals from criminal cases
while the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land.
The use of Case Law provides
some certainty;
Generally, courts are bound by their own previous decisions. This is not
true at the lowest level when there are far too many cases to allow
successful reporting. However, the potential variation is regarded as
insignificant because these courts deal with trivial cases and the parties
may be able to appeal to a higher court. The Supreme Court has asserted
its right not to be bound by a previous decision.
This provides an
level. Any change in case law would affect the current case and future
cases, but not any previous cases that had been decided.
Binding Precedence
According to the present standard of proof the prosecution must prove its
case beyond reasonable doubt. The penalties are intended as a
account of profits;
English Law
English law is the legal system of England and Wales, and is the basis of
common law legal systems used in most Commonwealth countries and
the United States (as opposed to civil law or pluralist systems in other
Since 1189, English law has been described as a common law rather than
a civil law system (i.e. there has been no major codification of the law,
and judicial precedents are binding as opposed to persuasive). This may
have been due to the Norman conquest of England, which introduced a
number of legal concepts and institutions from Norman law into the
English system. In the early centuries of English common law, the
justices and judges were responsible for adapting the Writ system to meet
everyday needs, applying a mixture of precedent and common sense to
build up a body of internally consistent law, e.g. the Merchant Law began
in the Pie-Powder Courts (a corruption of the French pieds-poudrs or
dusty feet, meaning ad hoc marketplace courts). Obviously the Biblical
influences all through precedent can be seen throughout the centuries. As
Parliament developed in strength, and subject to the doctrine of
separation of powers, legislation gradually overtook judicial law making
so that, today, judges are only able to innovate in certain very narrowly
defined areas.
One of the major problems in the early centuries was to produce a system
that was certain in its operation and predictable in its outcomes. Too
many judges were either partial or incompetent, acquiring their positions
only by virtue of their rank in society. Thus, a standardised procedure
slowly emerged, based on a system termed stare decisis (to abide by
decided cases). Thus, the ratio decidendi (the reason for the decision)
of each case will bind future cases on the same generic set of facts both
horizontally and vertically. The highest appellate court in the UK is the
Supreme Court and its decisions are binding on every other court in the
hierarchy which are obliged to apply its rulings as the law of the land.
The Court of Appeal binds the lower courts, and so on.
Overseas Influences
The influences are two-way. On the one hand, the United Kingdom
exported its legal system to the Commonwealth countries during the
British Empire, and many aspects of that system have persisted after the
British withdrew or granted independence to former dominions. English
law prior to the Wars of Independence is still an influence on United
States law, and provides the basis for many American legal traditions and
policies. Many states that were formerly subject to English law (such as
Australia) continue to recognise a link to English lawsubject, of course,
to statutory modification and judicial revision to match the law to local
conditionsand decisions from the English law reports continue to be
cited from time to time as persuasive authority in present day judicial
opinions. For a few states, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
remains the ultimate court of appeal. Many jurisdictions which were
formerly subject to English law (such as Hong Kong) continue to
recognise the common law of England as their ownsubject, of course,
to statutory modification and judicial revisionand decisions from the
English Reports continue to be cited from time to time as persuasive
authority in present day judicial opinions.
On the other hand, the UK is a dualist in its relationship with
international law, i.e. international obligations have to be formally
incorporated into English law before the courts are obliged to apply
supranational laws. For example, the European Convention on Human
has shared a legislature with the rest of the United Kingdom. Scotland, on
the one hand, and England and Wales, on the other, each retained
fundamentally different legal systems, but the Union brought English
influence on Scots law and vice versa. In recent years Scots law has also
been affected by both European law under the Treaty of Rome and the
establishment of the Scottish Parliament which may pass legislation
within its areas of legislative competence as detailed by the Scotland Act
1998. The Scottish Executive Justice Department is responsible for civil
law and criminal justice, including police, prisons and courts
administration. The role of the Scottish Parliament is to make laws in
relations to devolved matters in Scotland.
The British Legal Profession
Solicitors undertake legal business for individual and corporate clients
and deal with property and all forms of law. Some have right of
appearance in courts above the level of Magistrates Courts, but advocacy
in the higher courts is mostly undertaken by barristers (advocates in
Scotland). They usually specialise in particular areas of the law and
advise on legal problems submitted through solicitors and present cases
in higher courts. Certain functions are common to bothfor example, the
presentation of cases in lower courts.
In the English legal system, solicitors traditionally dealt with any legal
matter apart from conducting proceedings in courts (advocacy) with some
exceptions. Minor criminal cases tried in Magistrates Courts, for
example, and small value civil cases tried in county courts are almost
always handled by solicitors. The other branch of the English legal
profession, a barrister, has traditionally carried out the advocacy
functions. Barristers would not deal with the public directly. This is no
longer the case, as solicitor advocates may act at certain higher levels of
court which were previously barred to them. Similarly, the public may
now engage a barrister directly and without the need for a solicitor in
certain circumstances.
The most common methods of qualification for a solicitor are a normal
undergraduate law degree or a degree in any subject followed by a oneyear course formerly called the Common Professional Exam and recently
renamed the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL). Other routes, include
spending time as a clerk to magistrates or passing exams set by the
Institute of Legal Executives (ILEX). Up to this point a barrister and
solicitor have the same education. Thereafter, they split. Solicitors study a
one-year course called the Legal Practice Course and then must undertake
two years apprenticeship with a solicitor, called the training contract (but
still widely referred to as articles, as in articled clerk by older
members of the profession). Once that is complete, the student becomes a
solicitor and is admitted to the roll. The roll is a list of people
qualified to be a solicitor and is kept on behalf of the Master of the
Rolls whose more important job is as head of the Court of Appeal of
England and Wales. Solicitors who are being disciplined by the Law
Society can be suspended from the roll under Section 12 of the Solicitors
Act 1974 or even struck off, which prevents them acting as a solicitor.
The profession of barrister in England and Wales is separate from that of
solicitor. It is however possible to hold the qualification of both barrister
and solicitor at the same time; it is not necessary to be disbarred in order
to qualify as a solicitor. A barrister must be a member of one of the Inns
of Court, which traditionally educated and regulated barristers. There are
barrister (rather than the solicitor) who advises and guides the client
through the relevant legal procedure and the litigation. The Public Access
Scheme was introduced as part of an attempt to open up the legal system
to the public by making it easier and cheaper for the general public to
obtain access to legal advice.
Senior barristers take silk and become QCs (Queens Counsels). They
wear wigs and gowns in court as do judges who are selected from the
ranks of barristers. Solicitors and barristers earn fees (a senior barrister
can earn over 1million a year and senior solicitors several hundred
thousand pounds). Judges are salaried (100,000-150,000), but they get
a pension for which the other two have to make provision for themselves.
A few solicitors (and barristers) now work for contingency fees in civil
cases where the plaintiff would not be able to afford to bring an action.
The legal team would get a share of the damages awarded. While this is
common in the US, it is still rare in the UK.
Although English legal dress has a long history, it has for the most part
evolved without written regulation. Before the seventeenth century
lawyers did not wear wigs, but professional discipline required that their
hair and beards should be moderately short. Nevertheless, the
introduction of wigs into polite society during the reign of Charles II
(1660-1685) was an innovation, and lawyers began wearing wigs in the
1680s. In the 1860s, lawyers were permitted to remove their wigs during
a heat wave. This attracted some comment in the press and it was
suggested that wigs be abandoned altogether by the legal profession.
Although the proposal met with little support, it has been a common
occurrence ever since for judges to allow wigs to be left off in very hot
In England and Wales, the strict separation between the duties of solicitor
and barrister has been partially broken down and solicitors frequently
appear not only in the lower courts but (subject to passing a test)
increasingly in the higher courts, too, (such as the High Court of Justice
of England and Wales and the Court of Appeal). While the independent
bar still exists in a largely unchanged state, a few firms of solicitors now
employ their own barristers and solicitor-advocates to do some court
work. Barristers, in turn, can now be directly instructed by certain
organisations such as trade unions, accountants, and similar groups.
Additionally, barristers who have completed the Bar Councils Public
Access course can take instructions directly from members of the public,
although there are some limitations on the type of work that can be done
this way: for example, such barristers cannot take control of the conduct
of litigation nor can they act in matrimonial matters.
England conducted extensive trade with the Low Countries and Italy,
exporting vast quantities of wool to those countries textile industries. For
many years England did not have the skilled workforce or the population
density to itself participate in manufacturing, but turmoil on the continent
as a result of the end of the Italian Renaissance and the religious wars
preceding the Protestant Reformation led to an influx of skilled dyers and
weavers. By the seventeenth century England was a leader in textile
production. It had long been a naval power, dependent on a fleet for the
defence of its coastal areas. The revolution in ship design of the Age of
Navigation, between the fifteenth and the seventeenth century, aided this
immensely. For the first time ships were large and sturdy enough to safely
sail the Atlantic Ocean, and the oceanic trade became the primary one in
Europe, replacing the Mediterranean trade as wealth shifted from
southern to western Europe. Among Scotlands trading partners were
France and the Baltic towns of the Hanseatic League.
The Pre-Industrial Society
The notion of pre-industrial society refers to specific social attributes and
forms of political and cultural organisation that were prevalent before the
advent of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of Capitalism. Some
attributes of the pre-industrial societies are:
Limited production (i.e. artisanship vs. mass production);
Primarily agricultural economy;
history of the steam engine. In return for publicly revealing the workings
of an invention the patent system rewards inventors by allowing James
Watt, for instance, to monopolise the production of the first steam
engines, thereby enabling inventors and increasing the pace of
technological development. However, monopolies bring with them their
own inefficiencies: Watts monopoly may have prevented other inventors,
such as Richard Trevithick, William Murdoch or Jonathan Hornblower,
from introducing improved steam engines thereby retarding the industrial
revolution by up to 20 years.
The debate about the start of the Industrial Revolution also concerns the
massive lead that Great Britain had over other countries. Some have
stressed the importance of natural or financial resources that Britain
received from its many overseas colonies or that profits from the British
slave trade between Africa and the Caribbean helped fuel industrial
investment. It has been pointed out, however, that slave trade and West
Indian plantations provided only 5% of the British national income
during the years of the Industrial Revolution.
Alternatively, the greater liberalisation of trade from a large merchant
base may have allowed Britain to produce and use emerging scientific
and technological developments more effectively than countries with
stronger monarchies, particularly China and Russia. Britain emerged from
the Napoleonic Wars as the only European nation not ravaged by
financial plunder and economic collapse, and possessing the only
merchant fleet of any useful size (European merchant fleets having been
destroyed during the war by the Royal Navy). Britains extensive
exporting cottage industries also ensured markets were already available
for many early forms of manufactured goods. The conflict resulted in
sects, such as the Quakers and Presbyterians that had flourished with the
English Civil War. Reinforcement of confidence in the rule of law, which
followed establishment of the prototype of constitutional monarchy in
Britain in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and the emergence of a stable
financial market there based on the management of the national debt by
the Bank of England, contributed to the capacity for, and interest in,
private financial investment in industrial ventures.
Dissenters found themselves barred or discouraged from almost all public
offices, as well as education at Englands only two universities at the time
(although dissenters were still free to study at Scotlands four
universities). When the restoration of the monarchy took place and
membership in the official Anglican Church became mandatory due to the
Test Act, they thereupon became active in banking, manufacturing and
education. The Unitarians, in particular, were very involved in education,
by running Dissenting Academies, where, in contrast to the universities of
Oxford and Cambridge and schools such as Eton and Harrow, much
attention was given to mathematics and the sciencesareas of
scholarship vital to the development of manufacturing technologies.
Historians sometimes consider this social factor to be extremely
important, along with the nature of the national economies involved.
While members of these sects were excluded from certain circles of the
government, they were considered fellow Protestants, to a limited extent,
by many in the middle class, such as traditional financiers or other
businessmen. Given this relative tolerance and the supply of capital, the
natural outlet for the more enterprising members of these sects would be
to seek new opportunities in the technologies created in the wake of the
scientific revolution of the seventeenth century.
The commencement of the Industrial Revolution is closely linked to a
small number of innovations, made in the second half of the eighteenth
TextilesCotton spinning using Richard Arkwrights Water
Hargreavess Spinning
Jenny, and
innovations by Sir Clement Clerke and others from 1678, using coal
reverberatory furnaces known as cupolas. This was followed by Abraham
Darby, who made great progress using coke to fuel his blast furnaces at
Coalbrookdale in 1709. Bar iron for smiths to forge into consumer goods
was still made in finery forges, as it long had been. However, new
processes were adopted in the ensuing years. The first is referred to today
as potting and stamping, but this was superseded by Henry Corts
puddling (purification) process.
An improvement was made in the production of steel, which was an
expensive commodity and used only where iron would not do, such as for
the cutting edge of tools and for springs. Benjamin Huntsman developed
his crucible steel technique in the 1740s. The raw material for this was
blister steel, made by the cementation process. The supply of cheaper iron
and steel aided the development of boilers and steam engines, and
eventually railways. Improvements in machine tools allowed better
working of iron and steel and further boosted the industrial growth of
Coal mining in Britain, particularly in South Wales started early. Before
the steam engine, pits were often shallow bell pits following a seam of
coal along the surface, which were abandoned as the coal was extracted.
In other cases, if the geology was favourable, the coal was mined by
means of an adit (an almost horizontal entrance to a mine) or drift mine
driven into the side of a hill. Shaft mining was done in some areas, but
the limiting factor was the problem of removing water. The introduction
of the steam engine greatly facilitated the removal of water and enabled
James Watt
A fundamental change in working principles was brought about by James
Watt. With the close collaboration Matthew Boulton, he had succeeded by
1778 in perfecting his steam engine, which incorporated a series of
radical improvements. These improvements increased engine efficiency
by a factor of about five, saving 75% on coal costs. By 1783 the more
economical Watt steam engine had been fully developed into a doubleacting rotative type, which meant that it could be used to directly drive
the rotary machinery of a factory or mill. In the early nineteenth century
after the expiration of Watts patent, the steam engine underwent many
improvements by a host of inventors and engineers.
The large scale production of chemicals was an important development
during the Industrial Revolution. The first of these was the production of
sulphuric acid by the lead chamber process invented by the Englishman
John Roebuck (James Watts first partner) in 1746. The production of an
alkali on a large scale became an important goal as well, and Nicolas
Leblanc succeeded in 1791 in introducing a method for the production of
sodium carbonate. These two chemicals were very important because
they enabled the introduction of a host of other inventions, replacing
many small-scale operations with more cost-effective and controllable
processes. Sodium carbonate had many uses in the glass, textile, soap,
and paper industries. Early uses for sulphuric acid included pickling
(removing rust) iron and steel, and for bleaching cloth. In 1824 Joseph
Aspdin, a British brick layer turned builder, patented a chemical process
for making portland cement which was an important advance in the
building trades. He named the product portland cement because it
resembled a stone quarried on the Isle of Portland, off the British coast.
This process involves sintering a mixture of clay and limestone to about
1400 C, then grinding it into a fine powder which is then mixed with
water, sand and gravel to produce concrete. Portland cement was used by
the famous English engineer Marc Isambard Brunel several years later
when constructing the Thames Tunnel. Cement was used on a large scale
in the construction of the London sewerage system a generation later.
Machine Tools
The Industrial Revolution could not have developed without machine
tools, for they enabled manufacturing machines to be made. Apart from
workshop lathes used by craftsmen, the first large machine tool was the
cylinder boring machine used for boring the large-diameter cylinders on
early steam engines. The planing machine, the slotting machine and the
shaping machine were developed in the first decades of the nineteenth
century. Although the milling machine was invented at this time, it was
not developed as a serious workshop tool until later.
Second Industrial Revolution
The insatiable demand of the railways for more durable rail led to the
development of the means to cheaply mass-produce steel. Steel is often
cited as the first of several new areas for industrial mass-production,
which are said to characterise a Second Industrial Revolution,
process was used by the Chance Brothers to create sheet glass. They
became the leading producers of window and plate glass. This
advancement allowed for larger panes of glass to be created without
interruption, thus freeing up the space planning in interiors as well as the
design and placement of windows in a building. The Crystal Palace in
London is the supreme example of the use of sheet glass in a new and
innovative structure.
Transport in Britain
At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, inland transport was by
navigable rivers and roads, with coastal vessels employed to move heavy
goods by sea. Railways or wagon ways were used for conveying coal to
rivers for further shipment, but canals had not yet been constructed.
Animals supplied all of the motive power on land, with sails providing
the motive power on the sea. The Industrial Revolution improved
Britains transport infrastructure with a turnpike road network (toll barrier
roads), a canal, and waterway network, and a railway network. Raw
materials and finished products could be moved more quickly and
cheaply than before. Improved transportation also allowed new ideas to
spread quickly.
Coastal Sail
Sailing vessels had long been used for moving goods round the British
coast. The trade transporting coal to London from Newcastle had begun
in mediaeval times. The major international seaports such as London,
Bristol, and Liverpool, were the means by which raw materials such as
cotton might be imported and finished goods exported. Transporting
goods onwards within Britain by sea was common during the whole of
the Industrial Revolution and only fell away with the growth of the
railways at the end of the period.
Navigable Rivers
All the major rivers of the United Kingdom were navigable during the
Industrial Revolution. Some were anciently navigable, notably the
Severn, Thames, and Trent. Some were improved, or had navigation
extended upstream, but usually in the period before the Industrial
Revolution, rather than during it. The Severn, in particular, was used for
the movement of goods to the Midlands which had been imported into
Bristol from abroad, and for the export of goods from centres of
production in Shropshire (such as iron goods from Coalbrookdale) and
the Black Country. Transport was by way of trowssmall sailing vessels
which could pass the various shallows and bridges in the river. The trows
could navigate the Bristol Channel to the South Wales ports and Somerset
ports, such as Bridgwater and even as far as France.
Canals began to be built in the late eighteenth century to link the major
manufacturing centres in the Midlands and north with seaports and with
London. Canals were the first technology to allow bulk materials to be
easily transported across country. A single canal horse could pull a load
dozens of times larger than a cart at a faster pace. By the 1820s, a
national network was in existence. Canal construction served as a model
for the organisation and methods later used to construct the railways.
They were eventually largely superseded as profitable commercial
enterprises by the spread of the railways from the 1840s on. Britains
canal network, together with its surviving mill buildings, is one of the
most enduring features of the early Industrial Revolution to be seen in
Much of the original British road system was poorly maintained by
thousands of local parishes, but from the 1720s (and occasionally earlier)
turnpike trusts were set up to charge tolls and maintain some roads.
Increasing numbers of main roads were turnpiked from the 1750s to the
extent that almost every main road in England and Wales was the
responsibility of some turnpike trust. New engineered roads were built by
John Metcalf, Thomas Telford and John Macadam. The major turnpikes
radiated from London and were the means by which the Royal Mail was
able to reach the rest of the country. Heavy goods transport on these roads
was by means of slow, broad wheeled carts hauled by teams of horses.
Lighter goods were conveyed by smaller carts or by teams of pack horses.
Stage coaches carried the rich, and the less wealthy could pay to ride on
carrier carts.
Steam-hauled public railways began with the Stockton and Darlington
Railway in 1825 and the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1830.
Construction of major railways connecting the larger cities and towns
began in the 1830s but only gained momentum at the very end of the first
Industrial Revolution. After many of the workers had completed the
railways, they did not return to their rural lifestyles but instead remained
in the cities, providing additional workers for the factories. Railways
Social Effects
In terms of social structure, the Industrial Revolution witnessed the
triumph of a middle class of industrialists and businessmen over a landed
class of nobility and gentry. Ordinary working people found increased
opportunities for employment in the new mills and factories, but these
were often under strict working conditions with long hours of labour
dominated by a pace set by machines. However, harsh working
conditions were prevalent long before the Industrial Revolution took
place. Pre-industrial society was very static and often cruelchild labour,
dirty living conditions and long working hours were just as prevalent
before the Industrial Revolution.
The rapid industrialisation of the English economy cost many craft
workers their jobs. The movement started first with textile workers near
Nottingham and spread to other areas of the textile industry. Many
weavers also found themselves suddenly unemployed since they could no
longer compete with machines which only required relatively limited
(and unskilled) labour to produce more cloth than a single weaver. Many
such unemployed workers, weavers and others, turned their animosity
towards the machines that had taken their jobs and began destroying
factories and machinery. These attackers became known as Luddites,
supposedly followers of Ned Ludd, a folklore figure. The first attacks of
The usual English practice was to take control of an area and rule it with
a governor supported by military forces. In most colonies, less than 1% of
the people were English (that is, the administrators, soldiers, traders and
missionaries); they were on temporary duty and concentrated in a few
leading cities. Beginning about 1600 an entirely different approach began
in selected areas, whereby large numbers of English settlers moved
permanently to a new area, raising families and creating a new society
that was a replica of village life in the motherland. Thus Sir Walter
Raleigh set up the first colony on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, in
1584, but its 100 or so residents mysteriously disappeared in 1587. The
first surviving English settlement began in 1607 at Jamestown, Virginia.
Britain had started to build of a worldwide empire. Meanwhile London
developed a system of finance and insurance that provided the economic
basis for trade, shipping and imperial administration. British scientists
also played a role, by inventing navigation aids, for example, and
investigating all sorts of exotic plants for their economic value. The
organisational skills and new wealth enabled Britain to defeat its great
continental rival, Napoleons France. By the end of the Napoleonic Wars
in 1815, Britain was the foremost global power and the Royal Navy ruled
the waves. Peace in Europe allowed the British to focus their interests on
more remote parts of the world.
The reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) witnessed the spread of British
technology, commerce, language, and government throughout the world.
The Empire at its height encompassed roughly one quarter of the worlds
affairs but they were expensive and probably were a net economic loss to
the mother country. The dominions (Canada, South Africa, Australia and
New Zealand) on the other hand were economic assets to the mother
country, and tightened their ties during the Great Depression by a system
of favourable taxes inside the Empire.
The Age of Mercantilism
After the 1706 Treaty of Union was put into effect with the creation of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain on May 1, 1707, the UK extended its
influence abroad and consolidated its political development at home. The
basis of the British Empire was founded in the age of mercantilism,
dominated by an economic theory that stressed maximising the trade
inside the empire, and trying to weaken rival empires. The modern British
Empire was based upon the preceding English Empire. The latter first
took shape in the early seventeenth century, with the English settlement
of the eastern colonies of North America (which would later become the
original United States), as well as Canadas Maritime provinces, and the
colonisations of the smaller islands of the Caribbean such as Trinidad and
Tobago, the Bahamas, the Leeward Islands, Barbados, and Jamaica.
These sugar plantation islands, where slavery became the basis of the
economy, were part of Britains most important and successful colonies.
The American colonies also utilized slave labour in the farming of
tobacco, cotton, and rice in the south. In the north, naval material and furs
were less financially successful, but the large areas of good agricultural
land attracted far larger numbers of British immigrants who would also
utilise slave labour for farming.
As these other newly industrial powers, the United States, and Japan
began industrializing at a rapid rate, Britains comparative advantage in
trade began diminishing. Just as the power of German and North
American capitalisms increased, the relative decline of the British
capitalist economy began in the last third of the nineteenth century,
contributing to a breakdown of Britains natural superiority in industry
and commerce. Britains share of world trade fell from one-fourth in
1880, one-sixth in 1913, and one-eighth in 1948. Britain was no longer
supplying half the needs in manufactured goods of such nations as
Germany, France, Belgium, and the United States. Britain was even
growing incapable of dominating the markets of Indiaa crown colony
by 1858 that Disraeli would later call the brightest jewel of the
crownManchu China, the coasts of Africa, and Latin America.
To make matters worse, British manufactures were beginning to
experience real competition abroad. The German textiles and metal
industries, for example, had by the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War
surpassed those of Britain in organization and technical efficiency and
usurped British manufacturers in the domestic market. By the turn of the
century, the German metals and engineering industries would be
producing heavily for the free trade market of what was once the
workshop of the world as well.
With contending, emerging capitalist powers once dependent on British
industry ready to fight for overseas markets, inter-capitalist competition
also took the form of protectionism. The only country to escape this trend
was Britain, whose essential strength lay precisely in its preeminence on
the world market. German, American, and French imperialists, as
mentioned, argued that Britains world power position gave the British
the ambitions of its rivals had grown. The losses and destruction of World
War I, the depression in its aftermath during the 1930s, and decades of
relatively slow growth eroded the United Kingdoms pre-eminent
international position of the previous century. The Great Depression hit
the nation especially harshly, as it had still not fully recovered from the
In World War II, there was again a great deal of destruction to British
infrastructure, and the years after the war also saw Britain lose almost all
of her remaining colonies as the empire dissolved. In the 1945 general
election, the Labour Party was elected, introducing sweeping reforms of
the British economy. Taxes increased, industries were nationalised, and a
welfare state with national health, pensions, and social security was
created. The next years saw some of the most rapid growth Britain had
ever experienced, recovering from the devastation of the Second World
War and then expanding rapidly past the previous size of the economy.
By the end of the 1960s, this growth began to slow, and by the 1970s
Britain entered a long running period of relative economic depression.
This led to the election of Margaret Thatcher, who cut back on the
governments role in the economy and weakened the power of the trade
unions. The latter decades of the twentieth century have seen an increase
in service-providers and a drop in industry, combined with privatisation
of some sections of the economy. This change has led some to describe
this as a Third Industrial Revolution, though this term is not widely
The New Labour
In 1997, the Labour Party swept to power with a huge majority in the
House of Commons. On entering power Tony Blairs Labour Party was
stuck with the former Conservative governments spending plans. The
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, gained a reputation as the
prudent Chancellor and helped to inspire renewed confidence in
Labours ability to manage the economy. One of the first acts that the new
Labour government embarked on was to give the power to set interest
rates to the Bank of England, effectively ending the use of interest rates
as a political tool. Labour also introduced the minimum wage to the
United Kingdom, which has been raised from time to time since its
introduction. The Blair government also introduced a number of
strategies to cut unemployment. Unemployment fell back to the level it
was in the late 1970s, although it still remained significantly higher than
it was during the post-war era and the 1960s.
The Twenty-First Century
In the Labour Partys second term in office, beginning in 2001, the party
increased taxes and borrowing. The government wanted the money to
increase spending on public services, notably the National Health
Service, which they claimed was suffering from chronic under-funding.
Growth rates have consistently been between 2% and 3% since the year
2000 and inflation has levelled off at around 2%. The Bank of Englands
control of interest rates has been a major factor in the stability of the
British economy in recent years. The pound has continued to fluctuate
however, reaching a low against the dollar in 2001 (to a rate of $1.37 per
1), but rising again to a rate of approximately $2 per 1 in 2007. Against
the Euro, the pound has become steady at a rate of approximately 1.45
per 1.
for more than 150 years, having grown in every quarter since 1992. It is
one of the strongest EU economies in terms of inflation, interest rates and
unemployment, all of which remain relatively low. The United Kingdom,
according to the International Monetary Fund, in 2007 had the ninth
highest level of GDP per capita in the European Union in terms of
purchasing power parity, after Luxembourg, Ireland, the Netherlands,
Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium and Finland.
During August 2008 the IMF has warned that the UK economic outlook
has worsened due to a twin shock: financial turmoil as well as rising
commodity prices. Both developments harm the UK more than most
developed countries, as the UK obtains revenue from exporting financial
services while recording deficits in finished goods and commodities,
including food. The UK has the worlds third largest current account
deficit, despite significant oil revenues. This is mainly the result of a large
deficit in the trade in manufacture goods. During May 2008, the IMF
advised the UK government to broaden the scope of fiscal policy to
promote external balance. Although the UKs labour productivity per
person employed has been progressing well over the last two decades
and has overtaken productivity in the united Germany, it lags around 20%
behind Frances level, where workers have a 35-hour working week. The
UKs labour productivity per hour worked is currently on a par with the
average for the old EU (15 countries).
Economic Branches
Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanised, and efficient by European
standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the
labour force. It contributes around 2% of GDP. Around two-thirds of the
people) or has been replaced by smaller industrial units producing highvalue goods (such as the aerospace and electronics industries).
Engineering and allied industries comprise the single largest sector,
contributing 30.8% of total output in manufacturing in 2003. Within this
sector, transport equipment was the largest contributor, with 8 global car
manufacturers being present in the UKBMW (MINI, Rolls-Royce),
Tata (Jaguar-Land Rover), General Motors (Vauxhall Motors), Honda,
Nissan, Toyota and Volkswagen (Bentley) with a number of smaller,
specialist manufacturers (including Lotus and Morgan) and commercial
vehicle manufacturers also being present. The British motor industry also
comprises numerous components for the sector, such as Fords diesel
engine plant in Dagenham, which produces half of Fords diesel engines
A range of companies like Brush Traction and Hunslet manufacture
railway locomotives and other related components. Associated with this
sector are the aerospace and defence equipment industries. The UK
manufactures a broad range of equipment, with the sector being
dominated by BAE Systems (which manufactures civil and defence
aerospace, land and marine equipment) VT Group (one of the worlds
largest builders of warships), GKN and Rolls Royce who manufacture
over 500 banks with offices in the City and Docklands, with the majority
of business in London being conducted on an international basis, with
established leads in areas such as Eurobonds, Foreign exchange markets,
energy futures and global insurance. The United Kingdom had 21bn of
financial exports in 2005, contributing significantly towards the Balance
of Payments. The UK has had an expanding export business in financial
service, which has been influenced by a mixture of unique institutions,
light regulation, and a highly skilled workforce.
Edinburgh also has a long established financial industry, the fifth largest
financial centre in Europe, with many large firms based there, including
the Royal Bank of Scotland (the second largest bank in Europe), HBOS
(owners of the Bank of Scotland) and Standard Life Insurance. Several of
the major English cities have large financial sectors and related services,
notably the Leeds city region which is home to several large banks and
building societies. Manchester also has a large financial sector, including
the Co-Operative Financial Services, who run the most successful ethical
fund in the UK and are the only major unit managers outside of London
and Edinburgh. Manchester also has the largest professional services
sector outside the South East, particularly legal activities.
The UK property market has been booming for the past seven years and
in some areas property has trebled in value over that period. The increase
in property prices has a number of causessustained economic growth,
an expansion in household numbers (including high immigration into
certain regions), low interest rates, the growth in property investment, and
restriction in the supply of new housing (through planning restrictions).
Until relatively recently there was debate over whether or not the UK
should abolish its currency Pound Sterling and join the Euro. The former
British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, pledged at the time to hold a
public referendum based on certain tests he set as Chancellor of the
Exchequer. When assessing the tests, Gordon Brown concluded that
while the decision was close, the United Kingdom should not yet join the
Euro. In particular, he cited fluctuations in house prices as a barrier to
immediate entry. Public opinion polls have shown that a majority of
Britons have been opposed to joining the single currency for some
considerable time and this position has now hardened further. The
Conservatives, as the main ruling party, are opposed to membership.
Taxation in the United Kingdom may involve payments to at least two
different levels of government: local government and central government
(HM Revenue & Customs). Local government is financed by grants from
central government funds, business rates, council tax and increasingly
from fees and charges such as those from on-street parking. Central
government revenues are mainly income tax, national insurance
contributions, value added tax, corporation tax and fuel duty. In 2002 the
percentage of population living below the Poverty Line (household
income below 60% of median income) stood at 17%. This has fallen
steadily over recent years to a low of 14% in 2006 the last year for which
figures were available at the time of writing.
British Media
The British watch a lot of TV, they are the worlds most dedicated homevideo users, but they have not given up reading either: they are the
worlds third biggest newspaper buyers (after the Japanese and the
Print Media
Newspaper publication is dominated by the national press. Nearly 80% of
all the households buy a copy of one of the main national papers every
day. The circulation of more than eighty local and regional daily papers is
much less than the circulation of the national dailies. There are also
non-national papers with significant circulation, but they are published in
the evening when they do not compete with the national papers. Since
most local newspapers do not appear on Sunday, the dominance of the
national press is absolute: the Sunday papers are actually sisters of the
most important dailies, but with separate editors and journalists. The
morning newspaper is in Britain a household institution. Before the early
1990s, the newsagents were the only shops allowed to open on Sundays,
because people could not be deprived of the pleasure of reading the news
even for one day. The Sunday papers sell slightly more copies than the
dailies and are thicker (six or more sections making up well over two
hundred pages). The morning paper round is organised by most
newsagents and half the countrys readers get their paper delivered to
their door by teenagers who earn a bit of extra money. Scotland is an
exception to the dominance of the national press. Here, one paper, The
Sunday Post, sells over a million copies. Scotland on Sunday, another
weekly, also has a large circulation. The Glasgow Herald and The
Scotsman are Scotland only quality papers, while The Daily Record is
the sister paper of the London Daily Mirror, a tabloid.
Because in Britain political parties are essentially parliamentary
organisations, none of them actually owns or sponsors any of the
newspapers, turning them into their own organ. Papers are obviously all
in favour of one or the other of the political parties, but none of them
would ever use we or us to refer to a certain party. In fact, most
papers lean towards the right of the political spectrum, not because most
people support the right, but because their owners usually support the
Conservative party. Most people only buy the papers for sport and human
interest stories and are not interested in the political coverage. The
newspaper publishers are mainly interested in making money. They put
selling copies ahead of political integrity.
Newspapers are traditionally categorised into two types in the United
Kingdom. Broadsheets which are larger in size and are seen as being
more intellectual and upmarket (designed for high-income consumers)
and tabloids which are smaller in size and seen as being more
downmarket than broadsheets, containing more stories about celebrities
or gossip. However, some broadsheet papers, such as The Times and The
Independent have recently switched to a smaller size, preferring to call
themselves compact rather than be stigmatised by the tabloid label. A
bewildering range of magazines are sold in the UK covering most
interests and potential topics. Famous examples include Private Eye,
Hello!, The Spectator, the Radio Times and NME (New Musical Express).
themselves. British adults never read comics, so the press must fulfill the
need for very simple reading with a lot of pictures.
History of Newspapers
Regular newspaper publication dates from the mid seventeenth century. It
was earlier believed that the reckless reporting of news might endanger
the Crown and the country. A limit was placed on the printing of news
other than of events abroad, natural disasters, royal declarations and
crimes. There were weekly corantos (or couriers) published from the
1620s containing these kinds of news. Publication grew following the
general relaxation after the ending of the Star Chamber in 1641.
During the Civil War there were regular news-sheets and then newsbooks
carrying general information along with propaganda. Following the
Restoration there arose a number of publications including the London
Gazette (first published on November 16, 1665 as the Oxford Gazette),
the first official journal of record and the newspaper of the Crown.
Publication was controlled under the Licensing Act of 1662, but the Acts
lapse from 1679-1685 and then its abolition in 1694 encouraged a number
of new titles. There were twelve London newspapers (the Daily Courant
was the first London newspaper) and 24 provincial papers by the 1720s
and by the early nineteenth century there were 52 London papers and
over 100 other titles.
Nineteenth Century
As stamp, paper and other duties were progressively reduced from the
1830s onwards (and all duties on newspapers were gone by 1855) there
was a massive growth in overall circulation as major events and improved
communications developed the publics need for information. The Daily
Universal Register began life in 1785 and was later to become known as
The Times from 1788. This was the most significant newspaper of the
first half of the nineteenth century, but from around 1860 there were a
number of more strongly competitive titles, each differentiated by its
political biases and interests. The Manchester Guardian was founded in
Manchester in 1821 by a group of non-conformist businessmen. Its most
famous editor, Charles Prestwich Scott, made the Manchester Guardian
into a world-famous newspaper in the 1890s. It is now called The
The Chartist Northern Star, first published on May 26, 1838, was a
pioneer of popular journalism but was very closely linked to the fortunes
of the movement and was out of business by 1852. At the same time there
was the establishment of more specialized periodicals and the first cheap
newspaper was the Daily Telegraph and Courier (1855), later to be
known simply as the Daily Telegraph. The period from 1860 until around
1910 is considered a golden age of newspaper publication, with
technical advances in printing and communication combined with a
professionalisation of journalism and the prominence of new owners.
Newspapers became more partisan and there was the rise of new or
yellow journalism (sensationalist journalism, from the yellow ink used to
print cartoons in the New York World). Socialist and labour newspapers
also proliferated and in 1912 the Daily Herald was launched as the first
daily newspaper of the trade union and labour movement.
Twentieth Century
World War I saw the rise of the press barons initially the Harmsworth
Brothers (later Viscounts Northcliffe and Rothermere) and the Berry
Brothers. A trend continued between the wars when they were joined by
Max Aitken (later Lord Beaverbrook) and the newspaper industry took on
an appearance similar to todays. The post-war period was marked by the
emergence of tabloid newspapers (or red tops), notably with Cecil
Harmsworth King and his International Publishing Corporation. In the
1980s the powerful print trade unions were challenged and production
moved away from Fleet Street, marked by the successes of Rupert
Murdoch and The Sun in the 1980s and 1990s. Currently circulation is in
a slow but steady decline but still comparatively high.
Outstanding Newspapers Today
The Herald (Glasgow)
Type: Daily newspaper;
Format: Broadsheet;
Owner: Newsquest;
Editor: Charles McGhee;
Founded: 1783;
Circulation: 71,000;
Headquarters: 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow.
party in the 2001 and 2005 general elections. The Times is the original
Times newspaper, lending its name to many other papers around the
world, such as The New York Times, The Times of India, and The Irish
Times. It is the originator of the ubiquitous Times Roman typeface,
originally developed by Stanley Morison of The Times in collaboration
with the Monotype Corporation for its legibility in low-tech printing. The
newspaper was printed in broadsheet format for 200 years, but switched
to compact size in 2004 in an attempt to appeal to younger readers. In
May 2006, it announced plans to launch a United States edition, which
began publishing on June 6, 2006. In November 2006 The Times began
printing headlines in its new font, Times Modern. Although The Times
and The Sunday Times are both owned by News International, a
subsidiary of Rupert Murdochs Newscorp, they do not share editorial
staff and were founded independently. The titles have only shared the
same owner since 1967. The Times used contributions from significant
figures in the fields of politics, science, literature, and the arts to build its
reputation. Keith Rupert Murdoch (born 11 March 1931) is an Australianborn United States citizen who is a global media executive and is the
controlling shareholder, chairman and managing director of News
Corporation, based in New York.
The Observer
Type: Weekly newspaper;
Format: ex-Broadsheet, Berliner (midi, slightly larger than a tabloid);
Owner: Guardian Media Group;
Founded: 1791;
Political allegiance: Centre left;
Circulation: 440,320;
2006, the Telegraph was the highest selling British broadsheet, with a
certified average daily circulation of 901,238. The Daily Telegraph is
traditionally politically Conservative. The personal links between the
papers editors and the leadership of the Conservative Party, along with
the papers influence over Conservative activists, results in the paper
often being jokingly referred to, especially in the Private Eye, as the
Torygraph. In addition it has also dubbed the Telegraph The Daily
Hurleygraph for their frequent printing of the pictures of Liz Hurley and
other notable attractive women, or as the Maily Telegraph and Daily
Mailograph for the Eyes opinion that the newspaper sometimes focuses
on issues traditionally seen as the preserve of the Daily Mail. Also, The
Daily Telegraph has erroneously published at least four premature
obituaries. Various notable people have had their death announced in
error. The Daily Telegraph is nonetheless noted for the humour and
quality of writing of many of its obituaries. On Wednesday 24 February
1988, The Daily Telegraph was printed with the wrong date: Thursday 25
February was printed by mistake. This caused complaints from confused
readers, but also inspired the first front page cartoon by Matt, who now
has a cartoon on the front page of the Telegraph almost every day. The
cartoon had the caption: I hope I have a better Thursday than I did
Financial Times
Type: Daily newspaper;
Format: Broadsheet;
Owner: Pearson PLC;
Founded: 1888;
Political allegiance: Liberal;
well as, in some cases, advocating stricter punishments for crime. It also
often calls for lower levels of taxation.
become Prime Minister. Since then it has supported Labour in each of the
subsequent three elections, despite criticising some of their policies. The
Sun relies on stories about the entertainment industry, gossip concerning
the British monarchy, and sports, as well as news and politics for its
content, with many items revolving around celebrities. Its serious news
stories frequently focus on themes of immigration, security scandals,
domestic abuse and paedophiles.
Broadcasting Media
The United Kingdom has an extremely diverse media with an almost
unrivalled number of outlets, second only to the United States. Analogue
terrestrial television in the United Kingdom is made up of two chartered
public broadcasting companies, the BBC and Channel 4 and two
franchised commercial television companies, (ITV and Five). There are
five major free-to-air analogue networks: BBC One, BBC Two, ITV1,
Channel 4 and Five.
The BBC is funded by public money coming from a television licence fee
gathered from all UK households with a television set. This fee is legally
compulsory and failure to pay it is punishable by prosecution, resulting in
a fine or imprisonment. There are exceptions to paying, for homes with a
pensioner (person over 65 years old). It is currently set at 135.50 and
may vary. The fee chargeable is limited by the government and regulatory
authorities. The BBC provides two analogue networks, BBC One
(consisting of a network of local BBC stations) and BBC Two. Channel 4
is similarly chartered to the BBC, with the goal to provide public service
BBC Radio 3 is a serious classical station, broadcasting highquality concerts and performances. At night, it transmits a wide
range of jazz and world music;
BBC Radio Five Live broadcasts live news and sports commentary
with phone-in debates and studio guests;
The biggest influence on the early BBC was its general manager, John
Reith, a 33-year-old Scottish engineer. The company had been formed
with a commercial missionto sell radio setsbut Reith had a higher
purpose. He envisaged an independent British broadcaster able to
educate, inform and entertain the whole nation, free from political
interference and commercial pressure. Within a year the BBC had
broadcast plays, concerts of popular and classical music, talks and variety
programmes from its first home in Savoy Hill. But the powerful
newspaper industry successfully kept the BBC out of the news business.
Bulletins were prepared by the news agencies, and could only be
broadcast after 7 as not to upset newspaper sales.
The General Strike of 1926 brought the BBC its first serious
confrontation with the Government over editorial independence. With no
regular newspapers being published, the country turned to the BBC for its
news. Winston Churchill, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, urged the
Government to take over the BBC, but Reith persuaded Prime Minister
Stanley Baldwin that this would be against the national interest. In 1927,
the British Broadcasting Company became the British Broadcasting
Corporation when it was granted its first Royal Charter and John Reith
was knighted.
The BBC soon outgrew Savoy Hill, and in 1932 it moved into the worlds
first purpose-built radio production centre, Broadcasting House, in
Portland Place. It quickly became a city landmark and was described as
a new Tower of London. Throughout the 1930s, eminent figures,
including writers, performers, actors and artists, were heard in talks,
coverage (April 30, 1938). Before the decade was out, Lord Reith had
stepped down, bored and restless. His last preoccupation, in anticipation
of new hostilities in Europe, had been to set in place arrangements for
wartime broadcasting.
Impact of the Second World War
With the television service closed for the duration, it was radios war and
the BBC nearly lost it in the opening skirmishes. In the early phoney
war millions found Lord Haw-Haw, the German propaganda weapon,
significantly more entertaining than the austere fare of the BBC. Listeners
complained about the new Home Service, which had replaced the
National and Regional programme services, and there were too many
organ recitals and public announcements. As a result the BBC lightened
its tone, with a new emphasis on morale-boosting entertainment.
In 1943, the BBC set up its War Reporting Unit. Its members underwent
rigorous training in military survival techniques and were equipped with a
new, light recording device developed by BBC engineers for use in the
field of action. The BBC war correspondents were able to bring back
near-live war coverage to a nation desperate for news. The BBC emerged
from the war with an enhanced reputation for honesty and accuracy in its
news broadcasts. Half the population regularly listened to the 9 oclock
news. By the end of the war, the BBC was broadcasting in 40 languages.
Josef Goebbels, Hitlers master of propaganda, is said to have admitted
that BBC Radio had won the intellectual invasion of Europe.
The 1950s
The 1960s
This decade brought more up-to-date content that reflected the times and
the expectations of audiences whose appetite had been whetted by the
choice offered by ITV. Radio comedy flourished with new programmes.
BBC Television Centre in West London opened in June 1960. In the same
year, an inquiry into the future of television and radio praised public
service broadcasting and authorised the setting up of a second channel,
BBC Two (launched in 1964). Radio 1 began in 1967 following the
banning of pirate radio stations.
From the late 1960s, radio listeners were able to enjoy more programmes
broadcast in the superior sound of FM stereo. In November 1967 the first
BBC local radio station opened in Leicester and within a few years there
were 20 local stations. Colour television broadcasts began on BBC Two
in 1967, followed by BBC One in 1969. Within ten years there would be
12 million colour licences in the UK. The Sixties was also the decade
when the monarchy first went public on television in The Royal Family
(1969) and when England won the World Cup (1966).
The 1970s
This was the golden age of television. Income grew as more and more
homes bought television licences and, more significantly, more switched
to colour. As a result the schedules were able to offer greater depth and
variety. As well as entertaining and informing, the BBC addressed its
educational role. This decade saw the launch of the university of the
airwaves, the BBCs collaboration with the Open University. In 1972 the
CEEFAX text service was introduced after engineers developed the
technique of transmitting digital data within analogue signals. Subtitling
of programmes on CEEFAX began in 1979.
Radio had its work cut out with competition from commercial stations
such as LBC and Capital. The BBC responded with the first phone-in
programmes that had a mixed reception, but many listeners welcomed the
opportunity to put questions directly to politicians and celebrities in live
programmes. The BBC faced many challenges from the Government
regarding programme output. The Annan Committee Report of 1977
criticised the BBC for loss of nerve and organisational fog. As a
result of this report, the way was paved for the establishment of Channel
4, an alternative public broadcasting company (1982). The year 1979 saw
the BBC bring together all its commercial activities under BBC
Enterprises Ltd. Now called BBC Worldwide, this commercial arm
returns significant funds back to BBC programming through its sales of
videos, books, audio and magazines.
The 1980s
This was a challenging decade for BBC correspondents who reported in
depth on dramatic and often dangerous events from Northern Ireland,
Tiananmen Square, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. This was the
decade of the Falklands War (1982), the miners strike (1984), the
wedding of the Prince of Wales to Lady Diana Spencer (1981), the arrival
of EastEnders (February 1985), a famous soap opera. It still regularly
attracts over 12 million viewers. Breakfast Television, a new venture for
the BBC began in 1983. Television coverage of the House of Lords began
with a six-month experiment in 1985, and four years later cameras were
allowed in the House of Commons for an experimental period. In 1990
the Commons voted in favour of allowing the cameras to stay.
Home video recorders arrived in the 1980s, and gradually changed the
way the nation regarded and used broadcasting. Other advances included
satellite broadcasting. The BBC contemplated satellite, but judged the
risks, and costs, to be too great. It was a decade of competitive and
political pressure on the BBC. Channel 4 went on air in 1982, more
commercial radio stations opened, and satellite television services were
The 1990s
The arrival of digital technology and the Internet during this decade
marked a new era in broadcasting. For the viewer, digital television
offered more channels and wider interactivity. For the listener, digital
radio provided CD-quality sound and flexibility of service. BBC Online,
an Internet service which did not exist at the beginning of the 1990s, was
one of the leading websites in Europe by the end of 1999. Radio 5, the
first new network for 23 years, opened in August 1990, offering sport and
learning opportunities. The other networks strengthened their identity and
audience focus with stations like Radio 1 undergoing modernisation.
Radio 4 also underwent significant change, appealing to younger
audiences in areas such as comedy and arts.
In the face of growing competition, the BBC sought to offer a range of
programmes that commercially funded broadcasters would not provide.
The nations fascination with its Royal Family was never more evident
the BBC celebrates diversity so that everyone can give their best;
History of ITV
After much debate both in the British Parliament and the British Press,
the Television Act became law in 1954. This Act paved the way for the
establishment of a commercial television service in the UK, creating the
Independent Television Authority (ITA). The ITAs responsibility was to
regulate the new service, ensuring that the new service did not follow the
same path taken by American television networks (which were perceived
as vulgar by some commentators). For example, it was made obligatory
that commercials be clearly distinguishable from programmes.
The Independent Television service, so-called because of its
independence from the BBC (which previously had held a monopoly on
broadcasting in the UK), was to be made up of regions, with each region
run by different companies. The three largest regions (London, the
Midlands and the North of England) were subdivided into weekday and
weekend services, with a different company running each. Space for
commercials, shown during and between programmes was always sold on
a region-by-region basis by each ITV company, and not on a nation-wide
basis throughout the United Kingdom. The reason for this seemingly
over-complicated arrangement was to fulfill the 1954 Acts requirement
for competition within the ITV system (as well as against the BBC) and
also to help prevent any individual company obtaining a monopoly on
commercial broadcasting. The ITV companies were required, by the
terms of their licences from the ITA, to provide a local television service
for their particular region, including a daily local news bulletin and
regular local documentaries.
The ITV regions initially broadcast on 405-line VHF. During the 1960s,
some commercial companies proposed the introduction of colour on the
405-line system, but the General Post Office insisted that colour should
wait until the higher-definition 625-line UHF system became standard.
ITV eventually introduced PAL colour on this system from 15 November
1969, simultaneous with BBC1 and two years after BBC2. This did not,
however, spread immediately across the UK; some regions had to wait a
few more years before colour was available. Colour was available to
nearly 100% of the UK from 1976, with the Channel Islands being the
last region to be converted. This enabled the 405-line system to be phased
out between 1982 and 1985.
Contracts to run an ITV region are not permanent. Contracts were
renewed by the ITA every few years, but it was not guaranteed that the
incumbent contractor would win an extension; a new company could take
over instead. November 2, 1982 saw the launch of Channel 4, which built
on the ITV network for its funding. The ITV companies sold Channel 4s
airtime until 31 December 1992, after which a funding formula
continued, whereby the ITV companies would subsidise Channel 4 if it
fell into losses. However, it never did, and the funding formula was
withdrawn in 1998. During the period 1982-98, Channel 4 and ITV
would regularly cross-promote each others programming, free of charge.
Whilst this was clearly in everyones interest prior to 1993, after this date
the two channels were effectively competing, and as part of the funding
formula they were required to cross-promote a certain number of primetime programmes each day.
After the Broadcasting Act of 1990, ITN, the news provider for ITV, was
no longer to be exclusively owned by ITV companies. The legal name of
the ITV network was changed to Channel 3, although the network is still
generally referred to as ITV by the general public and the media.
Additionally, Channel 4, which had previously been an independent
subsidiary of the IBA, was now to become a Government-owned
corporation, patterned after the BBC. It would also begin to sell its own
advertisement spacea function previously provided by each ITV
company as a return for subsidising the channel.
the Isle of Man. Unlike practically all other TV channels in the United
Kingdom, ITV is not owned by one single company.
The right granted by Ofcom of Channel 3s nationally-available status on
both analogue and digital television comes with responsibility, in the
form of public service broadcasting. Alongside the BBC, Channel 4 and
Five, the members of the ITV Network and GMTV all have a
responsibility to broadcast various programming of public importance on
their analogue stations. This includes quotas for news, current affairs,
independent and European programming, childrens and religious
programming, and output containing subtitles, signing and audio
description. In addition, Channel 3 stations are legally obliged to screen
party election broadcasts on behalf of all the major political parties, and
also other political events such as the Budget.
With more channels to choose from, digital television is increasingly
putting pressure on the ITV networks ratings and advertising revenues.
Perhaps the most controversial change was the scrapping of the flagship
late evening news programme, News at Ten in 1999, replacing it with a
later, irregular scheduled and shorter news bulletin. ITV argued that the
move would enable it to make the evening schedule more diverse and
flexible, allowing them to show feature length films without a news
break. News at Ten was brought back in January 2008, with just 3.8
million viewers compared to 4.9 million viewers who watched the BBC
News at Ten.
Such actions on the part of ITV together with a move to more populist
programming have led to many commentators to accuse ITV of dumbing
down. In its defence, ITV does continue to show its major strengths in
the fields of sports coverage and drama productions. For over 50 years of
Independent Television, the homegrown programmes have become the
best loved and remembered as well as being extremely successful. Before
the 1990s, nearly all of the content for the channel was produced by the
fifteen franchise licensees, the regional companies. Since then, ITV has
struggled to regain viewers trust, as inexpensive programming has not
paid dividends. ITV plc have been working to restore this, as the major
provider of programming.
The parish was the basic unit of administration. There was, however, no
general mechanism through which the Poor Law could be enforced, and
its operation was inconsistent between areas. The principle of
settlement in a particular parish relates to feudal ideas. People were tied
to particular locations. According to the 1662 Poor Relief Act, if people
tried to draw relief outside the parish of their birth, they could be
removed. This meant that they could be rejected, or physically
transported to another parish.
The development of workhouses under the Old Poor Law was not
representative of the system which followed after the 1834 reforms, and
this is not how the system is now remembered. The 1601 Act made
provision for setting the poor on work. This did not generally include
accommodation, but in 1631 a workhouse was established in Abingdon.
In 1697 the Bristol Workhouse was established by private Act of
Parliament. Scotland had houses of correction set up in burghs, by an
Act of 1672. In 1740 a workhouse was established in Edinburgh. Most
Scottish workhouses were closed after a little while.
The idea that people could receive out-reliefthat is, benefits or cash
outside the poorhousewas new to the Poor Law in the eighteenth
century. The changes of the industrial revolution led to the development
of the towns, rapid population growth, and the first experience of modern
unemployment and the trade cycle. All this caused increasing poor rates.
The reform movement centred on three main doctrines:
Income Support
same time it has become more redistributive as its structure has changed
to remove the fixed upper contribution limits, albeit with a much lower
rate payable by employees on income above a certain level. It has been
argued that the link between the individuals contribution record and the
remaining contributory benefits will be weakened further.
NI has been criticised as a stealth tax and an income tax in everything
but name: in recent years governments have trumpeted the fact that
income tax rates have not changed, while they have increased revenue by
increasing the rates and scope of NI. At the same time the unfairness of a
tax that is levied on the wage income of all workers but not on dividend
or interest income has been criticised: at the extreme this leads to the
contrast between a low-paid worker who has to pay the tax on his income
and a wealthy owner of income-bearing assets who does not. There have
been proposals put forward by think-tanks to abolish employees National
Insurance altogether by rolling it up into income tax. These have yet to be
adopted as a policy by a major political party.
Contribution Classes
National Insurance contributions (NICs) fall into a number of classes.
Class 1, 2 and 3 NICs paid are credited to an individuals NI account,
which determines a persons eligibility for certain benefitsincluding the
state pension. Class 1A, 1B and 4 NIC do not count towards benefit
entitlements but must still be paid if due.
Class 1
Class 1A
Class 1A contributions are paid by employers on the value of company
cars and other benefits in kind of their employees and directors at rate of
12.8% of the value of the benefits in kind.
Class 1B
Class 1B contributions were introduced on 6 April 1999 and are payable
whenever an employer enters into a PAYE Settlement Agreement (a PSA)
for tax. Class 1B NICs are payable only by employers and payment does
not provide any benefit entitlement for individuals.
Class 2
Class 2 contributions are fixed weekly amounts paid by the selfemployed. They are due regardless of trading profits or losses, but people
on low earnings can apply for exception from paying and those on high
earnings with liability to either Class 1 or 4 can apply for deferment from
paying. While the amount is calculated to a weekly figure, they are
typically paid monthly or quarterly. For the most part, unlike Class 1,
they do not form part of a qualifying contribution record for
contributions-based Job Seekers Allowance.
Class 3
Class 3 contributions are voluntary NICs paid by people that wish to fill a
gap in their contributions record which has arisen either by not working
or by their earnings being too low. The main reason for paying Class 3
NICs is to ensure that a persons contribution record is preserved to
provide entitlement to the state pension. Generally a woman currently
needs 10 years of contributions and a man 11 years for a minimum state
pension. In certain cases (e.g. parents and careers) fewer years may be
Class 4
Class 4 contributions are paid by self-employed people as a portion of
their profits, calculated with income tax at the end of the year, based on
figures supplied on the tax return. Below the earnings threshold no class 4
NICs are due. Above the earnings threshold and below the upper earnings
limit class 4 NICs are paid at a rate of 8% of trading profits. Above the
upper earnings limit class 4 NICs are paid at a rate of 1% of trading
profits. They do not form part of a qualifying contribution record for any
benefits, including the state retirement pension.
National Insurance Number
People born and resident in the UK are assigned an NI number (referred
to internally as a NINO), receive a plastic card of similar proportions to a
credit card with the number raised on the front shortly before their
sixteenth birthday, and are advised to keep the card safe (only one
replacement card may ever be issued over the lifetime of an individual).
However, allocation of this number might occur a long time before this
occasion (the date can usually be established from the prefix letters used),
the patient comparable to that which might occur when a resident of one
European Union member country receives treatment in another.
History of the National Health Service
Before the National Health Service was created in 1948, patients were
generally required to pay for their health care. Free treatment was
sometimes available from teaching hospitals and charity hospitals, such
as the Royal Free Hospital. Some local authorities operated local
hospitals for local ratepayers (under a system originating with the Poor
Law). Systems of health insurance usually consisted of private schemes
such as Friendly Societies. Under the National Insurance Act of 1911,
introduced by David Lloyd George, a small amount was deducted from
weekly wages, to which contributions were added from the employer and
the government.
In return for the record of contributions, the workman was entitled to
medical care (as well as retirement and unemployment benefits) though
not necessarily to the drugs prescribed. To obtain medical care, he
registered with a doctor. Each doctor who participated in the scheme thus
had a panel of those who have made an insurance under the system, and
was paid a capitation grant out of the fund calculated upon the number.
(Lloyd Georges name survives in the Lloyd George envelopes in
which most primary care records in England are stored, although today
some working records in primary care are at least partially computerised).
This imperfect scheme only covered certain trades and occupations, and
was known as Lloyd Georges Ambulance Wagon. Moreover, due to
cuts during the 1930s, many were unable to obtain treatment.
The original structure of the NHS in England and Wales had three
aspects, known as the tripartite system:
1. Hospital Services14 Regional Hospital Boards were created in
England and Wales to administer the majority of hospital services.
Beneath these were 400 Hospital Management Committees which
administered hospitals. Teaching hospitals had different arrangements and
were organised under Boards of Governors.
2. Primary CareGPs were independent contractors (that is they were
not salaried employees) and would be paid for each person on their list.
Dentists, opticians and pharmacists also generally provided services as
clear that the NHS would never get the resources necessary to provide
unlimited access to the latest medical treatments, especially in the context
of an ageing population. This led to the beginning of a major process of
reform, starting about 1980, which is still continuing nowadays.
The 1980s saw the introduction of modern management processes
(General Management) in the NHS to replace the previous system of
consensus management. This was outlined in the Griffiths Report of
1983. It recommended the appointment of general managers in the NHS
with whom responsibility should lie. The report also recommended that
clinicians be better involved in management. Financial pressures
continued to place strain on the NHS. In 1987, an additional 101 million
was provided by the government to the NHS.
In 1988 the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, announced a review
of the NHS. From this review and in 1989, two White Papers, Working
for Patients and Caring for People were produced. These outlined the
introduction of what was termed the internal market, which was to
shape the structure and organisation of health services for most of the
next decade. In spite of intensive opposition from the British Medical
Association, who wanted a pilot study or the reforms in one region, the
untried untested internal market was introduced. In 1990, the National
Health Service and Community Care Act (in England) defined this
internal market, whereby Health Authorities ceased to run hospitals but
purchased care from their own or other authorities hospitals. Certain
GPs became fund holders and were able to purchase care for their
patients. The providers became NHS trusts, which encouraged
competition but also increased local differences.
Doctors generally have the same very high status in Great Britain that
they have throughout the world. In matters of prestige, the medical
profession is dominated by the hospital consultants followed by the
specialist doctors who all command a greater standing than the general
practitioners. These specialists are allowed to work part-time for the
NHS and spend the rest of their time earning big fees from private
patients. Some have a surgery in Harley Street in London, conventionally
the sign that a doctor is one of the best. However, the difference in status
between specialists and ordinary GPs is not as marked as it is in most
other countries. At medical school, it is not automatically assumed that a
brilliant student will become a specialist. GPs are not in any way
regarded as second-class. The idea of the family doctor with personal
knowledge of the circumstances of his or her patients was established in
the days when only rich people could afford to pay for the services of a
A general practitioner, or GP is a medical practitioner who provides
primary care and specialises in family medicine. A general practitioner
treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health
education for all ages and both sexes. In the United Kingdom, doctors
wishing to become GPs take at least 4 years training after medical school,
which is usually an undergraduate course of five to six years (or a
graduate course of four to six years) leading to the degrees of Bachelor of
Medicine (MB, from Medicinae Baccalaureus) and Bachelor of Surgery
(ChB, from Baccalaureus Chirurgiae, or BS).
Up until the year 2005, those wanting to become a General Practitioner of
medicine had to do a minimum of the following postgraduate training:
emergency or psychiatry;
At the end of the one year registrar post, the medical practitioner must
pass an examination in order to be allowed to practice independently as a
Marylebone. As more and more doctors moved to the area they invited
colleagues to work with them from their prestigious homes and Harley
Street began to thrive as a medical centre. Since the nineteenth century
the number of doctors, hospitals and medical organisations in and around
Harley Street has greatly increased. Records show that there were around
20 doctors in 1860, 80 by 1900 and almost 200 by 1914. When the
National Health Service was established in 1948 there were around 1,500.
Among the many famous and talented doctors to have practiced in Harley
Street over the years was the great British surgeon Sir Henry Thompson
in the 1870s who was appointed surgeon-extraordinaire to the King of
Brussels, and Doctor Edward Bach who practiced from Harley Street in
the 1920s as a specialist in vaccines and bacteriology before moving to
the London Homeopathic Hospital and then developing the Bach Flower
Today, there are some 1,500 professional medical practitioners in and
around the Harley Street area, offering a broad range of services from
complementary medicine to cosmetic surgery and the range and quality of
services available continues to expand as new treatments and new
diagnostic techniques emerge. The Harley Street Clinic receives patients
from all over the world and has established a ground breaking cancer
centre, which is affiliated to the London Cancer Group and contains the
latest oncology technology and expert care for cancer patients. Harley
Street is at the forefront in medical science and technology advancements
and firmly on the map for medical excellence.
There are various other higher managerial and specialist nurse roles;
however these are less well defined on a national scale and vary from
Education in Britain
Because education is concerned not only with teaching basic skills but
also with passing on the culture and values of society, it often becomes a
burning political issue, particularly in times of rapid political or social
change and uncertainty. What is taught in the classroom, how it is taught
and how success and failure are measured are all influenced by political
considerations. The government of the day controls education in Britain
either directly through Acts of Parliament or indirectly through the
orchestration of public opinion. As Britain is a liberal democracy the
government also responds toor at least takes note ofthe will of the
people expressed mainly in the mass media.
A successful and acceptable education policy is particularly difficult to
enact. This was especially true in the latter half of the twentieth century.
The fact that everyone has experienced some form of education makes
everyone an expert, and a biased one at that. Convictions based on
individual experience and prejudice are not always a sound foundation on
which to build government policies. It is also difficult in the postmodern
world of shifting values for governments to formulate policies that will
ensure that children receive the kind of education that will fit them for
sixteenth century, however, they had become more like finishing schools
for the sons of the gentry reflecting a wider change in society as the
administration of the state moves out of the hands of the church into that
of the landed gentry. It is interesting to note that the link between Oxford
and Cambridge and the government of the country that was established so
early on remains to this day.
The Middle Ages
Most of the early schools were parish schools and were not so ambitious.
They offered elementary education to the children of ordinary parents
who wanted to get on in life. The humblest taught their pupils to read,
learn prayers and psalms, the Ten Commandments, the seven deadly sins
and seven sacraments. Some schools were less religiousa school in
Rotherham, Yorkshire founded in 1483 by the Archbishop of York, taught
its pupils accountancy as well as grammar because the youths in that part
of the country were more suited to worldly employment than to joining
the priesthood.
It seems that the Yorkshire stereotypeinterested in the practical things
of life including making moneyhas a long history. At the grammar
schools the pupils, drawn from the wealthier sections of town society,
were expected to be able to read and write before they were admitted.
They then went on to learn Latin grammar and compose Latin verse.
French had also originally been part of the curriculum but had died out
during the fourteenth century. Schooling was not free nor was it easy. The
holidays were short, the school days were long often beginning at six in
the morning and continuing until six in the evening with short breaks for
food, the classes were large with up to a hundred pupils being taught in
By the end of the seventeenth century several of the patterns that have
influenced education in this century have already become established.
The close link between education and religion is preserved with the
parishes being responsible for providing teaching in reading and religion.
The grammar schools were firmly established in the market towns, most
of them continuing to exist into the twentieth century. This is
supplemented from 1698 onwards by the Charity Schools set up by the
Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge in which prayers and
Bible reading were an integral part of the curriculum. The Puritans,
expelled from the Church of England, set up their own schools, the
Dissenting Academies, where the religious teaching reflected their own
A structure of education emerged with one tier educating the rich and
powerful and the other the respectable lower classes, reflecting the
traditional social structure. During the seventeenth century some of the
most famous private boarding-schools, known today as public schools,
were founded for the sons of the aristocracy who then went on to one of
the Oxford colleges. Lower down the social scale there are the Dame
schools, paid for by the parish, run usually by women, where children up
to the age of about 7 were taught simple reading and such crafts as
spinning and knitting.
The grammar schools, established by 1547 in every sizeable market town,
provided further education in writing, Latin and Greek and even
mathematics. A few scholars from these schools went on to Oxford and
Cambridge where they formed an underclass, separated from the
gentlemen even in the manner of dressscholars wore dark gowns
while gentlemen wore light clothes. Scholars in the two universities still
During the nineteenth century the provision of state education follows the
granting of the right to vote. As more groups in society are enfranchised,
schools and teaching are provided for the children of those groups. It was
an accepted idea that teaching these children not only the basics of
education but also passing on knowledge of the culture and pride in the
state preserved Britain from the outbreaks of social unrest and even
revolution that affected many of the countries of Europe in this century.
However, the battle for schools was no easier than the battle for the vote
but once the opposition to change had been overcome in the 1832
Parliamentary Reform Act the door was opened for further social
During the early decades of the nineteenth century two societiesthe
British and Foreign School Society supported by the Nonconformist
churches and the National Society for Promoting the Education of the
Poor in the Principles of the Established Church supported by the Church
of Englandhad built schools in the major centres of population and
many country areas. Both types of school emphasised religious and moral
values and were organised to run as cheaply as possible. Both used the
monitorial system in which the teacher teaches the monitors who then
pass on their knowledge to the pupils. In this way a school of 500
required only one teacher and would cost very little. The schools were
very much in line with the ideals of their day. They encouraged the spirit
of competition among the pupils with a rewards system for success and
they were essentially mechanical at a time when mechanisation was seen
as a revolutionary force for good.
The so-called Ragged Schools were not part of either of the two societies
but were supported by charity and provided education for the very
The schools established after 1833 were run by school boards and
managers similar to the way in which the 1988 Act proposed schools
should be run in the 1990s. The clamour for more education continued
and intensified after the extension of the right to vote in 1867 to
respectable working men, culminating in the Elementary Education Act
of 1870. This Act did not make elementary education free or compulsory
but it provided for the building of state schools under the direction of
locally elected school boards. It is interesting that women, who could not
vote in parliamentary elections or have a seat in the House of Commons
could both vote for and hold seats on these school boards.
The religious problem was solved by insisting that religious instruction
be given in all schools at the beginning or end of the school session
allowing parents to withdraw their children if they so wished. The Boards
could decide whether or not they would have religious instruction in their
schools but most followed the leadership of London and introduced
religious instruction that was non-sectarian and based on a study of the
text of the Bible. This type of religious instruction, which survived the
1988 Act, explains why knowledge of the Bible was something that so
many British people shared and why it comes into so many novels and so
much public rhetoric. The School Boards were allowed to levy a local
rate to pay for the building of schools and once the buildings were
available they could make school attendance compulsory (this happened
in 1880). The Churches were given six months to provide schools in areas
that lacked proper provision and improve educational standards in already
existing schools. At the end of this period the needs would be met by the
School Boards. Fees were charged in all schools but those who could not
afford to pay were allowed to go free. There were further Acts of
Parliament which finally made attendance up to the age of 14 compulsory
at the start of the twentieth century. Thus by the end of the nineteenth
century state-controlled elementary education is firmly established and
some of the basic principles that will govern state education in the next
century are in place.
Private Education
The state sector was not the only scene of educational reform. The
nineteenth century is the great age of the British public schools. The new
type of public school was initiated by Dr. Thomas Arnold when he
became headmaster of Rugby School in 1828. The new class, who had
made money from industrial development, wanted their sons to receive an
education that would fit them for their social position and mark them out
as a separate and privileged group of gentlemen. The new public
schools were thus socially exclusive and by what they taught they
emphasised the importance of discipline, the stiff upper lip, self-reliance
and correct behaviour. They used sport because it provided the necessary
physical toughening and encouraged the development of team spirit and
loyalty to the group.
The Curriculum
The curriculum continued at first to be dominated by the classics, as in
earlier centuries, but was gradually adapted to meet the requirements of
the class the schools served. As the demand for secondary education
spread, new grammar schools were set up with curricula modelled on
those of the public schools, with an inclination on the academic and the
classical but above all on social distinctions and gentility. The better-off
middle class soon realised that the right school led to the right job which
led to making good money. It did not really matter whether what was
taught in school was actually relevant to any particular job, because what
parents were buying was the key to social advantage. Education was the
process used by parents to get their children better jobs and the idea was
very firmly implanted that those who worked with their mouths or their
pens were infinitely superior to those who worked with their hands. What
society needed was an educated white-collar work force to fill all the
clerical jobs that industrialisation had created. But there were no schools
that could meet this need. At the turn of the twentieth century thousands
of well-educated German clerks were working in London offices carrying
on the work of commerce.
The Twentieth Century
The nineteenth century saw the establishment of elementary schools for
the mass of the people and grammar and public schools for the privileged
few. The twentieth century sees the growing demand for full democracy
hand in hand with the advance of technology. Wars bring with them a
questioning of established values and the four major reforms of this
century come after wars. The first in 1902 after the countrys near defeat
in the Boer War, the second in 1918 after World War I, the third in 1944
as World War II draws to a close and the fourth in 1988 after the Falkland
War and the Thatcherite war on accepted post-war values.
The 1902 Act established a national state education system with Local
Education Authorities, as part of the local government organization, in
charge of state schools, replacing the School Boards and effecting a
considerable economy in administration. These LEAs were allowed to
support other forms of education, not only elementary. So they were able
its provision by the state in England has always been minimal and
remains so to this day.
The Education Act of 1944
The Education Act of 1944 was passed before the Second World War had
actually ended and was to some extent a statement of the countrys belief
in its future. It established many of those aspects of English schools
which are familiar to foreignersseparate primary and secondary
schools, local autonomy under the guidance of the central government,
social and games facilities such as playing fields, camps and the
provision of school meals at a very low cost. More importantly it
established a pattern of different types of schools providing different
types of education for different types of pupils. It was principally an act
dealing with secondary education based on two main ideasthat all
children should have an equal opportunity to participate in secondary
education and that the education they received should be suited to their
age, aptitude and ability.
In practice, though not necessarily in intent, this meant a division of
children into different schools according to their academic ability and
resulted in the tripartite system:
Grammar Schools continued to provide an academic education;
Secondary Modern Schools were set up to provide a more
vocational training;
which had never before been open to them. Many people who have
influential positions in British society today and are in their fifties and
sixties climbed this educational ladder. The grammar school boy rivalled
the wearer of the old school tie (public school graduate) in many, but
not all, British institutions.
From the very beginning there were questions about the validity of
dividing pupils into separate schools and in the 1960s the Comprehensive
School became increasingly popular. This was usually a large school
which provided for all abilities from the age of 11 up to 16 or 18. The
Labour Party always approved of these schools as they fitted their ideas
of social equality better than the tripartite system. No new education act
was needed as they were seen as simply another way of meeting the
requirements of the 1944 Act regarding equality of opportunity and a
suitable education for all. The type of system that a Local Education
Authority adopted was a choice made locally and there were so many
variations that the word system can hardly be used accurately to
describe the provision of state secondary education.
The Great Debate
There were many struggles over various aspects of education in the 1960s
and 1970s. Not just the type of school but the methods of teaching
became political issues. The Great Debate of the 70s centred around
progressive ideas of education arising from the works of educational
philosophers such as the American John Dewey, with the emphasis on
child-centred learning through discovery rather than simply being fed
facts versus the more traditional approach which stressed formal learning,
education must play a central role, so schools move to the centre of the
political arena.
The changes in state education since 1979 must be seen in the wider
context of Conservative policy. The power of the trades unions and local
government was to be reduced, market forces and the free play of
competition were to be introduced wherever possible, mostly through the
privatisation of services, and public spending was to be reduced as much
as possible to bring inflation down. One of the key ideas of the new
government was that the individual was more important than the social
groupan idea reflected in Thatchers (in)famous words There is no
such thing as societyonly individual men and women, and families.
The control exercised by the state was to be rolled back rather like
rolling back a heavy blanket which had stifled individual attempts to
break loose and rise to new heights. In terms of education this meant
giving more power and choice to parents, individual schools and market
forces at the expense of LEAs, the teachers and particularly the teachers
unions. The importance of the market meant that greater emphasis was to
be placed on competition and success, on reward for effort and not so
much on feather-bedding (attenuating) failure.
Education was seen as yet another commodity. Parents would choose
schools as they chose other consumer goods, according to the quality of
the product, its attractiveness etc. So that parents could know which
school was good all schools would produce information about
themselves, preferably printed on glossy paper with lots of pictures and
impressive examination results. Quality control is an important aspect of
marketing so the quality of pupils had to be checked by means of national
tests and the results published so that the quality of the school could be
assessed. This could not be achieved in state schools under the provisions
of the 1944 Education Act. Between 1980 and 1988 a whole series of
education Acts came into force, which radically changed the relationship
between central and local government and redefined the powers and
responsibilities of the local education authority, the head teacher and the
governing body. These changes were not reversed with the election of the
Labour Government in 1997.
The Education Reform Act of 1988
Under the new system parents became much more directly involved in
the education of their children. They were given the chance to choose
which school their child would attend. They could become governors and,
together with the head teacher and the rest of the governing body, control
the financing and staffing of the school. Together with other parents, if
they formed a majority, they could remove the school from the LEA
completely and make it directly accountable to central governmentthis
is called opting out. To help parents to exercise these choices much
more information was to be made available to them. Schools are now
required to produce brochures about their work, test and examination
results have to be published and the school is to have an open and
welcoming policy towards parents. The days when parents were only
expected to go to the school on Open Day or when summoned to the head
teachers office to hear serious complaints about their offspring are gone.
These changes were maintained even after the change of government in
For the first time, from 1988 onwards, there is a National Curriculum,
which lays down exactly what is to be taught in school and at what level
from the age of 5 to 16. Pupils are to be tested at the end of each of four
key stages and the results (for each schoolnot for each individual
pupil) are to be published. In this way there will be a measure of the
success of each state school available to parents and other interested
groups in the form of league tablesan expression borrowed from
football. At the same time as all these changes were being introduced in
schools, Britain was moving from a period of temporary boom to
prolonged recession. This meant cuts in public spending in education as
in all other public services. Education has never been over-funded and
even in the 1980s money was in short supply. Given the choice of paying
staff for what the LEAs considered necessary services in education or
repairing the school building, they normally chose the former. According
to a survey carried out by the Building Employers Confederation in the
mid-1980s 20% of all schools in England and Wales were overcrowded,
one third had leaking roofs and 90% of all secondary schools had
inadequate workshops for arts, crafts, metalwork and engineering.
This last shortage was very serious as the 1988 Education Act made the
teaching of art and technology compulsory from aged 5 to 16. By 1992
the situation had deteriorated to the point where half of Englands school
children were taught in buildings in urgent need of repair and two thirds
of primary schools relied on parents to provide books used in teaching.
Buildings erected in the 1960s and 1970s have proved less substantial
than those erected in the 1870s. Since 1997 the situation has improved a
great deal but compared with other Western countries many British
schools may seem shabby and poorly equipped.
In line with its general political beliefs, the Governments of the 80s
wanted to encourage privatisation wherever possible. They also saw the
the form of taxes and that the provision of education certainly did not fall
within their field of responsibility. They welcomed closer links between
school and work but not if they cost too much in terms of time and money
and detracted from their real functionproviding goods and services
for a profit. Some schools have been established and appear to be very
popular and successful but it will take a long time for their impact to
become more than marginal.
Privatisation took another step forward when the inspection of schools,
previously carried out by Her Majestys Inspectors of Schools, a central
government body which had on occasion been outspokenly critical of
government policy, was placed in the hands of independent teams of
inspectors, chosen by a tendering system, under the control of OFSTED
(Office for Standards in Education). It was not to be expected that major
changes to such a fundamental thing as a state education system could be
achieved without friction and the new Acts did generate a great deal of
tension. Education is often a major political issue and as such is subject to
constant change and re-evaluation. What is a burning issue today
becomes a generally accepted and uncontroversial position tomorrow.
Much of what was controversial has now become normal practice but a
great deal of bitterness and conflict was generated. OFSTED inspections
particularly caused a great deal of strain among teachers and even now
are the subject of serious debate.
Many teachers felt that the government had undermined their professional
status and had seriously damaged the state system of education to further
its political philosophy. Teaching almost lost the status of a profession
and became merely one of many skilled occupations and certainly not one
of the highest paid or most prestigious. In 1979 teachers salaries were
37% higher than the average white-collar wage but by 1990 they had
fallen below it. Those teachers who belonged to a unionthere are five
teachers unionsalso found themselves confronting the governments
policy of curbing the power of the trades unions. There was a very long
period of industrial action between 1984 and 1987 which resulted in new
laws governing teachers pay and conditions, under which teachers lost
the right to negotiate with the government about salary levels. In addition
teachers were to work a stated number of hours, 1255 each year
according to a contract, all teachers were to be appraised and increased
incentive allowances were to be awarded to good teachers.
There was a feeling that too much stress was placed on those
achievements which are easily measurable at the expense of subjects
which are important for the development of the pupils personalities or
ability to function in a social settingwhich are not so easy to test and
measure. Standard Assessment Tests at the ages of 7, 11 and 14 took a lot
of preparation and administration time. Many parents were unhappy with
the idea of testing 7-year-olds. The designing, organization and marking
of tests seemed to become a major industry with a life of its own. There
was also a feeling that the overall aim was to make the state system as
much like the private system as possible in its methods, aims and
objectives. At the same time education has been opened up for discussion
and debate. Never before has so much information been available, in the
visual media and in print, about exactly what goes on in schools.
Education in Wales is organized in the same way as in England with the
addition that the study of Welsh is part of the national curriculum in state
province has kept the system which selects pupils at secondary level with
an examination at eleven plus, which may explain why it has the best
examination results at 18 and a relatively high proportion of pupils who
leave school without any qualifications at all. The Province has its own
common curriculum designed to promote tolerance and understanding
between the religious groups. It includes six compulsory cross-curricular
themes designed to teach children the differences between Protestants and
Catholics and try to overcome divisions. Two of these themes are
education for mutual understanding and cultural heritage. The schools in
the Province are controlled by area education boards which are funded by
central government. Sixty per cent of the members of these boards are
nominated by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.
The Private Sector
Private education in public schools still plays a very important part in
British society. While it is true that only a small proportion of children,
around 7%, actually attend these schools their influence permeates all the
institutions which exercise power in the country. It can and is argued that
parents must have the right and freedom to choose the education they
want for their children, and pay for it if necessary. But in Britain today
parents who buy a place in a private school are buying a ticket to success.
There are problems connected with this. Firstly the private schools are
exclusivethey exclude those who cannot afford to pay fees and those
who do not conform to their requirements, academically, socially or
otherwise. These ex-pupils then go on to high-level jobs (most of them)
involving making decisions affecting the whole of society while at the
same time remaining an exclusive group, part of, but at the same time,
separate from the rest of that society. This allows them, for example, as
senior executives in the midst of a severe recession, when pay rises for
those lower down the ladder are severely restricted, to award themselves
rises of 23%. Such people can have little sense of belonging to the same
society or of having obligations to their employees. Secondly it is
arguable whether it is best for society that parental income should decide
who is to be educated for leadership. Thirdly the private sector schools
are academic. They define their schooling in terms of examination
successespurely in these terms 177 of the top 200 schools are private.
The Public Examination System
The British education system relies heavily on examinationsboth
public and within individual schools. Examinations are seen as the fairest
way of selecting candidates for universities, jobs and rewards generally.
When the government decided that admission to the civil service should
be by public examination (1870) rather than, as it had been earlier, by
influence or payment, it was seen as an important move towards a more
democratic society. When pupils had to be selected for limited numbers
of places in grammar schools the obvious way to do it was through an
examinationin that case the eleven plus exam.
England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Until 1987 there were two school-leaving examinations for 16-year-olds,
the General Certificate of Education Ordinary-level (GCE O-level) for
those who attended grammar schools or were more academic. Others took
the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE). From 1988 onwards these
two examinations were merged into the General Certificate of Secondary
Education (GCSE) usually taken after 5 years of secondary education.
5-7 years
3 -5 years
7-11 years
7-13 years
Primary Schools
4-11 years
Tri-partite system
Secondary Modern
Schools 11-16
Voluntary Schools
Grant-maintained schools
Public Schools
(about 550)
13-18 years
Secondary Technical
(15 in 1997)
Grammar Schools
11- 18 years
Comprehensive System
Lower, Middle and High
OR High Schools and
Sixth-form Colleges
release. Day-release means that they are freed from their jobs for part of
a day or sometimes several days a week to studyso they study and
work at the same time. Block-release is when people are freed from their
jobs completely for a period of time to enable them to study. The
qualifications obtained are NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications)
and other examinations concerned with practical and professional
There are about 480 further education institutions in England and Wales
with 743,000 full-time and sandwich-course students and about 850,000
part-time day students on further education courses. Apart from ordinary
vocational courses there are special FE colleges which offer training in
such things as the performing arts. One of these, the Northern School of
Contemporary Dance has taken over a Jewish synagogue and adapted it
to its requirements.
The further education colleges in Scotland have their own boards of
management and are funded at the moment by the Scottish Office. The
qualifications, which are similar to those in England and Wales, are
awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Some of the courses are
modular and work-based and range from immediately post-16 courses up
to postgraduate or post-experience levels. A Record of Education and
Training for each student has been introduced to provide a single
certificate to show what courses or modules have been completed. There
are 45 further education institutions in Scotland with 31,000 full-time and
sandwich-course students and about 195,000 students on non-advanced
vocational courses.
Northern Ireland
The colleges of further education have become self-governing (as in the
rest of the UK) and funding comes directly from the Department for
Education Northern Ireland. The courses are of the same type as in
England and Wales and the qualifications are administered by the same
examining boards. There are 17 institutions of further education with
21,000 full-time students and almost 52,000 part-time students on nonadvanced courses.
Higher Education
Higher education consists of degree courses, or their equivalent, usually
given at a university. There are at present 88 universities in the UK
including one private university (Buckingham) and one devoted entirely
to distance learning (the Open University). Until the nineteenth century
there were only six universities, Oxford, Cambridge and the four ancient
Scottish universitiesSt Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh.
London University was the first new university to be founded, in 1836,
and following the pattern of Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge) it was
organized in colleges. Today it is one of the largest in the UK with over
30 colleges scattered all over London and the Home Counties. Like
schools, universities in the UK are ranked according to a set of criteria
involving publishing, research, graduate and undergraduate courses. The
funding they receive depends on their ranking. Newspapers have also
published ranking lists to help you pick your way through the higher
education maze.
Religion in Britain
queen of the Iceni tribe of what is now known as East Anglia, against the
occupying forces of the Roman Empire.
Eastern cults such as Mithraism also grew in popularity towards the end
of the occupation. The Temple of Mithras (the ancient Persian god of
light and guardian against evil, often identified with the sun) is one
example of the popularity of mystery religions amongst the rich urban
classes. In the Dark Ages, immigrants from the European continent
arrived, bringing Anglo-Saxon paganism, a subset of Germanic paganism
with them. Later, after most of the Anglo-Saxon peoples had converted to
Christianity, Vikings from Scandinavia arrived, bringing with them Norse
Christianity was first introduced through the Romans. English mythology
links the introduction of Christianity to England to the Glastonbury
legend of Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph was believed to travel to Britain
and the myth of the staff that he set in the ground at Glastonbury, which
broke into leaf and flower as the Glastonbury Thorn is a common miracle
in hagiography. Many sources tell of King Lucius, later Saint Lucius,
becoming the first native Christian in Britain after he invited Pope
Eleuterus in a letter to send missionaries to Britain in order to
Christianise the people. However, both Lucius Britannius rex and his
letter to the pope are now generally considered as unhistorical.
Archaeological evidence for Christian communities begins to appear in
the third and fourth centuries. The Romano-British population after the
withdrawal of the Roman legions was mostly Christian.
structured (or liturgical) services of worship. The work of 1549 was the
first prayer book to contain the forms of service for daily and Sunday
worship in English and to do so within a single volume. It included
morning prayer, evening prayer, the Litany, and Holy Communion. The
book also included the other occasional services in full: the orders for
baptism, confirmation, marriage, prayers to be said with the sick and a
funeral service. It set out in full the Epistle and Gospel readings for the
Sunday Communion Service. Set Old Testament and New Testament
readings for daily prayer were specified in tabular format as were the set
Psalms and canticles, mostly biblical, that were provided to be sung
between the readings.
The 1549 book was rapidly succeeded by a reformed revision in 1552
under the same editorial hand, that of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of
Canterbury. It never came into use because, on the death of Edward VI,
his half-sister Mary I restored Roman Catholic worship. On her death, a
compromise version, combining elements of the 1549 and the 1552
editions, was published in 1559. Following the tumultuous events leading
to and including the English Civil War, another major revision was
published in 1662. That edition has remained the official prayer book of
the Church of England, although in the twenty-first century, an alternative
book called Common Worship has largely displaced the Book of
Common Prayer at the main Sunday worship service of most English
parish churches.
The Book of Common Prayer appears in many variants in churches inside
and outside of the Anglican Communion in over 50 different countries
and in over 150 different languages. Again in many parts of the world,
more contemporary books have replaced it in regular weekly worship.
six years (1643-1649), and in the process produced the documents which
are the major Confessional Standards of the Presbyterian faith, including
the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism,
the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and the Directory of Public Worship.
In 1643 the Assembly produced and forwarded to Parliament The
Directory for the Publick Worship of God, The Form of Presbyterial
Church Government, a creedal statement, The Westminster Confession
of Faith, a Larger Catechism and a Shorter Catechism. The House of
Commons insisted that the Assembly include scriptural proof texts with
the Confession and the two catechisms. The divines also examined and
approved the use of a metrical version of the Psalter in general worship.
The completed work of the Westminster Assembly was eventually
adopted with revisions in England, but was revoked during the
Restoration in 1660. All of the documents were embraced by the Church
of Scotland. Further, they formed the cornerstone of the Presbyterian
Church and other reformed churches as they established themselves
throughout Europe and America. Extensive fresh research on the
Westminster Assembly is being conducted by the Westminster assembly
project, based in Cambridge, England.
The Treaty of Union that led to the formation of the United Kingdom
(1707) ensured that there would be a protestant succession as well as a
link between church and state that still remains. Christianity is the major
religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and then Judaism in
terms of number of adherents. Though each country that makes up the
UK has a long tradition of Christianity that pre-dates the UK itself, in
practice all have relatively low levels of religious observance and today
are secular societies.
Several different sets of figures exist which aim to categorise the
religious affiliations, beliefs and practices of UK residents. Differences in
the wording and context of the questions can give substantially different
results. The 2001 census found that 76.8% of the UK population had a
religion, with Christianity being the most prevalent (72% of respondents
described their religion as such), while the British Social Attitudes Survey
produced by the National Centre for Social Research in the same year
reported that 58% considered themselves to belong to a religion. An
Ipsos MORI poll in 2003 reported that 43% considered themselves to be
a member of an organised religion (18% were a practicing member of
an organised religion) and an ICM survey in 2006 found that 33%
considered themselves to be a religious person. A Eurobarometer
opinion poll in 2005 reported that 38% believed there is a God, and a
further 40% believe there is some sort of spirit or life force.
Many other religions have also established a presence in the UK, mainly
through immigration, though also by attracting converts. According to the
2001 UK census, which was the first to ask about the religion of
respondents, after Christianity and those who stated no religion, the
religions with the most adherents are Islam and Hinduism. Other faiths
Church of Ireland having 15.3% and the Methodist Church 3.5%. 13.8%
gave no religion, and other religions were 0.3%.
Structure of the Church of England
Despite the complexities of the structure, at its heart, the Church of
England views the local parish church as the basic unit and heartbeat of
its life. The British monarch, at present Queen Elizabeth II, has the
constitutional title of Supreme Governor of the Church of England. The
Canons of the Church of England state, We acknowledge that the
Queens most excellent Majesty, acting according to the laws of the
realm, is the highest power under God in this kingdom, and has supreme
authority over all persons in all causes, as well ecclesiastical as civil. In
practice this power is often exercised through Parliament and the Prime
The Church is structured as follows (from the lowest level upwards):
The Parish is the most local level, often consisting of one church
building and a community, although nowadays many parishes are
joining forces in a variety of ways for financial reasons. Larger
parishes often have one or more chapels in addition to the parish
church. The parish will be looked after by a parish priest who for
various historical or legal reasons may bear any of the following
titles: Vicar, Rector, Priest-in-Charge, Team Rector or Team Vicar.
The first, second, and fourth of these may also be known as the
Incumbent (the present holder of the office). The running of the
parish is the joint responsibility of the incumbent and the Parochial
The Province (e.g. York and Canterburythese are the only two
in the Church of England). This is the area under the jurisdiction of
an archbishop, i.e. the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
Decision making within the province is the responsibility of the
General Synod. A province is subdivided into many dioceses.
The Primacy (e.g. The Church of England). This is the area under
the jurisdiction of a primate, i.e. the Archbishop of Canterbury. A
primacy may consist of one or several provinces.
All rectors and vicars are appointed by patrons, who may be private
individuals, corporate bodies such as cathedrals, colleges or trusts, or by
the bishop or even appointed directly by the Crown. No clergy can be
instituted and inducted (installed) into a parish without swearing the Oath
of Allegiance to Her Majesty, and taking the Oath of Canonical
Obedience in all things lawful and honest to the bishop. Usually they
are instituted to the benefice (church office endowed with fixed capital
assets that provide a living) by the bishop and then inducted by the
archdeacon into the actual possession of the benefice propertychurch
and parsonage. Curates are appointed by rectors and vicars, but if priestsin-charge they are appointed by the bishop after consultations with the
patron. Cathedral clergy (normally a dean and a varying number of
residentiary canons who constitute the cathedral chapter, i.e. the assembly
of canons) are appointed either by the Crown, the bishop, or by the dean
and chapter themselves. Clergy officiate in a diocese either because they
hold office as beneficed clergy, or are licensed by the bishop when
appointed (e.g. curates), or simply with permission.
Primates and Bishops
The most senior bishop of the Church of England is the Archbishop of
Canterbury, who is the archbishop and primate of the southern province
of England, the Province of Canterbury. He also has the status of Primate
of All England and Metropolitan. He is also the focus of unity for the
worldwide Anglican Communion of independent national or regional
churches. The second most senior bishop is the Archbishop of York, who
is the archbishop and primate of the northern province of England, the
Province of York. For historical reasons he is referred to as the Primate of
England. The bishops of London, Durham and Winchester are ranked in
the next three positions. The process of appointing diocesan bishops is
complex, and is handled by a body called the Crown Nominations
Committee, which submits names to the Prime Minister (acting on behalf
of the Crown) for consideration.
Representative Bodies
The Church of England has a legislative body, the General Synod. The
Synod can create two types of legislation, Measures and Canons.
Measures have to be approved but cannot be amended by the UK
Parliament before receiving the Royal Assent and becoming part of the
law of England. Canons require Royal Licence and Royal Assent, but
form the law of the Church, rather than the law of the land. Another
assembly is the Convocation of the English Clergy (older than the
General Synod and its predecessor the Church Assembly). There are also
Diocesan Synods and Deanery Synods.
The House of Lords
Of the forty-four diocesan archbishops and bishops in the Church of
England, only twenty-six are permitted to sit in the House of Lords. The
Archbishops of Canterbury and York automatically have a seat, as do the
Bishops of London, Durham and Winchester. The remaining twenty-one
seats are filled in order of seniority by their consecration. It may take a
diocesan Bishop a number of years before they qualify to take a seat.
Until then, they are not a Lord Bishop, but simply a Bishop. The Bishops
of Sodor and Man (on the Isle of Man) and Gibraltar (in Europe) are not
eligible to sit in the House of Lords.
Financial Situation
The Church of England, although an established church, does not receive
any direct government support. Donations comprise its largest source of
income, though it also relies heavily on the income from its various
historic endowments. As of 2005, the Church of England had estimated
total outgoings of around 900 million.
Historically, individual parishes both raised and spent the vast majority of
the Churchs funding, meaning that clergy pay depended on the wealth of
the parish, and parish advowsons (the right to appoint clergy to particular
parishes) could become extremely valuable gifts. Individual dioceses also
held considerable assets: the Diocese of Durham possessed such vast
wealth and temporal power that its Bishop became known as the PrinceBishop. Since the mid-nineteenth century, however, the Church has
made various moves to equalise the situation, and clergy within each
diocese now receive standard stipends paid from diocesan funds.
Meanwhile, the Church moved the majority of its income-generating
assets (which in the past included a great deal of land, but today mostly
take the form of financial stocks and bonds) out of the hands of individual
clergy and bishops to the care of a body called the Church
Commissioners, which uses these funds to pay a range of non-parish
expenses, including clergy pensions, and the expenses of cathedrals and
bishops houses. These funds amount to around 3.9 billion, and generate
income of around 164 million each year (as of 2003), around a fifth of
the Churchs overall income.
The Church Commissioners give some of this money as grants to local
parishes, but the majority of the financial burden of church upkeep and
the work of local parishes still rests with the individual parish and
diocese, which meet their requirements from donations. Direct donations
to the church (not including legacies) come to around 460 million per
year, while parish and diocese reserve funds generate another 100
million. Funds raised in individual parishes account for almost all of this
money, and the majority of it remains in the parish which raises it,
meaning that the resources available to parishes still vary enormously,
according to the level of donations they can raise.
and Old Palace at Canterbury have truly palatial dimensions, while the
Bishop of Durhams Auckland Castle has 50 rooms, a banqueting hall and
30 acres (120,000 m) of parkland. However, many bishops have found
the older palaces inappropriate for todays lifestyles, and some bishops
palaces are ordinary four bedroomed houses. Many dioceses which
have retained large palaces now employ part of the space as
administrative offices, while the bishops and their families live in a small
apartment within the palace. And in recent years some dioceses have
managed to put their palaces excess space and grandeur to profitable use
as conference centres. All three of the more grand bishops palaces
mentioned aboveLambeth Palace, Canterbury Old Palace and Auckland
Castleserve as offices for church administration, conference venues,
and only in a lesser degree the personal residence of a bishop. The size of
the bishops households has shrunk dramatically and their budgets for
entertaining and staff form a tiny fraction of their pre-twentieth-century
Roman Catholicism
The Roman Catholic Church organises separately for England and Wales,
Scotland and Ireland. Its formal history in England and Wales traces from
the 597 Augustinian mission and Augustine became the first Archbishop
of Canterbury in 598. The early years of the UK were difficult for
adherents of the Roman Catholic Church, although the persecution was
not violent as they had experienced in the then recent past, for instance
under the Popery Act 1698, that affected English and Welsh Catholics.
The civil rights of believers in Roman Catholicism were severely
curtailed, and there was no longer, as once in Stuart times, any Catholic
presence at court, in public life, in the military or professions. Many of
the Catholic nobles and gentry who had preserved on their lands among
their tenants small pockets of Catholicism had followed James II into
exile, and others at last conformed to Anglicanism, meaning that only
very few such Catholic communities survived.
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century most restrictions on
Catholic participation in public life were relaxed under acts such as the
Papists Act of 1778, Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1791 and Catholic
Relief Act of 1829. This process of Catholic Emancipation met violent
opposition in the Gordon Riots of 1780 in London (Lord George Gordon
and his Protestant Association against the Papists Act 1778). In the 1840s
and 1850s, especially during the Great Irish Famine, while the bulk of the
large outflow of emigration from Ireland was headed to the United States,
thousands of poor Irish people also moved to Great Britain and
established communities in cities and towns up and down the country
such as London, Liverpool, and Glasgow, thus giving Catholicism a huge
numerical boost. The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales reestablished a hierarchy in 1850, and the hierarchy was re-established in
Scotland in 1878.
Roman Catholic worship and liturgy has also influenced some parts of the
Anglican Church since the nineteenth century, such as in AngloCatholicism and the Oxford Movement. The Oxford Movement or
Tractarianism was an affiliation of High Church Anglicans, most of
whom were members of the University of Oxford, who sought to
demonstrate that the Church of England was a direct descendant of the
Church established by the Apostles. It was also known as the Tractarian
Movement after its series of publications Tracts for the Times (1833
Saint Chads Cathedral
Clifton Cathedral
Diocese of Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Cathedral
Archdiocese of Cardiff Saint Davids Cathedral
Diocese of Menevia
Saint Josephs Cathedral
Province of Cardiff
Cathedral Church of Our Lady of
Diocese of Wrexham
Diocese of Hallam
Cathedral Church of St Marie
Diocese of Hexham and
St. Marys Cathedral
Diocese of Lancaster
Lancaster Cathedral
Diocese of Leeds
Leeds Cathedral
Province of Liverpool
Archdiocese of
Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
Diocese of
Middlesbrough Cathedral
Diocese of Salford
Salford Cathedral
Diocese of Arundel and
Arundel Cathedral
Diocese of Plymouth
Plymouth Cathedral
Province of Southwark
Cathedral of St. John the
Diocese of Portsmouth
Archdiocese of
St. Georges Cathedral Southwark
Diocese of Brentwood Brentwood Cathedral
Diocese of East Anglia Cathedral of St John the Baptist
Diocese of Northampton Northampton Cathedral
Province of Westminster
Diocese of Nottingham Nottingham Cathedral
Archdiocese of
Westminster Cathedral
Ukrainian Greek
Apostolic Exarchate for Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of
Catholic (Eastern-rite) Ukrainians
the Holy Family in Exile
Cathedral Church of St. Michael
Bishopric of the Forces Bishopric of the Forces
and St. George
Province of Glasgow
Archdiocese of Glasgow
Diocese of Motherwell
Diocese of Paisley
Archdiocese of Saint
Andrews and Edinburgh
Diocese of Aberdeen
St. Andrews Cathedral
Cathedral of Our Lady of
Good Aid
St. Mirins Cathedral
St. Marys Cathedral
Cathedral of Saint Mary of
the Assumption
St. Columbas Cathedral
St. Andrews Cathedral
St. Margarets Cathedral
Pentecostal churches are continuing to grow and, in terms of church
attendance, are now third after the Church of England and the Roman
Catholic Church in England. The three main denominations of
Pentecostal churches are:
Assemblies of God in the United Kingdompart of the World
Assemblies of God Fellowship with over 600 churches in the UK;
Apostolic Churchcommenced in the early part of the twentieth
century in South Wales;
Elim Pentecostal Churchhas over 500 churches in the UK.
There is also a growing number of independent, charismatic churches that
encourage pentecostal practices at part of their worship.
The Methodist movement traces its origin to the evangelical awakening in
eighteenth century Great Britain. Many parts of the British Isles
developed a strong tradition of Methodism from the eighteenth century
onwards. The Methodist movement was started in England by a group of
men including John Wesley, an Anglican clergyman and his younger
brother Charles as a movement within the Church of England, but
developed as a separate denomination after John Wesleys death.
Traditionally, Methodism proved particularly popular in Wales with the
Welsh Methodist revival in the eighteenth century and the 1904-1905
Welsh Revival and in Cornwall. Both Wales and Cornwall, alone among
the Celtic regions, were noted for their non-conformism. It was also very
strong in the old mill towns of Yorkshire and Lancashire and the new
industrial urban working class.
Schisms within the original Methodist church, and independent revivals,
led to the formation of a number of separate denominations calling
themselves Methodist. The largest of these were the Primitive Methodist
Church, the Bible Christian Church and the United Methodist Church
(not connected with the American denomination of the same name, but a
union of three smaller denominations). The original church became
known as the Wesleyan Methodist Church to distinguish it from these
bodies. The three major streams of British Methodism united in 1932 to
form the current Methodist Church of Great Britain, which is the fourth
largest Christian denomination in the UK with around 330,000 members
and 6,000 churches. It also includes congregations in the Channel Islands,
the Isle of Man, Malta and Gibraltar as part of the church. In Scotland the
congregations are more limited and in Northern Ireland, where
Methodism is also the fourth largest denomination, the church is
organised within the Methodist Church in Ireland. The Wesleyan Reform
Union and the Independent Methodist Connexion still remain separate
from the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
In the 1960s, the Methodist Church of Great Britain made ecumenical
overtures to the Church of England, aimed at church unity. Formally,
these failed when they were rejected by the Church of Englands General
Synod in 1972. However, conversations and co-operation continued,
leading on 1 November 2003 to the signing of a covenant between the
two churches. The Methodist Church in Ireland is the fourth largest
Kingdom was small and largely temporary. The second wave of Hindu
migration occurred in the 1950s and 1960s with people coming chiefly
from the Punjab. The third wave of immigration came in the 1970s after
the expulsion of Gujarati Hindus from Uganda. The UK is also host to a
large immigrant community of Sri Lankan Hindus who are mostly
Tamils. The last wave of migration of Hindus to the UK has been taking
place since the 1990s with refugees from Sri Lanka and professionals
from India. While the majority of Hindus in the UK are from Indian and
Sri Lankan ethnic groups, communities are found across all the major
ethnic groups in the UK. According to the 2001 census there were 19,000
Hindus who did not come under any of the Asian categories including
over 7,000 from the white population and 3,000 each under Black,
Chinese and other groups.
The first recorded Sikh settler in the UK was Maharaja Duleep Singh,
dethroned and exiled in 1849 at the age of 14, after the Anglo-Sikh wars.
The first Sikh Gurdwara (temple) was established in 1911, in Putney,
London. The first Sikh migration came in the 1950s, mostly of men from
the Punjab seeking work in industries such as foundries and textiles.
These new arrivals mostly settled in London, Birmingham and West
Yorkshire. Thousands of Sikhs from East Africa followed.
The earliest Buddhist influence on Britain came through its imperial
connections with South East Asia, and as a result the early connections
were with the Theravada traditions (small, conservative branch of
Buddhism) of Burma, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. The tradition of study
resulted in the foundation of the Pali Text Society, which undertook the
task of translating the Pali Canon of Buddhist texts into English.
Buddhism as a path of practice was pioneered by the Theosophists,
Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott, and in 1880 they became the first
Westerners to receive the refuges and precepts, the ceremony by which
one traditionally becomes a Buddhist.
In 1924 Londons Buddhist Society was founded, and in 1926 the
Theravadin London Buddhist Vihara. The rate of growth was slow but
steady through the century, and the 1950s saw the development of interest
in Zen Buddhism. In 1967 Kagyu Samy Ling Monastery and Tibetan
Centre, now the largest Tibetan centre in Western Europe, was founded in
Scotland. The first home-grown Buddhist movement was also founded in
1967, the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order.
An estimated 40,000 to 250,000 Britons (0.1% to 0.4%) adhere to various
neopaganism, Wicca and New Age faiths. The Bah Faith in the
United Kingdom follows a tradition which started in 1845 and is present
in all the countries of the British Isles like England, Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland. Between 1951 and 1993, Bahs from the United
Kingdom settled in 138 countries. There are about 5000 Bahs of the
UK. The United Kingdom also has a large and growing non-religious
population with 13,626,000 (23.2% of the UK population) either claiming
no religion or not answering the question on religion at the 2001 census.
Religions in United Kingdom, 2001
Selected Bibliography