Pulmonary Overlap Syndromes, With A Focus On COPD and ILD
Pulmonary Overlap Syndromes, With A Focus On COPD and ILD
Pulmonary Overlap Syndromes, With A Focus On COPD and ILD
S y n d ro m e s , wi t h a F o c u s
o n C O P D a n d IL D
Katherine A. Dudley, MDa, Robert L. Owens, MDb,*,
Atul Malhotra, MDc
Overlap syndrome Sleep Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Obstructive sleep apnea
Overlap syndrome refers to the coexistence of chronic lung disease and obstructive sleep apnea
(OSA) in the same patient. To date, overlap syndromes have been poorly studied for a variety of
One difficulty is that each of the underlying disorders in an overlap syndrome occurs along a spectrum of disease severity. Thus, patients with an overlap syndrome are heterogeneous, and the goals
of therapy may differ in different patients.
However, the importance of overlap syndromes is highlighted by recent data demonstrating
increased morbidity and mortality in patients with the overlap of both chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) and OSA compared with either underlying disorder alone.
Unrecognized OSA may also contribute to symptoms of sleepiness/fatigue in patients with chronic
lung disease. Clinicians should be mindful of the possibility of overlap syndromes in these patients.
Harvard Combined Program of Pulmonary and Critical Care and Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at
Brigham and Womens Hospital, 221 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA; b Divisions of Pulmonary and
Critical Care and Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Brigham and Womens Hospital, 221 Longwood Avenue,
Boston, MA 02115, USA; c University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
First described in the 1980s by pulmonologist David Flenley,1 overlap syndromes (OVSs) refer to the
coexistence of chronic lung disease and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Although it could refer to
any of the lung diseases and OSA, the OVS is usually reserved for the coexistence of OSA and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
which Flenley thought to have unique adverse
health consequences distinct from either condition
alone. Given the high prevalence of each disorder
alone, OVS is also likely to be common and clinically relevant. However, although OVS has been
described in the literature for nearly 30 years, the
lack of standard diagnostic criteria for the syndrome has limited rigorous discussion of diagnosis, prevalence, pathophysiology, treatment,
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COPD and OSA both have wide ranges of
severity, in terms of both objective measurements of disease (eg, forced expiratory volume
in 1 second [FEV1], and apnea-hypopnea index
[AHI]) and patient-reported symptoms (eg, dyspnea and daytime tiredness). OVS is defined by
the presence of both conditions regardless of
the relative burden of one or the other. Therefore, patients with OVS may represent a very
heterogeneous population, falling into one of
many potential categories: mild COPD with
mild OSA, mild COPD with severe OSA, severe
COPD with mild OSA, severe COPD with
severe OSA, and so forth. Prognosis and treatment, therefore, could be considerably different
depending on the relative impact of each condition. Although it is a minor point, there is not a
single International Classification of Diseases,
Ninth Revision code for OVS, which impedes
even epidemiologic research.
2. The diagnosis of OSA in the setting of hypoxemic lung disease is uncertain. The definition
of OSA includes hypopneas and reductions in
airflow with associated desaturation, which is
more likely to occur in those with chronic lung
disease. The AHI, used to grade OSA severity,
does not differentiate between apneas and hypopneas. Thus, a patient with severe COPD
might have the same AHI consistent with severe OSA (based on a large number of hypopneas) as another patient with a very
collapsible upper airway without lung disease
(who predominantly has apneas). In addition,
a 10-minute prolonged desaturation caused
by hypoventilation may be scored as a single
hypopnea because the event duration has minimal effect on the definitions used. More
rigorous definitions of OSA might be useful,
such as the apnea index or scoring based on
airflow alone and arousals independent of oxygen desaturation.
3. The interactions of COPD and OSA are not understood. Thus, it is unknown at a pathophysiologic level whether each disorder might
predispose to the other disease. As discussed
earlier, the baseline hypoxemia of COPD likely
predisposes to a diagnosis of OSA. But other
links are possible; for example, the changes in
lung volumes that occur with COPD might
impact upper airway collapsibility. How COPD
and OSA interact to cause the increased
morbidity and mortality attributable to OVS is
not known. Is it simply from more prolonged
hypoxemia or hypercapnia than either disorder
alone? Or are poor outcomes caused by the indirect effects of the disorders, such as cardiovascular disease?
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Recent work has also highlighted nonrespiratory
factors that also perturb sleep among patients
with COPD.30 For example, restless leg syndrome
has been found in up to one-third of patients with
COPD, and periodic limb movements are associated with worse insomnia.31 As a result of all of
these factors, the use of medications to aid sleep
is common, especially sedative hypnotics, which
are used by 25% of patients with COPD.17
Although data are sparse, these medications could
theoretically worsen hypoxemia/hypercapnia, though this may not be true for all patients.3235
Fig. 1. The normal physiologic changes that occur with sleep. With sleep onset, respiratory drive is decreased, and
there is respiratory muscle hypotonia and a decrease in lung volumes. Even without OSA, the result is hypoventilation compared with wakefulness. Particularly with OSA and COPD, there are further pathophysiologic changes
that lead to greater hypoventilation and hypoxemia.
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Table 1
Characteristics and physiologic measures of patients with COPD only, OSA only, and OVS
Age (y)
Weight (kg)
BMI (kg/m2)
FVC (% predicted)
FEV1 (% predicted)
FEV1/FVC (%)
PaO2 (mm Hg)
PaCO2 (mm Hg)
AHI (events/h)
Time SpO2 <90% (%)
60.1 10.4
87.6 17.5
31 7
60 19
47 16
59 9
69 10
40 5
16 28
57.2 9.5
102.2 20.6
36 6
72 17
63 16
67 5
70 11
45 5
40 20
48 28
48.9 12.9
106.8 28.8
39 10
89 21
89 20
87 9
79 12
39 4
42 23
30 28
In general, small studies from the early 1990s suggested that severe COPD was a risk factor for
OSA.56 For example, one early study found greater
than 80% prevalence of OSA among patients with
COPD and excessive daytime sleepiness referred
for evaluation.12 In certain populations, too, such
as Veterans Administration patients, the coexistence of OSA and COPD was high (29%) among
patients who had polysomnogram and spirometry
data available.57
More recently, larger epidemiology studies
including a more broad range of subjects, such
as the Sleep Heart Health Study and Multinational
Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease, have not demonstrated an
increased risk of OSA among those with obstructive lung disease, at least among those with mild
obstructive lung disease.21,58 In these large cohorts, the prevalence of OSA was 11% to 14%,
which was similar in those with or without obstructive lung disease.21,58 Thus, it seems likely that
there is little connection among those with mild
COPD; whether more severe COPD can contribute
to OSA is not clear.
Although the answer is not yet known, proposed
mechanisms of OSA risk in severe COPD include
the following: fluid shifts in those with cor pulmonale from lower extremity edema to the neck,59 a
generalized myopathy from COPD alone that
affects the upper airway muscles,60 or a steroidinduced myopathy from systemic or inhaled corticosteroids. All of these changes would increase
upper airway collapsibility.
The large aforementioned cohort studies did highlight that among those with obstructive lung disease and OSA, the nocturnal desaturations and
sleep disturbances are greater (both oxygen saturation nadir and duration of hypoxemia) than would
be expected for either disease alone.21 Whether
causal or not, more recent reports have suggested
an increased mortality in OVS compared with
COPD and OSA alone and have increased awareness about OVSs. First, Marin and colleagues61
found decreased survival among patients with
OVS compared with either COPD or OSA alone
(Fig. 2). There were differences in death from any
cause and cardiovascular causes when patients
with OVS using CPAP were compared with those
not on CPAP. No differences were seen between
COPD only and patients with OVS using CPAP.61
That patients with OVS using CPAP have reduced
mortality compared with OVS without CPAP has
now also been reported in other cohorts6264
Jaoude and colleagues64 found that CPAP only
improved outcomes from OVS in those patients
who were also hypercapnic. Further exploring the
observed therapeutic benefit of CPAP, Stanchina
and colleagues63 found that greater time on
CPAP was associated with reduced mortality in
patients with OVS.
Although the improvement with CPAP seems
dramatic, these are not randomized data; these
were cohort studies in which subjects chose to
adhere to or abandon CPAP therapy. Patients
who did not adhere to CPAP may have been those
with more COPD/less OSA; had more respiratory
Treatment of OVS
Treatment of OVS may be thought of as addressing the underlying COPD, OSA, or both. Although
the specific goals of treatment remain poorly
defined, most clinicians strive to eliminate sleepdisordered breathing and eliminate NOD. What to
target for ideal oxygen saturation, however, remains unclear, as does the impact of normalizing
hypercarbia. The most commonly applied therapy
is CPAP.
Before CPAP is applied, however, it is critical to
consider the use of therapies that target the
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consumption, CO2 production, and reducing sleep
hypoventilation. After CPAP initiation, fewer
COPD-related hospital admissions are seen in
some populations.63,81
As discussed earlier, recent papers suggest that
the treatment of OVS with CPAP is associated with
reduced mortality. First, in the Brazilian cohort,
5-year survival with CPAP was 71%, as compared
with 26% among patients using oxygen alone.62
This cohort included more than 600 patients who
required long-term oxygen therapy for hypoxemic
COPD and had at least moderate OSA. Patients
with OSA were prescribed CPAP, and those who
were nonadherent to CPAP continued to use oxygen for COPD. Similarly, the findings from a Spanish cohort of patients with OVS also suggested a
benefit, lowering the mortality risk to that of
COPD alone.61 The striking improvement in both
cohorts supports a beneficial role of CPAP as
well as highlighting the very poor outcomes in
those with OVS. Again, patients in both studies
were not randomized but were self-selected
based on adherence to CPAP (or were not able
to afford CPAP therapy). That is, these are observational studies comparing patients with OVS who
are and are not adherent to CPAP. Although these
studies do not elicit the mechanism for the
reduced mortality, if caused by CPAP, this may
be through the reduction in cardiac risk factors.
Indeed, CRP levels, a nonspecific marker of
inflammation, were significantly reduced in patients with OVS using CPAP as compared with
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV), such as bilevel
positive airway pressure, is an attractive treatment
modality in this population. Even in the absence of
OSA, nocturnal NIV is often applied for patients
with more severe COPD to off-load respiratory
muscles, supplement ventilation, decrease hypercapnia, and reduce hypoxemia. Studies in this
area have generally been small, nonrandomized,
and in patients with stable disease. Taken
together, these studies did not demonstrate any
improvements in lung function, gas, exchange,
sleep efficiency, or mortality according to a 2003
meta-analysis.83 Since that time, however, 2 areas
of investigation deserve to be highlighted. Among
patients with OVS with stable hypercapnic COPD
(patients with OSA were excluded), one moderately large randomized trial demonstrated a mortality benefit with NIV use, though NIV was
accompanied by a decrease in quality of life.84 A
mortality benefit compared with historical controls
has also been seen using very high ventilation settings.85 These investigators argue that so-called
high-intensity noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (with very high driving pressures, for
Fig. 3. Management algorithm for patients with COPD. Patients with COPD should be assessed for any red flags
that might suggest the presence of concurrent OSA. If present, COPD should be optimized before undergoing
polysomnography. Attention should be paid to the flow signal and apnea index when assessing the severity of
OSA. If hypercapnia is present, patients can begin on bilevel positive airway pressure (PAP). If flow limitation
is present without significant apneas, conservative therapy, such as a mandibular advancement device, weight
loss, and positional therapy, should be considered. If apneas predominate, CPAP should be started. Supplemental
oxygen should be added if hypoxemia persists. HTN, hypertension; PFT, pulmonary function tests.
Sleep in IPF
Poor sleep is common among patients with IPF.
Global measures of sleep quality and excessive
daytime sleepiness are significantly different as
compared with controls, with patients with IPF
complaining of poor sleep and excessive daytime
sleepiness.94 Insomnia is also a frequent occurrence, found in almost one-half of patients with
IPF, which may contribute to the high rates of daytime symptoms.95 When sleep is objectively assessed by polysomnography, as compared with
controls, patients with IPF have increased sleep
fragmentation and stage I sleep.9698 Total sleep
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breathing. As a result, patients with IPF exhibit
rapid, shallow breathing during wakefulness.98
During sleep, the tachypnea persists; as
compared with normal controls, there is no
decrease in respiratory rate, although tidal volume
decreases.98 Thus, similar to COPD as discussed
earlier, among patients with ILD, sleep may serve
as a stressor to the respiratory system. Oxygen
desaturation is frequently more profound than during wakefulness. The importance of evaluating
nighttime respiratory patterns has been recently
highlighted, as it may have prognostic value in assessing mortality in ILD.102 Specifically, among
patients with newly diagnosed IPF, the degree of
nocturnal desaturation was greater than seen during exercise and was predictive of survival,103105
possibly mediated through worsening pulmonary
artery hypertension.103
Fibrosis with decreased lung compliance,
decreased lung volumes.
Increased V/Q mismatch leads to hypoxemia
Increased hypopneas?
upper airway
Sleep fragmentation
poor exercise tolerance
There are no proven therapies that target the underlying disease process in IPF. Oxygen therapy
is widely used as supportive care. Studies suggest
that oxygen therapy can be associated with improvements in exercise performance.113,114 However, no studies have demonstrated a mortality
benefit115 or improvement in exertional dyspnea,116 as rapid shallow breathing persists
despite addressing hypoxemia.
Treatment with CPAP among patients with IPF
with at least moderate OSA results in gains in
sleep-related quality-of-life measures, though
adherence to CPAP may be challenging in light
of chronic cough and other barriers.117 There are
no studies that have explored the impact of
CPAP on outcomes in IPF, such as disease progression or mortality. Taken together, OSA may
be common in IPF; treatment with CPAP may
improve OSA symptoms.
The combination of chronic lung disease and OSA
in a single patient is still, as yet, poorly understood.
Many research and clinical questions remain,
including how best to quantify upper airway
collapsibility and sleep fragmentation in patients
already at risk for hypoxemia caused by chronic
lung disease. These questions must be answered
given the high prevalence of the OVS, COPD and
OSA, and observational cohort studies that show
very high mortality without OSA treatment.
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