CRM Synopsis
CRM Synopsis
CRM Synopsis
1.1 Introduction.
We are at the pinnacle of a digital transformation within various businesses throughout
the Modern (Industrialized) world that has implications that may be more profound that those of
the Industrial Revolution. This digital transformation has brought a vast and rapid restructuring
and reconfiguration of todays businessesthe streamlining of interaction, products and payment
from customers to companies and from companies to its suppliers is creating much bewilderment
and consternation among corporate decision makers. Managers at all organizational levels that
are intimately engaged during this tumultuous era are being forced to reexamine traditional
definitions of value, competition and service.
Certainly a catalyst for this tremendous change has been the explosive development of
the Internet. Many businesses have embraced the idea of being able to implement an Internetbased information system in order to achieve global reach, thereby leveling the playing field and
creating new opportunities to gain a competitive advantage. In addition, the adoption of the
Internet and its technologies has further changed the way many businesses develop and execute
their core competencies, strategies, and models. Even in light of recent dot-com failures, many
successful companies realize that a thriving brick-and-mortar operation will be impacted
profoundly with the development of electronic business (e-Business).
E-Business is the strategy and process of interweaving business drivers and initiatives
with technology drivers and information services especially involving the Internet. E-Business is
most of a particular firms front and back office applications interwoven to form an all
encompassing data processing and information management system that has a significant impact
on profitability and sustainability. E-Business is technology driven. These driving forces are
changing the very definitions of the core values within many organizations. Values such as speed
of service, convenience, personalization, and price are all affected by e-Business adaptations.
Therefore, it can be said in general that building long term, loyal relationships with customers is
one key to profitability. New technologies, to include the proliferation of the Internet, have made
Marketings Holy Grail creating one to one relationship between vendor and consumer. To
foster and nurture this relationship a new technology twist to a rather familiar concept has
emerged, namely: Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
The need to better understand customer behavior and focus on these customers who can
deliver long-term profile has changed how marketers view the world. Traditionally, marketers
have been trained to acquire customers either new ones who have not bought the product
category before or those who are currently the customers of competitors. Currently, with
marketers there has been a paradigm shift from customer acquisition to customer retention. For
example, studies have shown a dramatic increase in profits from small increases in customer
retention rates; a 5% increase in retention had impacts as high as 95% on the net present value
delivered by customers (Reicheld, 1999). Other studies have shown that repeat customers
generate more than twice as much gross income than newly-acquired customers (McKinney,
2001. The considerable improvements in technology and innovation in CRM-related products
have made it much easier to deliver the promise of greater profitability from reduced customer
churn. When considering to interact with customers the old way or when implementing a
CRM approach company, marketing managers should consider:
It costs 6 times more to sell to a new customer than to sell to an existing one.
Lack of customer service will probably cause a disgruntled customer to tell of his or
her adverse experience to other people.
75% of complaining customers will do a repeat business if the complaints are
quickly addressed and resolved.
80% of sales are received from 20% of the companys customer base. (Kalakota and
Robinson, 2000).
To succeed in e Business it can be said that a firm should embrace the processes,
procedures, and the implementation of a CRM project. In addition, the effective management of
customer relationships, through the use of automated systems such as CRM, is a source of
competitive advantage. When competition is fierce, the best companies go back to basics:
creating value for the customer. Therefore, this paper will attempt to reveal that CRM is indeed a
paramount process for a competing firm to undertake to remain competitive in the e-Business
world. In addition, this paper will attempt to provide a relatively useful and broad view of what
CRM is actually about. This CRM explanation will be that of the prospective of the customer; a
marketing view of what e-Business managers need to know about their customers and how that
What CRM is
CRM a definition.
CRM is a strategic process and infrastructure that enables the delineation of and increase in
customer value and the correct means by which to motivate valuable customers to remain loyal
indeed to buy again. (Dych, 2001) CRM programs are implemented for several reasons:
Companies want to thoroughly understand their customers needs.
Increase customer satisfaction and thus lowering churn.
Enable a great degree of customer differentiation in order to deliver unique customer
CRM is used by companies to gain more intimate knowledge of their customers so that
marketing efforts can be directed towards those customers they wish to keep and those they
are willing to lose. From customer acquisition to customer loyalty, CRM is a way for a firm to
automate many of its business processes and perform analysis on customer data collected to
save resources, generate revenue, provide excellent services, and to develop consistent,
dependable, and convenient interactions with customers through different channels or touch
Stock management.
Inventory management.
User Creation,
Admin privileges,
Customer Details.
2. Literature Survey
Literature survey involves the detail study of existing system and limitations. To overcome
the limitations the requirement is reanalyzed and the new system is proposed. The new proposed
system should provide more facilities then existing system by residing in same constrants.
Lot of manual work increases waiting i.e., requires a lot of time to accomplish the work.
Software Requirement
Acquire: CRM can help a business acquire new customers through contact management,
selling, and fulfillment.
Enhance: web-enabled CRM combined with customer service tools offers customers
service from a team of sales and service specialists, which offers customers the
convenience of one-stop shopping.
Retain: CRM software and databases enable a business to identify and reward its loyal
customers and further develop its targeted marketing and relationship marketing
This Software Requirement Specification (SRS) specifies the requirements of CRM (Customer
Relationship Management) for Computer Shoppee. This CRM is designed to allow new
online store owners a quick and easy means to setup and perform sales and other core business
over the internet.
This document describes the requirements of the system. It describes about the automation
software for computer reseller shop. The main objective of the application is to automate the
existing system of manually maintaining the records and providing the services to the customers.
It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basis for validating the final
delivered system. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through a
formal change approval process. The Scope of the system is to provide general information
related to the various operations of the CRM.
maintenance staff should be aware of the information contained herein. This document will
be reviewed frequently by the above audiences to check if the different phases of the project
are being completed by meeting the given requirements. If there are any changes in the
requirements in the course of the project they must be included in this document by making the
necessary changes.
SMS Alerts to the customer when the call details is entered in to the
Billing Module
Invoice generation.
Sales Order.
Sales detail Management.
privileges to this application for maintaining the sales of the goods, billing for the
customer purchased goods and handling the calls and complaints of the customer.
User: A User may be a branch manager or service engingeer or any other person working in
the Computer Shoppee, he handles functions
maintenance, billing system & client call, complaint module of the CRM.
3.2.4 Operating Environment
The product will be operating in windows environment. Also it will be compatible with
the Windows 2000 or higher version, IE 6.0. The only requirement to use this product
would be the internet connection.
3.2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
The Product is web-based, developed using php Language. The backend database for this
is Mysql. The product is accomplished with login facility so that specific function is
available to specific user to keep accounts of Goods in, Goods Out & to know the current
position of the Stock.
3.2.6 User Documentation
The product will include user manual. The user manual will include product overview,
complete configuration of the used software, technical details, backup procedure and
contact information which will include email address. The product will be compatible
with the Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. The databases will be created in the Mysql.
Admin Account.
Bill generation.
Customer call.
Customer complaint.
Standby of the product.
Sales Report.
system &
Describes the graphical user interface if present. This section should include a set of
screen dumps or mockups to illustrate user interface features.
1. Description
This issue is essential to the overall system. All the modules provided with the
software must fit into this graphical user interface and accomplish to the standard
Technical issues
In order to satisfy this requirement the design should be simple and all the
different interfaces should follow a standard template. There will be the
possibility of changing colors and images, plus switching between interfaces with
the minimum impact for the users.
4. Risks.
To reduce the circumstances under which this requirement might not able to be
satisfied, all the designers must have been developed web sites previously and
they must be aware of html restriction and cross browsers implementations before
starting the designing. In order to reduce the probability of this occurrence the
entire design team will be trained in basic html & php tools.
5. Dependencies with other requirements.
All user interfaces should be able to interact with the user management module
and a part of the interface must be dedicated to the login/logout module.
The software is extremely portable in the sense that it can be run on any machine with
a web-browser.
Acceptance Criteria
The system must be work well and compile with all the requirements and constraints
stated above. All conditions defined by the need user by the end user are to be
The code must be well commented through out.
Structure and coding style of an application so that the code is easily read and
System should be 24 X 7 availability
Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
Complete validation has been done no mandatory fields was to be left unfilled, if left
unfilled then appropriate alert message will be displayed.
Data in the database cannot be modified until and unless you are the proper authenticator.
Operating System
Windows 98/XP/2000
Operating System
1 GB and above
Hard Disk
Windows XP/2000/Vista
Front End
Back End
WAMP Server