Welcome To Islam
Welcome To Islam
Welcome To Islam
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 13
Christian comes home to Islam ........................................... 16
THE END OF THE BEGINNING ....................................... 18
THE SHAHADA ......................................................... 18
A SHOCK, BUT... ........................................................ 19
The Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) ........................................ 19
THE SPANISH SISTER MARY SALVADOR .......................... 20
Q: We would like you to tell us in the beginning about yourself and your
life before you embraced Islam? ......................................... 20
Q: What was your familys, and your social environment in general, idea
about Islam? .............................................................. 20
Q: Didnt the academic curriculum talk about the Islamic Religion? ... 20
Q: How did you learn about Islam? And what were the reasons that made
you embrace it? ........................................................... 21
Q: As a Christian, what was particularly capturing in Islam? ........... 22
Q: Who is the Islamic personality that impressed you? .................. 22
Q: To what extent did you enjoy a feeling of peace and tranquility after
Islam? ..................................................................... 22
Q: On another level, having noticed the relations Muslims develop among
themselves in comparison with the Western social relations; what can you
say about it? ............................................................... 22
Q: In the light of your experience, what is the best way a caller should
pursue in the West? ....................................................... 22
Q: How do you evaluate the Muslim womens position today? ......... 23
Q: Any last word you like to say? ........................................ 23
THE ENGLISH GUIDED SISTER....................................... 24
This is how I realized the truth ........................................... 24
Confrontation... Steadfastness and Success .............................. 24
Q: Since you mentioned the Muslim family, what in your view is the role
of Muslim women? ....................................................... 25
Let Us Call for Islam by Our Islamic Practice and not by Lecturing .... 26
Q: In view of the reaction of the society you live in towards your belief in
Islam, it leads us to the question: How should Islam be introduced to the
West? ...................................................................... 26
STEVE JOHNSON ........................................................ 27
THE GERMAN MUSLIM SISTER ...................................... 30
Q: We would like to express in the beginning our feelings of pride in
meeting with sisters like you, and we ask you to introduce yourself and
tell us about how you became a Muslim.................................. 30
Q: Can you tell us about the direct and principal motives that made you
adopt Islam? .............................................................. 30
Q: Would you describe your parents attitude towards your becoming a
Muslim and towards wearing the veil in particular? ..................... 31
Q: How do you see the impact of Islam on your personality? ........... 31
Q: In the light of your experience, can you suggest any new propositions
regarding the methods of calling especially in the West?................ 31
Q: What about the potentials for the Islamic Call in Germany? ......... 32
Q. What do you think about the future of the new Islamic generation in
Sweden and the Western societies? ...................................... 83
Q. What are the problems Muslims face in Sweden? .................... 83
Q. How do the Swedish and Westerners view the Muslims living with
them? ...................................................................... 83
A. Muslims in the West are classified into two categories: ............. 83
Q. Is there a final word you want to say? ................................ 84
British Muslim Brother John Hanz ...................................... 85
Q: Could you tell us about your early life?............................... 85
Q: Would you tell us about your experience under the wing of Islam? . 86
Q: Was there another reason that made you embrace Islam? ............ 86
Q: What are the reasons that led you to become a seminary student? ... 86
Q: Doesnt wearing religion-student garment cause you any
embarrassment? ........................................................... 86
Q: What do you plan to do when you return to your country? ........... 87
Q: How informed are you about Islamic knowledge? ................... 87
Q: Is there anything you want to tell the readers at the end of the
interview? ................................................................. 87
Russian Guided Sister ..................................................... 88
Elena Yorivna Koshiliva says: ............................................ 88
Q: Could you tell us about your childhood and early education? ........ 88
Q: Tell us about the reasons that led you to embrace Islam. ............. 89
Q: How did your family and friends react to that change? .............. 89
Q: What are the positive changes that you have noticed after embracing
Islam? ..................................................................... 89
Q: As a Russian woman from a non-Islamic country, how do you view
the unveiling (not wearing hijab) phenomenon that is spread in Islamic
societies? .................................................................. 90
Q: How do you see the conditions of Muslims today? ................... 90
Q: What do you think about the condition of the Muslim woman today?90
Q: What do you suggest for guiding the youth? ......................... 90
Q: Any last comment you would like to say to our readers? ............ 91
Carmen Sarkeesian (Houda) .............................................. 92
Birth and early years ...................................................... 92
How Islam was introduced to her ........................................ 92
The influence of her conversion to Islam and her marriage to a Muslim on
her relatives. .............................................................. 92
How she embraced Islam ................................................. 93
Her impressions and comments on the dialogue method ................ 93
How she committed herself to the True Religions ideas and code of
conduct .................................................................... 93
A comment or an incident about her experience with Islam ............. 94
How did the incident end? And what is the moral lesson in it?.......... 94
A final comment to our readers........................................... 95
From the Darkness of Apartheid to the Light of Islam ................. 96
Early quest for Truth...................................................... 96
The first Light: Going to a Mosque ...................................... 97
Reaching the safety shore................................................. 97
Is there in the horizon any other works other than your translation of The
Holy Quran? ............................................................. 126
Did your upbringing in an Arab country have any role in your decision to
embrace Islam? .......................................................... 126
And I Became Zeinab Ramirez ....................................... 127
Filipino Sister Zeinab (Teresa) says: .................................... 127
When was your first step on the Path of Guidance, and what made you
take it? ................................................................... 127
How did you become fully convinced that you needed to embrace Islam?
Having had that conviction, what was the next step? ................... 128
What was the reaction of your Christian milieu then? .................. 128
Having been in the World of Right for over 12 years now, how do you
feel? ...................................................................... 128
How do you face the mistakes made by some Muslims? And how do you
feel then? ................................................................. 128
Do you have any advice to your fellow Muslims? ...................... 128
Australian Guided Sister Fatima ........................................ 129
Warton Kirbassi........................................................... 132
Birth and Raising ........................................................ 132
Another Journey ......................................................... 132
Providence Will .......................................................... 132
The Turning Point ....................................................... 132
She Followed the Call of Her Heart ..................................... 134
American Muslim Tahira Conant ....................................... 137
Tell us about your academic life ........................................ 137
Then what were the factors and circumstances that made you embrace
Islam? .................................................................... 137
What was the reaction of your social and family surrounding towards
your choosing Islam? .................................................... 138
How do you understand calling others unto Islam, and what are the
appropriate ways to convince them of its teachings? ................... 139
What is your opinion in those who say that Islam spread by force not
wisdom? .................................................................. 139
How do you evaluate the situation of Muslims today and their
relationship with Islam? ................................................. 140
What is the attribute that you like most in the Apostle of Islam (p.b.u.h.)?
Finding My Way.... ........................................................ 141
How a spiritually dissatisfied American Catholic teacher found
fulfillment and direction through her new job at a Muslim school. .... 141
Yusuf Abdullah ............................................................ 143
The Happy Ending ....................................................... 144
After a long journey of searching and navigating in the world of
thoughts and religions, .................................................... 146
Indian Nirvans ship lands safely at the port of Islam ................. 146
When and how did it all start? Did it really start or was it simply a
spiritual awakening? A realization of the truth which was always innate in
me? Allah knows best. ................................................... 146
Finding the Straight Path................................................. 148
Sister Zahraa Formerly Joyce Slaughter ............................. 148
The French Guided Brother (Cerel) ..................................... 151
The Method of Ahlul-Bait ............................................... 152
Conclusion ............................................................... 152
Conversion to the Right Faith: ........................................... 154
The familys thorny road and the immigration for the truth ............ 155
A call to Muslims ........................................................ 156
Russian Former Priest Ali Viacheslav Polosin.......................... 157
Spanish Brother ........................................................... 159
Discovering Islam ....................................................... 160
Islamic Dawa ............................................................ 161
Canadian Brother ......................................................... 162
How I found the Right Path .............................................. 165
How does one look back on the most important event in her life and put
it into perspective? ....................................................... 165
Craig Robertson, Ex-Catholic, Canada: ................................ 169
Sister Tania Bowling - Germany ......................................... 174
Early life: ................................................................ 174
Intellectual Loss Stage: .................................................. 174
Reasons for Abandoning Religion in the West: ......................... 174
The journey from Darkness to Light:.................................... 175
Brilliant Islamic Values: ................................................. 175
Ahlul-Baits (AS) Role in Preserving Islam: ............................ 176
Christopher and Phillip embrace Islam ................................. 178
Search for the Truth ...................................................... 181
She personally narrates her story saying: ............................... 181
The beginning was in London ........................................... 181
Entering a Mosque ....................................................... 181
Family after my Conversion to Islam ................................... 182
Merging Into the Society ................................................ 182
Satan Insinuates .......................................................... 182
Vision Changed my Brothers Heart .................................... 182
Thanks to Allah .......................................................... 183
Danish Muslim: ........................................................... 184
Mosque Dream ........................................................... 184
British Actress Inspired by Prophets (P.B.U.H) Life.................. 186
And they were guided to the Path of the most Praised One ........ 188
Her Story with Islam: .................................................... 188
Her Contributions: ....................................................... 189
... And they were guided to the Path of The Most Praised One..... 191
Tell us, Sean, what happened in that trip to Iran? What tempted you to
embrace Islam? .......................................................... 191
So, I understand from you that your interest in converting to Islam started
before you went to Iran? ................................................. 191
So, you do not deny or substitute your being a Jew or a Christian with
your new religion, Islam, yet you say that you merged Islam into all of
that? But let me ask you this: Conversion means leaving something in
favor of something else, and the Holy Bible says specifically that you
cannot serve two masters; so, how do you explain your conversion to
Islam does not necessarily mean your abandonment and desertion of your
parents God? How do you answer that? ................................ 191
British Liza George Hutchinson: Why I Accepted Islam? .......... 193
Please introduce yourself to our readers............................... 193
When did you embrace the Islamic Faith? .............................. 193
How did your life continue after that?................................... 193
Do you speak Arabic? ................................................... 193
How was your relationship with your family after embracing Islam? .. 194
Tell us about the social life image in your homeland. .................. 194
How is your relationship with the Muslims at the Islamic Center in
Switzerland? ............................................................. 194
What are your plans for the future? ..................................... 194
Sister Asiya Abd Al-Zahir ................................................ 195
Why I Embraced Islam? ................................................. 195
Famous French Singer .................................................... 198
Stardom? ................................................................. 198
Islam, a religion of tolerance ............................................ 199
Rabbi of Makhachkala synagogue embraced Islam.................... 200
Musa, tell us, did you find the way easily?.............................. 200
Musa, as a matter of fact, we were given this fact as a certain sensation: a
Rabbi has turned Muslim. ............................................... 200
Did you finish any high school before coming to the synagogue? ..... 200
And where did you come from? ......................................... 200
Lets return to your work in the synagogue. ............................ 200
She brought the Quran to you - a Rabbi?!............................... 200
Musa, and when you were reading the translation, you must have begun
to compare it with the Torah? ........................................... 201
Does it mean that you couldnt find some answers in Judaism? ........ 201
And what does the Torah say about the Prophet (P.B.U.H)? ........... 201
Should I understand you, Musa, that you now feel a great responsibility
for becoming a Muslim, or do you have some other feelings? ......... 202
From MTV to Mecca ..................................................... 203
Brother Yahya: Best way to live and die ................................ 207
The Quran: The Last Revelation ....................................... 207
Islam: The Essence and Culmination of Revealed Religions ........... 207
A Traveler................................................................ 208
The Road to Paradise .................................................... 208
Overcoming an Obstacle ................................................ 209
A Meaningful Videotape ................................................ 209
The Truth Unveils Itself ................................................. 209
Impressions of a New Muslim........................................... 210
A Deceptive Enjoyment ................................................. 210
The Right Path to Allah.................................................. 211
In The Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful
Peace be on our Prophet who was sent as mercy for Mankind, the Master
of all creatures and Messengers, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and his pure
and chaste Household.
Since the very beginning, when the Prophet of Mercy - Al Mustafa Al
Amjad (Peace be upon him and his Household) - made public the call for
Islam - the religion of righteousness and guidance - following the orders
of his Lord who armed him with the honor and power of faith and made
him high hold the banner of jihad to raise the word of Allah Al Mighty on
Earth, Allah forcefully and decisively supported his steps towards the
predestined goal which is achieving victory over the enemies of Allah and
humanity and establishing the pillars of Islam and its colossal edifice.
This is made clear by the noble Ayah: {It is He who has sent His
Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all
religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it}.
Following the victorious conquer of Holy Mecca, people started
embracing Islam in groups; no soon did Islam grow strong and mighty.
Tribes, peoples, and states - known historically for their might and tyranny fully accepted Islam. It was also greatly welcomed by many peoples from
around the world who found in it a savor from the yoke of oppression and
servitude. All evidences and given that depend in their conclusions on the
strong-woven doctrine of Islam, the vitality of its codes and regulations, the
strength of its influence on the souls, and its capability to polarize give the
impression and enforce the conviction that the religion of Islam must have
manifested itself more over the various prevalent doctrines, religions, and
social systems. It must be more spread among peoples and places, and it
must have a more positive influence and presence in all the general domains
and the courses of global events and civilized developments. However, the
faithful believers have drunk the bitter glass of sorrows since the early ages
- with the emergence of dangerous perversities that led to preventing the
people of righteousness and the proper method from occupying the positions
Allah had entitled them to - meaning the leadership of Muslims. The bitter
taste remained the drink of the following generations over the consecutive
ages and the successive rules of perverse leaders except for few. These
leaders had many a time exploited the power they usurped for worldly
profits and interests for themselves and for their followers and men;
perversions were deeper, and weakness and feebleness spread in the body of
the nation and the countries of Muslims leading to this state of great
degeneration which was exploited by the enemies who were seeking the
opportunity to tear the nation apart and tighten their control on it.
Nevertheless, the elements of strength in Islam are perpetual, and they are
represented in its tolerant doctrine and the biography of its faithful men and
in the brilliant, intellectual, scientific, and cultural achievements made by
Muslim scholars that have imposed themselves even on the western
As days passed into weeks Johns visits to the village became more and
more frequent. He came to know almost everyone from grandparents to
grandchildren, becoming a family member to so many families.
(Unknowingly, he was being guided and taught by the best of teachers.)
Although from a western society, John somehow or other found no
difficulty in fitting into Arab society. Everything came naturally, just as
though he were a native Arab, and although his purpose in journeying to the
land had been to help the Israelis, he became more and more aware that
there was another purpose, a much deeper reason... but what?
One Friday (Sabbath) evening John was walking with Shmuel, a Jewish
friend, around the perimeter of the Kibbutz. As they came to the eastern
side, the twinkling lights of Arab villages on the hills of Western Galilee
looked very pretty against the darkness of the hills. One area of lights, much
larger than the others, aroused Johns attention. Turning to Shmuel, he
asked: What is that big village over there? Shmuel replied: That is
village Tamra. They are all Muslims. They are a bad lot causing many
problems for Israel. They shelter P.L.O. terrorists, fly the Palestinian flag,
and cause strikes. You can never trust them - they steal from our lands and
take bicycles and things from our homes. Never go there, keep well away
from them.
Some days later, while John was working in the kitchen of the communal
dining hall, he noticed a stranger who was retiling the walls of the boiler
room. As John passed by, the stranger turned, and their eyes met and held
for a brief second. But no words were spoken. At about 2.30 p.m. John,
whose shift had ended for the day, was making his way down the steps of
the main entrance with the thought of a few hours sleep. Sitting on the
bottom step was a young man who turned with outstretched hand - it was
the stranger. As their hands clasped, the young man asked: You will come
home with me now to my village? What village is that?, asked John. I
live in Village Tamra, replied the young man. Johns reply was instant:
Thanks, Ill be happy to come, and together they set off for Tamra, a
village of 18,000 people - all of them Muslims.
Adil and John became close friends - brothers. Village Tamra opened
wide its doors. Unbreakable bonds of love were forged as John spent more
and more of his time in this warm-hearted village that was only 1 hours
walk across the fields from the Kibbutz. The villagers took him to their
hearts, and he soon became involved in the village life. He would visit the
High School, and on one occasion, the English teacher invited him to take
the lessons, to the delight of the students - and indeed himself. He was often
in demand to visit the homes of students to help with their English. Johns
heart was deeply moved with emotion as he realized that their purpose in
inviting him was not because they needed tuition in English (most of them
being word-perfect already) but because of their love toward him. He was
Entering the prayer hall in the company of many brothers filled me with
warmth. A hitherto unknown feeling of well being came upon me, and as I
recited the SHAHADA I felt myself lifted up, as something I had been
taught to fear -the Sword of Islam - struck deep into my heart, and golden
moments spent among my beloved Palestinians flashed across my mind:
Please kiss me good night; We love you, all our village loves you;
Would you marry a Muslim woman, there would be no problem, we know
you; Thanks but to Allah for bringing this son home to his people.
In April 1986, I was a guest of some Libyan brothers in Tripoli,
experiencing the American bombing and aggression on innocent men,
women and children. Consequently, because of my anger and disgust at the
British Governments involvement, I was interviewed by the local radio and
news papers which carried accounts of my experiences. One week later, I
was called to the office of the director of the company by whom I was
employed. Mr. Joseph (Jewish) made no secret of the reason for dismissing
me - on the grounds that I was now a liability to the company; his comments
to the media were somewhat different. And so for the first time in 48 years I
was sacked. It was a shattering experience - a punishment - or so I thought.
But the year of unemployment was in fact a blessing, because one day, out
of the blue, I was given the opportunity to come to London to work for Iraqi
brothers in property redevelopment.
Q: How did you learn about Islam? And what were the
reasons that made you embrace it?
A: In the beginning, I had a very strong relationship that bounded me in
friendship with a number of young Spanish men and women who, like me,
were Christians by name only.
Then I began to notice certain changes in their behavior and thinking
patterns. I was quite surprised, but I learnt later that it was because they
have embraced Islam. I was quite shocked especially when I saw some of
my female friends wearing the veil. I started to ask a lot of questions,
demanding to know why they were doing this, and what the use of wearing
a veil was. They only told me that I should do the same thing and learn
about the Islamic Religion from those who are Muslims. They kept on
trying to persuade me, until finally I agreed with them and started to go to
the Islamic Ahl El-Beit Center in Barcelona. At the Center, I began to listen
to some of the brothers who were explaining the basic Islamic principles
and concepts and holding discussions about Islam. I was especially attracted
to the Holy Quran and started to read a Spanish translation of its meanings.
Gradually, I began to like to go to the Center as much as possible to attend
the Islamic lectures. A new light was invading my heart and occupying my
soul. A feeling of relief and tranquility was engulfing me, and I grew very
happy with my new experience.
Yet, I was also experiencing a conflicting struggle between my love for
the Islamic Religion, and the fear of having to confront my parents and my
society. I was both afraid and happy at the same time. But it was hard for
me to declare my Islam in the open, and I ended by deciding to adopt Islam
secretly, without telling my parents. Nevertheless, my commitment to
refrain from eating unlawful meat aroused their curiosity. In response to my
mothers inquiry, I merely claimed that I do not feel like it... Thus, my
parents were left wary and surprised of my illogical behavior.
But after a short period, I was no longer able to conceal my embracement
of Islam for many practical reasons that have to do with praying and
ablution. I confided to my parents saying that I adopted Islam. But that did
not mean much to them in the beginning, being totally ignorant of what
Islam is and what being a Muslim involves. But later on, we went through a
period of turmoil; they were against my Islam, and they objected in
particular against my veil, which they considered equivalent to renouncing
At that time, I met my husband, Dr. Muhammad Bashir, at the Islamic
Center, where he used to lecture in Islamic jurisprudence, reciting the Holy
Quran and Arabic language. But our relationship was quite ordinary to the
extent that I was surprised when he asked me for marriage, although he was
still a student of medicine.
But my parents who knew what kind of a man my husband to-be was
were in favor of our engagement. Of course, all these developments came
after my parents were used to my becoming a Muslim and began to accept it
as a matter of fact. This provided a comfortable situation that enabled me to
practice my Islamic obligations as they ought to be practiced. Then when
my husband graduated we moved to Lebanon to stay there for good.
to provide her children with all the correct answers to all their questions...
Women would have to be patient and rest assured that Allah, the AllMighty, is aware of their work, and He bears witness to their sacrifices.
On the other hand, Muslim sisters should always meet together to
promote the spirit of fraternity among them. They should also be fair in their
treatment of their children and refrain from any act of discrimination
between their sons and daughters. They should always be wise, responsible,
and prudent for they are performing their duty towards Allah, their
husbands, and their children.
Let me end by saying that my long suffering has ended when I realized
the greatness of this religion, and I believe, therefore, that guiding the
people to Islam is a great responsibility we are entrusted with... Islam is the
true gift Allah has given us; let us share His gift with the others.
The History Professor in Indiana State University Declares After
Embracing Islam:
O, Messenger of Allah; O, my master; Peace be upon you: Your voice
has transcended the barriers of time, and it has reached us sweet and clear
after 14 centuries. I can almost visualize you sitting with your companions
when you said: I long to see my brothers. Astonished, the companions
(A.S.) would ask: Are not we your brothers, Messenger of Allah?.
And then you would answer: You are my companions... My brothers are
the ones who would come later. They would believe in me without seeing
me... Each one of them would be rewarded 50 times as much as you. And
then he would reassert, in response to your inquiry: They will be rewarded
50 times as much as any of you, because you find others to help you in your
path of doing good while they would not.
Here, O Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.), is one of those we believe is one
of your brothers... He lived in a different time of different values, where
good in his country has no followers, and where he could not seek help
except for evil... But he is reborn anew, with his pure faith, and he is
longing to be one of your followers... He is Steve Johnson, the history
professor in the University of Indiana - Muslim who professes that there is
no god but Allah, and that Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) is His Messenger... In the
following we will let him tell his own story, the story of Farook Abdullah as
he now calls himself:
Islam Is Undoubtedly the Right Path... And The Quran Is the Way to
know It.
One of my earliest memories is that I used to sit under a big tree in my
fathers ranch looking towards the clouds. One idea used to persist
whenever I sat there: There must be a strong powerful God who runs this
universe ... Since then I grew determined to live for the cause of this God.
During the following 22 years, my life had undergone a series of
transformations that drew me gradually closer and closer to Islam... I was a
hardworking student, and I used to spend most of my spare time in
studying... I was eager to know everything ... My unsocial nature and love
of solitude were quite helpful. .. I spent long hours in reading... In the eighth
grade, I was injured in a car accident as I was on my way to attend my
grandmothers funeral... In a few seconds, my whole life changed... I lied in
my hospital bed unable to move. My head was hit... I could not feel
anything in the left side of my body. I also lost the sense of hearing in my
right ear...
Upon my hospital bed, a man on a cross was hung on the wall... who
according to my Christian Catholic belief was God... I believed then that he
loves me and would relief me of my pains... I prayed to him and promised
that I would dedicate all my life to him.
This accident deprived me of the ability to practice any physical activity
which made me devote even more time to reading and studying.
I knew that the church does not allow priests to marry, but I believed that
such a sacrifice was necessary for the purpose of serving God... Meanwhile
the church needed doctors, and thus I enrolled in the university to study
chemistry and psychology as a prelude to study medicine... I worked hard
and was the first in rank even in the first year...
I divided my time between my academic-scientific studies and my
passion for philosophy and theology... Gradually, I began to lose interest in
becoming a physician but I was accepted in the school of medicine which
was, as I thought, a sign from God that I ought to continue, and so I did.
In the following years, I had little time for philosophy, because, as you
know, studying the various branches of medicine is quite demanding.
Nevertheless, I used to spend a few hours everyday in praying and
contemplating... I also had to serve in the local church... Yet a strong feeling
of anxiety and frustration was gradually getting hold of me... I started to
have doubts regarding my faith and began to hate my studies...
This led me to taking drugs and alcohol. .. I did not want to feel anything
or think about anything. I began to take pills and wine the moment I woke
up in the morning, and my religion failed to help me... Then one day I
decided to leave the university and told the church that I wanted to dedicate
myself for serving the church and studying philosophy.
I was hoping that philosophy would help me to believe in what religion
says about God being human, and that all humans are sinners from the
moment they are born.
I used to spend my days fasting from uttering any word and praying all
the time for God to make me one of his saints. But I did not eliminate my
drug and alcohol addiction. The church asked me to determine which
theological school I wanted to work in. I went to Europe to find some help. I
came back, deciding, as Rome wished, that I should go to Toronto. But in
the end, I was sent to the Indiana University to study for a degree in
philosophy, Theology, and education.
But in Indiana, I felt suddenly that my soul was completely void...
I started by being spiritually destroyed, and decided to join the church;
then I wanted to study so that I could believe, but I ended in believing in
One night I was tempted, and for two years I was sinking in the depth of
desperation and uncertainty... What was even worse is that I began to be
offered academic awards and to hold honorable university degrees, such as
the doctors degree of the John Hopkins University... But I did not feel the
value of any of these. On the contrary, I felt that my sins were being
rewarded... I began to despise myself and believe that I was a hypocrite.
Then Allahs grace made me meet a young man from Abu Dhabi called
Ismail. We talked and explained some of the notions of Islam... I decided to
visit the mosque on the following day. Then I took a vacation, and we went
together to Denver, Colorado. We became friends and roommates. Since he
knew the basis of the Islamic call, he never asked me all that period to
embrace Islam. But he used to pray when the time of prayers was due, and
whenever I asked him about Islam, he used to answer my specific question
In 1981, I joined a seminar to study Sufism. It ended by making me hate
Islam although I had a great admiration for it. Three months later, Ismail
gave me a book that contained certain sacred traditions... Reading it, I knew
that I was mistaken... I began to tremble and felt cold; Ismail covered me
with blankets but to no avail. I was shaking... What I read has struck my
deepest soul and touched my spirit which was struck by its beauty, strength
and truth... I knew that I have found the truth I was looking for... But I was
still terrified... And I was unable to sleep or eat... Little by little the
trembling began to weaken, but I was still feeling cold... As if I was hearing
a bell that kept ringing these sacred traditions.
In November 1981, I professed the two testimonies: that there is no god
but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, and I felt a profound inner
For the few next months, my soul was transcending higher and higher
...and gaining more and more peace and tranquility while I was living the
sublimity of prayers and Islamic brotherhood.
I became certain that Islam is the right path. It was a gift from Allah, the
All-Mighty, that nobody ought to lose.
I decided, then, and in accordance with Allahs will, to surrender myself
to God, whatever the circumstances... I dedicated myself for the call in the
United States... Such a call has its bitter moments and sweet ones. I began to
be frustrated by some of the brothers and sisters who were unwilling to
sacrifice for the sake of the call which ought to be coupled by the feeling of
subjection to the will of Allah, The Most Exalted.
I was also frustrated by those who lacked a clear vision and the will to
promote the programs of the call which could present Islam to the entire
American people, who although they might appear strong are in reality
longing for what could determine the meaning of their lives.
Moreover, I was even more frustrated by my own incompetence and
On the other hand, I was happy for all those who were seeking to find
truth and who were finding it in the end in our straight path religion - the
beautiful Islam... At such moments I used to feel that all my frustrations
disappeared and evaporated.
And now when I go back in my memory to the days I was in my fathers
ranch... I thank Allah, The Most Exalted, for His grace and generosity...
Whose kindness has led me to the truth that was inside me...? The truth of
Islam and the truth of The Quran. May Allah be praised.
God but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger in front of a Sheikh.
But I did not feel that I became a true Muslim.
After our marriage, we came to Lebanon to visit his family; I noticed that
some women wore veils while the others did not. But the veiled women
caught my attention more than the others. I felt as if I was asked by an inner
call to wear a veil. Back in Germany and after a thorough study of many
Islamic books, I wore the veil and began to practice all Islamic rituals
especially the prayers. Yet my motive was never to please my husband and
his family, but rather, it was based on a firm belief in Islam.
providing a good example. The people in the West look at what you do and
not what you say.
Q: How did you know that what you were learning was
A: For a long time I was not really sure what I was doing was right, but
Allah accepts whenever you try your best. I knew I was making mistakes;
there was nothing wrong with that since my intention was right. I got in
touch with Muslims but not scholars. They were students from all over the
world who knew more about Islam and practiced more than immigrant
workers. As their knowledge was not much besides being mixed with their
own ideas from home, I had different impressions of Islam. I had left home
to do some office work training. Then I started to go to the mosque. They
did not know very much only that which they had learnt at home, but they
knew more than the immigrant workers. They practiced more than them,
even if they practiced all kinds of things. But they also had their own ideas
from back home. So I had all these different impressions of Islam. I had
access to a library with genuine books in English, including Yusuf Alis
translation of the Quran.
I also took part in discussions on Islam, because for three years I was the
only one - a woman; often it was the Iman and me behind.
Whenever I did anything there was a general discussion: Should a
woman do this or that? Should a woman drive a car or live away from her
Q: Did any one say to you: Look, you just cannot do that
even when you knew you were right?
A: Yes, but I did not really oppose it straight away except in discussions.
I preferred to wait, for I was unsure about confronting somebody who might
know better. In the beginning I had a complex, because I thought that Arabs
had the advantage of having Arabic as their mother tongue, and they could
understand The Quran. But soon I learned that this was not right. Even when
I discerned I could do some of the things they said I could not, I did not
waste my energy confronting them but waited until I got a little surer about
my position.
Q: How can women find out what the truth is when men
with qualifications quote Hadiths which seem to put women
A: One of the basic things that the Prophet (upon whom be peace) said one of the neglected Hadiths - was what most Muslims know in theory and
some do not even know that, is that, acquiring knowledge is a religious
duty for every Muslim, man and woman. If men have more knowledge, or
seem to have more knowledge, women need to get more knowledge. The
misery in the Islamic world is because the Muslims, especially the women
have not followed that Hadith. It is not a matter of waiting for a teacher or
until I have time to study.
When I was teaching Arabic I used to tell my students to read three
verses in the Quran every day. Some would say three?! No, that is not
enough. But if you do that every day for one year, you can imagine how
many verses you will read. Reading the translation and looking up the words
in the dictionary, you would acquire a lot of knowledge, grammar and
Q: How did you then become convinced that Islam was the
true path?
A: After rereading the Bible, I found that this infallible word of God
had errors. How could that be - if it actually was the word of God? My only
conclusion was that it had been tampered with and corrupted. I also
searched for that most important doctrine of Christianity which is a triune
god. The prophets of the Bible, including Jesus (A.S.) emphatically stressed
that the Lord - our God is ONE. I also looked at the history of Christianity,
the church, and the Bible and found much evidence of pagan influence and
The All-Merciful, All-Powerful, and All-Just God needed and demanded
the punishment of the innocent and sinless Jesus (A.S.) so that he could
forgive us of our sins and wrongdoings. If a human judge or leader were to
do this, I would consider him corrupt, oppressive, or may be even crazy!
After being convinced of the faults of Christian beliefs, she then guided
me to the understanding that Jesus (A.S.) was a created human messenger
and was himself submissive to Allah and under His control.
Then, we studied, compared, and read English translation of The Quran,
and she taught me some of the history of Islam and struggles of Prophet
Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his pious and
pure progeny) and the early Muslims.
I could not deny the truth, simplicity, and logic of the absolute Oneness
of Allah (Tawheed) and said the Shahadeh (declaration of faith) with total
conviction and love.
I thank Allah for sending this dear friend to me, and I always ask Allah to
bless this wonderful woman in this life and especially in the next life for all
of her compassion towards me and for leading me to the right path of Islam.
was in need of my help or what kind of help he or she afforded. That made
part of my educational heritage which was mostly Christian ideology mixed
with Western freedom.
Q: What can you tell us about methods to call nonMuslims to Islam based on your own experience?
A: I would never go to people and tell them right away that Islam is the
Religion leading to the truth and that it is the only perfect religion because
they would misunderstand it. They would think we are crazy to say such a
thing because where we have the proofs from. We cannot tell someone who
does not believe in The Quran, and may be not even in his own religion, that
there are verses (passages) treating this subject very clearly. They would
also think that we try to put ourselves above others.
I also believe that especially in the case of foreign Muslims (Arab or
Iranian callers), people feel offended. They would compare their mission
with the missions of Christian missionaries who used to do a lot of wrong
abroad, forcing people to convert in the name of religion. They would be
afraid of them, thinking that they may have the same intention and way of
executing their will.
Further, Islam has to be introduced to people. Many do not know what
Islam means and what it asks the human race to live and struggle for. The
ideology of Islam is unknown. To fill this empty space, we have to begin to
show up in public institutions and strengthen our call. We should inform our
environment continuously about our religion, our activities, our goals, and
our rights. We should have big organizations that coordinate all the
In every country, there should be at least one administration and also one
sheikh. This is very important because people who are eager to learn often
do not get a chance to do so, because there is no religious authority (not in
the sense of power but of knowledge).
We have to tell the Europeans to separate between Islam and the
practices some Muslim link to Islam because this makes the view blurred to
others. Muslims should know more about Islam so that they could give a
good idea about it.
The best way to reach people nowadays is the scientific way, because
most of them trust all sciences.
extremists. The world of the right-wing in Italy and Europe is very diverse.
We have to make a distinction. There are, for example, groups of
traditionalists that are great admirers of what Islam has achieved in Iran and
other Islamic countries. They say that Europe is in decadence and that the
salvation of Europe can come from Islam, and they have declared this fact
on many occasions in their publication, and some of the Italian converts
come from this background. Naturally, like me, when they enter Islam they
leave their previous political activity.
We have to clearly identify where the real threat comes from. For
example, I see a major threat from the left. They show themselves to be very
sympathetic towards immigrants and willing to help them; however, their
help is not unconditional. They want to integrate them within their own
culture. They are willing to help as long as they give up their culture, their
religion, and their way of being. The reality is that many circles in the West
are a danger for Muslims and Islam, whether being those who physically
attack them or those who blandish them with nice words.
why today, in spite of everything, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the
world - a growth which threatens the hegemony of certain powers which, in
order to defend themselves and their interests, have created an elaborate
network which spreads lies and a distortion of the Islamic message in order
to create animosity between the people of the West and Islam. This role was
once held by bigot Christian church leaders. Now that Christianity is no
more than a private belief, the new forerunners of this fight are the leaders
of the secular superpowers and multinational directors who want the world
to be nothing more than a big market where they can sell their goods and
products. Of course if such a situation of hatred is established, it would be
even worse for the converts because people hate more their own nationals
who change religion since it is illogical for them that an Italian or a
European changes; whereas, it is logical for them that an Arab, Indian, or
Pakistani is Muslim. Therefore, I fear that in a future, which may be not so
close, we could see an open anti-Islamic man infestation developing in
religion of the right path. I made a great effort to understand its principles
and teachings. I found in it what I was looking for, and I consider myself to
be born again. Moreover, I do not feel sorry for the pleasures my new
Islamic belief has made unlawful. Anyway, I am convinced that all what
Islam bans is but evil and bad, and all that Islam allows would raise my
worth in this life and in the Hereafter.
for work or study or whatever reason not to abandon their example. Their
behavior with non-Muslims is important, and too often what the nonMuslim sees of their actions is taken as Islamic behavior which is a
deception and misleading to the non-Muslims.
Doctrine for the Christian, as it was for myself, may be the greatest
reason for conversion to Islam. I would encourage any Christian to really
study well the doctrine of Christianity. I believe true study of Christianity
will lead one to Islam because of the many errors in logic and reasoning
found therein. There are books available to give to them regarding
misconceptions in the Bible, but point to even passages in the Bible itself
proclaiming Prophet Muhammad (P .B.U.H.) as the final Messenger.
I truly appreciated and continue to appreciate the many fine Islamic
books which have been translated into English. In the U.S.A., the Iranian
foundations were most helpful in supplying these for my children and me.
readiness to apologize to them and explain the situation. He went inside and
came with the husband who was still angry. He said: You have humiliated
us. How could you refuse shaking my wifes hand? Are not we clean
enough? I said: Please, do call your wife; I want to apologize to her. He
went, and she came with him, still vexed. She said: Am I dirty? Suppose I
were, is it a matter of good behavior not to shake my hand while you are my
guest? Are you such a fanatic to consider us filthy or infidels?
I said: It is nothing to do with filth or infidelity. I shook your husbands
hand just few minutes before you came to join us.
What is it then? she asked.
I thought that the best means of defense is to attack. Seeking Allahs
help, I said: I used to think that the Europeans are objective and discuss
the matters objectively. No doubt, scientific progress affects the social
behavior, especially of those highly educated individuals. You could have
taken the matter easy and asked about the reasons for my behavior. Instead,
your reaction was quite strange vis--vis such simple matters. I think the
concept of civilized or uncivilized has nothing to do with the educated or the
uneducated, poverty or wealth, and the developing or the developed
They said nothing, and I added: Dr. Bernard, whose beautiful villa is
this? He said, My wifes and mine.
I said: What would you say if I seized a part of it to be my own? Would
you agree on no conditions?
He said: It is nonsense! Why should I agree?
I said: If it were the jungle law, I could do it at my will. Yet, there are
laws that regulate the social relations.
He asked: What do you intend to say?
I said: You dont agree at my sharing with you your property. Could you
agree at sharing with you your wife?
She is beautiful; every man wants to kiss her or shake her hand. Even I
would do it if my instincts were not controlled. However, I act through laws
decreed by my Lord, the Creator of all. It is a matter of religious
instructions and Islamic behavior.
Have you ever been to a jewelers shop? Have you seen precious stones
thrown here and there? Can everyone touch them? Are not they kept in a
safe place where no one can get them? We, Muslims, consider woman as a
precious stone. Not everyone can touch or enjoy her beauty. We dont allow
one to degrade her or damage her chastity. It is not the same as in your
country where woman has lost her female nature and become a commodity,
a plaything for all vices and indecencies. She is no more considered a
human being. All your feminist organizations are means to cover the
womans exploitation. They still listened attentively without interrupting
me. I continued, You see how corruption spreads at large and family
relations are discarded. It is the result of the freedom of no limits. It starts
with shaking hands to end in an intimate love affair. Dont you feel it is an
odd situation? You do! But you are afraid of saying your opinions, lest you
may be labeled as reactionaries. You stick to such trifles which are the real
backwardness. In such an atmosphere, every woman will look for a lover
Antoine Jaja:
The Bible Calls to Islam
Jaja (Mustafa) is a graduate from a French University. He is from the city
of Bshirry (Lebanon). He is a Christian who converted to Islam. He read the
Old Testament and the new one, and after reading The Holy Quran, he
became a Muslim enjoying spiritual tranquility and rest, though his kin and
kith turned away from him. A local newspaper interviewed him recently.
The Holy Quran says: {And those who believe and their hearts are set at
rest by Gods remembrance; certainly by Gods remembrance are the
hearts set at rest.} [Al-Rad:28].
Islam is different from other religions in such features in addition to its
demand of one to seek knowledge. Moreover, Islam does not stifle the
natural instincts of the human being. We are today at the age of stirred
instincts through media propaganda. Islam is moderate; it does not suppress
the instincts. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) says: The believer who lives amid
others and is patient at hardship is better than he who isolates himself and
is impatient. In Islam there is not monasticism that suppresses the instincts
Allah created in men to survive the species reproduction. Tribes and nations
are created to know each other. The Holy Quran says: {O you people,
surely We have created you of a male and female and made you in nations
and tribes that you may recognize each other; surely the most honored of
you to Allah is the one of you who guards (against evil) the most, Allah is
All- Knowing All-Aware} [Al-Hujurat: 13].
about how to spend the evening and where. The companys profits increase.
In the West, nothing is encouraged if it is not profitable. As a result,
immorality and deviation spread, families break down, and children suffer
psychological damage. Women also suffer. This is the result of the media
campaigns which dont differentiate between reasonable freedom and
interference in ones obligation...
In regard to a Muslim woman wherever she lives, she suffers hardships
in her community. Even those who agree with her decent (Islamic) clothes
(hijab) find it difficult to have her at work. She faces difficulties in bringing
up her children in an environment where the schools (usually with secularist
curriculums), the T.V. programs, and the media teach them something in
contrast with their belief. Hence the Muslim mother must be aware of
Islamic ethics (ideology) and must know that which is forbidden and that
which is not forbidden.
knowledge, how could he not know that Abou Bakr, Omar, and Othman
were the best men for the job of caliphate after the Prophets (P) death?
Once again I realized that I had to change tack, and once again I was
worried in case the people around me would take it badly. But my fears
were unfounded as the Sunnis in my community who were on the whole
very good and serious Muslims accepted my change of opinion and
direction in a brotherly way. They tried to convince me that I was wrong at
the beginning (the imam even spent ten weeks talking about the qualities of
the Prophets companions), but when they saw that I had done a lot of
research they said Alhamdulillah you are Muslim. I continued going to the
same mosque until I eventually left again to work in Pakistan, and both my
Shiite Muslim brother and my first Muslim brother still treat me as if I were
their real brother, and they are both like brothers to each other.
I plan to tell my parents of my conversion to Islam when I get married in
the hope that this would be easier for them to accept on such an occasion.
Please say some prayers for my family as well as my new found brothers
and sisters in Islam.
Spanish Sister:
Yolanda Martin (Zeinab)
With Islam I got rid of the psychological and ideological unrest that
had haunted me.
I was guided and wore Hijab in a hostile milieu, never cared about
wealth or offensive remarks.
It is the journey from doubt to certainty, the journey of questions and
constant search for the truth, the goal of the wise who seek it everywhere. How
can the one who has a sound nature and an interrogative mind go astray?
Here is Sister Yolanda Martin driven by her questions to the land of Islam.
She has left her relatives and country to enjoy a life with her Muslim family in
her husbands homeland, Lebanon.
prophet just like the other prophets, and that he was not the son of God.
These questions and conclusions were the beginnings of my actual interest
in the issue of faith and the hereafter.
Then I worked as a nurse in a public hospital for ten years with no problem
worth mentioning.
Q. What are you doing now? Do you encourage nonMuslims to embrace Islam?
A. Currently I live in Lebanon with my husband and children, for it is
difficult to raise the children in a non-Islamic society because they spend
long time outside the house which makes them subject to being absorbed by
Spanish society that is hostile to Islam and because a human being always
tries to be like the group among which he lives in order to guarantee that
they accept him.
As for inviting people to Islam, this is the duty of every Muslim. I
reiterate, the best way to do this is by action not words.
schools and centers so that these children can be taught the teachings and
values of Islam besides academic courses.
Q. How did you embrace Islam? And what was the impact
of your embracing of Islam on your milieu?
A. My family of origin - my mother and my father - has had a hard time
still with accepting the change in me. They would be quite happy if I do not
cover my head, because then I would blend in with the rest of our society.
We are very distant, but they see the strength that this has brought me. I am
blessed Alhamdulillah to have a good job. I am an administrator at a large
child care center for the YMCA. I am free to cover my head and worship as
I please. They respect my faith and my observances. It has not always been
that way, but someone told me once if I have peace about what I do, so will
others. I have had more problems with Muslims who did not revert, judged
me harshly, and told me things that were wrong when I first reverted. There
is a lot of ugliness in people, and I had to learn to be more assertive in
questioning their statements and also to check on the validity of what they
were telling me. I sometimes think that those who were handed this faith
and this way of life - those who were set on this path at birth - dont
understand why we choose it, because they dont understand the beauty in it
or cant see the beauty in it and the way of life that the Holy Prophets, the
Imams (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) and The Holy
Quran call us to live.
later she got married to one of the Egyptian students. When my sister came
back to Sweden, I had lengthy discussions with her about Islam which made
me feel relieved and rekindled my thinking about religious and spiritual life.
This pushed me further to seek more knowledge about Islam. Then I had
meetings with some Muslim intellectuals who gave me clarifications and
supplied me with many books that gave me convincing answers about my
questions. And as such, I discovered that Islam is the religion of logic,
justice, and reason, the religion that maintains balance between reason and
sentiments and all other aspects of human life, and the religion that provides
man with happiness in this life and the Hereafter and secures him with
outstanding solutions.
which pressures and annoys me. The Muslim attire is a symbol for
abandoning the fake civilization in adornment and beautification.
Besides, the western society claims to be free and democratic; therefore,
I have the right to wear what I want.
I dont know why I had the feeling that there is one God, although the
atheistic teachings imposed by the educational system never acknowledged
this fact. Perhaps my grandmother had an influence in that readiness I had.
My father used to buy me books about the genesis of the world,
according to the Gospels; and I tended to ponder upon these issues. When I
was 16 or 17, I tried to fast according to the Orthodox (Christian) way that
is to abstain from meat and other animal products for 40 days.
swimming in. To me, it was like a symbol of the purity granted by Islam to
its followers. In Lebanon, I have benefited a great deal from a teacher who
taught me some Arabic, reciting the Holy Quran, and interpreting some
absurd empty programs, for a child will be the result of what he or she sees
and hears.
I believe officials and parents must impose censorship to bar some TV
programs and immoral commercials.
my decision, it was agreed that I should leave their house and live with my
husband. My mothers tears spoke better than any words.
My parents boycotted me for only two weeks after which they visited me
but without allowing me to visit them.
My mother-in-law knew about the marriage only when my husband had
to undergo a surgery. My husband told his family about our marriage to
preserve me and my right to inheritance in case he passed away.
My mother-in-law took me to their house for the first time. There I saw a
big library that had many books about science, literature, and Islamic
history. Although we stayed up for a long time, everyone woke up early for
the Morning Prayer.
How did the incident end? And what is the moral lesson in
The plane landed safely with Allahs mercy and due to the wisdom of the
skillful pilot. My objective of telling this story is to note how the atheist
who was with us sought refuge in Allah asking The Almighty to rescue him.
He did not seek assistance from the Gospels, but from The Quran. His pure
innate sense that he had been trying to kill with materialism popped out at
those difficult moments and forced him to seek refuge in Allah, The Only
The Holy Quran describes this type of human beings when it says, {And
if We make him taste mercy from Us, after a distress hath toucheth him,
certainly sayeth he: This is my due; and I deem not the Hour (of
Reckoning) would ever be established} [Fossilat. Verse 50].
When I was 15 years old, I started to search for the right religion.
Although I was a staunch Christian at the time, I always wanted to be on
the truth side. Hence I wanted to know other peoples beliefs. The religion
that was popular in South Africa, other than Christianity, was Islam.
Therefore, I decided to ask some questions pertaining to the Muslims Faith.
spiritual life and share their knowledge, provision, and blessings without
student, and self-analysis - was rolled up into a neat little package and
handed to me. I had never felt so much like I belonged to something and
that something was made for me. The Islamic concepts of God and angels,
its recognition of all holy books, its respect for other religions and policy of
tolerance for other religions, and many other truths rang true to me.
I went to my professor after the course was over and asked what I should
do. At that moment, she became the guiding light in my life that she remains
A few people questioned my conversion: they thought it too hasty and
not well thought out, but most expressed their apprehensions, however,
gently about the religion of Islam. The funny thing is that I didnt know
what they were talking about. Born in 1975, I wasnt exposed to the fame
Islam was subject to until the Gulf War. Even then I didnt understand
enough of what was going on to develop prejudices against Islam. What I
learned, I learned in my heart, and when I converted it was because my heart
was telling me to, not because it made sense in any other way, because in
the worldly sense, it didnt.
I know now that it was the greatest decision I have ever made - the first
one I made for my heart and soul. And I know now that I was right to do so
because the obstacles I might have expected to encounter early on this path
have not appeared for me. My family and friends have been beyond
supportive, and the Muslim community has been very open in welcoming
me. Alhamdulillah.
I was sitting in the college cafeteria and the student who later became my
husband was sitting close to me. It was a coincidence that we met in that
scientific atmosphere that was open to dialogue and questions.
When the waiter served food made of pork, Samih said he could not have
such food because it is Haram (prohibited) in Sharia and according to
medicine. Instead, he ordered Halal meat or a vegetarian meal. When he was
asked about that, he answered briefly. Here I intervened because I wanted to
know about that issue. He told me that that meat was not good for eating
according to the Sharia teachings and to medicine, for when Allah
prohibited eating it, that was due to His wisdom and benignancy. I accepted
his reply. When we met later, I ordered a Halal meal or, if that was not
available, a vegetarian one.
Afterwards, I started asking questions about the facts of this religion that
prohibited eating pork.
(Noor Al-Islam reporter drew Mrs. Hamdans attention to the fact that
pork was prohibited in Christianity as well, and Roman emperors used to
force some of the early Christians to eat it and threaten to kill them if they
did not.)
After that meeting, I was able to obtain a copy of The Holy Quran
interpreted into French by a Moroccan and a Frenchman; the translation was
not good. Today I have two other translations, one Saudi and the other
I met my husband in France but did not know the truth about Islam.
However, when I moved to Beirut my understanding of things became
deeper. When I had my children, they are five, the eldest, Shadi, wanted to
study Sharia at the Islamic University; he helped me understand the
principles and teachings of Islam. As soon as I arrived in Beirut, I started
performing the duties, such as praying and fasting, and Allah has presented
me with the gift of going to Hajj. I also accepted wearing Hijab, which I
preferred to maintaining my job as a teacher in a French school in Lebanon.
Therefore, as soon as I finished my contract with the French state, I
rendered my resignation to the College Protestants, because when hijab and
job conflicted, I preferred to quit the work and maintain hijab to be in
harmony with my principle and creed.
people neglect, but they perform things not related to religion thinking
- Those born as Muslims with creed and education: Those are the ones
who had studied Islam and are able to teach it to others. They have the
ability to persuade; however, they believe in Islam theoretically. Some of
them lie, cheat, dissemble, backbite, slander, act arrogantly, and do not
show tolerance.
- Muslims in birth, creed, education and action: These do exist, although
they are few. They spread in the earth a lovely air. When one sees them, one
smiles and is pleased. They are the ones described by the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)
when he says: The closest of you to me on Judgment Day are those with the
best ethics, those who smile and are kind to others. They are the humble
who like others and are liked by others. They are the ones who seek to live a
pure Islamic life throughout every moment of their days. They are tolerant
and humble, they assist others and are models to those who know them, and
they only say what is necessary for them to say; they live as strangers in
their communities.
Embracing Islam
When I was 35, I reached the turning point of my life, the moment of
decision-making. I was a major in the British forces, and I had a good
chance to be promoted as I was a graduate of the staff and command
college. However, I did not sleep comfortably. I always had strange
thoughts and concerns. I fought those fears until I took the tough decision,
following a long road of struggle with my self, and became Muslim in the
year 1963. I knew I might have to render my resignation from the British
I have had interest in religion since my early school days, when I was
raised to Protestantism. In school also I was driven by my needs and
experiences towards the Protestant Bishopric Church. Anyhow, my religious
interests weakened after I finished schooling because of my new military
During my service in the British Army in Malay, my interest in religion
was revived as I had good ties with the citizens and civilians there.
Consequently, I learned about and saw the way four faiths were practiced in
Malay: Christianity by the Europeans, Hinduism by the Indians, Buddhism
by the Chinese, and Islam by native Malays.
In the beginning, I took interest in all religions. I asked simple but deep
questions just to ease my curiosity. I then felt that I was attracted by Islam
and the secure tranquil life that Muslims led. I believe my actual interest in
Islam began when I first witnessed the Holy Month of Ramadan, when
Muslims fast all day long the entire month every year. I was touched by the
enthusiasm the Muslim Malays had about this month. I felt an urge to learn
more about this religion that orders its followers to be humble and to subdue
their bodies and needs. I wanted to draw a comparison between Islam and
Christianity, so I studied each of the two faiths thoroughly. Just like any
Christian, I had many questions about the clergymen. I had the chance to
notice the lives of many priests; I was upset because they would not answer
many of my questions. They insisted, though, that they could mediate
between me and God claiming that they could forgive and ease any sin on
His behalf. I have always felt that my faith is a personal matter between me
and my Creator. Once again, I sensed that if one believes in a faith, one
needs to live it, not to only be present in a church once a week. This is part
of the old problem: faith with no action.
When I visited Kuala Lumpur, the Malay capital, I went to libraries and
bought all the books I found about religion, especially the Islamic faith,
including a translated copy of The Holy Quran, Islams sacred book. I was
also sent books from England. I read them gluttonously at all the spare time
I had. Besides, I spent many hours discussing the issue of Islam with
I remained confused until two things became clear to me:
There is no way to doubt the Oneness of Allah; I felt this is what I could
believe in, for it was more logical than the Trinity principle.
Islam proposes a complete way of living. In Islam, it is not enough to be
faithful: you need to live Islam in every minute and every day of your life.
Contemplating the issue, I believed that if there was a god, he would
certainly guide any person whom he sees is really seeking the truth and that
there must be power in prayer. Therefore, I prayed enthusiastically seeking
guidance to the truth from Allah. Then I had a vision: I had a dream in
which thousands of people walked and trotted around the Kaaba. That was a
long time before I knew anything about the Hajj rituals and
circumambulating the Kaaba. Following that dream, many doubts were
My New Life
When it was time for me to leave the United Arab Emirates, I decided to
spend my vacation in Lebanon. For me as a Muslim, I wanted to learn all
that was possible about Islam, The Quran, Hadith, and Islamic Sharia
(Law). I knew that was difficult in Abu Dhabi, but in Lebanon there were
many Muslim Ulama from whom I could learn a lot. Then, in 1964, I was
able, Thank Allah, to go to Hajj.
Later in that year, a friend suggested that I marry a very good believer
young woman whose family he knew very well. I liked the young woman
very much, and we got married in 1966. We had a very happy life,
In 1967, I went to Hajj for the second time, this time accompanied by my
wife. Thank Allah; we had a baby-boy, Muhammad, in February 1969. We
thanked Allah for the precious gift.
I worked in Lebanon in clothing trade and in premises besides my
perseverance in learning about Islam. Of course, I also learned to speak
informal Arabic and was able to read The Holy Quran fluently.
From the very beginning, I was intrigued by silat and Islam and began
spending as much time as possible with my teacher. As my roommate and I
were equally passionate about silat, we would go to my teachers house and
soak up as much knowledge as we could from him. In fact, upon our
graduation from graduate school in the spring of 1998, upon his invitation,
we spent the entire summer living with him and his wife. As my learning in
silat increased, so did my learning about Islam, a religion that I had hardly
any knowledge of prior to my experience in silat.
What made my orientation to Islam so powerful was that as I was
learning about it, I was also living it. Because I studied at the home of my
teacher, being in the presence of devout Muslims allowed me to be
constantly surrounded by the sounds, sights and practices of Islam. For as
Islam is an entire lifestyle, when you are in an Islamic environment, you
cannot separate it from everyday life. Unlike Christianity, which tends
toward a separation between daily life and religion, Islam requires its
followers to integrate worship of Allah into everything we do. Thus, in
living with my teacher, I was immersed in the Islamic Religion and
experiencing first-hand how it can shape ones entire way of life.
In the beginning, Islam was so new, different, and powerful to me. It was
also very foreign in many ways and the amount of discipline it requires was
difficult to understand. At that time, I was so liberal in so many ways and
was used to shunning anything dogmatic or imposed, regardless of who
authored it! As time went on, however, and my understanding of Islam
grew, I began to slowly see that what seemed to be religious dogma was
really the lifestyle put forth to us by our Creator - or the Arabic term,
deen of Allah. This lifestyle, I would later learn, is the straight path to
true contentment, not just the sensual and superficial way of life that my
society and culture promote. I realized that the question is quite simple
actually. Who could possibly know better than the All-wise Creator, what is
the best way of life for human beings?
From the day of my first silat class in New York City to the day I took
my shahadda, July 30, 1999, I underwent a thorough self-examination that
was comprised of two major experiences. One was the process of
questioning the culture I was brought up in, and the second was struggling
to understand the true nature of God and the role of religion in my everyday
life. As for my culture, this one was not as difficult as most people would
think. For me, growing up in America and knowing no better, it took a
powerful experience, a gifted teacher, and the right knowledge to experience
truth. American culture is very powerful because it constantly bombards us
with sensual gratification. Unless we are removed from it, it is difficult to
see its limitations, which are based on worshipping and putting faith in
everything but God, the only One Who can provide us with real, lasting
support in our lives.
Being a social scientist by trade, much of my time is spent working on
and pondering over the ills and dilemmas of our society. As I learned more
about Islam, I came to the conclusion that societal ills are based primarily
on unhealthy, dysfunctional social behaviors. Since Islam is a lifestyle
focused totally on the most healthy, positive way of conducting our lives in
every setting, then it is, and will always be, the only true answer to any
societys social dilemmas. With this realization, not only did I decide that
Islam was relevant to my everyday life, but I began to understand why it is
so different from other religions. Only Islam provides knowledge and
guidance for every aspect of life. Only Islam provides a way to achieve
health and happiness in every dimension of life - physical, spiritual, mental,
financial, etc; only Islam provides us with a clear life goal and purpose; and
only Islam shows us how to live in and contribute to a community, not just
talk about it. Islam is what everyone needs, and what so many who have not
found it yet, are searching for. It is the path to purpose, meaning, health and
happiness. This is because it is the straight path to the source of all the
power we could ever need - Allah.
It was only until I actually became Muslim that I realized just how
encompassing our lifestyle truly is. Literally everything we are instructed to
do has one underlying purpose - to remember Allah. It just shows the
absolute and divine brilliance of the deen, in that there is a lifestyle that
can show you how to remember your Creator in as simple an act as greeting
someone, or getting dressed in the morning, or waking up from sleep. Islam
shows us that by constantly remembering Allah, everything we do becomes
focused on Him, and thus becomes an act of worship. From this, our energy,
our thoughts, and our actions all become redirected away from unhealthy
and useless causes and focused on the source of all goodness. Thus, we are
continuously tapping into His divine strength, mercy and grace. So, by
remembering Allah constantly, we become stronger, better, and healthier in
every aspect of our lives.
There were, and still are, aspects of Islam that have proven at least
somewhat difficult for me. Nevertheless, I thank Allah everyday for the ease
to which he has allowed me to make the necessary changes in my life so that
I can continue to live in America and still be, Inshallah, a good Muslim. As
a white, middle-class American, many of the cultural aspects of Islam are
quite different from what I, and those close to me throughout my life, have
been used to. In fact, when I finally broke the news to my family that I had
taken my shahadda and become Muslim, almost all of their questions and
concerns were related to cultural differences - marriage, social life, family,
etc. They were much less concerned about my general beliefs on God and
religious practice. For my family, friends, and co-workers, becoming
Muslim was not seen necessarily as a negative change, but it has required a
great deal of education for them about Islam. In fact, as with my own
education, this process of sharing the truth about Islam with them is neverending because there is no limit to how much knowledge we can acquire,
and it is the responsibility of every one of us to share whatever right
knowledge we have.
Because acquiring right knowledge is such a critical component to a
Muslims development, having a teacher who has taught me how to apply
Islam in everyday life has made all the difference for me and helped me in
managing whatever difficulties I have experienced from my reversion.
Having someone knowledgeable you can turn to whenever you have
questions is a wonderful support that every new shahadda should go out of
their way to find. Islam is not a religion that can be rationalized, in the way
that Christianity and Judaism have been over the ages. It is a clear path that
must be followed exactly as Allah laid for us through the life of our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), his companions, and the saints and scholars
of Islam.
In this day and age, in this society, discerning the path can often be
difficult, especially when we are constantly faced with questions and doubts
from people who on the surface may not be hostile to Islam, but whose
general lack of faith can have a harmful effect on someone who bases
everything they do on their love for Allah. It is also not easy being in an
environment where we are constantly bombarded with sensual temptations
which are seen as ordinary, common aspects of everyday life. But when we
have the support of a knowledgeable, experienced teacher, who is able to
apply the universal teachings of Islam to his life, then the truth becomes
clear from error, exactly how Allah (S.W.T.) describes in The Quran. From
this, we are able to understand how to apply Islam correctly to our own
lives, and thus receive Allahs many blessings. The ultimate test, however,
of anyone who claims to have true and right knowledge, is to look at how
they apply it in their own lives. If their actions support their teachings, then
and only then should we look to them for guidance.
My journey to Islam, although short, has been a life-altering experience.
It is one that, with every passing day, makes me more and more appreciative
and thankful to Almighty Allah. The extent of His mercy can only fully be
understood from the perspective of someone who prostrates themselves
regularly and submits their will to that of The Creator. This is what I strive
for through Islam, and what the ultimate jihad is. It is the struggle that we
must fight every moment of every day, but one that we love, because we
know who to turn to for support and who is helping us along.
I look back at my life prior to Islam and reflect on the different ways I
sought guidance. I think back to all the different ideas I once had of who
God really is and how we can become close to Him. I look back now and
smile and perhaps even shed a tear because now I know the truth. Through
Islam, I know why so many people who do not believe have so much fear
inside them. Life can be very scary without God. I know, because I once
harbored that same level of fear. Now, however, I have the ultimate selfhelp program. Its the self-help program without the self. Its the path that
puts everything in its proper place. Now, life makes sense. Now, life is
order. Now, I know why I am here, where I want to go, what I want my life
to be, how I want to live, and what is most important not just to me, but to
everyone. I only hope and pray that others who have not found the path yet,
can feel the same as I do. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen......
I could only stand with my head thrust into the hallway, staring at the
congregations backs. Holding palm-size prayer books, they cut an
impressive figure, tapping the texts on their breast-bones as they divined.
Little by little the movements grew erratic, like a mild, bobbing form of
rock and roll. I watched from the bathroom door until they were finished,
then slipped back down the aisle to my seat.
We landed together later that night in Brussels. Reboarding, I found a
discarded Yiddish newspaper on a food tray. When the plane took off for
Morocco, they were gone.
I do not mean to imply here that my life during this period conformed to
any grand design. In the beginning, around 1981, I was driven by curiosity
and an appetite for travel. My favorite place to go, when I had the money,
was Morocco. When I could not travel, there were books. This fascination
brought me into contact with a handful of writers driven to the exotic,
authors capable of sentences like this, by Freya Stark:
The perpetual charm of Arabia is that the traveler finds his level there
simply as a human being; the peoples directness, deadly to the sentimental
or the pedantic, like the less complicated virtues; and the pleasantness of
being liked for oneself might, I think, be added to the five reasons for travel
given me by Sayyed Abdulla, the watchmaker; to leave ones troubles
behind one; to earn a living; to acquire learning; to practice good manners;
and to meet honorable men.
I could not have drawn up a list of demands, but I had a fair idea of what
I was after. The religion I wanted should be to metaphysics as metaphysics
is to science. It would not be confined by a narrow rationalism or traffic in
mystery to please its priests. There would be no priests, no separation
between nature and things sacred. There would be no war with the flesh, if I
could help it. Sex would be natural, not the seat of a curse upon the species.
Finally, I did want a ritual component, daily routine to sharpen the senses
and discipline my mind. Above all, I wanted clarity and freedom. I did not
want to trade away reason simply to be saddled with a dogma.
The more I learned about Islam, the more it appeared to conform to what
I was after.
Most of the educated Westerners I knew around this time regarded any
strong religious climate with suspicion. They classified religion as political
manipulation, or they dismissed it as a medieval concept, projecting upon it
notions from their European past.
It was not hard to find a source for their opinions. A thousand years of
Western history had left us plenty of fine reasons to regret a path that led
through so much ignorance and slaughter. From the Childrens Crusade and
the Inquisition to the transmogrified faiths of Nazism and communism
during our century, whole countries have been exhausted by belief.
Nietzsches fear, that the modem nation-state would become a substitute
religion, had proved tragically accurate. Our century, it seemed to me, was
ending in an age beyond belief, which believers inhabited as much as
Regardless of church affiliation, secular humanism is the air westerners
breathe and the lens we gaze through. Like any world view, this outlook is
pervasive and transparent. It forms the basis of our broad identification with
democracy and with the pursuit of freedom in all its countless and beguiling
Immersed in our shared preoccupations, one may easily forget that other
ways of life exist on the same planet.
At the time of my trip, for instance, 650 million Muslims with a majority
representation in forty-four countries adhered to the formal teachings of
Islam. In addition, about 400 million more were living as minorities in
Europe, Asia and the Americas. Assisted by postcolonial economics, Islam
has become in a matter of thirty years a major faith in Western Europe. Of
the worlds great religions, Islam alone was adding to its fold.
My politicized friends were dismayed by my new interest. They all had
universally confused Islam with the machinations of half a dozen Middle
Eastern tyrants. The books they read, the new broadcasts they viewed
depicted the faith as a set of political functions. Almost nothing was said of
its spiritual practice. I liked to quote Mae West to them: Anytime you take
religion for a joke, the laughs on you.
Historically a Muslim sees Islam as the final, matured expression of an
original religion reaching back to Adam. It is as resolutely monotheistic as
Judaism, whose major Prophets Islam reveres as links in a progressive
chain, culminating in Jesus and Muhammad. Essentially a message of
renewal, Islam has done its part on the world stage to return the forgotten
taste of lifes lost sweetness to millions of people. Its book, The Quran,
caused Goethe to remark, You see, this teaching never fails; with all our
systems, we cannot go, and generally speaking no man can go, further.
Traditional Islam is expressed through the practice of five pillars.
Declaring ones faith, prayer, charity, and fasting are activities pursued
repeatedly throughout ones life. Conditions permitting, each Muslim is
additionally charged with undertaking a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a
lifetime. The Arabic term for this fifth rite is Hadj. Scholars relate the word
to the concept of kasd, aspiration, and to the notion of men and women as
travelers on earth. In Western religions, pilgrimage is a vestigial tradition, a
quaint, folkloric concept commonly reduced to metaphor. Among Muslims,
on the other hand, the Hadj embodies a vital experience for millions of new
pilgrims every year. In spite of the modem content of their lives, it remains
an act of obedience, a profession of belief, and the visible expression of a
spiritual community. For a majority of Muslims the Hadj is an ultimate goal,
the trip of a lifetime.
As a convert I felt obliged to go to Mecca. As an addict to travel, I could
not imagine a more compelling goal.
The annual, month-long fast of Ramadan precedes the Hadj by about one
hundred days. These two rites form a period of intensified awareness in
Muslim society. I wanted to put this period to use. I had read about Islam; I
had joined a Mosque near my home in California; I had started a practice.
Now I hoped to deepen what I was learning by submerging myself in a
religion where Islam infuses every aspect of existence.
I planned to begin in Morocco, because I knew that country well and
because it followed traditional Islam and was fairly stable. The last place I
Vietnamese Muslim
Shing Yu (Abdullah)
Tells the story of his conversion to Islam
The day I became Muslim was the most important day of my life.
I feel Allah is beside me all the time.
My ultimate hope is to have numerous people the world over,
particularly in Vietnam, understand the bright, beautiful qualities of the
right path of Islam.
I testify that there is no God, but Allah, I testify that Muhammad is the
Prophet of Allah. That is the Shahadeh I had pronounced from the bottom of
my heart in front of a crowded audience at a mosque in the Kingdom of
Belgium on the 19th of May, 2000, when I just reached the age of 26.
I was born and grew up in Hanoi, Vietnam. Thanks to the blessings of
Allah, I was allowed to come to Belgium in 1998 to study for the Master of
Science degree in Physical Land Resources.
When I was in Vietnam, I had a very vague concept of The Creator and
often felt very embarrassed to ask myself, Where do men and the universe
come from? At that time, The Lord or God, Adam and Eve for me were
simply the characters in childrens tales. I have also been told about Allah,
Muhammad, Quran and Muslims but I had never thought that these terms
are so closely related to each other.
Among my classmates in Belgium, some adopted Christianity while
some followed the religion of Islam. Many times, they have explained to me
about The Lord but I did not pay attention to it. On the contrary, I even
protested against it strongly. I thought to myself, Since they are highly
educated as such, why do they believe in the items of nonsense like that?
I still remember, when for the first time I saw from behind a Muslim
friend in the position of bowing down to pray, I thought he was looking for
an object falling on the floor! Later on, when I understood the truth, I was
very ashamed of my lack of knowledge.
When I was told that the Muslim population in the world are about one
billion three hundred million, making one Muslim in five people, I changed
from indifference to the attitude of curiosity and was moved to inquire about
My curiosity increased when I knew that The Holy Quran explained
clearly a number of scientific phenomena and stated about the Hereafter.
I knew, moreover, that there are also a number of Muslim communities
in Vietnam. This made me become even more eager to know thoroughly
about Islam - a religion that has many followers who adopted and complied
with a pure and respectable way of life. I thought there must be some
miracles that make Muslims acquire such a firm faith.
I started inquiring about this religion in September 1999. The more Ive
learnt, the more I appreciated Islam and realized that Muslims live very
sincerely and possess many qualities that make me respect them. The more I
extended the relations with Muslims, the more it confirmed my unshakeable
sentiment towards Islam.
Many times, I have asked myself whether The Lord would really exist.
How can we believe in Allah while we cannot see Him by our own eyes? In
spite of plenty of modern equipment, we are still not able to see The Lord. I
was thinking over this every day and night in order to look for an
appropriate answer for myself.
Later, I found out that although being unable to see The Lord, men can
still perceive His Existence from their heart. This is like when we see a
painting. We only feel the thoughts or theme of the painter in our mind but
we do not pick them up directly from the painting. Yet, if men can see and
recognize The Lord in person (like in bone and flesh), then is it true that The
Lord is similar to the creatures that He creates? No, and that is the essence
of Islam. The Lord is never represented for worship under the forms of
statues that are molded by men themselves.
In the process of inquiring about Islam, I have received that
encouragement, the whole-hearted assistance, and guidance of brothers and
sisters-in-Islam the world over, particularly the Vietnamese-speaking
I had the good blessing of obtaining a Vietnamese translation of The
Holy Quran in March. After reading The Holy Quran, I believed entirely
in Allah (Subhanahu wa TaAlaall glory be with the Highest Lord) as the
Creator and Lord of the universe.
The contents of The Quran are indeed the Words of Allah that were
revealed to Nabi Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).
I believe that Islam is the religion of Eternal Truth that is very close to
life. Ive decided to follow Islam and to become a Muslim without further
delay, not even for another minute or second.
The day I became Muslim was the most important day of my life. In my
life from now on, I may see the light of Truth of Islam thus ending the
period of darkness and ignorance. I feel peaceful and joyful since my mind
had a firm support. I am very honored and proud when I became a Muslim.
My person has undertaken major changes. Previously, I often drank alcohol
and beer during the time of joy and sadness. I lied without shame, and when
I did something, it was just for my own interest. I never thought of anything
good or bad, and I was very afraid of death! Now, I am completely different.
I feel Allah is beside me all the time; He sees me, listens to me, and knows
all my thoughts. This makes me become a good and pious person. Although
I feel very regretful for what I had wrongfully done previously, I still have a
peace of mind for, indeed, Allah is The Most Generous and The Most
I have an ultimate hope, that is, to do in such a way as to have numerous
people the world over, particularly in Vietnam, understand the bright,
beautiful qualities of the right path of Islam and to become Muslim the same
way as Allah has guided and directed me.
However, these books did not satisfy me; on the contrary, they increased
my uncertainty. Then my grandfather sensed my anxiety; he said he feared
that he had burdened me with more than I could take, but I asserted my
resolve and insistence to reach an answer that satisfied me. He looked at me
with pride and advised me to consult with other clerics and hold dialogues
with them perhaps I could get to a logical explanation of religion.
Indeed, my grandfathers advice paved the way to a splendid experience
in which I met clerics from other faiths, including some Muslims in
Hungary. I spent a long time holding dialogues with them and asking them
about their beliefs pertaining to The Lord, prophecy, prophets, and their
holy books. I noted and recorded the things that I saw as unique in their
answers. I later compared my notes with my creed about Divinity and
sought assistance from my grandfather who spared no effort in gathering
those scattered bits of information and comparing them with what is stated
in our Holy Book.
I was born in the Syrian town of Aleppo in 1942. I grew up there, and
when I reached the college level I moved to study in Lebanon at the
American University in Beirut from which I got my Masters degree in
Mathematics. Between 1962 and 1976, I taught in the Lebanese University,
Beirut College for Girls, the American University in Beirut, Jan American
and other schools.
In 1976, when the Lebanese civil war broke out, I immigrated with my
wife and children, who were then six and three years old, to Canada. I
worked in marketing machinery and then in the commerce of precious
stones. In 1982, I worked in real estate. Later, I taught mathematics to the
children of those whom I knew of the Arab and Armenian communities as a
In 1990, I came second in selling real estate in Canadas Hall of Fame
Remax, and fourth at the international level.
to embrace Islam and to translate The Holy Quran into the Armenian
How was this task, and how long did the translation take?
Of course it wasnt an easy task. I relied in my work in a balanced
fashion on the English translation of The Holy Quran and the Arabic
original one. I also used Assads book and A-Tabarais interpretation which
was quite useful, although I disagree with him on some points. I needed five
years to complete the translation, that is from May 1997 until April 2002.
You said that when you read The Holy Quran you realized beyond doubt
that it was a Divine word and not a human production. Can you tell us about
this certainty?
First, the miracle of The Holy Quran is that it is not restricted to a period
of time. Human beings are able to understand it and apply it now, after over
one thousand four hundred years since it was first revealed.
Second, any encyclopedia, even if it is made of thousands of pages, will
include defects. Whereas The Holy Quran, with its thirty chapters, answers
all the questions that may come to ones mind; its a complete and
comprehensive coverage of the human beings needs; it has no inadvertence
or negligence in any topic that is of interest to man be it in his or her
worldly life or what awaits them after death.
Third, the miracle of The Holy Quran lies also in the fact that the more
you read it, the more new things you discover in it. Even if you read it
hundreds of times, you will not be bored; this serves as categorical evidence
that it is Divine and that it was not written by a human being.
I am a Filipino; I was born in the capital Manila away from the Islamic
areas. I was born to a Catholic family. My father died when I was six years
old. My mother and brother sustained me. I finished school and got my BS
in Computer Sciences in 1984; then I worked in a travel agency. I used to
go to church and attended sessions of studying and analyzing the Bible. At
this time, I believed Muslims were bad people who did not know the Creator
and killed people and that we should guide them to Christianity.
I met my husband who was an Engineering student and taught him
English. A few months later, he proposed to me. I agreed to marry him
without knowing that he was Muslim, for I had never asked him about his
faith. I found out that he was Muslim when he told me he went to the
mosque for prayer. As for him, he never opposed my going to church and
practicing my Christian rituals. He was very high-minded and
As quoted in The Holy Quran, {All praise and thanks be to Allah, who
guided us to this and never could we have found guidance, were it not that
Allah had guided us}. (7:43)
Truly thanks and praise be to Allah (s.w.t.) alone, who guided me
towards His light from shear darkness. I was born in a Catholic family
where I was taught excellent morals and values. My siblings and I were
expected to attend church every Sunday, and believe me we would hear it
from my mother if we didnt! Going to church used to make me feel a sense
of peace, like I had achieved something good. Although I would hardly pay
attention I felt like I was pleasing God so that made me happy.
Growing up in an area where Muslims and Christians mixed, Islam was
not too foreign to me. Some Muslim friends I had explained to me their
views on God and Jesus and how they differ to what I was taught. I didnt
think much into it at that time as I was still immature and wanted to live my
life the way it was.
Until one Sunday when I was at the age of 21 years. I attended church as
usual. I recall sitting there when the questions started hitting me! How is
God and Jesus the same person? One minute, Jesus is the son; the next, he is
God!? How did Jesus dying on the cross save me from hell when I still sin
everyday? All of a sudden, all of this didnt make any sense to me. Why
havent I asked myself these questions before? I just realized I was doing
what I was taught to do without thinking all my life, which is not my usual
character. At this point, I remembered what my Muslim friends had told me
about Islams views on Jesus and Mary. I started thinking about why God
divided us into different religions on earth. What was His plan? Why didnt
He make us all the same? It was then that I realized I had to find out about
different religions and see which one was correct.
During the mid semester break of my last year of university, I got a
temporary full time job as a secretary for 6 weeks. My job was not very
demanding, so I spent most of the day searching the Internet for answers to
my questions. I quickly discarded Judaism as correct as it does not believe
in Jesus or Mary, and I found that Islam acknowledges them and praises
Slowly my questions were being answered, and I was beginning to feel
satisfied and content with the principles of Islam. Everything had a perfect
explanation and a logical answer. I realized I couldnt deny the truth in front
of me, so I decided to embrace Islam.
That night I went home and said the Shahadda in my bedroom all alone.
This was the beginning of my secret life as a Muslim for the time being. I
grew more and more in love with Islam; I was learning new things every
day. I had confided in one Muslim friend only as I knew if my family found
out it will cause a major problem which I was not strong enough to deal
with yet. I was praying and fasting in my house without the knowledge of
my family. Only with Gods protection was I able to do that for 3 years.
In my quest for knowledge, I started searching for an Islamic center,
which could offer me more. I came across the Imam Hussein Centre, which
I can now truly say established a real foundation in my life. I owe many
thanks to this center and its principle, Sheik Mansour Leghaei, who became
my spiritual guide from this moment on and who guided me through the
struggles in my life. At this centre, I started to realize what Islam really is as
my knowledge and faith expanded beyond my expectations.
After my 4th practicing Ramadan, I decided to gradually break the news
to my mother, who at this stage was getting suspicious of my changes in
dress and attitude. She didnt know how to take the news, so she went to
others for help. This caused the whole family to get involved resulting in a
backlash against me. They told me I had to be Catholic and that I was being
brain-washed and all Muslims are bad. They had commanded me to throw
out all my long sleeve clothes, and if I wanted to go out anywhere it would
be supervised by a member of my family. The lock on my bedroom door
was removed, and at that point, I knew I could not stay there any longer, as I
was now unable to practice my religion.
The next day, I secretly grabbed some of my belongings and went off to
work as usual. I called my mother during the day and advised her that I
wanted to come home and be with her but everyone getting involved has
made it too difficult for me to live my life as I wanted. I explained to her
that I was living as a Muslim under her roof for the past 3 years, and it had
not affected anyone, so why should it now. But I knew nothing would be the
same again. My family members hold their traditions close and to my
extended family, it was as if I had betrayed them and went with the enemy.
I found a place to stay, but the hardest thing I had to do was living alone.
I knew my mother wanted me home so desperately but my brother would
not allow me to come home unless it was under his conditions. I knew I
could never abandon God or the path He has set out for me, so I just had to
resist my family although it was hurting me. My spiritual guide told me
something that very first day that stayed with me forever. He said, Hold
onto the firm hand of God, and you will be successful and win your family
back too one day. So I did just that; I struggled against my family for
almost a year on my own. I occasionally saw my Mother and sisters who
always spoke to me but had a hard time accepting and understanding my
conversion. This became more complicated when I decided to wear the
Hijab was always on the back of my mind, and I had felt guilty for some
time now for not wearing it. But living at my home with a Catholic family I
had no other choice at that point. But now that I had left home and all were
aware that I had embraced Islam, I felt I had no excuse in front of God
anymore. So with the help from my spiritual guide I decided to wear Hijab
and face the battle with my family.
This step caused a greater backlash within the family. They all of a
sudden didnt care that I was Muslim but just didnt want me to show it to
anyone! I didnt see my family for 3 months but had constant phone contact
with them. Most of the time, it was people calling and abusing me for being
selfish. No one could understand that I was not harming anyone if I was
practicing the laws of God and that we could all live peacefully together if
they would allow it. But the main problem was dealing with the wider
Catholic community and all the criticism my family had to face.
Even though this was the most depressing and lonely and hardest time of
my life, I felt so close to God. I was in constant communication with Him. I
felt most comfort in the dua book of Imam Zein Al-Aabideen The Psalms
of Islam. Each night I would read a dua from this book asking God to help
me through this hard time and never let me give up. From his beautiful
words and guidance, I feel a special connection with Imam Zein AlAabideen. I was mentally struggling as this issue did not change for a while
and neither did the situation with my family.
Until I met my husband and decided to get married, thats when things
started to improve. Up until this point my extended family constantly
pressured my mother to try and change my mind about Islam, as I was still
under her guardianship in their mind. Once I was married, that
expectation from my mother was lifted which relieved her tremendously.
My mother is now one of my strongest supporters and is seeing Islam
with a new light. I see my sisters frequently, although my 2 younger
brothers still do not want to speak to me and refuse to see me with hijab. I
only communicate with a handful of my extended family, as most are still
outraged at my conversion.
In my opinion, I did not lose anything as I made other family from the
Imam Hussein Islamic Centre and with my husband, which makes up for
As my spiritual guide advised me, I held to the strong hand of God and in
the end God increased my faith in Him and rewarded me.
Looking back at my years of hardship, I am so thankful to Allah for
putting me through this test, as it made me stronger as a person and
increased my faith in Him. Without trials there is no reward, and without
hardship we cannot elevate ourselves spiritually.
Warton Kirbassi
(Hussein Ithna Ashari):
Miracle of Imam Hussein (A.S.) and my readings have led me to
embrace Islam.
Warton Kirbassi is a western man as for birth, raising and way of thinking.
His heart and mind were touched by the lights of Islam; thus he was guided to
the Right Faith, went on deepening his knowledge about it, and started
inviting people to embrace it.
Another Journey
Warton did not stay in France for a long time as he signed in 1956 a oneyear contract with an airlines company in Mehrabad International Airport in
the Iranian capital, Tehran. He worked in the technical division.
When the contract period ended, Warton preferred to stay in Iran where
he spent three years working as a translator in different commercial
Warton Kirbassi spent his spare time in Iran in reading and studying the
Islamic faith in general and the Shia confession in particular. Furthermore,
he has read The Holy Quran several times to examine its treasures.
Providence Will
Providence has chosen that he sustain a fatal disease. As days passed, the
severity and pains of the illness increased, along with the suffering. In light
of the examinations he had, doctors decided that he must undergo surgery.
In spite of this he did not let despair control him; he kept hoping that he
would be cured.
Allah (Subhanahu wa ta ala) created human being with his free will to
be able to make his own decision and choose his own destiny; but I believe
that our path of life was planned even before our birth, and we - through our
choices - can make it worse or better.
Each human being also is born as a Muslim, and his parents choose his
religion and teach him their own tradition and customs.
I came from strong Polish Catholic family. We used to go to the church
every Sunday and celebrate holidays together. Since I remember I used to
join the prayers mostly as an obligation than a call of my heart even though
I didnt ask any questions or search for something deeper. It was enough, I
believed; I had some basic knowledge, I had good relation with my family,
and I enjoyed the life. I was a happy 25 years old girl.
Then I left my homeland and moved to Connecticut, USA. Here, for the
first time, I heard about Islam. It was year 2001 and I was working between
Muslim people. We started talking about our religious backgrounds, and I
was surprised that in Islam I could find things which I already knew - about
creation, prophets or even Mary and the birth of Jesus. I really enjoyed all
those conversations. At the beginning, I tried to convince them that my
religion is better but soon I realized that I cannot find any more arguments. I
needed knowledge so as to find the truth; I read a lot about comparing both
religions. At the beginning, I was really scared and confused. I didnt know
where I belong: I gave up my old practices including prayers and attending
church, and I couldnt find myself in Islam yet. I was stuck. I would like to
pray, and I didnt know how. My friend told me: Clear your heart, and ask
God in your own words to guide you and to show you the truth. And Allah
Subhanahu wa taala gave me the answer. I had a dream in which I heard
the most important words in Islam - la ilaha illa Allah [theres no god but
Allah]. At this time, I didnt know the exact meaning of those words, and
when I found out that they meant there is no god but Allah, I knew that I
was going in the good direction.
It took me one year to say shahadah [Testimony of Faith] because it was
hard to accept or understand some of the Islamic rules, especially hijab. I
was looking forward to change my life, but I was afraid of my parents and
other peoples reactions. Besides, I felt like I didnt have enough
knowledge, and I would like to prepare myself to be a Muslim. So, I learnt
how to pray and say the most important words in Arabic. I was fasting, and I
kept reading to know as much as possible. Practically, I was already a
Muslim. I just needed to say: Ashhadu anna la ilaha illa Allah wa ashhadu
anna Muhammadan Rasu-lul Allah. And I did Alhamdulillah. I chose the
I lived in Ohio in the US amidst a family that did not embrace any faith
or confession, for my parents did not affiliate themselves with Christianity
or other sects or faiths; they were, if you will, affiliated with a sect that
believed in general human values with which my family raised me and
taught me a lot of innate ethics.
They were honest and ideal in their marriage and worked with
seriousness and responsibility to secure an honorable living for us. Our
raising streamed from this spirit of family responsibility that meant that
every family member would have a role in life and good demeanor towards
others. Perhaps this method of living made us disregard the meaning of
religion in our conduct. This is why I did not grow up as Christian or Jewish
nor did I embrace any other faith. This phenomenon of irreligiousness is
quite familiar in the US, for many Americans live in line with this conduct
of general human values. I believe my grandfather was a mulatto; perhaps
this is why my parents adopted these principles.
My religious questioning began when I once went with my friends, out of
curiosity, to a church. Nevertheless, I then had a series of questions to which
I could not find convincing answers from them, especially when I asked
about the issues of Christs sonship, incarnation, and trinity. I could not
grasp how an absolute god could incarnate in a limited creature.
conclude that they result from one another. I felt that they had a special
harmony and one secret. Their source was completely different, but our
ignorance made us view them as though they came from nowhere and had
no meaning. Therefore, we neglected scrutinizing them while engaging
aimlessly in our absurd lives. Sometimes I wondered what if we were
having a big dream and would wake up to find a certain reality after which it
would be too late. This is what I found out later in the holy prophetic
Hadiths that talked about a decisive day in which the creatures stand before
a One God who has the conspicuous proof against them.
These anxious questions came in the context of a special situation that I
have witnessed in my city. There was a problem between a ranch owner and
the Muslim community that wanted to build a mosque in 1982-1983. I knew
that the owner was fabricating lies against the Muslims to accuse them of
damaging his property. When I was certain of what he had done, I contacted
the attorney, testified against the owner, and provided proof. The attorney,
then, asked me, Are you a Muslim? and I said I was not. Then what
makes you shoulder this responsibility? he asked. I dont intend to have a
problem with him, I replied, I just want the truth. Therefore, the
members of the Muslim community got their rights, thanks to the united
efforts by some good people.
Later, they invited me to visit them so that they could express their
appreciation and gratitude. When I answered their invitation and went into
one of their houses, what drew my attention was their strange outfit, which
was different from what I used to see, besides their different moral behavior
as they hosted me, their willingness to be hospitable, and the way their
young respected the old.
I remember that one of them said to me, You have done a lot for us,
what can we do for you? I did nothing, I replied, This is what my
conscience told me to do. I felt as though words were stumbling in my
mouth, but sensed that this was meant to remind me of something; perhaps
that was the innate nature within me. I felt as if I have found something
linking me to the Muslims World, as I had been looking for a meaning of
this life - a meaning that I was sure was there somewhere. I want to know
you more, I was quick to add. On the following day, they presented me
with a book of interpretation of The Holy Quran and a carpet. I read the
book passionately and pondered upon its meanings for ten weeks. I referred
to some books for research and studies while filled with hope that Allah
would guide me to the right path.
I converted to Islam in an Islamic center on a Friday, the day on which
Muslims gather for prayers, and I declared the two testimonies (that there is
no God but Allah and that Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) is His servant and apostle)
before them. I remember that at that time tears poured out of my eyes, and I
did not know why. What a gift that was!
to stay away from the people of the worldly life and frivolity in line with the
Prophets (p.b.u.h.) recommendation as for choosing ones friends and the
way he (p.b.u.h.) mixed with people: He who mixes up with some people
for forty days will become just like them. Therefore, the gap between me
and non-Muslims began to widen; the change reached the way I clothed, ate,
and spent time: I no longer wore clothes for vainglory, but rather for
covering; I economized on food and living costs to get rid of profligacy; as
for staying up, I spent it either in worship or reading. This has been sort of
purge of what may have been stuck within me of the love of the worldly life
and its impermanent pleasures.
At this stage, I lived alone as my parents lived in another state 2000 km
away. I would have preferred to tell them directly about my conversion to
Islam when I visited them there, but a friend of mine had beaten me and told
them. I noticed sullenness on their faces. I quickly said, What is the
difference between what you raised me to do and the values of this religion?
I am now completing these values with piety for the sake of Allah. I
understood from their answers that they did not accept this sudden change
and regarded it as an offence against them. Therefore, the relation between
us worsened and was rather cut for several years during which my father
died; I attended his funeral. Then my mother passed away without telling
me that she had disinherited me. That was a shock to me. My distress,
nevertheless, was alleviated by a Muslim friend who reminded me that that
had been a trial to me from Allah Who is the real Inheritor of everything.
defensive method, and Islams war was a defensive one. It has never
occurred that Islam was the party to begin war.
In our call, we never need violence; we rather have to remove the veil
that does not allow the truth to get to the peoples hearts. We have to open
their eyes to see the tolerance and easiness of Islam through good manners
and tolerant behavior.
I would like to add something regarding the call of Muslims unto linking
to Islam as a method of life and conduct individually and collectively, not as
a sectarian identity with which they are born and imitate their parents in
formal affiliation. As far as I am concerned, I put myself amongst all
Muslims when it comes to the call to learn Islam.
I have already called my son who agreed with many of the ideas but
unfortunately did not embrace Islam. However, I succeeded in convincing
an American young woman, and she converted to Islam. I also convinced a
man, an attorney, who was looking for a way of life that gives life an ethical
meaning. I exerted efforts to explain to him the moral principles of Islam
and the way it views the afterlife and that the worldly existence is a crossing
stop to get there. After two months of dialogue, he embraced Islam along
with his daughter, and he told me that that was what he had been looking
Finding My Way....
Lynette Wehners conversion to Islam
Yusuf Abdullah
Since childhood and throughout my life, Allah, be He exalted, and
getting to the Right Faith have been my certain quest and persistent effort.
My long journey of looking for the Divine Truth that led me to Islam
and Ahlul-Baits (A.S.) School passed through in-depth intellectual diving
and practical observance of most of the known religions.
This is a precious story of conversion and being guided to the Great Islam,
enthusiastically and passionately told by the new Maltese educated Muslim,
Yusuf Abdullah (formerly Joseph Zammit), who spent his adolescence and
many of his years as an adult looking for the faith whose sound doctrine and
clear principles satisfied his restless ever-searching mind and the thirst of his
soul that yearned for the brilliant Divine lights.
Since childhood, I was gifted with the sincere love for God, and I was
very sensitive to spiritual / religious things. I used to re-tell the stories about
the saints to my mother while she was doing the housework. I spent my time
reading the life stories of saints and the prophets in Old Testament; as well I
was highly fascinated with Jesus (Peace be on him). In my late teens, about
17 years old, this childhood fascination took a drastic turn when a priest
gave me a copy of the Plain Truth Magazine. Curiously, I immediately
embarked on a correspondence course in Bible study.
Slowly but surely I was becoming aware of something beautiful in the
bible which was missing.
I could not accept the teachings of the church anymore as they did not
inspire me at all. I couldnt understand how and why our society is so antiChristian in its values. Religion was for inside the church only! On the other
hand, I wanted to seek the inner, true teachings of the prophets and of Jesus
(peace on them all) in particular. I started using the Psalms as my daily
prayers, and for the first time I got satisfaction and power from prayers so
much that tears would flow down my cheeks.
As my thirst and hunger increased, I started studying various mystical
paths, as well as psychology. I started reading Tibetan Buddhism, as well as
the Sufis who made a very good impression on me, but I brushed them aside
as being Muslims. I studied the Hindu mystics, the Upanishads, the
Bhagavad Gita, then on to the Theosophists, Buddhism, Zen and Tao yoga.
During these years, I used to correspond with initiates in these religions in
the UK.
Simultaneously, I started studying Gnosticism, and this reverted me back
to the Bible studies. I studied a lot of good books by Jewish scholars as well
as international Bible scholars about many contradictions in the Bible. Next
thing was that I contacted various Rosicrucian Orders and became a member
in a couple of them. The Rosicrucians claim to be Gnostic and freemasons,
and they promise the initiate to receive Cosmic Power etc. I was still going
back, every now and then, to Sufi philosophy and mysticism and still was
impressed and attracted by their simplicity and inner love for Allah. The
Sufis touched my heart as nothing else did. In 1986, I decided to cut off my
name and membership in the Catholic Church. I did this officially through
the legal methods available. This was one of the most challenging things I
did, Alhamdulillah.
In 1989, I made contact with an Indian Master of high standing and was
initiated. This Path is purely mystical and within the folds of the Sikh
religion. At last, I said this is it. I was initiated into it for 11 whole years
when I started to see similarities in the teachings to Sufi teachings, which I
kept interested in. This was very interesting, and I started to investigate the
issue further. I found out, to my amazement and satisfaction, that the Path
was influenced, way back in the 16th century, by Sufi teachings and
mysticism. Interest again flared up within me regarding the Sufis, and so I
decided to go back to the roots of it, therefore studying more deeply the Sufi
Way, which more and more was influencing me. The great obstacle was that
real Sufis were Muslims and worked within the Islamic religion. I found
many so called international Sufi orders which were neutral to religion but
these I wasnt attracted to. I kept on asking: Why do I have to be Muslim in
order to be a Sufi? To become a Muslim is considered as a big treason in
Catholic country like Malta. At this period in my life, I increased my
prayers fervently and the yearning within me exploded. To my amazement
and bewilderment, I found myself reading The Quran, the Holy scripture
that is obviously so close to what Jesus taught, as well as the Old Testament
Prophets, that I laughed at myself for having missed it (or bypassed it) in my
Reading The Holy Quran was the new pivot in my life. I started
exploring the Pillars of Islam and by the help and mercy of Allah I gathered
strength enough to embrace Islam on Laylat-ul-Qadr in year 2000. My
studies of Sufis became deeper and I made contact with a couple of Tariqas,
employing their daily wasifas and dhikr.
School. So, I advise anyone to keep himself/herself open to the Truth and
recommend their fate to God, be He exalted, for He is the One Who guides
and assists. We must have yearning and longing and be sincere in our
prayers, then Allah, with His grace and offering, will never let us down or
leave us in the abysses of doubt and straying.
When and how did it all start? Did it really start or was it
simply a spiritual awakening? A realization of the truth
which was always innate in me? Allah knows best.
My name is Nirvan. I was born in a mixed family: My father is Hindu
and my mother Muslim. As far as I can switch back to childhood, I
remember clearly that I have never received any religious education of any
kind. My father was not a religious Hindu, and my mother had relinquished
Islam. So I was brought up in a kind of void, which obviated the need for
spirituality. However, I am forever grateful to my parents for having
inculcated to me moral values and ethics which will forever guide my life.
My family though not religious always nurtured me in a disciplined
environment where obedience to parents, speaking the truth, abstaining from
stealing, serving mankind... were the cornerstone of our everyday lives.
With hindsight I now recall that in my adolescence, the conundrums of
existence flashed upon my mind. What is the purpose of life on earth? Is
death the end of everything? Does God exist? Something deep stirred in me,
goading my intellect towards a relentless quest for TRUTH. I needed clear,
comprehensive, and logical answers to all these questions troubling my
existence and puzzling my mind. The adventure, though an intricate maze of
theology, ancestral practices, philosophy...had begun.
Starting from atheism (which was quite natural as I had never been
introduced to religion), I made my way through Buddhism, Christianity,
Hinduism, but I would not find any spiritual gratification in any of them. I
had the inner feeling that TRUTH was out there, maybe right in front of my
eyes, but was still eluding me. At a certain point in time, I relinquished
further investigation, and desperation swayed me. I drowned myself in
Nietzsche, Sartre, Kant, Heidegger, Marx, Freud, Andre Gide, Krishnamurti
... How much more alluring did atheism look in my eyes! Quotes such as
God is dead, Religion is the opium of the masses, Religion stems from
inner fear of the patriarch in primitive societies. I lived and died with
Nietzsches books and Marilyn Mansons music. I even took to reading
The Satanic Bible, and I took interest in Wicca or paganism. This led me
to discover Norse mythology, Roman and Greek gods... but my thirst for
mysticism and ultimate truth was unabated.
Then the miracle happened! One Friday I decided to accompany my
Muslim friend to the Jummah prayer just for fun. It was never in my
intention to pray there as I was simply curious about Islams religious
practices - the only religion I had not delved into. So we listened to the
Khotba (speech of the Imam), and I did the namaz postures by imitating my
away but our friendship still endures. I moved again, this time to Minnesota.
I found a church, started volunteering and was happy in my beautiful home.
In 1997, I started having the feeling God had something He wanted me to
do, something specific beyond just obeying the laws of the church and the
laws of our country. I felt I had to start to learn to drive places on my own
so I drove to Omaha NE to work for a week. I went to confession at
Christmas time and told my priest about my feeling that I had a special
mission. I think he thought I was strange. Then in January 1998, my
husband died of a heart attack. He was only 46. I became very close to God
then, and it gave me a great deal of comfort.
I spent a great deal of time searching out what I should do with myself at
that time. I became very active in my church, helping with fundraising for a
school and being elected to the parish council. Through my church, I met
people from all over the world. I was able to visit India and Spain. In India,
I saw people of all religions living together in harmony.
In May of 2001, I finally decided to follow a call of God and begin
saying the Catholic rosary. I focused on praying for Peace in the world. For
many years, I felt a strong urge to work for Peace in the world. It seemed a
hopeless task.
For the next few years, I continued on with my life. I read about other
religions and continued with my volunteer activities. In 2003, I started to
attend a series of lectures about Islam at the mosque in Bloomington. After
the series was over, I started to attend a session at one of the sisters houses
but then I moved and was traveling so I stopped. I think I knew that I would
become a Muslim but I just did not want to give up and change. I did buy a
copy of The Holy Koran translated by Yusuf Ali, and I read it from cover to
cover. I read biographies of Mohammad and books about Islam. When my
dog died, I did not get another dog but got a cat instead as I knew most
Muslims thought dogs were unclean.
By now it was 2006, and I received more and more signs from Allah.
One time a friend and I were talking about the troubles in the Islamic world.
She said we Non-Muslims could not be the ones to bring peace to the
Islamic world. We agreed it had to come about through the Muslims
themselves. I knew that if I wanted to work for peace in the world I would
have to become a Muslim. My carnal self did not want to change. I ignored
further messages from Allah delivered by people in my Bible study group.
One lady kept telling all of us to submit to Gods will. Isnt that what Islam
is all about? Another one said: Choose a path and stick to it. Is not Islam the
Straight Path? I had tried for years to get something to tie me closer to the
Catholic Church. I applied for quite a few jobs at my parish but was not
found suitable. I know that Allah blocked my being hired so that I would be
free to join Islam. Still I fought Gods will. I never thought I was stubborn
but I am. I did not want to give up alcohol, pork, or practice the discipline of
daily prayers. I had many scarves and long skirts but I did not want to be
compelled to cover my hair.
Finally, when I was attending college classes I decided to give up
alcohol. When I was able to do that I knew I could do everything else. Even
so I still feared to take the step. Finally, I prayed to Allah to send me a
I was born in 1975 in a family whose members did not believe in Allah,
be He exalted. When I received my first communion, which represented my
entrance into Christianity, I did not get from them any opposition or
encouragement. I was young when I joined the religious education classes; I
was very enthusiastic and happy with the teachings I received, especially
when they were relevant to Christ (a.s.); it was somewhat superficial
information, but enough to nourish the dreams of a little 12-year-old priest. I
started reading the Old and New Testaments with relief. As I was advancing
in reading them, I noticed a huge gap between the Holy Books teachings
and the ecclesiastic lessons. I began to ask myself a lot of questions, such as
the prohibition of a priest from getting married, although marriage is a
blessed step that religion encourages, and the spread of icons and statues as
religious symbols even in churches, although this does not agree with what
is stated in the Holy Book. The too many questions and paradoxes made me
adhere to my faith while neglecting the church teachings. Thus, my relation
was directly with Allah; it did not go through a church, nor was it
determined by a religious authority. I have remained loyal to this line which
I had drawn when I was 15 years old.
I remember that when I was introduced to friends from Jehovah
Witnesses my argument with them was based on my belief in the Bible,
while their questions urged me to search in order to figure out the answers.
However, what I have learnt from my opponent is that reason is the way to
know Allah; and this is still the method I use in my religious life.
Furthermore, I greatly respected and admired the link I sensed the brothers
had among each other.
During my college years (I chose to study Psychology) I met a friend
who soon became like a brother to me. Besides living in the dormitory, we
also used to stay together at night exchanging points of view or having
philosophical chats that had no limits. My friend was a Muslim who fasted
the Month of Ramadan but nothing more. His internal faith resembled the
convictions I had developed about my God. As I lacked the information
about his religion (Islam), he once presented me with The Quran; he also
taught me how to perform wuduu as he explained that it was necessary to
have wuduu when I wanted to read The Quran. The Book remained on my
desk for months, and I did not open it. I felt that I was not fit for opening it.
Then my friend suddenly disappeared. Another coincidence had me meet a
Moroccan woman who invited me to attend religious sessions in the Month
of Ramadan. As the discussion was clearly about Islam, I began to ask my
questions and know more and more about the Islamic faith. I still remember
that the first time I heard about International Zionism I was more than 27
years old.
The journey for truth has begun. I dived into this vast knowledge to find
the answers that would heal my questions. I would just drown myself in
research and thinking one night after the other. As questions grew more and
more within me, I would extinguish them with knowledge and research. My
certainty that there is a religion that can answer all my questions,
aspirations, and thoughts was being affirmed day after day.
I knew that Islam was the last of the Divine Religions, and that Allah was
the Only Lord of all these religions. I believed in this and started to see
Islam as the concluding faith to those faiths. I had the courage to open The
Quran. The minute I started reading the verses, I was deeply attracted to it;
the more I read, the more attracted I became and wished to get to the last
pages. I understood that a Muslim believes in the existence of the Christ
(a.s.) as an honorable messenger. This fact about Jesus (a.s.) was identical to
the image I had drawn within me about him, the way I believed in him
innately. It just became clearer. I believed that Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) was
the final messenger. I saw myself as a spontaneous natural Muslim, so how
do I worship? I started to be friendly to one of my neighbors who was an
Alawite Syrian. We had a lot of discussions, and when things were too
difficult for him to answer, he would call his teacher in Syria. He talked to
me a lot about Imam Ali (a.s.), a personality that naturally attracted me;
nevertheless, my neighbors exaggerations were too obvious to me.
My reversion to Islam has had a great impact on those around me: my
friends and especially my university colleagues. One of them (who later
became my brother-in-law) used to come and talk to me about Islam. We
prayed together, and he would correct me if I had learned something wrong
besides explaining rulings to me. I followed the Jaafari School. We held in
my room sessions of dialogue and philosophical discussions that were
attended by many young men and women. There was my chance to meet my
wife who has been to me a Divine blessing that illuminates my path, for,
thanks to her, I have learned to memorize some Quran Surahs and to
perform prayers in Arabic.
Suddenly, my friend and brother who had disappeared and I missed for a
long time showed up again, but this time he has changed: he has become
religiously committed. He took me to the mosque for the first time and
explained to me the Jamaa Prayer rulings. He got married as well, and each
of us has had a daughter, and our families grow up in the light of Islam.
My God and Lord, to You I pray whenever I need anything and tell Him
my secrets privately wherever I wish. Praised You are for creating me,
raising me and giving me what I have. I praise You an endless praise. O
God Fill my heart with Love for You, Fear of You, Belief in You and Faith
in You.
sought goal and would not let it slip through his fingers. He listened to the
Khotba (sermon) that was about Islam. When the prayer was over, he said to
Mashurka, I want to become a Muslim. What do I have to do? You have
to utter the two testimonies, Mashurka told him, and then perform the
major ritual ablution. He did what he was told to do, and the worshippers
cried Allahu Akbar in joy over his conversion to Islam.
site for prayer in their neighborhood. Mohammed Essa currently teaches the
new Muslims Arabic, Quran reading and Islam teachings.
The call unto Islam became Mohammed Essas foremost activity; his
Tableegh (call) methods developed, for as he mastered Arabic and Spanish,
he embarked on translation since he had noticed the scarcity of Islamic
books in Spanish; thus, he worked as manager of the Spanish language
department in the International Islamic Book Publishing House. Up to now,
he has translated over seventy Islamic books from Arabic to Spanish.
Mohammed Essa pleads with everyone, governments and institutions, to
support Dawa and Tableegh in Argentina and Latin America. He hopes the
translation activity will increase to include all Islamic religious books. It is
not strange to hear the Argentinean Muslim Mohammed Essa blaming
Muslims for failure to introduce Islam as it ought to be introduced in Latin
America, for he has already seen the greatness of Islam and its usefulness in
achieving happiness for man nowadays. He believes Muslims underestimate
Islam. There are many Duat who travel to other places in the world,
whereas quite a few come to us to call unto Allah, he said, and this
saddens me a great deal, for people in Argentina accept Islam, but they
need those who can guide them to it.
A call to Muslims
In the end of our interview with him, he said, Sixty percent of the
Argentineans who have embraced Islam learned about Islam from the
internet. There are, furthermore, Spanish sites about Islam and Spanishlanguage chat forums. Therefore, I plead with the Arab Muslim youth to
learn Spanish and surf these sites in order to call unto Allah.
Please, take interest in the affairs of the new Muslims in Latin America,
and we welcome you all and would like to receive you in our homes, he
The year 1995 was that of shift in his religious convictions as he stopped
practicing his church rituals and started to study Islam.
However, reading the Russian translation by Agnani Krachovsky of The
Holy Quran tarnished its holy meanings, but after reading the modern
translation of Quran and Islamic books about Christ everything was clear. I
was also attending lectures about Islam and had therefore no doubts in
converting to Islam, he said.
No one knew about my conversion to Islam but two persons. This
decision threatened my life and that of my wife who converted to Islam
before me ... She announced the shahadatain (declaring that there is only
One God and Mohammed is His prophet), and I announced it for alMuslimoon (Muslims) newspaper. I changed my name to Ali and my wifes
to Alia.
In response to the western theories which argue that conflict among
religions and civilizations is inevitable, Polosin pointed out that he believed
Russia presented an exemplar of peaceful coexistence between Islam and
Christianity in spite of some historic eras in which the Russian state harmed
Muslims as was the case during the reign of Ivan the Terrible and others.
Polosin warned that there were foreign forces that sought to instigate
religious feuds in Russia in order to undermine the countrys national unity
and weaken the Russian State. He accused Zionism of aborting good
relations between Muslims and Christians in Russia.
He rejected the idea of linking Islam and terrorism.
How do they talk about Islamic fundamentalism and we all know that
Jewish fundamentalism, being within the ideological framework of Zionism,
created a state based on myths at the expense of another people? inquired
As for what he is doing to support Islam in Russia, Polosin said, The
urgent task in this regard is to present the true image of Islam to the
Russian citizens at all levels, including the states security, social, political
and economic bodies.
We are spreading the bright image of Islam, as a faith based on love
and peaceful coexistence, among Russian intellectuals. We have begun
publishing The Upright Path which includes articles presenting a modern
view of Islam in Russia besides the Muslims attitudes on the dilemmas and
problems that the Russian society is facing.
The former priest, a current advisor to the president of the Religious
Administration for Muslims in European Russia, said he is currently
working, along with a group of Russian Muslims on a social program for
Russian Muslims.
Spanish Brother
Yusuf Fernandez says:
I understood that Islam was what I had been waiting for a long time.
Islam appeared to be in my eyes a strong and clear way of life (not only a
religion) without inexplicable mysteries.
Before Islam, I was a nervous person who did not see the sense of my
existence and had a pessimistic view on life and the future. Now, I am a
quiet, active, and positive person.
In Spain, the Dawah perspectives are good although the work in this
field is clearly insufficient.
Yusuf Fernandez, another western Muslim brother, narrates the
interesting story of his conversion to the beautiful lights of Islam following a
long journey along the doctrines and ideologies prevalent in the western world
that did not convince or reassure him as for their soundness or goodness. He
has been generous enough to write the story of his embracing Islam to tell the
magazine readers and all those who are certain about the greatness of this
Right Religion.
Discovering Islam
In the Communist Party, I worked in the international relations field. I
started to take part in solidarity campaigns with the Palestinian people. In
1984, I became member of the Association of Friends of the Palestinian
People, which was based in Gijon. I began to read more about the history of
the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist oppression and became more
interested in this issue, especially because I hated to see how the
international community allowed the Zionists to carry out their criminal
activities without doing anything.
My first contacts with the Arab and Muslim worlds were also my first
contacts with Islam. In 1979, when I was 14 years old, I watched on TV the
fall of the Shahs regime and the creation of the Islamic Republic in Iran
under the slogan No East No West. I admired Iran as a country that did
not bow to Western pressure or threats like many other nations in the world.
Through the Association of Friendship with Palestine, I was able to get
some books on Islamic issues, and I wrote to the embassies of Islamic
countries demanding more information. The Embassy of the Islamic
Republic of Iran was one of the few ones which answered me. A Spanish
Muslim who worked there sent me some books and information about an
Islamic association which was mainly made up by Spanish converts.
By reading those books, I understood that Islam was what I had been
waiting for a long time. Islam appeared to be in my eyes a strong and clear
way of life (not only a religion) without inexplicable mysteries. It was an
easy way to reach God, whom I had never been able to communicate with
during my period as Catholic.
I phoned my new Muslim friends, and they invited me to visit them in
Madrid. I spent some days with them, and I discovered a new way of life
with different - and far more attractive - values: generosity, a healthy and
happy life, patience, steadfastness, and hospitality. On the second day, my
decision was already made: Islam had taken over my heart. On 21 June
1989, two weeks after the death of Imam Khomeini - a figure whose
example and thought had inspired me - I made the Shahada in a cafeteria
with two Spanish brothers and an exiled Iraqi.
From the beginning, I knew that I would face some difficulties. For
example, my links with my friends started to deteriorate because of their
way of life, especially drinking alcohol as a way of socializing, was
unacceptable for me. Moreover, my conversion to Islam made me a new and
weirder person for them. Some of them even thought I had joined a
damaging cult.
My family respected my decision especially because they saw many
wonderful changes in my new life. I did not drink alcohol, and my behavior
and attitude were very positive. Some of my relatives, however, did not like
seeing my photo or articles in the newspapers about my life as Muslim and
the Islamic associations in which I carried out my activities. Currently, I am
secretary of the Muslim Federation of Spain (the second Muslim Federation
in the country).
Islam has changed my life for good. Before, I was a nervous person who
did not see the sense of my existence and had a pessimistic view on life and
the future. Now, I am a quiet, active, and positive person who holds an
optimistic view of our life, which is only a small and short piece of
existence and the gate to the eternal life that God (Allah) has promised us.
Islam has helped increase my happiness in good times and has protected and
relieved me as an unshakeable shield in difficult times.
Islam has also taught me a sense of the value of things. Sometimes, when
I see people becoming outraged by unimportant petty things, I see clearly
that their life is empty and that they have not found the sense of their
existence. They keep themselves apart from the true happiness.
Islamic Dawa
About Islamic Dawa, I think that Muslims must use new modern
technologies, especially internet, to reach out the general population. Many
young people nowadays use the internet as their main source of information.
There have to be sites in different languages with attractive contents and
clear explanations. Up to now, people who become Muslims in the West
need to go through a long and difficult process to get accurate information
on Islamic issues. Most of them only find negative and false things, which
the enemies of Islam continue to spread.
In 2003, my Islamic Association held the first conference of Spanishspeaking Muslims, which many Muslims from countries such as Mexico,
Chile, Brazil, Argentine, Colombia, and Panama attended.
The Dawah work in Latin America is much easier than in Europe due to
the openness and character of the peoples of these countries, whose
importance is always increasing. In this sense, I propose that Islamic sites in
Spanish language be supported and more Dawah workers be sent to this
In Spain, the Dawah perspectives are good although the work in this field
is clearly insufficient. Unfortunately, some Muslims still stick to the wrong
approach of only-Mosques and are ready to give funds to build mosques,
but they do not support other tools that are even more important to reach out
the non-Muslim population (media, cultural centers etc). Up to now, there is
not a Muslim - written - newspaper in Spain.
Canadian Brother
Greg Sowden (Ali Mahdi)
My journey to Islam has not always been easy.
I am so thankful to God that I have found the true path.
My name is Greg Sowden. I converted to Islam from the Roman Catholic
Church on December 15, 2001 (Ramadan 29, 1422), when I was 16 years
old. I have chosen the Muslim name Ali Mahdi. Im 24 years old (born in
1985). I was a history major at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada and I hope to study at hawzah (seminary) in Iran in the near
future. My home-town is Port Dover, Ontario, Canada and I grew up on a
400-acre poultry/beef-cattle farm. I was raised as a practicing Roman
Catholic. Before I became Muslim, I went to church every week and never
questioned my beliefs. I would consider myself a devote Catholic when I
was growing up. Whenever I heard someone say something wrong about
Catholicism, I would try to prove them wrong, although I now realize my
knowledge was rather limited.
My mum is concerned that I am not following the right religion
anymore. From her comments, I think she misses me going to church with
the rest of our family, which I completely understand. She keeps telling me I
was happy with my religion before, so, she wonders, why did I change? I
wasnt looking into converting to Islam when I began researching it; I read
Islam out of pure interest. Learning about other peoples religions and
cultures has interested me since I was young. My paternal grandmas large
National Geographic magazine collection contained magazines going back
to the 1930s, and numerous issues dealt with Islam, which fascinated me. I
also began to read atlases which got me interested in geography and current
events. Living in a small town, I didnt know anyone from a non-Christian
background, which made me curious about the outside world.
In 2000, I began to look for people from different countries to talk to
online because of my fascination with learning about other people. On a pen
pal website, I met Yahya, a Shiah teenager from Kuwait. I began to ask him
questions about his religion because I didnt know a great deal about it. I
never thought about converting to Islam because I thought I was happy
being Catholic. When I started taking a course at high school called World
Religions, my interest was intensified. In my textbook, it had some
information about the position of Jesus in Islam as seen through The Quran.
I knew Jesus was a prophet in Islam, but not how important he was. Nor did
I know how his mother, Mary, was considered one of the four greatest
women in Islam! After school, I went home and researched the role of Jesus
in Islam on the internet. I also found a few books in my school library on
Islam in general. The role of Jesus in Islam was the proof I had that the
Christian view of Jesus divinity could not be correct. The Islamic belief
opened my mind to things that I had never thought about regarding
Christianity and Jesus in general. The more I learnt about Jesus and Islamic
beliefs the more I wanted to convert. The information I read convinced me
that Islam was the truth. The arguments were good, and there was even
proof of Muhammad and Islam in the Bible!
Sheikh Shafiq Huda. After that, we did Maghreb and lsha prayers. That was
the first time I have prayed with other Muslims, and it was a wonderful
experience. After that Hasnein introduced me to a few brothers, and we
talked for a few minutes, and we had a nice treat of ice cream and chocolate
bars. Then it was time to back to university. Sheikh Saleem Bhimji drove
me and Hasnein home and showed us the Halal restaurants and Muslim
places in town. I have become an active member of the community, and I
am currently serving as secretary of the Islamic Humanitarian Service, a
charity based in Kitchener. I thank God that the Kitchener-Waterloo Shiah
Muslim community has accepted me as a member of their community and
has done so much to help me.
My journey to Islam has not always been easy, and I have had to struggle
and make a lot of sacrifices along the way. I have often failed to live up to
my duties to God but I am so thankful to Him that I have found the true path
- Shiah Islam. I know that submitting to God through the example and
traditions of the Holy Family of the Prophet Muhammad is the purpose of
prayers. Shortly after that, I decided to eat only Halal meat. Being Shia, I
have had two sources of stress in my search for the truth. Firstly, my own
family was not supportive of my search, and secondly, the Sunni majority
also tends to disown those who are Shia. If the convert is in a town with a
strong Shia community, this is not a problem, but for me it was. Our town
was small, and our Shia community consisted of only about 7 families.
Alhamdulillah, though, those 7 families were wonderful living examples of
Islam, as I have said.
Little by little over the almost 10 years I have been Muslim, I have tried
to implement the teachings of Islam into my life. It has not always been
easy, as I am in a constant struggle with my nafs. It is truly the jihad alakbar, and one that I will struggle with the remainder of my life. We,
converts, have to remember that Islam was revealed to the people over the
space of 23 years not overnight. In our zeal to get it right, we often want
to do it all *now*. It is best if we take it slow, learning the significance of
each act of worship as we go. Then, we are more likely to understand and
less likely to turn back when things are difficult.
I thank Allah daily that I have been shown Islam, true and unadulterated,
and that I have been given this chance to serve my Lord in the best way
possible. I pray that I can only live up to the great responsibility that Allah
has given me, and that I will be among the first to be in support of Imam-eZamaan (A.S.) when he returns, Inshallah (May Allah Hasten His Return).
17 years old and very headstrong; I swore at my parents and said to them all
sorts of evil things, which I still regret to this day. I felt emboldened by my
new freedom, I felt released, and I could follow my desires as I saw fit. I
moved in with my friends and didnt speak to my parents for a long time
after that.
I was working and going to school when my roommates introduced me to
marijuana. I was in love with it after the first puff! I would smoke a bit
when I got home from work to relax and unwind. Soon though, I started to
smoke more and more, until during one weekend I had smoked so much,
that it was Monday morning and before I knew it, it was time for school. I
thought, well, Ill take one day of school off, and go the next day, since they
wont possibly miss me. I never returned to school after that. I finally
realized how good I had it. All the fast food I could steal and all the drugs I
could smoke; who needed school anyways?
I was living a great life, or so I thought; I became the resident bad boy
at work, and, consequently, the girls started to pay attention to me like they
hadnt in high school. I tried harder drugs, but Alhamdulillah, I was saved
from the really terrible stuff. The strange thing was when I wasnt high or
drunk I was miserable. I felt worthless and completely valueless. I was
stealing from work and from friends to help maintain the chemical haze. I
became paranoid of the people around me and imagined police officers were
chasing me around every corner. I was beginning to crack, and I needed a
solution, and I figured that religion would help me.
I remember seeing a movie about witchcraft, and I thought that would be
perfect for me. I bought a couple books on Wicca and Nature Worship and
found that they encouraged the use of natural drugs so I continued. People
would ask me if I believed in God, and we would have the strangest
conversations while under the influence, but I distinctly remember saying
that no, in fact I dont believe in God at all, I believe in many gods as
imperfect as me.
Through all this, there was one friend who stuck by me. He was a Born
Again Christian and was always preaching to me, even though I would
mock his faith at every opportunity. He was the only friend I had at the time
who didnt judge me. So when he invited me along to go to a youth
weekend camp, I decided to go along. I had no expectations. I thought I
would have a huge laugh making fun of all the Bible Thumpers. During
the second evening, they had a huge service in an auditorium. They played
all sorts of music which praised God. I watched as the young and old, male
and female cried out for forgiveness and shed tears over everything. I was
really moved, and I said a silent prayer along the lines of God! I know I
have been a horrible person, please help me, and forgive me and let me start
fresh. I felt a surge of emotion come over me, and I felt tears roll down my
cheek. I decided at that moment to embrace Jesus Christ as my personal
Lord and Savior. I raised my hands in the air and started dancing around
(yes, dancing!) All the Christians around me were staring at me in stunned
silence; the guy who mocked them and told them how stupid they were for
believing in God was dancing and praising God!
the Church as my faith ebbed away. It was at this time that my best friend,
the Christian man who had helped me come to Christ, along with another
close friend of mine, raped my girlfriend who I had been with for two years.
I was in the other room too drunk to know what was happening and unable
to stop anything. A couple of weeks later, it was revealed that the man who
ran the youth house had molested one of the boys that I was friends with.
My world was shattered! I had been betrayed by so many of my friends,
people who were supposed to be close to God and working towards
Paradise. I had nothing left to give; I was empty again. I walked around as
before, blindly and without direction, just working and sleeping and
partying. My girlfriend and I broke up soon afterwards. My guilt, rage and
sadness encompassed my entire being. How could my Creator allow such a
thing to happen to me? How selfish was I!
A little while after, my manager at work told me that a Moslem would
be working with us, he was really religious, and we should try to be decent
around him. The minute this Moslem came in, he started Dawah. He
wasted no time in telling us all about Islam, and everyone told him they
didnt want to hear anything about Islam, other than me! My soul was
crying out, and even my stubbornness could not squelch the cries. We
started working together and discussing our respective beliefs. I had given
up on Christianity completely, but when he started asking me questions, my
faith surged, and I felt I was a Crusader defending the Faith from this evil
The fact of the matter was that this particular Moslem wasnt evil like I
had been told. In fact, he was better than me. He didnt swear; he never got
angry and was always calm, kind, and respectful. I was truly impressed and
decided that he would make an excellent Christian. We went back and forth
asking things about each others religions, but after a time I felt myself
getting more and more defensive. At one point, I became very angry... Here
I was trying to convince him of the truth of Christianity, and I felt it was he
who was on the truth! I started to feel more and more confused and didnt
know what to do. All I knew was that I had to increase my faith, so I jumped
in my car and roared off to The Well. I was convinced that if I could only
pray there again, I could get the feeling back and the strong faith and then I
could convert the Muslim. I eventually got there, after speeding the entire
way, and found it was closed! No one was in sight; I frantically looked
around for another similar event so I could charge up but found nothing.
Dejected, I returned home.
I started to realize that I was being pushed in a certain direction, so I
prayed over and over to my Creator to surrender my will to His. I felt that
my prayer was being answered; I went home and laid in bed, and at that
moment I realized that I needed to pray like never before. I sat up in bed and
cried, Jesus, God, Buddha, whoever You are, please, please guide me, I
need You! I have done so much evil in my life, and I need Your help. If
Christianity is the correct way then make me strong, and if it is Islam, then
bring me to it! I stopped praying, and the tears went away, and deep within
my soul I felt calm, I knew what the answer was. I went to work the next
day and said to the Muslim brother how do I say hi to you? He asked me
them for a few hours of their nights or days, while spending the rest of their
lives isolated from others in a room or an apartment.
I met Muslims estranged from their religion and Islam, I would not have
had confidence in Islam.
The Islamic Center receives more than 30,000 Austrian citizens per year
who wish to become familiar with Islam without an intermediary, and most
of these individuals are university and school students. The center sets the
suitable appointments for receiving them. The Center will also organize this
coming March an open mosque week during which guests will be welcomed
by the Center amidst an Islamic atmosphere in which they get to know how
Muslims pray. There will also be tours inside the Center, and prayers will
take place under leadership of cadres who are qualified in their language and
Entering a Mosque
Fatima recounts her recollections and says, I went out one day to one of
Londons major recreational parks. On my way, I passed by a big mosque,
so I entered it. I found an old man with a long white beard. He welcomed
me very much and asked me very politely to wear the hijab (covering) out of
respect for the mosque. I found no objection within me. Then I entered with
the old man who sat with me and gave me a copy of The Holy Quran as a
gift in addition to books in English which explain Islamic concepts. I came
out of the mosque with joy and comfort filling my heart. I started reading
the books during periods with intervals. I started attending weekly held
seminars inside the mosque which helped me understand Islams lofty
meanings, and that it puts forth a program for the Muslim individual to
follow during his lifetime and even after his death. What attracted my
attention in Islam is the Muslim individuals belief in all prophets and
messengers from the first prophet, who is Adam, peace with him, and even
Jesus, peace with him. Also I was attracted by the direct relationship
between a Muslim and his God without a middleman. I kept struggling
inside me for two years torn between my love and strong desire to embrace
Islam and fear of my family and its rejection if I publicly declare my
acceptance of Islam.
Suddenly, however, when I was attending a lecture inside the mosque, I
stood before the imam and declared my desire to embrace Islam and wear
the hijab. His happiness was great and mine greater because I now am a
Muslim, and I wear the hijab.
Satan Insinuates
As is the case with any other human being, Satan tried to penetrate
inside my heart and mind more than once to make me revert from Islam.
Mexico is a hot country, and wearing the scarf in it is difficult due to the
high temperature. Satan kept trying to enter by insinuating to me that if I
took off the scarf because of the hot weather, nothing would happen, and
there was nobody looking over my shoulders. But I kept seeking refuge with
Allah from Satan, reciting the two Quranic Chapters that protect from Satan
and seeking Allahs forgiveness a great deal.
more receptive of the way I looked in the hijab, and he always kept talking
to me and visiting me.
Thanks to Allah
Fatima concludes saying, I praise Allah, The Most Exalted, The Most
Great, for the blessing of Islam which opened my heart and mind, filling my
senses with guidance and love. I praise Allah, Glory and Exaltation belongs
to Him, because He chose me to get out of the dark into the light. Islam is
the religion of peace, love, solidarity and tolerance. It respects all divinely
revealed religions. I learned from it self-confidence, self-pride, and that the
most Praised and Exalted One is near; He answers the plea.
[My Son (Waladi) magazine, Vol. 64, Muharam 1424 A.H.]
Danish Muslim:
Abdul Wahid
The heart of a Danish rock singer, who now calls himself Abdul-Wahid,
inclined by instinct towards Islam; so he traveled to more than one Arab
country looking for the faith till Allah guided him to declare his Islam.
{They have been guided to the path of the One Who is worthy of (all)
praise} (Quran, 22:24)
Peterson narrates the story of how he became a Muslim saying, I was a
young man with a good voice, and I worked as a singer moving between
restaurants and night clubs to sing. My utmost dream was to achieve fame.
But suddenly, without an arrangement, l felt that a call was coming from the
skies inviting me to become familiar with Allah and to follow His religion.
At that time, Peterson goes on, I did not know anything about Islam,
and it never entertained my mind. I was a Christian only by name, so I
decided to study different religions in order to find out the true one. I
actually became convinced that Islam is the only path to Allah: It is the
religion that addresses the mind and the heart simultaneously. All of this
happened around the year 1982.
Answering a question about how he became familiar with Islam,
especially since his country had only a small number of Muslims, he said, I
traveled to a number of Arab countries and mastered the Arabic language.
When I returned to Denmark, I decided to dedicate my life to invite others to
embrace Islam amidst a materialistic culture that recognizes nothing other
than materialism.
Peterson emphasizes that the main thing that makes him incline towards
Allah, The Most Exalted One and The Most Great, was that he was not
influenced by anything materialistic in order to embrace Islam; nobody
invited him to embrace this creed.
After having embraced Islam, Peterson became active in charity work by
overseeing a number of charitable projects in a group of poor countries such
as founding a school to educate boys and girls in Afghanistan. He now
presides over the Danish Muslim Aid Society which has participated in
rebuilding 500 homes in Kashmir destroyed by an earthquake.
Mosque Dream
About his dreams, he says, We only lack a big mosque that becomes a
place where the Muslims meet. Since I became a Muslim, I always dreamed
of building this mosque. We have actually obtained the necessary permits
from the Danish government, and we now only have to start implementing
this project after having collected the needed donations. So, it does not
make sense that Denmarks second religion should have no place of
According to Peterson, the early Muslims entered Denmark in the late
1960s and early 1970s, and they were laborers who were not basically
religious. Ultimately, Islam did not spread then. But the true Islamic
renaissance started at the end of the 1970s and early 1980s because of the
presence of Muslim immigrants and due to a number of Danish people
being interested in the Islamic Faith. Also, the September 11th incidents and
the crisis of the caricatures that were derogatory to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
increased the interest of the Danish people in this religion.
Regarding the reasons why many Westerners are now embracing Islam,
Peterson explains saying, People here in the West are drowned in
materialistic societies. Lately, they realized that no matter how many joys
and pleasures life may have, it will in the end disappear. From here, some
of them started searching for the spiritual aspects. Just as we have started
finding many atheists, we now find many of those who search for a religion
that grants them psychological peace. For this reason, I think that Islams
future in Europe in general is quite great because it is the only creed that
instills self-calm into everything.
The paradox here is that Denmark is regarded as the first country from
which campaigns were launched against Islam and the Holy Prophet,
Muhammad, through insulting caricatures drawn by some Danish
cartoonists. But these intense events prompted many Europeans to develop
an interest, research, and find out what Islam is and who this individual,
whose image many of those who are hostile to Islam try to distort, is. The
insulting caricatures made them desire to become familiar with this
personality whom we see as great while they are ignorant about it. This
became a cause either in their embracing Islam or evidence against them so
they will not say that they did not hear about it.
The Quran was pivotal for me. I first tried to approach it in anger, as
part of an attempt to prove my Muslim friend wrong. Later, I began reading
it with a more open mind.
The opening of Al-Fatiha, with its address to the whole of mankind,
psychologically stopped me in my tracks. It spoke of previous scriptures in a
way which I both recognized but also differed. It clarified many of the
doubts I had about Christianity. It made me an adult as I suddenly realized
that my destiny and my actions had consequences for which I alone would
be held responsible.
In a world governed by relativism, it outlined objective moral truths and
the foundation of morality. As someone whod always had a keen interest in
philosophy, The Quran felt like the culmination of all of this philosophical
cogitation. It combined Kant, Hume, Sartre and Aristotle. It somehow
managed to address and answer the deep philosophical questions posed over
centuries of human existence and answer its most fundamental one, why
are we here? In the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), I recognized a man
who was tasked with a momentous mission, like his predecessors, Moses
(p.b.u.h.), Jesus (p.b.u.h.) and Abraham (p.b.u.h.). I had to pick apart much
of the Orientalist libel surrounding him in order to obtain accurate
information, since the historical relativism which people apply to some
degree when studying other historical figures, is often completely absent, in
what is a clear attempt to disparage his person.
I think many of my close friends thought I was going through another
phase and would emerge from the other side unscathed, not realizing that
the change was much more profound. Some of my closest friends did their
best to support me and understand my decisions. I have remained very close
to some of my childhood friends and through them I recognize the
universality of the Divine message, as Gods values shine through in the
good deeds any human does, Muslim or not.
I have never seen my conversion as a reaction against, or an opposition
to my culture. In contrast, it was a validation of what Ive always thought
was praiseworthy, whilst being a guide for areas in need of improvement. I
also found many mosques not particularly welcoming and found the rules
and protocol confusing and stressful. I did not immediately identify with the
Muslim community. I found many things odd and many attitudes
perplexing. The attention given to the outward over the inward continues to
trouble me deeply.
There is a need for a confident, articulate British Muslim identity which
can contribute to the discussions of our time. Islam is not meant to be an
alien religion; we shouldnt feel like weve lost all trace of ourselves. Islam
is a validation of the good in us and a means to rectify the bad. Islam is
about always having balance, and I think the Prophets (p.b.u.h.) message
was fundamentally about having balance and equilibrium in all that we do.
The Prophets (p.b.u.h.) message was always that you repel bad with
good that you always respond to evil with good and always remember that
God loves justice so even when people are committing serious injustices
against you, you have a moral responsibility and a moral obligation in front
of God to always uphold justice and never yourself transgress those limits.
Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) said: Forgive him who wrongs you. Join
him who cuts you off. Do good to him who does evil to you, and speak the
truth even if it be against yourself.
Islams beauty really becomes to its own when it becomes manifest, and
it becomes manifest when you make it into a tool for the betterment of
society, human kind, and the world.
The ideal from an Islamic perspective is for ethics to become lived
ethics, to become an applied body of values, and not to remain,
unfortunately as it often is, cloistered in the mosque of somewhere which is
somehow divorced from reality.
Myriam Francois-Cerrah became popular when she was a child for acting
in the 90s hit film Sense and Sensibility. Now she is gaining more
popularity for being one of a growing number of educated middle class
female converts to Islam in Britain.
She has recently contributed to a series of videos on Islam produced in
the U.K. titled (Inspired by Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)).
Mattson embraced Islam during the last year of her university studies.
who had lost her husband and children and was expelled from her home
returned to give me the traditional Afghani wedding gown. The gift which I
received was the most exceptional than at any other time before. It was not
the outfit but the indication of pure sympathy that was one of the sweetest
fruits of true conviction.
Dr. Ingrid goes on to say, My husband used to tell me about the extent
of his admiration of a particular Muslim Afghani woman, referring to her
intelligence and generosity and how she was always keen about her tough
trips to the refugee camps and orphanages, providing the Afghans with
assistance and meals. When I finally met her, I found out that the woman
was covering her entire body from top to tiptoes in the traditional Islamic
garb. I realized with some amazement that my husband had never seen her
before, nor did he ever see her face, yet he knew her from her behavior the
impacts of which she had left on others.
From these stances, Ingrid started her journey to get to know Islam which
was concluded with her embracing Islam so she would thereafter set out
seeking knowledge then making her way in the field of Islamic Dawah.
Ingrid goes on to say, In the summer of 1987, I was riding the train out
to British Columbia to start a tree-planting job in the mountains. I had just
finished my undergraduate degree in philosophy and had only recently
begun my personal study of Islam. I came across Fazlur Rahman [alAnsari]s Islam in a bookstore a few days before my trip. Reading that book
as I traveled across the Canadian prairies, I made the decision to apply to
graduate school in Islamic Studies. His book sparked in me a keen desire to
study the classical heritage of Islamic theology and law. Going a step
further, I wrote a letter to Rahman (this was before we all used email)
describing my situation and inquiring if I might be able to study with him. I
dropped the letter in a post box somewhere in the Rockies and forgot about
it until I returned east in August. There I found a hand-written note from
him, inviting me to come to the University of Chicago to study with him.
Rahman died before I arrived in Chicago, but it was his book and his
encouragement that inspired me to start on the path to scholarship that I
have found so rewarding.
Her Contributions:
Ingrid established the first Islamic religious program in the United States.
In 2001, she was elected President of the Islamic Society of North America
(ISNA) which has about 20,000 members in the United States and Canada,
and as many as 350 mosques and Islamic centers are affiliated with it. Dr.
Mattson is regarded as the first woman to occupy this post in ISNAs
history. She tries to introduce the Islamic faith to the American people in a
better way in order to stop the growing of Islam-phobia attitudes. She calls
on the American news media, which has undertaken on its shoulders to
distort Islams image and spread fear of the Muslims, to be more precise and
objective in whatever it publishes and airs about Islam and Muslims.
Ingrid has said, We try to introduce ourselves because we are looked at,
as Muslim women, in a negative way, rejecting what is said about the tough
condition of woman in the Muslim society. Responding to fallacies of the
Pope of the Vatican, Benedictus XVI, which reflect obvious ignorance of
Islam, Ingrid says that she feels disappointed with the recent statements
of the Pope about Islam, jihad, and violence. She explains saying, The
obvious connection between Islam and a religion in the essence of which
violence is found is not true at all. If we start comparing between the
violence that was committed in the name of the Church and that committed
in the name of Islam, this comparison will take a great deal of time, a
reference to the Churchs Courts of Inquisition and Crusades.
Among what she stated to the press is this: Islam was not revealed only
to the black and brown people. Strange! When a Black American becomes
Muslim, they say that this is understood. But when I, the White American
woman, embrace it, they say that I committed apostasy, as if I have to
choose between my color and my religion of Islam.
Ingrid applied the same to the subject of hijab, regarding that there are
different views in this subject. Should women uncover her hair, face,
shoulders, arms or feet? She explained saying that hijab means covering.
The Sunnah says, A Muslim woman has to cover her body outside her
home. Ingrid says that the Western civilization has tried to establish that
seeing and touching are among means to getting to know the truth. This
manifested itself when they depicted their gods through sculpture and
painting. But the Islamic civilization does not accept optical representation
as a means to remember and honor Allah and to honor people. Knowing
Allah lies in contemplating on the greatness of His creation and creative
Instead of drawing Prophet Muhammad, we find the Prophets name
inscribed in mosques side by side with Allahs Attributes and verses of The
Holy Quran. The best visual representation of the Prophet and his Sunnah
is by keeping his traditions alive.
merged Islam into all of that? But let me ask you this:
Conversion means leaving something in favor of something
else, and the Holy Bible says specifically that you cannot
serve two masters; so, how do you explain your conversion to
Islam does not necessarily mean your abandonment and
desertion of your parents God? How do you answer that?
- Well, as I said before, my conversion to Islam is through my acceptance
of Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger, and Muhammad is the
continuation of these messengers; so, we have to accept this. Saying so, we
become Muslims, for Muhammads faith is the continuation of the path
which the followers of Judaism and of Christianity have undertaken. I
always emphasize that I believe in one God Who is the same God of the
Jews and of the Christians, and you choose how to worship that God. I, for
example, have chosen to serve Him by prostrating to Him. You know that
even in both Christian and Jewish religions, there are many sects and
churches for the same faith.
It seems that Seans conversion to Islam will be followed by the
conversion of the famous Irish Catholic actor Liam John Neeson. It seems
that this speeding wave of conversion to Islam in recent years comes as a
result of the fierce image which Western news media tries to market about
Muslims in the aftermath of the September 11 incidents and the successive
wars on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Neeson had stated to the British Sun newspaper that during his visit to
Turkey to shoot a film, the sound of the adhan five times in the day almost
drove him insane, but as time passed by, his soul became at ease with that
sound, causing in his depths a wonderful feeling, and he said that that
feeling was absolutely the most beautiful.
So, will Liam catch up with Sean? Islams gates are always open for
Diams said that by converting to Islam she gained comfort, adding that
stardom doesnt fit in with her life anymore, adding This has warmed my
heart, as I know now the purpose of my existence, and why am I here on
Discussing how her life was like before her conversion to Islam, Diams
said: I was very famous, and I had what every famous person looks for, but
I was always crying bitterly alone at home, and this is what none of my fans
had felt.
She added: I was heavily addicted to drugs, including hallucinating
narcotics and was admitted to mental asylum to recover, but this was in
vain until I heard one of my Muslim friends saying I am going to pray for a
while and will come back, so I told her that I want to pray as well.
Recalling that moment, Diams said: It was the first time that I touched
the floor with head, and I had a strong feeling that I have never experienced
before, and I believe now that kneeling in prayer shouldnt be done to
anyone but Allah.
and more, until you go down to your graves and he thought this was the
answer to what he had seen on the tube. Backers own encounters with
Muslims had some strange parallels to Asads.
Khan invited Backer to travel to the northern regions of Pakistan. Backer
was impressed by the hospitality of the village people she met who were
living with so little.
We passed many poor people who had a light in their eyes, she says.
When I returned I had an experience similar to Mohammad Asads. You
realize people are miserable because they cant get the latest Prada
handbag that has sold out. Or they havent got the right VIP all-access pass.
I was commuting between two worlds. I saw for myself the difference
between attitudes. OK, I will give you an example.
She recounts her experience on the flight back from Pakistan. Backer was
sitting next to a Pakistani man, and they began chatting. At the airport in
London, a whole tribe was waiting for him, she laughs, And he noticed I
was alone. So he suggested he and some of his family members take me
home first. This delayed the family visit by an hour or so. Unbelievable, I
didnt even know these people.
Shortly afterwards Backer went to Germany to participate in a major TV
event. The boss of my TV station asked my producers who were then
driving back to the hotel if he could get a lift, she says. In the car, they
debated among themselves briefly and concluded time is money - that would
be a ten-minute detour, so no, they couldnt give a lift. But it wasnt just
these contrasting experiences which drew her to Islam. For Backer the
attraction to the religion was on different levels. I saw so many people on
the team of Imran Khans cancer hospital, she says. They all donated
their time, money, and effort just to help build this hospital for the people of
Pakistan, where the poor would be treated free of charge. Pakistan never
had a cancer hospital, or indeed a health - care system - it was sad. Imran
built the first cancer hospital there with an army of volunteers, and I was
really touched by that. When I travelled through the Karakorum Mountains,
I saw very poor people who lived in little mud houses and slept above their
animals so that the heat rose and kept them warm. It was heartbreaking Id never seen anything like it. Yet, what touched me was their generosity.
When we got out of our jeep and visited the villages, the people offered us
whatever they had - almonds, apricots, walnuts - with a Bismillah, in the
name of God.
However inspired she may have been by the simple Muslim people she
encountered, her interest in Islam ended up costing Backer her job. In 1995,
she was celebrating the 100th episode of her show on Bravo TV. One
journalist had done his research really well and asked if she had already
converted for her friend. I said no, but that I was a Muslim at heart. I had
still not converted at that time. This little remark practically ended my
career. A negative media campaign followed. The press accused me of
having lost the plot, presenting my youth show from behind the burqa or
supporting terrorism. On top of all that, a week later, I lost my youth show.
It all happened at the same time. Unbelievable.
Prior to the press demonization, there hadnt been any problems with
Bravo TV. What can I say? she says. The contract was just signed. Then
they pretended the contract didnt exist. It practically finished my career.
Backer credits her faith for pulling her through all her professional
difficulties. I lost everything at the same time, she says, my job, my
relationship. But I had gained my faith, the most precious gift of all. I was
going to a certain mosque where there were a lot of spiritual people, Sufis.
They helped me see these difficulties from a higher perspective and
understand that there is some good even in suffering. If God loves you, He
afflicts you, a Hadith says. And who experienced the most difficulties? The
prophets. So I suppose anybody going through a difficult time is a good
sign, God loves you.
Backer believes there is a message in the book for people caught up in
todays materialistic lifestyle. A lot of young people want MTV,
entertainment, culture, she says. I had all that, and I can tell you it
doesnt bring lasting happiness. I would never want my old life back. That
emptiness I felt before I converted is now filled with meaning. I have a
focus, a purpose in my life, and that constant connection with God - an
anchor in heaven.
She also makes a distinction between religious practices and the culture,
which people often mix up. For a European, converting to Islam doesnt
mean wearing the abaya in London, she says. The abaya is a cultural
custom. We can wear our modest European clothes, pray, give charity and
abstain from alcohol - adhere to the principles but not necessarily take on
other cultural traits. I dont need to wear a shalwar kameez or an abaya,
although I have a few of each and enjoy wearing them when suitable. But
normally, in the West, I wear my European clothes. Basically I try to
practice Islam with my European understanding of things. Backer feels
certain essential values which can be characterized as European, such as a
respect for human rights and concern for the environment, are also Islamic
values. Yet these are missing in a lot of Muslim - majority countries.
Mohammad Asad, in the last century, said you find a lot of Islam in Europe
but few Muslims, yet you find a lot of Muslims in the East but very little true
Islam, she says.
Being a convert to Islam has its challenges, acknowledges Backer,
particularly with regard to finding a like-minded social circle. Even more of
a struggle for converts can be to locate a suitable marriage partner, as many
are stuck between two worlds. Backer herself is divorced and finds life at
times can get a bit lonely. Muslims are so keen on converting people to
Islam, she says. But I always say, what about the aftercare? That is when
the real work starts. Dont just think about converting someone and then
leaving them to their own devices. I am fortunate to have developed a good
network of friends in faith by now. Thank God. But how many Eids have I
not celebrated because I am on my own? And every Eid it is the same, going
to the mosque, and then it is business as usual for me, unfortunately. Unless
I am really lucky and someone invites me, but it doesnt always happen.
However, she is not alone in this experience. Often, on Eid, I end up
having dinner with one convert friend who also doesnt have a Muslim
family, she says. And on Christmas, we are both not really welcome
among our own families anymore because they think we have chosen
something else. Its the same in Ramadan. I dont have anyone to share
sahoor with in the morning or break my fast with - except of course when
invited for iftar. A degree of isolation is a part of being a convert or reverts,
although, of course, we are now always in the best company of all - God.
And it is the faith that pulls us through any challenge, although I have heard
of a number of new Muslims who gave up again because of a lack of support
from the Muslim community. Only yesterday, I met a lady who was a
practicing Muslim for ten years or so and then later became a Christian
Backer keeps busy with efforts to improve the public image of Islam in
Britain. She was one of the names behind an Inspired by [Prophet]
Mohammad [PBUH] campaign in London that aimed to present a positive
message of the religion by displaying adverts at bus stops, tube stations, and
cabs. Her picture was featured on the posters with the words, I believe in
protecting the environment, so did ([Prophet] Mohammad [PBUH]. The
campaign was positively received in the media. More recently, she was
interviewed by the BBC to talk about the controversy surrounding the antiIslam film Innocence of Muslims.
One of her concerns remains that a majority of people in the United
Kingdom draw their knowledge about Islam from what the media tells them.
People dont go into Islamic bookshops and buy books by Gai Eaton or
other scholars, she says, They just read the Daily Mail or watch TV and
then form their opinion on Islam. I believe its all about education. That is
why I usually do all these interviews. When The Sun calls, a lot of people
say, Oh, I dont want to speak to The Sun. I do it because even if I could
just get a drop of the truth into that ocean it could have a ripple effect.
blindly accept the religion that their society or parents follow. According to
The Quran, You worship besides Him not except [mere] names you have
named, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority...
(12:40). Regarding Fitrah [i.e., the inherent nature of man to worship Allah
prior to the corruption of his nature by external influences], Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, Every child is born on Al-Fitrah, and his
parents convert him to Judaism or Christianity or Magianism. As an animal
delivers a perfect baby animal, do you find it mutilated? Furthermore,
Allah says, so direct your face [i.e., self] toward the religion, inclining
toward truth. [Adhere to] the Fitrah of Allah upon which He has created
[all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah. That is the
correct religion, but most of the people do not know. (30:30) Moreover, I
learned there is no other religion acceptable to Allah besides Islam, as He
clearly states in The Quran: And whoever desires other than Islam as a
religion, never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be
among the losers. (3:85). I deduced that man might neglect the guidance of
Allah and establish his own standards of living. Ultimately, however, he
will discover it is only a mirage that deluded him.
A Traveler
As I continued to read The Quran and learn about the sayings and
doings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), I noticed Islam views man as a
traveler in this life, and the Home is in the next life for eternity. We are
here for a short period, and we cannot take anything with us from this life
except our belief in Allah and our deeds. Thus, man should be like a traveler
who passes through the land and does not become attached to it. As
travelers on this journey, we must understand that the meaning of being
alive is to be tested. Hence, there is suffering, joy, pain, and elation. These
tests of good and evil are intended to evoke our higher spiritual qualities.
Yet, we are incapable of benefiting from these tests unless we do our best,
have complete trust in Allah, and patiently accept what He has destined for
Overcoming an Obstacle
At this point, I felt about 80% sure I wanted to become a Muslim, but
something was holding me back. I was concerned about the reaction of my
family and friends if they knew that I had become a Muslim. Shortly
thereafter, I expressed this concern to a Muslim who told me that on
Judgment Day, no one will be able to help you, not your father, mother nor
any of your friends. Therefore, if you believe Islam is the true religion, you
should embrace it and live your life to please the One Who created you.
Thus, it became very lucid to me that we are all in the same boat; every soul
shall taste death, and then well be liable for our particular belief in Allah
and for our deeds.
A Meaningful Videotape
By this stage in my search for the truth, I was on the verge of embracing
Islam. I watched an Islamic lecture on videotape about the purpose of life.
The main theme of this lecture was that the purpose of life may be summed
up in one word, i.e., Islam (peaceful submission to the Will of Allah). An
additional point was that, unlike other religions or beliefs, the term Islam
is not associated with any particular person or place. Allah has named the
religion in the following Quranic verse: Indeed, the Religion in the sight of
Allah is Islam... (3:19) Anyone who embraces Islam is called Muslim
regardless of that persons race, sex or nationality. This is one of the reasons
why Islam is a universal religion. Prior to my search for the truth, I had
never seriously considered Islam as an option because of the constant
negative portrayal of Muslims in the media. Similarly, it was disclosed in
this videotape that although Islam is characterized by high moral standards,
not all Muslims uphold these standards. I learned the same can be said about
adherents of other religions. I finally understood that we cannot judge a
religion by the actions of its followers alone, as I had done, because all
humans are fallible. On that account, we should not judge Islam by the
actions of its proponents, but by its revelation (The Holy Quran) and the
Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The last point I picked up from
this lecture concerned the importance of gratitude. Allah mentions in The
Quran that we should be grateful for the fact that He created us: And Allah
has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and
He made for you hearing and vision and hearts [i.e., intellect] that perhaps
you would be grateful. (16:78) Allah Almighty has also cited gratitude
along with belief and has made it clear that He gains nothing from punishing
His people when they give thanks to Him and believe in Him. He says in
The Quran, What would Allah do with [i.e., gain from] your punishment if
you are grateful and believe? ... (4:147)
A Deceptive Enjoyment
Embracing Islam has given me more of an insight into the illusive nature
of this life. For instance, one basic object of Islam is the liberation of man.
This is why a Muslim calls himself Abdullah, the slave or servant of
Allah, because enslavement to Allah signifies liberation from all other forms
of servitude, and although modern man may think that he is liberated, he is
in fact a slave to his desires. He is generally deceived by this worldly life.
He is addicted to hoarding wealth, sex, violence, intoxicants, etc. But
above all, he is often seduced by the capitalist system that tends to work
through the invention of false needs, which he feels must be satisfied
instantly. As Allah says in the Quran, Have you seen the one who takes as
his god his own desire? Then would you be responsible for him? Or do you
think that most of them hear or reason? They are not except as cattle.
Rather, they are [even] more astray in [their] way. (25: 43-44)
Correspondingly, we should not let our zeal to enjoy the pleasures of this
fleeting life and jeopardize our opportunity to enjoy the ecstasy of Paradise.
As Allah says in The Quran, Beautified for people is the love of that which
they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine
branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly
life, but Allah has with Him the best return [i.e. Paradise]. Say, Shall I
inform you of something better than that? For those who fear Allah will be
in gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein
they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah...
(3:14-15) Therefore, the real competition in this life is not the accumulation
of wealth or the desire for fame; it is competing with one another to perform
good deeds to please Allah, while having our lawful portion of enjoyment in
this life.
Based on my search for the truth, I concluded that the precise way we
believe in Allah and the deeds we perform determine our future condition
for eternity. Our Creator is giving us all an equal chance, regardless of our
circumstances, to earn His pleasure in preparation for Judgment Day, as in
the following Quranic verses: And obey Allah and His Messenger that you
may obtain mercy. And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden
[i.e., Paradise] as wide as the Heavens and earth, prepared for the
righteous. (3:132-133) If we sincerely seek the truth of this life, which is
Islam (peaceful submission to the Will (of Allah), Allah will guide us there,
Insha Allah. He directs us to examine the life and the Sunnah of Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H), as he represents the best role model for mankind to
follow. Furthermore, Allah directs us to investigate and ponder what He
says in The Quran. One will see that The Quran is indeed like a persistent
and strong knocking on a door, or loud shouts seeking to awaken those who
are fast asleep because they are just completely absorbed by this life on
earth. The knocks and shouts appear one after the other: Wake up! Look
around you! Think! Reflect! Allah is there! There is planning, trial,
accountability, reckoning, reward, severe punishment, and lasting bliss!
Clearly and unequivocally, the best way to live and die in this world is as a
righteous Muslim! When one comes to the conclusion that Islam is the truth,
he should not delay in becoming a Muslim because he may die first, and
then it will be too late; A few months after embracing Islam, I found two
verses in The Quran that mirror what the American Muslim told me
Im a new Muslim
Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
There is nothing easier than converting to Islam: The moment one really
becomes aware personally that God is real and truly does exist and accepts
that the Arab Muhammad (peace be upon him) really was the last Prophet of
God as all the others named in the Bible, one has actually taken the first
This moment of dawning is called taqwa (God-consciousness), and ihsan
- awareness. Suddenly you know that God can see you and knows you, even
if you do not know or see Him.
The next step in becoming a Muslim is to make a clear statement of this
moment of faith, to declare shahadah: I bear witness. Then follows the
rest of your life.
Living as a Muslim
It is one thing to become a Muslim in the mind, but its quite another to
enter into the lifestyle or to become part of the local Muslim community.
For many female converts, this involves a great deal of determination and
confidence building. Not only do you have to face your own family and
friends who think you have gone mad, but as a woman you have to find the
courage to enter the mosque world, which may consist of scowling bearded
men who will not speak to you.
If youre a Muslim woman convert in those parts of the north of England
where mosques are heavily Asian in character, you have to learn a lot about
those Asian cultures, as well as about Islam.
Under the scowls you may meet shyness, gentleness, piety, genuine
friendliness, hospitality, and generosity - but it is regarded as rude for a man
to appear eager to talk to women or look at them with more than a mere
And many mosques dont yet have enough room for the women folk to
pray there as well.
Gaining confidence
But we converts are gaining in confidence. We no longer feel we have to
pretend to be Arabs or Pakistanis in order to belong.
We now know there are Muslims in every place in the world, from
Eskimo to Aborigine.
We may take an Arabic name, or we may choose to keep our old names;
it doesnt really matter.
The ladies may opt for a costume that consists of loose trousers and long
shirts or long skirts.
If we feel out of it at the local mosque because we dont understand the
language, we are beginning to get organized with house-mosques and
groups of our own, where we can invite the Asians to be our guests.
realize that not every Muslim is a saint - people are people, and most of us
are far from perfect.
We get over the disappointment of discovering that not every Muslim is
living the Muslim way of life to perfection. It doesnt make us give up or
accuse them of hypocrisy; we just do our best to live our own lives in the
best way we can.
Gradually each convert wakes up to the fact that there are many different
styles of Muslim.
Some Muslims are spiritual while some are ritualistic.
But we converts increasingly feel we can take out place alongside the
others in this vast Ummah or family, and so long as we are doing our best,
Allah will reward our good intentions.
In fact, Islam respects women for these reasons. The reason for
separating us from men in mosques is to avoid the distraction of men. Islam
understands the power in our attraction and appearance that catch the
attention of men. Islam respects this too. As soon as I understood this, the
idea dominated me, and I wanted to become a Muslim. Converting into
Islam made me feel different. It made me feel absolute peace. In the past, I
used to feel unstable. Many things in my life were unstable. The reason was
that I did not take any decision concerning them. I did not have any goal in
my mind. I did not have any goal for my existence; however, converting to
Islam gave me peace, serenity, and stability, and these were what I wanted
in life. My Islam made things true to me and made me fit for them. At last, I
had a goal for my life. Now I understand the goal for my life. We do not
always have the chance to meet people whom we essentially need to
understand them. That made me frequently visit the mosque to get closer to
people and to understand them. The more I visited the mosque, the more
women got around me, took care of me, and gave me the sympathy found in
I never in my life, not even once, thought that I would become a Muslim.
My convictions about Muslims were very much fallacious. I used not to
love them. I used to believe that they are bad, and I never thought - not even
once in a million - that I will become one of them.
However, today I am proud and very happy. I want to wear the hijab so
that people would know that I am a Muslim, and I would not care even if
they would hate me. I want to make it clear to them that Allah exists in
every person and not only in Middle Easterners.
Rachel... A US Muslim
Peace be upon you and Allahs mercy and blessings.
My name is Rachel. I have embraced Islam.
I was a police officer in Detroit; I worked there from 1996 to 2004. In
2002, fire was opened on me while in duty, and I was about to die.
I never went to the church in fact. I was brought up in a Christian house.
My parents were Christian priests. I have read much about Catholicism.
I have noticed that Islam is logical from the intellectual perspective. I did
not analyze and study other religions. However, it seems that these religions
bear much manmade ideas instead of Allahs code - the original code. This
has always annoyed me very much. Then I found that Islam is more
historically precise. Its texts are also authentic; they were not distorted
through the various traditions.
I believe that in 2002, I was spared death for a reason, and I believe that
this reason is to embrace Islam and to become a Muslim. I didnt know how
to worship Allah. I didnt know which religion I was supposed to believe in
until I met some Muslim friends. They talked to me with much elaboration.
They explained many things to me. I felt much worried towards declaring
the Shahadeh because I dont know many Islamic words so far. One of the
sisters who used to take care of me in the mosque helped me declare the
shahadah. It was really something magnificent. I enjoyed the fact of just
saying There is no god but Allah before all the people in the mosque.
That was the most significant event to me. Now I do not fear death
anymore. We dont have to fear but Allah, and we must have faith that Allah
is One. I know that because I was at the verge of death. If I died on that very
day, I wouldnt have known if my fate would have been hell or not.
However, now I am absolutely confident, serene, and happy because I know
my fate should anything happen to me today. I was about to go crazy should
I have continued my work as a police officer because Muslims were
attacked in Detroit for no reason at all, especially following the events of
September 11, 2001. That was terrible, and it annoyed me very much. I used
to defend them saying that Muslims are not necessarily extremists. As a
police officer, I was annoyed with what I used to see in the streets. The way
in which Muslims were treated was really conscienceless.
I know that learning a new religion might be frustrating for some. In fact,
it is a new culture and not a new religion only. It is a new lifestyle. As for
me, that was not frustrating. The whole story is that I wanted to learn it
more rapidly. I wanted to master it all by myself. However, that was not
easy. I had to learn everything via the internet even the way of wearing the
hijab. That was an amazing experience. I started refraining from many of
the prohibited acts such as drinking alcohol and eating pork. Indeed I buy
Halal meat now. I am forty years old now. I know that I had the desire to
make these changes in my life. It is time to enjoy peace and tranquility in
my life and to seek closeness to Allah. I was absolutely ready for this, and I
knew that this is what I lacked in my life. Though I havent memorized the
words of praying, when I pray, however, I feel the prayers are very
influential, and I feel a great degree of protection.
I read The Holy Qoran every day. I find in it the discipline of Islam, and I
learn something new. Muslims also offer much help. Despite the difference
in race, they do not judge you if you are American. They rather offer you
much support. Everyone treats you kindly and helps in teaching and guiding
The thing which appeals to me most in Islam is hijab. I really enjoy it,
because I am absolutely truthful especially here in Las Vegas where men
look at women in a weird way, and this is really frightening. As such I feel
much at peace and more secure. As for informing my friends about
embracing Islam, I am not sure about their reactions. For example, my best
friend since my childhood works in a Catholic church. I know that her
reaction to that would be shocking, and we might not be friends afterwards.
Some showed me much support and evoked many interesting questions as
well. It was nice to convey my ideas to them. Some of the most significant
questions which my friends whether men or women evoked are: Why do
you cover your head? Why do you cover your arms? The community here,
in Las Vegas especially, is absolutely different even compared to the
ordinary American communities. People here wear seducing clothes,
especially women. I simply say it has to do with decency. I noticed that
people look at me in a different way now. Moreover, some of my friends
mentioned that some of the people look at me with more respect because
men do not look at me as a thing. They look at me as a human being. As for
my family, it is a double edged sword. I really miss them as persons;
however, I do not miss their religion at all. They were extremely tough with
me. I really had extremely frightening and horrible experiences. Since my
childhood, they used to accompany me to attend practices of expelling evil
spirits. That had horrible emotional impact on me all the time. My parents
do not know that I embraced Islam. I didnt have except one of two choices
in their viewpoint: either I would be a Christian with a strong personality
similar to them, or they would not respect me at all. They had excluded me
from the family. That was even before I embraced Islam.
I prefer that I have a Muslim family and that Allah would be in my life.
Allah is The Truth and not a collection of rules and laws set by humans.
Their religion has caused me much pain. However, this religion (Islam) is
not as such.
I want to spread this religion. I want to spread love, happiness, and
peace. I want t o clarify to people that all these stereotyped samples are
supposed to be exterminated and that Islam does not support terrorism but is
rather a wonderful way of life. This is exactly what I personally want to
convey to people.
the supervisor who told us the news, and I could hear her voice on the
phone. She was crying. Then I knew it was true and that he died.
I did not know what was taking place. However, on my way home on
foot, I started crying in the middle of the street. It was the first time that I
know someone my age died. We were both 18. So it hit me very hard.
On the day of the funeral, I learned about wudu (the ritual of ablution)
we do before praying. I called my friend, and I learned how to do it. I went
with my friend to the mosque in Dartmouth for praying over my late friend
salat al Janaza. Then we went to the graveyard of the Muslims.
The situation in the graveyard was very emotional. His brothers and
father and everyone were crying.
When they buried him and started putting the soil over him, I myself
started crying a lot. Then I turned around and saw the sheikh who told me
you must become a Muslim because you never know when you would die.
That was a sign from Allah that I could die at anytime, that what he said was
true, and that I must become a Muslim.
I knew there was no point in waiting. I went to him right away, and I told
him I want to be a Muslim. He told me: How are you, Alex? It is nice to
see you again. I hope you are still learning about Islam. Subhan Allah!
Praise be to Allah. So right over there in front of the mosque- the masjidand next to the graveyard, I said Shahadeh: There is no deity to worship
except Allah, and Mohammad is His slave and last of Messengers.
Just afterwards, it was time for Maghreb Prayers. One of the brothers
asked me if l know how to make wudu. I told him that I know, and I went to
the bathroom to make ablution but I forgot the steps. I stayed there for a
long time trying to remember all the steps. By the time I finished wudu, they
had already finished praying. But the sheikh was still waiting for me, and
we prayed together. Alhamdulillah! Since then that brother was helpful to
me. I met him the next day and every day after for about a week. He taught
me Al Fatiha Surah and the basis of Islam.
Before Islam, I did not know what to do and what I want. I did not know
the best way of living.
I used to live according to my own philosophy. I was getting into some
bad habits. Alhamdulillah, Allah guided me to the right path before going
too far.
Many might think that I converted to Islam just for emotional reasons;
but it was not like that at all. In fact, I was already convinced that Islam was
the truth. I only needed a push in the right direction. This realization that I
may die anytime was a sign to me that if I was convinced in Islam I should
not wait until I am twenty or thirty or forty because I dont know if l will
live that long. Thus I converted to Islam and started studying about Islam
and its basis and principles.
I look forward for the Holy Month of Ramadan this year. I want to enjoy
its experience again. We perform our religious rituals in a better way such as
reading supplications and going to the masjid always to recite The Holy
Now I am much more convinced than before because I saw all of these
proofs and miracles of Islam in The Quran.
My life after Islam became much better. Islam gave me the true direction
in life which is to live an upright, religious, and righteous life after I used to
be confused not knowing the right thing to do.
Family life:
My husband and I loved each other very deeply. That love for each other
still exists. Still, when I started studying Islam, we started having some
difficulties. He saw me changing and did not understand what was
happening. Neither did I. But then, I did not even realize I was changing. He
decided that the only thing that could make me change was another man.
There was no way to make him understand what was changing me because I
myself did not know.
After he realized that I was a Muslim, it did not help much. After all...
the only reason a woman changes something as fundamental as her religion
is another man. He could not find evidence of this other man...but he had to
exist. We ended up in a very ugly divorce. The courts determined that the
unorthodox religion would be detrimental to the bringing up of my children.
So they were removed from my custody.
During the divorce, there was a time when I was told I could make a
choice. I could renounce this religion and leave with my children, or
renounce my children and leave with my religion. I was in shock. To me
this was not a possible choice. If I renounce my Islam....I would be teaching
my children how to be deceptive, for there was no way to deny what was in
my heart. I could not deny God, not then, not ever. I prayed like I had never
prayed before. After the thirty minutes were up, I knew that there was no
safer place for my children to be than in the hands of God. If I denied Him,
there would be no way in the future to show my children the wonders of
being with God. The courts were told that I would leave my children in the
hands of God. This was not a rejection of my children!
I left the courts knowing that life without my babies would be very
difficult. My heart bled, even though I knew, inside, I had done the right
thing. I found solace in Ayat-ul-Kursi.
God! There is no god but He the living, the self- subsisting, and
supporter of all. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in
the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence
except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as)
Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His
knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens
and the earth, and he feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them
for He is Most High, The Supreme (in Glory). (Quran 2:255).
This also got me started looking at all the attributes of God and
discovering the beauty of each one.
Child custody and divorce were not the only problems I was to face. The
rest of my family was not very accepting of my choice either. Most of the
family refused to have anything to do with me. My mother was of the belief
that it was just a phase and I would grow out of it. My sister, the mental
health expert, was sure I had simply lost my mind and should be
institutionalized. My father believed I should be killed before I placed
myself deeper in Hell. Suddenly I found myself with no husband and no
family. What would be next?
Most of my friends drifted away during that first year. I was no fun
anymore. I did not want to go to parties or bars. I was not interested in
finding a boyfriend. All I ever did was read The Quran and talk about Islam.
What a bore! I still did not have enough knowledge to help them understand
why Islam was so beautiful.
My job was next to go. While I had won just about every award there
was in my field and was recognized as a serious trend setter and money
maker, the day I put on hijab was the end of my job. Now I was without a
family, without friends, and without a job.
In all this, the first light was my grandmother. She approved of my
choice and joined me. What a surprise! I always knew she had a lot of
wisdom, but this! She died soon after that. When I stop to think about it, I
almost get jealous. The day she pronounced Shahadah, all her misdeeds had
been erased, while her good deeds were preserved. She died so soon after
accepting Islam that I knew her BOOK was bound to be heavy on the
good side. It fills me with such joy!
As my knowledge grew and I was better able to answer questions, many
things changed. But it was the changes made in me as a person that had the
greatest impact. A few years after I went public with my Islam, my mother
called me and said she did not know what this Islam thing was, but she
hoped I would stay with it. She liked what it was doing for me. A couple of
years after that she called again and asked what a person had to do to be a
Muslim. I told her that all what a person had to do was know that there was
only ONE God and Mohammed was His Messenger. Her response was:
Any fool knows that. But what do you have to do? I repeated the same
information, and she said: Well...OK. But lets not tell your father just
yet. Little did she know that he had gone through the same conversation a
few weeks before. My real father (the one who thought I should be killed)
had done it almost two months earlier. Then, my sister, the mental health
person, told me that I was the most liberated person she knew. Coming
from her, that was the greatest compliment I could have received. Rather
than try to tell you about how each person came to accept Islam, let me
simply say that more members of my family continue to find Islam every
year. I was especially happy when a dear friend, Brother Qaiser Imam, told
me that my ex-husband took Shahadah. When Brother Qaiser asked him
why, he said it was because he had been watching me for 16 years, and he
wanted his daughter to have what I had. He came and asked me to forgive
him for all he had done. I had forgiven him long before that.
Now my oldest son, Whitney, has called, as I am writing this book, and
announced that he also wants to become Muslim. He plans on taking the
future which I did openly or secretly. You are the One Who makes the things
go before, and You are the One who delays them, and You are the
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