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ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014

ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy


I. Puente a, *, R. Lindenberghb, H. Gonzlez-Jorge a, P. Arias a

Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, University of Vigo, Maxwell s/n, 36310, Vigo, Spain (ipuente, higiniog, parias)
Dept. of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The
Netherlands [email protected]
Commission V, WG V/3

KEY WORDS: LiDAR, point cloud, segmentation, breakwater modeling, change detection

Rubble mound breakwaters are coastal defense structures that protect harbors and beaches from the impacts of both littoral drift and
storm waves. They occasionally break, leading to catastrophic damage to surrounding human populations and resulting in huge
economic and environmental losses. Ensuring their stability is considered to be of vital importance and the major reason for setting
up breakwater monitoring systems. Terrestrial laser scanning has been recognized as a monitoring technique of existing
infrastructures. Its capability for measuring large amounts of accurate points in a short period of time is also well proven. In this
paper we first introduce a method for the automatic extraction of face geometry of concrete cubic blocks, as typically used in
breakwaters. Point clouds are segmented based on their orientation and location. Then we compare corresponding cuboids of three
co-registered point clouds to estimate their transformation parameters over time. The first method is demonstrated on scan data from
the Baiona breakwater (Spain) while the change detection is demonstrated on repeated scan data of concrete bricks, where the
changing scenario was simulated. The application of the presented methodology has verified its effectiveness for outlining the 3D
breakwater units and analyzing their changes at the millimeter level. Breakwater management activities could benefit from this initial
version of the method in order to improve their productivity.

Structural monitoring has become nowadays an important
research area involved in the structural integrity assessment of
civil infrastructures. Engineering communities have shown an
increasing interest to monitor bridges (Enckell et al., 2011; Ye
et al., 2013), tunnels (Lindenbergh et al., 2005; Puente et al.,
2014; Sharma et al., 2001) and other structures (Valena et al.,
2013) and to detect damage at the earliest stages. Specifically,
rubble mound breakwaters (Corredor et al., 2013) are
commonly employed to protect important coastal areas such as
ports, marinas or beaches from the effects of attacking ocean
Some studies have described fairly extensively the fluidstructure interaction (Altomare et al., 2014) and the breakwater
monitoring (Del Grosso et al., 2003; Yoon et al., 2012). It is
crucial to detect local defects on time, such as displacements,
breakage or removals of the concrete armor units (CAUs),
before they become a real threat to the safety of breakwaters.
The observed damages in these structures can be divided into
sliding, settlement or toppling, directly causing displacements,
breakage or removals of the concrete armor units. Other defects
such as scouring at dike foundations can also occurr and tend to
propagate into more serious damages under extreme wave
forces. Therefore, it is advantageous to develop a methodology
which identifies local movements in these coastal defense
Detection of changes using LiDAR data is growing quickly in
many engineering applications (Lindenbergh, 2010; Monserrat

and Crosetto, 2008). This technology allows for low risk and
rapid collection of accurate geospatial information as an
alternative for traditional surveying techniques. It has been
proved that an easy procedure to map and monitor topographic
changes is by using repeated LiDAR measurements from a fixed
position (Van Goor et al., 2011) or any mobile platform (Puente
et al., 2013).
This work presents a novel approach to automatically evaluate
changes in rubble mound breakwaters using point clouds of
different epochs. The method first identifies single segments
from each armour unit and their face geometry is outlined.
Secondly, the algorithm looks for corresponding cuboids in
different epochs and estimates their rigid body transformation
parameters. The paper has been organized into four main
sections. The second reflects the formal description of the
algorithm. In section three, the results are presented and
discussed. Finally, some conclusions are provided.

In this section, we focus on the identification of individual
planar segments representing the cuboid faces. Those segments
are later grouped together to form individual cuboids (or
breakwater units), which are used to monitor changes in the
The algorithm overview summarizes the following steps, as
shown in Figure 1.

* Corresponding author.

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

It should be noted that in general, computing the local

neighborhood represents the main computational cost
associated with surface normal estimation.
2.2 Segmentation

Figure 1. Algorithm overview for 3D outlines of the CAUs

2.1 Surface normal estimation
The raw point cloud data is originally represented by the 3D
Cartesian coordinates and the intensity value (X, Y, Z, I). We
use the location of the laser scanner as the origin of each scans
local coordinate system. However, the segmentation procedure
described in Section 2.2 will require surface normal estimates as
a prerequisite. We first determine the local neighbors of each
point p in point cloud. There are several nearest neighbor
methods available, such as K-Nearest Neighbours search
(KNNsearch), Approximate Nearest Neighbour (ANN) or its
variant FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest
Neighbour), each of them implementing a number of different
search strategies and data structures, based on kd-trees and boxdecomposition trees. For this case study, we used FLANN
(Muja and Lowe, 2009), written in C++ but with binding for the
Matlab language.
The estimated surface normal for the point p is then the normal
n = (nx, ny, nz) to the plane that best fits the neighboring data
points in the least square sense. This plane is determined using
Principal Component Analysis (PCA).The approximate surface
normal, oriented outwards, is then the eigenvector associated
with the smallest eigenvalue of the symmetric positive semidefinite variance-covariance matrix of the neighboring data
points (Castillo and Zhao, 2009). The authors will check if the
cuboid surface normals have a positive orientation, that is,
pointing towards the exterior of the surface, using the scanning
direction and the dot product of both vectors.

The resulting values of the PCA are used to reshape the original
data matrix (X, Y, Z, I) into a new one, where each point of the
cloud will now have 9 data values: X, Y, Z coordinates plus 3
surface normal coordinates (nx, ny, nz) and 3 eigenvalues (1, 2,
3). Before the segmentation process starts, we first filter the
dataset based on the third eigenvalue (3). Raw data points with
a greater 3 will be filtered out, as they mostly correspond to
edges or noise.
In the following step, we select a clustering method for
grouping the previously filtered data based on their surface
normal orientations. There are two common approaches:
hierarchical clustering and k-means algorithm. For this case
study, we used the latter. K-means clustering treats each
observation ni = (nxi, nyi, nzi) as an object having a location in
space. If the set N={ n1, , ni} defines the i points to be
clustered, we seek a collection of k mutually exclusive subsets
of N, say, C1,.Ck, that minimizes the sum of distances from
each point to its cluster centroid, over all clusters. Distances are
measured using the squared Euclidean distance metric and the
process is reiterated until the clustering processes stabilize,
which basically means that no points swap cluster anymore
(Spath, 1985).
This method needs both k and the initial centroid positions (also
known as seeds) to be specified to initialize it (Chiang and
Mirkin, 2010). For the case study, we selected the seeds from N
at random while the right number of clusters k was estimated by
plotting all normal directions on a stereographic projection.
Then, by applying some image processing techniques with
Matlab, k is semi-automatically estimated. Intermediate steps
include the image binarization, and the centroid and area
computation for each cluster in the binary image. In fact, the
only parameter provided by the user is the minimum number of
pixels that compose each cluster area.
It is therefore possible to segment point clouds into subsets,
each one made of points with similar orientation. Then, for each
cluster Ck, we applied a k-means clustering for the second time
where the input data matrix is composed of X, Y, Z coordinates.
We use an over-segmentation approach in some clusters but in
this way, we assure one single segment per cluster and also, we
can delete those small and unrepresentative clusters, classifying
them as outliers.
For each resulting cluster, we compute its centroid and the
mean surface normal vector. The next step aims at merging all
the clusters belonging to the same face. We use a standard
region growing algorithm in 3D to cluster the points based on
an angular threshold (p) and a distance threshold (dp), similar
to that presented in Rabbani et al., 2006. The threshold angle
used specifies the maximum acceptable angle between the
normal of the current seed and its neighbors. The latter are
computed by searching all the centroids that are within distance
dp of the current seed.
2.3 Automatic geometry extraction
When we process the clustered laser scanning data, we still need
to remove some noisy points that clearly do not belong to a
cube face (see Figure 2). To overcome this problem, we adjust a
plane to each cluster, defined by the mean normal vector and its

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

Figure 2. Filtering of a noisy planar segment and resultant 2D convex hull

centroid. The orthogonal distance from each cluster point, d, to
the plane is then computed and a threshold value (dt) is chosen
by the user to remove those noisy points.
The reduction of each cluster into 2D using the previously
defined plane is the next step. Then, we apply a convex hull
algorithm (Preparata and Hong, 1977) in order to create the
bounding polygon for each cluster. Finally, we convert the 2D
polygons into 3D outlines of the cube faces.
2.4 Identifying changes in concrete units
The next step after the 3D outlining and segmentation processes
is to identify possible changes in the breakwater armor units
that could appear with time. In quasi-time-invariant
environments, when a breakwater is scanned twice from the
same scan position and under the same conditions, the
segmentation results should be similar. Therefore, a segment in
one scan that has no counterpart in the second scan would
indicate a possible change.
In practice, to monitor all the breakwater units along time,
corresponding block pairs among epochs will be manually
matched, as there is no intrinsic correspondence between
segments based just on distance, size or orientation. To achieve
the objective, a validation experiment is designed in which
bricks with alphanumeric characters on their faces are
considered (see Figure 4).
First of all, all planar faces identified for each epoch are
connected to represent individual rigid blocks. That is, an
automatic algorithm recursively matches three or more
corresponding faces of the same block. This procedure can be
reached again through a region growing algorithm that clusters
the faces based on a distance threshold (dmax) and the
relationship between the convexities of connected segments.
Every planar segment is defined by its normal vector n and the
centroid of the points in the segment. If the intersection of the
lines defined by the normal vector and centroid from two
adjacent faces, lies within the block, both faces are grouped
together. Otherwise, they are not grouped. Once the cuboids are
individually identified for each epoch, the comparison is
straightforward. We denote the set of all cuboids from the first
epoch as CI and the set of all cuboids from the second epoch as
CII. Cuboid 1 from epoch I is notated as CI1 while the same
cuboid from epoch II is notated as CII1.
In order to parameterize the location in 3D space, the centers of
gravity and the Euler angles of the cuboids are computed. Euler
angles are three angles used to represent the orientation of a
rigid body relative to a coordinate system. For the sake of
simplicity, we consider here the case of just one cuboid C1,
monitored in epochs I, II and III. The method would be then
extended in the same way to the rest of cuboids.

We can define the centroid of the cuboid as the intersection of

the lines formed by the normal vector and the centroid of each
face forming the cuboid. The same orthogonal vectors are used
to calculate the orientation of the cuboid in a fixed reference
frame (which is the scanner coordinate system). The three
resulting angles (, , ) are computed as the dot product
between each face normal unit vector n and its corresponding
fixed axis (u, v, w) following the right-hand rule.
The Cartesian coordinates of both centers of gravity from CI1
and CII1 are used to determine the Euclidean distance (Equation
1) and the translations tx, ty and tz along x, y and z- axes,
respectively. Monitoring the rotations can be easily achieved by
looking at the Euler angles and comparing them with the fixed
coordinate system.



In this section, the methodology explained in section 2 is
illustrated for two case studies. The 3D geometry extraction is
demonstrated on armor units in a rubble mound breakwater. The
change detection procedure was tested with a validation
experiment of three cuboids where the scenario was simulated.
3.1 Data description
Baiona breakwater is the main defensive structure around the
Port of Baiona, in northwestern Spain (Figure 3b). It is an old
rubble mound breakwater with conventional concrete cubes as
armor units. For testing the geometry extraction algorithm,
authors selected an area of 14 x 5.5 m (Figure 3a), sampled by
approximately 230 thousand points scanned with a Faro Focus
3D (Faro, 2013a). This is a phase-based system, whose
measurements are taken continuously. This fact makes it
suitable for precise surveys.

Figure 3. Baiona breakwater

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

For the change monitoring task, we considered concrete bricks

(Figure 4) that were rotated and translated in a controlled
manner during three consecutive epochs. The presented
scenario was designed to be realistic under higher-than-design
storm conditions, where concrete armors resist with only a few
units being extracted from the breakwater. But generally,
breakwater units will undergo very small dislocations.
Individual scans were performed from the same scan position
using the Faro Photon 120 phase-based scanner (Faro, 2013b).
As a consequence, point clouds were already registered in a
common coordinate system and no control points were required.

Over-segmented patches were then clustered into cube faces

using the region growing method described in detail in Section
2.2. Here, the parameter values, p = 20 and dp = 0.9 m were
used. This setting resulted in 47 planar segments (Figure 6b).
For example, in the following cube marked by a capital A,
three segments in red, blue and yellow were grouped in one
resulting green colored face while the set of purple, green and
dark blue segments resulted in one cyan cube face. The other
three segments remain unclustered as they dont fulfill the
conditions specified in the method. In fact, this approach
requires both parameters to be defined precisely in order to
succeed. On the contrary, nearly-parallel adjacent segments
from different cubes but with the same normal orientation,
could be wrongly group together.

Figure 4. Three concrete bricks employed in the validation

experiment for change monitoring: (a, c) Epoch I; (b, d) Epoch
3.2 Surface normal estimation and segmentation
The choice of the number of neighbors, s, is essential for the
quality of the calculated normal. Low s values are sensitive to
noise, while higher values may compensate the noise problem
but also increase the processing time. Thus, PCA was
performed using the 50 closest points of each point in the point
cloud (Belton and Lichti, 2006).
The point cloud from Figure 3a was segmented into planar
patches after k-means clustering. The parameter value k=25 was
first estimated by plotting all cluster orientations on a
stereographic projection (Figure 5).This resulted in 25 segments
for the first round k-means and in 125 segments for the second
round k-means (Figure 6a).

Figure 6. (a) Over segmentation of cube faces. (b) Segmented

cube faces after Region Growing with their normal vector

Figure 7. 3D outlines of the cube faces

Figure 7 shows the 3D outlines after the 2D reduction of the
previously segmented cube faces and the convex hull
3.3 Change monitoring in cuboids
Figure 5. Stereoplot of all the orientations of the concrete armor
faces in the 3D model

The workflow explained in Sections 2.1-2.3 was again applied

to this dataset composed of three concrete bricks. The value k=4

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

Figure 8. Top view of the cuboids 1, 2 and 3 (from left to right) studied in three different epochs. The faces are not grouped in
cuboids at this point.

Therefore, it is now possible to determine the distances between

centers of gravity of cuboids and the orientation (or relative
orientation) with time. For example, the displacement relative to
epoch I is dCI1CII1 = 0.058 m and the translations along the axis
for CII1 are tx = 0.058 m, ty = 0.006 m and tz = 0.001 m. The
distance traveled for CIII1 with reference to epoch II is dCII1CIII1
= 0.062 m with tx = -0.047 m, ty = -0.039 m and tz = 0.011 m.
Although there is no ground truth available for the resulting
values in Table 1, they are as expected: in epoch II, the C1
transformation consists of only a translation, so the Euler angles
remain almost identical. In epoch III, C1 rotated mainly around
the z and x axes and it was also translated (see Figure 8).
Figure 9. Identification of cuboids in epoch 1. The faces are
now grouped.
was used in the first k-means clustering. In Figure 8, every
planar segment was identified and plotted in random color.
The concrete bricks were modeled as cuboids, where each pair
of adjacent faces or segments meets in a right angle. This
process was achieved using the region growing algorithm
described in Section 2.4. Two parameters were required: a
distance threshold (dmax =0.010 m) and the relationship between
the convexities of connected segments. Figure 9 illustrates the
results from this step for CI.

The method presented here is an initial version using data

acquired from a single scan position. It could be extended to
larger breakwaters, though multiple scans from different
standpoints in one epoch would be needed. In that case, datasets
should be registered with a high accuracy using reflective
targets (control points) placed on the scene. The result would be
one point cloud per epoch. Moreover, occlusions would be
mostly solved, when parts of the breakwater surface that were
not visible from one scan position would be captured by another

In order to define their placement in 3D, the linear position and
orientation of the cuboids were computed. Typically, the
reference point chosen is coincident with the centroid of the
rigid body. The cuboid orientation is given by its three
orthogonal vectors.
In the following, the centers of gravity of each cuboid and its
Euler angles were derived. The results only consider the case of
just one cuboid C1, monitored in epochs I, II and III. However,
the procedure can be applied to the whole set of corresponding
cuboid pairs identified by the user.
Table 1. Centers of Gravity and Euler angles for CI1, CII1, CIII1.
Changes were manually applied to the cuboids.
CoG (m)




CI 1

(-2.062 -0.620 -0.735)





(-2.004 -0.614 -0.734)





(-2.051 -0.653 -0.723)




In this paper a new methodology has been presented for the 3D

outline of concrete armor units in a breakwater and the
monitoring of their displacements and rotations. In an efficient
manner, the original point cloud is segmented into planar
patches that can be identified over time (after the manual
marking of corresponding segments and cuboids). This method
later compares two or more matched cuboids in different
epochs, letting the user to monitor their 3D placement over
time. This fact makes this method useful to detect local defects
at early stages, avoiding them to affect the structural stability of
the breakwaters.
The method is computationally efficient and it can be easily
adapted to other fields of application where block-like
structures must be identified and tracked along time.
The best segmentation parameters vary within a scene,
depending on the objects present. However, some
improvements can be made to enhance the segmentation
process. These are linked to the varying point cloud quality
(such as areas with lower point density or higher incident
angles), plane fitting errors or measurement errors that will
definitely affect the aforementioned process.

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

Other challenges are related to occlusions, that could prevent

the monitoring of corresponding cuboids or the edge effect that
results in noisy points that interfere negatively in the
segmentation process.

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Authors want to give thanks to the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness and Xunta de Galicia for the

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23 25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

financial support given; Human Resources programs BES2010-034106 and IPP055-EXP44 and Projects Code No.
EM2015/005 and IN852A2013/29.

This contribution has been peer-reviewed. The double-blind peer-review was conducted on the basis of the full paper.

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