For Common Man

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By Rafael Arreola Jr.

Copyright © Rafael Arreola 2009

All rights reserved
including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form

“The dedication should be the
only part of a book left

C ontents

The Essential Balance
Initiating Force


In life things are very contradictory. Much
seems good and bad and both and like nothing.
Great circles are made by the efforts of man,
yet he still tries to move out of them. We are
human because we are in a dilemma, the
problem of living. Notice however, that problem
is not good or bad nor both nor anything, it just
is. The decision is instead left up to each
individual. What is considered bad can be
thought of as good. One can take something
unwanted and make it desirable. We possess
the ability to change anything we set our hearts
to, and changing our lives should be at the top.
Life is such a chance for change. The journey
never ends and is begun in every instant.

This book is an outline of life. One already

knows much of what is here, yet may have
never put the pieces together in such a way so
as to allow for desirable results to follow.
Experiencism promises acceptance, happiness,
and sustainability. With an understanding of
what lies herein, one can cultivate in life that
which can only allow for more life. Everyone has
the power to change, the will to live. With work
and practice the Experiencism approach
integrates truths of all that we know, it borrows
from all of life, and so allows for more of it. We
are here now, and moreover, one has already
experienced life and will continue to do so. Now
is the time to embrace it. This is the chance. Do

Each chapter contains levels of

understanding that play off each other. They
are progressive and logarithmic. Each part
represents a step in life towards a way of living
that is second to none. Everything that is
needed is here and if certain things are not
appealing others will be. There is a tendency in
life, not a defined right or wrong, but rather a
relative right or wrong. One cannot say which
color is best. There is not a perfect way to walk.
There is however, a better way to walk and it
varies from person to person. Each person, only
by his own efforts, can fully understand what it
is that coheres best with his natural tendencies.
One is to do as he will do, not as others do. All
that is needed to love life and know oneself is
shown and provided in this book.

One who reads this book and other books

like it, has already begun the most important
and difficult part of the change. Realizing a
need for a different way, uncovering a yearning
for alternatives is the beginning. They say the
first step is to admit that there is a problem.
There is not a problem. The first step is instead
a discovery of opportunity. This book is
something that once opened, and opened up to,
will never let go. It is a Pandora’s Box of
harmony and perfection. Man holds in his hands
with this book the opportunity for a beautiful
life, but it is his hands that must turn the pages.
It is through one’s work alone that sustainability
can be achieved. This is not easy reading.
Things will appear odd and illogical, but are
placed with the upmost purpose. It is through
care and effort that Experiencism can be
understood and lived in its entirety.

Go out and play with all that there is. One

can never know what will come of what, what
will stoke his fire. It is a culmination of
experiences that makes an individual separate
from man. More than name, country, class or
childhood, it is all of man’s life and all of his
aspects that make him up. Never deny an
experience, no matter what, it is precious just
as man is. The tendency of the universe, the
flow of it all, has led here, so keep going.

The Experiencism approach to life will be

outlined in detail. Experiencism will allow one to
be comfortable and satisfied with what is had. It
will be taught how to be happy with less and
how to accept any given situation. This program
is different from others because it does not
encourage one to do better, or state that
something is wrong with life and that certain
things should be avoided. Other programs play
off of what one feels is wrong and what is
thought of as bad in life, and so pushes in a
direction that is contradictory. Experiencism
teaches how to be happy with what is, the good
and bad. The virtues of the system include
becoming fully satisfied with what is already
established. If one is relatively happy with life,
but dislikes his job for instance, it will not be
advised to quit or change jobs, but instead
shown how to be happy in the current situation.
We must recognize that change does not always
bring about happiness.

For this all to work one must of course be

willing, open to what will come. One must
embody the teachings and take all that he can
receive. Our world is an integration, a
synthesized culture, that is characterized by the
need for progress. We strive to develop ways
that will aide us in what we believe is progress.
Let it be noted now that there is no such thing,
progress only means a flowing of time.
Tomorrow may have progress only in the sense
that life grows shorter, not that it grows better.
Such beliefs open one and the rest of the
modern world to failure. Nothing is better or
worse, just different.

Sustainability as is referenced here means

an allowing of life. Sustainability means a
supporting of existence. Life is sustainable when
it does not destroy itself or provide for its own
stopping. The goals of Experiencism, happiness
through acceptance, create sustainability. The
three goals lead into each other; acceptance of
life leads to happiness which leads to
sustainability which allows for more life. The
ultimate goal of all this is to keep living, which is
already done so naturally. In this case however,
the byproduct of the approach is happiness
which for most does not always come so
naturally. A symbiotic relationship forms where
more life allows for more happiness and vice
versa. It is because of this relationship that
sustainability can exist.

Less is better than more, and throughout

the journey of this book one must practice this.
With less one can be happier for longer. It is
harder to hold on to more, than it is to hold on
to less. One can be happy with less, it is easier
than trying to live the dream others commonly
reach for and never fulfill. A simple life can be
better than the most complex. Common man
does not have to become greedy and
successful, and should not try to, especially if
he can be happier easier. We all know that the
greedy are miserable, and if they claim not to
be, they are worse off than we are for they bask
in their own ego and create false sources of
happiness. By doing so, the greedy dig a deeper
and deeper hole. Relying on material
possessions to satisfy needs that lie within
oneself, is a foolish act. Reaching without for
what can only be found within.

To know what is good one must know bad.

In the case of the greedy, if their everyday is
what common man would consider amazing,
then life to the greedy becomes dull. They get
used to things, and need the opposite of them
to appreciate what was had. When tragedy
occurs, the days tragedy does not happen are
more precious than if a tragedy were never to
occur. This point cannot be emphasized enough,
it is crucial to the success of the Experiencism
system. We must experience both negative and
positive aspects of life. We are so lucky to be in
a position that automatically brings about such
aspects. Life is perfect because of it, this
system is perfect because it is a model of life.

A balance is necessary and is present in

the natural order of things. Often the
importance of balance is stated, but rarely is it
followed. Balance is often preached and rarely
practiced. It is then more of a unique
opportunity to create balance in life. A
consensus of what a balanced life should be like
is understood, but improperly defined. Most
would say balance is a little of everything or not
too much of any one thing. Balance in this
system means everything, it means not leaving
any one thing out. To experience the most
diverse of things in a reasonable manner is a
virtue of the system. It gives rise to a variety in
life and is upheld so long as it supports life.

In order for a successful system to be

created, it must have the ability to penetrate
that which it seeks to control or change. Beliefs
are the gateway to control and the route to
which change will take place. Common man not
only has a very narrow span of beliefs, but also
is governed by logic and reason. This is
beneficial when trying to penetrate beliefs. Not
only are they very similar, but are created and
destroyed by the same hand. Beliefs are first
nurtured through experience, the apple falls to
the ground, through reason, it usually falls and
so probably will fall again, and through society,
others believe it will fall and so it does. To
change beliefs or create new ones as is desired,
a following of the steps in order and reverse
order is essential. Both working backwards and
forwards at the same time towards the same
goal makes for a greater chance of success.

Following this system requires a use of

ways and their opposites simultaneously. It is
important then to establish that contradiction
allows for new understanding to unfold,
understanding beyond the good bad, yin yang,
action reaction, etc. that reigns consciousness
today. Contradiction prevents two sides from
being relevant, and so two more alternatives
arise. If A conflicts with B then either both are
true or neither is true. Beyond the two sides of
the circle, everything is true or nothing is true.
This creates two more opposites and so
demonstrates the circle of life. The circle arises
indefinitely without limit in all occasions. This is
why contradiction is necessary, the circle can
never be avoided and so is best understood on
a multitude of levels. To realize infinity many
points were first tried. To realize the nature of
this reality, experience is necessary within it.

The Tao, or way of it all, is important to
understand because it is the prime example of
the sustainability that is sought. The universe
has sustained itself thus far and is active in a
sustainable manner. It is the icon and model
that this system seeks to replicate because of
its effortless perfection. It is the ultimate
motivation to keep going no matter what, as
time flows and progresses regardless of what
happens. With adherence to Experiencism it is
possible to let things happen as they will and
continue to move on. As things are let go, effort
is no longer needed and disappointment

Recognize that failure is based on a point

of view, a common point of view, but one that is
rooted in self destruction. A positive attitude is
indispensible, it powers the ability to move on
without hesitation. Do not become positive in an
effort to avoid the negative, instead do it
because it allows for sustainability. The positive
attitude can take failure and turn it into growth.
Coupled with beliefs held as the highest truths,
the positive attitude is the most forceful drive in
life. One who acts in what he believes is right
with benevolent intentions, is never wrong.

The beauty of Experiencism is that all its

principles act in accord with the forces of life.
It follows nature, strengthens society, and
satisfies man. Accepting your life and being
happy with it, includes finding justification for
what may be thought of as bad. War may be
undesirable, but reasons for it must be found.
Government and the state are to be held in the
highest regard, they are products of humanities’
work towards a betterment of life. Whether the
state enacts its purpose or not, whether
common man is cared for or not, is irrelevant so
long as justification can be found for the result.
The powers that be are to remain in power so
long as life for common man is sustainable.
When basic needs are met, everything else
becomes a luxury and standards of living
include more. This beautiful world, this beautiful
nation as it exists today, displays the triumphs
of man and invokes a pride that can be used to
accept life.

Experiencism uses all that which is

available and is beneficial, making more things
accessible to more people. Variety and diversity
are blessings. Differences between things allow
for contrast which gives way to comparison. By
comparing and contrasting, a knowledge of this
world can be created. Experiencism employs a
unique method of inputting experiences based
on the five senses, into an abstract model. By
taking sensory experiences and writing them a
certain way, it is possible to compile them in
such a manner so as to take the nature of the
universe and put it on a piece of paper. By
following the simple formula, one actually works
from the ground up plugging in his own

experiences and reading the result. With
enough practice and data, which takes time, the
information can reveal the subtle connection of
the universe. What is called the formula of the
FOUR is but another means of understanding
the Tao. Not everyone can afford the
opportunity to sit and meditate for forty days
and forty nights, to get to know the way. This is
why the FOUR is brilliant, it takes what is
normally unseen and complex, and transfers it
to a medium that is simple and vivid.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with

one step”, but so does the journey of a hundred
miles, and ten miles, and one mile, it is then not
the length of the journey that is important, but
rather the very act of embarking on it.

To start off with a bang, here we go. Each
to his own, there are a vast amount of beliefs.
Opinions are always being made and changed.
Most often man creates opinions that are
contradictory or may result in conflict with other
beliefs that must be encountered. This is
because of what we may call the human
dilemma. Arising from an absence of reflection
and consideration upon the beliefs that one
holds, this dilemma is a result of ignorance. Man
chooses his beliefs and opinions with the self
destructive mindset. Everyone is entitled to
their own opinion and every opinion is right,
however some conflict with each other creating
problems. The beliefs ultimately are not the
catalyst of dissatisfaction, the mindset through
which man views them is the cause of his
conflict. The conflict is essential to the human
experience, but can be used towards the goal of

To understand where Experiencism comes

from one must first realize that everyone and
everything is right. It is because we cannot be
sure of anything that we can be sure of
everything. The simplest explanation is that
anything that can be thought of, created or
experienced in this life, is right. Most will say
that death, violence and war is not justified, and
on a level it is not, but man arrives at this
conclusion without having given it any thought.
A primitive nature is apparent as to where the
reason for believing this way is a result of
selfish interests, fear, and ignorance. Everything
that exists is right, for nature has allowed it to
happen, but man does not see it because he is

Now let us define what ignorant means

and how one can avoid such self destructive
approaches. Ignorance as used in this context is
not a result of lack of knowledge about things
without, but rather a lack of understanding of
things within. Man has not given time to his own
thoughts, he has been concerned rather with
the thoughts of others. When one does not
reflect and experiment on his own beliefs, he
cannot be sure that they are perfect or
applicable to his needs. And it is not that true
conflict exists between beliefs, that they by
definition cannot coexist, it is man’s mindset
that creates the tension. So most importantly it
is not a matter of changing beliefs, because all
beliefs are perfect, but rather a changing of
one's mindset.

Human experience is characterized by

interaction. One’s experience is filtered through
a set of beliefs. The set of beliefs that one views
this world through can be called the mindset. All
opinions, biases, and subconscious beliefs are
part of this mindset that creates a feeling of
contradiction. Experiencism holds that what is
now, all that we can currently experience in this
life, is perfect. This reality, including all that we
may think of as bad, is necessary and without
flaw. Our mindset, that seems to be undesirable
and a result of problems is necessary as well.
Nothing need be removed from this life, do not
avoid anything. Instead we shall learn to change
the mindset and beliefs so that they can aid our
goals. We are making them work for us and our
virtue of sustainability.

With effort, naturally, change will come. To

shape the mindset so that it works in harmony
with our efforts is the first key. Simply, once a
goal is established and justified, resonating
through the core of one’s being, it will by its
own work begin to change the mindset. Once
our beliefs become so strong as a result of our
efforts, the mindset will bend to allow them to
be used. It is the virtues of this system that
allow for it to succeed and just by
understanding their potential, the mindset will

Change will not come quickly, but will

nonetheless. The goals that are to be held in the
highest regard will automatically move the
mindset. What one can do as these thoughts
begin to settle in, is to work with the attitude
that daily tasks are a means of attaining the
goals. See that no matter what is done, there is
always an opportunity for an application of
these virtues. Any means that may manifest,
can lead to one’s goals, but only through effort.
Every moment is a chance to practice them. In
this way one can consciously help that which is
taking place on a subconscious level.

Nothing is wrong. As we dig deeper and
deeper within ourselves we will find a never
ending cycle that suddenly ends. At the surface
it appears that there is great distinction
between things, but one is curious and must dig
deeper. In the middle it appears that everything
is similar and united with the surface point of
view being wrong. From here it appears that
everything is always this way and there is an
infinite perfection. And suddenly without
warning, a break in the cycle showing the
perfection of the middle, but in the realm of the
surface. From here one can say that both areas
are right, but only that which exists on the
surface is useful on the surface. The perfection
of distinction arises.

To say that nothing is wrong, that

everything is perfect, is very abstract and is not
useful. To believe this way is only open, in this
reality, to failure. We are to have come full
circle beginning with a simple definitive view,
moving to an all encompassing perfection, and
then back to the definitive. By doing this we can
justify and have reason for action. Realizing that

what is now is perfect can only strengthen our
efforts to define. Something that goes on
forever with no variance is not useful and is
boring. When there is a defined beginning and
end, there is variance and thus it is useful.

Nothing will ever define the way, that is
what makes it so, but attempts to define are
depictions of our own tragedy. And, it is not that
our attempts are wrong, but instead our
demeanor by which we do so. The conclusions
we have drawn about the universe through
reason are not wrong, everything is right, our
dilemma results from our need to be right. We
have a mindset that believes there must be a
wrong and right and with this we dig our own
graves of self destruction. Reason is the most
valuable tool of knowledge, and it is fine to work
in such subjects just not so with the idea that
one may be wrong.

This is pure justification for our

understanding of the ways of distinction. One
cannot possibly work in reason without having
doubt and a sense of wrong and right. This is
self destruction because one has doubt when
trying to find the right and so will never find a
consistent right. If any darkness exists, the full
picture cannot be seen. Perfection is impossible
with this mindset. And so, the alternative arises
of uniting the two and getting rid of wrong and
right. This is nice, but one cannot work in
subjects such as reason for there is no
distinction. Just as the darkness in the picture
hides the whole, all light with the absence of
darkness eliminates the picture altogether.

So it becomes apparent then, that these
two approaches to distinction are necessary and
can be used for different things. One is used for
seeing the perfection of all and the other for
seeing the differences. Both can coexist and are
not contradictory. Things can still be perfect
when they are different. We never know what a
result will be, but no matter what it is perfect.
The idea of chance is exactly this.

Chance is the possibility of an occurrence.

Probability builds on chance, it puts the parts
together in a coherent manner. While chance is
abstract and makes for all occurrences,
probability tries to determine what exactly will
occur. Approaches to distinction are both
present in the idea of chance. And, it is in this
manner like man taking what is naturally in
perfect flow and rearranging it so that it can be

Chance brings about the feeling of

unknown, which is no good. Expectation creates
this sense of doubt, yet without it, chance
becomes simply a series of occurrences. When
no result is expected chance does not exist, it
cannot. Probability likewise, by definition, relies
on expectation in a very mild form. Thus, we
can say that even though expectation allows for
failure in our own efforts towards our goals, it is
nonetheless necessary. Without expectation our
experience would be severely limited.

It is not extreme to believe that a rock
when dropped will fall. Most common
occurrences are not radical, expectation in
relation to possibility is most often acceptable.
Thus it is hard to counter the expectation that
accompanies chance, for it is subtle and
inherent in man. Expectation in mode of chance
is necessary and feasible. Experiencism uses
this expectation in understanding chance and
ultimately the Tao. It is another form of the two
approaches to distinction. This very special
thing, this expectation, is our downfall for it is
the cause of the human dilemma. It is our
insight for all our questions can be answered
through it. With it, sustainability in life can be
reached. The matter then becomes which
approach to distinction is most applicable.

To receive a gift, the gift must be
understood and recognized. To be happy, what
happiness is must first be understood and
established. To solve a problem or create
change, the factors that make it up should be
illuminated. In order to follow any program that
promises any sort of change, it is necessary to
determine what it is that needs to be changed.
Change is not needed to bring about happiness,
yet change is an element of the Tao.

As in any method, preparatory steps are

taken to ensure that the desired result occurs.
Experiencism is a process that unravels new
ways of thinking and seeing with each day. To
begin however, a set of underlying principles
and virtues is crucial. These codes of conduct
are to be read now and pondered upon, which
will help answer the questions that come next.
Agreement is not necessary at this stage, only
an honor of the virtues that will soon be
≈ Happiness is not an esoteric power.
≈ It is not an abstract entity that can be
attracted in your life.
≈ It is a byproduct and result of action and
experience. It can only come through living

≈ It is set into motion by outside variables,
but is cultivated and created within
oneself. The outside factors provide for a
stimulus and the inside effort makes the
≈ It can come and go easily, and must in
order to be as powerful as it is. If there are
no periods of sadness, no absence of
happiness, then becoming happy is
≈ Happiness is best achieved thorough
allowance of things to be. Reaching for and
grasping for things that are meant to bring
happiness, will ultimately not. Be open.
≈ No matter what happens, no matter how
much things may become in conflict with
each other, there is always a chance for
happiness. It can arise in any situation.
≈ There is not one answer to any question,
but to fully be alive, a belief in what is right
must be supreme. Do not doubt what is
considered truth. Trust in what is thought
of as good.
≈ Nature cannot be comprehended
intellectually, it can only be felt and acted
in accord with.
≈ Harmony as is best, already exists right
now. The hopes that man has to better the
future are blind and cannot take form. Life
is perfect now.

≈ The interconnectedness of it all provides
for an opportunity to see the way in
anything and everything.
≈ A glass of water contains just as much of
the universe as does the Milky Way. Thus,
common man in common life, as simple as
it is, does not need to be “great” to feel
the Tao and therefore be happy.
≈ Society as it is, is perfect and right.
Because we can see the wrong in life, it
means we are living the right. In fiction we
find slaves to the state who do not realize
their horrible situation and so think they
live right. They do not complain and begin
to lose what is the human experience.
Because we can complain, because we do
find the wrong in life, we must be living the
right on some level and thus be human.
≈ And finally to begin the chapter, the
quintessential guide to Experiencism in
one sentence. The sum of it all to begin the
journey with. Nothing need be changed
at all.

It would be wise to review these points often

throughout the course of this book. They are of
upmost importance and illustrate the roots of
the system. They provide direction for what will
be nothing less than life changing.

As a final thought, be aware of thoughts that

occur. Allow what is to come, to come, and do
not prevent anything. It is this trying, this effort,
that often leads to failure. Do not try to have
certain thoughts and keep away from others.
Experiencism is a very rare and weird idea,
especially because it does not require rare or
weird ideas to work. Just living in society,
partaking in normal life, provides that which is
necessary for success. Be aware of thoughts,
but do not try to change them.

Sitting on a tree, not so easy. Trying to

get down, not so easy. Sitting by itself is
easy, the tree alone is easy. We shall sit
apart. Happily together.

Both smiling and not smiling are justified
by modern society. Both are used just as often
as the other. In Experiencism smiling is justified
to cultivate positive energy within and without.
It may bring a feeling of comfort. Not smiling is
justified by devotion to the task. A serious intent
is good, it shows focus and respect. This book is
being written with both smiles and not smiles.

Positive thinking is bad when expectations

are present. To believe in the power of will, or
law of attraction, or all the other catchy names
that have been devoted to the subject, leads to
failure without a proper mindset. Without
acceptance of both good and bad, without
defining the values of life, such efforts create
self destruction when expectations are not met.
When a wish is made and not manifested, a
feeling of loss or dissatisfaction occurs. The
consensus of self help mantras lead to

There is a power in positive thinking, but

when it is emphasized over all other ways, there
can only be failure. It is to be understood that
bad is inevitable and that negative
happenstances occur in everything, so is the
way. When attempting to stir away from the
direction of the universe, failure can only result.
Do not push for positive things only, they
cannot exist alone. Instead realize that power
and control are not necessary and that what will
come will come.

Now with proper acceptance and

realization of good and bad, it is not needed to
attract anything positive. With this
understanding it defeats itself. Experiencism
differs then from other systems in that positive
thinking is not emphasized. When a certain
level is reached things just flow and positive
things come and go. It is important not to dwell
on solely the things that we like. In many ways,
limits are created within rather than without.

In many schools of thought, especially

those that promise strength and success, the
goal of practice is to overcome. Many self help
programs attempt to overcome obstacles, which
are supposed to lead to success and ultimately
happiness. Our flaw lies in that we believe
success will lead to happiness, and that triumph
is the means to that approach. These programs
certainly work for creating success, but do not
do so for establishing happiness. Let it be said
now that success does not always bring
happiness. This is known, yet not taken to

Experiencism seeks to overcome nothing

and so is blocked by no obstacle. By learning to
be happy with what is, whether success is
prevalent or not, leads to the sustainable life
that is desired. Experiencism relies on
happiness to bring about satisfaction and
comfort within one’s life. It is necessary then to
develop an unshakable trust in the system that
allows for satisfaction to manifest. Believing in
Experiencism does not make anything magical,
but only reinforces the belief within that is
necessary to be satisfied.

Experiencism mimics nature, which is

naturally always right. The belief that is not
breakable and is believed to be right, with no
skepticism, brings about a power that can be
harnessed for change. When a belief is held in
the highest regard, without doubt, it becomes
real. This is an idea that many have used
before, thoughts can manifest, mind over
matter, etc. but the problem is usually the
same. It is very hard to truly believe in
something that goes against the established
order. This order is in everything; ethics and
morals, society, religion, life in general has
created a consensus that is accepted by all.
Childhood reinforces this order. Many attempt
to stir away from this order because acceptance
has not yet become a reality, they are not
satisfied with life. Experiencism works within
this established order to create the acceptance
and satisfaction that is sought. It works
differently in that the indestructible belief is
based on life as it is known, life as it exists now.

This belief is the start of transformation and will
generate acceptance.

So that this embracement of the highest

belief can become real, it is necessary to use
the factors that normally determine beliefs.
Primarily logic based on previous experiences
and general consensus will be used. The
following pages are to be read entirely until the
end of the chapter and reread as time goes on.
Ethics will be drawn upon and one’s own
experience will be used as the experiment.
Imagine the scientific method being used to a
certain degree, to establish a core belief from
which change will evolve. This is all abstract.
The entire process is outlined in words and
words alone. It is beginning right now. Life is
beautiful. Life is perfect. Everything that is
needed already is, without effort, it just is. Life
contains so much and each moment is priceless.
Death is inevitable and only joy can arise from
such a thought. Imagine living forever, there
would be no variance, no diversity, no reason
nor drive to keep living and yet it is done. It
would be eternal punishment, just as bad as
hell. Anything that lasts forever is abstract, and
an impossible thought. We must be thankful, for
to picture infinity brings about terror and fear.
Boredom already happens so easily, and even
when time is known to be short we get bored.
Life could not exist eternally.

The eternal or infinite, are only ideas. They
can only be ideas because of our current
situation. If infinity was real we would have
nothing to define, and so it alone could not be
known. The very act of conceiving infinity is
possible only because there exists a start and
end. For example; there is a line that never
ends. It cannot be known then that there is a
line at all if neither the start nor finish can be
thought of or realized. But if there was a line no
matter how long or short with definite ends,
then the fact that it is a line can be known. Life
must have an end for that is what makes it life.

Heaven is scary as well, for our current

understanding, our current mindset, shows that
too much of anything is torture. If heaven is as
pictured, eternal peace and all, peace and
harmony could not be known for their opposites
do not exist in heaven. The notions of eternal
anything are logically contradictory and so
should be put aside when living.

Life cannot be longer. Simply said it

doesn’t matter whether existence is two
seconds or two millennia, just the idea of it
having an end makes for a perfect argument so
as to our limited time. It seems nice to have the
amount we do, as each moment becomes
precious and even more precious as time ticks
away. To have less time would be better
justified than to have more time, as it would be
easier to let go and die. Reliance on anything is
accompanied by the proportionately increasing
difficulty of letting go. To have less time is
something we most avoid, yet the control of it is
in our hands. We of course can decide to die
quick or live long and both are equally valuable.

When two opposites are true, neutrality is

created. When neutrality exists, it’s opposite,
absence of neutrality must also exist. Absence
of neutrality means good or bad or both. To not
go into detail here, it will be stated that good
and bad are present in everything and that
because they are, neutrality is also. Applying
this to life means that anything can become
good or bad or neither or both. All of these
possibilities must be taken into account and
realized because they are present in every
situation even when it is not apparent. In war
for example; there are those on each side who
think they are right, there are those that think
they are wrong and that war should be stopped,
and there are those that believe both are right
because opinion cannot be argued and when
put in the situation of the other, reason for
action is justified.

. This is essentially the embodiment of the

reasoning that is to be cultivated. Everything is
right and also wrong, but because of that
everything is right. Simply stated, every
possible combination of anything is right. Man
however, cannot use this for he would not be
able to act in accord with all these perspectives.
The truth is found in that because these factors
are so broad man will always be in accord with
them, without effort or his consent.

So realize that no matter what happens

the Tao is always followed, especially when it
does not seem to be. Now let us examine what
exists now and how the different
understandings can be of use.

This is a representation of what has just

been explained. This is the Strand of Essential
Ethics or SEE. The understanding of a circular
form of balance is presented. Notice that good
and bad are side by side and that the furthest
away is neutrality. Neutrality is the absence of a
dominant force and so can be said to be the
opposite of both good and bad. Imagine we cut
this strand in between good and bad.

This is the linear representation of the Strand

of Essential Ethics. This is what is currently
practiced by most. Neutral is now in between
and brings about the common understanding.

Both representations are always true and

present in every situation. One can find
anything when the mindset is right. SEE is
always there and is a result of man’s experience
upon reality. The circular representation can be
used for understanding similarities, uniting
seemingly opposing views, accepting the nature
of this reality and ultimately understanding the
Tao. The linear representation is useful for
defining this reality, drawing conclusions,
establishing beliefs, and more importantly
creating the route to which change is possible.
Both representations are necessary to bring
about the change in which we desire.

To put these representations in context we
can use the debate between science and
religion. The side of the circular representation,
religion, has already been argued. Remember
that the need to realize the similarities in
everything is crucial to the acceptance of life as
it is and thus will lead to sustainability.

Many wish to believe in a predetermined fate,

that their lives are controlled by forces
unknown, that there are no such things as
coincidences, etc; those that do are destined to
failure. Science does not approve of such fate,
and so religion becomes separate. Experiencism
accepts that all beliefs exist, that in order for
change to happen and success to manifest, all
aspects of life must be in sync. Conflict must be
avoided at all costs, especially conflicting

We must submit to the consensus and to the

beliefs that reason allows for. The consensus is
the most prevalent source of belief and is
simple to work in. we must accept science and
the beliefs that do not contradict it. It must be
understood that all ways and beliefs are true,
but in this life it is best and easiest to choose
reason and the consensus. So then we must not
believe in coincidences or divine intervention,
but rather that reality is a result of knowable
certain factors.

Spirituality is not lost, as some believe, when
reason is embraced. In fact reason becomes the
new medium for faith. Religion is undesirable
because it is hard to accept, hard to see, hard in
its ways, etc. there is diversity in religion and
when everyone says they are right, skepticism
can only result. With so much conflict, one can’t
help but wonder if he is on the right side. Those
who use reason tend to be more sure and
sustainable than those who rely on pure faith.
We have yet to see an extremist group based
on the scientific consensus. Such is not possible,
for the beauty of it is that science only becomes
true when the result is the same for everyone. It
tends to be easier to accept science than
religion, especially in modern society. Science is
part of our culture and lifestyle, it is
complimentary to modern life.

There are many versions of God, but very few

of Gravity. Even those who have moral and
lifestyle differences believe in gravity. It is a
constant in human thinking, a similarity that can
be used to unite. So reason must be followed.
Now in our western ways, with our typical
western approach, it seems by closing off higher
levels of thinking, by shutting out what seems
to be the “spirit”, it would disappear for good.
We may fear that the spiritual side of life could
not exist or not be fully realized in our lives
without religion. If we reject religion or similar

modes of thought, how can we create the
potential that religion was used for?

It must be accepted that if God is in

everything, he can be known through
everything. Church is unnecessary and
contributes only more to the problem. It is a
virtue of Experiencism to cultivate an
understanding of all, of God, of that which can
be realized in this life, by using everyday
actions. It is possible to gain the same spiritual
sense that conventional religion brings, by
doing daily tasks even those that are simple. As
in Zen practice an awareness can be cultivated
through doing simple things. Zen however, has
a flaw in that there is a method and effort to
gain this awareness. There may not be an
upfront expectation, but certainly an expected
result so as to justify the reason for practice.
Practitioners claim to be trying to let go and just
be, trying without effort to just let things flow,
yet they are still trying and fail because of it. A
realization in the perfection of daily life is to
unfold, but absolutely may not be met, by trying
to avoid daily life, or making an effort that is
different from it.
America is both positive and negative, and
daily life is well balanced in both. With time,
God can be found in a glass of water and this
can cultivate happiness. If there are
expectations of satisfaction however, failure is
an inevitable result. So is the cause of the
human dilemma, we must have expectations for
that is why we try at all. Expectations become a
part of life and a thing to be dealt with.
Expectations are a factor in life that may yield
unwanted results, but are what make life great.
They allow for that feeling of disappointment
that makes the feeling of satisfaction so
wonderful. It is the negative that makes the
positive and vice versa. Due to this, the
negative is essential to daily life which seems to
have so much of it anyway. The norm is perfect.

We must not stir away from the norm. The

consensus exists because nature allows it, such
tendencies are common for they are an
expression of the way. In short, common life,
the normalness of modern society, is perfect. If
normal life could establish the satisfaction that
is sought, then this would not have to be read.
This does not have to be read. By justifying
regular life, the road to sustainability is paved.

Modern society as of now is very elegant, in

that tones of sustainability can be found. It must
be understood however, that true sustainability
can never be reached, nature is always in flux.
Hence the goal of becoming forever happy is
impossible. Instead happiness can be made
stronger and more prominent in a more
abundant manner. This is the goal, not
permanent sustainability. Revolutions in all of
the past, passive or violent, have resulted in
what are usually thought of to be better
conditions, but not perfect. As in the roots of
America we have improved a lot, but never
perfect and never will.

The established order as of now is great, all

basic needs are satisfied and injustices are rare.
Nationalism is strong in the hearts of common
man and so we unite. The state must not be
upset as it provides for a harmony of sorts that
could not be replicated even with effort. What is
now is as good as it gets. The state must be
followed and if an injustice is found, the abused
must change to allow for the system to be right.
The system does not yield to an individual, the
individual must make an effort to accept the
system regardless of moral misconduct. As in
Laissez Faire, if the system and consensus
conflict with themselves, naturally over time the
problems will be worked out. And similarly to
never achieving true sustainability, new
problems will always arise. It is up to the
individual then, to learn to change as times do,
to go with the flow, and remain happy

As the cliché goes “be like bamboo, strong,

but flexible, be like water ever flowing and
malleable.” The idea of restraint is often
misunderstood. Restraint does not mean to hold
back, suck it in, tough it out, be unhappy
through lack of action, it means to allow.
Restraint is not simply a closing off of one’s own
thoughts, it is also an opening of mind to other
ideas. When one thing is to be let go of, another
must take its place. When trying to accept
something, it is crucial to become open to that
which is to be accepted as well as shut off from
that which conflicts. There is a constant
occupation of things in life, when one goes
another must come, this is a well established
thought. Just as in nature, energy is never
destroyed only transformed, we can find many
themes in this reality that interweave. When the
sun sets, the moon rises, there is never a void,
void is a point of view. The balance shifts, but
never is empty.

When it is asked whether “the glass is half

empty or half full” the answer is both. The
reason for asking the question is to determine
point of view or attitude. This works because
once the void is established so is the point of
view. If the glass is half empty then there is a
void of water, and likewise if the glass is half full
then also there is a void of water. Such
questions when asked breed the approach to
ethics that is undesirable. There seems to
always be a notion of lack of water which is the
reason for having the glass. The glass is not for
air, it is for water. These ideas spread the
attitudes of need, and want, and ultimately
dissatisfaction, because they are designed in
such a manner that makes the answerer choose
the same lacking result. Even when the more
positive “glass is half full” answer is chosen, the
absence of the other half of water inevitably
creates dissatisfaction.

Vividly, society constructs these traps or
failures. Society is inclined towards self
destruction, meaning that people want
something that they cannot have. Society
culminates such troublesome traits, it is a
reflection of the human dilemma that created it.
Society is perfect because it is modeled after
man, by man for man and in part due to this
characteristic of society we feel more
comfortable in it. Society is sustainable just as
we are, because failure exists and a chance of
change is present.

Failure is part of the perfection of the way

especially in human matters. For the universe,
no such thing exists, but for man who must
label everything good or bad, it serves as a tool
to know and experience this reality. To avoid
these failures is foolish, it can never happen,
failure is human. Instead, restraint must be
exercised where a feeling of dissatisfaction is
quelled by an embrace of the failure and its
offspring. The ethical traps cannot be avoided,
but self destruction can. The truth lies in not
avoiding at all, but allowing. Replace avoid with
allow. Replace avoid with allow.

Trust is foolish if success is always
expected. Most, who do not want failure, get it
when there are expectations. Success is an
attitude, not a given. Failure must learn to be
accepted and with time will no longer be failure
as it is now understood, but rather a normal
occurrence that is perfect. Failure is inevitable
and so must be accepted. Soon self reliance and
trust in oneself will be held high, for it is not the
accomplishment, but the acceptance of the act.

It will become the approach to the problem

that provides for satisfaction rather than the
actual overcoming of it. The way of engaging a
situation will be more influential than the result
of the situation. The goal will be to approach the
problem in an appropriate manner not focusing
on the result. The means will justify the end.
The product of a proper approach will always be
right, it is the approach that allows the mind to
welcome what is to come. Thus it is possible to
cope with any situation based on how it is
approached. If the means contains all that
which is right, with full effort, then the end must
be correct. When what is thought of as best in
effort and moral, is applied to a situation, there
can be no better result.

Thoughts of failure are often created by
regret, but can be avoided by trying the best
the first time. Placing the whole of human will
into something will naturally yield the best. One
cannot expect to do better than his best. The
failure manifests from thoughts of uncertainty
and doubt. Trust in oneself through confidence
and knowing that the highest virtue is being
applied, and naturally the acceptance will come.
A realization that the product of highest will and
intent is perfect, leads to the road of
sustainability. Trust is key for acceptance of life,
without it uncertainty and skepticism expands.

Trust arises from feelings of comfort and

certainty. Trust can be tamed through logic and
ethics. Since good and bad are present in
everything, trust can be made through a finding
of what is desired in any given situation. “Don’t
worry be happy” is plausible because good and
bad exist simultaneously. Keep in mind that it is
not a ridding of worry that creates the
happiness, but rather an acceptance of the
worry that allows for it. They do not rule each
other out, instead they are complimentary and
are controlled by the perceiver. The perceiver
must realize the good in the bad. The perceiver
does not have to create good for it is already
there, only they have to see it. Good can be
found by choosing to embrace the bad.
By working towards trust using the
embracement of bad, the bad will lose its
character and start to become one in the same
with good. This is how the universe sees the
two, as one. Man has created the division,
duality is brilliant and abstract. Society will not
allow it however, and is precisely how we are
going to achieve trust. Man cannot see the unity
clearly because society reminds him of the
separation. This is how it is meant to be, and
how we will harness it. Recognize that both
ideas true, but accept that which society allows.
An effort must be made so that good and bad
are distinguishable. Learn to be mad when it is
time to be mad and happy when it is time to be
happy. A fully present awareness, an existence
in the now, means that an undivided experience
is to occur. One must learn both, to be present
and not present, to reject and accept the bad.

For our purposes of change we will use the

acceptance or not present approach. Since
normal life, the usual approach, created this
want or dissatisfaction it is appropriate to use
the opposite. To negate the unwanted side
effects of normal life, we must use an approach
that is not normal. To live in society with a
mindset that loves the consensus yet has its
own ideas, is the goal. To be fully satisfied and
realize the perfection of normal life is the goal.
This by definition is different from normal life, in
that most do not accept their own ways. We
often hear of people complaining about normal
life, even though they are in it. So if we accept
normal life we will be different just enough to
the point as to where we can change.

Distraction is thought of by many as a
hindrance, an obstruction of the goal. Others
see it as a chance to evolve further in that
maybe the goal in mind was not correct and
now the intuition is guiding them down the right
path. To them distraction is not bad, and it is
even not a distraction, but rather an opening of
doors. We will take a bit from both in that when
we do have a goal we shall stick to it, and also
not be so rigid as to cut off all other sources of
insight. When the effort and time is taken to
make something fully right, when the truth is
found, it is unwise to just let it go in search of
another. Not all things provide for the same
results. Similarly, we cannot remain blind to
distraction and rule it out simply because we
find our way the best. Our beliefs will come to
include a rightness of all things. We will in time
be able to see perfection in all.

A balance of distraction is necessary, where

distraction will lead to a furthering of the goal.
The distractions will become like detours, where
they lead back to the path and provide for
variety. Distractions should be thought of as
opportunities for growth. They should not be
avoided nor sought, only allowed to come.
Distractions serve as fuel for the goal, they
detract from the goal and so strengthen the
resolve towards the goal. When focus must be
redirected and realigned, it must be stronger so
as to not be so easily moved in the future.
Focus will build a tolerance and so will not be
influenced by simple distractions. This balance
involves the saying “what doesn’t kill you
makes you stronger” in that with each
distraction the determination to reach the goal
will be increased.

Life comes full circle, and it takes a journey

to realize the beauty in normal life. To
appreciate daily routine one must go outside it
or experience differently. Many war veterans
display a love of life that others do not because
they have taken lives and seen others killed,
“they have fought to defend the freedoms that
we take for granted”. We too must come full
circle if change is desired. Experiencism shows
the brilliance in everyday life so that we may
return to it satisfied. If in distraction one goes
off on a tangent or gets stuck in a place, the
goal will not be lost as it is in everything. The
happiness that is to be cultivated can be found
in anything, even amongst distraction. It is
again like everything else, a thing of the mind.
Attitude and mindset determine if something is
a distraction or not.

Trust in oneself can effortlessly counter

distraction, where anything off topic or not
towards the goal becomes a chance to achieve
the goal. The distraction is an opportunity to
practice the necessary ideas to reach the goal.
Distraction is an aid. Distraction only
overpowers focus when it is given a value. It
does not matter how small the interest is in the
distraction, only that there is a curiosity towards
it. As soon as distraction is given concern, it will
take away from the task and create a loss of
focus. When it is given no value, the distraction
becomes neutral and not an object of interest
and so one can proceed with the task never
losing focus.

One ignores a distraction first, by a removal

of any effort at all. To try and prevent the
distraction will give it value. One must allow the
distraction to fade away. If any thought at all is
given to it, it will manifest. Trust results in an
allowing of the natural order of things to
happen, so use it. When life becomes perfect,
trust unfolds, and distractions disappear.

Second, treat the distraction as everything

else so that it will not be of any more value than
the things that are not distractions. Allow it to
be normal. This requires a belief in that
everything is an opportunity for growth. Every
experience is a chance to exercise the mindset
that leads to sustainability. Experiencism can be
applied to every aspect of life because it affects
the perceiver. It serves as a lens for viewing
reality that will influence every experience.
When this is reached, distraction is to be
thought of as everything. Distraction is
undoubtedly part of life which is then plausibly
influenced by one’s mindset. It becomes an act
not of taking away value from distraction, but
rather giving the value of perfection that all
things have. This establishes a neutrality or
equilibrium of things so that when distractions
may come, they will be no more important than
average life. The bowl of soup that is being
eaten contains just as much of the perfection of
the Tao, just as much of the universe, as the
pretty girl across the room does. This attitude
relies on the belief that everything is perfect
and invaluable.

Distraction will always exist. We are not here

to rule it out and avoid it. Distraction is a beauty
of life, that provides for a definition of focus,
without distraction we would not know focus.
Distraction is not a problem and only is thought
of as so, when it hinders the desired result of an
effort. Practice then looking at distractions
without a negative bias. It is true that our
experience is heavily influenced by
preconceived notions and biases, which means
that most of what we know is only because we
have opinions. It is the judgment of a scenario
that determines the experience of it and so
ultimately what is to be found within it. One
should seek to change biases only when they
conflict with the goal at hand. Otherwise, too
much changing of opinion will polarize one’s
experience and create distortion within it.

The secret of our current equilibrium is that

life is seen clearly. This does not mean that man
understands life, nor anything for that matter,
only that we have formulated opinions through
which experience flows. We have defined reality
somewhat, enough though to establish working
opinions and opposites. In the eyes of man life
is clear because experience flows without
pause. There is a beginning and an end and in
between the sequence of experiences is
unbroken. This trait of fluidity is a manifestation
of the way. We do not have to wait for things to
happen, that is to say that there is always
something to do. We as human beings desire
things that tend to have a wait, and do not
realize the potential flow of other things. The
mindset makes waiting a reality, the universe
never stops.

Harmony is very simply the occurrence of
multiple factors acted out in a manner that is
naturally positive. It ranges from a multitude of
mediums, but is most easily found in one’s
sense of pleasure and satisfaction. Usually a
combination of factors leads to harmony,
meaning it does not happen as a result of one
thing. Discord is the result of potential
harmonious factors that do not blend to create
positive connotations. Discord in our lives is
trying to create harmony and failing. Moreover,
it is the occurrence of undesired results that
manifest because of a misalignment with what
is true. Simply, discord can become without
trying and arises due to an ignorance or
straying away from certain truths about reality
inherent in nature. Discord in life is not
following the tendency of the universe. We will
learn to feel what is right and so allow harmony
to come.

Harmony is enjoyed by all and man’s

inherent preferences will pull him towards
harmony. If man could let go, and let harmony
pull him, he would have harmony. Man tries and
fails. Man also fails even without trying because
modern life will create conflict and quell his
efforts. Modern life is characterized by
dissatisfaction and lack of harmony, but does
not have to be.
Discord arises not from a lack of harmony,
but the human cognitive experience. There is
harmony in every moment, but man does not
easily see it. Most often, there are so many
things going on harmony is not apparent. It is
because daily life has a complicated harmony,
one that is not simple enough for man to
understand in moments. If given the time
however, man, with effort, could see the
complex harmony in every situation. So it is not
that harmony does not exist, it is rather that
man does not devote the focus to deciphering

We find discord in our lives because we do

not possess the ability to realize harmony
without effort. Our cognitive abilities only allow
us to perceive harmony in very simple systems.
We can find harmony in complex systems only
when we take the time to deconstruct it and
make it into simpler systems. So if a lesson is to
be derived from this, one that we can use for
our purposes of change, it would be to break
things down. When one does not see the beauty
in a situation, he must then take it apart and
find a way to understand the beauty in it. It is
not that there does not exist perfection in this
world, we just have to learn to see it.

So while most would say that harmony is the

ability or state of coexistence between multiple
beings or factors, true harmony is the
sustainability of seemingly contradictory

Respect is abstract. It is a conception of
the human experience most often used to
justify life. It is a mechanism used by the mind
to feel better about oneself, a tool for coping
with the human dilemma. There are many forms
stemming from the ultimate of respect. Self
respect, respect for others, property, beliefs,
etc. are examples of the applications of the
ultimate form. Beyond that, the ultimate form
reaches a point as to where respect no longer
exists and a self destruction occurs. The
ultimate form defeats itself and so can never be

As in trust, respect for the use in

Experiencism, relies mainly on how it relates to
the self. This includes of course respect for
things outside of the self, for one is influenced
by outside factors. To develop the acceptance
the first flame is to be doused. The first tragedy
of the efforts of man, that of striving for respect,
is the primordial reason for failure in all other
realms. Not realizing the complications of
respect, man steps right into dissatisfaction.
Very simply when respect is a tangible concept
at all, it brings along unwanted factors that are
inherent, yet undesirable by man.
Respect is given to others in hopes of
something in return, this is expectation, this is

not good. This is a reflection of the human
dilemma where something is sought after yet
can never be reached. Respect only exists in
the minds of men, and most often is flawed.
Flawed because man constantly is unsatisfied
with his respect either from others, of himself,
or that which he gives others. It is a goal that
provides for rewards yet never seems to truly
be reached. The human dilemma is depicted in
the story of Sisyphus.

The angry Gods condemned Sisyphus to

an eternity of suffering. He was to push a rock
up a hill only to have it fall back unto him
before reaching the summit. Forever he would
be dissatisfied for all his efforts brought no
change. Every time almost at the top, the rock
would fall back down again. It proved no use,
yet he continued to do it.

This story embodies the most complex

ideas of Experiencism which will not be
explained here. For the very literal
interpretation, Sisyphus symbolizes the human
dilemma in that man keeps trying at something
that cannot be reached. The human struggle is
not to survive, that is inherent, it is to be
satisfied. The satisfaction most often requires
things that cannot be met, so is the dilemma.
Now Sisyphus tries each time and fails just as
much. He cannot succeed, and so should learn
to cope with his situation. His failure is his
attitude that feels dissatisfaction each time the
rock falls. He should realize that the rock is
going to fall no matter what, and so should stop
trying. Trying is not the physical action itself,
Sisyphus has no choice he must push the rock
up the hill, it is instead the mental aspect that
goes with it. Trying opens up the possibility for
failure, to try is to accept the plausible outcome
of failure. Failure like so many other things is a
human conception, and so it is up to man to find
that nature has no failure. Outside of man it
does not exist.

Sisyphus must come to terms with his

situation. He will in time learn a tolerance to his
pain. Man has developed a tolerance to such
occurrences like gravity, but has not in abstract
realms. Man accepts that physically he cannot
do certain things, but mentally he refuses to
believe there are any limits.

Limits are absolutely necessary. They are

the reasons we can know this world. Limit is the
very mother of experience, it is like the sounds
that animals use for echolocation where things
are defined by their limit. Without limit human
existence would be impossible. Reality as we
know it can simply not be separate from limit. It
is then important to accept limits and realize
that one should not try to overcome them. Our
ideas of freedom and strength would have us
try to break out of limits in any form, but it is
clearly the wiser choice to find a means of living
with our ideas in limit. To live in limit is not to
go against any of man’s current virtues, we just
must uncover a new side to these virtues and
apply them differently.

Basic needs are something that we find in

daily life and they are brilliant because
everyone must work towards them. They are in
this sense a uniting factor because we have the
similarity of our basic needs. Basic needs can
also be defined as limits because as humans we
must constantly be satisfying them and so they
are just one more thing holding us back from
our idea of what true potential is. Basic needs
are similarities considered limits, but it is for
this very reason that they hold their true value.

One can express his own struggle to others

and they can understand well because they too
must work for basic needs. It is because
everyone must partake in this experience that a
sense of unity forms. There is a supreme value
in having a limit that everyone understands and
must follow.

The Essential Balance
Humanity in its search for higher meaning
has created the notions of free will and its
opposite of divine control. Destiny as
understood by modern man does not exist, it is
not some portion of life that is foretold. Destiny
is instead, very simply, a man’s idea of the
future and of life as a whole. It is not a limit,
that is to say man should not be limited by the
idea of destiny. It is a killer of the beauty of life
and removes much of the variety we attribute
to the diversity of life. It then should be used
only as a tool for thought, only as a removable
lens to which to review life with for a brief
moment to get another view.

Free will is also blind in that it entails

ultimate freedom and seems to rule out
probability when in the mind of man. Man tends
to believe that if free will does exist, he then is
the sole chooser of his life, which is untrue
because outside factors are a heavy influence.
It is part of the nature vs. nurture question and
is both, where man believes in the ability to
choose, yet his choices are influenced by other
factors outside of him.

This balanced version of free will brings

sustainability. It is necessary to only take a very
general, that is bland, approach to free will. Man
in his current struggle has a natural median of
free will and destiny, which is a product of
natural selection. It is this survival mechanism
that has retained this perfect balance and must
for if either side is too strong man will collapse.
It includes science and religion as well, for we
have free will on one side and destiny on the
other. It is representative of our situation on all
fronts, in all subjects there is this balance.

When the equilibrium of man’s society is

disturbed, there unfolds a problem that is not
recognized by man. It seems to manifest
magically, innate in nature, without sound,
invisible to man’s detection, it influences him
without his knowing. This ether, so to speak, is a
result of a breaking of balance. It can be seen
as doubt and skepticism. The truth lies in that
man cannot stray from this balance. It is
impossible to remove man from his balance. It
is a quality of life, the shell that holds the egg of
life, which cannot be broken without life being
disturbed. This impossibility of diverting from
balance is crucial to living with a moderate
sense of free will which is what is needed.

Destiny, a tendency of the universe like

gravity, is the wall that man cannot breach for it
is the Essential Balance. Man then has free will
living in this box, within the confines of the
Essential Balance, to do as he pleases. So he
has free will just within a certain limit. With this
understanding sustainability can be reached
and society kept up. Man can live to his full
potential, by seeing the truth of the matter. By
realizing this balance and believing it right, man
uses the best approach. He is not extreme in
either manner which allows for this. If he were a
destiny inclined man he would have too many
limits and destiny would create itself. It would
become a self fulfilling prophecy. The man who
is inclined towards free will knows no limits and
so endangers himself and society. He can be
disappointed which allows for tragedy, unlike
the destiny man who believes failure the will of

Our approach is perfect because; it

recognizes the limits of reality, is not influenced
by expectation, does not create false limits, and
coheres with society. This is central and is a
perfect example of all aspects of life. It is to be
applied to whatever question arises. The
understanding gained herein is the ethics that
are to be used in daily life. Apply the knowledge
of this balance as it pertains to sustainability
and all will flow. Ponder on this. It is the first
block that builds Experiencism. It will be
referred to from now on as the Essential

Man in his quest through life learns the
value of kindness, compassion, generosity, etc.
the things that he holds high and strives for.
These virtues are positive in intent, and are
created so that man works out the negative.
They are parts of the essential balance. They
are the virtues in the limelight while the
negative takes on dark. We strive for them,
often fail, yet continue to do so.

Humility is overlooked, especially now with

today’s mindset in that man seeks to express
his ego more not less. We are taught to be
strong and when we are not aggressive and
expressive, we are thought to be weak.
Motivation in today’s world uses mainly
“confidence boosters” and is designed for the
“weak”. We are to be humble. Those that
cannot be quiet are weak. A true man, with true
strength learns to accept and deal with conflict.
The strong learn to live without fret.

Most do not understand what it means to be

humble, they are occupied with their own
thoughts. Speaking opinion forcefully is not
humble, for it denotes one’s attitude of being
right and shows stubbornness. One must listen
at times, people don’t shut up. Those who speak
do not know, those who know do not speak. It is
apparent then that what is being read is not
knowing. This is confusion. Humility is practiced
by such very thoughts, where the possibility of
being wrong is recognized and expresses. The
practice of humility is hard to do in today’s age
because others judge weakness where strength
is meant. Kindness is often mistaken for
weakness. A general statement of humility, the
conclusions that can be drawn;
• Weakness does not exist. If it must, then
it can be found in those unwilling to
submit. Resistance is strength
manifested. Because it is manifested it
can be broken. Thus it is weakness.
• Belief in ultimate right, stubbornness in
one’s opinion kept to himself, is not
weakness. Silence is humility. Weakness
is when opinions are pushed unto
others, this action means an
unwillingness to accept nature. To not
allow others their own opinions is to
restrict the flow of the Tao and reject
the perfection of the universe.
• While humility is not always right, is can
most often be seen as a striving to do
good. When humility is recognized,
know that virtue is being pursued. Those
that try do not succeed, but show in the
case of humility, benevolent intention.
They are meaning to do what they think
is best.
• On the surface humility may seem like
submission. It is.
• Ignorance being admitted, a request for
a sign of the way, humility is hard to
practice. Rewards can never be reaped
by humility alone, when a returning to
ego unfolds then the beauty of no ego is
found. When one side is embraced, the
perfection of it can only be known by
going to the other side.
• Humility like everything else, is to be
used, but not dwelled upon. Humility is
• And by very definition, humility is not
full withdrawal from ego for it relies on a
reason to continue itself and thus
cannot be separated from the feelings of
success and failure. This is to say that
because one even has a reason to be
humble, with or without trying, failure
can arise and ego can be present.
Humility is rather a quelling of ego
versus an impossible erasure of ego. It is
ego scaled down so as to allow for effort
from a different perspective and on a
different level.

Truth is something that humility seeks to

bring about, one is humble for reasons of truth.
To be dishonest and work against truth cannot
happen under humility. Humility relies on truth
to continue and survive. There must be some
goal in mind, a reason for continued humility, in
order to keep going and this is called truth. It is

because humility relies on truth that we may
use truth to gain humility.

Truth is in itself multidimensional where

there are abstract truths that are not changed
and relative truths that are always being
changed. General knowledge and what we may
call common sense is classified under abstract
truth. Abstract truth is unimportant for our
purposes of humility and ultimately change
towards sustainability. What is important is the
relative truth that can easily be shaped as
needed and applied readily.

In a situation where there are two objects

of discussion, truth may be bent in order to aid
the overall goal. That is to say, so long as the
changing of truth does not compare to
another’s truth it can be done. In cases of
comparing the past and present, truth may be
changed so that the present appears more
positive than actually may be, so that one can
be more content with life as it is. If a spark or
reason for change is needed, then the opposing
side of making the past look better than the
present is justified.

The point of this is to realize that because

truth is relative and always in flux, there is not a
reason to prevent it from being used towards
personal goals. Being humble does not mean a
blind pursuit of a defined constant truth.
Humility is an attempt towards truth that will
change in order to adapt and be more efficient
towards one’s virtues. To change the truth,
creating a situation more useful towards one’s
goals, is not lying for only that which is based
on personal opinion is changed. Relative truth
can be changed without lie being created so
long as only one’s subjective experience and
account is changed in his own mind for his own
purposes. If for example; inspiration is needed
to become humble, a changing of truth would
be justified along the lines of believing one was
egotistical in the past and so will strive to not be
in the future. The truth was changed in one’s
mind for one’s own benefit in one’s own
situation without comparing the truths of

There is no conflict without, and within

there is reason to change the truth which
cannot be argued against, that of one’s purpose
and goals held in the highest regard. Humility is
useful for understanding yet another point of
view, which ego has less influence upon.
Humility is not weakness and is rather an
exercise of strength where truth is being
worked towards. Practice being humble and
know that in doing so only benefit can arise.

One need not justify the morals society
breeds, they are perfect. No further explanation
is needed. It is better to accept what is now
than what could be. Potential occurrences are
always in flux and do not allow man any
certainty. It is wisest then, to accept the morals
we have now for changing them would create
uncertainty. Experiencism has had to conform
to these daily morals, but because of this they
can be more easily accepted for one is used to
them. We shall learn to use these morals and
understand them in such a manner so as to
benefit from them in ways not originally

Those that seek to please others do so

with virtue in mind. Society has taught us to
appreciate gratitude. There is a moral obligation
to help others in times of need, but because of
this there is also a sense of entitlement when
one is in need. We expect others to have the
same morals that we have. Anything that
creates satisfaction in a sustainable manner is
good. Morals are useful not only because they
build a stronger society, but because one gains
a sense of satisfaction by acting in accord with
them. We feel good when we help others and
because of this, we can gain satisfaction in a
manner that others will not object to. To expect

that others will follow the morals however, can
lead to failure because it is expectation.

To act in a virtuous manner is to gain
satisfaction by helping others and thus others
will be welcome to it. This is a mutually
beneficial relationship, it is symbiotic and on its
own sustainable. The collapse of morals comes
about when one seeks recognition. One can lose
sight of morals by desiring social
acknowledgment. Acting in virtue is only good
when one is not reliant upon applause from
others. If gratitude and appreciation could be
given each and every time something good is
done, then relying on it would be fine. Again,
the problem arises with expectation because
there will be a time when one does not receive
recognition and so disappointment will result.

For our purposes of change, we will take

the ability to give satisfaction from others and
make it so that we can give it to ourselves.
When one is self reliant, he can only blame
himself for his failures and when failure comes
he can grow because he realizes it is his fault
and not the fault of others. One will not be able
to point the finger at anyone, but himself. So to
do so, we will not rely on acknowledgment from
without, but instead on our own realization that
virtue has indeed been followed. Our
satisfaction will come from our own knowing
that we have done what is right.

Undoubtedly, others will express gratitude

and so it is important to think of it as an
unwanted byproduct. Humility can be exercised
here where one restrains himself from the
desire to gain satisfaction from others and
instead relies on his own pursuit of truth. And
this does not go against human nature because
our nature is not to desire the approval of
others, the approval of others is just another
means of gaining self-satisfaction. Very often an
uplifting moment and the feeling of
accomplishment manifests as a result of doing
something that no one else knows about. So
when faced with the applause of others, it is
important to remember that the satisfaction
arises from one's own thoughts of what is
virtuous not the feelings of others.

Now to address the possible problems of

acting in virtue with one's satisfaction in mind.
The phrase “meant to be” is used commonly,
but is foolish. One says this in hopes of gaining
a sense of higher understanding. That is, one
feels a superior level of consciousness is being
exercised when he says this. A striving for
higher knowledge and sense of purpose is good,
but not at the expense of one's goals. If an
opportunity presents itself, it is important to
take it, not to sit back and say “oh if it's meant
to be”. One loses out and wastes time by doing
so. There are other ways of feeling this higher
purpose that are more constructive and will lead
to one's goals.

As we have all experienced, things that
should bring happiness do not most of the time.
Obvious causes of satisfaction do not always
provide for satisfaction. Smiling and the such, is
not always a sign of happiness and those who
are truly happy do not always smile. The
happiest person does not have to smile to be
happy. A deception in our own minds occurs
where we are not sure of our own happiness
and how it is caused.

Often times we create negative feelings

like loss and uncertainty, just by questioning
how long happiness will last. The best single
sentence on the subject; it is not one thing or
any definite amount of causes that allows for
happiness, it is the entire string of experiences
that we call life. As mentioned with ethics of
Experiencism, to create the complex sense of
happiness that has many degrees as we do, an
understanding of negativity in all of life must be
lived. Think, if life were possible it would have
to be lived already. Thought experiment;
imagine if life were a memory. It would be like
the flashback or replay of life, one experiences
before death. Like watching a movie, but living
it with the five senses. The rest is left up to
interpretation, do it.

Happiness is then after such cognitive
reflection, not an entity on its own. It is not even
as we think, but rather as we practice it.
Happiness is a fulfillment of basic needs that
leads to an overflow of satisfaction, but does
not require predetermined things. There is not a
method to be happy. It can be both simple and
complex. It can be easy and hard, therefore it
comes sporadically and unpredictably. It must
be found for it is everywhere, thus it is
something that must be made rather than

One must go out and get it, it will not

come without effort. One should strive to realize
happiness, not to allow it to come on its own. It
can be controlled and must for it is one of the
few components of life that man can actually
change. Happiness is unique to human
experience and unique to each, and so will
come in different forms. There is then very little
to work with for similarities arise in few
categories, those of; basic needs,
entertainment, social interaction, feelings of the
self, hopes for future, positive entanglements
and a general fulfillment of that which we
accept to make us happy. Society influences
this much and this is good for it provides an
insight and knowledge that adds to the

The collection is limited, influential, hard

to work with, based on things we know, simple
until relationships between aspects are
established, and possible. With effort it leads to

Living life, that is having lived life and
continuing to do so, breeds a bed of knowledge
about reality and the human way. Experience
gained from just having lived, becomes a tool
for change. As is apparent, humans are unique
in every way, yet retain similarities. When
something that smells bad for instance, is
sniffed, it is given, usually, a negative
connotation and that is why we can say it is a
“bad” smell. While there are those that may
think it good, the consensus agrees it is bad and
so it starts to become bad even if just used on a
level of communication.

If it is thought good, just by trying to tell

another and using the word bad allows the
negative attachment to blossom. Even if just a
little, with almost insignificant influence, the
negative can manifest and take over. It is a
parasite that starts small and grows as much as
it can. This is our tool. By just speaking the
words of the consensus we become more like it,
just as living in society allows for adaptation to
it. By working with this parasite we plant the
seed and nourish it till the desired change

Contrary to other forms of change, results
through this approach will not be striking. One
can see and feel a pulling to the norm, but by
definition will not stand out because it is the
norm. One will become more like others and so
the change will not be an awarded amendment,
but rather an applauded application. One must
strive to be in sync with all.

There then is conflict, for harmony does not

exist, man cannot accept opposing opinions, the
consensus therefore is the next best. The notion
of all is replaced by consensus. This narrows the
scope and vision of man to only his reality which
is what is needed. Only what man experiences
is important, all other things are irrelevant.

From now on all is to be synonymous with

consensus in all its forms; scientific, social,
philosophical, etc. Instead of expanding our
view, Experiencism seeks to shrink it so that all
things without can be found within. So that
everything important to man will be covered
and worked with. Sustainability is better
reached by using that which will be experienced
over that which will not. With esoteric or
abstract approaches a disassociation with the
goal exists. Work with that which is to be
changed and that which is to be lived with.

Now, similarities encroach upon the possibility
of disassociation by binding these together. This
adherence is a byproduct of similarities and is
the desired.

Initiating Force
Notice the giant “I”. This is crucial. One
must take action in his own life, each person is
his own initiating force. In order to change,
some driving energy, an initiating force, must
be. There is no other way. It is action – reaction,
yin – yang, in effect on even an abstract
intangible level. We are dealing with mainly
social and mental concerns which are pure
thought and are not generally governed by such
laws. It is through an application of our
knowledge of these physical tendencies to the
abstract realms of our feelings that we can
begin to understand ourselves and our
dissatisfaction in a rational manner. When we
use physical science and apply the conclusions
it draws to our lives, we can better change.

Perfection will never be reached, as

everything is perfect, so is the human dilemma.
It is important however, to at least try for
perfection. So it is said then, that in any
situation, even those that are dissatisfying, one
must continue. If justification is necessary to
tolerate the experience then one can use simple
reasons such as;
• It is natural to be mad. Instead
realize why and strive to do different
next time. One cannot expect

different results from the same
• Situations like this must occur for any
change to happen at all. In order to
move in one direction the opposite
direction must also be understood.
• Learn the lesson. If illness prevailed,
then find out what caused the illness.
When this is discovered do not avoid
the cause, rather be knowledgeable
about it and realize when it occurs
again that it is necessary. With
understanding comes acceptance.
• That good is to come, even if hard
times are closer, good will return in
time. Bad cannot continue forever,
otherwise it would lose its strength
and mesh with good. By definition
good will come, it is inevitable.
• Through learning how to navigate
such difficult situations, one must
grow stronger. If not stronger as in
more tolerable to the situation, then
stronger as knowing what is to come.
By knowing what to expect, one can
better prepare.
• There is no other way, if there were it
would have manifested. The situation
exists because it must. One must not
be perplexed and annoyed in conflict,
it is natural and unavoidable. Since
there is no need to stress, it will
become evident that the situation is
actually bearable. Thus, the virtue of
acceptance is practiced and
cultivated leading to the ultimate
goal of Experiencism, sustainability.

Experiencism is best for most other

systems work with the “what if” scenario and
create fictional possibilities that are purely
speculation of uncommon occurrences. Many
find themselves saying in difficult situations
“oh, it could be worse” or using other coping
mechanisms along those lines. The fact is that
the other possibilities or the alternate realities
do not exist in our minds and therefore should
not be dwelled upon as they cultivate
unhappiness and dissatisfaction. A nostalgia
surmounts regardless of how much better the
alternative makes life look, because in thinking
one thing the other comes too.

Experiencism uses only that

which is concrete and exists in the
current situation, making it simple
and feasible for this reason then,
that because an initiating force must
be, one can take control of it or
preferably become it, so that all
variables to the best of one’s ability

are harnessed with the goal of
change in mind.

In life we find the need to be satisfied, we
have a thing called desire. Desire is a motive for
action and if not restraint. Desire causes
thought either way, it does not matter if it is
acted upon. The catalyst of desire can be used
for our purposes of change. We desire most
essentially change, satisfaction, and
sustainability. This is the basis and must be
established. Honesty is our most precious tool
for formulating such desire. When one acts in
an honest manner, with a virtuous desire, there
can be no reason to prevent his goal of change
from becoming.

The first step is done for we believe in

these desires and understand what they are.
The next step is to figure out how we will get
there, a plan of action must be written.
Depending on school of thought, the various
plans of action are classified differently. Our
plan includes Experiencism in its entirety, all
that which will and has been read.

Necessity becomes a problem with a

certain state of mind. We have instinctually
basic needs which are to be fulfilled, but they
do not present the sort of problem we refer to.
Basic needs are simple, both to become a
problem and to be solved. The necessity that is
created by a state of mind transcends the
physical and is more often due to social factors.
It is because of its abstract nature that
necessity is hard to deal with, yet must for it is
a very real part of man.

The state of mind that creates necessity is

much like that of the goal of Experiencism. It is
open, able to be persuaded, and acts for what it
believes right. The definitive difference
however, is the key to solving the problem and
realizing true potential. Necessity is incomplete
and leaves a feeling of loss or emptiness, as to
where Experiencism is whole and lacks nothing.
By finding the perfection of nature and living it,
one cannot help, but feel full. Everything that
has been taught thus far is enough to leave
necessity behind and allow for change.

Man must be honest in order to avoid the

failure that lie can bring. The beginning of the
problem results from the lie being made. We lie
for a reason, so that we may avoid
consequences, and because of this we create
expectation. By resorting to a lie we trust in that
it will work, create expectation, and allow for
failure to manifest when it does not work. The
solution can then be to not lie, this is not an
avoidance of lie for the occasion will come when
lie is needed, it is instead an effort to be honest.
There will come a time where lie is necessary to
preserve virtue. Do not avoid lie, entrust
honesty which will combat lie on its own. Put
effort into being honest and so the failures of lie
will be less.

Honesty is to be defined as saying or doing

in what one thinks is truth or right. Being honest
involves upholding virtues, usually by telling the
truth. Truth is relative in this sense, where one
cannot be honest if he does not know.
Ignorance brings about both honesty and lie,
honesty to oneself which is a recognition of
ignorance, and lie to others for truth is unknown
and so cannot be told. Ultimate realization is
knowing that truth is always told. For common
man, truth is narrow, there is a noticeable
difference between dishonesty and honesty. He
then must realize that whatever can be said is
truth. Experiencism will first create the ultimate
realization and then put that understanding to
use in normal life, with normal understanding of
truth. Going beyond and then coming back, it
has been said this is the only way to brilliance.

One must be honest in his journey through

life if he is to expect any success. Honesty when
using Experiencism is key. To have desire is
normal, but so are the failures that follow its
improper use. When desire is used as a
motivation towards a goal that is thought of
perfect, followed in an honest manner, with an
understanding that one is ignorant, then failure
cannot exist. Necessity when properly followed
can be a powerful tool for change.
Diversity is a beautiful thing and allows for
choice. The ability to choose consciously with
freedom is a human ideal. We work hard for the
right to choose as in democracy. Uniquely
human, we will use the ability to choose as a
tool for change. Choice is to be thought of as a
gift which can be lost as easily as it is received.
Used wisely it is the initiating force in

Just by choosing a side, beliefs are

strengthened towards it. If something is
orchestrated without being chosen, it naturally
is not as strong. With such a simple act as
choosing something, acceptance can be made
more easily than without choice. To create a
series of choices and to choose one requires an
involvement of reason and intuition. The more
we can involve ourselves on all levels, means
more belief, the stronger the path to
acceptance will be.

Remember, belief is created and nurtured

through experience. After something is
experienced the two aspects that are called
upon to draw a conclusion, and so make a
choice based on the experience, are reason and
intuition each relying on the other. Reason in
choice is the logic used, it is the “because of”
factor. Reason in choice is simply the “reason”
for making it. Intuition is feeling the right thing
is being done and in this case the correct choice
being made. It is the moral justification that
involves the soul rather than the mind. With
these two aspects of experience, choice can be
made confidently and thus acceptance

Reflection on what choice is and what it

means in our lives is crucial. Think about which
things are choices and which things are not.
Responsibilities are social constructs, and act as
contracts binding the physical to the abstract.
As animals we have no responsibilities. As man
we are governed by them. Decide which
responsibilities are most important and those

To find any responsibilities that could be

thought of as negligible is a sign that things
need to be reevaluated in one’s life. A finding of
flaw in life is to admit dissatisfaction and
therefore prevent acceptance. One then must
find justification for the responsibility so as to
create a sense of satisfaction. The groundwork
has already been laid for satisfaction. It then
becomes simply a choice.

Reason is made in realizing the perfection

of the universe. With the logic that has already
been presented, one cannot help but see the
perfection and want to live it. When the
perfection is realized through reason, intuition
then follows for the mind agrees with the soul’s
yearning to feel happy. Reason is used to create
the belief in perfection, and intuition is used to
cultivate it. By choosing to try to realize it, the
perfection comes, as choice reinforces the
belief. Reading this is evidence that the soul
desires satisfaction. Choose now and see how it
all comes together.

One should realize it is not what is better

that is the proper decision based on growing
closer to perfection, no. in making a choice
there will always be the same amount of
troubles and hardships in each alternative. The
difference becomes than what it is that it can be
put up with. The important thing is what does
give one a feeling of purpose so that the
venture may continue. What inspires and allows
for experience to come.

We have seen the exploitation of man’s

spiritual sense and yearning for higher purpose
in most other programs. The idea of
synchronicity is simply explained by a sudden
realization of importance in a situation. These
flawed approaches will be argued, time and
space cannot be wasted on them, but however,
there is a good point here. For man to make up
ideas such as divine intervention and
synchronicity it is obvious that he has a need for
them, but even more important and applicable
to our choice for change, these ideas show the
power of having no choice.

No choice is absolute. When man is given

room to choose, when he feels he has freedoms
and lives without limit, not only will failures
arise, but also doubt. To consider multiple
options, and have many choices, is to leave the
door open for uncertainty. We often find
ourselves feeling like we may have made the
wrong choice. When there is no choice and only
one course of action can be taken, no doubt can
exist. Man can apply himself and his beliefs fully
towards the task for he has no doubt in having
made the wrong decision simply because there
was no other choice. The best advice in making
decisions is to make those that have no choice.

The higher purpose man creates usually

rids the others out and leaves only one choice.
We cannot however have any sense of power
outside of ourselves, for to do so would take
away what little control we posses. We must rid
the choices out ourselves, with a conscious
decision and understanding that we made it so,
not some force outside of our influence. This
seems difficult. The very problem of not being
able to choose is because we cannot rid out any
of the choices. The answer is most
beautiful, ....catch a tiger by his toe.

Yes, eeny meeny miny moe. Most amazing
this really is. Here is why one makes the choice
not forces outside of his control. In doing things
that attempt to utilize the subconscious mind,
occasionally the sense of not being in control
arises. In flipping a coin, choosing a card, using
a pendulum, the idea that some higher force
outside of one’s own being could have
influenced the choice manifests. To play eeny
meeny miny moe results in a choice that can
exist without doubt, and with a feeling of full
control. One makes the decision involving the
subconscious and yet does not give room for
outside factors to have influenced the choice
beyond the normal level. This level that always
exists remains the same when we play eeny
meeny and so the Tao is not upset.

The Tao is said to be indescribable. It then
can be described by anything and if anything
then everything. Much different than
conventional ideas of God, Tao is not a ruling
force. This secret has not been disclosed to
many. Again, the Tao is not a ruling force. This
is very important. Science is disclosing this, but
most will not see. This is beyond man’s needs
and our purposes of change. What can be said
is that the Tao does not control nor does it
influence. Tao stems from what happens, it is a
result rather than a cause.

When we normally think of nature or God

we use ideas of governing and control. This is
because God and determinism is thought of in a
manner that acts as a filter for a result. God
started all, allows for it to happen, says what is
right and wrong, and then the result follows.
God is before an occurrence that has created
the rest of it. Determinism is the same, where
all that goes in will create what comes out.
These are filters for what the result will be. Tao
is not, for it is born of these filters, coming after
an occurrence not before. An illusion exists
largely because of the continuation of time.
That is, this has been going on for so long that it
cannot easily be seen and so misconceptions
arise. The secret of the Tao is no longer.

Experiencism as written is open to
interpretation and the double meaning that will
arise allows for perfection to manifest. One will
hear what they need to and through choice they
will act on it. It is a structure like our
constitution or capitalism at its heart, the strong
will survive and decide what is right. Because
these words are left open to interpretation, one
can use what is best for his unique situation.
Being specific does not work well in trying to
change. What will work best will be heard, it will
come automatically. This is why this is hard to

Learning how to learn is primal in our

journey. We begin with words pertaining to
ways of learning;
• Obviously, be open and honest, true to
• This means be fully immersed, fully
subjective, yet maintain an awareness of
this. The only objectivity required is that in
understanding one’s subjective point of
view, meaning be conscious of the
• Be conscious of goals, moreover accept no
other way, but that which leads to the

• Feel what is instinct, what one does
intuitively through human nature.
Understand these impulses and reactions.
By being aware of them, reason will filter
through and the best will result.
• Strive to feel purpose, that one is acting in
virtue. A sense of righteousness leads to a
strengthening of resolve and combats the
hindrance of doubt.

Things come full circle as we have already
found. The feeling of being certain has already
shown its use. By knowing one is right, actions
are made, and change can flow. It however,
does not always seem like certainty can be
made in the direction of the goal. We will work
from the ground up, from the highest sources of
knowledge back down, to learn how to create
this certainty in any situation that may entail it.
This vertical integration of truth will provide for
a system in which to allow for certainty leading
to the omnipotent goal of acceptance.

If there is one thing that could be called

truth in this life, the closest thing to it would be
that order exists on some level, simply because
chaos always is. The thing that we can be most
certain about is life being unpredictable. This is
the order in nature, for chaos never stops. The
proof of higher structure lies in that there is
none, meaning proof is not possible. Since there
is no divergence from the variant nature of the
way, there is not a period of order, the closest
thing to pure truth is found.

If this is the universe and it is always chaotic,

The very fact that it is always this way

demonstrates the order. The usage of always
infers order. The universe does not stop being
chaotic. It is in some order for it is constantly in
chaos. This we can be sure of, and even if
tomorrow things were suddenly to be orderly
and predictable, this would be in the realm of
chaos and therefore still be orderly. As
complicated as this may seem it can be
summed up; no matter what happens things still
fall within the limits of chaos, and because of
this we can be sure of chaos.

So to apply this to our lives and current

struggle, we will make chaos synonymous with
certainty. This is possible because the only
thing that we can be certain of is things being
unpredictable. Certainty at the highest level is
belief in inevitable chaos. This is the ultimate
truth, that there will always be order.

The product of experience. The conclusions
that are drawn from life in order to make any
sense of it and to experience more of it. Belief is
a very broad concept, but one that we have
control over. While we may not be able to
change every belief there is no doubt that we
can change those that we find meaningful.
Belief is always right. It differs from knowledge
in that there need not be evidence or support
for it to exist. Most commonly we need evidence
to believe something, but it is not necessary.

If we were to take a very abstract notion,

something that could not be validated, say the
existence of pink elephants, the very fact that
we could not validate it makes it plausible. As
many have said “the absence of evidence is not
the evidence of absence” and this is true. Since
we cannot validate the pink elephants, we
cannot say with certainty either way, and so
they become valid. To preserve the variety of
the universe and to avoid the limits that we
already succumb to, it would be wise to accept
that which cannot be proven false, as truth.
That which we are not certain of either way
should be thought of as truth then, for to say no
and reject the possibility of it, would limit the

Now this comes with a price of course, for
to say everybody is right is absurd and provides
for no definition of reality. A new structure is
used finding the ethics of beliefs. It is to be
called the Ethics of Influence, the purpose of
which is to find the meaning in each belief and
so help make a choice. By weighing the
outcomes of each decision one can make a
more informed choice for the better, and
towards the goal that is to be reached.

We must consider, especially for our

purposes of change, what matters most. If there
is to be a choice of pink or purple elephants,
one must consider the influence each decision
will have on his life. If purple is his favorite color
and it makes him happy to think that there may
be purple elephants, then by all means such a
belief is justified. The key is to be sure and
know what each decision entails.

Those wise enough will understand that

there is not a decision without consequences.
Meaning, if on the surface it seems there really
is no difference between the pink or purple,
then one is not looking hard enough. There is
nothing insignificant in life, the
interconnectedness of it all proves this, and
chaos theory can show it. One must define his
choice and make it, there can be no
“whatever”. Take into consideration how each
choice can and will affect the goals and change

that is sought. Use that which will lead to where
is wanted.

So by not ridding out all beliefs and

filtering them through the Ethics of Influence
the best decisions can be made. The beliefs that
are aligned to one’s virtues will lead to harmony
in life if it is allowed to mix with the Initiating
Force. The Essential Balance will naturally work
itself out so that sustainability can be reached.
The ideas read in this book are most aligned to
the process of Experiencism. Nothing says they
are the ultimate right, only that they have the
power to provide acceptance when needed. The
notions that are read here are only right when
they are wanted to be, when they are not, they
are not.

Many may find the enlightening experience
of inaction as a secret of life. When we do not
try there seems to be a fulfillment of desires.
When we let go, much seems to come. This is
because the expectation is failure, not success.
Thus when success results, there seems to be a
miracle. This is not so for it is the mindset that
changes not the probability. There is not a
special power at work, it is by definition to work
as it does. When we try we have an
expectation, on some level, of success even if
just a little. We fail then more easily when we
try, than if we do not try.

Other programs or methods like the law of

attraction are unpredictable and unreliable.
They produce desired results sometimes and
sometimes not. This inconsistency is due to
ignorance, and lack of experience with success.
It works sometimes because one has
expectations of failure and so if success is
found, it is said to work. Other times one tries
hard to make it work and it does not, because
the effort is coupled with expectation of
success. Those who attempt to harness the
benefits of both trying and not trying must
understand where they have limits. When
looking into a life changing program, find steps

that will involve the whole being, reason
included, for if there is anything lacking there
obviously is flaw.

To make the most of our efforts towards

goals, we should combine both the mindset of
no expectation and the will of expectation.
Together trying and not trying comprise the
best approach. To not try is to lose sight of the
goal, and so it is possible to avoid expectation
of success, but it also causes a loss of focus and
removes one from the proper path. The goal
cannot always be fulfilled by not trying. It will
not be by trying either, however, trying will
keep the track steady and focus on the goal.

This integrative approach to effort and

work is characteristic of our time. We find in all
mediums, in all that which is being created now,
a trend of fusion. Modern culture is a
culmination of many ways, and so is integrative.
By finding things that are apparently different,
and creating a similarity between them, we find
new insight. With new answers will come new
problems, this is the way of man, so it is key to
remember that things will never be as idealized
perfect, they already are. Remember that the
goal of all this is to not rise above human
experience, but to learn to live within it.

A trait of many brilliant ideas lies in taking

contradictory notions and binding them into
pure sense. The Experiencism approach to
effort is such an idea. To begin we have try. The
most used attempt to accomplish something, it
may be said to have a fifty percent fulfillment
rate. When we try, we either succeed or not.
Trying is a broad all encompassing notion, but
one that can be broken down and understood
simply. Trying is;
• Purpose and intent, action that is carried
• A way of gaining satisfaction
• The transporter of initiating force into
• Preexisting knowledge put to the test by
experience and thus becomes a
refinement of knowledge into a more
relevant form. Ex. Pushing a car up a hill
will be hard. The act is done and trying
carried out. It cannot be moved efficiently.
More strength may be needed to do so.
Another attempt after gaining strength will
prove possible.

The question that must be addressed;
what to do when there is a blank, when one
feels no inspiration, when there is no goal. In all
actions, in every moment, there is both
initiating force and emptiness. There lies in an
instance a juxtaposition of each, which need
only be accessed. One must merely pick out the
relevant. Emptiness results inevitably and
without warning, so it is a force to be reckoned
with. Since emptiness is present everywhere, it
cannot be avoided, it must be used to
strengthen the initiating force.

Just as anything, the two opposites define

each other and coexist, each creating the other.
Initiating force is born from emptiness, it is
rooted in it, becoming the complementary part
to it, it is that which will fill it. When one feels
lacking, without hope or energy, when
emptiness is present, there is only room for
improvement. The only possible product of
emptiness is not more emptiness, it is not more
dissatisfaction, but initiating force. When at
bottom one can only go up. It is thus important
to realize that when emptiness is present,
initiating force will follow. Just as emptiness is
inevitable so is initiating force, the difference
being that there can be certainty of initiating
force stemming from emptiness, but not of

emptiness stemming from initiating force when
effort is applied correctly.
The beauty of this approach is that very
little need be done for success to result.
Understanding the nature of emptiness is the
main part in leaving it. Imagine a cave; one
cannot escape without knowledge of it. In order
to gain this knowledge, one will have to explore
and by exploring the successful escape grows
more possible. By experiencing the nature of
the cave, one can better understand it and so
create a better plan of escape. Very simply, by
reading this one already creates the main
catalyst in moving from emptiness to initiating
force. Just by comprehending the logic of
initiating force being born from emptiness, one
allows it to come. So realize that the majority of
work has already been done.

The effort comes in by adhering to the

initiating force. One must make an effort to
keep the fire burning and retain the initiating
force. As things begin to slow down and the fire
begins to die, emptiness takes the place of the
dying energy. Recognize that emptiness is
essential to balance, that it is necessary for
sustainability, because it will come. We only
prefer initiating force as of now, because it
leads to our goals of change, because it is the
beginning of Experiencism. The perfection of life
is obvious in this case, no matter what happens
we will always be moving forward growing
closer to our goals.
To further the effort that is required to
retain initiating force, one must first accept the
nature of it; that it will come and go, that it is
everywhere and so always within reach, that it
breeds emptiness it’s compliment not enemy,
that it absorbs effort by strengthening with
one’s will, that it can grow because of this, that
one knows it inherently, that it is a factor of life
robustly prevalent, and most importantly that it
is a piece of man making up the whole of
human experience. With this then, the next step
is to actually work with it.

Everyday experience is gained with

initiating force, but true knowledge of it will
never be held. It is one of those things that can
keep being worked on, but perfection never
made. It can through effort be strengthened,
but it will always be subject to defeat.
Eventually in time, even the strongest fall.
Incorporate the virtues of humbleness in the
efforts towards strengthening initiating force, by
realizing one’s potential for defeat. That
initiating force will not bring indestructible
power and so one cannot rely on it solely. The
greatest power is in balance and movement
within balance.

Initiating force can be kept by being

stubborn and resistant to change. Use initiating
force to set the goal and push towards it
without ever stopping. When trying to change
by using initiating force, one does not have to
accept. Acceptance is to be built later and as a
result of the effort. For now then, the goal of
change is the only thing that matters and
nothing is to stand in its way. This is the secret
to successful effort, the justification of
stubbornness. Even more than justification, it is
the necessity for stubbornness to bring about a
stronger initiating force. Stubbornness is the
most efficient way to build belief in initiating
force. A theme of Experiencism emerges; that
all things are necessary and useful, even those
that we dislike and seek to avoid, those that we
find undesirable and dishonorable, the things
we may consider bad, have their uses and lead
to things that we may think of as good.

The stubbornness and effort will work

perpetually with initiating force, each sustaining
the other and so keeps the ball rolling. It is
possible to create systems that sustain
themselves, look at life, the brilliance in this
approach is that it is so simple and is already so
strong in man.

We understand initiating force, we

have all been stubborn, we have set our
goals, we are making an effort towards
them, we act in what we think is right, we
pursue virtue, we realize that we can do
it, and that with these things change will
Money is a uniting factor. We all use it and
understand its implications on many levels. It is
both physical and abstract. It is thus an object
that we can all relate to and unite under. It is
beautiful for it is so simple and exists in much of
life. It is something that everyone knows very
well. Most are concerned with money, in
whatever form it may be, afraid of losing it,
trying to get it, trying to avoid its influence etc.
Money is just one example of how man’s fears,
man’s concerns, go beyond his differences and
illuminate his similarities. Concern properly
applied can bring unity.

In times of trouble, man shuns his

differences to help solve a common problem.
When one is scared of something, many others
are too. When money is something to worry
about and has a massive influence on modern
life, it becomes more than just something to
think about, it becomes a concern. Money is a
concern, on a personal level, and on a global
level. Money is an example of something that
has more influence on mind than on body. Its
abstract power far outweighs its physical
presence. Money is just pieces of paper or
numbers on a screen, but can preserve life or
destroy it. Money is a concrete object that
symbolizes man’s concern and more

importantly his ability to unite under concern
when conditions are right.
We have those that are concerned with
losing money or keeping it. They may also be
concerned with gaining it. And at some time or
another they are concerned with trying to not
worry about it. The basic premises are simple
growing complex when unique combinations of
them are formed. Each of us has to some
degree, all of these concerns. Broadening the
scope here, we can say that man’s concern
• Losing money represents the trait of fear.
It is the result of expectation,
dissatisfaction, uncertainty, and ignorance.
Fear of losing money arises from thinking
that it can be lost, that one will not be
happy without it, that the future cannot be
told without it, and that if gone it must be
gained again. Money can most certainly
be lost, but it is not the sole source of
satisfaction. There are other means of
feeling certain or having at least some
sense of security about the future. The all
encompassing trap is being reliant on the
money which fuels fear, and failure.
• Trying to gain money is the trait of greed,
thinking that having more will improve life.
This would be fine if indeed it did improve
life and there were a stopping point,
however, there is not and rarely does man
feel any better even after having gained so
much. This is why materialism is flawed
and self destructive. Greed can be useful
as initiating force, but not as a concern
that causes actions leading away from
one’s goals. Do not remove anything from
life, instead revise that which does not
work towards one’s interests.
• Trying to not be worried about money
represents the trait of misguided effort. It
is energy used incorrectly bringing the
unwanted characteristic of avoidance
because of insecurity. Man realizes the
flaws of the other concerns and so seeks to
turn away from them. He knows that fear
and greed can lead to failure, and because
of this he tries to stay away from money so
that it will not bring them. This is the most
dangerous and undesirable because one
thinks he is working in his best interest
when actually he is not. Misguided effort is
a product of carelessness, lack of self
reflection, lack of scrutiny, eagerness to
act without contemplation, inability to
withdraw and let go, and inconclusive
conflicting beliefs.

All of the concerns allow for failure, but do

not have to. Most often the negative
aspects of the concerns are manifested,
but keep in mind they are not the only
aspects just the more obvious and
prevalent. The best counter to all of them
is knowledge. Knowledge of what each
brings and does not bring, what each can
do and cannot do, and why each is
important in its own right and in all others.
Apply the knowledge of the perfection of
the universe and establish the importance
of each concern. Try to see how each can
be positive.
If there is a theme of concern, it is that its
weakness is certainty. When one is certain of
something there need be no reason for concern.
Certainty comes easiest with knowledge and it
is thus knowledge that can pull away from
concern. Know when to use the power of
concern, and it will be possible to change.
Knowledge is most important unlike Einstein
said “Imagination is not more important than
knowledge, for without knowledge, imagination
can be misguided and lead to things like…
well… the A-bomb.”

So now that we have shown the different

forms of concern through the example of
money, we can begin to talk about unity and
how it will be used to bring about change. On a
personal level, unity can be made with oneself
by establishing goals and means to the goals
that do not conflict or cancel each other out. For
our purposes of change we have united
initiating force with effort, stubbornness, and
virtue. Concern branches into initiating force
because many times it is the spark of it. People
do in fact act out of fear, greed, or misguided
effort. It then becomes apparent that concern

can be used to create initiating force in our

More than likely the reasons for desiring

change, the very justifications for reading this,
lie in concern. Perhaps fear of dissatisfaction,
need for more satisfaction or misguided effort
trying to avoid the two, are the reasons for
following this program. It is because of concern
that this very journey began, and with it the
journey can continue. The initiating force that
creates the effort and allows for the
stubbornness stems from concern. Round and
round we go.

Unity through concern on a societal level is

very influential on the personal level. Since one
is strongly affected by outside factors, by his
environment, the very concern may have come
from without rather than within. Our daily
interactions with one another, from shopping to
shouting, display the interconnectedness of
concern and illustrate how we are united
because of it. We all buy the same products,
because we have the same needs, and the
same concerns, because we live in the same
world. That is why these words having come
from experience from here, are relevant to
concern over there.

Recognize that concern is affected by

society, and so can somewhat be controlled by
acting with it. If one is concerned with the trait
of fear, he need not be secluded and fully
reliant on himself, he can very well go meet
with the rich and discuss ways of keeping
money. If he is concerned with greed he can
meet with creative entrepreneurs who know
how to make money. If he is misguided and
trying to avoid the flaws of money, he can go
out to the mountains and chant with the monks.
No matter what, there is a place that can
cultivate each concern. Knowledge of this is
crucial for we will use such situations to create
concern and thus initiating force.

As the journey continues, and one goes
through a whole set of experiences, many
conclusions can be drawn. Thus far, we have
laid out explanations and approaches all leading
to the ultimate, sustainability. Beliefs have been
established and most importantly the creed of,
there is no truth. To sum up that which has
already been conceived we say; by experience
and all its contributing parts, acceptance turns
into happiness and opens the door for
sustainability. Triumph has and will be made.

We have come to accept, happiness is

being conceptualized and sustainability is felt
often. There is an endless circle of each, all
interwoven they come and go. This is the
problem now. There is no constancy, no
certainty, of when and how each will unfold.
Triumph lies in understanding the nature of
virtues and so manifesting them in such a
manner that can be predicted.

Acceptance is closest to what we may call

the beginning, the reality being that there is no
beginning, but if for our purposes to ease
human understanding there must be a
beginning, then it is called acceptance. By
nature acceptance is easiest of the three to
predict and to make. We understand that
certain realizations can lead to acceptance and
by using them it can be somewhat predicted.
The important thing is to know how and what
leads to acceptance, so that it can be created or
kept when needed.

We have begun with logical statements

and acts or reason that lead to acceptance. We
have created beliefs that breed it. So we know
through experience what does and does not
create acceptance. It has however, become
difficult to retain it, and to gain the experience
necessary to do so would take too much time.

Retaining acceptance is the secret to

happiness. One finds joy and satisfaction in
having certainty and order. Acceptance must be
consistent so that it seems orderly and thus will
allow one to be happy. Happiness is fulfilled
through; mainly acceptance that of realizing
happiness will come and go, basic needs that
are already fulfilled in modern society, and a
sense of righteousness that is feeling and acting
in virtue. Acceptance is as previously defined
and will give way to happiness. Basic needs go
beyond food and shelter requiring things more
complex like love and societal approval. Modern
man has expanded the variety and broadened
the grasp of needs, but modern needs are no
harder to achieve than any other. All the
feelings that one normally requires to be
satisfied can be called basic needs. They are
the things to be fulfilled that stem of impulse
and flow inherently without contemplation or
review through reason. It is what the average
person works for.

Righteousness is toughest to maintain as

reason gives way to skepticism and blind faith
cannot exist in this world. The outlines of virtue
and beliefs previously stated demonstrate how
to create an unflawed sense of righteousness
that is not subject to failure and so can be
retained. Righteousness is a prerequisite to
happiness, but one that can come easily.

Sustainability is awe inspiring perfection. It

requires both acceptance and happiness to
blossom, but once it does it cannot be thrown
away. It is one of those things that once it is
seen it cannot be forgotten. Sustainability is like
an everlasting firework; it takes certain
materials to build it, it uses energy to get going,
it must follow an upward path, once at the top it
can go no further and explodes, all the fireworks
shower down back upon everything and the
luminescence does not disappear. Once
reached, sustainability permeates through
everything and daily life becomes the most
beautiful desirable experience. It cannot be
described in words.
Sustainability is intricate, powerful, and
self sustaining. It will, by itself, continue without
effort. Once achieved, one does not have to
maintain it, and beautifully it will do its work on
its own. That is not to say however, that all
effort is completely gone. One must still
continue to support his life and experience. The
brilliance of it all is that sustainability will make
this act of support satisfying. It will justify
everything and allow for happiness to be made
of anything. It provides the eagerness and
energy to keep going in life and creates
excitement for experience. Sustainability not
only sustains itself, but also one’s life.

The beauty of all this is that it already

exists in daily life, man may not notice it, it is
subtle, yet it exists. There is a need for change,
man is not satisfied, but man must realize that
everything he works for, that all the goals of
Experiencism, are alive in daily life. We then
strive, not to perfect or change the nature of
the universe nor man’s nature, but, to elevate
our personal feelings of satisfaction in our own
lives. We have the power and desire to bring
about sustainability in our lives and it is easy
because it is present in everything.

We have succeeded before beginning,

because our virtues are present in life. Without
effort nature sustains itself and continues to
allow for more experience. The only things that
continue to progress are things that most
consider neutral like time and experience.
Experience keeps going despite what has
happened, past present and future. Experience
sets up for more experience, and is thus
sustainability in action. Experience cannot be
destroyed by anything tangible, it is not self
destructive, and for that matter it will end only
when time ends. Looking at this example of
nature and experience we can only aspire to its
eloquent use of sustainability. In our lives when
reached, sustainability keeps itself going, keeps
us going, and cannot be lost. It will cease to
exist, like experience, only when time runs out,
that is when we die. We can hope for nothing

That which will never die. A flow, like the
universe, that can never be rejected nor
stopped. It is beyond anything physical, yet
manifests in the physical. It is that which we
may call the ultimate energy, tendency of
nature, or Tao. Ever flowing, always in action, it
must be used for it cannot be avoided. In our
lives and for our purposes of change, constancy
means the straight path that initiating force will
take without distraction, to bring about change
and ultimately our goal of sustainability.

Constancy brings the possibility of

prediction, it is order, but like order and the
ultimate truth, chaos can still exist in it. The
ultimate truth allows for chaos to still be
relevant in order, and acts as a box that can set
the limits of chaos. Thus it is possible to predict
to at least some degree an occurrence, even if
that occurrence be as broad as the very chance
of chaos in its entirety. The theme of the
ultimate truth is brilliant for it can be distilled to
constancy and made simple enough so as to be
useful in our own situation. We are fortunate
enough to have such a limited and narrow
experience, that constancy can exist, be used,
and thrive in it.

Prediction is possible in our lives, of our
future, because of constancy.

There will come a time when all seems
lost. It is much deeper and more thorough than
emptiness. The feeling within oneself cannot be
completely explained even by the idea of
emptiness. There is a conflict of sorts, but no
prominent feelings of conflict exist.
Incapacitation is more complex than emptiness,
but easier to deal with. The root of
incapacitation lies in one’s initiating force and
effort, and because of this, one can use such
force to get out of it. The reason such feelings
as incapacitation seem unsolvable and
devastating is because one has not learned to
deal with seemingly contradictory things that
exist within one another. Incapacitation comes
when one thinks all bases are covered, that all
factors are being taken care of, but somehow
are not, and so one cannot move on.

The very cause of incapacitation is the

source of defeating it. Confusion and
disenchantment result not from a lack of
something, but from a working of all the parts
that go together to make the change we need.
Incapacitation appears an unmovable block
because of its very parts that make it up. It can
be said then that incapacitation is completely
natural and part of the journey. It is necessary
and is a sign of success. One can know that

progress is being made when incapacitation

To clarify what incapacitation is, why

it seems unbeatable, how to beat each
symptom and ultimately go beyond it, one
must know;
• That the initiating force and efforts
that have been made towards the
goals, but seem unproductive, are in
fact the major problem. It is not the
approach that is flawed, but rather
the mindset that comes naturally with
it. One follows the beliefs of
Experiencism thinking that they are
right and will lead to virtues, but
reaches conflict in that in order for
these beliefs to be right, others must
be wrong. This is not so.
• That all steps that seem to have been
followed, all realizations that were to
be had, the paths that were to be
taken and were, the very acts of
adherence to the Experiencism
approach, have led to this point.
There is not a problem for
incapacitation is exactly what has
been worked for, it is what was next
on the agenda. Realize that there is
not something wrong with one’s effort
or approach, this incapacitation is the
much desired result.

• There is no dilemma, there only
appears to be, for one has to justify
his actions. It is because one feels the
need to have results, because one
needs reasons to keep going, that this
very idea of a problem exists. When
there is no apparent progress being
made, when one cannot obviously
find justification for his efforts,
incapacitation seems to come. The
truth of the matter is that if there is
any sense of a problem at all, it lies
within oneself, as a result of one’s
feelings for need, not as a result of
flawed approaches. It is “all in your
head” as they say. The important
thing here is that what one thinks,
how one feels, the very creation of
incapacitation, is an influencing factor
in our journey that must be taken into
consideration and dealt with before
one can move on. It is with no doubt
an obstruction, but one that was
• Incapacitation is merely a tangling up
of energy, a traffic jam of sorts, which
has produced inefficiency or complete
cessation of apparent progress. There
is, so to speak, so much energy and
effort going so many ways that it is
hard to tell which way they are going
and thus appear to be stagnant. It is
like a video camera that is blurry
when moving too fast because so
much information has to be
processed and yet cannot in any
discernable manner. It comes then,
the most straightforward solution,
that one must slow down. Do not halt
efforts completely, just reexamine
them and find what causes so much
conflict. Remove that which does not
work, but know that it will return
when needed. Unclog the flow of
progress by eliminating a portion of
effort and willfully cause the slowing
down to occur.

• Incapacitation is a significant problem

arising from conscious efforts not
being fully understood and playing off
of ignorance. The cause of it is as a
vaccination where one sets up for it
to come, yet does not consciously do
the work intended. And like a
vaccination, the purpose of it is to
introduce a manageable conflict that
will prepare what defenses one has
for those more difficult to come.

Simply slowing down, by exercising control

over one’s unwanted tendencies and using
restraint, will conquer incapacitation. The
seeming contradiction of incapacitation lies in
one’s tendency to react to stagnation with more
effort, if something does not move push harder.
A lesson can be learned from contradiction in
this situation where that which seems the
complete opposite of what will work does in

One must learn to try something different

if the usual does not work. Frequently used
approaches that do not work are a waste of
time, mainly because they attempt to solve
problems by using the obvious answers. If the
obvious answers were in fact the actual
answers, the approaches would be nothing
special and not worth the time. In no other
program is incapacitation used, and that is why
every other program is flawed. To them it
seems contradictory or counterproductive to
introduce incapacitation into something that is
supposed to be moving forward. Very rarely do
we find programs that use periods of stagnation
to realign goals and strengthen resolve. Most
take common approaches and desire
uncommon results. Experiencism uses common
things in an uncommon way to achieve results
that have already been achieved. There is no
chance of failure in Experiencism. It is the
practice of a higher point of view that allows
man to be more like man.

Taking time to readjust focus will lead to

an even more refined approach, making all this
incapacitation an act of purifying the path
towards sustainability.

We have combined much, but the
approach’s steps and actual coming together is
vague. We understand what and how to
accomplish. We know the beginning and end
which allows for an easy journey. Predictable is
the path and steps for the end is known. This
journey is great for there is an end. We know
where we are going and now just have to get
there. Our current position becomes centered
on experience because it is experience that will
allow us to attain what we will. We have done
already everything there is to do. All that is left
is to keep walking. Experiencism promises
sustainability and nothing more. Discipline can
lead to sustainability.

Discipline is not law or any binding object,

it is only an adherence to certain principles. It is
not a strict rule that one must follow without
choice, it is instead a usage of knowledge that
will lead to goals. The key here is to follow the
path, for it is outlined this way for a reason, but
realize that not every detail has to be followed.
Knowing when to stop or give in to one’s
impulses is crucial. Realization is knowing when
to do so.

Contrary to popular understanding of the

word, discipline should not be rigid nor strict
only allowing things predetermined and ruling
out all others. Discipline is most often thought
of incorrectly which leads to a limiting of
experience and potential. When one is said to
have discipline it is because he does only that
which is within the confines of his path. If
anyone can say that there is discipline, then the
path is too narrow and limiting. If it can be said
that someone has discipline then the approach
is much too conflicting. If it is apparent that
discipline exists then there lies as well the
probability of self destruction.

Experiencism takes a much more broad

use of discipline as to where it becomes not a
following of rules, but an application of them.
We seek to use the Experiencism approach in all
things, rather than only a select few. In this way
we not only avoid limiting our experience, but
follow the tendency of nature in accepting what
comes. Discipline is the usage of our principles
and virtues in all situations. Our beliefs apply to
all of life and so it is then important to utilize
them in it. Remember, we seek not to avoid
things, rather we strive to accept them and in
the case of discipline, we employ our system
and change what things do come so that they
cohere with our goals.

For our purposes of change, discipline is

striving always to use Experiencism in every
situation. And while we may not always be able
to apply the virtues, we will continue to
endeavor in them. By always following this
definition of discipline, not only is failure
impossible, but one becomes adept at
employing discipline in future situations. The
ability to successfully apply the virtues of
Experiencism in every situation is unattainable,
but the ability does with practice allow success
to come easier. It is like everything else, the
more practice the better.

In conclusion, discipline in our journey

towards change means attempting to
incorporate the beliefs of Experiencism in all
situations. Failure is impossible in Experiencism
and so too it is impossible when using discipline.
Discipline as frequently thought of, is self
destructive because it limits and rules things
out. Experiencism makes discipline a
contributing energy that benefits one’s efforts
and cannot be destructive towards these
efforts. Discipline is a product of all the things
that have already come like initiating force, and
because of this, discipline can strengthen these
things and lead only closer to sustainability.

And now presenting the great tool of
understanding, The Four. The purpose of The
Four is to create a simple system in which
complex ideas can be compressed into an
accessible format. The Four allows one to
compare things that normally would not be
comparable, and use this comparison to gain an
understanding of the things and so develop a
knowledge of them. It creates a schema that
one can fully understand and draw conclusions
of. The brilliance of The Four is that through
practice and effort, one can gain a knowledge of
the tendency of the universe and how it
pertains to human experience. It is a way to
gain an understanding of the Tao. Nothing is
more valuable.

First of all, let it be known that The Four is

the single most powerful and effective means of
experiencing the beauty of the way. What
modern man has lost due to his negligence of
nature, he can make up for in the more logical
realm of The Four. Designed for Common Man;
it can be used easily in any instance, does not
require any materials nor special skills, creates
a similar feeling of acceptance that monks and
other devotees to learning of the way have in
only short sessions, reinforces the beliefs of
Experiencism and leads to sustainability, and
incorporates things modern man is familiar with
so that he may gain triumph over things he
finds most frequently. The Four then, can be
said to be a gift with a value beyond anything
imaginable. It promises an understanding of all,
a knowledge of the universe, a feeling of the
flow, that will with other things create man’s
desired sustainability. Here we go;

As the name implies there are four

categories called The Aspects of Influence. They
are at the top of the chart, represented as
columns, and are labeled “affect”. These
categories encompass all the factors of
influence an object may have on human
experience. The Aspects of Influence are;
1. Physical Personal – how the object
affects one’s physical experience. It
is what one feels through the five
2. Physical Environmental – how the
object physically affects its
surroundings and others. It is the
actual presence it has on tangible
3. Abstract Personal – how the object
affects one’s cognitive experience. It
is how the object exerts its influence
on one’s mental reality. The
4. Abstract Environmental – how the
object pertains to other people. What

intangible experiences it brings for

The rows labeled “object” are very simply

the things one wishes to judge. These objects
may be physical things like a toothbrush or
abstract things like ideas of love. The Four is
great because nothing is left outside of its
grasp. Every definable experience one can have
can be put through The Four.

Now that the layout has been explained,

let us see what input is to be done. For each
object a number between one and four is to be
assigned to each category with none repeating.
It is like a weight or value that is given to each
category therefore defining which Aspect of
Influence is most and least influential. Each
object receives one value and allows for
comparison to others. Four indicates most
influential while one represents least influential.
One must work slowly and take into
consideration all parts of the object before
making a final judgment so as to its influence.

To provide for even more comparison it is

possible to create groups of four objects and
compare each to the others. This is not
mandatory as infinite lists can be complied and
still each object can be compared effectively.
This does however, allow for even more
definition which can increase understanding of
the objects in the group on deeper levels than
would be without the group having been
formed. To compare groups of four objects the
rule is merely to not repeat a number in any
column. This requires an examination of not
only how the object relates to the Aspects of
Influence, but also how each relates to each
other within each aspect.

This is the most simple version of how to

use The Four. Here is an example;

Say we are comparing The Eiffel Tower, a

jelly donut, the act of getting lost, and the
feeling of embarrassment. We begin by
comparing each object starting from the first
column. So we may think;
The Eiffel Tower is nice and a symbol of
the French spirit, but doesn’t really
affect day to day life. So we give it a 3
A Jelly donut tastes good, but is not
important to basic needs. One can be
satisfied without it. We give it a 4
The act of getting lost causes one to
physically be separate from the desired
location. One wishes to be somewhere
else and now must work harder to get
there. This not only happens often, but
is time consuming and costly. We give it
The feeling of embarrassment is usually
dissatisfying and causes discomfort.
One would prefer to not be
embarrassed. Embarrassment can
cause a chain of events leading to more
trouble. We give it a 2

This is an example of the process of

assigning values to each of the four objects in a
group for one category. It is an example of
possible thoughts one may have when trying to
weigh each object in relation to the other and so
progress through the Aspects of Influence. One
would then continue on through the other three
and when complete would have a chart of
values for the group.

Here is a sample layout

Be sure to put a date on each group and
keep them together. A separate section for
notes may be used to provide for more detail as
to why each choice was made. Keywords and
short descriptions work well when noting
reasons for decisions. Use familiar language and
words that can lead to memory recall. Don’t be
afraid to use what works or that the entries are
being done wrong.

So this is the process by which one can

define the world. Note that this is an embodying
task requiring all of one’s effort and being. The
Four is rewarding, but the rewards can only
come with usage. With time one can compile
enough of these entries to have judged much of
human experience. Just the act of practicing
and using The Four will result in the desired
understanding and knowledge of reality. It
would be wise to keep a notebook of these
entries so that the work can be reviewed later
on. One changes and so too will one’s
judgments of the objects change. As the journey
continues, one can return to previously made
groups and see what kind of understanding was
had at the time and what kind of progress has
been made. It is a record keeping device, more
applicable than a diary and much more
inclusive. Use it.

The Four is a tool that when combined with

other principles of Experiencism, leads directly
to sustainability. Words cannot fully describe
the results of using The Four. The best advice is
to use it often. It invokes reflection on life that
typically does not occur and records it in a
manner that is universal and unaffected by
time. The entries that are to be made are a
window into the soul and provide for a
concentration of experience. What is more, the
subtle trait of the universe can be seen and it
brilliantly manifests through one’s own
experience. It does not come through watching
subatomic particles collide, nor does it come
through any efforts that rely on detachment
from what one knows. The way only comes
through what one knows well, it is in this case
coming through one’s very own experience
which cannot be better known. The Four uses
only that which the user puts in and
understands, there can be no
miscommunication. Designed by man, for man.
Modeled after nature, it is perfect. Nothing more
need be said.

Modern life has concerned itself much with
the learning of what could be called “useless”
information. It is a desirable trait, considered
intelligent, to be knowledgeable of various
things. One need only learn what is important to
his life. Man should take the energy he has
devoted to useless knowledge and apply it to
learning why he has the problems he does.

Learning for the very purpose of gaining

more information is undesirable. With no goal in
mind, not only is performance and capability
doused, but passion and overall spirit is
removed from the task. One must always have
a purpose for doing something, it is a
strengthener of resolve and incorporator of
one’s entire being. To act without purpose is the
sure sign of failure. Information is nothing
without intent.

Now, if one wishes to be considered smart

or knowledgeable there is not only a purpose,
but justification for effort. It is one that is rather
shallow and extroverted, but nonetheless is
enough to act. The flaws of such thinking are
apparent. One can see that learning for this
reason is because of reliance on approval from
others and the need to feel self confident. Doing
so may be an indicator of ego imbalance.
The idea of any information being useless
comes from man’s judgment and bias.
Something becomes useless when another thing
becomes useful. When man desires to solve his
problems any information that does not help
him do so may be considered useless. So to
take what man already has, his biases and
judgments, his ideas of what is useless, and
allow them to eventually come full circle and
solve his problems is the purpose of this
section. We are not to change his ideas of what
is useless, but rather redirect his energy from
labeling things as useless to creating things that
are useful.

Let it be known first of all, that there really

are not problems that plague man. Man creates
his own suffering. He must then strive not to try
and solve each individual problem, for they are
irrelevant, but instead realize why he even has
these things called problems. The Essential
Balance will make it so that when one problem
disappears another takes its place, this is
constancy and cannot be avoided. To accept
this is a huge step, but is necessary to
overcoming problems. When one realizes that
he can never outrun problems in general, he will
confront the very cause of all the problems and
defeat it. This cause is his own will.

Positive attitudes are a commonly used

technique to combating problems. They are
however, exactly that, good at combating. To
even say combating or fighting gives room for
the other side to win. Even if the chances are
slim to none, there are nonetheless chances for
failure. To believe in positive attitudes is to also
believe in negative attitudes and with this
comes avoidance and expectation. The solution
then is to just accept the attitude, meaning that
which exists in the now. With each moment, in
each situation, to accept what is currently the
attitude is the secret.

This is not the cliché that many have

improperly boasted of, it is not “Live in the
now”, but rather accept what is in the now. To
say “live in the now”, denotes a disregard for
past and future, which in this world is foolish.
Man would have great difficulty in attaining the
state of present awareness that “live in the
now” means, for all his life he has been taught
to worry about past and future. It has become
natural to do so and we don’t want to go
against what is natural. We can however, with
ease, accept what is in the now because this
brings along every aspect of life, good and bad,
which does not limit our experience and does
not go against the tendency of nature.

The source of problems is man’s need to

find perfection in life. It is not easy to realize
perfection and because of this, man finds flaws
and attempts to correct them in hopes of
moving closer to perfection, but simply cannot
get there. It is an oxymoron of sorts, but one
that has a simple answer. The reason man has
fallen into his own trap and caused his own
confinement to failure, thereby creating
problems, is because he has not followed the
ways nature has outlined. The most effective
and simple way of moving beyond this is
acceptance, and especially in this case,
acceptance of what is the current situation. Man
has the inherent drive to create perfection and
when guided by such principles as Experiencism
presents, perfection can be achieved. Problems
are discoveries of reason, initiated by the will to
find perfection, nurtured by man’s continued
input of energy into moving beyond them, but
are easily conquered by one form of following
the Tao, acceptance.

A creator of both conflict and conflict
resolution. When one argues not only are beliefs
being communicated, but they are also being
filtered through reason. When arguing, one
refines beliefs in a rational manner so as to win
the argument. It may be said then, that
argument is the easiest and most instinctive
way to make beliefs logical. We overreact
during arguments as well where opinion is
always argued and yet, by definition, opinion
cannot be argued. We need not create conflict
through arguing opinions because we rationally
cannot argue opinion. This denotes another tool
for progress, that which can make beliefs more
appealing to reason and thus more appealing to
others in modern society. Our approach to
argument is a means of remaining calm and
happy when unwanted conflict manifests. More
importantly, it allows for progress in one’s path
towards sustainability by strengthening beliefs
and efforts in it.

Growth is something that is defined by a

subjective opinion. One must have an opinion to
say something is growing. We have already
gone through so much understanding of growth
and progress; beginning with there is no such
thing as progress for everything is right, and
then that we must have progress to continue
life and our goals. Growth is a tool for becoming
human, it is an embodiment of opinion and
perspective put into the context of time and
space. Growth and progress are ways of making
reality more real.

The very motive for argument may be said

to be growth or progress. That is one argues
either to gain an understanding of another's
opinion, or to convince another of his own
opinion. One wishes either to grow his own
knowledge or grow that of another. One argues
with the very purpose of progress in mind
where if there were no idea of progress there
would be no reason to argue at all. So to argue
is to work for or as a result of progress and thus
can be a means of strengthening one's goals.

The best advice when in an argument is to

proceed with the same intent as the opponent.
Most often this will be to win the argument and
because of this, a greater knowledge of the
human condition can be cultivated. Now picture
the opponent as a mirror where anything one
argues automatically reflects back interrogating
oneself. Everything that one uses to win the
argument must also be thought of as coming
backwards as if being used by the opponent. In
this way one can strengthen his own beliefs
based on what he would use against his
opponent. One is not always so open to self
reflection, but when in an argument he will use
his best to win. Everything that one can think of

to beat his opponent can be used to strengthen
his own beliefs.
Now with the idea of progress being the
very purpose of argument, one can progress
whether he wins the argument or not. This is to
say that when the opponent is thought of as a
mirror, reflecting everything being fired at him,
that progress is inevitable and so the argument
cannot be lost. When practiced in this manner,
one will always win in that, growth will always
result. Argument is a rational filter that refines
beliefs in a manner that could not be done
alone. The Experiencism approach to argument
is superior not only because when used losing is
impossible, but also because it allows one to
use his best arguments against himself and so
be the best that he can be.

Beyond the idea of pushing through, that is
persistence, it is important to learn to tolerate.
We are not always meant to see something to
its end. Sometimes there is a point of stopping
where what has been followed is to be no
longer. Tolerance then is important in dealing
with such situations that must be dealt with, yet
not put fully into. The conservation of the effort
is to be used where one cannot place their
entire being into every task. Applying oneself
into every task as a whole spreads the whole
thin and weakens the overall strength of the
effort. If focused effort can bring dramatic
change quickly, tolerance will allow for a means
of coping with that which one's entire being
cannot be devoted to.

The simplest way is to say that the current

situation must be dealt with as a means to one's
goal. It is like an object that must be climbed
over to continue on the path. When in a
situation that requires tolerance the first thing
to be said is that once conquered the real goal
can be worked towards. It may not be the object
of true interest, but must be one that leads to it
or allows for the interest to come. Difficult
situations are to be thought of as
steppingstones leading to the goal in mind.
Tolerance is putting up with unwanted
situations, but with an objective in mind. To
blindly deal in any form of experience is unwise,
unproductive, and is a waste of time. Every
Task is the chance to work towards goals, it is a
matter of mindset. When one keeps goals in
mind, even when tolerance is necessary, the
goal is worked towards showing more progress
than if the goal was not kept in mind.

Find truth in every action that is done, so

that beliefs can be strengthened and goals can
be worked towards. Tolerance then becomes
not what can be put up with, but how far can be
gone. Times of trouble can be thought of as
situations for growth and progress. Tolerance,
with a proper mindset, becomes no longer
something that requires effort, but rather
another tool to which change can be brought.
Tolerance is realizing a sense of purpose in
situations that are not apparently constructive.
This is crucial towards sustainability.

To live in society with any amount of

happiness, tolerance is already being exercised.
Every day when one does things he normally
would not want to do he may be said to be
using tolerance. The difference however,
between true tolerance and a confused effort, is
merely the objective. The key to using tolerance
wisely is not whether a goal is kept in mind, but
what goal. Always there is a reason for action,
this is human, but the degree of importance of
the reason can vary. Broadening the scope of
the reason is absolutely essential. Take the
obvious justification for action and tie it in with
beliefs and goals that will allow for

Tolerance can lead to acceptance, where
one has a sense of purpose that outweighs all
negatives that must be encountered and so he
shall overcome.

That which exists now is a result of what
was before. Society as it is stems from the will
of man. All the conclusions that have been
drawn, all the ideas we find, are products of
effort and are thus refined to the best that they
may be. In time it is safe to say, that they will
change and will become more pure as man
does. We cannot grow closer to perfection, for
perfection already exists now in the highest
level, we then must live knowing and feeling
this perfection in each moment. Ideas will adapt
as man does, to suit the needs of man and so
retain the perfection of life. The systems and
structure we find in modern society continue to
work for they replicate nature. Letting go and
not trying to control will provide for better
results than their counterparts. Man must learn
to learn from the forces that govern him, he will
not, and so he is man. The human dilemma
exists because it is supposed to, the logic of it is
without flaw and it will not go away, not by our
current understanding. It can be argued then,
that it is not meant to go away, that we are
cursed for a reason, but our dilemma is not a
problem, it is a chance to live. The Essential
Balance keeps us here, and because it acts as a
limiting force, it allows us to have some
understanding of what is. If there were not walls
that confine us, we could not know anything, it
would just keep going on and on and leave us
as hopeless dreamers without expectation,
without certainty. The power to change lies in
oneself, initiating force comes from within even
though it is set in motion by things without. One
must be everything a human is thought to be,
humble as well. Flaws are not a chance for
correction, they are a chance for growth in
other areas. They provide for self reflection and
inner growth. Chance is real. Certainty can be
made for sure only from the nature of the
universe being orderly on some level. One must
strive to be sure of things and believe them
right. Beliefs are powerful. Honesty can hone
these beliefs and make them applicable to daily
life. Success in this program and in any area is
best achieved through a balanced use of effort.
Effort must consist of both one’s tendency to try
and one’s virtue of not trying. Emptiness is an
absence of energy, but is not only inevitable, it
is necessary for more energy to come.
Stubbornness in one’s efforts towards change
creates emptiness, but also strengthens belief.
Concern can be used to unite both man’s beliefs
and man amongst himself. Concern can
reinforce anything. Triumph is possible because
the virtues of Experiencism, acceptance leading
into happiness bringing about sustainability, are
present in daily life. Triumph will come.
Constancy is a means of change. Incapacitation
comes as a sign of success. Discipline is not
rigid, and when put to use in the proper manner
will lead to change. The Tao can be known
through the Four. Discord is natural and means
harmony exists. Man’s capacity should be filled
with things applicable to life especially the
problems we have. Argument is a means of
progress and personal growth. Limits are what
make this reality and are part of becoming
sustainable. Tolerance is needed to keep going.
And keep going we shall, for life goes on,
perfection continues, sustainability is reached,
there is no end.

For questions regarding any of the ideas noted
in this book or resources pertaining to
Experiencism, please go to

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