For Common Man
For Common Man
For Common Man
“The dedication should be the
only part of a book left
C ontents
The Essential Balance
Initiating Force
In life things are very contradictory. Much
seems good and bad and both and like nothing.
Great circles are made by the efforts of man,
yet he still tries to move out of them. We are
human because we are in a dilemma, the
problem of living. Notice however, that problem
is not good or bad nor both nor anything, it just
is. The decision is instead left up to each
individual. What is considered bad can be
thought of as good. One can take something
unwanted and make it desirable. We possess
the ability to change anything we set our hearts
to, and changing our lives should be at the top.
Life is such a chance for change. The journey
never ends and is begun in every instant.
The Tao, or way of it all, is important to
understand because it is the prime example of
the sustainability that is sought. The universe
has sustained itself thus far and is active in a
sustainable manner. It is the icon and model
that this system seeks to replicate because of
its effortless perfection. It is the ultimate
motivation to keep going no matter what, as
time flows and progresses regardless of what
happens. With adherence to Experiencism it is
possible to let things happen as they will and
continue to move on. As things are let go, effort
is no longer needed and disappointment
experiences and reading the result. With
enough practice and data, which takes time, the
information can reveal the subtle connection of
the universe. What is called the formula of the
FOUR is but another means of understanding
the Tao. Not everyone can afford the
opportunity to sit and meditate for forty days
and forty nights, to get to know the way. This is
why the FOUR is brilliant, it takes what is
normally unseen and complex, and transfers it
to a medium that is simple and vivid.
To start off with a bang, here we go. Each
to his own, there are a vast amount of beliefs.
Opinions are always being made and changed.
Most often man creates opinions that are
contradictory or may result in conflict with other
beliefs that must be encountered. This is
because of what we may call the human
dilemma. Arising from an absence of reflection
and consideration upon the beliefs that one
holds, this dilemma is a result of ignorance. Man
chooses his beliefs and opinions with the self
destructive mindset. Everyone is entitled to
their own opinion and every opinion is right,
however some conflict with each other creating
problems. The beliefs ultimately are not the
catalyst of dissatisfaction, the mindset through
which man views them is the cause of his
conflict. The conflict is essential to the human
experience, but can be used towards the goal of
Nothing is wrong. As we dig deeper and
deeper within ourselves we will find a never
ending cycle that suddenly ends. At the surface
it appears that there is great distinction
between things, but one is curious and must dig
deeper. In the middle it appears that everything
is similar and united with the surface point of
view being wrong. From here it appears that
everything is always this way and there is an
infinite perfection. And suddenly without
warning, a break in the cycle showing the
perfection of the middle, but in the realm of the
surface. From here one can say that both areas
are right, but only that which exists on the
surface is useful on the surface. The perfection
of distinction arises.
what is now is perfect can only strengthen our
efforts to define. Something that goes on
forever with no variance is not useful and is
boring. When there is a defined beginning and
end, there is variance and thus it is useful.
Nothing will ever define the way, that is
what makes it so, but attempts to define are
depictions of our own tragedy. And, it is not that
our attempts are wrong, but instead our
demeanor by which we do so. The conclusions
we have drawn about the universe through
reason are not wrong, everything is right, our
dilemma results from our need to be right. We
have a mindset that believes there must be a
wrong and right and with this we dig our own
graves of self destruction. Reason is the most
valuable tool of knowledge, and it is fine to work
in such subjects just not so with the idea that
one may be wrong.
So it becomes apparent then, that these
two approaches to distinction are necessary and
can be used for different things. One is used for
seeing the perfection of all and the other for
seeing the differences. Both can coexist and are
not contradictory. Things can still be perfect
when they are different. We never know what a
result will be, but no matter what it is perfect.
The idea of chance is exactly this.
It is not extreme to believe that a rock
when dropped will fall. Most common
occurrences are not radical, expectation in
relation to possibility is most often acceptable.
Thus it is hard to counter the expectation that
accompanies chance, for it is subtle and
inherent in man. Expectation in mode of chance
is necessary and feasible. Experiencism uses
this expectation in understanding chance and
ultimately the Tao. It is another form of the two
approaches to distinction. This very special
thing, this expectation, is our downfall for it is
the cause of the human dilemma. It is our
insight for all our questions can be answered
through it. With it, sustainability in life can be
reached. The matter then becomes which
approach to distinction is most applicable.
To receive a gift, the gift must be
understood and recognized. To be happy, what
happiness is must first be understood and
established. To solve a problem or create
change, the factors that make it up should be
illuminated. In order to follow any program that
promises any sort of change, it is necessary to
determine what it is that needs to be changed.
Change is not needed to bring about happiness,
yet change is an element of the Tao.
≈ It is set into motion by outside variables,
but is cultivated and created within
oneself. The outside factors provide for a
stimulus and the inside effort makes the
≈ It can come and go easily, and must in
order to be as powerful as it is. If there are
no periods of sadness, no absence of
happiness, then becoming happy is
≈ Happiness is best achieved thorough
allowance of things to be. Reaching for and
grasping for things that are meant to bring
happiness, will ultimately not. Be open.
≈ No matter what happens, no matter how
much things may become in conflict with
each other, there is always a chance for
happiness. It can arise in any situation.
≈ There is not one answer to any question,
but to fully be alive, a belief in what is right
must be supreme. Do not doubt what is
considered truth. Trust in what is thought
of as good.
≈ Nature cannot be comprehended
intellectually, it can only be felt and acted
in accord with.
≈ Harmony as is best, already exists right
now. The hopes that man has to better the
future are blind and cannot take form. Life
is perfect now.
≈ The interconnectedness of it all provides
for an opportunity to see the way in
anything and everything.
≈ A glass of water contains just as much of
the universe as does the Milky Way. Thus,
common man in common life, as simple as
it is, does not need to be “great” to feel
the Tao and therefore be happy.
≈ Society as it is, is perfect and right.
Because we can see the wrong in life, it
means we are living the right. In fiction we
find slaves to the state who do not realize
their horrible situation and so think they
live right. They do not complain and begin
to lose what is the human experience.
Because we can complain, because we do
find the wrong in life, we must be living the
right on some level and thus be human.
≈ And finally to begin the chapter, the
quintessential guide to Experiencism in
one sentence. The sum of it all to begin the
journey with. Nothing need be changed
at all.
Both smiling and not smiling are justified
by modern society. Both are used just as often
as the other. In Experiencism smiling is justified
to cultivate positive energy within and without.
It may bring a feeling of comfort. Not smiling is
justified by devotion to the task. A serious intent
is good, it shows focus and respect. This book is
being written with both smiles and not smiles.
This belief is the start of transformation and will
generate acceptance.
The eternal or infinite, are only ideas. They
can only be ideas because of our current
situation. If infinity was real we would have
nothing to define, and so it alone could not be
known. The very act of conceiving infinity is
possible only because there exists a start and
end. For example; there is a line that never
ends. It cannot be known then that there is a
line at all if neither the start nor finish can be
thought of or realized. But if there was a line no
matter how long or short with definite ends,
then the fact that it is a line can be known. Life
must have an end for that is what makes it life.
To put these representations in context we
can use the debate between science and
religion. The side of the circular representation,
religion, has already been argued. Remember
that the need to realize the similarities in
everything is crucial to the acceptance of life as
it is and thus will lead to sustainability.
Spirituality is not lost, as some believe, when
reason is embraced. In fact reason becomes the
new medium for faith. Religion is undesirable
because it is hard to accept, hard to see, hard in
its ways, etc. there is diversity in religion and
when everyone says they are right, skepticism
can only result. With so much conflict, one can’t
help but wonder if he is on the right side. Those
who use reason tend to be more sure and
sustainable than those who rely on pure faith.
We have yet to see an extremist group based
on the scientific consensus. Such is not possible,
for the beauty of it is that science only becomes
true when the result is the same for everyone. It
tends to be easier to accept science than
religion, especially in modern society. Science is
part of our culture and lifestyle, it is
complimentary to modern life.
modes of thought, how can we create the
potential that religion was used for?
Vividly, society constructs these traps or
failures. Society is inclined towards self
destruction, meaning that people want
something that they cannot have. Society
culminates such troublesome traits, it is a
reflection of the human dilemma that created it.
Society is perfect because it is modeled after
man, by man for man and in part due to this
characteristic of society we feel more
comfortable in it. Society is sustainable just as
we are, because failure exists and a chance of
change is present.
Trust is foolish if success is always
expected. Most, who do not want failure, get it
when there are expectations. Success is an
attitude, not a given. Failure must learn to be
accepted and with time will no longer be failure
as it is now understood, but rather a normal
occurrence that is perfect. Failure is inevitable
and so must be accepted. Soon self reliance and
trust in oneself will be held high, for it is not the
accomplishment, but the acceptance of the act.
Thoughts of failure are often created by
regret, but can be avoided by trying the best
the first time. Placing the whole of human will
into something will naturally yield the best. One
cannot expect to do better than his best. The
failure manifests from thoughts of uncertainty
and doubt. Trust in oneself through confidence
and knowing that the highest virtue is being
applied, and naturally the acceptance will come.
A realization that the product of highest will and
intent is perfect, leads to the road of
sustainability. Trust is key for acceptance of life,
without it uncertainty and skepticism expands.
Distraction is thought of by many as a
hindrance, an obstruction of the goal. Others
see it as a chance to evolve further in that
maybe the goal in mind was not correct and
now the intuition is guiding them down the right
path. To them distraction is not bad, and it is
even not a distraction, but rather an opening of
doors. We will take a bit from both in that when
we do have a goal we shall stick to it, and also
not be so rigid as to cut off all other sources of
insight. When the effort and time is taken to
make something fully right, when the truth is
found, it is unwise to just let it go in search of
another. Not all things provide for the same
results. Similarly, we cannot remain blind to
distraction and rule it out simply because we
find our way the best. Our beliefs will come to
include a rightness of all things. We will in time
be able to see perfection in all.
Harmony is very simply the occurrence of
multiple factors acted out in a manner that is
naturally positive. It ranges from a multitude of
mediums, but is most easily found in one’s
sense of pleasure and satisfaction. Usually a
combination of factors leads to harmony,
meaning it does not happen as a result of one
thing. Discord is the result of potential
harmonious factors that do not blend to create
positive connotations. Discord in our lives is
trying to create harmony and failing. Moreover,
it is the occurrence of undesired results that
manifest because of a misalignment with what
is true. Simply, discord can become without
trying and arises due to an ignorance or
straying away from certain truths about reality
inherent in nature. Discord in life is not
following the tendency of the universe. We will
learn to feel what is right and so allow harmony
to come.
Respect is abstract. It is a conception of
the human experience most often used to
justify life. It is a mechanism used by the mind
to feel better about oneself, a tool for coping
with the human dilemma. There are many forms
stemming from the ultimate of respect. Self
respect, respect for others, property, beliefs,
etc. are examples of the applications of the
ultimate form. Beyond that, the ultimate form
reaches a point as to where respect no longer
exists and a self destruction occurs. The
ultimate form defeats itself and so can never be
not good. This is a reflection of the human
dilemma where something is sought after yet
can never be reached. Respect only exists in
the minds of men, and most often is flawed.
Flawed because man constantly is unsatisfied
with his respect either from others, of himself,
or that which he gives others. It is a goal that
provides for rewards yet never seems to truly
be reached. The human dilemma is depicted in
the story of Sisyphus.
The Essential Balance
Humanity in its search for higher meaning
has created the notions of free will and its
opposite of divine control. Destiny as
understood by modern man does not exist, it is
not some portion of life that is foretold. Destiny
is instead, very simply, a man’s idea of the
future and of life as a whole. It is not a limit,
that is to say man should not be limited by the
idea of destiny. It is a killer of the beauty of life
and removes much of the variety we attribute
to the diversity of life. It then should be used
only as a tool for thought, only as a removable
lens to which to review life with for a brief
moment to get another view.
Man in his quest through life learns the
value of kindness, compassion, generosity, etc.
the things that he holds high and strives for.
These virtues are positive in intent, and are
created so that man works out the negative.
They are parts of the essential balance. They
are the virtues in the limelight while the
negative takes on dark. We strive for them,
often fail, yet continue to do so.
because humility relies on truth that we may
use truth to gain humility.
One need not justify the morals society
breeds, they are perfect. No further explanation
is needed. It is better to accept what is now
than what could be. Potential occurrences are
always in flux and do not allow man any
certainty. It is wisest then, to accept the morals
we have now for changing them would create
uncertainty. Experiencism has had to conform
to these daily morals, but because of this they
can be more easily accepted for one is used to
them. We shall learn to use these morals and
understand them in such a manner so as to
benefit from them in ways not originally
that others will follow the morals however, can
lead to failure because it is expectation.
To act in a virtuous manner is to gain
satisfaction by helping others and thus others
will be welcome to it. This is a mutually
beneficial relationship, it is symbiotic and on its
own sustainable. The collapse of morals comes
about when one seeks recognition. One can lose
sight of morals by desiring social
acknowledgment. Acting in virtue is only good
when one is not reliant upon applause from
others. If gratitude and appreciation could be
given each and every time something good is
done, then relying on it would be fine. Again,
the problem arises with expectation because
there will be a time when one does not receive
recognition and so disappointment will result.
As we have all experienced, things that
should bring happiness do not most of the time.
Obvious causes of satisfaction do not always
provide for satisfaction. Smiling and the such, is
not always a sign of happiness and those who
are truly happy do not always smile. The
happiest person does not have to smile to be
happy. A deception in our own minds occurs
where we are not sure of our own happiness
and how it is caused.
Happiness is then after such cognitive
reflection, not an entity on its own. It is not even
as we think, but rather as we practice it.
Happiness is a fulfillment of basic needs that
leads to an overflow of satisfaction, but does
not require predetermined things. There is not a
method to be happy. It can be both simple and
complex. It can be easy and hard, therefore it
comes sporadically and unpredictably. It must
be found for it is everywhere, thus it is
something that must be made rather than
Living life, that is having lived life and
continuing to do so, breeds a bed of knowledge
about reality and the human way. Experience
gained from just having lived, becomes a tool
for change. As is apparent, humans are unique
in every way, yet retain similarities. When
something that smells bad for instance, is
sniffed, it is given, usually, a negative
connotation and that is why we can say it is a
“bad” smell. While there are those that may
think it good, the consensus agrees it is bad and
so it starts to become bad even if just used on a
level of communication.
Contrary to other forms of change, results
through this approach will not be striking. One
can see and feel a pulling to the norm, but by
definition will not stand out because it is the
norm. One will become more like others and so
the change will not be an awarded amendment,
but rather an applauded application. One must
strive to be in sync with all.
Now, similarities encroach upon the possibility
of disassociation by binding these together. This
adherence is a byproduct of similarities and is
the desired.
Initiating Force
Notice the giant “I”. This is crucial. One
must take action in his own life, each person is
his own initiating force. In order to change,
some driving energy, an initiating force, must
be. There is no other way. It is action – reaction,
yin – yang, in effect on even an abstract
intangible level. We are dealing with mainly
social and mental concerns which are pure
thought and are not generally governed by such
laws. It is through an application of our
knowledge of these physical tendencies to the
abstract realms of our feelings that we can
begin to understand ourselves and our
dissatisfaction in a rational manner. When we
use physical science and apply the conclusions
it draws to our lives, we can better change.
different results from the same
• Situations like this must occur for any
change to happen at all. In order to
move in one direction the opposite
direction must also be understood.
• Learn the lesson. If illness prevailed,
then find out what caused the illness.
When this is discovered do not avoid
the cause, rather be knowledgeable
about it and realize when it occurs
again that it is necessary. With
understanding comes acceptance.
• That good is to come, even if hard
times are closer, good will return in
time. Bad cannot continue forever,
otherwise it would lose its strength
and mesh with good. By definition
good will come, it is inevitable.
• Through learning how to navigate
such difficult situations, one must
grow stronger. If not stronger as in
more tolerable to the situation, then
stronger as knowing what is to come.
By knowing what to expect, one can
better prepare.
• There is no other way, if there were it
would have manifested. The situation
exists because it must. One must not
be perplexed and annoyed in conflict,
it is natural and unavoidable. Since
there is no need to stress, it will
become evident that the situation is
actually bearable. Thus, the virtue of
acceptance is practiced and
cultivated leading to the ultimate
goal of Experiencism, sustainability.
are harnessed with the goal of
change in mind.
In life we find the need to be satisfied, we
have a thing called desire. Desire is a motive for
action and if not restraint. Desire causes
thought either way, it does not matter if it is
acted upon. The catalyst of desire can be used
for our purposes of change. We desire most
essentially change, satisfaction, and
sustainability. This is the basis and must be
established. Honesty is our most precious tool
for formulating such desire. When one acts in
an honest manner, with a virtuous desire, there
can be no reason to prevent his goal of change
from becoming.
Yes, eeny meeny miny moe. Most amazing
this really is. Here is why one makes the choice
not forces outside of his control. In doing things
that attempt to utilize the subconscious mind,
occasionally the sense of not being in control
arises. In flipping a coin, choosing a card, using
a pendulum, the idea that some higher force
outside of one’s own being could have
influenced the choice manifests. To play eeny
meeny miny moe results in a choice that can
exist without doubt, and with a feeling of full
control. One makes the decision involving the
subconscious and yet does not give room for
outside factors to have influenced the choice
beyond the normal level. This level that always
exists remains the same when we play eeny
meeny and so the Tao is not upset.
The Tao is said to be indescribable. It then
can be described by anything and if anything
then everything. Much different than
conventional ideas of God, Tao is not a ruling
force. This secret has not been disclosed to
many. Again, the Tao is not a ruling force. This
is very important. Science is disclosing this, but
most will not see. This is beyond man’s needs
and our purposes of change. What can be said
is that the Tao does not control nor does it
influence. Tao stems from what happens, it is a
result rather than a cause.
Experiencism as written is open to
interpretation and the double meaning that will
arise allows for perfection to manifest. One will
hear what they need to and through choice they
will act on it. It is a structure like our
constitution or capitalism at its heart, the strong
will survive and decide what is right. Because
these words are left open to interpretation, one
can use what is best for his unique situation.
Being specific does not work well in trying to
change. What will work best will be heard, it will
come automatically. This is why this is hard to
• Feel what is instinct, what one does
intuitively through human nature.
Understand these impulses and reactions.
By being aware of them, reason will filter
through and the best will result.
• Strive to feel purpose, that one is acting in
virtue. A sense of righteousness leads to a
strengthening of resolve and combats the
hindrance of doubt.
Things come full circle as we have already
found. The feeling of being certain has already
shown its use. By knowing one is right, actions
are made, and change can flow. It however,
does not always seem like certainty can be
made in the direction of the goal. We will work
from the ground up, from the highest sources of
knowledge back down, to learn how to create
this certainty in any situation that may entail it.
This vertical integration of truth will provide for
a system in which to allow for certainty leading
to the omnipotent goal of acceptance.
If this is the universe and it is always chaotic,
The product of experience. The conclusions
that are drawn from life in order to make any
sense of it and to experience more of it. Belief is
a very broad concept, but one that we have
control over. While we may not be able to
change every belief there is no doubt that we
can change those that we find meaningful.
Belief is always right. It differs from knowledge
in that there need not be evidence or support
for it to exist. Most commonly we need evidence
to believe something, but it is not necessary.
Now this comes with a price of course, for
to say everybody is right is absurd and provides
for no definition of reality. A new structure is
used finding the ethics of beliefs. It is to be
called the Ethics of Influence, the purpose of
which is to find the meaning in each belief and
so help make a choice. By weighing the
outcomes of each decision one can make a
more informed choice for the better, and
towards the goal that is to be reached.
that is sought. Use that which will lead to where
is wanted.
Many may find the enlightening experience
of inaction as a secret of life. When we do not
try there seems to be a fulfillment of desires.
When we let go, much seems to come. This is
because the expectation is failure, not success.
Thus when success results, there seems to be a
miracle. This is not so for it is the mindset that
changes not the probability. There is not a
special power at work, it is by definition to work
as it does. When we try we have an
expectation, on some level, of success even if
just a little. We fail then more easily when we
try, than if we do not try.
that will involve the whole being, reason
included, for if there is anything lacking there
obviously is flaw.
The question that must be addressed;
what to do when there is a blank, when one
feels no inspiration, when there is no goal. In all
actions, in every moment, there is both
initiating force and emptiness. There lies in an
instance a juxtaposition of each, which need
only be accessed. One must merely pick out the
relevant. Emptiness results inevitably and
without warning, so it is a force to be reckoned
with. Since emptiness is present everywhere, it
cannot be avoided, it must be used to
strengthen the initiating force.
emptiness stemming from initiating force when
effort is applied correctly.
The beauty of this approach is that very
little need be done for success to result.
Understanding the nature of emptiness is the
main part in leaving it. Imagine a cave; one
cannot escape without knowledge of it. In order
to gain this knowledge, one will have to explore
and by exploring the successful escape grows
more possible. By experiencing the nature of
the cave, one can better understand it and so
create a better plan of escape. Very simply, by
reading this one already creates the main
catalyst in moving from emptiness to initiating
force. Just by comprehending the logic of
initiating force being born from emptiness, one
allows it to come. So realize that the majority of
work has already been done.
importantly his ability to unite under concern
when conditions are right.
We have those that are concerned with
losing money or keeping it. They may also be
concerned with gaining it. And at some time or
another they are concerned with trying to not
worry about it. The basic premises are simple
growing complex when unique combinations of
them are formed. Each of us has to some
degree, all of these concerns. Broadening the
scope here, we can say that man’s concern
• Losing money represents the trait of fear.
It is the result of expectation,
dissatisfaction, uncertainty, and ignorance.
Fear of losing money arises from thinking
that it can be lost, that one will not be
happy without it, that the future cannot be
told without it, and that if gone it must be
gained again. Money can most certainly
be lost, but it is not the sole source of
satisfaction. There are other means of
feeling certain or having at least some
sense of security about the future. The all
encompassing trap is being reliant on the
money which fuels fear, and failure.
• Trying to gain money is the trait of greed,
thinking that having more will improve life.
This would be fine if indeed it did improve
life and there were a stopping point,
however, there is not and rarely does man
feel any better even after having gained so
much. This is why materialism is flawed
and self destructive. Greed can be useful
as initiating force, but not as a concern
that causes actions leading away from
one’s goals. Do not remove anything from
life, instead revise that which does not
work towards one’s interests.
• Trying to not be worried about money
represents the trait of misguided effort. It
is energy used incorrectly bringing the
unwanted characteristic of avoidance
because of insecurity. Man realizes the
flaws of the other concerns and so seeks to
turn away from them. He knows that fear
and greed can lead to failure, and because
of this he tries to stay away from money so
that it will not bring them. This is the most
dangerous and undesirable because one
thinks he is working in his best interest
when actually he is not. Misguided effort is
a product of carelessness, lack of self
reflection, lack of scrutiny, eagerness to
act without contemplation, inability to
withdraw and let go, and inconclusive
conflicting beliefs.
can be used to create initiating force in our
As the journey continues, and one goes
through a whole set of experiences, many
conclusions can be drawn. Thus far, we have
laid out explanations and approaches all leading
to the ultimate, sustainability. Beliefs have been
established and most importantly the creed of,
there is no truth. To sum up that which has
already been conceived we say; by experience
and all its contributing parts, acceptance turns
into happiness and opens the door for
sustainability. Triumph has and will be made.
That which will never die. A flow, like the
universe, that can never be rejected nor
stopped. It is beyond anything physical, yet
manifests in the physical. It is that which we
may call the ultimate energy, tendency of
nature, or Tao. Ever flowing, always in action, it
must be used for it cannot be avoided. In our
lives and for our purposes of change, constancy
means the straight path that initiating force will
take without distraction, to bring about change
and ultimately our goal of sustainability.
Prediction is possible in our lives, of our
future, because of constancy.
There will come a time when all seems
lost. It is much deeper and more thorough than
emptiness. The feeling within oneself cannot be
completely explained even by the idea of
emptiness. There is a conflict of sorts, but no
prominent feelings of conflict exist.
Incapacitation is more complex than emptiness,
but easier to deal with. The root of
incapacitation lies in one’s initiating force and
effort, and because of this, one can use such
force to get out of it. The reason such feelings
as incapacitation seem unsolvable and
devastating is because one has not learned to
deal with seemingly contradictory things that
exist within one another. Incapacitation comes
when one thinks all bases are covered, that all
factors are being taken care of, but somehow
are not, and so one cannot move on.
progress is being made when incapacitation
• There is no dilemma, there only
appears to be, for one has to justify
his actions. It is because one feels the
need to have results, because one
needs reasons to keep going, that this
very idea of a problem exists. When
there is no apparent progress being
made, when one cannot obviously
find justification for his efforts,
incapacitation seems to come. The
truth of the matter is that if there is
any sense of a problem at all, it lies
within oneself, as a result of one’s
feelings for need, not as a result of
flawed approaches. It is “all in your
head” as they say. The important
thing here is that what one thinks,
how one feels, the very creation of
incapacitation, is an influencing factor
in our journey that must be taken into
consideration and dealt with before
one can move on. It is with no doubt
an obstruction, but one that was
• Incapacitation is merely a tangling up
of energy, a traffic jam of sorts, which
has produced inefficiency or complete
cessation of apparent progress. There
is, so to speak, so much energy and
effort going so many ways that it is
hard to tell which way they are going
and thus appear to be stagnant. It is
like a video camera that is blurry
when moving too fast because so
much information has to be
processed and yet cannot in any
discernable manner. It comes then,
the most straightforward solution,
that one must slow down. Do not halt
efforts completely, just reexamine
them and find what causes so much
conflict. Remove that which does not
work, but know that it will return
when needed. Unclog the flow of
progress by eliminating a portion of
effort and willfully cause the slowing
down to occur.
We have combined much, but the
approach’s steps and actual coming together is
vague. We understand what and how to
accomplish. We know the beginning and end
which allows for an easy journey. Predictable is
the path and steps for the end is known. This
journey is great for there is an end. We know
where we are going and now just have to get
there. Our current position becomes centered
on experience because it is experience that will
allow us to attain what we will. We have done
already everything there is to do. All that is left
is to keep walking. Experiencism promises
sustainability and nothing more. Discipline can
lead to sustainability.
And now presenting the great tool of
understanding, The Four. The purpose of The
Four is to create a simple system in which
complex ideas can be compressed into an
accessible format. The Four allows one to
compare things that normally would not be
comparable, and use this comparison to gain an
understanding of the things and so develop a
knowledge of them. It creates a schema that
one can fully understand and draw conclusions
of. The brilliance of The Four is that through
practice and effort, one can gain a knowledge of
the tendency of the universe and how it
pertains to human experience. It is a way to
gain an understanding of the Tao. Nothing is
more valuable.
intangible experiences it brings for
Be sure to put a date on each group and
keep them together. A separate section for
notes may be used to provide for more detail as
to why each choice was made. Keywords and
short descriptions work well when noting
reasons for decisions. Use familiar language and
words that can lead to memory recall. Don’t be
afraid to use what works or that the entries are
being done wrong.
Modern life has concerned itself much with
the learning of what could be called “useless”
information. It is a desirable trait, considered
intelligent, to be knowledgeable of various
things. One need only learn what is important to
his life. Man should take the energy he has
devoted to useless knowledge and apply it to
learning why he has the problems he does.
A creator of both conflict and conflict
resolution. When one argues not only are beliefs
being communicated, but they are also being
filtered through reason. When arguing, one
refines beliefs in a rational manner so as to win
the argument. It may be said then, that
argument is the easiest and most instinctive
way to make beliefs logical. We overreact
during arguments as well where opinion is
always argued and yet, by definition, opinion
cannot be argued. We need not create conflict
through arguing opinions because we rationally
cannot argue opinion. This denotes another tool
for progress, that which can make beliefs more
appealing to reason and thus more appealing to
others in modern society. Our approach to
argument is a means of remaining calm and
happy when unwanted conflict manifests. More
importantly, it allows for progress in one’s path
towards sustainability by strengthening beliefs
and efforts in it.
to beat his opponent can be used to strengthen
his own beliefs.
Now with the idea of progress being the
very purpose of argument, one can progress
whether he wins the argument or not. This is to
say that when the opponent is thought of as a
mirror, reflecting everything being fired at him,
that progress is inevitable and so the argument
cannot be lost. When practiced in this manner,
one will always win in that, growth will always
result. Argument is a rational filter that refines
beliefs in a manner that could not be done
alone. The Experiencism approach to argument
is superior not only because when used losing is
impossible, but also because it allows one to
use his best arguments against himself and so
be the best that he can be.
Beyond the idea of pushing through, that is
persistence, it is important to learn to tolerate.
We are not always meant to see something to
its end. Sometimes there is a point of stopping
where what has been followed is to be no
longer. Tolerance then is important in dealing
with such situations that must be dealt with, yet
not put fully into. The conservation of the effort
is to be used where one cannot place their
entire being into every task. Applying oneself
into every task as a whole spreads the whole
thin and weakens the overall strength of the
effort. If focused effort can bring dramatic
change quickly, tolerance will allow for a means
of coping with that which one's entire being
cannot be devoted to.
Tolerance can lead to acceptance, where
one has a sense of purpose that outweighs all
negatives that must be encountered and so he
shall overcome.
That which exists now is a result of what
was before. Society as it is stems from the will
of man. All the conclusions that have been
drawn, all the ideas we find, are products of
effort and are thus refined to the best that they
may be. In time it is safe to say, that they will
change and will become more pure as man
does. We cannot grow closer to perfection, for
perfection already exists now in the highest
level, we then must live knowing and feeling
this perfection in each moment. Ideas will adapt
as man does, to suit the needs of man and so
retain the perfection of life. The systems and
structure we find in modern society continue to
work for they replicate nature. Letting go and
not trying to control will provide for better
results than their counterparts. Man must learn
to learn from the forces that govern him, he will
not, and so he is man. The human dilemma
exists because it is supposed to, the logic of it is
without flaw and it will not go away, not by our
current understanding. It can be argued then,
that it is not meant to go away, that we are
cursed for a reason, but our dilemma is not a
problem, it is a chance to live. The Essential
Balance keeps us here, and because it acts as a
limiting force, it allows us to have some
understanding of what is. If there were not walls
that confine us, we could not know anything, it
would just keep going on and on and leave us
as hopeless dreamers without expectation,
without certainty. The power to change lies in
oneself, initiating force comes from within even
though it is set in motion by things without. One
must be everything a human is thought to be,
humble as well. Flaws are not a chance for
correction, they are a chance for growth in
other areas. They provide for self reflection and
inner growth. Chance is real. Certainty can be
made for sure only from the nature of the
universe being orderly on some level. One must
strive to be sure of things and believe them
right. Beliefs are powerful. Honesty can hone
these beliefs and make them applicable to daily
life. Success in this program and in any area is
best achieved through a balanced use of effort.
Effort must consist of both one’s tendency to try
and one’s virtue of not trying. Emptiness is an
absence of energy, but is not only inevitable, it
is necessary for more energy to come.
Stubbornness in one’s efforts towards change
creates emptiness, but also strengthens belief.
Concern can be used to unite both man’s beliefs
and man amongst himself. Concern can
reinforce anything. Triumph is possible because
the virtues of Experiencism, acceptance leading
into happiness bringing about sustainability, are
present in daily life. Triumph will come.
Constancy is a means of change. Incapacitation
comes as a sign of success. Discipline is not
rigid, and when put to use in the proper manner
will lead to change. The Tao can be known
through the Four. Discord is natural and means
harmony exists. Man’s capacity should be filled
with things applicable to life especially the
problems we have. Argument is a means of
progress and personal growth. Limits are what
make this reality and are part of becoming
sustainable. Tolerance is needed to keep going.
And keep going we shall, for life goes on,
perfection continues, sustainability is reached,
there is no end.
For questions regarding any of the ideas noted
in this book or resources pertaining to
Experiencism, please go to