Alo-Sample Test Paper
Alo-Sample Test Paper
Alo-Sample Test Paper
General Instruction: Read the questions carefully. AVOID ERASURES. Your answer will
be considered invalid if theres any form of alteration or erasure.
Instruction: Encircle the letter of the BEST answer.
1. The person-to person encounter that conveys a sense of caring and closeness is best
described as:
A. Trust
B. Rapport
C. Empathy
D. Presence
2. When determining the priority needs of a client, which of the following should the nurse
consider as the highest priority?
a. Providing a safe environment
b. Preservation of life
c. Ensuring growth and development
d. Minimizing environmental stimulation
3. When providing holistic care to the patient, the nurse focuses on the client and tries to
avoid assumption. This process referred to as:
a. Developing relationship
b. Knowing the patient
c. Creating a therapeutic environment
d. Sharing personal stories
4. To enable the nurse to build a helping and caring relationship, which of the following
should be established first?
a. Trust and sympathy
b. Trust and empathy
c. Trust and rapport
d. Trust and friendship
5. In giving safe and reliable care to patients, which of the following situations does not
constitute malpractice?
a. The nurse administers an antibiotic without prior assessment of the patients
sensitivity to the drug.
b. The nurse applies a heating pad on the abdomen of a patient with appendicitis.
c. The nurse did not perform CPR on a client with terminal illness whose
advance directives specifies no resuscitation measures once breathing
d. None of the above
6. In providing efficient care to patient, the nurse should be equipped with the knowledge of
basic nursing procedures. Which of the following is considered the first level of isolation
a. Standard precautions
b. Airborne precautions
c. Contact precautions
d. Droplet precautions
7. Effective care of clients condition requires critical thinking. Which of the following
situations reflects the basic level of critical thinking?
a. Asking for the physicians opinion in every intervention performed on a client.
b. Entering into a win-win situation all the time.
c. Using the institutions manual to confirm the correct procedure.
d. Using ones influence and position to achieve ones goal
8. In giving patient-centered care, which of the following belief is most important in
establishing a positive nurse-patient relationship?
a. The nurse must recognize that the client is a holistic being whose personality
needs to be fully understood.
b. The nurse accepts the client as a unique human being whose ability to
trust is preceded by testing behaviors.
c. The quality of the nurse-patient relationship depends on the nurses degree of
d. The nurse should view the clients behavior non-judgmentally while assisting the
client to act out feelings of aggression.
9. Which of the following statements BEST define the term Quality Health Care?
a. Conformance to requirements and standards
b. It is the complete satisfaction of the needs in health services
c. It is an optimal balance between possibilities realized and a framework of norms
and values
d. Both A & B
e. All of the above
10.Which of the following statements describes an observance to the standard of care?
a. A health care provider adheres to the standard of care if he has done how similarly
qualified practitioners would have managed the patient's care under the same or similar
b. A practitioner adheres to the standard of care if he consistently follows the guidelines
and protocols that experts would agree with as most appropriate.
A nurse is being known of his best practice in rendering quality health care at all
d. All of the above
Column B
Reliable Care
Equitable Care
Efficient Care
Timely Care
Effective Care
Continuity of C
Quality Improv
Safety Care
Information Ma