Vientiane Times (PAGE 8) 170cd2009s
Vientiane Times (PAGE 8) 170cd2009s
Vientiane Times (PAGE 8) 170cd2009s
Discotheques Sharing
face knowledge and Sharapova: ‘I
nationwide culture with am a hundred
shut down professionals percent’
[PAGE 3] [PAGE 8] [PAGE 15]
Current Affairs
# The first fatal case of A (H1N1) has been reported in Laos with the death of a 31-year-old
man from Borikhamxay province last week. The man, who lived in Paksan district, had a
history of respiratory problems, obesity and diabetes. A brick maker by profession, he was
also a heavy smoker and drinker of alcohol.
From 15 June until the 22nd July, 56 cases of H1N1 have been reported in Laos. Most have
since recovered. Ore than 100,000 cases have been reported in 151 countries and so far with
475 fatalities.
# Chanthabouly district police this week announced they had arrested four thieves after three
months of investigation. District Police Chief, Lieutenant Colonel Khamphuy Phommachith
said most of the men had been previously arrested and jailed for crimes including stealing
motorbikes and drug use.
# Further addressing the situation of retention and failure rates of students from primary to
secondary-school level is part of the Huaphan Education Department’s plans for the 2009-
10 academic year, a provincial education official said on Monday.
In the 2007-08 academic year, more than 1,500 primary students left school before
graduating, out of a total of around 57,000 students in the province, according to a recent
report from the department.
Another 800 secondary school students abandoned their classes, out of a total of 15,584.
Most quit because their parents wanted them to work on their farms. Just over 3.5 percent
Members of the Lao media attend the course. of final year examinees around the province failed the 2008-09 academic year.
# A high-ranking Thai official confirmed on Tuesday the Thai government intends to repatriate
Lao Press in Foreign Languages A man reads an illegally-posted advertising sign which somebody attached to a
tree along a roadside in Vientiane. Officials of Vientiane Urban Development
Director General Savankhone Razmountry Administration and Authority started removing the signs this month.
Vientiane Times
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4 Map Saturday July 25, 2009 Vientiane Times
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UNEP urges world to invest
in “greening” economies New water prices hurt
Daniel Ooko
on the world’s developed Afforestation is about life, a profit from trading it, but 500 kip per litre, up from 24,000 kip each for using the
nations to invest massively in peace and hope and creating ientiane residents all investment in the current 420 kip per litre. For the use same amount of water per
“greening” their economies livelihood for the poor,” the have been water supply company comes of 11 to 30 cubic metres, the person.
in order to set a new path to project leader said. shocked by their from Government budgets new price is 1,000 kip per It is not fair for large
prosperity. Sukhdev noted that beyond water bills as the and is therefore supported cubic metre compared to families to pay a more
Pavan Sukhdev, project the immediate bailout of price increased more than by people’s taxes and some 865 kip previously charged expensive rate than smaller
leader of the Untied National financial firms and the design of 300 percent following the foreign assistance. for between 6 and 30 cubic families.
Environment Programme future international financial introduction of new prices in So the company has a metres. The consumption of As the result, many big
(UNEP)’s Green Economy planning, world leaders must April by the Vientiane Water responsibility to guarantee between 31 to 50 cubic metres families submitted letters
Initiative who is on take bold measures to resolve Supply Enterprise. people can access water at of water now costs 2,500 kip to the local authorities to
secondment from Deutsche the multiple crises plaguing Complaints about the high a reasonable and affordable per cubic metre. ask the Vientiane Water
Bank, said countries should humankind.
rethink economic models and price of water have been heard price. Under the old pricing, the Supply Enterprise to review
“A total of around one
target at job growth in a world percent of global GDP -- that widely in the capital where Improving access to maximum charged was 1060 the new billing scale. They
where leveraging natural is around US$750 billion-- most people rely on the water clean water is also part of the kip per cubic metre for people say the huge increase is not
capital is both an increasing invested in such greening supply provided by the state- Government’s effort to reduce who use more than 30 cubic acceptable or suitable for
constraint and an untapped initiatives over the next two owned company. poverty in Laos, particularly metres of water. Now the Lao in the present economic
opportunity. years would provide the critical Many people said the in rural areas. maximum price is 5,000 kip situation.
Speaking in Nairobi on mass of investment needed to water price adjustment was I agreed that we need for the consumption of more Instead perhaps, the
Monday, Sukhdev said jobs kick start a ‘green economy’ not acceptable given the money to increase the amount than 50 cubic metres. calculation should be based
could be created in clean across G20 nations,” Sukhdev current economic situation on a per capita basis, rather
technology, renewable energy, said. and people’s incomes. However, the company did not talk than on household, as is now
sustainable agriculture and In October last year, the “I don’t know how many about its performance in terms of the case.
other conservation-based UNEP and leading economists percent the price of water The Vientiane Water
businesses. announced the Green has increased, I usually pay management and administration Supply Enterprise has not
“In greening the economy, Economy Initiative (GEI) to about 50,000 kip per month, and how much money they use for explained clearly the reasons
there is a new path to seize an historic opportunity but this month (May) my bill for the increase of the price
prosperity, there are more to bring about tomorrow’s was almost 300,000 kip,” administration activities compared to of water. The company says
jobs, clean and decent jobs economy today. one water user in Sisattanak the production process. it needs more funds to expand
and indeed there is a solution Together with a number district explained. the water network, attract
to persistent poverty,” of UN sister organisations, Water is a basic necessity of water supplied or to expand These figures show the foreign investments and also
Sukhdev told Xinhua in an the GEI will motivate the and it should be a government the network, but this money new prices have resulted an that it wants people to use
interview on the sidelines of governments and businesses obligation to help people should not come from overly increase of between 19 and water more carefully.
an environmental meeting in to significantly increase
Nairobi. access clean water for a fair expensive water prices for 370 percent, based on the However, the company did
investment in the environment
He said the UN as a new engine for economic price. users. volume of the water used. not talk about its performance
environmental agency has growth, job creation, and Water should be a not- It would better if the price According the Vientiane in terms of management
urged the G20 countries to poverty reduction in the 21st for-profit business and owned increase, from the smallest to Water Supply Enterprise, the and administration and how
invest one third of the around century. by the government, but the the largest amounts, was in new price of the was entirely much money they use for
US$2.5 trillion worth of He said ecosystems around policy of the company is to try line with economic growth. appropriate and fair for all administration activities
planned stimulus packages the world provided unique to make a profit by increasing With water bills increasing consumers based on a family compared to the production
on “greening” the world resources for many industries, the price of water to attract as much as 300 percent, of five using no more than process. Some National
economy. noting that protecting coral foreign investment. much more than the 20 50 cubic metres of water a Assembly members have also
The development reefs, a source of tourism, The water company said percent increase the company month. discussed how the new cost
economist said the estimated safeguarding fishing and the main reasons behind water announced, there appears The fact is, Lao people of water would impact on
US$750 billion of green coastal resources, and reducing price adjustment were to to be some mistakes in the have big families, some with people’s lives, especially low
investment, equal to about deforestation would likely be attract investment and to fund calculation system or the as many as 10 people, and it and middle income earners.
one percent of current global targeted in the initiatives. expansion works. information collected by the can be difficult for them to pay They also said the Water
GDP, could trigger significant, The GEI has three It would be difficult to company. their water bill if they use 100 Enterprise should respond
multiple and potentially key elements: the Green expand their water networks Under the new pricing cubic metres per month, they more quickly to water leaks
transformational returns. Economy report that provides and attract the interest of scheme, water is charged at now have to pay 500,000 kip. in public places such as roads
“What we need today is an overview, analysis and investors without a profit. different rates depending on So they pay 50,000 kip per where repairs to broken water
investment not in more of synthesis of how public policy This is useful if you the amount used each month. person using 10 cubic metre pipelines are delayed costing
the same (with economic can help markets accelerate consider water as a commercial People who use up to 10 cubic of water each, while a family both water and money.
stimulus packages). We need the transition towards a green
today investments in greening economy; The Economics of
the economies today and Ecosystems and Biodiversity,
not tomorrow. So when I a project on assessing the
look at the G20 nations and economics of nature and its
I look at two trillion dollars opportunities; and the Green
that are absolutely essential Jobs report (in September
for progress for the next 2008) that evaluated
generation,” Sukhdev said. employment trends from
He added the funds would greening.
assist in powering the global Sukhdev said the UN was
economy out of recession leading a powerful campaign
and onto a green 21st century to encourage the governments
path. to seal the deal on a fair,
He said there were many balanced and effective climate
progress being realised in agreement when they meet in
Africa in terms of “greening” Copenhagen in December this
the economy and cited Kenya year.
as an example. Despite “It’s important to have
progress being made in the deal. We must seal the
environmental conservation, deal as the UN Secretary
there was still destruction General has been saying.
going on in other parts of the We must seal two deals --
country. one on the main deal on the
“Africa is an area and Copenhagen and the other
continent of many challenges. is the deal for reduced
I am delighted to see some emission from the
progress in many parts of deforestation and forest
Africa. We are here in Nairobi degradation,” he said.
and we can see the Mau Forest Sukhdev also said
is severely under stress and I combating climate change can
am happy that the government be a path towards economic
is taking steps to address that,” recovery and an investment
he said. with strong returns today
“You know that fresh and for many generations to
water availability to people come.
Vientiane Times Saturday July 25, 2009 7
How do you manage waste during the Two snatchers arrested Translated by Bounfaeng Phaymanivong
increase garbage bins in Vientiane? Xaysettha district police have undertaken genuine efforts to arrest bag
snatchers recently.
470 new garbage bins were presented on Monday by the Lao Brewery The latest offenders were Mr Khampheng, 23, a resident of Chommany
Neua village, Xaysettha district, and Mr Phonsack, 21, from the same
Company in cooperation with the Srithai Superware PLC of Thailand. This village and district.
is to improve the cleanliness of the city in the lead-up to important events Mr Khampheng was detained on April 7 for allegations of snatching and
such as the 25th SEA Games in December and the 450th anniversary of stealing money and Mr Phonsack was arrested on June 16 on the same
Vientiane as the capital of Laos in 2010. However, it is necessary to remind The police said they had committed a crime in January.
local people to throw away waste in the correct manner. At approximately 8pm they began following two women from That
Luang traffic lights. Later near the Setthathirath hospital they snatched a
bag one of the women was carrying.
After snatching the bag from the two ladies, they escaped, hid and
Ounkham Pimmata December.
searched through the contents of the bag for money and valuables. Inside
If local people do not dispose their
they found 3,000 baht (753,000 kip), 80,000 kip and a mobile phone.
An office worker, Ms Ketamphon waste appropriately, it can have a
The ill-gotten gains were shared among the two men; Mr Phonsack got
Pathommachit : negative impact on the country’s
1,000 baht (250,000 kip) and the mobile phone, while Mr Khampheng
received 2,000 baht (500,000 kip) and the 80,000 kip.
We accept garbage bins will help
The offenders are now being judged and served a taste of justice in
to improve cleanliness in Vientiane,
accordance with the law.
but it is not efficient enough if
--Khouamsangob Weekly, July 13-16
residents in communities are not
aware of the importance of throwing
out garbage properly and further
to help each other take care of the
Communication devices correlate
It is better if suitable authorities
The authorities have to develop
with anti-social behaviour
advise the public of waste disposal, different types of garbage bins and
Communication devices have become one of the most important elements
teach the public and communities
in life; they come soon after accommodation, clean water, food, clothing
If we have a lot of about recycling the waste products
and medicine in the order of importance to our lives.
garbage bins in Vientiane, it will to produce profits and help conserve
However, these items could be cause problems for people in society when
have a positive impact for residents the environment.
they are used in incorrect ways.
in the capital, to conveniently It is very important for people to
Many people from different areas, professions and other social levels
dispose of their garbage. throw their waste into garbage bins
are required to have communication devices, especially in the form of a
However, I believe changing the after they eat food and beverages in
mobile phone.
public’s habits, including changing these public areas.
It allows for us to establish connections among people. It can be a big part
the way they throw away their waste
of success in business and social networking.
is vital. A resident at Chommani village,
The service fee is more or less in line with the general income of Lao
Sometimes I see people throwing Ms Lammon Khamphilavong :
people and they can choose to buy differently-priced calling cards
garbage on roads, around shopping Our country is preparing for two
depending on their financial situation.
malls and in parks, even when there especially passengers on buses not important coming events, so I think
Such communication devices play a most important role in our lives; yet
are garbage bins present. to throw their waste on the roads. garbage bins in Vientiane should be
they sometimes bring negative effects to people as well.
Concerned authorities have to build The market authorities should installed to reduce the disposal of
As with most tools it depends on the motivation of the user. The use
awareness to the local people with use speakers to be an important waste in an improper manner.
of a mobile phone for the conduct of illegal business or other activities
the 3 Rs in their daily lives, reduce, tool to remind traders to clean Shopping malls and markets
against the law are directly harmful to the users as well as to the nation
re-use and recycle. their areas after selling concludes should provide bins nearby so
and society.
This is a step towards making each day. that shoppers can discard waste
This is not an attempt to be negative, but a reminder to those users who
Vientiane an attractive city; properly.
lack mindfulness and use a mobile phone for the wrong reasons.
including teaching the public to A medical student, Mr Sisavath People living near roads should
Therefore, these items must be used correctly and advantageously,
dispose of their waste properly and Nonthavongsa: I agree to increase sweep the leaves and garbage in
adapting them to our daily lives with a commitment to proper and correct
encouraging them to use organic garbage bins in Vientiane, as it front of their houses.
actions in our society.
material, such as banana and lotus makes it easier for the public to take They should not wait for street
--Socio-Economic Daily, July 21
leaves. care of capital and keep it cleaner. cleaners to clear them, especially
People often go shopping or to We know sometimes people to since sometime they cannot clean
markets and get lots of plastic bags
to hold their products and this is
throw their waste on roads and
places if they do not see garbage
around Vientiane. Students and
employees should keep a clean
Clean and well-lit streets ensures
increasing the garbage in Vientiane. bins.
It would be good if concerned
workplace free from waste and
clean their area once per week.
a good-looking city
A resident at Nongtha village, Mr authorities increased the number Each village should increase the
Various relevant sectors in Vientiane are now revisiting their duties in
Sinaxay Saovongxay: Garbage bins of bins at parks and tourist sites number of bins to ensure their
order to ensure everything is ship-shape to welcome the upcoming SEA
are very necessary in the capital, to make it more convenient for communities keep plastic bags and
Games to be held in December in Vientiane.
as we are hosting SEA Games in visitors to dispose of their waste other waste products off the streets.
In the preparation for the important event, some aspects or tasks must not
be overlooked.
LPFL is looking for interested candidates for the position of R & D Manager to joint our hard working
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Skills/Knowledge required:
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If you interested in working with us, please submit a current CV and covering letter attached recent
photo to address below:
Niphavanh KEOVILAY
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Ban Saphanthong Kang, Sisattanak, P.O. Box 8832, Vientiane Lao PDR
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Remark: Closing date is 07th Aug 2009 and we regret that only short listed candidates will be notified.
Please Note: Any CVs and related documents will not be returned
10 Saturday July 25, 2009 Vientiane Times
lower kids’ IQ
Article 18. (New) Circumstances that Lead to
Exemption from Penal Liability
Circumstances that lead to exemption from penal liability are as
1. Force and threat;
2. Legitimate defence;
(CHINA DAILY) -- Children in automobile and truck 3. State of necessity;
living in neighbourhoods with exhaust, particularly by 4. Performance of professional duty;
heavy traffic pollution have diesel vehicles. 5. Implementation of order;
lower IQs and score worse The more heavily exposed 6. Playing of sports;
on other tests of intelligence children were to black carbon, 7. Offences against which complaints must be lodged by the
damaged parties;
and memory than children the lower were their scores on 8. Expiration of the term of prosecution.
who breathe cleaner air, a new several intelligence tests.
study shows. When the researchers Article 19. Force and Threat
The effect of pollution on adjusted for the effects of Any individual committing an offence under force or threat in
intelligence was similar to parents’ education, language circumstances where such force or threat could not have been
that seen in children whose spoken at home, birth weight, avoided shall not be charged or punished.
mothers smoked 10 cigarettes and exposure to tobacco In the event that such offence is a crime, [the] force or threat shall
a day while pregnant, or in smoke, the association only constitute extenuating circumstances regarding punishment.
kids who have been exposed remained.
to lead, Dr Shakira Franco For example, heavy Article 20. Legitimate Defence
Suglia of the Harvard School exposure to black carbon was Acts of “legitimate defence” refers to acts taken by an individual
to safeguard the interests of the State or society, [or to safeguard]
of Public Health in Boston, linked to a 3.4-point drop his own or another individual’s life, health, [or] legitimate rights
the study’s lead author, told in IQ, on average. Heavily and interests against acts of aggression dangerous for the society;
Reuters Health. exposed children also scored but such acts of aggression must be truly existing and dangerous,
While the effect of lower on tests of vocabulary, and the acts of legitimate defence must be contemporaneous with
pollution on cardiovascular memory and learning. and proportionate to the acts of aggression.
and respiratory health has “It’s within the range for Acts of legitimate defence are not considered offences.
been studied extensively, less in utero tobacco exposure and
is known about how breathing lead exposure,” Suglia said in Article 21. State of Necessity
dirty air might affect the brain, an interview. [An act taken in a] “state of necessity” refers to an individual’s act
Suglia and her team wrote She pointed out that which is necessary to avoid threats against the interests of the State
or society, [or against] his own or another individual’s life, health,
in the American Journal of exposure to traffic pollution [or] legitimate rights and interests, where such threats cannot be
Epidemiology. has been associated with a avoided by other methods and are not created by such individual,
To investigate, she and number of other harmful and where the damage caused by such act is less than the damage
her colleagues looked at 202 effects and that, short of that would have resulted from the threat.
Boston children 8 to 11 years moving away from heavy Acts taken in a state of necessity are not considered offences.
old who were participating in traffic areas, there’s not much
a study of maternal smoking. people can do to limit it. A woman wears a mask to protect herself from the A(H1N1) virus. Article 22. (New) Performance of Professional
The researchers related She and her colleagues Duty The “performance of a professional duty” shall be regarded
several measures of cognitive suggest that traffic pollution research on the effects of as a circumstance that leads to exemption from penal liability if it
whether traffic exposure might
function to the children’s may exert harmful effects pollution on the development meets the following criteria:
cause or accelerate brain 1. The act shall be within the scope of the rights and duties [of
estimated exposure to black by causing inflammation of intelligence in children degeneration in conditions the actor];
carbon, a component of the and oxidative damage to the and on cognitive decline for such as Alzheimer’s disease 2. The act shall be in conformity with professionalism and
particulate matter emitted brain. They call for further people of all ages, including and Parkinson’s disease. with laws and regulations.
following a recent concert but when we were playing at “Our future plans usually
there. Lao concerts with Lao bands involving going to a han
The band’s guitarist, it just didn’t feel right as we ping hou mou (grilled pig ear
Roger Rock said, “We all met wanted to be a part of the restaurant). But apart from
at a Boun Bang Fai (rocket music scene that we love,” that, we are hoping to play
festival) a few years ago. We says drummer Tom O’ Hawk. as many concerts as possible
were the only falang men The music video for Hak with our favourite Lao artists
there who were dressed up as Gan Leo can be watched at the including A’ Pacts, Aluna and
Subscription Rates 2008-9 women! We looked at each band’s website, www.uluvus. L Zone,” bass player, Databass
1. DOMESTIC SUBSCRIPTION (6 issues/week) and online fee other wearing makeup and com, or on any Lao television said.
+ Online fee Total + Online fee
realised that it was our destiny channel. The band’s members hail
to be in a band together.” The band expects to post from Australia and England
78 issues (3 months) 305,000k +100,000k 405,000k “We are just huge fans of other music videos on the and have been in Laos for
Regular price 156 issues (6 months) 609,000k +100,000k 709,000k Lao music. In the early days website soon and also add a between four and nine years
312 issues (1 year) 1,217,000k +100,000k 1,317,000k
we played international songs Lao language version. respectively.
78 issues (3 months) 390,000k +100,000k 490,000k
Home Delivery (City Centre)
Area: Thadeua Rd. Dongdok, Ban 156 issues (6 months) 780,000k +100,000k 880,000k
Tanmixay and Sikhay villages.
312 issues (1 year) 1,560,000k +100,000k 1,660,000k
136 days
Budo centre to be
ready for SEA Games
The LNSC will hold the
judo and karatedo events at
the centre during the SEA
Games in December.
Sangkhomsay The national judo and LNSC will also use the
Bubphanouvong aikido teams are currently centre to host future table
training at a national training tennis and sepak takraw
The Lao-Japan Budo camp in the lead-up to the events, as well as music
Centre in Anou village SEA Games later this year. concerts.
of Chanthabouly district, Construction of the The facility will be 32
Vientiane is currently 58 centre was divided into metres wide, 29 metres long
percent complete and will two phases. The first phase and 18 metres high. It will
be finished in October. went ahead under a Japanese consist of three floors with a
Director General of government grant of about seating capacity of 800.
the International Relations 37 billion kip (US$4.3 The judo event at the
Department of the Lao National million) last December. games will include eight
Sports Committee (LNSC), The second phase is weight divisions for men (55,
Mr Soulasith Oupravanh said currently underway with the 60, 66, 73, 81, 90, 100 and
the Lao judo, karatedo and support of a further grant from over 100kg) and women (45,
aikido teams would be able the Japanese government 48, 52, 57, 63, 70, 78 and over
to train at the centre after an of 19 billion kip (US$2.2 78kg).
opening ceremony is held in million). The karatedo event will
November. The centre is been built by consist of six weight divisions
National judo and karatedo Kanto Construction Company for men (55, 60, 65, 70, 75,
fighters will live and train at and Sanpo International 80kg) and four for women
the centre. Corporation from Japan. (48, 53, 60 and over 60kg). The Lao-Japan Budo Centre under construction.
After the games, the
LNSC will allow fighters club and students form Anou At the 24th SEA Games medal and the judo team two
from the Lao Judo and secondary school to train at in Thailand in 2007, the Lao gold, one silver and three
Karatedo Federations, Aikido the centre. karatedo team won a bronze bronze medals.