Customer I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Name of the account holder, spelled in Bulgarian
by ......
Place of birth
Fax ....
Specimen signature
I would like to open:
Current account
with IBAN BG..RZBB9155. in Bulgaria (ATM withdrawal, payment of goods and services, incl. online payments),
the Bank to transfer 5% of the transaction amount from the account to which the card is issued to a Savings account. The
transfer will be made subject to the availability of sufficient funds in the account to which the card is issued.
Saving account No Limitations
Special account
Other account according Art. 6 of Ordinance 3 of the Central Bank BGN EUR USD Other currency ......
I would like to use the following rights on accounts in Raiffeisen ONLINE*:
Active for all existing accounts
Active for all existing and future accounts
I would like to use the following rights on products in Raiffeisen ONLINE*:
Active for all existing and future products
Passive for all existing and future products
*When setting other specific rights beyond the scope of this section (limits, rights under a specific account, group signatures, signature
hierarchy, etc.), please, complete FM 05.08.13 Application form for providing electronic services to private individuals and legal entities
Raiffeisen ONLINE, E-statements, Phonebanking ABIS .
Yes / No
When selecting active rights on accounts and/or products, please, specify an additional security tool:
SMS authorization
I would like to receive a SMS authorization code on number:
) banking via the internet site of the service: +359I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
b) banking via native application for mobile devices (smart phones, tablets, etc.): +359I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Token I would like to use a Token hardware device for confirmation of orders for:
banking via the internet site of the service
banking via native application for mobile devices (smart phones, tablets, etc.)
The price in the amount of BGN will be paid cash / from account BG I__I__I RZBB9155
I received my Token device with serial No: ...............................................
I would like all my current and future accounts to be registered for Raiffeisen E-statements
Please indicate the frequency of e-statements: Weekly
I would like to receive an e-mail with notification for a newly generated estatement
Herewith, I assent that the Bank preserve, process and use my personal information, which has become known in connection to the present
Contract and submit it to a third part upon observation of the Personal Data Protection Act. I am familiar with the purpose and means of
processing the information, the voluntary nature of submitting it and the consequences caused by refusal of submission, the access rights
and amendment of data.
I hereby declare that I am informed for my right to object against processing of my personal data for the means of direct marketing.
I hereby declare that I have received, duly informed of and I unconditionally accept the General Conditions for the provision of payment
services of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD.
I hereby declare that I have received, duly informed of and I unconditionally accept the General Business Conditions, the Tariff and the
Interest rates bulletin of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD.
I hereby declare that I have received, duly informed of and I unconditionally accept the General Conditions for issuing and provision of Saving
account No Limitations.
I hereby declare that I have received, duly informed of and I unconditionally accept the General Conditions for using the service Raiffeisen
I hereby declare that, I am responsible for all actions taken on my part after receiving an access to Raiffeisen Online service
I hereby declare that I have received, duly informed of and I unconditionally accept the General Conditions for using the service Raiffeisen
I hereby declare that I oblige to keep an archive of the documents generated by Raiffeisen E-statements service on my personal data
carrier for a period of 18 months after their generation.
I hereby declare that with the signing of this Contract I confirm the authenticity of the supplied details, I authorize the Bank to check them at
any time. I am obliged to notify the Bank immediately of subsiquent changes in the supplied details .
I hereby declare that I agree to supply the Bank with all necessary information and documents, with regard to the Measures against Money
laundering and the Regulation for the Implementation of the Measures against Money laundering and the current Bulgarian legislation upon
With the opened account/s will be operated under the regulations governing banking activities in Bulgaria.
I am aware of the punitive responsibility, stipulated in Art.313 of the Criminal code, should any of the contents stated above be wrong.
Required documents:
ID document of the account holder .
employee initials in
Approved by:
Confirmed by: