Ejemplo Badi Material Check
Ejemplo Badi Material Check
Ejemplo Badi Material Check
Part 3
Hi, in the previous posts I wrote about how to customize SAP using user-exits. If you haven't
read them I encourage you to go to part 1 and part 2 before you continue.
A user-exit can be a new field in a screen or a new functionality. These user-exits are often
provided by SAP however is possible to make non-standard changes through explicit
enhancements and coding directly in the source code.
In this post we are going to explain the implementation of a BAdI. BAdI stands for "Business
Add-In" and is basically a class that is instantiated with custom code of our own. These classes
are pre-defined and are located in strategic places in order to change data and sometimes to
add a screen with custom data.
The search of BAdIs (and all user-exists in general) is esential in this stage. It's also helpful to
read the documentation in SAP and in scn.sap.com to understand the impact and the possible
consequences of the changes you want to perform.
The example I want to show is to implement the BAdI 'BADI_MATERIAL_CHECK'.
So, let's code ABAP:
1. Execute transaction 'SE18'.
2. Type in BAdI name 'BADI_MATERIAL_CHECK'.
3. Let's make a pause to explain what we are watching:
The first screen shows two tabs; the first one indicates the package it belongs, the language
and who and when was made the last change in the BAdI.
The other section is very interesting because it shows you how this class is going to be used.
There's an option 'Wtihin SAP' which is internal and can only be modified or implemented by
SAP. When this option is not checked then you can proceed to create your own implementation.
I haven't done it yet however you could make your own BAdIs and implement them in your
The other important option is 'Multiple use' which means that you can create one or more
implementations from this BAdI. If this option is not checked it means that one and only one
implementation can be made for this BAdI.
The other tab 'Interface' shows all the methods that can be implemented. In this stage you must
check which fits your requirement and also its parameteres.
For our example double click on method 'CHECK_DATA' and let's review the parameters. First
of all, let's say that there are four types of parameters:
By default the IMPORTING parameters come with data but can't be changed. The EXPORTING
parameters are filled with data to be used outside the BAdI to follow the flow of the program and
the CHANGING parameters are the same as EXPORTING but these are reference of data that
comes from the program flow. The RETURN parameters work very similar to the EXPORTING
4. Goto menu Implementation / Create
5. Type an implementation name. This name must be inititiated with 'Z' or 'Y'.
8. There are two CHANGING parameters that are permitted to be modified, so we can use
parameter 'STEXT' to have a value. Copy and paste the following code.
data wa_stext like line of stext.
wa_stext-spras = 'S'.
wa_stext-maktx = 'My text'.
append wa_stext to stext.
9. Activate the changes and create a transport order if it is asked.
10. Finally, after the changes are made to the method, return and activate the BAdI. You must
perform this action once, normally the first time. If you want to deactivate it click on the button at
10. Set a breakpoint in the code inside the BAdI and create a material with transaction MM01.
After you press the save button the debugger will pop up in the breakpoint you set. This was
made intentionally to show how the BAdI will function.
Of course, this is a simple example but other BAdIs involve to create dynpros and many other
times there are no EXPORTING or RETURNING parameters and you must find other BAdIs or
study a little more in order to achieve the task. I recommend to study the documentation and/or
go to scn.sap.com forums. There are people who already done your solution.
MESSAGE inside a BAdI. This action could lead to erroneous and inconsistent data in SAP
because the BAdI instance is inside a LUW and committing/rolling back will perform changes in
database without ending the process.
In the next article we'll implement a user-exit with transaction ' CMOD'.
See you in the next.
Hope it helps.