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International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No.

6, December 2015


Neha A. Mohadikar1 and Prof. M. V. Nimbalkar2

Research Scholar, Department of IT, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Associate Professor, Department of IT, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Today, the use of distinct internet services and their applications by people are increase in very large
amount. Due to its usage, it results the increase in data complexity. So, web services turn their focus on
multi-tier design where web server acts as front-end and database server acts as back-end. Attackers try to
hack personal data by targeting database server, hence it need to provide more security to both web server
and database server. In this paper, the doubleguard system proposes an efficient intrusion detection and
prevention system which detects and prevents various attacks in multi-tier web applications. This IDS
system keeps track of all user sessions across both web server and database server. For this, it allocates the
dedicated web container to each users session. Each user is associated with unique session ID which
enhances more security. The system built well correlated model for website and detects and prevents
various type of attacks. The system is implemented by using Apache webserver with MySQL.

Attacks, Intrusion detection and prevention system, Multitier web application, Web Server.

As we know todays world is the technology world. Hence usage of internet and web services
increases tremendously. A web service as well as their different applications provides great
usability to user. So, their popularity, availability and usage increased day by day. We used web
services and applications in the various fields like banking, shopping, travelling. Since most of
the web application is largely open, it is very easy to find security loopholes and turned into
insecure web applications. Due to increase in data complexity, web services turns their focus on
multi-tiered design approach where the web server runs web application at front end and data is
deploy to database server [11] [13]. To provide more security to multitier web services intrusion
detection systems (IDS) are largely used and it detects various attacks.
There are two IDS, web IDS and database IDS, both of them can be able to detect unusual
network traffic individually sent to either of them. But these IDS cant identify cases in which
traffic will be used to attack web server and database server [1] [10]. So, in this paper
Doubleguard approach is described. Doubleguard is an IDS system which is used to detect and
prevent attacks in multitier web services. This technique models the behavior of user sessions
between front end web server and back end database server. It administers both web requests and
database request and figure out attacks which independent IDS would unable to detect. This
system provides a dedicated container to each user session and each users session is associated
with unique session ID. Also, there are different mappings used to detect and prevent different
types of attacks.

DOI: 10.5121/ijci.2015.4604


International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

As we know Information Technology is an essential part of our daily life. Various web services
and its applications work on front end and back end server. Front end consist of application user
interface logic and back end server consist of database for particular user data. All sensitive
information is stored on database server, so attacker turns their focus from front end to back end.
Hence, IDS systems are widely used in order to protect multi-tier web services where at the
database side; we are not able to tell which client request deals with which client reply [14]. Also,
the web server and database server have distinct communication between them. Hence, we can
not figure out the relationship among them.
M Cova, D Balzarotti and Giovanni [3] proposed a different approach for detection of various
attacks in web applications using anomaly based detection. This approach consists of different
web application state, that is, the information related with single user session. This system
operates in two phases, training and detection. Swaddler consists of sensors and analyzer where
sensor collets data for web application state [9]. It collects values of state variables and
encapsulates them into events which are sent to analyzer. In training phase, profiles for
application blocks are established. In detection phase, these profiles are used to identify
anomalous application state. But this technique is vulnerable to mimicry attacks.
Giovanni Vigna, Fredrik Valeur, Davide Balzarotti, William Robertson [4] proposed a system for
anomaly detection which includes SQL query anomaly detector with Intrusion Detection and
prevention system (IPS). This IPS blocks the web requests that are found to be anomalous and
SQL anomaly detector detects the normal looking malicious request that generate anomalous
database queries [5]. Anomaly detector sends the feedback about detected attacks back to IPS.
IPS receives feedback information and updates its configuration to improve its capability of
detecting attacks.
Andreas Kind, Marc Ph. Stoecklin, and Xenofontas Dimitropoulos [5] proposed an approach in
which different traffic features are simulated with the help of histogram. This system model out
histogram patterns, and identifies variations from the created models.
In the existing system, both web and database servers are vulnerable. In most of system, the
attackers can bypass the web server to directly attack the database server. Also, attackers may
take over the web server after the attack, and then they can obtain full control of the web server
and try to launch subsequent attacks and steal sensitive data beyond their privileges [2]. The
existing IDS systems are fixed at web server and at database server but they are unable to detect
attacks if normal traffic is used to attack database. These IDS are protected from direct remote
attacks; but then also the back-end systems are vulnerable to attacks as attacker uses web requests
for exploitation of back-end. But, proposed doubleguard system uses a new container-based web
server architecture that enables us to separate different information flows by each session. It track
the information flows to database server. The main purpose of double guard system is to model
the mapping patterns between database queries and http requests to detect malicious user

In this section proposed system architecture is described. This section also describes how the
proposed system detects and prevents various attacks such as privilege escalation, session hijack,
SQL injection and direct database attack.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

The proposed DoubleGuard system is Intrusion Detection and Prevention system (IDS) that
models the behavior of user sessions over both front-end web server and back-end database. In
this approach, it assigns different container to each users session and unique session ID is
assigned to each users session. Hence, it separates the information flows between different users.
We can run many copies of web server instances so that each one segregated from the rest and
having separate information flow. This approach dynamically generates new session. This system
chooses to separate communications at the session level and single user compromise with the
same web server instances. Sessions represent different users and the communication of a single
user goes through the same dedicated web session which allows us to identify fishy behavior of
malicious. If detect abnormal behavior in a session, will treat all traffic within this session as
tainted and the session will be destroyed immediately. These virtualized sessions can be discarded
and quickly reinitialized to serve new sessions. The system includes different mapping policies to
detect and prevent attacks. Figure 1 shows the system architecture of system.

Fig.1 System Architecture

The Doubleguard system is effectual at capturing the following types of attacks.


SQL Injection Attack

SQL injection attack is a web security attack caused mainly due to improper validation of user
input. It holds the confidentiality and integrity of users sensitive data. This attack takes place
between the user interface layer and the business logic layer [6] [12].


International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

Fig.2 SQL Injection Attack

Figure 2 shows SQL injection attack. Let us see the following example.
SELECT * from table WHERE user= and password= ;
This sample considers two input parameters as username and password. If hacker tries to attempt
illegal access of database by entering input as SQL statements instead of actual input, then it is
called SQL injection attempt.
For example if the hacker inputs, OR 1=1 - -, the statement becomes, SELECT * from table
WHERE user= OR 1=1- - and password= ;
Here the user gets unauthorized access to the system because 1=1 is true always and - - indicates
the statements following it are comments.


Direct DB Attack

Fig3 Direct DB Attack

Figure 3 shows direct DB attack in which an attacker try to bypass the web server and connect
directly to the database. Here, an attacker takes over the web server and submits the queries from
the web server to database without sending web requests.
The proposed system uses encryption algorithm to prevent both SQL Injection and Direct DB
Algorithm: Encryption algorithm to prevent SQL Injection and Direct DB attack.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

Input: String array[]

Output: Encrypted String encryptedArray[]
specialSymbols="; .'"+"\""+"[+*&=-]@#$(),_";
Initialize Arbitrary Arrays:
//A1 array
A1=numbers + smallAlphabets + specialSymbols +
Capital Alphabets;
//A2 array
A2=capialAlphabets + numbers + smallAlphabets + specialSymbols;
//A3 array
A3=numbers + capitalAlphabets + smallAlphabets + specialSymbols;
//A4 array
A4=smallAlphabets + specialSymbols + capitalAlphabets + numbers;
//all characters
all=smallAlphabets + capitalAlphabets + numbers + specialSymbols;
Algorithm Steps:for (int i=0 to length of input string)
if(array[i+1]==' ' || array[i+1]==LowerCaseLetter)
then encryptedArray[i]=A1
else if (array[i+1]==UpperCaseLetter)
then encryptedArray[i]=A2
else if (array[i+1]==Number)
then encryptedArray[i]=A3
else if (array[i+1]==SpecialLetter)
then encryptedArray[i]=A4
return encryptedArray;


International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015


Session Hijack Attack

This attack is the exploitation of users session i.e. obtaining session key to gain unauthorized
access to information or various web services. It is usually done at the web server side. An
attacker takes over the web server and try to hijacks all valid user sessions to steal sensitive
information [7]. By hijacking other users sessions, the attacker can perform spoofing, man-inthe-middle attack, replay attack, packet drop attack etc. Figure 4 describes Session Hijack attack.

Fig.4 Session Hijack Attack

This attack can be prevented using strong and encrypted algorithm. There are two parts, session
ID generation algorithm and session ID sharing algorithm. In first part, web server generates
unique session ID using session ID generation algorithm and in second part, this session ID is
encrypted at server side and decrypted at client side using session ID sharing algorithm. At the
end both client and server have same key for communication.
Algorithm 1: Session ID Generation algorithm
Initialize variable:
for (int i = 0 to sessionIdLength)
byte b1=(byte) ((randomNoUsingMessageDigest() & 0xf0) >> 4);
byte b2 = (byte) (randomNoUsingMessageDigest() & 0x0f);
if (b1 < 10)
Buff.append((char) ('0' + b1)
Buff.append((char) ('A'+ (b1 -10)));
if (b2 < 10)

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

Buff.append((char) ('0' + b2));

Buff.append((char) ('A'+ (b2 -10)));
Algorithm 2: Session ID sharing algorithm
1. The client originates the session with the server using his/her credentials
2. The client requests a server for RSA Public key.
3. The client encrypts the credentials with RSA Public key.
4. The server decrypts the credentials and stores it in the session.
5. The server encrypts the generated Session ID with AES and sends it to the client.
6. The client decrypts the Session ID using AES with the credentials.
7. Both the client and the server have now the same session ID which is used for
Figure 5 shows the steps for session ID sharing algorithm.

Fig.5 Session ID sharing algorithm


International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015


Privilege Escalation Attack

Web applications plays vital role in E-commerce. These web applications can be widely deployed
and open nature, so attacker tries to get unauthorized access to users data. Hence, to maintain
security of web application is very important concern.

In privilege escalation attack, attacker performs login as a normal user, upgrades his role as admin
or other user and triggers different queries to get admin access or other user account access [8].
Figure 6 shows privilege escalation attack.

Fig.6 Privilege Escalation Attack

This type of attack cannot be detected by web server IDS and database IDS because both request
and queries are authentic. But in the proposed approach, web applications uses certain access
control policies. These policies are used to verify whether given legitimate user has required
privileges to access given resources such as database table. Authorization is always expected
before accessing every resource. This becomes the basis for web application security.This
approach uses access control policies. These policies are based on adding articles, Delete articles
or update articles on website.
This approach is able to detect two types of privilege escalation attack.

Vertical privilege escalation attack, when an attacker or malicious user upgrades his/her
privilege level (access more than they are entitled according to their role) and try to get
admin access.
Horizontal privilege escalation attack, when an attacker or malicious user tries to access
the system resources of other users..

In this section, experimental results are described. Experimental results were taken by 25 number
of request i.e. total 25 user sessions. The performance of the system is evaluated using parameters
namely, attack detection rate, and number of request per second VS number of replies per second.


International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

a) Attack Detection Rate

It is the ratio between the total numbers of attack connections detected by proposed system to the
total number of attacks currently available in the data set.
This graph in figure 7 shows Attack Detection Rate. If the number of user sessions increases, the
rate of detected intrusion instances (%) varies. Here, for 0 number of session detected intrusion
instances is 0% and varied by increasing number of session. Finally, for 20 sessions detected
intrusion instances increases to 80%.

Fig.7 Attack Detection Rate


Graph of Proposed system Vs Existing system

Fig.8 Graph of Proposed system Vs Existing system


International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015

The above figure 8 shows graph of proposed system Vs existing system. This evaluates the time
at which number of requests are served by the system. To fetch 5 web requests, the old system
requires 9 seconds but proposed system requires 8 seconds. Hence, to fetch number of request,
the proposed system works more efficiently than old existing system.

DoubleGuard system is used to detect and prevent the intrusions in multi-tier web application. It
is container-based IDS which builds particular model for multitier web applications and assigns a
unique session ID to each user. The system separates the information flow from each web server
session. Hence, there will be precise detection and prevention of attacks such as SQL Injection
Attack, Direct DB Attack, Session Hijack Attack and Privilege Escalation Attack. Also the
requests which does not match to given model that will be treat as an intruder.
It is an application independent system and used for both front-end as well as back-end. It is used
for web server which provides better security for data and web application.

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International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2015
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Neha A. Mohadikar appeared for the M.E. degree in Information Technology from
Savitribai Phule University, Pune, India.


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