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A Report on

Application of soft computing

techniques in Deep Drawing
for the partial fulfillment of the course
BITS C324 - Study Oriented Projects
Name of the Students

ID Numbers

S Ananth Narayan


G Sharath Chandra



2010A4TS155H - B.E. (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

Project Guide
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department

Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences -Pilani,

Hyderabad Campus
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March 2012


This is to certify that the report entitled Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep
Drawing operations, and submitted by B. Aditya, ID No. 2010A4PS155H in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of BITS C331 Computer Projects embodies the work done
by him under my supervision.

Signature of the supervisor


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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

I express my gratitude to Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta for giving me the ideas, suggestions to work in this
field. He has been giving me motivation and also an opportunity to work with him and gain knowledge
in the field of research.
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the faculty and director of BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
for providing us with such a course where we can go beyond the normal course work and explore the
current developments in various fields.

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

Application of soft computing techniques in the field of mechanical engineering is the gap to be filled by
the researchers. Now days, computers are used in every corner of our lives. The integration of soft
computing techniques is the key to obtain good results in terms of more accuracy, and extrapolate the
controllability by optimizing the parameters.
In this report we shall first see the application of the soft computing techniques in the field of material
science. The Flow stress prediction using constitutive models is one of the areas of research under
consideration for many researchers. Its importance comes from its usage in Finite Element Modeling as
material models. Intelligent FEM systems are an area which has not been studied properly by many
researchers. This project makes some study on the implementation of the intelligent material Models in
FEM simulations. This will improve the prediction offered by the FEM simulation to the experimental

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 0
CERTIFICATE............................................................................................................................ 0
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 1
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 4
Materials and experimental details ........................................................................................... 6
Models for prediction of flow stress ........................................................................................... 7
ANN Model ............................................................................................................................ 7
SVM Models ........................................................................................................................... 7
Implementation of the Intelligent models ................................................................................... 9
ANN fine tuned with Differential Evolution Algorithm.................................................... 9
LSSVM ................................................................................................................................... 11
SVM-KM ................................................................................................................................ 11
Result and discussion .................................................................................................................... 11
ANN model predictions ...................................................................................................... 11
LS-SVM model predictions................................................................................................. 11
SVM-KM model predictions............................................................................................... 11
Comparison of ANN, LS-SVM, SVM-KM model predictionsError! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 12
References:..................................................................................................................................... 13

No table of figures entries found.

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

The various models for predicting the Flow stress at elevated temperatures have been studied. Models
such as ANN, LSSVM, SVM-KM, and ELM are used for predicting the flow stress of the Ti-6Al-4V
alloy. The tensile test experiments are conducted on Titanium Alloy at the temperatures of 500C-7000C
at intervals of 500C and at strain rates of 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 and 0.00001s-1. The test results are
compared based on the computation time, pearsons correlation coefficient and the testing accuracy. The
goodness of fit of the model is evaluated based on the statistical tests of t-test for means and f-test and
levenes test for variance in the predictions. The tests suggest that all the models have a good fitness
with the experiments.

Ti-6Al-4V alloy presently is the most broadly used alloy, accounting for more than 50% of all titanium
tonnage in the world [1]. It is designed primarily for high strength at low to moderate temperatures; it
has a high specific strength (strength/ density), stability at temperature up to 4000C, and good corrosion
resistance [2]. Ti-6Al-4V alloy is used comprehensively for turbine engines, airframe, engine
components include blades, discs, wheels. In addition the superplastic characteristics of fine grained,
equiaxed Ti-6Al-4V alloy is being used progressively for aerospace applications. It also has good
diffusion-bonding characteristics, which combined with superplastic forming, enables the fabrication of
very complex structures [1-2]. Its outstanding corrosion/erosion resistance provides the prime
motivation for chemical process, marine use, food processing plants, oil refinery heat exchangers,
medical prostheses and industrial use. Currently, titanium alloys are common, readily available
engineered metals that compete directly with stainless and specialty steels, copper alloys, nickel based
alloys and composites [3-4]. This wide spectrum of application, most of them being very critical with
very consequences, necessitates a better understanding of material behavior of the alloy at various
temperatures and loading conditions.
A constitutive model defines the relationship of the dynamic material properties with process
parameters. The major influencing parameters are strain, strain rate and deformation temperature [5-6].
Conventionally, the methods of regression analysis and statistic were carried out to obtain the material
constants for developing constitutive models [7]. The complex interconnections between these
parameters and materials properties, mathematical models are sometimes very complex to handle by the
numerical techniques as well as by experimental methods particularly when it includes some particular
material phenomenon such as dynamic strain ageing (DSA). DSA is considered by jagged stressstrain
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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

curve, i.e., wavy pattern on stressstrain curve. DSA is also known as Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC)
effect [6]. Considerable amount of the works were done in past few decades to link the flow stress with
the process parameters through the constitutive and the empirical models [8]. The finite element-based
models were also described to predict the flow stress which requires definite initial and boundary
conditions. Furthermore, the clear identifications of the boundary conditions are difficult; particularly
the measurements of the coefficient of friction and heat transfer at the interface [9-10]. Ti-6Al-4V alloy
is the typical two-phase (+) alloy. As an alpha beta alloy, Ti-6Al-4V may have different volume
fraction of alpha and beta phases, depending on heat treatment and interstitial content [1-4]. As of now,
studies in the field of constitutive modeling have been mostly focused on FCC and BCC metals due to
their simple crystalline structures. Slight attention has been done on the hexagonal close-packed (HCP)
metals, particularly alloys of a more complicated crystalline structure, such as Ti-6Al-4V alloy [11].
Very few constitutive models were available for two phase Ti-6Al-4V alloy [11-15].
Nowadays, intelligent theories and methods have been used for prediction, estimation and optimization
of regression problems such as artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machines (SVM). The
emergence of intelligent theories and methods has been provided many promising results in the field of
materials science simulations. Advantage of these methods are one does not need to have a well-defined
process for algorithmically converting an input to an output. Rather, it requires only a collection of
representative examples of the desired mapping. The application of soft computing techniques are the
novel way to study the high temperature deformation behavior and few efforts have been made to the
applications of ANN in some alloys [6-7, 17-22]. Concern to titanium alloy very few literatures have
been reported. Li et al. [17] established the predicting model for the calculation of flow stress of Ti-153
alloy based on the ANN method. Reddy et al. [16, 17] developed a back propagation neural network
model to predict the flow stress of Ti6Al4V alloy over a temperature range of 700011000C and at the
strain rates of 104 to 102 s1. Recently, support vector machines (SVM) has been introduced to solve
machine learning tasks such as pattern recognition, regression and estimation. Due to its excellent
properties of globally optimal solution and good learning ability, SVM attracted wide attention. Yan Lou
et al. [23] attempted to develop high temperature flow stress of AZ80 Magnesium Alloy with particle
swarm optimization-based support vector regression. Datasets were established based on compression
tests in the temperature range of 3500-4500C and strain rate range of 0.0150s1.

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

However, there is hardly any reported work on comparative analysis of the intelligent methods to predict
flow stress in DSA and non-DSA region of commercially important two-phase Ti-6Al-4V alloy. In the
present investigation, efforts have been made to develop a model to predict flow stress using ANN,
LSSVM, SVM-KM and ELM methods and experimental verification of the same.

Materials and experimental details

The Ti-6Al-4V alloy sheet with 0.9 mm thickness was used in this study. The composition of the
employed material is given in Table 1. The samples were machined out of the raw material sheet by
wire-cutting electro-discharge machining process for high accuracy and finish. Laboratory tensile tests
were carried out to evaluate the flow stress behavior along with to study the dynamic strain aging
phenomenon. Tensile tests were carried out on a computer controlled UTM, shown in Figure 1(a), which
has a maximum load capacity of 100kN. The machine is equipped with a controlled system to impose
exponential increase of the actuator speed to get constant true strain rates. A contact type extensometer
is used to measure the strains. Figure 1(b) shows the resistance heating split furnace used to heat the
tensile test specimen up to 10000C. The pull rods for the high temperature testing at UTM are designed
to be made of Nickel base super alloy CM-247. The experiments were conducted at temperatures of
500C-7000C at intervals of 500C and at strain rates of 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 and 0.00001s-1 and the data
had been collected. A computer control system is used to record the load versus displacement, which
were converted into true stress versus true strain curves The elastic region was subtracted from the true
stresstrue strain curve to get true stress-true plastic strain data.
The as received sample was cold mounted by using commercially available cold setting compound
(resin powder + liquid) and then wet ground on progressively finer grades of silicon carbide
impregnated emery paper using copious amounts of water both as a lubricant and as a coolant.
Subsequently, the ground samples were mechanically polished using five-micron diamond solution. Fine
polishing to a perfect mirror-like finish of the surface was achieved using one-micron diamond solution
as the lubricant. The polished samples were etched using with Kroll solution (H2O: 92 ml, HF: 3ml,
HNO3: 5 ml). The polished and etched surface of the sample was observed in an optical microscope
over a range of magnifications and photographed using standard bright field illumination technique.
Observations over a range of magnifications revealed the two distinctly different micro constituents in
Ti6Al4V alloy, alpha (hexagonal closed packed HCP) and beta (body centered cubic bcc) phases.
The grains of the alpha () phase (light) were well distributed in the matrix of the transformed beta ()
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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

(dark phase). The as-received initial microstructure was laminar contained about 90% of phase and
about 10% of phase, as shown in Figure 2. The average grain size of both phase and the transformed
phase were 6-8 m. A slower cooling rate (e.g., air or furnace cooling) permits diffusion-controlled
partitioning between and as the temperature falls below the transus and the nucleation of begins.
The microstructure is laminar, in which broad and fine lamellae alternate to form packets. The large
volume fraction of the alpha grains was predominantly non-uniform in size and shape. The net volume
fraction of the beta phase was low when compared to the alpha phase.

Models for prediction of flow stress

ANN Model

Artificial neural network is authoritative data information treatment system which attempts to simulate
the neural networks structure of the human brain. It can signify and capture complex non-linear
interactions between inputs and outputs. Each neural network is composed of an input layer, an output
layer and one or more hidden layers, which are connected by the processing units called neurons. Each
neuron works as a self-governing processing element, and has a related transfer function, which defines
how the weighted sum of its inputs is transformed to the results into an output value. Among the various
kinds of ANN approaches, the back propagation (BP) learning algorithm has become the most popular
in engineering applications. Back propagation algorithm is based on minimization of the quadratic cost
function by tuning the network parameters. The mean square error (MSE) is considered as a
measurement criterion for a training set. Specially, BP neural network is the most suitable tool for
treating non-linear systems.
SVM Models

A support vector machine (SVM) is a part of supervised learning, a branch of statistical learning which
acquires through a series of examples and becomes trained, i.e., it creates a decision-maker system
which attempts to forecast new values. When SVM is applied to regression problems, then it is called
support vector regression (SVR). ANNs and SVRs show comparable results on the most popular
benchmark problems, the theoretical status of SVRs makes them an attractive and promising area of
research [24]. The SVR was presented as a learning technique that initiated from the theoretical
foundations of statistical learning theory and structural risk minimization. The SVR first non-linearly
transforms the original input space x into a higher dimensional feature space. That is, in order to learn
non-linear relations with a linear machine, it is essential to select a set of non-linear features and to
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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

express the data in the new representation. This is equivalent to applying a fixed non-linear mapping of
the data to a feature space which the linear machine can be used in. This transformation can be attained
by using various types of non-linear mapping. Non-linear regression problems in an input space can
become linear regression problems in a feature space.

The SVR model is given N training data ( xi , y i ) R m R where xi is the input vector to
i 1

the SVR model and yi is the actual output value, from which it learns the input output relationship. The
SVR model can be represented as follows [25].

y f ( x) i i ( x) b T ( x) b
i 1

Where the function i(x) is called the feature that is non-linearly mapped from the input space x,

W [W1W2 ..........WN ]T , and [12 ...... N ]

SVR model is a non-linear regression model because the resulting hyper-surface is a non-linear surface
hanging over the m-dimensional input space. Though, after the input vectors x are mapped into vectors
(x) of a high dimensional kernel-induced feature space, the non-linear regression model is turned into
a linear regression model in this feature space. The non-linear function is learned by a linear learning
machine where the learning algorithm minimizes a convex functional. The convex functional is
expressed as the following regularized risk function, and the parameters w and b are a support vector
weight and a bias that are calculated by minimizing the risk function.
In the literature, there are several SVM toolboxes for MATLAB. To evaluate the performances of
different SVM toolboxes, least square SVM (LS-SVM) (Suykens et al. 2002), Spider (Weston et al.
2006) and SVM-KM (Canu et al. 2005) based on clustering by k-means were experimented. In the
present investigation, LS-SVM and SVM-KM toolboxes have been used here for the application of
SVM in predicting the flow stress analysis at elevated temperature. The input parameters have been
normalized between 0.05 and 0.95. The training set X is the combined vector of all the three input
parameters (temperature, strain rate and strain) and the training set Y is any of the three response
parameters (predicted flow stress).

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVMs) are reformulations to standard SVMs. LS-SVMs
are closely related to regularization networks and Gaussian processes but additionally emphasize and
exploit primal-dual interpretations from optimization theory. The Formuation of LS-SVM is similar to
regular SVM. The reader is suggested to refer to (Suykens et al. 2002), for further reference.

The training vectors near the separation margins during the optimization phase of SVM are likely to
become support vector and must be preserved. Whereas the training vectors far from the margins are not
in general taken into account for the SVM's design process. The SVM-KM toolbox groups the training
vectors in many clusters. Consequently, the number of vectors in SVM-KM training is smaller and the
training time can be decreased without compromising the generalization capability of the SVM. The
reader is suggested to refer to (Barros de Almeida, M.et al) for better understanding of the formulation
of SVM-KM.

Implementation of the Intelligent models

ANN fine-tuned with Differential Evolution Algorithm

A back propagation algorithm was used to train a feed forward neural network, which is consistent and
most commonly utilized. In this study, the input variables of ANN include strain, strain rate and
deformation temperature, whereas the output variable is flow stress. Feed forward network trained with
the back propagation algorithm was developed, as shown in Figure 3. Before training the network, the
input and output datasets have been normalized within the range of 0.050.95 to avert a specific factor
from dominating the learning for the ANN model. Thus, using Eq. (1), the experimental data was
normalized to make the neural network training more effective prior to the use of the datasets.

Architecture selection requires choosing the appropriate number of hidden units. In most of the
applications of ANN, this selection was done using a trial-and-error procedure. The number of hidden
layers defines the complexity of neural network and precision of predicted values. If the architecture is
too complex, it may not converge during training or the trained data might be over fitted. In other way,
the trained network may not have adequate capability to acquire the process appropriately. Therefore,
several networks with varying number of neurons in hidden layer were observed. The value of mean
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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

square error (MSE) is used to check the capability of a particular architecture. Differential Evolution
algorithm (DE) was used for training the networks and for the tuning of weights so as to determine the
optimal architecture of neural network.
The DE algorithm gives the optimal architecture after evaluating objectives.
Like all evolutionary algorithms, DE maintains a population and evolves to better solutions to yield the
optimal settings of the problem. At the beginning all members of the population are initialized
randomly. The algorithm advances in generations. Each generation involves three consecutive phases:
reproduction (creation of a temporary population), computing of the objective function (called the
fitness in the EA terminology) for each temporary population member, and selection. Reproduction in
differential evolution creates a temporary population of trial vectors. For each solution a corresponding
trial vector is created. Each element of the trial vector is generated as:
If r<CR


In the above expression, value of F is between 0 and 2. It is a user supplied parameter called the
mutation coefficient. The parameters F (is called the differential weight) and CR (is called the crossover
probability) influence the convergence speed and robustness of the optimization process. In this problem
the value of F and CR are 0.8 and 0.7 respectively which are taken from literature.
The remaining two phases of a single DE generation are the computation of fitness for all members of
the trial population and the selection. The selection in differential evolution is very simple. The fitness
of each trial solution is compared to the fitness of the corresponding original solution. The trial vector
replaces the original if its fitness is better. Otherwise the trial vector is discarded.
To apply DE to ANN training, the algorithm is used to minimize the sum of squared errors (SSE). The
evaluation of this function requires iterating through all elements of the training set and summing all the
partial results (squared errors in the case of SSE) obtained for all the elements. But the SSE since the
testing and training phase play and important role in the neural network performance, the objective
function of the DE algorithm is used as a linear combination of the SSE of prediction in both training
phase and SSE of prediction in testing phase.
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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

The equation of the fitness function of DE can be expressed as below


Once the best trained network is found, all the transformed data returns to their original value using the
following equation:


LSSVM is modelled in a similar way to that of ANN. The implementation is done using the LSSVM
toolbox based on MATLAB environment. First the data is normalised between 0.05 and 0.95 using
equation (1). The parameters which specify the margin of the hyper plane in the feature space are gam
and sig in the implementation provided by Canu et. al. in the toolbox. The optimization of these values
gives a good training over the data. These parameters are tuned using DE algorithm with SSE as the
objective function which is to be minimised. Once the best set of gam and sig are evaluated, the
predictions are transformed using equation (4).

The implementation of the SVM-KM is completely similar to that of LSSVM. Fine-tuning of parameters
was again done with the help of DE algorithm. The preprocessing of the data and the post-processing
remains same for all the models discussed.

Result and discussion

ANN model predictions
The prediction of ANN model is shown in the figure 6. As can be seen from the figure the observed and
predicted values are found to having a correlation of 0.99. The computational time required is around 40
seconds for this data and the architecture.
LS-SVM model predictions
The prediction of LS-SVM model is more efficient than ANN. The prediction is shown in figure 7. The
correlations are found out to be 0.99. The computational time taken by LSSVM model is around 10 seconds.
SVM-KM model predictions
The predictions of SVM-KM model is comparable to that of LS-SVM, however its computational time is
certainly lesser than that of LSSVM. The prediction is shown in figure 8.
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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

The different models for the prediction of Flow Stress as a function of strain, strain rate and temperature were
developed. The study of many more models is the future of the work to be done.

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

List of Figures:
Figure 1: Flat tensile test specimens of ASS 316 with 1 mm thickness as per ASTM sub-size Standards
Figure 2 (a): A computer controlled UTM with a high temperature chamber.
Figure 2(b): Resistance heating Split Furnace
Figure 3(a): Optical photograph of as-received microstructure of Ti6Al4V alloy
Figure 3 (b) & (c) indicates microstructural observation of non DSA and DSA region samples.
Figure 4. Schematic layout of the neural network architecture.
Figure 5. Impact of hidden neutrons on the network performance.
Figure 6. Prediction of ANN model.

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

Figure 2 (a): A computer controlled UTM with a high temperature chamber.

Figure 2(b): Resistance heating Split Furnace

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

Figure 3(a): Optical photograph of as-received microstructure of Ti6Al4V alloy

Figure 4. Schematic layout of the neural network architecture.

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

Figure 6 ANN predictions

Figure 7: LS-SVM Predictions

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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

Figure 5. SVM-KM predictions

Table 1: Material composition of Ti-6Al-4VAlloy (wt. %).











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Application of ANN, DE and GP in Deep Drawing operations

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