Clinical Tips

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Some key homeopathic remedies and their uses are mentioned across different ailments and conditions based on experiences of different homeopathic doctors.

Remedies like Antim tart for whooping cough, Calcarea ars for infantile enlargement of liver and spleen, Cactus g for angina are mentioned for specific ailments.

Remedies like Argentum nitricum for claustrophobia, Natrum carb for weak ankles, Causticum for painful stiffness of back are mentioned along with the conditions they help with.

Homoeopathic Pioneers Clinical Tips

Clinical Tips by Faraz Khan

Cholera and Antim tart: It has the nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat, and stupor
or drowsiness found in almost all bad cases of this disease, and I have seldom been obliged to give
more than two or three doses, one after each vomiting before the case was relieved.
Obstinate Constipation and Aloe: I was called to treat a child five years of age suffering from birth with
a most obstinate form of constipation. He had to be forced and held to the stool crying and screaming
all the while being totally unable to pass any faeces even after an enema. I then gave a few doses of
Aloe 200 th and cured the whole trouble quickly and permanently.
Liver Cancer and Cadmium: I frequently find cancer of the liver yielding to Calcarea ars. In every way
but with a tendency to relapse, when a single dose of Cadmium in high potency will render the cure
Scar and Graphitis: if you know a woman who is suffering from an old scar that has formed a lump,
when she is about to go into confinement, give a dose of Graphitis as a general remedy, unless some
other special remedy is called for.
Dr. J.T.Kent
Goitre and Iodum: I have cured many cases of Goitre with Iodine CM, every night for four nights, after
the moon fulled and was waning.
Fracture of Fingers and Symphytum: Fracture of hand and finger bones knit more quickly with
Symphytum 30 two or three times a day for a week.
Dr.Pierre Schmidt

Cirrhosis of Liver and Muriatic acid: is useful in last stages of dropsy from Cirrhosis of Liver.
Pain in biliary passage and Calcarea carb: when given in repeated dose of 30 th dilution relieves the
pain attending the biliary passage.
Animal/Insect bites and Cantharis: Cantharis 200 given internally quickly cures the inflamed and
horrible swelling that may follow great bites.
Uterine Contraction and Pulsatilla: It will very often cause in five minutes a very strong contraction of
the uterus, sometimes almost in a painless way.
Toothache and Plantago: Toothache with the 2X dilution of Plantago, I cure seven-tenths of all cases
of this kind in about 15 minutes.
Dr. Ruetlinger
Appendicitis and Rhus tox is the homeopathic knife in appendicitis.
Cramps and Viburnum Q: cramps in the abdomen and legs of pregnant women are controlled very
quickly by this remedy.

Blisters on Hand and Aristolochia: Blisters on the hands from heavy manual labour disappear
overnight after the application of 10% Aristolochia ointment.
Dr. Julius Mezger
Claustrophobia and Argentum nit: Argentums nitricum cures Claustro-phobia.
Dr. M.L.Tyler
Weak Ankles and Natrum carb: Weakness of the ankles from childhood finds a good remedy in
Natrum carb.
Dr. E.B.Nash
Stiff Back and Causticum: Painful stiffness of the back and sacrum, especially on rising from a chair.
Dr. E.B.Nash
Kreosote and Cancer Cervix: One has seen Kreosote 200 annihilative of the terrible odours that
sometimes accompany cancer of the cervix, where if it did nothing more, it made life more
supportable for patient and for entourage.
Dr. M.L.Tyler
Stiff neck and Belladona: Belladona is the best remedy for stiff neck of the rheumatic origin or from
Temperature and Sulphur: Sulphur dreads the cold in hot weather and the heat in cold weather:
Dr. Constantine Hering.
Kent on Potency: Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency if it has benefited
the patient.
Dr.J.T. Kent.
Coccus cacti & Paroxysmal cough: Coccus cacti suits almost any paroxysmal cough when the attacks
are violent, but not very close together, and are attended by much redness of the face and a general
sense of feeling too hot. If irritation of the kidneys, with scanty, thick heavy urine, passed pretty often
also attends, it is doubly indicated and the results will be brilliant.
.....Dr. Boger C.M.
Arnica in Pleuro-pneumonia: If pleura-pneumonia has followed upon an external injury, such as a
blow, or a fractured rib, or some other traumatic cause, we should choose Arnica in preference to
.....Dr. Hale R.
Sinapis nigra in Colic: Everyone has patients with a Dioscorea colic, but when there is very offensive
breath, the remedy called for is 'Sinapis nigra'.
......Dr. Robert Redfield
Acalypha Indica on GI tract: Aclypha indica is indicated forhaemorrhagic broncho-pulmonary disdease
especially with burning GI symptoms.
......Dr. Furman T. Kepler
Leucorrhoea in Children: If there are no specific reasons for other remedies, I start treatment in young
girls with mild catarrhal discharge (leucorrhoea) by giving Pulsatilla especially is the discharge is thick

like cream, and then Sulphur or Sepia according to symptoms. If these remedies are not sufficient to
effect a cure, then Cal. carb is mostly indicated.
......Dr. Wassily
Lycopodium in infantile eczema: Lycopodium is a master remedy in infantile eczema.
....... Dr. Leon Renard
Ignatia for Stage fright: To be given prophylactically a few doses on the day of performance, and one
dose just before it.
.......Dr. Bennett
Ruta for straining flexor tendons: Ruta is the medicine for complaints from straining flexor tendons.
.......Dr. C.C. Boericke
When Carefully chosen remedy not responded: When not withstanding the carefully chosen remedy
and the patient's faultless diet, the sick condition lies on the contrary is not at all changed, the cause
usually lies in want of receptivity which we must seek to remove either by repeated small doses or by
medicines recommended for deficient reaction.
......Dr. Boger C.M.
Belladona in insomnia: I often use frequent doses of belladonna 1X to relieve the insomnia due to
pain caused by rheumatism.
......Dr. Cuthbert
Naja in Heart cases: Always prescribe Naja in heart cases when symptoms are scarce, unless guided
away from it by some specific symptoms.
......Dr. Moore
Pulsatilla in Tuberculosis: Pulsatilla is probably the strictly homeopathic remedy that I use most often
in early tuberculosis.
.......Dr. Walter sands Mills
Bellis perennis in Soreness of joints: Bellis perennis is indicated when there is a bruised, strained
feeling with general soreness of joints and muscles, resulting from exposure, and after vigorous
physical exercise, and in Dr Hinsdale's experience, surpasses Arnica in these conditions.
........Dr. Skinner
If old obscured symptoms returned: If old obscured symptoms, complained of perhaps months or
years before the first prescription was made, reappear and trouble the patient, they should be
carefully noted, and their course observed, but these symptoms should not be hastily prescribed for
until a picture of the proper remedy is presented, for such conditions frequently appear and then
disappear of themselves, never to return.
.......Dr. Hardy
3 Pointers to Aethusa cynapium:
Acute vomiting, diarhoea or chronic GI complaints. Milk intolerance Associated brain symptoms,
anxiety, uneasiness, discontent, restlessness. ....... Dr. Furman T. Kepler
Kreosote- Ailments with foetid leucorrhoea. - Dr Guernsey
Lachesis- Pain in shin bones concomitance with throat affections worse on left side - Dr Guernsey
Lachesis- Fainting accompanying other complaints - Dr Clarke
Lachnanthes- Acute ailments with stiffness of neck, the head being twisted to right side especially with
sore throat. Lactic acid- Concomitance of rheumatic pains with diabetes - Dr Nash

Lapis albus- Dysmenorrhoea with fainting Ledum paluster- Swelling of ankles with unbearable pain
when walking Mag carb- Colic with increased secration from mucous membranes. Mag mur- Stool
large and hard with constipation. Great flatulence with colic. Manganum- Catarrhal condition of ear
with increasing deafness. Merc dul- Deafness with blockage of Eustachian tube Merc viv- Toothache
with spongy gums and profuse salivation Muriatic acid- Typhoid with pulse intermitting every third
beat; foetid stools and unconsciousness. Cactus g- Mother tincture- Angina with sense of constriction
in chest - Dr Clarke
Cadmium sulph- Cancer of stomach with persistent vomiting, of black fluid - Dr Boericke Caladium S.
- Pruritus Vulva - Dr boericke Calcarea ars- infantile enlargement of liver and spleen Calcarea
Calsinata- warts Calcarea picrate- Styes - Dr. Boericke Calcarea flur- Stony hard glands Calcarea iodpuberty goiter - Dr. Clarke Cheiranthus- Cutting of wisdom teeth - Dr. Clarke Cannabis sativaStuttering - Dr. Clarke Crocus Sativa- Rapid alternation of mental condition - Dr. Clarke Crocus SativaHysterical lafter - Dr. Clarke Magnesia phos- Convulsions without fever - Dr. Allen Merc iod flavumRight sided tonsillitis - Dr. H.C. Allen Merc iod rub- Left sided tonsillitis - Dr. H.C. Allen Antim crudAilments from white coated tongue - Dr. M.Jousset Antim tart- Whooping cough with fretfulness before
the cough - Dr. Heath


Recurrent attack of headache, varied in intensity, frequency and duration; commonly unilateral in
onset, and usually associated with anorexia and sometimes with nausea and vomiting. Some are
associated with conspicuous sensory, motor and mood disturbances.
-Prolonged fasting causing low blood sugar,
-Prolonged exposure to bright light
-Particular foods, especially cheese, chocolates, citrus fruits, coffee.
-Mild associated with head injury
-changes in the degree of stress..


-Left side of the head: SPIGELIA 30

-Right side of the head: SANGUINARIA 30
-Occipital: Gelsemium 30
-ARG NIT 30 alt with PASS Q+ ALFA Q+ AVE Q (1:1:1)
If vomitting is severe then add LAC DEF 200 alt with ARG NIT 200.

Some of the Tested and Proven Prescriptions of Daily Use
by Nikhil Singh
Aethusa 200 students who get confused in exam and forget everything.
Argentum Nit + Aaethusa 200 combined for fear of examination.
Lycopodium 200 for lack of confidence and anticipatory fear as in public speaking.
Kali Phos+ Silicea 6x for fear of failure in exam.
Pulsatilla 30 + Phosphorus 30 in children seeking extra attention.
Phosphorus 30 + Aconite 30 + Opium 30 for fear of going to school.
Staphysagria in sensitive weepy children
Chamomilla 1M for stubborn ad irritable children.
Phosphorus 30 for fear of being alone.
Arsenic+ Opium + Aconite 30 for children who wake up startled in the night.
Natrum Sulph 1M+ Arnica 1M useful for head injury.
Opium 1M or higher in head injury or stroke with brain damage
Helliborus Niger for after effects of head injury.
Aurum Met 200 in postoperative nausea after gaining consciousness. Phosphorous can also be
Aconite CM (1 dose) better if given with Opium CM for ill effects of fear and shock.
One dose of Arnica 1M before and after surgery safeguards against possible complications.
Pulsatilla for indigestion after overeating eating fatty food.
Carbo veg for indigestion after overeating carbohydrates.
Nux vomica for rice and meat allergy.
Calc Carb for egg allergy.

Chinimum Ars for diarrhea after eating eggs.

Sulphuric Acid one drop in water three times daily for giving up smoking.
Nux Vomica 200 for ill effects of wrongly given injections.
Nitric Acid or single dose of Sulphur in high potency for diarrhea after penicillin.
Kali phos 1M one dose and few doses of Plumbum 200 for poor memory.
Lachesis 1M for people of suspicious nature and also for fear of the unknown.
Arsenic 1M (few doses) for fear of death, fear of accidents, anxiety and generally disinclined to work.


Amenorrhea at puberty with congestion of head_apis

amenorrhea cough and loss of weight_pulsatilla
amenorrhea in anemic_manganum
amenorrhea in girl with backache_senecio
amenorrhea pains in extremities at night_sabina
amenorrhea suppressed from wet feet nervous debility_pulsatilla
amenorrhea with cough_sangunaria
amenorrhea with orgasms_merc peren
amenorrhoe from disappointed love_helonias
amenorrhoea after dancing_cocculus ind

amenorrhoea anaemic palpitation and dyspnoea_ars iod

amenorrhoea and chlorosis_sinapis n
amenorrhoea and gen debility_parthenium

amenorrhoea and vicarious menstruation _baptisia

amenorrhoea anguish restlessness sleeplessness_platina
amenorrhoea at puberty with nosebleed_pulsatilla
amenorrhoea causes by reflex heart symptom_lilium tig
amenorrhoea causing mental alienation_cocculus ind
amenorrhoea colic with pain between scapulae_ammo carb
amenorrhoea complicated with ovarian disease_phytolacca
amenorrhoea complicated with ovarian uterine disease and chlorosis_conium
amenorrhoea developed from dysmenorrhoea_morphinum
amenorrhoea due to complex endocrinal imbalance_thyreoidinum
amenorrhoea during puberty a sedentary life_aco n
amenorrhoea dysmenorrhoea with circular weak_avena

amenorrhoea excitement or worry neurasthenic_kali phos

amenorrhoea eyes suffused with tears dry ulcer on nose_euphrasia
amenorrhoea feet oedema of_graphites
amenorrhoea from chlorosis_ammo carb
amenorrhoea from disappointed love_helleborus n
amenorrhoea from fright_rhus tox
amenorrhoea from pelvic congestion_collonsonia
amenorrhoea genitals very sensitive with ovarian_conium
amenorrhoea imperfect digestion and defective assimilation_nux vom
amenorrhoea in consequence of pulmonary disease_sangunaria
amenorrhoea in young girls with dropsy_apocy
amenorrhoea melancholic obesity with hypogonadism_agnus c
amenorrhoea menostasia and chlorosis scrofulous girls_baryta carb
amenorrhoea metorrhagia in young_polygonum
amenorrhoea of long standing_iodum

amenorrhoea or retarded and scanty menses_sepia

amenorrhoea restore the flow whatever the cause _aco n
amenorrhoea with abdominal and urinary symptoms _bryonia

amenorrhoea with anaemia_pulsatilla

amenorrhoea with burning pains from back to pubis_anus
amenorrhoea with cardiac distress_lilium tig
amenorrhoea with constipation overtaxed_cannabis sat
amenorrhoea with depression of spirits nervous debility_kali phos
amenorrhoea with dropsy of uterus_calc carb
amenorrhoea with ebullitions_merc sol
amenorrhoea with fulness and pain in head_cantharis
amenorrhoea with great melancholy_aurum met
amenorrhoea with hysteria and despondency_cypripedium
amenorrhoea with nervous headache_veratrum a
amenorrhoea with ophthalmia_euphrasia

amenorrhoea with ovarian or uterine disease and chlorosis_conium

amenorrhoea with ovarian with rheumatism_phytolacca
amenorrhoea with painful and tympani tic swelling_castoreum
amenorrhoea with phthisis_psorinum
amenorrhoeic and menorrhagic symptoms due to organic affection of heart_kali
anaemia with amenorrhoea bronchial tubes seemed filled mucus_sangunaria
anaemia with amenorrhoea_sangunaria
anemia with amenorrhoea_sangunaria
asthma dysponea amenorrhoea_urtica urens
atrophic ovarian amenorrhoea with anaemia_helonias
congestion of kidneys with albuminuria from amenorrhoea_helonias
depressed in amenorrhoea_cypripedium
dizziness and headache with amenorrhoea_gelsemium
dyspepsia with amenorrhoea_pulsatilla
eczema with amenorrhea > menses menopause_manganum

eye ophthalmia hemeralopia with amenorrhoea_pulsatilla

fear amenorrhoea from_opium
fear in amenorrhoea from anger_platina
headache with amenorrhoea_gelsemium
headache with constipation and amenorrhoea_graphites
hypo thyroidism and amenorrhoea_elaterium
hypochondriasis amenorrhoea in_coca
hystero epilepsy following a chill (with amenorrhoea)_thyroidinum
inflammation of ovaries with amenorrhoea_apis
insanity amenorrhoea from_cocculus ind
leucorrhoea with amenorrhoea_xanthoxylum
mapped tongue with amenorrhoea_nat mur
mental derangement following amenorrhoea vertigo_cocculus ind
nervous and hysterical epilepsy with amenorrhea_thyroidinum
nervous debility with amenorrhoea_pulsatilla
nose bleed when sleeping with amenorrhoea_oleum jac

oedema itching pedum from amenorrhoea_graphites

phthisis following amenorrhoea_sangunaria
prolapsus amenorrhoea itching and soreness of vulva and vagina_ferrum iod
prolapsus uteri with amenorrhoea with itch vulva vagina_ferrum iod
puberty with overweight and amenorrhoea_elaterium
throbbing headache with amenorrhoea_pulsatilla
young amenorrhoea with dropsical conditions _senecio



Berberis Aquifolium - Clears complexion,It is useful in acne small pimples , roughness of
skin of face etc.It can be given in 6c or 30c potency internally.
Eugenea jambos - Scanty Menses.Acne are very painful here.
Acute Dairrhoea,Dysentry:
Chaparro Amorogosa: Should be taken 5 drops with plain water every 4 hrly.
Quercus: It acts like an anti-alcoholic.Take 10 drops to a teaspoonful of the distilled spirit
3-4 times a day.
Jonosia Asoca:5 drops mixed with cup water should be taken twice a day.It gives results in
7 days.

Myristica Sebifera- In carbuncles,fistulas where it hastens suppuration and shortens its

Myristica 3x,5 drops 3 times a day should be given.
Kali Permaganatum:Insect bites,Dog bites,Snake bites.
Carbolic Acid: Burns which tend to ulcerate.
Urtica urens: In conditions where the burns are confined to the skin.
Casrcara Sagrada: Palliative for constipation,10-15 drops should be taken with plain water at
bed time.
Condurango: It acts well on all muco-cutaneous junctions.
Damiana: Acts well in headache following all kinds of intellectual labour.

Cinnamomum: Take 3 drops of tincture on Sac lac.
Baryta mur: Systolic blood pressure is high and daistolic is low . It should be given in 3x
Lycopus Virginica: controls high blood pressure.5 drops with 1/2 cup of water,twice a day
after meals would control high blood pressure.
Passiflora: It helps in tranquilizing the Individual,thus reducing his blood pressure
Piscidia: Here the cause of Insomnia is mental worries.5-10 drops to be taken with 1/2 cup
plain water.
Thea: Is given for nervous sleeplessness with history of tea habbit.
Low blood pressure:
Viscum Album: 5 drops with half cup water is enough to increase blood pressure.It should
be taken twice a day after meals.

Worm Manifestation:
Kousso: 5 drops of mother tincture taken early morning on empty stomach gives great

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vomiting: Ipecac 3x, Zingeber Q
Cough: A mixture of Drosera Q and Spongia Q
Constipation: Senna Q, Cascar sag Q, Verat alb 3x
Menstrual colic: Xanthoxylum Q
Neck pain/stiffness: Lachnanthus 3x, Rhustox 30
Diarrhea: Elaterium 3x
Hiccough: Mix 10 drops of cinnamon Q in 20 ml of water. Swallow one drop at a time,
followed by another drop. Repeat this for a few minutes till hiccough goes off.
Loss of voice: Pop can Q
Toothache in carious teeth: Apply Plantage Q or Kreosot Q
Apthous ulcer: Gargling of Rhus glabra Q, Sempervivum tect Q
UTI: Sarsparilla Q, Uva ursi Q
Abscess: Silicea 6x, Myristica 6c, Hepar 30
Pain after physical exertion: Bellis per Q
Sinusitis: Sanguinaria Q, Cassia sop Q
Acidity: Robinia Q, Zingiber Q
Severe loud eructations with obstructed feeling: Cajuputum Q
Umbilical pain in children with worms: Spigelia 30
Colic: Colocynth 30, in children Cataria nepeta Q
Rattling in infants: Eridiction Q, Sambucus Q
Fever: Baptisia Q, Ocimum sanctun Q, Veratrum vir Q, Bell 3x
Pharyngitis/tonsillitis: Ailanthus Q, Wyethia Q
Throat irritation: Wyethia Q
Retention of urine in old age: Solidago Q, Boerrhevia Q
Asthma attack: Grindelia Q, Pothos Q, Iodoform 3x, Ipecac 1x
Difficult expectoration: Balsm peru Q, Senega Q
Acute joint pains with swelling and redness: Apis 3x, Formic acid 3x, Gaultheria Q, Valeriana
Urticaria: Urtica urense Q (internal and external)
Profuse menses: Millefolium Q
Migraine: Sanguinaria Q, Melilotus Q, Usnea barb Q, Coffea cruda Q
Inveterate cases of cough: Mephitis 3x
Crushed finger tips: Hypericum 200
Honeymoon cystitis: Staphysagria 200
Eczema in children: Dulc 200 1dose, Rhus tox 30 one dose
Weakness after fever: Natrum salicylic 30
Continuous high fever: Millefolium Q, Tuberculinum 200
Cough after fever: Eridiction Q
Prevention of febrile convulsions: Bell 1M, Cicuta 200

Joint pains after fever (chikungunya): Lycopersicum Esc. 30

Congestive headache: Usnea barb Q
Sprains: Ruta 200

Therapeutic hints in Hypertension
Various authors have given therapeutic hints for the selection of remedies in cases of hypertension.
According to Alphons Geukens the remedies which withhold their emotions, who cannot express their
feelings, are the most important remedies for hypertension - Natrum muriaticum, Kalium carbonicum,
Aurum metallicum, Apis mellifica, Conium maculatum, Mercurius and Baryta carbonica. Apis mellifica
and Conium maculatum develop hypertension from suppressed sexual desire.
Therapeutic hints mentioned by some of the other authors are given below.
1) From sudden shock due to bad news - Gelsemium sempervirens
2) Hypertension because of some insult - Staphysagria
3) With personal or parental history of coronary thrombosis-Thuja occidentalis
4) As an intercurrent remedy, in persons wasting in health-Tuberculinum
5) In fleshy persons who eat a great deal, especially non-vegetarians- Allium sativum
6) Hypertension in those engaged in mental work, teachers and professionals who are exhausted
from worry- Avena sativa
7) Nervous hypertension, levels go up and down- Ignatia amara, Nux vomica
8) With high difference between systolic and diastolic pressures- Baryta muriatica
9) With cracks on fingers - Baryta carbonica
10) With roaring in ears - Adrenalinum
11) With acute nasal obstruction - Iodium
12) With insomnia - Passiflora incarnata- Crataegus oxyacantha.
13) With redness of face Belladonna, Adrenalinum, Asterias reubens, Strontium carbonicum,
14) With throbbing headache, flushed face, tachycardia, hot body and cold extremities, Belladonna,
15) With red face, feeling of hot air around the head, and fear of apoplexy-Asterias reubens
16) With profuse nose bleed ameliorating the headache-Hamamelis virginiana, Melilotus alba
17) With full hard, bounding pulse, and congestive symptoms- Veratrum viride
18) With obstinate occipital headache - Carbo animalis
19) With suppurative conditions in warm blooded persons-Calcarea sulphurica
20) Hypertension with pulmonary leisions - Phosphorus
21) Hypertension with hyperthyroid phenomena - Thallium metallicum

22) Hypertension with diabetes mellitus - Lac vaccinum defloratum

23) Hypertension with albuminuria - Viscum album
24) In pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, Hypertension, oedema-Apis mellifica
25) Hypertension at climacteric
Glonoinum, Sanguinaria, Canadensis, Lachesis mutus, Sepia officinalis, Cactus grandiflorus,
Amylenum nitrosum, Sulphuricum acidum, Conium maculatum,

26) Hypertension with arteriosclerosis

Adrenalinum, Baryta carbonica, Baryta muriatica, Aurums, Plumbum metallicum, Strophanthus
hispidus, Viscum album, Sumbulus moschatus.
27) Hypertension with cardiac hypertrophy - Crataegus oxyacantha
28) Hypertension with nephrosis- Fumaricum acidum
29) Insufficiency of the left ventricle due to HypertensionBaryta carbonica, Sulphur, Lachesis mutus, Aurum metallicum, Glonoinum
Tissue remedies
Natrium phosphoricum, Silicea terra, Natrium sulphuricum
High blood pressure due to arteriosclerosis
Calcarea flourica, Ferrum phosphoricum
Psorinum, Syphilinum, Tuberculinum bovinum, Diphtherinum, Streptococcinum
Bowel nosodes - Bacillus morgan, Bacillus No. 7
Severe hypertension - Toxoplasma nosode
Drainage remedies
Drainage of arteries in arterial hypertension
Sulphur, Cereus bonplandii
Indian drugs
Boerhaavia diffusa, Rauwolfia serpentina, Terminalia arjuna .

All About Diabetes
By Faraz Khan

14 Novermber is the world Diabetic day
Diabetes in General

Diabetes mellitusoften referred to as diabetesis a condition in which the body either

does not produce enough, or does not properly respond to, insulin, a hormone produced
in the pancreas. Insulin enables cells to absorb glucose in order to turn it into energy.
This causes glucose to accumulate in the blood, leading
to various potential complications.


Many types of diabetes are recognized:


Prediabetes is the state in which some but not all of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes
are met .It is often described as the gray area between normal blood sugar and
diabetic levels. While in this range, patients are at risk for not only developing type 2
diabetes, but also for cardiovascular complications. It has been termed "America's largest
healthcare epidemic," affecting more than 57 million Americans. Prediabetes is also
referred to as borderline diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and/or impaired
fasting glucose (IFG).

Impaired Fasting Glycemia

Impaired fasting glycemia or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) refers to a condition in which
the fasting blood glucose is elevated
above what is considered normal levels but is not high enough to be classified as
diabetes mellitus. It is considered a pre-diabetic state, associated with insulin resistance
and increased risk of cardiovascular pathology, although of lesser risk than impaired
glucose tolerance (IGT). IFG sometimes progresses to type 2 diabetes mellitus. There is a
50% risk over 10 years of progressing to overt diabetes. A recent study cited the average
time for progression as less than three years. IFG is also a risk factor for mortality.

Fasting blood glucose levels are in a continuum within a given population, with higher
fasting glucose levels corresponding to a higher risk for complications caused by the high
glucose levels. Impaired fasting glucose is defined as a fasting glucose that is higher than
the upper limit of normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes mellitus. Some
patients with impaired fasting glucose can also be diagnosed with impaired glucose
tolerance, but many have normal responses to a glucose tolerance test.


WHO criteria for impaired fasting glucose differs from the ADA criteria, because the
normal range of glucose is defined differently. Fasting glucose levels 100 mg/dL and
higher have been shown to increase complication rates significantly. However, WHO
opted to keep its upper limit of normal at under 110 mg/dL for fear of causing too many
people to be diagnosed as having impaired fasting glucose, whereas the ADA lowered the
limit of normal to a fasting glucose under 100 mg/dL.

WHO criteria: fasting plasma glucose level from 6.1 mmol/l (110 mg/dL) to 6.9 mmol/l
(125 mg/dL).

ADA criteria: fasting plasma glucose level from 5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL) to 6.9 mmol/L
(125 mg/dL).

Impaired Glucose Tolerance

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a pre-diabetic state of dysglycemia, that is associated

with insulin resistance and increased risk of cardiovascular pathology. IGT may precede
type 2 diabetes mellitus by many years. IGT is also a risk factor for mortality.

According to the criteria of the World Health Organization and the American Diabetes
Association, impaired glucose tolerance is defined as:
Two-hour glucose levels of 140 to 199 mg per dL (7.8 to 11.0 mmol) on the 75-g oral
glucose tolerance test. A patient is said to be under the condition of IGT when he/she has
an intermediately raised glucose level after 2 hours, but less than would qualify for type
2 diabetes mellitus. The fasting glucose may be either normal or mildly elevated.

From 10 to 15 percent of adults in the United States have one of these conditions.


The risk of progression to diabetes and development of cardiovascular disease is greater

than for Impaired fasting glycaemia

Although some drugs can delay the onset of diabetes, lifestyle modifications play a
greater role in the prevention of diabetes. Patients identified as having an IGT should
exercise regularly and limit sugar intake. And follow the advice of their doctor.

Diabetes Type I
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing beta cells of the
islets of Langerhans in the pancreas leading insulin deficiency. This type of diabetes can
be further classified as immune-mediated or idiopathic. The majority of type 1 diabetes is
of the immune-mediated nature, where beta cell loss is a T-cell mediated autoimmune
attack.There is no known preventive measure against type 1 diabetes, which causes
approximately 10% of diabetes mellitus cases in North America and Europe. Most
affected people are otherwise healthy and of a healthy weight when onset occurs.
Sensitivity and responsiveness to insulin are usually normal, especially in the early
stages. Type 1 diabetes can affect children or adults but was traditionally termed
juvenile diabetes" because it represents a majority of the diabetes cases in children.

Diabetes Type II
Diabetes mellitus type II is characterized by insulin resistance which may be combined
with relatively reduced insulin secretion. The defective responsiveness of body tissues to
insulin is believed to involve the insulin receptor. However, the specific defects are not
known. Diabetes mellitus due to a known defect are classified separately. Diabetes type II
is the most common type.
In the early stage of diabetes type II, the predominant abnormality is reduced insulin
sensitivity. At this stage hyperglycemia can be reversed by a variety of measures and
medications that improve insulin sensitivity or reduce glucose production by the liver. As
the disease progresses, the impairment of insulin secretion occurs, and therapeutic
replacement of insulin often becomes necessary.

Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) resembles diabetes type II in several respects,
involving a combination of relatively inadequate insulin secretion and responsiveness. It
occurs in about 2%5% of all pregnancies and may improve or disappear after delivery.
Gestational diabetes is fully treatable but requires careful medical supervision throughout
the pregnancy. About 20%50% of affected women develop diabetes type II later in life. A
2008 study completed in the U.S. found that more American women are entering
pregnancy with preexisting diabetes. In fact the rate of diabetes in expectant mothers
has more than doubled in the past 6 years. This is particularly problematic as diabetes
raises the risk of complications during pregnancy, as well as increasing the potential that
the children of diabetic mothers will also become diabetic in the future. Even though it
may be transient, untreated gestational diabetes can damage the health of the fetus or
mother. Risks to the baby include macrosomia (high birth weight), congenital cardiac and
central nervous system anomalies, and skeletal muscle malformations. Increased fetal
insulin may inhibit fetal surfactant production and cause respiratory distress syndrome.
Hyperbilirubinemia may result from red blood cell destruction. In severe cases, perinatal
death may occur, most commonly as a result of poor placental perfusion due to vascular
impairment. Induction may be indicated with decreased placental function. A cesarean
section may be performed if there is marked fetal distress or an increased risk of injury
associated with macrosomia, such as shoulder dystocia.

Signs and Symptoms

Overview of the most significant symptoms of diabetes. The classical symptoms of DM

Polyuria (frequent urination),

Polydipsia (increased thirst)
Polyphagia (increased hunger).
Symptoms may develop quite rapidly (weeks or months) in type 1 diabetes, particularly
in children. However, in type 2 diabetes symptoms usually develop much more slowly
and may be subtle or completely absent. Type 1 diabetes may also cause a rapid yet
significant weight loss (despite normal or even increased eating) and irreducible mental
fatigue. All of these symptoms except weight loss can also manifest in type 2 diabetes in
patients whose diabetes is poorly controlled, although unexplained weight loss may be
experienced at the onset of the disease. Final diagnosis is made by measuring the blood
glucose concentration. When the glucose concentration in the blood is raised beyond its
renal threshold (about 10 mmol/L, although this may be altered in certain conditions,
such as pregnancy), reabsorption of glucose in the proximal renal tubuli is incomplete,
and part of the glucose remains in the urine (glycosuria). This increases the osmotic
pressure of the urine and inhibits reabsorption of water by the kidney, resulting in
increased urine production (polyuria) and increased fluid loss. Lost blood volume will be
replaced osmotically from water held in body cells and other body compartments,
causing dehydration and increased thirst.

Prolonged high blood glucose causes glucose absorption, which leads to changes in the
shape of the lenses of the eyes, resulting in vision changes; sustained sensible glucose
control usually returns the lens to its original shape. Blurred vision is a common
complaint leading to a diabetes diagnosis; type 1 should always be suspected in cases of
rapid vision change, whereas with type 2 change is generally more gradual, but should
still be suspected.

Patients (usually with type 1 diabetes) may also initially present with diabetic
ketoacidosis (DKA), an extreme state of metabolic dysregulation characterized by the
smell of acetone on the patient's breath; a rapid, deep breathing known as Kussmaul
breathing; polyuria; nausea; vomiting and abdominal pain; and any of many altered
states of consciousness or arousal (such as hostility and mania or, equally, confusion and
lethargy). In severe DKA, coma may follow, progressing to death. Diabetic ketoacidosis is
a medical emergency and requires immediate hospitalization.

1. Lifestyle
There are numerous theories as to the exact cause of diabetes type II. Obesity is found in
approximately 55% of patients diagnosed with diabetes type II. This is believed to be due
to its role in increasing insulin resistance. In the last decade, diabetes type II has affected
more children and adolescents, probably in connection with the increased prevalence of
childhood obesity.

Environmental exposures may contribute to recent increases in the rate of diabetes type
II. A positive correlation has been found between the concentration in the urine of
bisphenol A, a constituent of polycarbonate plastic from some producers, and
The incidence of diabetes type II. 2. Medical Conditions
Subclinical Cushing's syndrome (cortisol excess) may be associated with DM type 2. The
percentage of subclinical Cushing's syndrome in the diabetic population is about 9%.
Diabetic patients with a pituitary microadenoma can improve insulin sensitivity by
removal of these microadenomas.

Hypogonadism is often associated with cortisol excess, and testosterone deficiency is

also associated with diabetes mellitus type 2, even if the exact mechanism by which
testosterone improve insulin resistance is still not known.

3. Genetics

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are partly inherited. Type 1 diabetes may be triggered
by certain infections, with some evidence pointing at Coxsackie B4 virus. There is a
genetic element in individual susceptibility to some of these triggers which has been
traced to particular HLA genotypes (i.e., the genetic "self" identifiers relied upon by the
immune system). However, even in those who have inherited the susceptibility, type 1
diabetes mellitus seems to require an environmental trigger.

There is a stronger inheritance pattern for type 2 diabetes. Those with first-degree
relatives with type 2 have a much higher risk of developing type 2, increasing with the
number of those relatives. Concordance among monozygotic twins is close to 100%, and
about 25% of those with the disease have a family history of diabetes. Moreover, obesity
(which is an independent risk factor for Diabetes type II) is strongly inherited.
Gene expression promoted by a diet of fat and glucose as well as high levels of
inflammation related cytokines found in the obese results in cells that "produce fewer
and smaller mitochondria than is normal," and are thus prone to insulin resistance.


Pancreas is the primary organ which controls the blood sugar levels. It is made up of
different cells. One of the cell types is Beta cells which releases Insulin.

Whenever we eat, the food enters into our mouth and reaches our stomach through the
food pipe called esophagus. Right at the mouth, the digestion of food is started and food
is broken down into smaller particles by the help of the chewing action of teeth as well as
enzymes(chemicals that act on food and digest it) present. More enzymes are present in
stomach to digest food. From the stomach the food enters into intestines and into the
blood stream.

The food that has entered the blood stream is in the form of sugar. With the rise of sugar
in the blood stream ,Insulin is released from the beta langerhan cells of the pancreas.
Insulin is the principal hormone that regulates uptake of glucose from the blood into most
cells (primarily muscle and fat cells, but not central nervous system cells). Therefore
deficiency of insulin or the insensitivity of its receptors plays a central role in all forms of
diabetes mellitus. Most of the carbohydrates in food are converted within a few hours to
the monosaccharide glucose, the principal carbohydrate found in blood and used by the
body as fuel.Insulin is released into the blood by beta cells (-cells), found in the Islets of
Langerhans in the pancreas, in response to rising levels of blood glucose, typically after
eating. Insulin is used by about two-thirds of the body's cells to absorb glucose from the
blood for use as fuel, for conversion to other needed molecules, or for storage. Insulin is
also the principal control signal for conversion of glucose to glycogen for internal storage
in liver and muscle cells. Lowered glucose levels result both in the reduced release of
insulin from the beta cells and in the reverse conversion of glycogen to glucose when
glucose levels fall. This is mainly controlled by the hormone glucagon which acts in an
opposite manner to insulin. Glucose thus recovered by the liver re-enters the
bloodstream; muscle cells lack the necessary export mechanism.

Higher insulin levels increase some anabolic ("building up") processes such as cell growth
and duplication, protein synthesis, and fat storage.

If the amount of insulin available is insufficient, if cells respond poorly to the effects of
insulin (insulin insensitivity or resistance), or if the insulin itself is defective, then glucose
will not be absorbed properly by those body cells that require it nor will it be stored
appropriately in the liver and muscles. The net effect is persistent high levels of blood
glucose, poor protein synthesis, and other metabolic derangements, such as acidosis.


Diabetes mellitus is characterized by recurrent or persistent hyperglycemia, and is

diagnosed by demonstrating any one of the following:

Fasting plasma glucose level at or above 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL).

Plasma glucose at or above 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL) two hours after a 75 g oral
glucose load as in a glucose tolerance test.
Symptoms of hyperglycemia and casual plasma glucose at or above 11.1 mmol/L
(200 mg/dL). About a quarter of people with new type 1 diabetes have developed some
degree of diabetic ketoacidosis (a type of metabolic acidosis which is caused by high
concentrations of ketone bodies, formed by the breakdown of fatty acids and the
deamination of amino acids) by the time the diabetes is recognized. The diagnosis of
other types of diabetes is usually made in other ways. These include ordinary health
screening; detection of hyperglycemia during other medical investigations; and
secondary symptoms such as vision changes or unexplainable fatigue. Diabetes is often
detected when a person suffers a problem that is frequently caused by diabetes, such as
a heart attack, stroke, neuropathy, poor wound healing or a foot ulcer, certain eye
problems, certain fungal infections, or delivering a baby with macrosomia or

A positive result, in the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, should be

confirmed by a repeat of any of the above-listed methods on a different day. Most
physicians prefer to measure a fasting glucose level because of the ease of measurement
and the considerable time commitment of formal glucose tolerance testing, which takes
two hours to complete and offers no prognostic advantage over the fasting test.
According to the current definition, two fasting glucose measurements above 126 mg/dL
(7.0 mmol/L) is considered diagnostic for diabetes mellitus.
Patients with fasting glucose levels from 100 to 125 mg/dL (6.1 and 7.0 mmol/L) are
considered to have impaired fasting glucose. Patients with plasma glucose at or above
140 mg/dL or 7.8 mmol/L, but not over 200, two hours after a 75 g oral glucose load are
considered to have impaired glucose tolerance. Of these two pre-diabetic states, the
latter in particular is a major risk factor for progression to full-blown diabetes mellitus as
well as cardiovascular disease.
While not used for diagnosis, an elevated level of glucose irreversibly bound to
hemoglobin (termed glycated hemoglobin or HbA1c) of 6.0% or higher (the 2003 revised
U.S. standard) is considered abnormal by most labs; HbA1c is primarily used as a
treatment-tracking test reflecting average blood glucose levels over the preceding 90
days (approximately) which is the average lifetime of red blood cells which contain
hemoglobin in most patients. However, some physicians may order this test at the time
of diagnosis to track changes over time. The current recommended goal for HbA1c in
patients with diabetes is 6.5%.
We at Miracles recommend our patients to bring down their HbA1c to 5.5% which is as
good as in non -diabetics. And if such a good control of blood glucose is maintained then
the patients can enjoy the healthy life equal to having no diabetes. We have a special
offer of free consultancy for all our valuable patients whose HbA1c is equal to 5.5% or
less than that. So educate yourself to have a better control of your diabetes and get
benefited from our offer.
Type 1 diabetes risk is known to depend upon a genetic predisposition based on HLA
types (particularly types DR3 and DR4), an unknown environmental trigger (suspected to
be an infection, although none has proven definitive in all cases), and an uncontrolled
autoimmune response that attacks the insulin producing beta cells. Some research has
suggested that breastfeeding decreased the risk in later life; various other nutritional risk
factors are being studied, but no firm evidence has been found. Giving children 2000 IU
of Vitamin D during their first year of life is associated with reduced risk of type 1
diabetes, though the causal relationship is obscure.
Children with antibodies to beta cell proteins (ie at early stages of an immune reaction to
them) but no overt diabetes, and treated with vitamin B-3 (niacin), had less than half the
diabetes onset incidence in a 7-year time span as did the general population, and an
even lower incidence relative to those with antibodies as above, but who received no
vitamin B3. Type 2 diabetes risk can be reduced in many cases by making changes in
diet and increasing physical activity. The American Diabetes Association (ADA)
recommends maintaining a healthy weight, getting at least 2 hours of exercise per
week (several brisk sustained walks appear sufficient), having a modest fat intake, and
eating sufficient fiber (e.g., from whole grains). There is inadequate evidence that eating
foods of low glycemic index is clinically helpful despite recommendations and suggested
diets emphasizing this approach. Diets that are very low in saturated fats reduce the risk
of becoming insulin resistant and diabetic. Study group participants whose "physical
activity level and dietary, smoking, and alcohol habits were all in the low-risk group had
an 82% lower incidence of diabetes." In another study of dietary practice and incidence
of diabetes, "foods rich in vegetable oils, including non-hydrogenated margarines, nuts,
and seeds, should replace foods rich in saturated fats from meats and fat-rich dairy
products. Consumption of partially hydrogenated fats should be minimized."
There are numerous studies which suggest connections between some aspects of Type II
diabetes with ingestion of certain foods or with some drugs. Some studies have shown
delayed progression to diabetes in predisposed patients through prophylactic use of
metformin, rosiglitazone, or valsartan. In patients on hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid

arthritis, incidence of diabetes was reduced by 77% though causal mechanisms are
unclear. Breastfeeding may also be associated with the prevention of type 2 of the
disease in mothers. Clear evidence for these and any of many other connections between
foods and supplements and diabetes is sparse to date; none, despite secondary claims
for (or against), is sufficiently well established to justify as a standard clinical approach.

Homoeopathic Remedies
Homoeopathy attempts to treat NIDDM or Type 2 diabetes taking the totality of
symptoms and the constitution of the person suffering from diabetes. Some of the most
commonly used homoeopathic remedies in clinical practice are
Acetic Acid: Emaciation and weakness is marked in patients needing this remedy. Severe
burning thirst and copious pale urination is marked in this patient. Patient is sensitive to
Argentum Metallicum: there is gradual emaciation in the patient; Urine is profuse and
turbid in appearance with a sweet odor. Swelling of ankles is seen.
Arsenicum Album: Severe marked exhaustion, restlessness, aggravations at night are
keynote features of individuals who need this remedy. Urine is albuminous and scanty.
Unquenchable thirst is seen.
Cephalandra Indica (Tincture) - in diabetics who have severe thirst for large quantities of
water and have dry skin with severe itching and boils.

Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes

Homeopathy remedies for the management of diabetes can help to control diabetes,
improve the quality of life and control complications of diabetes.

Homeopathic drugs treatment for diabetes

The homeopathy drug treatment used in diabetes can be classified in to six groups
namely acids, metals, other minerals, vegetables, drugs from animals, and organo
therapic remedies.
The acids used for treatment of diabetes are acetic acid, lactic acid, phosphoric acid,
nitric acid, picric acid, carbolic acid, and flouric acid. Acids are often used in patients with
debility or persistent weakness. Acid can prevent acidosis one of the greatest danger of
diabetic mellitus
Metals Aurum met, Argentum met, Argentum nitricum, Uranium nitricum, Vanadium,
Plumbum met, Cup ars are used as a homeopathic treatment for diabetes.
Other minerals (such as Ars alb, Sulphur, Silicea, Iodum, Natrum sulph),
vegetables (such as Cephalandra indica, Chimaphilla, Chionanthus, China, Curara, Nux
vom, Helleborus niger), and products from
Animal kingdom (such as Moschus, Crotalus horridus, Lachesis, Tarentula, Lac
defloratum) are prescribed based on the individual characteristics and symptoms of the

Insulin an organo therapic remedy is prescribed in critical cases of diabetes, in lean and
thin consumptive patients and also in coma. Pancreatin, adrenalin, urea, lecithin are the
other organo therapic remedies.
Biochemic remedies for diabetes mellitus are Nat mur, Nat sulph, Kali phos, Kali mur
and Kali sulph.

The metals are used for treatment of patients with hypertension, diabetic nephropathy,
arteriosclerosis, mentally and physically exhausted and various other symptoms. The
minerals, vegetables and animal products are used to manage symptoms such as
weakness and prostration, gangrene, diabetes complicated with digestive troubles,
impotence, ocular troubles and other complications of diabetes. The homeopathic
remedy prescribed to a patient depends on his/her symptoms and characteristics. Hence
two patients may have diabetes but their prescriptions may be completely different.

Homeopathic treatment with drugs can improve the general well being of the person with
diabetes. In patients with poor general health it can be very difficult to achieve good
control of diabetes. Improvement of general health improves the general sense of wellbeing, decreases the dose and number of drugs needed to control blood glucose and
improves blood glucose control. Remedies such as Syzygium, Uranium nitricum,
Phloridzin (obtained from the root of the apple and other fruit trees) are given to improve
the general health of the patient.

Caution with Homeopathy

To use homeopathic remedies and homeopathic treatment if you are a diabetic is a
personal decision, but use them with caution. These drugs do have effect on the body
and may help to control your blood sugar. However even if they benefit you, consult your
physician before you stop regular insulin or other medication for diabetes. Monitor your
blood sugar closely if you take these remedies to find out how effective the remedy is. In
case of emergency like diabetic coma the homeopathic remedies may not be effective as
the primary therapy. In these conditions consult your physician for conventional medicine
and you may use homeopathic remedies as a complementary therapy.
If you are a diabetic and intend to use homeopathic treatment for diabetes, please let
your physician know about it. Consult a homeopath physician to decide on the drugs that
you would need for management of your symptoms and control of diabetes.
Homoeopathy For Behavioral problem In Children
By Keya Haldar

I.Thumb sucking
Thumb sucking is the act of putting the thumb into the mouth for a prolonged duration. It is considered
to be soothing and therapeutic. Thumb sucking is generally associated with babies and young
children. Children suck on objects to soothe themselves; sucking is one of a babys natural reflexes
and completely typical for babies and young children.Thumb sucking can start as early as 2-3 months
of growth in the womb or within months of being born. Most thumb-suckers stop gradually by the age
of five years. Rarely does it continue into adulthood. It is not uncommon for thumb-suckers to suck
both thumbs or their fingers. Finger sucking is synonymous thumb sucking in effect and
treatmentthumb-sucking can cause problems for dental development. The only time it might cause
concern is if it goes on beyond 6 to 8 years of age. At this time, it may affect the shape of the oral
cavity or dentition. The severity of the problem depends on frequency, intensity, duration and also the
position in which the thumb is placed in the mouth. The relationship between the upper and lower
jaws may also be affected. Speech defects can occur from malaligned teeth resulting from
thumbsucking finger-sucking.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Constitutional Remedies Calcarea Carb, Silicea, Natrum Mur, Calcarea
Phos, Pulsatilla.
Stammering is the inability of a person to speak in a typically fluent manner. A person who has a
stammering problem will experience hesitancies, silent pauses and significantly frequent struggled
behaviours in the form of repetitions, prolongations and hard vocal attacks. These are often
accompanied by facial grimaces, hand jerks, tongue thrusts, etc. They frequently avoid speaking
situations such as introducing themselves, answering phones, talking in a classroom situation and
making presentations. Stammering in a young child may be determined by genetic factors.
Stammering may become progressively worse in response to family stresses, listener reactions, and
even the .of learning speech and language. Performance pressure, dramatic changes in the
environment, Some of the common precipitating factors are: change of schools, moving homes, birth
of a sibling, separation of parents, conflict in the family, use of inappropriate speech and language. If
your child speaks like this: "Mmmmmmummy, come here", then you need to seek professional
assistance immediately.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Good IPR with child & constitutional treatment Like Strammonium, Natrum
Mur, Thuja, Baryta Carbonicum, Magnesium Carbonicum, Lycopodium. Argentum nitricum.

III. Bed wetting:

Bedwetting is common in children, and can affect adolescents too. It affects twice as many boys as
girls, and can cause embarrassment and stress for children and their families. The ability to control
the bladder may take longer to develop in some children. It is rare for bedwetting to be caused by a
medical problem. There is often a family history of bedwetting. Most children are 'dry' during the day
by the age of three and most are 'dry' at night by school age. It's considered normal for children to
occasionally be wet at night until they're about five.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Organ Remedy: Equisetum, Lycopodium, magnesium Carb, Thuja,
Medorrhinum, Staphysagria.
IV. Hair pulling (Trichotillomania):
Children with trichotillomania pull hair out at the root from places like the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes,
or pubic area. Some people pull large handfuls of hair, which can leave bald patches on the scalp or
eyebrows. Other people pull out their hair one strand at a time. Some inspect the strand after pulling it
out, or play with the hair after it's been pulled. About half of people with the condition put the hair in
their mouths after pulling it. Trichotillomania isn't just a habit that a person can easily stop. It's a
medical condition. Trichotillomania is a type of compulsive behavior, which means that children with
the condition feel an overwhelming urge to pull their hair. People with trichotillomania also may
experience other compulsive behaviors, such as nail biting or skin picking. Some may have problems
like depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder . Compulsive behaviors like trichotillomania
can sometimes run in families. Trichotillomania often leads to embarrassment, frustration, shame, or
depression about the condition. Self-esteem problems are very common among those with
They usually try to hide the behavior from others, which can make it difficult to get help
.trichotillomania is anxiety disorders. This is one reason why the impulses that lead to hair pulling can
be stronger when a person is stressed out or worried. Sometimes compulsive behaviors happen when
the mind mistakenly thinks that activities like hair pulling will provide relief from stress or other
problems. Some people with trichotillomania say that they notice a pleasurable feeling when they pull
their hair or get relief from uncomfortable feelings. Any relief that comes with hair pulling usually only
lasts for a moment. The urge almost always returns. That's because when the mind becomes used to
giving in to the powerful urges that go with compulsive behaviors, the behavior is reinforced. Everyone
has his or her own individual triggers for hair pulling. There is one similarity shared by almost all
people with hair-pulling compulsions, though: The hair grows back when they overcome the urge to
pull it.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Argentum Nitricum, Lycopodium, Calcarea Carb, Thuja, Natrum Mur,
Sulphur, Arnica.

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and
other mammals, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or
increased mortality.Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, it is increasingly viewed as a
serious and growing public health problem. Excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to
various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, and
osteoarthritis, Thyroid disorder.
Homoepathic Treatment: Calcarea carbonicum, Medorrhinum, Magnesium, Phytolacca, Baryta
VI.Nail biting:
Child may bite his nails for any number of reasons out of curiosity or boredom, to relieve stress, or
from force of habit. Nail biting is the most common of the so-called "nervous habits," which include

thumb sucking, nose picking, hair twisting or tugging, and tooth grinding, and is the most likely to
continue into adulthood. About a third of grade-schoolers and half of adolescents bite their nails, and
between a quarter and a third of college students admit to still gnawing on theirs.Growing up is an
anxious process, and many of the tensions and pressures that come with it are invisible to parents. If
your child bites moderately ,he doesn't injure himself and unconsciously while watching television, for
example, or if he tends to bite in response to specific situations it's just his way of coping with minor
stress and you have nothing to worry.
Homoepathic Treatment: Argentum Nitricum, Silicea, Calcarea carbonicum, Medorrhinum,
Magnesium, Natrum Mur.
VII. Drug Addiction:
Drug addiction is a condition characterized by compulsive drug intake, craving and seeking, despite
negative consequences associated with drug use. Although being addicted implies drug dependence,
it is possible to be dependent on a drug without being addicted. People that take drugs to treat
diseases and disorders, which interfere with their ability to function, may experience improvement of
their condition.Such persons are dependent on the drug, but are not addicted. One is addicted, rather
than merely dependent, if one exhibits compulsive behavior towards the drug and has difficulty
quitting it.To qualify as being dependent a person must ,Take a drug regularly ,Experience unpleasant
symptoms if discontinued, which makes stopping difficult. Drug addiction has two components:
physical dependency, and psychological dependency. Physical dependency occurs when a drug has
been used habitually and the body has become accustomed to its effects. The person must then
continue to use the drug in order to feel normal, or its absence will trigger the symptoms of
withdrawal. Psychological dependency occurs when a drug has been used habitually and the mind
has become emotionally reliant on its effects, either to elicit pleasure or relieve pain, and does not feel
capable of functioning without it. Its absence produces intense cravings.
Homoepathic Treatment : Nux vomica, Calcarea Carb, Cannabis Sativa, Opium, Tuberculinum,
Fear is an emotional response to impending danger, that is tied to anxiety. Fear is a survival
mechanism, and usually occurs in response to a specific negativeFear can be distinguished into
serious fear, and trifling fear, Serious fear is a response to some formidable impending peril, while
trifling fear arises from confrontation with danger.Fear can be described by different terms in
accordance with its relative degrees. Personal fear varies extremely in degree from mild caution to
extreme phobia and paranoia. Fear is related to a number of emotional states including worry, anxiety,
terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic , personal, persecution complex and dread.Fears may be a factor
within a larger social network, where in personal fears are synergetically compounded as mass
hysteria. Terror refers to a pronounced state of fear - which usually occurs before the state of horror when someone becomes overwhelmed with a sense of immediate danger.
Also, it can be caused by perceiving the possibly extreme phobia. As a consequence, terror
overwhelms the person to the point of making irrational choices and non-typical behaviour. Fear can
also affect the subconscious and unconscious mind, most notably through nightmares. Causes
although fear is an innate response, objects of fear can be learned. This has been studied in
psychology as fear conditioning, fear may also be acquired by a traumatic accident. Fear of either
enclosed spaces claustrophobia or of water (hydrophobia.)While fear is most commonly associated
with physical conditions or objects, in humans fear can also be inspired by more abstract concepts.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Aconite, Natrum mur, Baryta Carbonicum, Iodum, Gelsemium, Argentum
IX. Depression:
Children generally go in depression after Failure in Studies, Games, long standing illness, Divorce,
death of one parents, accident, nagging parents . Throughout the course of our lives, we all
experience episodes of unhappiness, sadness, or grief. Often, when a loved one dies or we suffer a
personal tragedy or difficulty such as divorce or loss of a job, we may feel depressed Most of us are

able to cope with these and other types of stressful events. Over a period of days or weeks, the
majority of us are able to return to our normal activities. But when these feelings of sadness and other
symptoms make it hard for us to get through the day, and when the symptoms last for more than a
couple of weeks, we may have what is called clinical depression.
Homoepathic Treatment: Iodum, Baryta carbonicum, Natrum Mur, Lachasis, Magnesium Carbonicum
X. Eating disorder:
Children raised in a dysfunctional family are at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder. In a
home where physical or sexual abuse is taking place, the child may turn to an eating disorder to gain
a sense of control. If they can't control what is happening to their bodies during the abuse, they can
control their food intake or their weight. Self imposed starvation may also be their way of trying to
disappear so they no longer have to suffer through the abuse. Children may also develop eating
disorders as a way of dealing with the many emotions that they feel, especially if they are raised in a
home that does not allow feelings to be expressed.
Children who are compulsive eaters are usually using food to help them deal with feelings of anger,
sadness, hurt, loneliness, abandonment, fear and pain. If children are not allowed to express their
emotions, they may become emotional eaters. Also, if parents are too involved in their own problems,
the child may turn to food for comfort. Binge eating disorder is characterized by consuming large
quantities of food in a very short period of time until the individual is uncomfortably full. Binge eating
disorder is much like bulimia except the Children do not use any form of purging.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Lycopodium, Abies cannadensis, Abrotanum, Cina, Silicea, Sulphur.
XI. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that becomes apparent in some children
in the preschool and early school years. It is hard for these children to control their behaviour and/or
pay attention. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of children have ADHD, or approximately 2
million children in the world. In order to achieve his or her full potential, he or she should receive help,
guidance, and understanding from parents, guidance counselors, and the public education system.
ADHD often continues into adulthood, The principal characteristics of ADHD are inattention,
hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms appear early in a child's life. All children are
sometimes restless, sometimes act without thinking, sometimes daydream the time away. When the
child's hyperactivity, distractibility, poor concentration, or impulsivity begin to affect performance in
school, social relationships with other children, or behaviour at home, ADHD may be suspected. But
because the symptoms vary so much across settings, ADHD is not easy to diagnose. Feeling restless,
often fidgeting with hands or feet, or squirming while seated Running, climbing, or leaving a seat in
situations where sitting or quiet behaviour is expected. Blurting out answers before hearing the whole
question. Having difficulty waiting in line or taking turns. Inattention Homework is particularly hard for
these children. They will forget to write down an assignment, or leave it at school. They will forget to
bring a book home, or bring the wrong one.
Causes of ADHD can arise purely from social factors or child-rearing methods. Environmental
Agents.The use of cigarettes and alcohol during pregnancy and risk for ADHD in the offspring of that
pregnancy. Children with ADHD have been found to have suffered a traumatic brain injury. It has been
suggested that attention disorders are caused by refined sugar or food additives. Genetics. Attention
disorders often run in families, so there are likely to be genetic influences. The ADHD children showed
3-4 percent smaller brain volumes in all regions the frontal lobes, temporal gray. Learning Disabilities.
In school age children, reading or spelling disabilities, writing disorders, and arithmetic disorders may
appear. A type of reading disorder, dyslexia, is quite widespread. Reading disabilities affect up to 8
percent of elementary school children. Tourette syndrome have various nervous tics and repetitive
mannerisms, such as eye blinks, facial twitches, or grimacing. Others may clear their throats
frequently, snort, sniff, or bark out words.
These behaviors can be controlled with medication. While very few children have this syndrome,
many of the cases of Tourette syndrome have associated ADHD. These children are often defiant,

stubborn, non-compliant, have outbursts of temper, or become belligerent. They argue with adults and
refuse to obey. Conduct Disorder. These children frequently lie or steal, fight with or bully others, and
are at a real risk of getting into trouble at school or with the police. They violate the basic rights of
other people, are aggressive toward people and/or animals, destroy property, break into people's
homes, commit thefts, carry or use weapons, or engage in vandalism. Anxiety and Depression.
Homoeopathic Treatment: Baryta carbonicum, Tarentula, Platinum, Thuja, Medorrhinum, lachasis,
Magnesium Carb
XII. School phobia:
School avoidance occurs in 5 percent of children. With patience and by trying to understand why the
child fears school the problem can be overcome. The school phobic child is going through a hard time
and needs all of your support. Working in concert with the school is important too.
For young children school means spending a lot of time away from home. Not only do children miss
home in the school setting, but they are faced with new experiences, challenges and pressures .
Some children adapt very nicely into the new environment yet others miss home, a source of anxiety
and fear. In some children home or family factors can play a role; An illness in the child or family, a
recent divorce/separation or if one parent is stressed or depressed. These situations may either cause
school phobia or worsen it. School refusal symptoms occur most often on school days, and are
usually absent on weekends and during the summer holidays. Refusal to attend school Creating
reasons why not to go to school , Missing a lot of school , Frequent complaints about not feeling well
with vague or non-specific complaints, In rare cases, school phobic children can complain of chronic
physical symptoms including headaches, abdominal pain, nausea or dizziness. When these
complaints are medically evaluated there usually is no medical cause found.
Reasons for school avoidance or school phobia : Most school-avoiding children do not know why they
are school-phobic, and may have difficulty talking about the source of their anxiety. Aside from
difficulty in separating from parents there are some other school-related factors that can cause school
avoidance including: Fear of failure , Teasing by other children , Anxieties over toileting in a public
bathroom ,Threats of physical harm or actual physical harm , Existing learning difficulties or
Homoeopathic Treatment: Pulsatilla, Baryta Carb, Tuberculinum, Phosphorus, Aconite
Each child's needs and personal history must be carefully considered. Antimiasmatic remedies &
constitutional Homoeopathic treatment :
Calcarea phosphorica
Ferrum metallicum
Ferrum phosphoricum
Nux vomica
Do & Dont in children behaviour problem

Don't pressure your child to stop, this can reinforce the habit .
Talk to them about the reasons and ways to work together to stop the habit
Praise them when they do not suck their thumb, caught them doing things right!
If your child's teeth are moving, talk to your dentist for personalized advice.
Set up an incentive system to reward their progress .
Don't get frustrated with your child; this tends to make the habit worse.
If they suck because they feel insecure, focus on eliminating the cause of the anxiety or if they do it
for comfort, offer them comfort instead of sucking their thumb.
Have them hold balls in their hands while they sleep so their hands are busy.
Taping the end of the thumb.
Reward them for NOT sucking their thumbs.
If your child is older, involve them in choosing the method of stopping unwanted behavioral.
Remind your child of his habit by bandaging his thumb or putting a sock on his hand at bedtime
Try the nail polish with cayenne pepper it works well on an infant.

Maximum: Time, love Affection, Attention, cooperation & HOMOEOPATHY medicine to your child can
avoid Behavioral problem in your children.


Obesity has become one of the major medical problems now days in the whole world. Obesity implies
the deposition of too much fat in the body. Obesity results when a person ingests more calories than
he or she can burn off. If this process happens regularly over a period of time it results in to extra
body fat leads to weight gain. Weight gain is often caused by an unhealthy poor dietary intake and
lack of work out or exercise.
To loose weight fast some general guidelines need to be followed:

Incorporate physical activity and healthy eating habits daily and routine physical activities are strongly
recommended to achieve adequate weight loss
Take adequate portion sizes of food, including grains, protein, vegetables, dairy, and fruits.
Advocate three balanced meals a day, and keep healthy snakes available.
Allow readily available healthy food choices
Encourage eating at home and less fast food
Encourage eating in one place without distraction
How BMR has importance to loose your weight
Before discussing role of BMR in weight loss first we need to understand what exactly BMR is?
BMR or basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy expended while at rest or BMR is the minimum
amount of calories required to sustain the bodys functions and processes. BMR is responsible for
approximately 60-70 percent of total calories.
If BMR is increased then there would be a constant calorie consumption results in burning excess fats
and significant weight loss.
Some important instruction to know how to loose weight fast
Think of food as fuel that is consumed through out the day
Follow healthful eating from all food groups
Plan your meals because planning your meals helps you to get a balanced diet
Have a nutrient-dense snakes readily available, such as chopped vegetables, fresh fruits, reduced fat
yogurt or cheese, and whole-grain crackers
Often bake, boil, and grill lean protein foods, such as chicken, fish, and seafood
Take more fibre rich diet because fibre keeps the right or appropriate amount of water in your lower
gastrointestinal tract which makes your digestive system proper and efficient
Eat together as a family without the TV
Prepare one dinner for everyone in the family containing a nonstarchy vegetable, lean protein, and
whole grain.
Require that breakfast be consumed within 1 hour of waking. For nonbreakfast eaters, encourage
starting the day with light choices, such as fruit or reduced-fat yogurt
Consider fast food for special meals only
Do 30-60 minutes of physical activity most days
Make physical activity fun by encouraging team sports, active plays, dancing, move your body by
doing such activities in order to burn more and more calories.
Be physically active as a family
Plan active weekends, such as going in to the park, playing sports, walking, biking, in-line skating,
yard work etc.

Limit TV/video time to two hours per day

Dont think of food as good or bad
Dont allow the skipping of meals
Dont eliminate any one food group
Dont stock the refrigerator with caloric beverages, including soda, punch, or juice drinks. In
addition, dont allow excessive 100% juice consumption.
Dont give only one snack food choice
Dont fill cabinets with height fat foods (for example, sugar crackers, cookies, candy, cakes,
muffins, cereals, etc.
Dont take individual food orders from the family members

Dont eat in front of TV

Take proper breakfast
Dont follow sedentary life or activity, such as television viewing or video game use
Dont make physical activity about winning, exercise, or redundant activities.
Dont plan weekend activities that involve food and/or inactivity, such as movies, video games,
watching television sporting events, etc.
Dont allow yourself with TV use. Dont keep the T.V in the bedroom.
Dont take much stress about routine affairs
Drink plenty of water because adequate water intake is very essential for the maintenance of the
health. One should take one glass of water before meal; it will help digestion and also give you the
feeling of fullness which prevents you from overeating.
Drink low fat milk
Do not follow deprivation diet because it cause your metabolic rate slow and being on deprivation diet
for a long time period once you stop diet, your body burns calories more slowly and you will gain wait
faster than ever before.
Drink green tea because green tea polyphenols and katechines play a very important role to increase
the BMR and as a result helps to reduce your weight
Avoid drinks containing sugar and alcohol, because they contain high calories and increase your
Citrus fruits are quite helpful to reduce to reduce your weight fast, drinking a small glass of orange or
grapefruit before each meal is a great way to loose weight fast.
How to loose weight fast with homeopathy
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is
based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is
the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and
symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to achieve weight
loss but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication
is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available which are helpful in weight loss. For
individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic
doctor in person. Some important remedies are given below for weight loss:
Calcaria Carb fat, flabby and chilly patients. Profuse sweat on head; worse at night, by exertion;
easily fatigued; feet are cold and damp; craving for eggs; sensitive to cold and damp climate.
Calcaria Ars especially for fatty women approaching menopause; sensitive to cold weather; liver
and spleen enlarged
Fucus Ves obese patients who suffers from constipation; flatulence; goiter or thyroid enlargements
Thyrodinum intercurrent remedy for weight loss when weight gain is due to thyroid disturbances
Graphites obese, chilly, constipated patients, especially in women when there is history of delayed
menstruation; prone to skin ailments; feels cold; easily chilled and easily over heated.
Lac def for fatty women; feels completely exhausted, ( whether they do anything or not)

Calotropis excellent remedy for weight loss; to make the muscles hard and firm
Phytolacca remarkable medicine for weight loss, helpful ton absorb abnormal tissues new
growths and fat
Ammon Carb obese patients with weak heart; sensitive to cold; aversion to water; habits of
uncleanliness; prone to colds
Antim Crud excellent remedy for weight loss whether there is obesity in young people; patient
with thick white tongue; patient feels exhausted in warm weather.
Kali Mur very well marked medicine for weight loss where complaints are associated with liver
Ferrum Met obesity with anemia, face puffy with pitting of flesh
Aurum met with fatty degeneration of heart
Other important medicines for weight loss are:
Ammon brom, capsicum, kali Brom, kali Carb and medorrhinum

Confusions Over Selection of Potency Get Resolved Only when We Understand The Molecualr
Mechanism Involved In Potentization by chandran nambier

A lot of confusions and phobias exist regarding the selection of potencies to be administered, after
selecting the similimum. Everything is controversial in this area of applied homeopathy. Each
homeopath has his own ways, and believes that only he is right.Young homeopaths get confused due
to totally contradicting advices they get from their different teachers.
Nobody knows what exactly happens during potentization. Nobody knows what are exactly the active
principles of potentized drugs. Nobody exactly knows the molecular mechanism by which potentized
drugs interacts with biological organism and creates a therapeutic effect. Nobody knows how lo
potencies are different from high potencies. Everything is based on speculations. Dynamism,
vibrational theory, Vitalism- everything explained as phenomena happening 'beyond science'.
I am trying to resolve the issue of potencies in the light of scientifically viable working hypothesis
regarding homeopathic therapeutics and potentization.
According to my concept of molecular imprinting involved in homeopathic potentization, the active
principles of potentized drugs are molecular imprints of constituent drug molecules. Since a drug
substance constitutes diverse types of independent molecules in it, potentized drugs also would
contain different types of molecular imprints representing those different drug molecules. These
molecular imprints acts in their independent capacity of configurational similarity by binding up on

pathogenic molecules, producing a therapeutic effect.

As per this view, molecules of drug substances would be completely removed from the medium when
the dilution crosses Avogadro limit. That means, even the smallest sized drug molecules will
disappear above 12c potency. Hence, I proposed that 12c will be the ideal potency for therapeutic
purpose, and further higher potencies will not be different from 12c in medicinal property. Since drug
molecules will be absent above 12c, I presumed that there is no meaning in continuing potentization
higher and higher. On that basis, I suggested to use 12C to 30c potency only.

But many homeopaths, even those who were not reluctant to accept my molecular imprint concept,
invited my attention to their experience that when a drug in 12C- 30c potency acted for some time, a
stage reaches where no further improvement is obtained. In such situations, they could create
curative response by going to higher and higher potencies of same drug. My friends said that their
experiences does not corroborate my suggestion that a drug in all potencies above 12c will be similar
in medicinal properties.
I decided to take up this question seriously, and started working up on it. There were many instance
where NUX 30 failed but NUX 200 acted. It was also correct that in some cases NUX 30 acted for
some time and then came to a standstill, where repeating same potency did not succeed in evoking
any response. Then NUX 30 or NUX 1m acted favorably.
There were another experience reported by some homeopaths, and verified by me. When NUX 1m
failed, NUX 30 or NUX 200 acted. In my experiments on that lines, I noticed that when a case comes
to standstill after a certain period of improvement after using NUX 1m, administration of NUX 30 or
NUX 200 was also beneficial, instead of moving to still higher potencies.
Then I started experimenting on another lines. When NUX 30 failed to provide further improvement
after a certain stage, I used NUX 30 from another sample obtained from another manufacturer. The
result was wonderful. It acted!. I repeated this experiment with different cases, different drugs,
different potencies. Finally I came to the conclusion that it was not a question of going higher or lower,
but changing of samples, changing of source of potentized drugs. I can now suggest my friends, if you
fail with NUX 30, and your are still convinced that the similimum is NUX, use NUX 30 obtained from
another manufacturer. It will work. Always keep maximum samples of same drugs in same potencies
obtained from different sources, and try all of them before changing your prescription. I have also
seen it beneficial to mix all those different samples together and keep as single drug. For example,
you can collect NUX 30 from five different manufacturers and mix them together and keep labeled as
NUX. And see the difference!
Logical explanation for this phenomenon is very simple. It is associated with the process of molecular
imprinting happening in potentization, and the quality of crude drug sample used for potentization.
Simply put, each sample of same drug in same potency may differ in their constituent molecular
imprints. One sample may miss some molecular imprints that may be present in another sample.
Each sample provides only partial curative effect, according to the availability of molecular imprints
present in them. To get a complete therapeutic action of a particular drug, we have to use different
samples from different sources, one after other, or mixing together.
Then regarding so-called 'ultra-high' dilutions. If the process of dilution is done strictly as per

directions given by Samuel Hahnemann, 99 ml alcohol/water mixture has to be thrown away to get 1
ml of 1c potency, which is used as the back potency for 2c stage of potentization. That means, to
prepare 1ml of DM potency we will have to throw away 999999.999 litres of water/ alcohol mixture. Do
you believe one lac litres of ethyl alcohol is thrown away by the manufactures while preparing 1 ml of
homeopathic medicine in DM potency? If you claim that this is not thrown away but kept as various
potencies, can you imagine the size of storage facilities required for each drug? Please remember, we
have around 1000 drugs in homeopathy, which means 1000000000 litres of wastage of ethyl alcoholwater mixture! And also calculate the time, energy utensils, bottles and labor required for handling all
this! Do you believe all this happening?
Every manufacturer claim that they use back potencies, and hence no wastage of alcohol happens.
But somebody in the line has to do the job of raising 30c into 199c, 200c into 999c, 1m into 9999c and
so on. If those people do it genuinely as per Hahnemannian method, they will have to bear all these
wastage, and the cost of back potencies will be unimaginably high!
In the present atmosphere of profit-oriented pharmaceutical business managed by professional
business administrators, we cannot be so nave to believe that the manufacturers of homeopathic
medicines would be so much dedicated to the philosophy of Hahnemann to bear such huge holes in
their money bags. Remember, these same people are flooding the market with all sorts of unethical
patented mixtures in the name of homeopathy, and bribing the homeopaths to market them, in their
greed to amass wealth. How can we expect them to be so much sincere in the service of homeopathy
only while preparing potencies? How much pathetic is the situation since there exist no any scientific
mechanism to verify the exact identity and potency of a drug other than to trust the labels on the
bottles! If somebody make an error knowingly or unknowingly in sticking a label to a stock bottle of
back potency, can you imagine the consequences that will continue to haunt generations of
homeopaths to come? We have to be consoled that potentized homeo medicines cannot kill human
Believe it or not,if you closely monitor what is happening behind the walls of commercial homeopathic
manufacturing units, you will lose all your trust in our very high potencies. I had personally discussed
with some retired supervisors and managers of certain famous production units, and they confessed
some bitter truth. After 30c, most units do not carry on potentization strictly as Hahnemann directed. A
few additional shakes is given to 30c and marked as 199c, which is used as the back potency for
200c. Again with few additional shakes, and 200c becomes 999c used as back potency for 1m. Over
all, we can see that practically, in most cases, the difference between 30c and DM potency is only a
four to ten stage dilution and a few additional shakes!. Finished! And we call it ultra-high potencies!.
Only consolation is that 30c is enough for optimum molecular imprinting to happen, and our drugs will
work if used as similimum, since they contain molecular imprints, and that is enough. This shows that
the difference between 30c and CM or DM is very narrow. Our talk about very high dilution is
practically meaningless. Most homeopaths and manufacturers will not tolerate my statement, because
that may undermine the sand hills of fame they have built in the name of high potencies.
Most homeopaths believe that administration of incorrect remedies and potencies may harm the
patients. If that were the case, homeopaths would have been the greatest criminals in human history!
They would have already harmed the whole human race by the time being through wrong
prescriptions. Even you and me make many many wrong prescriptions everyday, believing that we are
making correct prescriptions. Can anybody deny it with a sincere heart?

From dkc123 [Log on to view profile]

on 2005-11-20

6 replies


Remedy for Optic Atrophy - Profound Vision Loss

My 6 year old daughter has acute vision loss in both eyes due to optic nerve atrophy caused by chronic hydrocephalus. The hydrocephalus has
been treated by VP shunt but even after 1 year the vision has not recovered (she has 20/200 in one eye and only light perception in other).
Please advise of any homeopathic remedy. The ophthalmologist we saw says she has optic nerve atrophy - moderate to severe optic pallor in
both eyes. Please help.

Re: Remedy for Optic Atrophy - Profound Vision Loss

From sajjadakram635 [Log on to view profile]

on 2005-11-20

Phosphorous is the only remedy that is helpful in optic nerve atrophy.Try 6c of this medicine,just a drop ot two in a little water thrice daily half an
hour before or after taking any food.Keep on reporting on this forum.I hope your daughter will be benifitted.

Re: Remedy for Optic Atrophy - Profound Vision Loss

on 2005-11-20
From Nesha-India [Log on to view profile]

Use Euphrasia-Q Eye drops (readily available OTC). one drop in each eye, every two hours, till symptoms persist. AND thereafter one drop in
each eye, every 5th hour for 7-10 days.
Also consider reading :

Re: Remedy for Optic Atrophy - Profound Vision Loss

From dkc123 [Log on to view profile]

on 2005-11-20

Currently i have phos 30c, phos 0/1 and phos 0/3. Can I give that ? How long do i have to give ?

Re: Remedy for Optic Atrophy - Profound Vision Loss

From sajjadakram635 [Log on to view profile]

on 2005-11-21

You can give Phosphorous 30c twice daily.


Dr Sayeed Ahmad

Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation.=

Dr. D.M. Foubiser
Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed fingers.= Dr. E.A.
Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for hiccough occurring after
operations on the abdomen.= Dr. E.A. Farrington
Hypericum is the main remedy for spinal injuries.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic.= Dr. E. A. Farrington
Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for gallstone colic.= Dr.
Colocynthis cures colics again and again.= Dr. T.K. Moore
In biliary colic, Calc. Carb. has never failed me.= Dr. R. Hughes

Ones chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of
dysmenorrhoea.= Dr. M.L.Tyler
Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of
Cactus.= Dr. E.B. Nash
In cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail.= Dr. Jousett
In habitual vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris.= Dr. C.G. Raue
For the excessively obstinate child, Tuberculinum is most often
indicated.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone.=
Dr. J.T. Kent
Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well
without Kali Carb.=Dr. Hahnemann
There is one remedy in regard to enlarged prostate and that is
Hydrangea.= Dr. A.H. Grimmer
For the terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well
indicated.= Dr. C.M. Boger
I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of boils.= Dr.
Nitric Acid is almost specific for diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the
mycins.= Dr. E.W. Hubbard
I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple
acne as Kali Brom 30.= Dr. J.H. Clarke
Lycopodium is master remedy in infantile Eczema.= Dr. Leon Renard =
We have found Bacillinum almost specific for ulceration of cornea in
children.= Dr. M.L. Tyler
Several cases of cataract have been arrested in their progress by
Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration
they were rapidly going on to complete blindness.= Drs. Allen and

The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized.= Dr. C.
Hering =
Arthritis deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific.= Dr.
Schwartz =
In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. Administered
morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed
to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of
sugar is materially lessened.= Dr. Bradford =
Some of the worst cases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by Ant.
Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.= Dr.
E.B. Nash =
Ipecac. is especially the infants friend and is commonly indicated in the
bronchitis of infancy.= Dr. J.T. Kent
Dr Shiv Dua
Prescribing in homoeopathy is both science and art but it is difficult art,
says Dr. S.R. Phatak, author of popular concise repertory. I would like
to add that prescribing is difficult as well as individual art. Everyone
likes to add individual dimension to his/her prescribing. Variation in
potency, frequency, and intake method makes it an individual art. It is
this individuality that we get tips from senior doctors in seminars. These
tips help us when there is confusion to reach totality of a case.
It takes whole of life and hard work to invent a theory. Tips in
homoeopathy are not inventions but these help making inventions. Tips
may or may not be mixed- medicines. The accepted tips are on single,
double or groups of medicines. They are complementary, related,
following well or followed well. Example of such accepted tip is Nux in
the night and Sulphur in the morning.
Useful tips

Give medicine either dissolved in water or pills placed beneath the

tongue for better results.

Try to comprehend the case properly and in doubt only go for the
tips mentioned here-below.

When a patient uses, I, while narrating symptom, it is a general

symptom. When patient uses my instead of I, it is particular
symptom. This is general rule.

Avoid using sub-standard medicine. Get your medicines from good

and reliable drug company.

Give medicines to physically and mentally handicapped persons

free of cost.

Examine every patient physically using your instruments. Verbal

enquiries do not satisfy the patients.

Potency selection of the remedy must be through susceptibility,

sensitivity and stage of disease besides similarity of the selected
medicine with disease.

Tell the patient not to take medicine during its aggravation time.
(examples are: ars. 1 to 2 AM and PM, arn, nux and heper-6AM, bell
3 to 4PM and lyco 4 to 8 PM (7 PM), Rhus-t- 7PM and so on)

Amelioration followed by return of old symptoms means that cure

will take place. Sudden amelioration of all symptoms shows the
remedy is right and disease is not deep seated. Short and sharp
aggravation followed by long amelioration tells that remedy is right.
Long aggravation followed by slow improvement means disease is
deep seated and prognosis is not good. Quick improvement followed
by long aggravation also means the same.

When urine, stool, sweat, sleep and thirst have become normal
and appetite has also returned normal, think that the remedy has

When patients energy has increased and he feels well although

physically not well, your remedy has worked.
External hemorrhoids, painful

First day- Nitric acid 200 morning, and Thuja 200 after noon.

Second day- Silicea 200 morning, and Nitric acid 200 afternoons.

Third day- Thuja 200 morning and Sil 200 afternoon.

Fourth day- Nitric acid 200 morning and Thuja 200 afternoon.

Next three days- S.L. morning and afternoon. The patient will get
tremendous relief.

If the pains are not there after say two days, use S.L. on third and
fourth day onwards.
Pains Skeletal muscles, cramps, sprains etc.

Bry 200 and Rhus tox 200, morning and afternoon respectively on
first day.

Ruta 200 and Bry 200 morning and afternoon on second day.

Rhus tox 200 and Ruta 200 morning and evening on third day.

Bry 200 and Rhus tox 200 morning and evening on fourth day.

Next three days- SL.

Pains, Smooth muscles, pains spasmodic and colicky

Colo 200 and Mag.phos 200, morning and evening for four days.

If the pains are not there after, say, two days, use S.L. on third and
fourth day onwards.
Pains, Lancinating and shooting

Hyperi 200 in the morning, phytoll 200 in the evening first day

Staph 200 in the morning and Hyp.200 in the evening- second day

Repeat and alternate in the manner as in skeletal muscle pains.

Pus cell +++ in urine

Lyco 30 on empty stomach and Lyco 200 at 1P.M for three days
only. S.L. Later for five days. Get the pus cells checked after eight
days and find pus cell much less. Do not repeat and go for other
symptoms of body.
Diarrhea and vomiting after marriage party or heavy meals outside
in hotels

Ars 200 two doses after an interval of one hour and then
same in the night.

Next day Puls 30/QID

Third day, Puls 30/TDS

Fourth day, Puls 30/BD

There will not be any need for any other medicine after four days.
Indigestion, flatulence, constipation (general)

Nux vom 30, evening and night, sulpher 30 in morning for three days.
Amoebiasis, chronic

First day-Sulpher 200, morning and evening- first day.

Second day-Merc. Sol 200 in the morning and Thuja 200 evening.

Third day-Sulpher 200, morning, Merc.sol 200 afternoon before sun set, and
Thuja 200 in evening.

Fourth to seventh day Merc. sol200 morning and Thuja 200 evening.
Prostate enlargement- BHP

Sabal. s-Q-8 drops morning, Hydrang-Q- 8 drops evening and conium 200
bed time for three days. This will control most of problems of BHP. Thereafter,
give conium 200 weekly one dose and biochemic Calc. fluor 6x/ TDS daily.
Check the prostate weight and urine- residue after one month. You will find
excellent results.
Upper respiratory tract infection

Aco 6 in morning, Gel 6 in afternoon and Ars 6 in evening for three days.
Cold, running nose and sneezing

Aco 6 every hour five doses. Running nose will abort. Next day give aco 6
four times a day.

Third day, aco 6 three times a day.

Recurring boils

Myristca seb- 200X, one dose will make difference

E-Mail: [email protected]




Chrysarobinum Acne 1*Locally as a cerate, 4-8 grains to the ounce, of vaseline.

Echinacea Acne 2*Can be applied on face mixed with any facial cream.
Ichthyolum Acne rosacea*Externally used as an ointment with Lanoline 20 to 50
Cinnamonum Antiseptic 1*3-4 drops in 2 quarts of water and should be used as a

Echinacea Antiseptic 2*Bed sores, Carbuncles,Insect-bites, Gangrene.

Eupatorium Aromaticum- Aphthae*Aphthous disease of mouths of infants.
Used as a mouth wash.
Hydrastinum Muriaticum Aphthous ulcers*To be used locally in the strength
of 10 grains to 8 ounces.
Jaborandi - Baldness*Mix it with hair oil and apply it. It can be mixed with
Arnica mother tincture also to get a better result.
Cedron Bites*For insect stings and snake bites.
Adrenalin Bleeding 1*To plug the internal bleeding surface, as in epistaxis to
stop the bleeding immediately. 1 : 1000 solution.
Ferrum Phos Bleeding 2*To arrest bleeding. Haemorrhages are bright red
and occur in pale, anaemic subjects liable to local congestions.
Mag Sulph Boils*Small eruptions all over the body that itch violently.
Arnica Montana Bruises, contusions, ecchymosis*Skin surface is not
Apis Mellifica Burns and scalds 1*With burning and stinging.
Cantharis Burns and scalds 2*Relieves raw burning pain and promotes
healing, covers acute nephritis. One gram of the tincture to one ounce of water is
to be applied externally.
Momordica Balsamina Burns*Used externally as a liniment and poultice.
Scrophularia Nodosa Cancer, glands*For cancerous glands locally.
Citric Acid Cancer, pains 1*Used as a mouth wash for cancer pains.
Lupulus Cancer, pains 2*Painful cancer.
Cineraria Maritima Cataract*One drop 4-5 times a day should be instilled in
the eyes for several months.
Momordica Balsamina Chapped hands*Used externally as a liniment and
Ichthyolum Chilblains*Use locally as an ointment.
Cineraria Maritima Corneal opacities*Especially after trauma.
Hypericum Corns*Painful corns. It should be applied 2 to 3 times per day. It
can be applied on painful acne also.
Balsamum Peru Cracked nipples*Single application as a cerate is sufficient.
Badiaga Dandruff 1*Dandruff where scalp is dry, sore, tetter-like.
Cochleria Armoracia Dandruff 2*When applied locally, it cures dandruff.
Cantharis Dermatitis*With blister formation.
Chrysarobinum Eczema 1*Where the eruptions are crusty, under which pus
Ichthyolum Eczema 2*Chronic eczema, scaly and itching.
Apis Mellifica Erysipelas 1*Sensitiveness and swelling of skin with rosy hue.

Cantharis Erysipelas 2*Vesicular type with burning and itching.

Mag Sulph Erysipelas 3*Apply locally a saturated solution. Acts as an
antiphlogistic and antipruritic.
Arnica Montana Falling of hair*Mix with hair oil and apply it.
Hamamelis Fissures 1*Use distilled extract locally.
Ratanhia Fissures 2*With great constriction of anus and knife-like stitches.
Badiaga *Freckles*Can be used externally.
Ruta - raveolens*Ganglion*Apply tincture locally.
Ceanothus Hair tonic*Use externally. Especially for persons with splenic
Capsicum Herpes labialis*Apply one drop of mother tincture.
Cantharis Herpes zoster*Herpes with raw, burning pains. Apply an ointment
made with the 3x potency.
Chrysarobinum Herpes*Herpes tonsurans where lesions tend to become
Apis Mellifica Insect bites*Especially bee-stings.
Psoralia Leucoderma*It should be applied on patches and the patient is
advised to take sunheat, in the morning for 10-15 minutes. If there is itching, it
should be stopped immediately.
Staphysagria Lice*Lice infestation on head.
Phytolacca Mastitis*Mammae hard and very sensitive.
Bellis Perrenis Naevi*Apply on affected parts.
Sanguinaria Nasal polyp*It is best for nasal washing. When there is a nasal
polyp, or deviated nasal septum. Take seven drops, mix with half a cup of water
and take nasal wash.
Chloralum Offensive foot sweat*Bathe feet with one percent solution.
Argentum Nitricum Ophthalmia*Ophthalmia with abundant, purulent
discharge. Locally apply a 2 grain to 1 ounce solution.
Mag Sulph Orchitis*Should be used locally in the proportion of 1:4 in water.
Ratanhia Piles*Piles burning like fire, temporarily relieved by cold water.
Teucrium Marum Verum Polyp*Nasal polypi. Dry powder should be used.
Arnica Montana Premature greying of hair*Apply locally.
Menthol Pruritus 1*Especially used in pruritis vulvae.
Symphytum Pruritus ani*Use locally.
Borax Pruritus pudendii*Use locally in pruritis vulvae.
Mentha Piperata Pruritus vaginae*Apply externally.
Chrysarobinum Psoriasis 1*Crusty eruptions which tend to become
Ichthyolum Psoriasis 2*Externally used as an ointment with Lanoline 20 to
50 per cent.
Phytolacca Pyorrhoea*As a mouthwash for pyorrhoea alveolaris and for
offensive breath.
Balsamum Peru Rhagades*Promotes granulation.
Ichthyolum Rheumatic joints*A solution of equal parts of Ichthyol and water
is warmed and applied to the affected joint and covered with heated cloths,
outside of which is impervious to evaporation.

Alstonia Scholaris Rheumatic pains*Apply locally.

Chrysarobinum Ringworm 1*Of the scalp.
Oleum Jecoris Ringworm 2*Locally in ring-worm and nightly rubbing. Apply
plain oil at bedtime. Before application the part must be washed well with soft
Balsamum Peru Scabies 1*Apply locally a solution prepared in the ratio of
1:40. All parts are gently rubbed with it at night and a bath taken in the morning.
Ichthyolum Scabies 2*Apply externally.
Thiosinaminum Scar tissue*Dissolves scar tissue. Keloids.
Ranunculus Bulbosus- Sciatica*Apply tincture to heel of affected leg.
Mag Sulph Septic conditions*Add one part of tincture to 4 parts of water and
apply locally.
Eupatorium Aromaticum Sore nipples 1*Tincture should be applied locally.
Graphites Sore nipples 2*Locally used as a cerate.
Phytolacca Sore throat*Take 5 drops, mix with half a cup of water and
Platanus Tumors*Tarsal tumours.
Hamamelis Ulcerations*With bruised soreness of the affected parts.
Alstonia Scholaris Ulcers 1*Should be used externally.
Hydrastis Canadensis Ulcers 2*Locally apply tincture or fluid extract.
Geranium Maculatum Ulcers, atonic*Atonic and foul ulcers. To destroy the
pyogenic membrane.
Balsamum Peru Ulcers, indolent*Raw surfaces of indolent ulcers. To
promote granulation and remove foetor.
Cistus Canadensis Ulcers, phagedenic*To arrest foetid discharges.
Symphytum Ulcers,sores*Apply externally.
Apis Mellifica Urticaria*Intolerable itching with intolerance to heat and
slightest touch.
Sabina Warts 1*Fig-warts with intolerable itching and burning.
Sempervivum Tectorum Warts 2*Apply tincture or fresh juice of plants.
Thuja Occidentalis- Warts, excrescences*Manifestations of the sycotic
Calendula Officinalis Wounds*Burns, sores, fissures and abrasions.
Promotes granulation and prevents scars.
Sempervivum Tectorum Wounds, bites*Bites of insects, bee stings,
poisoned wounds.
Cistus Canadensis Wounds, poisonous*Poisonous wounds. Bites

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Ingrowing toe nails and ulcers about the nails are often most troublesome
affections, and the more we confine ourselves to the treatment of these

apparently local troubles the worse off we shall be as well as the patient. A
few months since I saw a case of this kind in company with another physician.
The treatment had been localized, and such remedies as Arn., Merc., Hepar.,
Nit. ac., had been given. It now turned out that she was full of Rhus tox.
symptoms. Restless nights ; was compelled to change her position frequently,
and always with relief ; was stiff in joints and muscles on first motion, better
after moving for a while ; loss of appetite, etc. Rhus tox. in a high potency
gave her good nights rest ; stiffness of joints and limbs left her ; her appetite
returned ; the ulcer and apparent ingrowing toe nail got perfectly well a few
weeks later without any tropical applications. (H. N. Guernsey.)
I was called in consultation to an obstinate case of intermittent fever. It was a
case imported from a district in the west where malaria abounds. It had been
of years standing, having been cured several times by the inevitable Quinine
on account of the plasmodium malaria. But of late she had been unable to
take Quinine. It made her sicker than the disease. I had suggested Ipec. and
again one or two other remedies on the statement of the physician in charge,
and because she had been so abused with Quinine, but still the case went on
and grew worse until the doctor insisted on my coming to see her. When
arrived at the house where the patient was she was just coming out of a very
severe chill. She was tossing from side to side, with moaning, low delirium
with muttering. I managed to get a look at her tongue, it was red and dry, in a
triangular red tip pointing backward. Just then she gave a hard dry cough.
What about the cough ? said I. Well, said one of the lady bystanders, that
cough is very peculiar. She only coughed during the chill. Probably she wont
cough again now until the next chill. There were other symptoms, of course,
which I will not narrate here, because we have enough to prescribe on without
fear of failure. Every homopath knows what it is. Rhus tox. 200 was given.
She never had another chill. The doctor was a good prescriber, but he had not
seen the case right in the paroxysm, and he was a young practitioner and had
never heart of Carroll Dunhams cough symptom. (Nash.)

A man sprained his leg in a harvest field. When he presented himself to me he
had exhausted the old school remedies. Found a swelling about the size of
half an ordinary orange just below the knee-cap at the head of the tibia. Was
very lame, worse during rest, at night, before a storm, etc., a complete Rhus
Prescribed Rhus 30. In five days he reported no swelling and no pain to speak
of. He got but one prescription. He sent another man who had been hurt in the
same field ; he had sprained his ankle. The symptoms in this case were
precisely the same as in the other ; it was, however, of more recent
occurrence, and was located at the ankle instead of at the knee ; but still a
clear Rhus case. I gave him the same as I gave the other, with the assurance
to the patient that it would cure him in a week. He came to me again not
better. I was so sure of the remedy that I gave him the 3d of the same. He
reported in a week that the medicine acted like a charm. (W. J. Hawkes.)

German, aged sixty-six, attacked in 1837, from exposure to cold,
accompanied by paralysis of the right side from which he slowly recovered.
No symptoms of rheumatism until twelve years ago ; since then pains almost
constantly in the right side ; decidedly rheumatic in character with marked
periodicity, coming on at 10 P. M. and lasting till 6 A. M., worse in winter and
before a storm ; during storm pains over the whole body ; intense pain on
moving after a rest, but continued motion relieved. Rhus tox. 200, one dose a
week, in six weeks well and no rheumatism since. (H. H. Baxter.)

Mrs. Duane Fuller, age about 65, was taken with severe chill, which was soon
followed by aching pains all over, wrist, in back and head. She soon lost
consciousness, went into a stupor with low grade delirium muttering and
continually tossing from side to side in the bed. The tongue began to grow dry
and stiff so that her muttering grew unintelligible. There was an epidemic of
typhoid fever in the vicinity, some had died under old school treatment ; so I
first prescribed Baptisia with confidence that it would so modify the case that
its subsequent treatment would be easy or abort it entirely, as I had done in a
number cases before. But it failed. The next day there was no improvement,
and I, thinking that psora might be standing in the way, dropped in a dose of
Sulphur 200. Then erysipelas of the head and face, the most intense I ever
saw, developed. Perhaps the Sulphur brought it out, but there was no
amelioration of the other symptoms.

The head and face were so swollen that the eyes were completely closed,
and the size of the head it seemed to me was nearly one-third increased. The
eruption was decidedly vesicular. Now the remedy was pain. Rhus tox. m. m.
was given in solution. The restlessness immediately began to subside, the
muttering less, and an easy sleep (though she remained unconscious)
followed in which she remained for several days and nights. The swelling
gradually subsided, the vesicles dried and scaled off, and when she awoke
her mind was clear. In nine days sat up in bed and took nourishment, and
made rapid and complete recovery. (Nash).

I had a similar case. It was of long standing. The tumor of the stomach or
rather just below the pit of the stomach was the size of my two fits ; it was
very large. After the coffee grounds vomit appeared twice then came a large
wash bowl full of vomitus looking like molasses ; these were signs of
dissolution. That case received a dose of Arsenicum at that time, and has
never received a dose since, and she has been well for two years. No
repetition of the remedy. (Biegler.)

Florence Johnson, a young woman, had been afflicted a long time with
chronic gastritis. She was unable to take ordinary food without great burning
and distress in her stomach. This condition of stomach was relieved when she
had eczema of both ears, which was intensely painful and burning. She would
sometimes succeed in healing the ears, but in proportion as she succeeded in

that the stomach symptoms returned. Then she would get very poor in flesh. I
had given her Sulphur and Graphites without perceptible benefit and also
Arsenicum 30 and 200. Finally I concluded to try the Arsenicum higher. Gave
her Arsenicum 37m., made on my own potentizer, and the effect was
wonderful. The whole trouble promptly yielded, and she had no trouble since
now several years. I forgot to say that she also had scalp trouble of a similar
nature with that of the ears, which also subsided. (Nash.)

Jennie Marit, young lady, had measles ; everything went well for a few days.
The eruption came out all right, when all at once, in the night, the eruption,
without apparent cause, disappeared from the skin, and intense dyspna
with great restlessness and tossing about in agony and extreme prostration
set in. These were all Arsenicum symptoms, and this remedy in frequently
repeated doses relieved all those distressing and dangerous symptoms in a
very short time, and she made a rapid recovery. (Nash.)

Mrs. Hayford, age 35, had severe attacks of gastralgia. They came on a little
after midnight and lasted until 3 A. M. I asked her what was the character of
the pains. She answered, burning as if my stomach was full of live coals.
What have you done four yourself ? Everything I can think of, but the only
relief I can get is to walk the floor with a hot water bag held across my
stomach. I am blistered now with it, and I am growing weak from pains and
loss of rest, fairly prostrated. The veriest tyro would not hesitate to prescribe
Arsenicum for such a case, which I did, with a promise to call next day. I was
very busy at the time, and forgot all about the case for a week, when, passing
the house one day, it came to mind. Then I went in and found the patient at
her house work looking bright and happy. Well, said I, how are you ? Are you
dead, well or got another doctor ? I forgot you. She answered, I am not dead
or sent for another doctor, and I havent had any more of those attacks of pain
; but, doctor, would that medicine send out salt rheum ? Ah, you had salt
rheum before you had the gastralgia. Yes. You cured or rather suppressed it
with an ointment. Yes. That was the cause of your trouble in the stomach. But,
doctor, I dont want either. Well try to make you better of both. Which we did
She moved away from Cortland about a year after, and, while not entirely
cured of the eczema, was very much better. (Nash.)

Mrs. B., aged 45, had for many years suffered from a very delicate and
irritable stomach, from cankerous sore mouth (cured by Phytolacca), all in
consequence of what is mistermed scientific treatment. She also had suffered
from hay fever, regularly returning every year on the 16th of September.
Mrs. B. returned from Europe, after an absence of several years, on the 26th
of July last ; the voyage had been a very unpleasant one ; she had been very
seasick all the time. From the time she left Liverpool till she was visited by me,
on the 27th of July, she had taken literally no nourishment ; broken ice was
the only thing that had passed her lips. I found her sitting up, occasionally
straining to vomit, very weak, pulse 116 per minute ; she complained of a

violent pain in the occiput, with great heat, which she had tried to relieve by
applications of broken ice ; urinary secretions suppressed ; mouth dry and hot
; she had not slept for fortnight, and could not lie down on account of great
nervousness, as she expressed it, which compelled her to change her
position and her chair so very often ; she wandered about all night from chair
to chair ; was very disagreeable ; perfect loathing of food, and for a few days
had a watery, very offensive and black looking diarrha. The choice of the
remedy was easy enough. I gave her one dose of Arsenicum alb. 50m.
(Fincke), on her tongue, July 27th (10 A. M.). July 28th had slept in her bed
from 10 P. M. till 1 A. M., then became nervous and restless, but says that she
July 29. She has been in bed all night ; slept ; and no return of the diarrha ;
urinary secretions re-established ; the hot water applications to her head have
very much relieved the pain, had later some milk toast, and relished it ; pulse
July 31. Had a still better night ; is better in every respect, but complains of
severe pains in a bunion on the left foot ; it is much inflamed and stings. I
gave her now one dose of Nitric acid. c. m. (Fincke).
August 1. The bunion is less painful, otherwise there is not much change
August 2. Bunion still improving, and on August 3rd no more pain or
inflammation in it. In the evening, same day, I was again summoned to see
her ; found her quite ill ; the diarrha and vomiting had returned with great
violence ; pulse over 110 ; the same headache as on the 27th had also
returned, also the great restlessness. Gave her one dose of Arsenicum album
(Fincke) dry on her tongue. Found her better the next day, and the
improvement continued ; on the 6th of August her bunion began to pain her
again as on the 21st. Gave no medicine. Improvement continued satisfactorily
; when the 16th of September came she had that night, about 1 A. M., some
oppression of breathing, which reminded her of the terrible asthmatic attacks
she had had years ago ; she had to sit up for half an hour. No medicine. She
fully recovered and traveled for some weeks ; had no hay fever ; really has
had nothing to complain of since ; enjoys better health than she has had for
years (Ad. Lippe.)

Mrs. Jehial Clark, aged about 60, was afflicted with one of the worst forms of
sciatica. Her brother, Charles Sanders, of New York, of School Reader fame,
was already a cripple from the same disease, allopathically treated. In this
patients case the pains were intense, with decided burning sensation. They
were greatly aggravated from 1 to 3 in the morning. She was greatly
prostrated from her suffering. The only way she could get any rest (for she
was exceedingly restless, continually wanting to be changed from place to
place) was from bags of dry hot salt continually applied along the nerve.
There were other symptoms, but these are enough to show the remedy that a
homopath would naturally prescribe. Arsenicum alb. was given in the 30
and 200. To my surprise no good came of it. Then Sulphur was given in the
possibility that psora was complicating matters, but with no good result given.
Now other remedies were tried, but, of course, ineffectually.
I had one thing in my favor, the history of her brothers case, which had run

much longer than hers. So there was no object in her changing to the old
school, especially as he had been left an incurable cripple. It was in the earlier
part of my practice, so I had not gotten much above the 200th potency then.
But I had a graft of Jenichens 8,000th in the office, so as nothing else did any
good I concluded to try it. It was given in solution with rapid and permanent
relief. She was well in an incredibly short time, and never had a return of the
trouble, although she had suffered for four weeks, before she got this
preparation. (Nash).

Mrs. E. G., t. 36, had been given up to die by her family physician.
She came of a consumptive family, her mother and her mothers parents
having died with the disease. She had always menstruated VERY
PROFUSELY, and after having practiced upon herself, within the course of
eight or nine years, no less than seven abortions, her menses assumed the
type of recurrent hmorrhages. Her lungs had always been very sensitive ;
has had more or less cough ; at first DRY and HACKING, later loose and
hollow. Has had pneumonia twice, making a tardy recovery each time. At
present was convalescing from a third and severe attack of pneumonia, when
some imprudence on her part brought about an unfavourable change, and
SYMPTOMS. Constant hollow, loose cough, extreme sensitiveness of the
lungs to cold air and to far ; profuse and general perspiration at night, of a
sour smell. Extreme emaciation, constipation alternating with watery diarrha
; great despondency ; constant passive hmorrhage from the uterus of dark
foul blood. Calcarea carb. 30 was the first and only remedy prescribed. Under
its use she not only made a good recovery from this attack, but regained by its
long continued use a surprising degree of general health. (Arndt.)

Peckham, child at 18 months. Fair haired, blue eyes, chubby when born, but
with open fontanelles and sweaty headed. Has for a few weeks past had what
her doctor called cholera infantum. All sorts of foods had been tried until now,
when they called me in, the diarrha, of a sour smell and light colored, was
almost incessant ; every diaper. There was also frequent vomiting of sour
substance and the milk came up in very large curds. There was great
emaciation and child when it slept did so with half open eyes, and the sweat
on the head wet the pillow far around. I put Calcarea carb. 6m. (Jenichen) in
the childs food, as suggested by Dr. Hering, and in a few days marked
improvement set in and continued until the patient was perfectly well. Many
such cases are on record. (Nash.)

Rank W., a lad aged 10, blue eyes, light thin hair, pale, thin face and of a
scrofulous disposition. One year previous to my call a periostitis set up in the
shaft of the left tibia upon the inner side. Case as presented to me the first
time ; bone has exfoliated along the whole length of the shaft ; ulcer is so
deep that not more than one-half of the supporting structure remains and leg
is much bent ; ulcer keeps up a continuous discharge which has left little vital
resource behind. Patient is not only badly emaciated, but has a hectic fever

and a bad cough, with dullness in the right apex. Cough is dry and harasses
him in the evening ; has night sweats. Was given Calcarea carbonica 6, and
urged to use milk freely as a diet, to which added the amount of three
tablespoonfuls of brandy every twenty-four hours. Ulcers were fully healed
and bone reparation complete within the next twelve months. All traces of lung
trouble also passed away and I have never known of subsequent trouble,
though case passed from my observation in the course of half a dozen years.
We will here add that we have many times succeeded in curing these bone
ulcers, commonly called fever sores, with the use of Calcarea carb., milk
and brandy, and they all remain cured so far as we know. (G. N. Brigham.)

Eddie D., 18 months old. Oct. 30, 1881, the mother brought him to me, saying
she had done all she could, and now desired me to treat him, if I thought I
The child was pale, flabby and very weak ; has pale blue eyes and golden hair
; had diarrha three months, which nothing could stop. According to the
mothers ingenuity, Hes a good child and never cries much. Was eating a
biscuit when his mother entered the office with him. I told her the child was
forming a bad habit. She immediately answered, I must always carry
something for him to eat wherever I go, because he wants to eat all the time,
and he just loves eggs, but I dont know whether he ought to have them or not
; they make his bowels run off, and he takes a very bad spell once a month. I
I noticed a watery coryza and rattling in the chest. Every time the mother
opened her mouth I thought more of Calcarea, which I gave in the 85m
potency, one dose, dry on the tongue, in the office, and thirteen powders of
Sac. lac., a powder to be dissolved in a half glass of water, and a teaspoonful
to be given every two hours. The mother desired to know about letting him
have the eggs. I told her that his craving for them would gradually decrease,
November 14. Much better in every respect. He does not crave eggs quite so
much and his bowels are better, but he cannot walk yet. I told her she should
not expect the child to be entirely well in two weeks, when it had been sick
Sac. lac., 13 powders to be taken in the same manner.
Dec. 9. Still improving. Is beginning to walk again and does not crave eggs
any more, though he likes to eat them. Mother thinks his bowels are natural
now. I could detect no rattling in the chest, and nose had stopped running.
Sac. lac., nine powders. Told the mother she need not come back unless the
child got worse, and then to let me know immediately. I have heard from the
child repeatedly and he is still hearty. (Tom Hagen.).

In the year 18 I was called on to visit a Mrs. D., aged 40, who had come
some forty miles to place herself under my care for the treatment of an
obstinate and grave inflammation to both eyes, supposed to have arisen from
cold, and which had hitherto resisted all attempts at cure. The inflammation

was severe, and the eyes so extremely sensitive that any examination beyond
a mere glance was out of the question, and I hesitated somewhat to assume
the responsibility of the case. Without delay she was placed under the use of
such remedies as seemed indicated by the ascertained totality of symptoms,
the names of which, writing from memory, cannot now be recalled.

This treatment continued about three weeks, the only beneficial result
obtained being a slight mitigation of the symptoms. Not satisfied with so poor
a return, and diligently searching for some cause for this partial success, I
conceived that the history of the case might not have fully reached me. So I
sat down for a patient inquiry, from which was gathered that Mrs. D., with her
husband, emigrated from the city of London some years before this and had
purchased a piece of land on our Northern Railroad contiguous to a marsh,
the proximity of which induced recurring attacks of intermittent fever, for which
Quinine had been freely and often taken, with the usual effect of at length
breaking the chills, as it is termed, and, as our patient supposed, of curing
the disease. Unfortunately, when the ague ceased its chill, etc., the eyes,
which had hitherto been sound, became greatly inflamed, and so persistent
and severe that at times total loss of vision seemed imminent.

My inference from this statement was that the intermittent fever had not been
cured by the Quinine, but suppressed, and so thrown back into the system to
concentrate its baneful effects in another form, which I conceived to be this
affection of the eyes. Should these deductions be correct, it was further
premised that no improvement in the eyes was possible unless the restraining
and suppressive action of the Quinine on the primary disease could be
antidoted ; and if this were predicable, the intermittent might return. Actuated
by these thoughts, and the presence of nausea as a prominent but hitherto
unrecognized symptom, I gave Ipecac 30, four times daily, during several
days, when, to my surprise and delight, one morning about 9 oclock a very
decided chill set in more severe than any which the patient had yet
experienced, followed by intense fever and subsequent perspiration.

The next day was an intermission, succeeded on the third day by a renewal of
all the symptoms, time etc., of the first I had then a clear tertian, beginning at
9 A. M., from which, and other symptoms now forgotten, there remained no
reasonable ground for rejecting Nat. mur. as the remedy. It was accordingly
administered in the 30th potency four times daily for a while, an after three
paroxysms, occupying nine days, the disease ceased to return, being, as the
sequel showed, completely cured ; and, to my great delight, the Natrum had
acted so beneficially that nothing else was required, and I shortly had the
pleasure of sending my patient home, cured of both the malarial fever and the
terrible effect on the eyes of its having been suppressed. (John Hall).

I was called to Mrs. Shultz, a young married woman, who had a short time
before (three months, I think) had a miscarriage. She had, under the care of
an old school physician, who stood high in the profession, not recovered her
health, but had grown anmic, weak and emaciated, and a bad cough, with

considerable expectoration, had set in. Now the doctor gave it as his opinion
that she had consumption and an unfavourable prognosis.

This of course was discouraging, and as he had treated her so long with this
I took charge of the case with some misgivings, as the former physician was a
man of acknowledged ability, but, as I watched the case, after a few days I
observed that what the doctor had called hectic fever every afternoon was
preceded by a distinct chill every day at 10 A. M. with clock-like regularity. I
also noticed that the high fever was accompanied with very red face and
throbbing headache, and was followed by sweat, which relieved all the
suffering, and the rapid pulse became nearly normal in the morning. I also
observed that the patient lived right on the banks of a swampy marsh. So I
concluded to ignore the name the doctor had given the disease and give the
remedy covering the symptoms. I gave Natrum mur., although it had never
cured a case of consumption, and cured the patient, completely and rapidly.
Woman aged 53. She complains of a dull heavy feeling all over her ; almost
continual headache, which is worse in cloudy and damp weather ; extremely
sensitive to cold air, especially the head and feet ; sleeps well, but dreams
bad dreams. There are also unmistakable evidences of liver trouble, which
she says have existed for twenty-five years. The period of aggravation of all
her symptoms, especially headache, is between 10 A. M. and 12 noon ; the
appetite is generally fair ; has a craving for salt. The history of this case shows
that when she was a girl she had frequent and protracted attacks of fever and
ague, during which she took large quantities of Quinine in some form or other.
She says she has never been well since then ; she continually experiences a
Her only recollection of these attacks, of the fever and ague, is that she was
at that time fond of salt ; craved salt. It is very evident that this patient, when
she had the fever and ague, was a subject for Natrum mur., and the
probability is that had she had the remedy administered at that time her life
would not have been so miserable an existence during the interim. The
remedy is clearly indicated at the present time, especially by the craving for
salt, and the persistent headache agg. between 10 A. M. and 12 noon and the
bad reams. Jan. 29th three powders of Nat. mur. 1 m were prescribed.
Feb. 5th. Headache less, dull heavy feeling of body less, and no bad dreams.
March 4th. The patient seemed almost well and said she had improved more
during the past week than in any previous week since taking the medicine,
notwithstanding she had taken no medicine except that prescribed at her first
visit. (C. M. Boger.)

R., boy aged four years, had for fourteen months continued attacks of tertian
intermittent. Quinine had been given until the little fellow sensibly refused to

In August, 1880, I learned that he had had a paroxysm every other day for
seven months. The malarial and quinine cachexia was well marked, and with
the chill, which began between 10 and 11 A. M., there was intense thirst for
large draughts of water, and during the fever which followed he complained of
his head hurting and jumping. One dose of Natrum mur. (30) was given at
the end of a paroxysm. He remained free from another attack until in the
following October, when, the same symptoms presenting, another dose of
Nat. mur. was given, and he has no chills since (May, 1881), and has
continued to live in the same place, and his health is constantly improving.
This case came under observation while I was visiting the section in which he
resides with his parents, and on learning that many cases of a similar
character were in the neighborhood I felt a vial of Nat. mur., with directions to
give one dose to any case met with ; and I learned a few months afterwards
that several cases had been cured with that remedy. (Geo. H. Clarke.)

R., lad, t. 12, living at Park-gate. He suffered for some time from
constipation, loss of appetite, dirty looking complexion, emaciation, frontal
headache going round to the back, sleepiness towards evening and, first thing
Excepting the nasty smell, which the boy could not define, I find these
symptoms in the pathogenesis of Natrum muriaticum in Allens Encyclopdia
of Pure Materia Medica and numbered respectively 529, 353, 251, 885, 64,
970, 561. Therefore, Natrum mur. 6, and that six grains in water, forenoon and
afternoon. After taking 24 powders he returned, cured of all the symptoms
except the odor of the urine and the emaciation, and feeling very much
better. The prescription was repeated and the patient did not return. His
father subsequently informed me that the cure was complete. (Burnett.)

Mrs. Dr. Keese was attacked with a severe inflammatory rheumatism of the
knee. The swelling was very red and painful. There was high temperature,
quick pulse, great restlessness and exceeding sensitiveness to the pain.
Aconite brought very little if any relief, and Bryonia next on account of the < on
movement and great thirst suffered like defeat. Now (said the patient) why
dont you help me ? I know you can if you have a mind to. That was flattering,
and I naturally wanted to make good. I turned down the bed clothes to view
the situation. As I put out my hand to feel of the knee, she exclaimed in terror,
Oh ! dont touch it. The least touch is unbearable and brings on the pain for
I said you hold still, and put my hand carefully on the inflamed knee and
gradually increased the pressure until I pressed it hard and firm. The patient
looked astonished and ashamed as she said why, doctor, that dont hurt me,
but I tell you that the least touch has put me in agony before. I took off the
pressure as gradually as I had put it on, and the usual severe < did not follow.
She then got China 200th, and when I visited her twenty-four hours later she
exclaimed, there, I knew you could help me if you wanted to. No other remedy
was needed. (Nash.)

Chas. P., a tailor, came to see me at the dispensary, having suffered a long
time from facial neuralgia. Had been treated by several old school doctors, but
each one after treating for some time with remedies and liniments with hardly
any relief told him that he would have to be operated on to have the diseased
nerve cut out, as it was the only way he could ever be cured. This was to him
always a signal to try another doctor, as he did not relish the idea of an
operation. He had been so long unable to work and had spent all his savings
for doctors and drugs that he was now compelled to try the free dispensary.
The pain was entirely on the left side of the face and neck. It would come and
shoot through the face like lightning, especially in the house, especially if the
tried to sew on the machine, or the children made any noise. The only relief
he could get was by walking slowly about in the open air. He could only sleep
after applying cloths, wet with cold water, to the left side of the face and head ;
when these got warm the pains would awaken him, but on re-applying them
he could go to sleep again. The relief from cold, open air and slow motion
decided me to give him Pulsatilla c. m., but all in vain.

I then assured him he must be mistaken about his symptoms, for, if correct, I
thought he ought to have been cured, but he persisted that he had given his
symptoms correctly, and continued : If I only touch my nose or cheek ever so
slightly, thus, suiting the action to the word, I can bring on that pain, and the
expression of his face and his groans showed that he had been more than
successful. He was still worse from any noise indoors, heat, lying on the left
side of the face and from eating, better from fresh open air, walking slowly and
from cold in general. Stools daily, but almost black, urine dark yellow. I now
gave him China 200, to take one powder mornings and evenings. After three
days he returned, saying : I have had no more neuralgia since taking the
second powder, and have slept well every night since without the cold cloths.
You are the thirteenth doctor who has treated me for this, but the only one
who has cured me. (F. H. Lutze.)

J. Hall, a young man, unmarried, has had for a long time great bloating of the
abdomen, with severe paroxysms of colic. When I was called to him he had
been in bed some time, a number of days, as the colic and bloating was
getting worse continually. He was a dark complexioned, medium height and
build, dark hair and eyes. He was jaundiced and had a yellow, watery
diarrha, which passed with much flatus, but did not relieve the pain or
reduce the size of the abdomen. The abdomen was as full as that of a woman
ready to be confined ; very tympanitic, and the convolutions of the whole
length of the colon bulged out so that they could be seen as well as felt
through the thin abdominal wall, for he was quite emaciated generally. He laid
straightened out on the bed on his back, except when the painful paroxysms
came on, when he would throw himself about in agony and groan.

I tried various remedies, among which were Colocynth., Arsenicum, Nux

vomica, and finally Dioscorea, which I thought would certainly relieve him,
because he bent backward instead of doubled up with the pain, and
Dioscorea is a great flatulent remedy, and had served me well in such cases.

China, Carbo v. and Lycopod. had also been tried. They were all used in the
30th and below. But no good from any of them. It was a poor family, and the
mother being worn out with night watching (no nurse to help her) fell asleep,
and the patient became delirious with the pain and escaped from the bed, and
in his night clothes was overtaken three miles from home and taken back. Of
course, things got serious, but they had one advantage, they were too poor to
change doctors or to pay for an operation of any kind. Well, as has been my
custom, I sat down and studied up the case again. Nearly all his symptoms
called for China. But he had had China low. Now the only thing to do was to
try it high. What, in such a desperate case ? Yep. Only thing to do. So I gave
him some China 5m. made on my own potentizer (so I knew what it was). The
result was all a Lippe could desire. The terrible pain grew promptly but
gradually less, the tympany gradually subsided, the diarrha stopped, and in
a month from its first administration he was working on the road with the rest
of his fellow laborers. There was no return. Now there was a very prominent
subjective symptom in the case which I have not mentioned. As H. N.
Guernsey used to give it : Uncomfortable distention in the abdomen, with a
wish to belch up, or sensation as though the abdomen were packed full, not in
the least relieved by eructations. In this case neither belching nor stool
relieved in the least. (Nash.)

Mrs. R., age 65, had been treated during five or six years at different times by
two homopaths for torpid liver. During all this time she had not had a natural
evacuation, the stool had to be washed out by an enema ; there had not been
She had become very feeble and emaciated and suffered frequently and
severely from neuralgia on the right side of the face, which the treatment of
her physicians did not seem to relieve. An allopath being called in gave her a
lengthy prescription, containing Quinine, Strychnia, Aloe, Podophyllum,
Euonymus, etc., to be made into pills to take two mornings and evenings. The
first dose aggravated her so much that she did not take the second dose until
the following morning ; this making her still worse, the pills were abandoned
and I was called. I found her delirious, temperature 104 degrees, but could
obtain no symptoms.

Nux vom. 200, given at bed-time, produced a favourable change by next

morning, but in the evening neuralgia of right side of head and face appeared,
with symptoms of Bellad., and this soon relieved the neuralgia, as also
another attack a month later. During the interval and after the second attack
she was treated according to symptoms, but after two months the neuralgia
made its appearance again ; this time on the left side of the head, face and
neck, with exactly the same symptoms, but Bellad. gave no relief whatever ;
she was rather worse in the afternoon. Mrs. R. then told me that the slightest
touch would not only aggravate the pain, but actually reproduce it in its worst
form, if touched when she was free from it. Chin. sulph. covering all the
symptoms, including the reproduction of pain by touch, which is not found
under Bellad., I gave her a dose of Chin. sulph. 45m in water, to take two
teaspoonfuls every two hours, which gradually improved her, so that she was

free from pain in four hours and never had another attack of neuralgia. (F. H.
Lutze, 1893.)

A delicate girl, three years old, has had an exhausting diarrha three weeks.
It is now painless, consisting of brownish yellow fluid, with much undigested
food. She has ten or twelve operations in twenty-four hours, and is much
debilitated. China 200, every two hours, produced decided improvement in
thirty-six hours, and complete convalescence in two days more. (J. B. Bell.)

I was called to see a man with rheumatism. He had been confined to his bed
and arm chair for many months, and had suffered greatly from the disease
and many doctors. Had not tried homopathy, for there was nothing in it. I
found joints swollen (hands, feet, knees, body). The affection had continued
all the time to move from joint to joint since he was attacked.
Temperament, fair ; mild disposition. There were other symptoms, but these
were leading. He received Pulsatilla c. m. (Fincke). He improved promptly, but
in a few days sent for me. He showed me a discharge from the urethra that
looked gonorrhal in character. That was in the days of long ago, when we
did not know so much about bacteriology. He said that his wife had given it to
him, for he had, as everybody knew, not been able to get away from home.
The wife indignantly denied the imputation. Both looked to me for a solution of
the mystery. I said to him did you ever have clap before ? He hesitated
under the scrutiny of the flashing eyes of his wife. Then said : Yes, I did when
I was a young man, before I was married. I said your rheumatism is improving
since this discharge appeared. Yes. How were you cured of the clap ? By an
injection. Well, then, I said neither you nor your wife are guilty of inconstancy
toward each other. This rheumatism from which you are now suffering is the
result of that suppressed gonorrha of twenty years ago, and you will get well
of both under the action of appropriate medication. But no more local
injections, please. He recovered rapidly. I have seen other cases similar from
such suppressions and am careful not to resort to them. I did not know of the
history of gonorrha in the case, but treated it on the symptomatic
indications. (Nash.)

Mrs. G., age 35, a farmers wife, called to get some medicine for neuralgia,
stating that the whole right side of the head was involved. The pains would
come and go gradually at very irregular periods, shoot into the ear along the
side of the neck and under the eye, and were always made worse by putting
anything cold in the mouth. To the question if the pain was relieved by putting
anything warm in the mouth, she answered : Oh, no ; that makes it a great
deal worse. The pains, although mostly confined to the right side of the face,
were moving about frequently, often after leaving the head appearing in the
left leg or heel ; she was always chilly, easily moved to tears, and felt
decidedly better in the open air. I gave her Pulsatilla 30, two powders, to

dissolve one in four teaspoonfuls of water, and take one every two hours. The
neuralgia was cured with the first powder and remained so ; she had no need
of the second. (F. H. Lutze.)

Emma G., aged about 30 years. Has been an invalid for years, under the care
of an allopathic gyncologist, who treated her for ulceration of the cervix. He
had succeeded in healing the ulcers by local cauterizations, etc., but the canal
had become so narrow that for a year he had been obliged to introduce a
catheter to draw off the menstrual fluid. Finally it became so closed that the
could not introduce the instrument at all. Then the patient passed another
year having great pain and fullness in the uterine region at every period,
which confined her to the bed for days, but no appearance of the menses. I
was called to the case and prescribed Pulsatilla routinely. Visited her when
she was due the next month. Found her suffering as usual, and no relief in
I found a history decidedly scrofulous or psoric, and among a quite long list of
Frequent flashes of heat all over the body followed by sweat and debility.
Much burning of the feet, has to put them out of bed.
I gave her Sulphur c. m. (Fincke), a powder, dry on the tongue, once a week
(Sac. lac. in solution between), with a promise that I would come up the next
time when she was due, and if she was no better would make an examination.
So when the time came I took my wife and went up prepared to do so.
Found the patient instead of upstairs in her bed as usual down in the parlor
She came out where we were, and I said, How about that examination ? Oh,
said she, I am so glad it is not necessary. I am menstruating perfectly easy,
and feel so well. She never failed afterward to menstruate regularly, and was
Mrs. W., age 25 years, married, and has two children : the last was born
fifteen months before I saw her, from which time she has suffered from
profuse yellow leucorrha with violent pruritus vulv ; worse at night. She
has at the same time great bearing down of womb, perfectly incapacitating
her from standing or walking or doing her household duties, such as ironing
Most violent chronic headaches, of a throbbing and tensive character, and
arising from the least worry or fatigue, with habitual constipation. Has been,
under allopathic treatment two years without benefit. The keynotes to the cure
were as follows : Heat and pressure on vertex ; throbbing and tension ;
headaches more or less constant and worse before the menses ; worried by
trifles, and memory impaired. Flushing of face ; fainting spells without cause ;
sinking, empty, exhausted, craving for food ; worse at eleven oclock in the
forenoon ; intense icy cold feet ; worse when the head is bad.
Sulphur, one millionth potency (Boericke), in one dose of five pellets, cured

permanently every symptom, constipation, leucorrha and sensation of

prolapsus included and without repetition. (Skinner).

I., aged 12 months, had had diarrha for nearly a month. Her flesh was soft
and flabby ; open fontanelles ; tongue coated white at the back. She was
thirsty and drank a good deal of milk and water. The diarrha was worse in
the morning, beginning about 4 A. M., continuing more or less until the
afternoon. It was dark yellow, watery, occasionally greenish white mucus,
coming with a gush early in the morning, almost involuntarily during the day
when standing. Child cried a little before bowels were moved. There was also
a cough, worse on lying down at night, sometimes causing her to vomit ; child
The patients appearance suggested Calc. carb., which was prescribed ; no
benefit resulting, Sulphur 6 was given ; the italicized symptoms being very
characteristic of the drug. The diarrha ceased, and her health greatly
improved in a few days ; no other remedy being needed. (A. E. Hawkes.)

Chorea of eight years standing, affecting right side only excepting the face, all
the muscles of which were affected. Ign. and Caust. failed. Sepia 55,000 and
100,000 relieved for a few days each, but Sulph. 6,000 given on account of
weak, faint, hungry spells about 10 A. M. was followed by immediate
improvement. (Goodno.)

Mrs. A., age forty-nine, deaf in right ear for twenty years, in left ear for five
years. Hears no conversation except upon a high key, and that only when
very near. Sensation of heavy pressure and heat at the vertex, extending to
both ears with soreness of the brain. Soles burn at night, hot flushes on the
face followed by cold sweat ; constipation, faintness at 10 or 11 A. M.
Sulphur300 for twelve days, with but little improvement. Sulphur 6,000 was
followed by restoration of left ear and relief from soreness and pressure at the
vertex. The hearing in the right ear was slowly restored. (Hoyne.)

Was called to visit Mrs. , t. fifty-two, June 6, 1879. Found she had been
suffering from metrorrhagia, constipation and concomitants for about ten
years. She stated that her medical adviser had always been an allopath. He
who last attended her, after a protracted and unsuccessful trial of his
individual skill, had accompanied her to New York to consult a now emeritus
professor of surgery of an allopathic medical college, who had made for
himself an enviable reputation as an operating surgeon. The emeritus
professor, after obtaining a history of the case and making his examinations,
endeavored to console the lady by informing her that his wife was in about the
same condition as herself ; that he sent her to this retreat and that watering
place, all of which resulted in little if any benefit ; and intimated that she might,
She concluded not to think well of it, and so returned as she went, like the

Her physician, after an attendance of several years, during which his patient
became gradually worse, abandoned the case. She had the assurance,
however, to inform me that if he had only persevered in his attendance she
She gave me to understand, moreover, that it was at the instance of some of
her friends that I had been called, and not because she had any confidence in
Her metrorrhagia, which had been exceedingly prostrating and annoying in
many ways from its incipiency, had continued constantly for the last six
months with the exception of two weeks, and was of a passive or active
At time it consisted of a slight oozing, the discharge presenting a dark
appearance ; at others it passed in considerable gushes, and was a bright red
To procure alvine evacuations, it was her custom to resort to enemata or
cathartics. She complained bitterly of painful hmorrhoids. Her general
appearance was bloated, and her extremities dematous. She had an
annoying bearing down sensation, especially when on the feet, so that she
moved about with difficulty. She had occasional stitches from right to left,
across the epigastrium, and was quite sensitive to a jolt or jar.
The symptoms which led to the selection of the similimum were the following :
Frequent hot flushes to the face ; feet habitually cold or burning soles. (Feet
so cold she must sit with them in the oven of the kitchen stove, or soles so hot
at night that she must put them from under the bedcovers to cool them). Heat
in the vertex. An empty, faint sensation at the epigastrium about 11 A. M.,
rendering it necessary to partake of some food. Unable to lie on the left side
or back ; must lie on the right side. (Lying on the left side was followed by
intolerable unrest, on the back by nightmare). Drinks much, eats little.
During treatment the importance of keeping quiet was not enjoined upon the
patient, but she was allowed to exert herself in any way she deemed proper,
nor was she restricted in the least in regard to her diet.

A few pellets of Sulph. m. m. were given her dry on the tongue, June 6, 1876,
and the dose was not repeated nor any other remedy given for four months.
As she had been subjected for many years to allopathic dosing, she was
provided with the usual placebo, with direction to take three pellets at night if
she felt that she needed them. She was also directed to call me at any time if
warranted by any change in her symptoms. On the 6th of October, 1876,
being in the immediate vicinity of her residence, I called on my patient to
ascertain particulars, having heard, incidentally only, that she was better. She
soon presented herself, exhibiting an appearance very different from that of
four months previously. Her first exclamation was, Under God I am indebted
to you for my restoration to health. She further stated, A week after
commencing the medicine the hmorrhage ceased, and has not returned. At
the time the hmorrhage disappeared my bowels became regular in their
evacuations, and have remained so. My painful hmorrhoids have ceased to
exist. At my monthly periods I menstruate normally for two or three days. I
inquired, What about your other symptoms ? She replied, Oh, the hot
flushes to my face, my cold feet or burning soles, the all-gone feeling at the
stomach about 11 oclock A. M., the inability to lie on the left side or back, the

disposition to drink frequently and largely, and not being able to eat much
have all disappeared, and I really feel as if I could not be sufficiently grateful.
Mrs. S, a married woman of fifty years of age, of light complexion, blue
eyes, auburn hair. A nervous sort of body, complained for nearly six months as
Frequent micturition day and night. Urine passed in small quantities about a
large spoonful at once with urgency before, pain, smarting, burning,
scalding, after each passage. There was a sensation of pressure upon the
bladder also. The above were all the symptoms she gave, all I could get, at
The above condition was distressing and kept her from church and social
gathering. Without any comparison of remedies, for such condition, I gave
Cantharis 200, which gave some relief, but only that. At the third call, I
questioned her more closely and found she had, in addition to the foregoing
symptoms, the following. Had much prurigo of labia, groins, upper part of
thighs : the itching being so intense she wore out her clothing rubbing and
scratching the parts.

The labia vestibulum, meatus urinarius and otium vagin, together with the
adjacent skin, were inflamed and the labia majora dry and cracked. All these
areas were subject to attacks of intense itching, burning and smarting upon
scratching, daily. She was subject to frequent flushes of heat with redness of
face, followed by slight perspiration. Got chilly easily and warm as easily. Heat
and work aggravated her symptoms. Had considerable thirst ; and less
hunger. Often had burning of feet, both day and night ; worse nights.
She had used all sorts of medicines, salves and ointments, hot and cold
water, but only to repel the local irritation from time to time. This is what had
been done, just prior to the time she first called on me, and this accounted for
the paucity of symptoms given at first and second call. On the basis of the last
symptoms, I gave her Sulphur 500, three doses, and a subsequent
prescription of Sac. lac. At the end of a week she was materially better, and
from that time to this she had no more trouble. The Sulphur was given Feb.
22, 1890. (Stow.)

It was in 1851, on one of those unsurpassably hot mornings that prevail here
in August, that I was summoned to see a case of cholera at a great distance.
A Redemptorist Father had been with him during the night, and finding his
apparently homopathic treatment not as successful as he desired wished
further advice. The patient was an emaciated, sharp-faced German, a tailor,
about 50 years old. He had indulged on the previous day for his supper in
blood pudding and cucumber salad. He was taken about 11 P. M. with Asiatic
cholera ; he still continued to vomit and to be purged, with violent cramp at
short intervals. All of these cramps and rice-water discharges ceased during
that day, the principal remedy had been Arsenicum ; but from that evening till
the next evening he continued to vomit, and apparently was sinking from

Thirst was very great ; he had to drink large quantities of cold water, and felt
better afterwards, till the water became warm in his stomach in from fifteen to
twenty minutes, and then he had to vomit it up again, to be relieved of this
exhausting painful vomiting and thirst by drinking another large quantity of
water. A number of remedies administered produced not the slightest relief.
The symptom found by the clinical experiment in this case cold water drunk
is vomited up as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach was not to be
found in our Materia Medica. But there was found, after a long search, under
Phosphorus, in the fifth volume of Hahnemanns Chronic Diseases, Symptom
745 : In the most terrible agonies he vainly tried to vomit ; only the drinking of
cold water relieved. Nothing could be found in a search for a similar remedy
but this symptom, and now we gave this suffering man one dose of
Phosphorus 19m. about 9 P. M., with the order to repeat it every two hours
until he was relieved. On the next morning we found that he had been given
no more than this solitary dose, and that he was rapidly improving. He
COMMENTS. The case here briefly stated might be claimed to belong to the
Causes clbres. Ever since this case was cured and published everybody
has admitted into our Materia Medica this so frequently confirmed Phosphorus
symptom vomiting of what has been drunk as soon as it becomes warm in
the stomach. Everybody knows it, and the knowing ones have and will
continue to cure this not infrequently recurring symptom with Phosphorus. The
case illustrates the manner in which our Materia Medica has been developed ;
how symptoms observed by provers only similar to the symptoms observed
on the sick as the result of disease may be cured by a given drug, and that
the confirmation of such cures entitle this symptoms the result of the clinical
experiment to as much importance as if it had been observed on a dozen of
Upon reflection, the men who persistently insist in the sifting of our Materia
Medica may think the better of it. (Ad. Lippe.)

Several years ago I treated a child suffering for two weeks from an obstinate
attack of dysentery. Several remedies had failed utterly. Counsel was called,
but our combined efforts were equally unsuccessful. At one of my visits the
mother chanced to be changing the childs diaper. I noticed that the anus was
wide open. I could have inserted my little finger to the depth of two inches
without touching the bloody mucus-lined walls. (The tenesmus was almost
continuous). Neither Jahrs Manual (snelling), Bell on Diarrha, nor Herings
Condensed contain this important symptom. Finally I discovered this under
Phosphorus in Lippes Textbook. Three days after the use of the remedy
naught remained of the troublesome disease except the resulting weakness.

Mrs. M., t. 30, dark hair, dark complexion, medium size, WHENEVER SHE
WASHES CLOTHES, or walks fast, has the following symptoms : Rush of
blood to the head, red face and eyes, heat in the head, sensitiveness of the
scalp to touch, sudden shooting pains in the head, especially in the vertex.
She has a permanent hard protuberance on the left side of the head, where

phrenologists locate ideality ; also one on the metacarpal bone of her left
hand, and one on the right foot. These parts, after washing, become very
There is a small ulcer on the left foot, near the little toe. All the above
symptoms are so severe, especially the pains in the head, as to necessitate
her lying in bed. The pains in the head are also experienced when walking
fast, as well as after washing, but much more after washing. After a few doses
of Phosphorus c. m. she found she could wash or walk fast without
experiencing any return of the above symptoms. The ulcer on the foot healed.
(Compare Am. c., Ant. m., Bell., Bry., Calc. carb., Calc. phos., Carb. v., Clem.,
Dulc., Lycop., Merc., Nux m., Puls., Rhus, Sars., Sep., sulph. Eds.).

Note by the Editor (Dr. Geo G. Gale.) : On receiving this extremely interesting
case, from Dr. Gale, we happened to have on hand one exactly similar, viz.,
head symptoms, of a most chronic type, in a washer-woman, rendering her
occupation at times quite impossible ; always worse when washing clothes or
walking fast, but much more after washing. Her symptoms were identical with
those of Dr. Gales patient, which are italicized. Considerable relief was
obtained from the administration of Pulsatilla c. m., followed, a week after, by
Sulphur m. m., Mercurius 10 m (for toothache in a carious tooth, and
faceache, caused by washing clothes), and Lycopod. d. m. for sadness,
gloomy sadness, and ill humor before menses ; severe dysmenia, with back
as if broken ; coldness of left foot. But is was reserved for Dr. Gale to effect a
speedy and permanent cure by the similimum. Rush of blood to face and
head with heat ; the scalp is sensitive to touch, with sudden shooting pains in
the head, especially in the vertex, induced and always aggravated when
On the 17th of last September a washer-woman to the family was fairly hors
de combat with these symptoms and the following : Sinking at the
epigastrium ; nausea and loss of appetite ; sleepless, and when she does
sleep she wakes always with a congestive headache and giddiness. She is
afraid to wash. Phosphorus c. m. was given then and there, one powder dry
on the tongue. We did not see her again till the 21st of Sept., when she
informed us that the last medicine had done her more good than all the rest
put together. Thanks to Providence and his servant, Dr. Gale. We left her on
the 21st of Oct., perfectly well and healthy, pursuing her vocation in comfort.

C. H. Nearing, about 30 years of age, was attacked with pneumonia (double).
The right side worst. There was great oppression of breathing, very high
temperature and quick pulse, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, right
most, not much pain, rather apathetic, the cough (without much expectoration
at first), and oppression much worse when lying on the left side. What little
pain was complained of was located in the lower right lobe, but the
hepatization was general over that side and in evidence to quite a degree on
the left. All this condition followed a chill at the beginning. Aconite did not do
much good, though it had a fair chance. Then I gave Phosphorus 1 m in
solution, to be repeated once in two hours.

In the night the wife came running to my office, saying she feared Mr. N. had
gone into a stupor, and wished me to come immediately. I was at the bedside
in a few moments, and instead of a stupor found my patient sleeping soundly
enough, but quietly, and breathing quite a good deal more naturally, and
bathed in a nice warm perspiration. I awoke him and he drew a long breath
and said how much better I feel. Then he coughed and raised easily a
mouthful of bloody sputum, with great relief, and made a rapid and complete
recovery. (Nash).

In the year 1876, in the course of a severe attack of typhus fever, during my
residence in Liverpool, my state, as I am told (for I was in delirium), suddenly
became very critical through pneumonic consolidation of the right lung.
Phosphorus was the remedy selected by Drs. Drysdale, Hayward and
Hawkes, who attended me, and under its action I made a rapid recovery.
Hard, dry cough, rusty sputum ; increased at twilight and until midnight ; <
lying on left side ; > lying on right side ; abdomen distended, sore, very
sensitive to touch ; stools offensive, bloody, involuntary ; the anus appearing
to remain open. Each one of the symptoms I have italicized is a keynote of
Phosphorus. When any of them are present (with or without pneumonia)
Phosphorus is likely to be the remedy. (John. H. Clarke.)

Mr. Van Hoesen, middle aged, very large tall man, was attacked with a
profuse light-colored, grayish-white diarrha. It poured away from him like
water form a hydrant. Every passage was followed by a very weak, gone
feeling in the abdomen. Phosphoric acid., China, Arsenic, Verat. album and
other remedies failed to check the discharges, although they grew a little less
in quantity at each time. Looking at the stools again and again, on the third
day I discovered little white particles looking like sago, or little lumps of tallow,
floating on the surface. This was a keynote. Then I could see Phosphorus in
the whole case. This remedy in the 3d in solution, a teaspoonful after each
stool, cured promptly. (Nash

Cholera and Antim tart: It has the nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration,
cold sweat, and stupor or drowsiness found in almost all bad cases of this
disease, and I have seldom been obliged to give more than two or three doses,
one after each vomiting before the case was relieved.


Obstinate Constipation and Aloe: I was called to treat a child five years of age
suffering from birth with a most obstinate form of constipation. He had to be
forced and held to the stool crying and screaming all the while being totally
unable to pass any faeces even after an enema. I then gave a few doses of Aloe
200 th and cured the whole trouble quickly and permanently.


Liver Cancer and Cadmium: I frequently find cancer of the liver yielding to
Calcarea ars. In every way but with a tendency to relapse, when a single dose of
Cadmium in high potency will render the cure permanent.


Scar and Graphitis: if you know a woman who is suffering from an old scar that
has formed a lump, when she is about to go into confinement, give a dose of
Graphitis as a general remedy, unless some other special remedy is called for.

Dr. J.T.Kent

Goitre and Iodum: I have cured many cases of Goitre with Iodine CM, every
night for four nights, after the moon fulled and was waning.

Fracture of Fingers and Symphytum: Fracture of hand and finger bones knit
more quickly with Symphytum 30 two or three times a day for a week.

Dr.Pierre Schmidt

Cirrhosis of Liver and Muriatic acid: is useful in last stages of dropsy from
Cirrhosis of Liver.



Pain in biliary passage and Calcarea carb: when given in repeated dose of 30
th dilution relieves the pain attending the biliary passage.

Animal/Insect bites and Cantharis: Cantharis 200 given internally quickly

cures the inflamed and horrible swelling that may follow great bites.


Uterine Contraction and Pulsatilla: It will very often cause in five minutes a
very strong contraction of the uterus, sometimes almost in a painless way.


Toothache and Plantago: Toothache with the 2X dilution of Plantago, I cure

seven-tenths of all cases of this kind in about 15 minutes.


Dr. Ruetlinger

Appendicitis and Rhus tox is the homeopathic knife in appendicitis.


Cramps and Viburnum Q: cramps in the abdomen and legs

women are controlled very quickly by this remedy.

of pregnant

Blisters on Hand and Aristolochia: Blisters on the hands from heavy manual
labour disappear overnight after the application of 10% Aristolochia ointment.

Dr. Julius Mezger

Claustrophobia and Argentum nit: Argentums nitricum cures Claustro-phobia.


Temperature and Sulphur: Sulphur dreads the cold in hot weather and the
heat in cold weather:

Dr. M.L.Tyler

Stiff neck and Belladona: Belladona is the best remedy for stiff neck of the
rheumatic origin or from cold.

Dr. E.B.Nash

Kreosote and Cancer Cervix: One has seen Kreosote 200 annihilative of the
terrible odours that sometimes accompany cancer of the cervix, where if it did
nothing more, it made life more supportable for patient and for entourage.

Dr. E.B.Nash

Stiff Back and Causticum: Painful stiffness of the back and sacrum, especially
on rising from a chair.

Dr. M.L.Tyler

Weak Ankles and Natrum carb: Weakness of the ankles from childhood finds a
good remedy in Natrum carb.


Dr. Constantine Hering.

Kent on Potency: Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher
potency if it has benefited the patient.

Dr.J.T. Kent.

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Coccus cacti & Paroxysmal cough: Coccus cacti suits almost any paroxysmal cough
when the attacks are violent, but not very close together, and are attended by much
redness of the face and a general sense of feeling too hot. If irritation of the kidneys,
with scanty, thick heavy urine, passed pretty often also attends, it is doubly indicated
and the results will be brilliant.

.....Dr. Boger C.M.

Arnica in Pleuro-pneumonia: If pleura-pneumonia has followed upon an external
injury, such as a blow, or a fractured rib, or some other traumatic cause, we should
choose Arnica in preference to Bryonia.
.....Dr. Hale R.
Sinapis nigra in Colic: Everyone has patients with a Dioscorea colic, but when there is
very offensive breath, the remedy called for is 'Sinapis nigra'.
......Dr. Robert Redfield
Acalypha Indica on GI tract: Aclypha indica is indicated forhaemorrhagic bronchopulmonary disdease especially with burning GI symptoms.
......Dr. Furman T. Kepler
Leucorrhoea in Children: If there are no specific reasons for other remedies, I start
treatment in young girls with mild catarrhal discharge (leucorrhoea) by giving Pulsatilla
especially is the discharge is thick like cream, and then Sulphur or Sepia according to
symptoms. If these remedies are not sufficient to effect a cure, then Cal. carb is mostly
......Dr. Wassily
Lycopodium in infantile eczema: Lycopodium is a master remedy in infantile eczema.
....... Dr. Leon Renard
Ignatia for Stage fright: To be given prophylactically a few doses on the day of
performance, and one dose just before it.
.......Dr. Bennett
Ruta for straining flexor tendons: Ruta is the medicine for complaints from straining
flexor tendons.
.......Dr. C.C. Boericke
When Carefully chosen remedy not responded: When not withstanding the carefully
chosen remedy and the patient's faultless diet , the sick condition lies on the contrary is
not at all changed, the cause usually lies in want of receptivity which we must seek to
remove either by repeated small doses or by medicines recommended for deficient
......Dr. Boger C.M.
Belladona in insomnia: I often use frequent doses of belladonna 1X to relieve the
insomnia due to pain caused by rheumatism.
......Dr. Cuthbert
Naja in Heart cases: Always prescribe Naja in heart cases when symptoms are scarce,
unless guided away from it by some specific symptoms.
......Dr. Moore

Pulsatilla in Tuberculosis: Pulsatilla is probably the strictly homeopathic remedy that I

use most often in early tuberculosis.
.......Dr. Walter sands Mills
Bellis perennis in Soreness of joints: Bellis perennis is indicated when there is a
bruised, strained feeling with general soreness of joints and muscles, resulting from
exposure, and after vigorous physical exercise , and in Dr Hinsdale's experience,
surpasses Arnica in these conditions.
........Dr. Skinner
If old obscured symptoms returned: If old obscured symptoms, complained of
perhaps months or years before the first prescription was made, reappear and trouble
the patient, they should be carefully noted, and their course observed, but these
symptoms should not be hastily prescribed for until a picture of the proper remedy is
presented, for such conditions frequently appear and then disappear of themselves,
never to return.
.......Dr. Hardy
3 Pointers to Aethusa cynapium:
1. Acute vomiting, diarhoea or chronic GI complaints.
2. Milk intolerance
3. Associated brain symptoms, anxiety, uneasiness, discontent, restlessness.
....... Dr. Furman T. Kepler

A single symptom causing suffering is completely recorded only when its history, origin,
progress and conditions attached, circumstances of aggravation, of amelioration, time of
occurrence and of greatest intensity, how affected by position, rest, motion, eating, drinking,
or the performance of any body function, by mental emotions or by any other cause all this
is included in the totality.
It is expecting too much of homopathy to cure symptoms expressing protest against a
continuing and removable cause. Find the causemental, moral, physical or hygienic.
Remove the cause or causes. Then if aught else remains, homopathy will take care of that.
When the moon is decreasing, Phos., Sil., etc. may be used in patients having damaged
organs safely and with good effect.
In advanced disease, malignant or tubercular, the most terrible thing you can do is to give
the indicated remedy in high potency. Give anything but that.
In chronics, the latest symptoms, even though they may appear insignificant, are always
the most important in the selection of remedy. The oldest are the least important. All
symptoms in between must be arranged in order of their appearance. Only such patients
remain well and are really cured who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of
their development.

In epilepsy you will never cure unless you find a remedy that covers and corresponds in
every respect to the acute attack. Then follow with the complementary or chronic remedy as
the curative. The chronic remedy given during the attack would aggravate too strongly.
Usually disease leaves by an eruption or by discharge from mucous membrane.
A remedy which can bring a symptom or symptoms to the surface, usually will cure those
symptoms without further medication. Therefore watch and wait.
A remedy given well-indicated, then a diarrha, rash or excessive sweat, medicinal
aggravation or any old symptom returned or even symptoms worse and patient better, give a
remedy now and disaster is sure.
If after giving a remedy there is itching of the soles, it is a good indication.
In organic disease where there is much pathology, use the lower potencies.
High potencies are two-edged swords and must be handled with care.
When patients appear to get up a tolerance for remedies, a complementary remedy will
sometimes keep the patient from going stale.
Unable to get symptoms from children, size up the parents and see what they need, or
needed before the birth of the child.
Forget the symptoms peculiar to the disease and those of the ultimates, prescribe on
the symptoms ofthe patient.
A nosode in line with the patients constitution or family history has sometimes given
striking results, allowing the previous well-indicated but inactive remedy to take hold.
Never send an Iodium patient to a warm climate.
Do not overwork keynotes. They are sign-posts to shorten our research, not to suppress
Coloc. cures colic again and again. Then Kali-c. steps in to end the trouble.
Elderly case, blustery weather, vomiting much frothy blood-tinged mucus, high
temperature, mucous rales, dyspna ; all set for pneumonia -- Verat-v. He will be better next
A jewel in surgical shock : Strontium Carb.
After salvarsan the similimum is often the antidote.
Thuja is the antidote to massive doses of Arsenic.
Nocturnal epilepsy or chorea : Calc. is valuable, especially after Sulph.

Gels. is rarely found of benefit in superficial affections of the eye, but is especially
adapted to disease of the fundus and paralysis of the nerves.
In croup without fever, think of Kali-bi. or Brom., the latter if there is cyanosis.
Think of Merc-c. in toxic conditions of pregnancy and Phos. In albuminuria of
If I could have but one remedy for the prostate, it would be Caust.
Acon. will seldom or never cure a quiet, calm, equable patient. Nux-v. will not cure where
the disposition is mild and phlegmatic. Puls. will not cure if happy, gay and obstinate. If
imperturbable and not easily frightened, do not use Ign.
A Kali-c. characteristic : Any bang, shock, bad news or fear is felt in the stomach.
Ferr-p. in earache and mastoiditis leads everything else. More cases of mastoiditis call for
Ferr-p. than any other remedy. It equals Cham. In earache of children. it may be repeated
often. Use the DM.
In earache do not use Ferr-p. below 12 th. The low will often work when the high fails.
Puls. above all other remedies, has the power to unlock suppressions of modern serum
When the well-selected remedy acts only a short time and the symptoms agree, consider
Sulph., Calc-s., and Psor., Tub., Med. or other nosodes.

Kreosote- Ailments with foetid leucorrhoea - Dr Guernsey

2. Lachesis- Pain in shin bones concomitance with throat affections worse on left
side - Dr Guernsey
3. Lachesis- Fainting accompanying other complaints - Dr Clarke
4. Lachnanthes- Acute ailments with stiffness of neck, the head being twisted to
right side especially withsore throat.
5. Lactic acid- Concomitance of rheumatic pains with diabetes

- Dr Nash

6. Lapis albus- Dysmenorrhoea with fainting 7. Ledum paluster- Swelling of ankles with unbearable pain when walking
8. Mag carb- Colic with increased secration from mucous membranes.
9. Mag mur- Stool large and hard with constipation. Great flatulence with colic.
10. Manganum- Catarrhal condition of ear with increasing deafness.
11. Merc dul- Deafness with blockage of Eustachian tube

12. Merc viv- Toothache with spongy gums and profuse salivation
13. Muriatic acid- Typhoid with pulse intermitting every third beat; foetid stools and
14. Cactus g- Mother tincture- Angina with sense of constriction in chest - Dr Clarke
15. Cadmium sulph- Cancer of stomach with persistent vomiting, of black fluid - Dr
16. Caladium S. - Pruritus Vulva - Dr boericke
17. Calcarea ars- infantile enlargement of liver and spleen
18. Calcarea Calsinata- warts
19. Calcarea picrate- Styes - Dr. Boericke
20. Calcarea flur- Stony hard glands
21. Calcarea iod- puberty goiter - Dr. Clarke
22. Cheiranthus- Cutting of wisdom teeth - Dr. Clarke
23. Cannabis sativa- Stuttering - Dr. Clarke
24. Crocus Sativa- Rapid alternation of mental condition - Dr. Clarke
25. Crocus Sativa- Hysterical lafter - Dr. Clarke
26. Magnesia phos- Convulsions without fever - Dr. Allen
27. Merc iod flavum- Right sided tonsillitis - Dr. H.C. Allen
28. Merc iod rub- Left sided tonsillitis - Dr. H.C. Allen
29. Antim crud- Ailments from white coated tongue - Dr. M.Jousset
30. Antim tart- Whooping cough with fretfulness before the cough - Dr. Heath

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