Zak, P. J., and Knack, S. (2001) Trust and Growth. Economic Journal

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The Economic Journal, 111 (April ), 295321. # Royal Economic Society 2001.

Published by Blackwell
Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.


Paul J. Zak and Stephen Knack
Why does trust vary so substantially across countries? This paper presents a general equilibrium
growth model in which heterogeneous agents transact and face a moral hazard problem.
Agents may trust those with whom they transact, but they also have the opportunity to invest
resources in verifying the truthfulness of claims made by transactors. We characterise the social,
economic and institutional environments in which trust will be high, and show that low trust
environments reduce the rate of investment. The predictions of the model are examined
empirically for a cross-section of countries and have substantial support in the data.

If a covenant be made, wherein neither of the parties perform presently,

but trust one another . . . he that performeth rst, has no assurance the
other will perform after; because the bonds of words are too weak to
bridle men's ambition, avarice, anger, and other Passions, without the fear
of some coercive Power. . .
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, 1651
Doveryai, no proveryai (Trust, but verify)

Russian Proverb

Adam Smith (1997 [1766]) observed notable differences across nations in the
`probity' and `punctuality' of their populations. For example, the Dutch `are
the most faithful to their word.' John Stuart Mill wrote: `There are countries in
Europe . . . where the most serious impediment to conducting business concerns on a large scale, is the rarity of persons who are supposed t to be trusted
with the receipt and expenditure of large sums of money' (Mill, 1848, p. 132).
Enormous differences across countries in the propensity to trust others survive
today. In Scandinavian cities, bicycles are still commonly left on the street
unlocked and unattended (although anecdotal evidence suggests this practice
has begun to decline). Danish citizens routinely leave small children in

 The ideas in this paper came out of discussions by the authors following a conference on the
political economy of growth held at Claremont Graduate University in April, 1997. Thanks go to Tom
Willet and Yi Feng who organised the conference and invited the authors. We have beneted from the
comments of Olugbenga Ajilore, Thomas Borcherding, Joydeep Bhattacharya, Arthur Denzau, Raja
Kali, Rody Manuelli, Hilton Root, Gary Segura, Tridib Sharma, as well as from attendees at the following
conferences and seminars: 2000 Gruter Institute Conference on Evolutionary Biology and Law, 2000
UCLA Conference on International Political Economy, 1999 International Society for New Institutional
Economics, 1999 Latin American Econometric Society, 1998 Public Choice Society, ITAM, UC Santa
Barbara, CSU Northridge, Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank, The World Bank, The Hoover Institution
at Stanford University, ASU, USC Economics Department, the Center for International Studies at USC,
and Claremont Graduate University's Economics Department, Psychology Department, and Drucker
School of Business. Lastly, we thank two anonymous referees and an editor of this Journal, David de
Meza, for perspicacious suggestions that have improved the exposition. Any errors are the sole
responsibility of the authors. Zak acknowledges the hospitality of the Hoover Institution and the
Economics Department at Arizona State University where part of this work was done.
[ 295 ]




strollers on the sidewalk while shopping or dining a practice which resulted

in the arrest of a Danish mother who was visiting New York City, where many
people are not trusting enough to leave even their dogs tied up on the sidewalk
(New York Times, 1997).
Economists tend to view Copenhagen as the exception and to consider New
York (or Manila or Lima) the norm. Nevertheless, evidence from experiments
reveals a surprising amount of trusting behaviour. In several sets of experiments, one-half of the rst-move players in anonymous sequential prisoner's
dilemma games chose to trust their partners, while three-quarters of secondmovers declined to violate this trust, cooperating rather than defecting to the
Nash equilibrium (Berg et al. 1995; V. Smith, 1997). Why do we observe so
much trust in the laboratory but not on the streets of New York?
This paper presents a general equilibrium heterogeneous agent growth
model in which consumers are randomly matched to an investment broker for
a single period. We permit consumers to choose the degree that they trust
their brokers, given their own and their broker's characteristics. In this way we
are able to characterise why trust varies across societies, and to determine the
consequences of different levels of trust on economic performance. In the
model, we assume that brokers are the only conduit through which consumers
can access the capital market. Further, brokers possess more information
about the return on investment than do their clients. Thus, brokers have a
moral hazard problem. Consumers determine the degree that they trust their
brokers by choosing how much time to spend verifying their broker's fealty.
The cost of such an investigation is the wage foregone, as time spent investigating is time taken away from production. We show that trust depends on the
social, economic and institutional environments in which transactions occur.
For example, we show that trust falls when there is wage discrimination based
on noneconomic factors; that is trust is higher in `fair' societies.
Because trust reduces the cost of transactions (ie less time is spent investigating one's broker), high trust societies produce more output than low trust
societies. A fortiori, a sufcient amount of trust may be crucial to successful development. Douglass North (1990, p. 54) writes,
The inability of societies to develop effective, low-cost enforcement of
contracts is the most important source of both historical stagnation and
contemporary underdevelopment in the Third World.

We show that a (Northian) low-trust poverty trap exists for the model in this
paper. If trust is too low in a society, savings will be insufcient to sustain
positive output growth. Such a poverty trap is more likely when institutions
both formal and informal which punish cheaters are weak. Most importantly,
we show that the amount of trust and the existence of a poverty trap depend
critically on the level of social heterogeneity in a society.
The model offers an explanation for the empirical ndings of Easterly
(2000), Easterly and Levine (1997), and Knack and Keefer (1997) that is
grounded in transactions costs rather than on inefcient and unstable government policies. Easterly and Levine (1997) nd that ethnic heterogeneity slows
# Royal Economic Society 2001




growth, and report simple correlations between heterogeneity and various

policy measures that have been linked to growth. Easterly (1999) extends these
results to another source of polarisation, income inequality. We nd in
standard Barro-type growth regressions that growth's relationship with these
polarisation variables weakens considerably when we control for levels of
interpersonal trust, a nding that is consistent with a transactions cost-based
explanation for the heterogeneitygrowth link.
Knack and Keefer (1997) nd that higher trust is conducive to growth for a
sample of 29 market economies, but are largely agnostic on the policy or
transactions-cost channels through which trust affects growth. The present
paper provides a formal model based on transactions costs which identies
the particular channels through which the institutional environment impacts
investment decisions. Empirical tests of the predictions of the theory use a
sample nearly half again as large as that used by Knack and Keefer (1997),
including many additional less-developed nations, and clearly support the
theory's predictions that institutions affect growth via their impact on trust.
Further, our empirics demonstrate that trust's relationship with growth is far
more robust to changes in the specication or time period than in Knack
and Keefer (1997), and is much less sensitive to outlying observations. The
theory and robust empirical tests taken together engender condence in our
results linking institutions and heterogeneity to economic growth through
This paper is structured as follows. The model and its implications are
derived in Section 1. In Section 2, we subject the model to a battery of
empirical tests and demonstrate robust support for all the model's predictions:
trust is higher in more ethnically, socially, and economically homogeneous
societies, and where legal and social mechanisms for constraining opportunism are better developed, with high-trust societies exhibiting higher rates of
investment and growth. Section 3 concludes with suggestions for extensions to
the model.

1. Theory
Consider an economy with a continuum of innitely-lived consumers. Agents
vary in a potentially large number of ways, including their income, education, ethnicity, religion, etc. We reduce all the ways in which agents can vary
into a single index, with an agent's `type' identied by i distributed over the
positive real line. Though an agent's type may evolve over time, it is xed at
any point in time. Consumers in this economy have standard preferences
and seek to smooth consumption by saving each period, but to access credit
markets they must utilise an investment broker. There is a continuum of
investment brokers who are distinct from consumers but are identied by
the same attributes. Only the broker knows the actual return earned on an
investment, and thus brokers have a moral hazard problem as they have the
opportunity to cheat their clients. Consumers, knowing this, may choose to
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spend time investigating their broker in order to reduce the broker's ability
to cheat.1
Each period, through a random draw, consumers are matched with investment brokers and, at the time the match is made, the broker's type is
unknown, though the distribution of types is known. In the following period,
when the investment is closed out, but prior to its payout the broker's type is
revealed, at which point a decision is made regarding how much time to spend
investigating the broker. Note that, as in the experimental literature, we focus
on the starkest case the degree of trust in a one-shot transaction without
individual-specic reputational effects.2 One of the innovations of the theory is
that there are degrees of trust, rather than having agents choose to trust their
transaction partner completely or not at all as in trust games in the laboratory.
There are two institutional effects, besides an individual's investigation of
the broker's investment, that motivate inherently untrustworthy brokers to
reduce the amount that they cheat. The rst of these is formal institutions.
Formal institutions include investigative agencies, like the Securities and
Exchange Commision, that oversee brokers, as well as the judicial system that
enforces contracts and prosecutes cheaters.3 In the model, punishments take
the form of the partial loss of the broker's fee.
Second, in addition to formal institutions, cheating brokers may face
sanctions due to informal institutions. While Hobbes viewed the government
as the sole source of trust between strangers, J. S. Mill (1848) wrote that `much
of the security of person and property in modern nations is the effect of
manners and opinion' and of `the fear of exposure' rather than `the direct
operation of the law and the courts of justice' (p. 1356). Mill was highly
critical of the English legal system, believing that reputational effects served as
effective substitutes in keeping economic agents honest (p. 444). Informal
sanctions constraining opportunism by agents can include guilt associated with
violating moral norms, `afterlife sanctions' associated with religious dictates,
social sanctions (such as ostracism), and loss of prots through reputational
All of these informal sanctions depend on, or are facilitated by, social ties.
Moral and religious norms depend on prior socialisation processes; reputa1
The time spent investigating one's broker can be thought of, more generally, as time spent writing
contracts, which can be trivial when one trusts one's broker (when a handshake will sufce), in contrast
to an iron-clad contract specifying all manner of contingencies when one suspects one's broker will
cheat. The model here is related to a large literature on moral hazard and asymmetric information,
especially Tsiddon (1992) who shows that moral hazard can lead to poverty traps (i.e. multiple
equilibria). Also see Hermalin and Katz (1991), Mukherji and Nagarajan (1995), and Phelan (1995).
Multiperiod relationships between consumers and brokers will strengthen the results here as
individual (rather than group) reputations will matter. The impact on growth of private information
and reputational effects is examined by Khan and Ravikumar (1998) and Marcet and Marimon (1992).
On long-lasting contractual relationships, see Townsend (1982), Atkeson (1991) and Atkeson and
Lucas (1995).
Other formal mechanisms serving to constrain opportunism in nancial markets include regulation (such as nancial disclosure requirements), and private organisations such as credit bureaus, codes
of professional ethics (for example for CPAs), mercantile agencies (such as Dun and Bradstreet), bond
ratings services (such as Moody's), and stock exchange memberships (see Klein, 1997, and Zucker,

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tional loss depends on dissemination of information regarding who cheats,

which can occur through formal institutions such as credit bureaus, but which
more often occurs through informal means such as gossip especially where
formal mechanisms are lacking. Transactions occur within a social structure,
and this structure determines the rewards for cooperation or penalties for
deviation (Becker 1974; Greif, 1989, 1994; Kandori, 1992). Granovetter (1985)
calls this the `embeddedness' of economic actions. Psychologists attribute this
embeddedness to a need to belong to a social group, which provides an
evolutionary advantage in survival and reproduction (Baumeister and Leary
In the model, when `similar' consumers and brokers transact, these agents
are more closely related socially than are `dissimilar' agents. Brokers cheat
those similar to them less because of an innate desire to protect one's
(extended) family. The drive to protect one's family is strongest for blood
relatives and diminishes as one moves down the family tree. This is known in
evolutionary biology as `Hamilton's Rule', which species the level of altruistic
behaviour among family members (and, with in-breeding, neighbours) that
maximises the survival of one's genes, including those shared among relatives.5
Transactions among dissimilar agents involve weaker genetic and social ties so
that cheating is more likely, matching the experimental results found by
Glaeser et al. (2000). Both an agent's social environment and genetic makeup
are part of the informal behavioural drivers inuencing the way transactions
are effected. Because the genetic predisposition to cooperate is unlikely to vary
much across societies, this factor explains baseline cooperative behaviour, but
variations in trust across societies must be attributable to differences in the
social, economic, and legal environments.6
1.1. The Model
Formalising the discussion above, let d(i, j): R 3 R ! R be the distance
between investor i and broker j. The social and genetic forces described in
Section 1 are weaker as the dissimilarity, or distance, between agents increases.
Equivalently, when d(i, j) is small, baseline cheating will be low.
The effects of a given distance between agents on trust vary with social
factors inuencing the abilities and incentives for opposing groups to mobilise
A case can be made for a genetic basis for honest behaviour. Frank (1987) develops a model in
which having a conscience and a statistically reliable signal of one, such as blushing upon telling a lie
solves commitment problems with potential trading partners, engendering trust. McCabe et al. (1997)
attribute cooperative behaviour to genetic coding in which cheating on one-shot social exchanges will
be punished and cooperation rewarded since life itself is a repeated game. Cosmides and Tooby (1992)
report evidence for a brain function that detects cheating which, presumably, provides a survival
advantage to those living in social groups.
Excellent discussions of the implications of Hamilton's Rule can be found in Bergstrom (1995)
and Dawkins (1976).
The discussion in this Section suggests an answer to the question posed in the introduction on the
differences observed between trust in laboratory experiments and trust on New York City streets.
Though we may be genetically predisposed to trust, the high level of social heterogeneity in New York
and the low probability that `cheaters' (criminals) will be punished results in rationally lower trust than
that seen among undergraduates in a laboratory.

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for collective action.7 Informal sanctions are modelled by dening the effective
distance, D(i, j; )UIV d(i, j)=, where > 1. A higher value of indicates that
social institutions reduce the salience of differences across types. When social
restraints are sufciently strong, the effective distance between an investor and
broker of different types is small even if the nominal distance d(i, j) is large.
Now we introduce some notation from which the model will be built. Let c i
be consumption of a type i consumer who earns wage w i , has wealth a i , spends
time h i working in production, and devotes time e i to investigate the return on
his or her investments, with total time normalised to unity. Formal institutions,
denoted p, seek to detect and punish cheating brokers and are funded by a
lump-sum tax, , paid by consumers. Agents have access to an investment
investigation technology, [e i , p, D(i, j; )] :[0, 1] 3 R2 ! [0, 1] which permits
agents to determine the fealty of brokers in reporting investment income, with,
from the discussion above, @=@e i . 0, @=@ p . 0, @=@d(i, j) , 0, and
@=@ . 0. That is, the return from investigation increases with the time a
consumer puts into this activity, as well as with the strength of formal and
informal sanctions, and decreases when the social distance between the
consumer and broker increases. The time spent investigating one's broker, e i ,
will be called diligence. We will further suppose that the increase in one's return
from investigation displays diminishing marginal returns to diligence,
@ 2 =@(e i )2 , 0:
The timing of decisions is as follows. A consumer observes his or her current
wage and expected investment income, with the type of investment advisor last
period being revealed, and chooses an allocation of time between working in
production and investigating last period's broker. Next, the agent works for a
rm and receives the post-investigation return on investment from the previous period's broker. At this point, current period savings is chosen given the
agent's labour income, investment income from the previous period, and the
net-of-cheating expected return on savings from the current period to the next
period. A broker is then randomly assigned to invest the agent's savings. The
type of investment broker to which a consumer is matched is drawn from a
continuous CDF with support on (0, 1) and nite rst and second moments.
A single broker invests all of a consumer's savings.8 The return on an agent's
investment is stochastic because the type of investment advisor (and therefore
the amount of cheating) to which one has been matched is unknown when
savings is chosen. To wit, agent i in this economy maximises lifetime utility by
Max c i ,e i E


t U (c it )


For example, spatial concentration of ethnic groups may facilitate their organisation.
If one could distribute savings among brokers, then some diversication of risk would be possible.
In addition, markets are incomplete as contingent contracts that would allow consumers to insure
against broker cheating are unavailable. The model is designed in this way so that the effect of trust in
one-to-one transactions is as transparent as possible. Diversication among brokers and partial
insurance would reduce the effect of broker cheating in the model, but the qualitative results of the
model remain unchanged.

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c it w it h it R t a it ij [e it , pt , Dt (i, j; )] a it1


1 e it h it



where U (c) is a continuous, increasing, and strictly concave utility function

satisfying the Inada conditions, 2 (0, 1) is a subjective discount factor, w it h it
is labour income, R t a it t is investment income, R t is the gross yield on
investment from t 1 to t, and a it1 is assets invested in period t that payoff in
t 1.
Investment brokers lend the funds of the principal to whom they are
matched to rms for use in production. In the period following the investment, the position is closed out and, given their own type and the type of agent
to which they have been matched, brokers take a portion of the investment
principle and interest as their wage w I . For simplicity, brokers are assumed to
be risk neutral and do not save. Consumption of investment broker j at time
t, c t , who is matched to agent i with assets to invest a it , is9


c t w t f1 ij [e it , pt , Dt (i, j; )]gR t a it :


Every broker is matched with a consumer each period, and a broker's

consumption is zero when the consumer to whom he or she is matched is
identical in type, ij (e it , pt , 0) 1.
The necessary and sufcient conditions for a consumer optimum are
i j^

U 9(c it ) E[U 9(c it1 )R t1 t1 ],


@ t
@e it


w it

R t a it :

The rst equation (5) is a standard consumption-savings Euler equation with

i j^
^ The second
the expected net yield on savings being E(R t1 t1 ), for j 6 j.
condition, (6), balances the marginal income earned by working with the extra
income one can generate by investigating one's broker. Call the solutions to
 and e i  , respectively.
(5) and (6), a it1
Firms take funds collected by investment brokers and use the proceeds for
production. In addition, rms hire labour to work in production. The
representative rm, which we take to be the entire economy, operating in a
perfectly competitive environment, maximises prots by solving
Max K , H F (K t , H t ) r t K t w t H t ,


where F (:, :) is a neoclassical production function

satisfying the Inada condi1 i
tions, K is aggregate capital, and H t UIV 0 h t d is aggregate labour hours
with an appropriately dened probability measure over consumers. The
We have chosen not to consider brokers' alternatives to cheating, such as working, to keep the
model's focus on consumers' decisions. If brokers supply labour to rms and also act as investment
intermediaries, the results derived below continue to hold. Furthermore, when brokers face tradeoffs, it
can be shown that the larger the assets they are managing, the more likely they are to cheat.

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solution to (7) produces the standard inverse demand functions for capital
and labour,
r t F 1 (K t , H t )


w t F 2 (K t , H t ):


Equation (9) is total wage expenditures; the wage for a type i worker is
through an allocation relation, w it w t G(i), such that
1 i
0 w t d w t (more will be said about this in the next Section). The gross
yield on savings is R t1 r t1 1 , where r t1 is the interest rate from t to
t 1 and 2 [0, 1] is the depreciation rate on capital.
The state of the economy is a distribution of asset holdings, a.
~ Given such a
distribution, we can dene a competitive equilibrium.
Definition. A competitive equilibrium for the problem dened by (1),

(2) and (3) is a set of prices fw it, R t1 g1

t0 8i 2 R given an initial distribu1 i
tion of asset holdings a~0 , where 0 a t d K 0 . 0, a law of motion for the
of assets, a~t1 ( a~t ), a wage distribution relation G(i) satisfy1
ing 0 G(i) d 1, and an investment investigation technology, ij [e i , p,
D(i, j; )] such that, taking prices as given, consumers maximise utility
using (5) and (6), rms maximise prots solving (7). In addition, w it clears
the labour market 8t, 8i, and the capital market clears at time t at price
 , p , D (i, j; )]g where capital market clearing is
EfR t1 ij [e it1
a it1
K t1

and D t1 (i, j; ) is the saver-broker match made at time t when type j is

unknown and terminates at time t 1. Finally, the consumption of investment
brokers is given by (4).
Equation (10) depicts the dynamic evolution of this economy: agents'
investment decisions provide the capital that rms use to produce in the
following period, where investment depends on the social and institutional
milieux. The competitive equilibrium in this model is not Pareto optimal since
agents do not receive the full return on savings which would obtain if there
were perfect trust (i.e. if ij 1 8i, j). Formal institutions serve to reduce
losses due to untrustworthiness, but the funding of institutions, p, constitutes
a deadweight loss to a society. As a result, the equilibrium allocation is secondbest efcient.

1.2. Optimal Diligence

After putting some structure on the investment investigation technology , we
characterise the effect on diligence as the social, institutional, and economic
environments change.10

Proofs are contained in the Appendix.

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Proposition 1. If the return to investigation due to changes in diligence when

formal institutions and effective distance vary satises @ 2 ij =(@e i @ p) , 0, and
@ 2 ij =[@e i @ D(i, j; )] , 0, then the following hold for the optimal time spent in
diligence, e it ,
diligence increases with one's wealth, @e it =@a it . 0;
diligence decreases with one's wage, @e it =@w it , 0,
diligence decreases when formal institutions are more developed, @e it =@ pt , 0;
diligence decreases when informal institutions more effectively sanction cheaters,
@e it =@ , 0;
diligence increases when transacting agents are more dissimilar, @e i  =

@d(i, j) . 0.

The proposition shows that when wealth is high, one is less likely to count on
formal or informal institutions to reduce cheating. Rather, wealthy agents will
forego income to investigate their brokers and protect their considerable
wealth. These incentives are mitigated when one's wage is high, as time must
be taken off of work to investigate one's broker. Very high wage agents will
simply tolerate cheating as in the predation models of Zak (2000) and Grossman and Kim (1995). Similarly, agents optimally reduce their diligence when
either formal or informal institutions reduce cheating by brokers. Lastly, when
one's broker is revealed to be socially distant, optimal diligence increases since
such a broker has a greater incentive to cheat.
Trust in a society can be dened as the aggregate time that agents do not
spend in verifying others' actions. That is, trust is
e it d :
Ht 1

In other words, trust is the time agents spend in production rather than
investigating their brokers. This is, of course, not the only denition one can
give for trust, but it is a natural one given the structure of the model.11 Note
that this is an economy-wide measure of trust, not an agent-specic one. This
was done because the analysis that follows characterises the circumstances that
cause societies to have more or less trust, and the empirical tests of the model
follow this tack.
1.3. Income Distribution and Trust
Consider a partition that divides the population into
P N N n. 1n distinct `classes'.
1 2
Dene the N -vector E to be fE , E , . . ., E g, with n1 E 1, where n is
the mass of agents of type n. Let us order agent classes by their wages,
Trust increases whenever investors' condence that brokers will not cheat them increases, whether
that condence is derived from formal or informal institutions or other sources. Some authors dene
trust more narrowly to exlude any effects of legal mechanisms or formal institutions (e.g., Williamson,
1993; Charny, 1990). Our denition of trust is similar to what Yamagishi and Yamagishi (1994) refer to
as `assurance', an expectation of benign behaviour derived from knowledge of the incentive structure
facing one's trading partner (p. 132).

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E1 , E2 , . . . , E N . This allocation rule and the solution to the rm's problem

(7) can be used to determine the wage structure in this society, w it w t E n for
n 1, . . ., N . The typical pattern of discrimination is a reduction in the wages
of a large number of individuals, because of their race, religion or national
origin, which enriches a small number of agents. In such a society, the
following proposition shows that discrimination reduces trust.
Proposition 2. Suppose that @ 3 ij =@(e i )3 , 0 and consider the wage distribution parameters E m and E n , with E m , E n . Let the mass of agents satisfy m > n .
If wage discrimination reduces the wages of a type m worker and raises the wages of
a type n worker by the same amount, then trust will fall.
The restriction in the proposition on the third derivative of ij guarantees
that low wage agents are more sensitive to a change in wages than are high
wage agents (viz. that e i  is decreasing and concave in w i ), which appears a
reasonable assumption. The proposition obtains because a decrease in wages
by poor agents causes a greater amount of time to be spent investigating these
agents' brokers than the increase in wages of the rich causes them to decrease
their investigation time. The implication of this proposition is that when
agents live in a society that is `unfair' in that agents earn less than their
marginal products, trust is reduced.
The next result demonstrates that the relationship between inequality and
trust is more general than that given in Proposition 2.
Proposition 3. Suppose that ij satises @ 3 ij =@(e i )3 , 0. Then, a mean
preserving spread of the distribution of wages reduces trust.
Proposition 3 reveals that a society with high wage inequality, from any
source, will have lower trust than in an otherwise identical but more egalitarian
society. This follows directly from the supposition that low wage agents are
more sensitive to a change in income when choosing optimal diligence than
are high wage agents.

1.4. Optimal Investment

In this Section we examine the impact of trust and the distribution of agents
on investment. Recall that when the investment decision is made, the type of
one's broker is unknown and is only revealed in the subsequent period when

the investment is closed out. The optimality condition (5) for investment a it1
can be written as


U 9(c it ) R t1 fE[U 9(c it1 )]E( t1 ) Cov[U 9(c it1 ), t1 ]g


where Cov(x, y) is the covariance of x and y.

Under the assumption that t1 and c it1 are distributed bivariate normal,
(11) is equivalent to


U 9(c it ) R t1 fE[U 9(c it1 )] E( t1 ) E[U 0(c it1 )] Var( t1 )g,

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by applying Stein's lemma, where Varfxg is the variance of x.12 Equation (12)
shows that optimal investment depends on both the expectation of brokers
cheating, as well as the variance of cheating by brokers. Since the amount that
brokers cheat is increasing in the distance between the broker and client, the
variance of cheating is increasing in the variance of the distribution of agents.
Proposition 4. Suppose the condition in Proposition 3 holds. Then, an agent's
 is decreasing in the variance of the distribution of
optimal investment choice, a it1
This result is standard in nance when the agent chooses an optimal `portfolio' between risk-free current consumption and risky investment.13 The
import of Propositions 3 and 4 is that heterogeneous societies have lower trust
and therefore lower investment than do homogeneous societies. This occurs
via two mechanisms: in low trust societies, incomes are lower since more time
is spent in diligence (Propositions 1 and 3), and investment is lower since
agents are risk averse (Proposition 4). As long as savings is not too sensitive to
changes in the net interest factor ijR, a decrease in investment lowers capital
formation through the law of motion for the capital stock (10), reducing
output growth in the transitional dynamics.14 Hence, growth is generally lower
in heterogeneous low trust societies.
It is straightforward to show that if a society is sufciently heterogeneous,
investment will be too small to sustain growth (i.e. if ij ! 0 as d(i, j) ! 1).
That is, a low-trust poverty trap exists when social heterogeneity is high. Such a
poverty trap is more likely to exist when formal and/or informal institutions
are weak (a `Northian poverty trap') since both of these reduce investment
returns by raising cheating.
Several additional implications for optimal investment behaviour can be
drawn from condition (11). First, strengthening formal institutions may raise
investment if this policy is not too costly (i.e. if is not too high). In terms of
investment, there is an optimal level of funding for formal institutions if ij is
concave in p. Funding beyond this point will inhibit investment by reducing
the income available to consumers more than it raises the return to investment
by reducing cheating. Second, similar to the argument given above, wage
discrimination reduces investment as aggregate diligence increases (under the
restrictions in Proposition 2) and incomes fall.
Combining the results in the previous subsections, we have shown that
heterogeneous societies, especially those with weak formal and informal
institutions, have lower trust and retarded income growth than less hetero-

Stein's lemma states that if random variables x and y are bivariate normally distributed, then
Cov[ g (x), y] E[ g 9(x)] Cov(x, y), providing that the function g (:) is differentiable and some
regularity conditions are met. If ij and c i are not bivariate normally distributed, then (12) approximates (11) by a central limit theorem.
See, for example, Huang and Litzenberger (1988, p. 95) for a discussion of this result.
Blinder and Deaton (1985) nd robust support showing that savings is insensitive to the interest
rate; see also Deaton (1992, pp. 5975).

# Royal Economic Society 2001




geneous, higher trust societies. Thus, we have demonstrated that inequality

reduces growth through a novel mechanism variations in trust.15

2. Empirics
Propositions 1, 2, 3, and 4 produce the ve primary predictions of the model:
(i) Higher trust increases investment and growth;
(ii) Homogeneous societies exhibit higher trust, and thereby investment
and growth;
(iii) Egalitarian distributions of income enhance trust, and thereby raise
investment and growth;
(iv) Discrimination lowers trust, reducing investment and growth;
(v) There is a low-trust poverty trap.
2.1. Measuring Trust
The rst step in testing the model is to identify a reasonable cross-country
measure of trust. We use a measure based on data from the World Values
Surveys (WVS), conducted in several dozen countries in three `waves', 1981,
19901, and 19956 (Inglehart et al., 2000). The measure of trust we use is the
percentage of respondents in each country agreeing that `most people can be
trusted' against the alternative that `you can't be too careful in dealing with
people'. Values range from a low of 5.5% in Peru to a high of 61.2% in Norway.
Surveys typically include between 900 and 2,800 respondents, designed to be a
nationally representative sample. Knack and Keefer (1997) provide empirical
support for the validity of these data, nding, for example, that trust is
strikingly correlated across countries and regions with the number of wallets
that were `lost' and subsequently returned with their contents intact in an
experiment conducted in various European nations and the United States.
Values for trust are also consistent with anecdotal and case study evidence on
trust across countries and regions. For example, values for northern regions of
Italy are higher than for the south, consistent with evidence reported by
Putnam (1993) and others. Values are highest for the Scandinavian countries.
Trust data are available for 41 market economies. Most of these countries
were included in at least two survey waves; we use the earliest observation when
trust is an independent variable, and the latest observation when trust is the
dependent variable. Of these 41 countries, only 29 were included in the
empirical analysis of Knack and Keefer (1997). Values for 9 additional developing countries were obtained from the 19956 survey wave, providing us with a
much more representative sample than the OECD-heavy sample analysed by
Other explanations for the relationship between growth and inequality include: redistribution
(Alesina and Rodrik, 1994; Persson and Tabellini, 1994), credit constraints on education (Benabou,
1996), increasing returns and the size of the middle class (Murphy et al., 1989), and the difculty in
choosing a stable set of rules governing property rights (Keefer and Knack, 2001). Perotti (1996) nds
little empirical support for the rst two explanations, the third is only broadly tested, while the fourth
survives a variety of empirical tests.

# Royal Economic Society 2001




Knack and Keefer. Two more observations (Greece and Luxembourg) are
taken from Eurobarometer surveys conducted in the 1980s, and another is
from a government-sponsored survey in New Zealand patterned after the
World Values Survey (Gold and Webster, 1990).16
In the model, trust is produced by formal institutions as well as by social
homogeneity and informal sanctions against cheating. Several authors (e.g.
Yamagishi and Yamagishi, 1994) distinguish between two types of trust, one
based on `deterrence' and another based on `benevolence'. The former type
roughly corresponds to trust produced by formal institutions as well as
informal sanctions such as ostracism, while the latter type can be identied
loosely with social homogeneity. The very general phrasing of the WVS survey
question on trust suggests that it is a reasonable proxy for our concept of trust,
which encompasses both deterrence-based and benevolence-based trust. Most
importantly, the question does not contain qualications implying any exclusion of trust derived from the presence of effective legal sanctions. We cannot
rule out the possibility that some respondents may interpret the question to
apply only to interpersonal transactions beyond the reach of the law; to the
extent that this happens, our empirical tests will underestimate the relationship between formal institutions and our denition of trust.
2.2. Trust, Investment and Growth
In Table 1, our trust variable is included in Barro-type cross-country investment
and growth regressions. Dependent variables are investment as a percentage of
GDP, averaged over the period 197092, and average annual growth in per
capita income over the same period, as constructed from Summers and Heston
(1991) data, version 5.6. Other than trust, regressors include 1970 per capita
income, schooling attainment for 1970 (mean years for the population aged
25 and over) from Barro and Lee (1993), and the price of investment goods
for 1970, as a percentage of United States prices (from Summers and Heston,
1991). Table A1 in the Appendix presents means, standard deviations, and
sample sizes for the variables used in the analysis. Correlations among the
independent variables are shown in Table A2 in the Appendix.
Equation 1 shows that investment is higher where incomes are higher, where
investment goods prices are relatively low, and where trust is higher. The
investment/GDP share rises by nearly one percentage point for each sevenpercentage point increase in trust. Equation 2 demonstrates the positive
relationship between trust and growth. In our 41-nation sample, convergence
and (especially) the effects of schooling are weaker than in larger samples.
Higher investment goods prices, relative to US levels, are signicantly and
negatively associated with growth, as expected. Controlling for these inuences, growth rises by nearly 1 percentage point on average for each 1516
Although the trust question asked in these surveys is identical to that in the World Values Surveys,
we cannot rule out the possibility that other differences in survey content and administration may affect
the trust values for these three countries. However, the results reported below are not sensitive to the
inclusion of these three non-WVS observations.

# Royal Economic Society 2001


Dependent variable
GDP per capita
Price of investment goods












Percent Catholic
Percent Muslim
Percent Eastern orthodox
Trust 3 GDP
Mean, D.V.








Sample size is 41. White-corrected standard errors are shown in parentheses. Note R2 does not have its usual interpretation in 2SLS. Instruments in 2SLS include
percent Muslim, percent Catholic, and percent Christian Orthodox; p values in test of overidentifying restrictions are 0.19 in equation 5 and 0.34 in equation 6.


# Royal Economic Society 2001

Table 1
Trust, Investment and Growth




percentage point increase in trust (a one standard deviation increase). Fig. 1

depicts the partial relationship between trust and growth.
Controlling for investment rates in the growth regression (Equation 3), the
trust coefcient declines somewhat but remains signicant.17 This nding has
two plausible explanations: rst, that some components of investment broadly
dened including investments in ideas may not show up in the investment
data, and second, that trust may inuence growth through other channels
besides investment.18
Half of our trust observations are from surveys conducted midway through
the 197092 period (the 1981 wave), with the remainder from surveys
conducted even later, raising the possibility that our estimates reect reverse
causation from growth to trust. The extremely high (0.91) correlation of trust
from the 1981 to 19901 survey waves suggests that changes in trust over time
are small relative to cross-country variations, and that these values are likely
reasonably good proxies for the desired but unavailable 1970 values for
trust.19 To correct for possible endogenity, we ran two-stage least squares
regressions, using as exogenous instruments for trust the Catholic, Muslim,
and Christian Orthodox shares of each country's population, following La

Per capita income growth (residual)





Trust (residual)




Fig. 1 Trust and Growth (partial plot)

In the smaller sample used by Knack and Keefer (1997), trust was no longer signicant in growth
regressions when investment was included as a regressor.
Fukuyama's (1995) popular book on trust emphasises constraints on rm scale produced by low
trust; La Porta et al. (1997) provide some empirical support for this view.
It is not obvious that reverse causation from growth to trust should lead to an upward bias for the
trust coefcient in OLS. Olson (1963) among others has argued that rapid growth can disrupt
traditional social structures and ties, which can erode trust.

# Royal Economic Society 2001




Porta et al. (1997).20 Equation 4 shows results for the rst-stage regression,
which explains 76% of the variation in trust; in the absence of the religion
variables, income, schooling, and investment goods prices explain only 48%.
Two of the three hierarchical religion variables percent Catholic and percent
Muslim are negatively and signicantly associated with trust.
The exogenous component of trust is positively associated with investment
and growth in (Equations 5 and 6, respectively), with coefcients similar in
magnitude to those estimated using OLS in Equations 1 and 2. Trust is
signicant only at the 0.07 level for a one-tailed test in Equation 5, but is highly
signicant in Equation 6. The instruments are valid, as indicated by p values of
0.19 (Equation 5) and 0.34 (Equation 6) from overidentication tests. In
Knack and Keefer (1997), the trust-growth relationship, while generally robust
to specication changes, was somewhat sensitive to the inclusion of two
inuential observations, Korea and Brazil. Neither these nor any other one or
two observations are very inuential in the tests here, which add 12 countries
not in the Knack-Keefer sample. Using the specications of Equations 1 and 2
from Table 1, robust regression techniques which downweight cases with large
residuals produce coefcients for trust that remain signicant at the 0.01 level
in the case of investment, and at the 0.04 level in the case of growth. Deleting
the three non-WVS observations on trust (Luxembourg, Greece, and New
Zealand), the coefcients (and standard errors) for trust are 0.132 (0.061) for
investment, and 0.070 (0.022) for growth.
The trust-growth relationship in Knack and Keefer was also sensitive to the
choice of human capital measures, with the Barro-Lee school attainment
variable used here producing the weakest partial relationship between trust
and growth. Our results are robust to the choice of human capital variables as
well as to the inclusion of policy variables often included in growth regressions,
such as ination, nancial development, and trade intensity.
The negative (but insignicant) coefcient on initial per capita income in
Equation 2 indicates that other things equal, poorer countries grow faster, on
average, than rich. Relative backwardness does not necessarily help every poor
country, however. Investment sufcient for positive growth is facilitated by
trust between economic agents; backwardness then provides a larger advantage
for a high-trust poor nation than for a low-trust poor nation. This implication
of the model predicts a negative coefcient on the interaction term trust 3
GDP per capita in investment and growth regressions. This prediction is borne
out in Equations 7 and 8. For nations with very low trust levels, coefcients on
initial income are large, positive, and statistically signicant indicating that
backwardness yields no growth advantage over rich nations, despite the
presumption of higher returns to capital and the potential for rapid growth.
For trust levels above 25%, the point estimate for the impact of initial income
on growth turns negative, indicating that backwardness is advantageous for
La Porta et al (1997) classify these as `hierarchical religions' with inimical effects on interpersonal
trust. Putnam (1993) and Verba et al. (1995) discuss the implications of Protestant-Catholic differences
in hierarchical vs. congregational organisation, lay participation in the clergy, and in congregation size
for the acquisition of civic skills and interpersonal trust.

# Royal Economic Society 2001




growth in a high-trust environment. These results are consistent with the

theory showing that a low-trust poverty trap exists: if trust is sufciently low,
growth stalls.
2.3. The Correlates of Trust
We now turn to the determinants of trust. In the model, trust increases with
formal institutions, p, informal institutions, , wages, w i , and decreases with
population heterogeneity, d(i, j), and wealth, a i . Empirically, at the national
level, per capita income is the best available proxy for both wealth and wages.
Since wealth and wages have opposing effects on trust, the expected effect of
per capita income on trust is ambiguous. Mean years of schooling is included
as a second proxy for wages. Education and income may also be positively
associated with trust through their strong correlation with subjective rates of
time preference (Hausman, 1979; Womeldorff, 1991). Individuals who discount future utility heavily are more likely to cheat their trading partners, and
will rationally expect them to cheat in turn.
We employ several alternative proxies for formal institutions and for population heterogeneity. The index of property rights introduced by Knack and
Keefer (1995), based on data from the International Country Risk Guide
(ICRG), is available for all 41 countries in our trust sample. This index is
constructed from an equal weighting of ve subjectively-scored indicators:
quality of the bureaucracy, severity of governmental corruption, the rule of
law, risk of governmental repudiation of contracts, and risk of expropriation of
investments. Values potentially range from 0 to 50, with higher scores indicating more effective governmental institutions that protect property rights
and enforce contracts. We use the mean value over the period 198290.
A second proxy for formal institutions is `contract enforceability', a subjective variable ranging from 0 to 4 in value, and based on surveys of international
business experts by Business Environmental Risk Intelligence (BERI). This
variable is available for fewer countries than is the property rights index, but
has the virtue of being available farther back in time. We take the average of
values for contract enforceability over the 197289 period. Higher values
indicate more reliable enforcement of contracts.
A third measure is Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions
Index, constructed by aggregating various subjective ratings of the frequency
with which public ofcials demand bribes, based on expert opinion and on
surveys of businesspersons and citizens. Scores on this corruption index can
range in principle from 0 to 10; in our sample Denmark has the highest score
of 10, while Nigeria has the lowest score of 1.6.21
A fourth measure of formal institutions is an index of investor rights from
the Center for International Financial Analysis and Research, Inc. The index
was created by examining and rating companies' 1990 annual reports on the
inclusion or omission of 90 items relating to accounting standards, income

See for the data and a description of underlying sources and methodology.

# Royal Economic Society 2001




statements, ow of funds statements, stock data, etc. At least three companies

were evaluated in each of 44 countries. Values, as reported in La Porta, et al.
(1998), range from a low of 24 for Egypt to a high of 83 for Sweden. Unlike
our other proxies for formal institutions, this measure is objective rather than
We use several alternative proxies for the average social distance between
investors and brokers in society. Social distance can be measured along various
dimensions, such as blood and ethnic ties; differences in language, culture,
education, income, wealth, occupation, social status, or political and economic
rights; or geographic distance. Zucker (1986, p. 63) writes:
Just as ethnicity, sex, or age may be used as an index of job skills by
employers, they can be used as an index of trust in a transaction. They
serve as indicators of membership in a common cultural system, of shared
background expectations. In general, the greater the number of social
similarities (dissimilarities), the more interactants assume that common
background expectations do (do not) exist, hence trust can (cannot) be
relied upon.

Our rst measure of heterogeneity is income inequality, as measured by Gini

coefcients (mostly from the early and mid-1980s) from the Deininger and
Squire (1996) `high-quality' dataset. A second measure is the Gini coefcient
for land inequality, mostly from the early and mid-1980s, calculated from the
UN's Food and Agriculture Organization censuses (Jazairy et al., 1992). A third
measure is the `intensity of economic discrimination', a subjective variable
evaluated for 1975 by Ted Gurr and reported in Taylor and Jodice (1983).
Countries are rated on a 14 scale with higher values indicating more severe
discrimination.22 A fourth measure is ethnic homogeneity, from Sullivan
(1991). Homogeneity is equal to the share of the country's population
accounted for by the largest `ethnic' group, where ethnicity is dened by race,
religion, or language, depending on which of these is the most salient source
of cleavages in a given society.
In Table 2, trust values are regressed on per capita income, mean years of
education, and on proxies for formal institutions and social distance. Trust's
association with income and education varies depending on the sample and
specication, but in those cases where the relationship is signicant, it is
uniformly positive. Equations 14 include the Knack-Keefer property rights
index, paired with each of the three proxies for social distance and the
discrimination measure. The coefcient of the property rights index is positive
in every case, marginally signicant in Equations 13 and highly signicant in
Equation 4. Both income inequality (Equation 1) and land inequality (Equations 2) are strongly associated with lower trust levels.23 Trust falls by nearly 5
A companion variable evaluated by Gurr, and more weakly related to trust and to growth, is the
percentage of the population subject to discrimination.
Kawachi et al. (1997) show that survey measures of interpersonal trust are correlated with income
inequality in US states.

# Royal Economic Society 2001


# Royal Economic Society 2001

Table 2.
Formal Institutions, Heterogeneity and Trust












GDP per capita 1985 (000s)

Schooling 1985
Property rights index
Gini Income Inequality
Gini Land Inequality
Ethnic homogeneity


homogeneity squared
Economic discrimination


Contract enforceability
Corruption index


Investor rights
Mean, D.V.












The dependent variable is trust. White-corrected standard errors are in parentheses.





percentage points for each 1-point increment in the 4-point discrimination

scale (Equation 4).
In the model, trust declines continuously as social distance increases. As our
measure of ethnic homogeneity increases, the likelihood of two randomlymatched individuals (such as a broker and investor) being from different
groups falls, and trust is predicted to rise. However, ethnic homogeneity has
no signicant linear relationship with trust. Horowitz (1985) and others have
noted that the salience of group differences is maximised where there is a
limited number of sizable groups (as in Fiji, Guyana, or Trinidad, for example). When there is a proliferation of small groups (as in Tanzania), no one
group presents much of a threat to dominate all of the others, and each group
has less incentive to organise for political action. In particular, if small groups
are not geographically or occupationally concentrated, it is relatively costly to
organise. By this logic, the effective social distance is actually greatest for
middle values of the ethnic homogeneity measure. Equation 3 shows that trust
is in fact a quadratic function of homogeneity, with predicted values for trust
lowest at a value for homogeneity of about 0.66.24
Equations 57 substitute for the property rights index our other three
proxies for formal institutions. In each case, the association with trust is
positive and highly signicant. Because our proxies for social heterogeneity
tap various dimensions of social distance that are largely orthogonal to each
other, the heterogeneity variables remain signicant in almost every case when
two of them are included together. Equation 8, for example, shows that
income and land inequality are both signicantly associated with lower levels
of trust when included together.
While these ndings on associations between trust and formal institutions
and social distance are consistent with our model, they are presented here as
preliminary tests that do not fully resolve causality issues. For example,
cohesive and trusting societies may more easily agree on an efcient, stable set
of property rights, or on policies to reduce inequality and discrimination.
Treating formal institutions and social distance proxies as endogenous would
require identifying instruments for them that are otherwise unrelated to trust,
which is quite difcult.

2.4. Formal Institutions, Heterogeneity and Growth

Tables 3 and 4 present tests of the channels through which our proxies for
formal institutions, social distance, and discrimination inuence growth. For
the sample of countries with data on trust, we report results for pairs of growth
regressions. The rst equation of each pair includes a proxy for formal
institutions, social distance, or discrimination but omits trust. The second
equation in each pair adds the trust variable, to determine whether formal
Similar results are found using the variable `ethnolinguistic fractionalisation', reported in Taylor
and Jodice (1983). Unlike the case with Sullivan's homogeneity measure, data are unavailable on
fractionalisation for a few countries in our sample.

# Royal Economic Society 2001




Table 3
Trust, Formal Institutions and Growth (197092)














GDP per capita 1970 (000s)

Schooling 1970
Price of investment goods, 1970
Property Rights Index
Contract Enforceability
Corruption index
Mean, D.V.




The dependent variable is growth. White-corrected standard errors are shown in parentheses.

Table 4
Trust, Heterogeneity and Growth (197092)














GDP per capita 1970 (000s)

Schooling 1970
Price of investment goods, 1970
Gini income inequality
Gini Land Inequality
Economic Discrimination
Mean, D.V.




The dependent variable is growth. White-corrected standard errors are shown in parentheses.
# Royal Economic Society 2001




institutions, social heterogeneity, or discrimination remain signicantly correlated with growth controlling for trust.25
Each proxy for formal institutions, social distance, and discrimination is
signicantly associated with growth in the rst of each pair of regressions.
While the inclusion of trust reduces the coefcient of the property rights index
by about one-fth, that index remains signicantly related to growth (Table 3,
Equations 1 and 2). Unlike our other proxies for formal institutions, the
property rights index is dened explicitly to include government actions
against private agents, namely expropriation of property or repudiation of
contracts by government. It is therefore not surprising that this index remains
signicantly related to growth, controlling for trust between private agents. In
the model, trust is related to the likelihood of being cheated by private agents,
not by government ofcials. Similarly, our survey-based measure (which
inquires about `most people') is likely to be little affected by perceptions of the
trustworthiness of government agents acting in their ofcial capacities.
Results for each of our other proxies for formal institutions, social distance,
and discrimination in Tables 3 and 4 suggest that much of their inuence on
growth occurs through their impact on trust. In the case of contract enforceability (Table 3, Equations 3 and 4), the corruption index (Equations 5 and 6),
income inequality (Table 4, Equations 1 and 2), land inequality (Equations 3
and 4), economic discrimination (Equations 5 and 6), and ethnic homogeneity, the inclusion of trust drastically reduces the coefcient of the relevant
proxy for formal institutions or social distance. Not included in Table 3 or 4 is
the investor rights index. It is not signicant with or without trust in the
regression, but its coefcient is positive and decreases with the inclusion of
trust, consistent with the interpretation that investor rights improve growth by
increasing trust.26 Trust itself is positively and signicantly related to growth in
every case when it is included in growth regressions with a measure of formal
institutions or of social distance. Results in Tables 3 and 4 strongly support the
model's prediction that formal institutions and social homogeneity increase
growth in part by building trust.27

3. Conclusion and Extensions

The model in this paper describes a principal-agent structure with investors as
principals and brokers as agents, where the principals are subject to moral
hazard by the agents. Investors and brokers are randomly matched and
Because the dependent variable here is income growth over the 197092 period, we use Gini
measures from around 1970. The corruption index and the investor rights' index are (unavoidably)
measured near the end of the growth period.
Investor rights are signicantly related to growth in larger samples that are not restricted by the
availability of data on trust.
These results also suggest that most of our proxies for formal institutions and social distance are
valid instruments for trust in the growth regressions in Table 1. Except for the property rights index
(for reasons explained above), any pair of these proxies in fact passes an overidentication test, and the
predicted component of trust is signicantly related to growth in two-stage least-squares regressions.

# Royal Economic Society 2001




transact for a single period where cheating by the broker is possible. We show
that cheating is more likely (and trust is therefore lower) when the social
distance between agents is larger, formal institutions are weaker, social sanctions against cheating are ineffective, the amount invested is higher, and the
investors' wages are lower. Most importantly, the model shows that the amount
invested decreases as social heterogeneity increases, and when formal and
informal institutions are weaker, adversely impacting income growth. These
implications have strong support in our cross-country empirical work. Trust,
and the social and institutional factors that affect it, signicantly inuence
growth rates. Thus, this research provides a new insight into the way that social
and institutional factors impact economic performance.
The model in this paper generalises to other principal-agent relationships,
for example, creditors and debtors, employers and employees, clients and
consultants, insurers and insured, and retailers and consumers. Further, our
conceptual denition of trust, and our empirical measures, encompass prisoners' dilemmas as well as principal-agent incentive structures.
Several extensions of the model here would be interesting to undertake.
First, the random matching of transacting agents could be relaxed by allowing the probability of a match between two agents to vary inversely with the
social distance between the two, as in Akerlof (1997). In this case segregation
increases, and time devoted to investigating brokers falls. A second extension
along this line is to permit agents to choose whether or not to trade with
each other using a matching technology as in Burdett and Coles (1997).
Again, this would lead to economic segregation. With sufciently extreme
segregation, time spent investigating approaches zero, and trust the
proportion of time spent working approaches one. There are potentially
enormous costs associated with extreme segregation, however, as gains from
specialisation may be severely limited, particularly where there are many
agent groups, or where a scarce resource is concentrated within one agent
group (e.g., Lebanese entrepreneurs in Africa, or Jewish bankers in medieval
Taking into account the value of leisure, and of transactions facilitated by
trust that do not enter the national accounts, the model also predicts that trust
should be positively related to subjective measures of well-being across countries or other economic units. J. S. Mill (1848, p. 131) argued that `The
advantage to mankind of being able to trust one another, penetrates into every
crevice and cranny of human life: the economical is perhaps the smallest part
of it, yet even this is incalculable.' We thus would expect that more inclusive
measures of well-being will be associated with trust in the same way that, as we
have shown here, investment and growth improve with trust.
Claremont Graduate University
The World Bank
Date of receipt of the rst submission: November 1998
Date of receipt of the nal typescript: June 2000
# Royal Economic Society 2001




Table A1
Descriptive Statistics
Trust (initial value)
Growth, 197092
Investment/GDP, 197092
Per capita income, 1970
Years of education, 1970
Investment goods price, 1970
Property rights index
Corruption index
Investor rights index
Contract enforceability
Income inequality (circa 1985)
Land inequality (circa 1985)
Ethnic homogeneity
Catholic percent
Muslim percent
Christian Orthodox percent


Std. Dev.




Table A2
Intercorrelations of Table 1 regressors
1. Trust
2. Per capita income, 1970
3. Years of education, 1970
4. Investment goods price, 1970
5. Percent Catholic
6. Percent Muslim
7. Percent Eastern Orthodox







A  ( ) indicates signicance at 0.05 (0.01) for two-tailed test.

Appendix: Proofs
Proof. [Proposition 1] Implicit differentiation of the optimality condition, produces

@e i =@a i 1 =a i 11 , @e i =@w i 1=(R a i 11 ), @e i  =@ p 12 =11 , @e i =@ 2 11 ,
and @e =d(i, j) 13 =11 , where m denotes the partial derivative of
ij [e i , p, D(i, j; )] with respect to the m th argument, and mn is the cross-partial of
the m th and n th arguments of ij . Using the restrictions in the proposition proves the

Proof. [Proposition 2] The restriction in this proposition guarantees that e i is

decreasing and concave in w i 8i (it is decreasing by the maintained assumptions on
ij [e i , p, D(i, j; )]. For agents m and n that satisfy the restrictions in the proposition,
let the wage distribution parameter for agent m fall and the wage distribution
parameter for agent n increase by an equivalent amount, say , where 0 , , E m . Then,
the wages of both types of agents are w m w(E m ) and w n w(E n ). Denote the

change in e i , i m, n, from the base case ( 0) to the wage discrimination case

( . 0) by e i . Then, by the concavity of e i (w i ), the change in the aggregate time
# Royal Economic Society 2001



spent investigating one's broker is e

wage discrimination.


m e



n . 0. Therefore, trust falls with


Proof. [Proposition 3] We prove this proposition for a simple mean preserving spread
(MPS) which guarantees that the spread distribution has a higher variance than the
base distribution (Rothschild and Stiglitz, 1971). As in Proposition 2, the third

derivative restriction on ij results in an e i that is decreasing and concave in w i .
Dene 0 as the distribution of consumers before the MPS, and 1 as the distribution
after the MPS. Proposition 1 of Diamond and Stiglitz (1974) characterises the effect of
a MPS on a concave function. Then, under Theorem 1 of Diamond and Stiglitz (1974),
the following holds

e d 1 . e i d 0 :

As a result, MPS of the distribution of wages increases aggregate diligence and

therefore decreases trust.

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