Child and Adolescent Psychology ch10)
Child and Adolescent Psychology ch10)
Child and Adolescent Psychology ch10)
Adolescents, 8/e
Laura E. Berk and Adena B. Meyers
ISBN: 9780133936735
Emotional and
Social Development
in Early Childhood
Reprinted with permission from the International Museum of Childrens Art, Oslo, Norway
My Wonderful Birthday
7 years, India
First friendships serve as important contexts for acquiring emotional and social
skills, including understanding of emotion, capacity to solve social problems, and
morality. Chapter10 considers these and other facets of emotional and social
development in early childhood.
Eriksons Theory:
Initiative versus Guilt
Erikson (1950) described early childhood as a period of vigorous unfolding. Once
children have a sense of autonomy, they become less contrary than they were as toddlers. Their energies are freed for tackling the psychological conflict of the preschool
years: initiative versus guilt. As the word initiative suggests, young children have a
Whats Ahead in
chapter 10
Eriksons Theory: Initiative
versus Guilt
Foundations of Self-Concept l
Emergence of Self-Esteem
Cultural Influences
Emotional Development
Understanding Emotion l
Emotional Self-Regulation l
Self-Conscious Emotions l
Empathy and Sympathy
Peer Relations
Advances in Peer Sociability l
First Friendships l Peer Relations
and School Readiness l Social
Problem Solving l Parental
Influences on Early Peer Relations
Foundations of Morality
The Psychoanalytic Perspective l
Social Learning Theory l
The Cognitive-Developmental
Perspective l The Other Side
of Morality: Development of
Cultural Influences
Gender Typing
Gender-Stereotyped Beliefs
and Behaviors l Biological
Influences on Gender Typing l
Environmental Influences
on Gender Typing l Gender
Identity l Reducing Gender
Stereotyping in Young Children
n Social Issues: Education
new sense of purposefulness. They are eager to tackle new tasks, join in activities with peers,
and discover what they can do with the help of adults. They also make strides in conscience
Erikson regarded play as a means through which young children learn about
themselves and their social world. Play permits preschoolers to try new skills
with little risk of criticism and failure. It also creates a small social organization
of children who must cooperate to achieve common goals. Around the world,
children act out family scenes and highly visible occupationspolice officer,
doctor, and nurse in Western societies, rabbit hunter and potter among the Hopi
Indians, hut builder and spear maker among the Baka of West Africa (Gaskins,
Recall that Eriksons theory builds on Freuds psychosexual stages (see
Chapter 1, page 15). In Freuds Oedipus and Electra conflicts, to avoid punishment and maintain the affection of parents, children form a superego, or conscience, byidentifying with the same-sex parent. As a result, they adopt the moral
and gender-role standards of their society. For Erikson, the negative outcome of
early childhood is an overly strict superego that causes children to feel too much
guilt because they have been threatened, criticized, and punished excessively by
adults. When this happens, preschoolers exuberant play and bold efforts to master new tasks break down.
Although Freuds ideas are no longer accepted as satisfactory explanations
ofconscience development, Eriksons image of initiative captures the diverse
changes in young childrens emotional and social lives. Early childhood is, indeed,
a time when children develop a confident self-image, more effective control over
A Guatemalan 3year-old pretends to shell corn. By acting out
their emotions, new social skills, the foundations of morality, and a clear sense
family scenes and adult occupations, young children around
of themselves as boy or girl. Now lets look closely at each of these aspects of
the world develop a sense of initiative, gaining insight into
what they can do and become in their culture.
As we saw in Chapter7, infants and toddlers make strides in acquiring body self-awareness.
Psychological self-awareness emerges in early childhood, as language development enables
children to talk about their own subjective experience of being. In Chapter9, we noted that
preschoolers acquire a vocabulary for talking about their inner mental lives and refine their
understanding of mental states. As self-awareness strengthens, children focus more intently
on qualities that make the self unique. They begin to develop a self-concept, the set of attributes, abilities, attitudes, and values that an individual believes defines who he or she is. This
mental representation of the self has profound implications for childrens emotional and social
lives, influencing their preferences for activities and social partners and their vulnerability
Foundations of Self-Concept
Ask a 3 to 5year-old to tell you about h
im-or herself, and you are likely to hear something
like this: Im Tommy. Im 4 years old. I can wash my hair all by myself. I have a new Tinkertoy
set, and I made this big, big tower. Preschoolers s elf-concepts largely consist of observable
characteristics, such as their name, physical appearance, possessions, and everyday behaviors
(Harter, 2012; Watson, 1990).
By age 3, children also describe themselves in terms of typical emotions and attitudes(Im happy when I play with my friends; I dont like scary TV programs; I usually
dowhat Mommy says), suggesting a beginning understanding of their unique psychologicalcharacteristics (Eder & Mangelsdorf, 1997). And by age 5, childrens degree of agreement
Emergence of Self-Esteem
Another aspect of self-concept emerges in early childhood: self-esteem, the judgments we make
about our own worth and the feelings associated with those judgments. Tak e a Mo m e n t. . .
Make a list of your own self-judgments. Notice that, besides a global appraisal of your worth as
a person, you have a variety of separate self-evaluations concerning differentactivities. These
evaluations are among the most important aspects of self-development because they affect our
emotional experiences, future behavior, and long-term psychological adjustment.
Cultural Influences
childs self-image emphasizes a sense of belonging and obligations to others (I belong to the Lee
family; I like to help my mom wash dishes),
whereas the American childs is more autonomous, consisting largely of personal descriptions
(I do lots of puzzles; I like hockey) (Wang,
2004; Wang, Doan, & Song, 2010).
Ask Yourself
l ReviewWhy is self-esteem typically extremely high in
early childhood?
l Apply Joshua wants to know how he can help his
Emotional Development
Gains in representation, language, and self-concept support emotional development in early
childhood. Between ages 2 and 6, children make strides in the emotional abilities that, collectively, researchers refer to as emotional competence (Denham etal., 2011; Saarni etal., 2006).
First, preschoolers gain in emotional understanding, becoming better able to talk about feelings and to respond appropriately to others emotional signals. Second, they become better at
emotional self-regulationin particular, at coping with intense negative emotion. Finally,
preschoolers more often experience self-conscious emotions and empathy, which contribute to
their developing sense of morality.
Parenting strongly influences preschoolers emotional competence. Emotional competence, in turn, is vital for successful peer relationships and overall mental health.
Understanding Emotion
Preschoolers vocabulary for talking about emotion expands rapidly, and they use it skillfully
to reflect on their own and others behavior. Here are some excerpts from conversations in
which 2year-olds and 6year-olds commented on emotionally charged experiences:
Two-year-old: [After father shouted at child, she became angry, shouting back.] Im mad
atyou, Daddy. Im going away. Good-bye.
Two-year-old: [Commenting on another child who refused to nap and cried.] Mom, Annie
cry. Annie sad.
Six-year-old: [In response to mothers comment, Its hard to hear the baby crying.] Well,
its not as hard for me as it is for you. [When mother asked why] Well, you like
Johnnybetter than I do! I like him a little, and you like him a lot, so I think its harder
for you to hear him cry.
Six-year-old: [Trying to comfort a small boy in church whose mother had gone up to
communion.] Aw, thats all right. Shell be right back. Dont be afraid. Im here.
(Bretherton etal., 1986, pp.536, 540, 541)
Cognitive Development and Emotional Understanding As these examples show, young preschoolers refer to causes, consequences, and behavioral signs of emotion,
and over time their understanding becomes more accurate and complex (Thompson, Winer,
& Goodvin, 2011). By age 4 to 5, they correctly judge the causes of many basic emotions
(Heshappy because hes swinging very high; Hes sad because he misses his mother). Preschoolers explanations tend to emphasize external factors over internal states, a balance that
changes with age (Rieffe, Terwogt, & Cowan, 2005). In Chapter9, we saw that after age 4, children appreciate that both desires and beliefs motivate behavior. Once these understandings
are secure, childrens grasp of how internal factors can trigger emotion expands.
Preschoolers are good at inferring how others are feeling based on their behavior. For
example, they can tell that a child who jumps up and down and claps his hands is probably
happy, and one who is tearful and withdrawn is sad (Widen & Russell, 2011). And they are
beginning to realize that thinking and feeling are i nterconnectedthat a person reminded of a
This childs carefree gestures and humorous words suggest to her playmates that she
feels joyful, and they respond in kind with laughter.
Emotional Self-Regulation
Language also contributes to preschoolers improved emotional self-regulation, or ability to
manage the experience and expression of emotion (Cole, Armstrong, & Pemberton, 2010). By
age 3 to 4, children verbalize a variety of strategies for adjusting their emotional arousal to a
more comfortable level (Thompson & Goodvin, 2007). For example, they know they can blunt
emotions by restricting sensory input (covering their eyes or ears to block out a scary sight or
sound), talking to themselves (Mommy said shell be back soon), or changing their goals
(deciding that they dont want to play anyway after being excluded from a game).
As children use these strategies, emotional outbursts decline. Effortful controlin par
ticular, inhibiting impulses and shifting attentionis vital in managing emotion in early
childhood. Th
ree-year-olds who can distract themselves when frustrated tend to become
Reduce exposure to frightening stories and TV programs until the child is better able to distinguish appearance
from reality. Search the childs room for monsters, showing him that none are there. Use a n
ight-light, sit by the
childs bed until he falls asleep, and tuck in a favorite toy for protection.
If the child resists going to preschool but seems content once there, the fear is probably separation. Provide
warmth and caring while gently encouraging independence. If the child fears being at preschool, try to find out
whythe teacher, the children, or a crowded, noisy environment. Provide support by accompanying the child
andgradually lessening the amount of time you stay.
Do not force the child to approach a dog, cat, or other animal that arouses fear. Let the child move at her own
pace. Demonstrate how to hold and pet the animal, showing that when treated gently, the animal is friendly.
Ifthe child is larger than the animal, emphasize this: Youre so big. That kitty is probably afraid of you!
Intense fears
If a childs fear is intense, persists for a long time, interferes with daily activities, and cannot be reduced in any
ofthe ways just suggested, it has reached the level of a phobia. Some phobias are linked to family problems and
require counseling. Other phobias diminish without treatment as the childs emotional s elf-regulation improves.
cooperative school-age children with few problem behaviors (Gilliom etal., 2002). By age 3,
effortful control predicts childrens skill at portraying an emotion they do not feelfor
example, reacting cheerfully after receiving an undesirable gift (Kieras et al., 2005). These
emotional masks are largely limited to the positive feelings of happiness and surprise. Children of all ages (and adults as well) find it harder to act sad, angry, or disgusted than pleased
(Denham, 1998). To promote good social relations, most cultures teach children to communicate positive feelings and inhibit unpleasant ones.
Temperament affects the development of emotional s elf-regulation. Children who expe
rience negative emotion intensely find it harder to inhibit feelings and shift attention away
from disturbing events. They are more likely to be anxious and fearful, respond with irritation
to others distress, react angrily or aggressively when frustrated, and get along poorly with
teachers and peers (Eisenberg, Smith, & Spinrad, 2011; Raikes etal., 2007).
To avoid social difficulties, emotionally reactive children must develop effective emotion-
regulation strategies. By watching parents manage their feelings, children learn strategies for
regulating their own. Parents who are in tune with their own emotional experiences tend to
be supportive and patient with their preschoolers, offering suggestions and explanations of
emotion-regulation strategies that strengthen childrens capacity to handle stress (Meyer etal.,
2014; Morris etal., 2011). In contrast, when parents rarely express positive emotion, dismiss
childrens feelings as unimportant, and fail to control their own anger, childrens emotion
management and psychological adjustment suffer (Hill etal., 2006; Thompson & Meyer, 2007).
And because emotionally reactive children become increasingly difficult to rear, they are often
targets of ineffective parenting, which compounds their poor s elf-regulation.
Adultchild conversations that prepare children for difficult experiences also foster emotional self-regulation (Thompson & Goodman, 2010). Parents who discuss what to expect
andways to handle anxiety offer coping strategies that children can apply. Nevertheless, preschoolers vivid imaginations and incomplete grasp of the distinction between appearance and
reality make fears common in early childhood. Consult Applying What We Know above for ways
adults can help young children manage fears.
Self-Conscious Emotions
One morning in Leslies classroom, a group of children crowded around for a b
activity. Leslie asked them to wait patiently while she got a baking pan. But Sammy reached
over to feel the dough, and the bowl tumbled off the table. When Leslie returned, Sammy
looked at her, then covered his eyes with his hands, and said, I did something bad. He felt
ashamed and guilty.
As their self-concepts develop, preschoolers become increasingly sensitive to praise and
blame or (as Sammy did) to the possibility of such feedback. As a result, they more often experience self-conscious emotionsfeelings that involve injury to or enhancement of their sense
ofself (see Chapter7). By age 3, s elf-conscious emotions are clearly linked to s elf-evaluation
(Lagattuta & Thompson, 2007; Lewis, 1995). But because preschoolers are still developing
standards of excellence and conduct, they depend on messages from parents, teachers, and
others who matter to them to know when to feel proud, ashamed, or guilty, often viewing adult
expectations as obligatory rules (Dad said youre posed to take turns) (Thompson, Meyer, &
McGinley, 2006).
When parents repeatedly comment on the worth of the child and her performance (Thats
a bad job! I thought you were a good girl), children experience self-conscious emotions
intenselymore shame after failure, more pride after success. In contrast, when parents focus
on how to improve performance (You did it this way; now try doing it that way), they induce
moderate, more adaptive levels of shame and pride and greater persistence on difficult tasks
(Kelley, Brownell, & Campbell, 2000; Lewis, 1998).
Among Western children, intense shame is associated with feelings of personal inadequacy (Im stupid; Im a terrible person) and with maladjustmentwithdrawal and depression as well as intense anger and aggression toward those who participated in the shame-evoking
situation (Lindsay-Hartz, de Rivera, & Mascolo, 1995; Mills, 2005). In contrast, guiltwhen
itoccurs in appropriate circumstances and is neither excessive nor accompanied by s hame
isrelated to good adjustment. Guilt helps children resist harmful impulses, and it motivates
amisbehaving child to repair the damage and behave more considerately (Mascolo & Fischer,
2007; Tangney, Stuewig, & Mashek, 2007). But overwhelming g uiltinvolving such high
emotional distress that the child cannot make amendsis linked to depressive symptoms as
early as age 3 (Luby etal., 2009).
Finally, the consequences of shame for childrens adjustment may vary across cultures.
Asillustrated in the Cultural Influences box on page 360, people in Asian societies, who tend
to define themselves in relation to their social group, view shame as an adaptive reminder of
an interdependent self and of the importance of others judgments (Friedlmeier, Corapci, &
Cole, 2011).
Ask Yourself
l ReviewWhat do preschoolers understand about
Peer Relations
As children become increasingly s elf-aware and better at communicating and understanding
the thoughts and feelings of others, their skill at interacting with peers improves rapidly. Peers
provide young children with learning experiences they can get in no other way. Because peers
interact on an equal footing, they must keep a conversation going, cooperate, and set goals in
play. With peers, children form f riendshipsspecial relationships marked by attachment and
common interests. Lets look at how peer interaction changes over the preschool years.
behavior and solitary play. Then it shifts to parallel play, a limited form of social participation
in which a child plays near other children with similar materials but does not try to influence
their behavior. At the highest level are two forms of true social interaction. In associative play,
children engage in separate activities but exchange toys and comment on one anothers behavior. Finally, in cooperative play, a more advanced type of interaction, children orient toward a
common goal, such as acting out a m
ake-believe theme.
Look and
Four-year-olds (left) engage in parallel play. Cooperative play (right) develops later than parallel play, but preschoolers continue to move back and forth between the two
types of sociability. They often use parallel play as a respite from the complex demands of cooperation.
Tabl e10.1
Play Category
Functional play
Constructive play
Make-believe play
adjustment problems (Guimond et al., 2012; Rubin, Bukowski, & Parker, 2006; Rubin,
Burgess, & Hastings, 2002). And preschoolers who engage in solitary, repetitive behavior
(banging blocks, making a doll jump up and down) tend to be immature, impulsive children
who find it difficult to regulate anger and aggression (Coplan etal., 2001). In the classroom,
both reticent and impulsive children experience peer ostracism, with boys at greater risk for
rejection than girls (Coplan & Arbeau, 2008).
But other preschoolers with low rates of peer interaction are not socially anxious or
impulsive. They simply prefer to play alone, and their solitary activities are positive and constructive. Teachers encourage such play by setting out art materials, books, puzzles, and building toys. Children who spend much time at these activities are usually w
ell-adjusted, and
when they do play with peers, they show socially skilled behavior (Coplan & Armer, 2007).
Still, a few preschoolers who engage in age-appropriate solitary p
layagain, more often
boysare rebuffed by peers (Coplan etal., 2001, 2004). Perhaps because quiet play is inconsistent with the masculine gender role, boys who engage in it are at risk for negative reactions
from both parents and peers and, eventually, for adjustment problems.
As noted in Chapter 9, sociodramatic playan advanced form of cooperative play
becomes especially common over the preschool years and supports cognitive, emotional, and
social development. In joint make-believe, preschoolers act out and respond to one anothers
pretend feelings. They also explore and gain control of fear-arousing experiences when they
play doctor or pretend to search for monsters in a magical forest. As a result, they can better understand others feelings and regulate their own (Meyers & Berk, 2014). Finally, preschoolers spend much time negotiating roles and rules in sociodramatic play. To create and
manage complex plots, they must resolve disputes through discussion and compromise.
When researchers observed f ree-play periods in preschools, they found that girls participated more in sociodramatic play, whereas boys participated more in friendly, vigorous interactions called rough-and-tumble play. Each type of play was associated with gains in emotional
competence one year later (Lindsey & Colwell, 2013). Both sociodramatic play and rough-
and-tumble play require children to understand emotions, exercise self-control, and respond
to other childrens verbal and nonverbal cues. We will return to the topic of r ough-and-tumble
play in Chapter11.
Cultural Variations Peer sociability takes different forms, depending on the relative
importance cultures place on group harmony as opposed to individual autonomy (Chen,
2012). For example, children in India generally play in large groups. Much of their behavior is
imitative, occurs in unison, and involves close physical contacta play style requiring high
levels of cooperation. In a game called Bhatto Bhatto, children act out a script about a trip to
the market, touching one anothers elbows and hands as they pretend to cut and share a tasty
vegetable (Roopnarine etal., 1994).
As another example, young Chinese c hildrenunlike their North American agemates,
who tend to reject reticent peersare typically accepting of passive, reticent behaviors among
their playmates (Chen etal., 2006; French etal., 2011). In Chapter7, we saw that until recently,
cultural values that discourage self-assertion led to positive evaluations of shyness in China
Agta village children in the Philippines play a tugofwar game. Large group, highly
cooperative play occurs more often in societies that value group harmony rather than
individual autonomy.
(see page 260). Apparently, this benevolent attitude is still evident in the play behaviors of young Chinese children.
Cultural beliefs about the importance of play also affect
early peer associations. Caregivers who view play as mere
entertainment are less likely to provide props or to encourage
pretend than those who value its cognitive and social benefits
(Gaskins, 2014). Recall the description of childrens daily lives
in village and tribal cultures, described on page 326 in Chapter9. Mayan parents, for example, do not promote childrens
playyet Mayan children are socially competent. When
Mayan children do pretend, their play themes are interpretive
of daily lifeinvolving a limited number of scripts that reflect
everyday roles and experiences. Children in industrialized,
urban contexts more often engage in inventive play, gener
ating make-believe scenarios unconstrained by actual experience (Gaskins, 2013). Perhaps Western-style sociodramatic
play, with its elaborate materials and w
ide-ranging imaginative themes, is particularly important for social development
in societies where the worlds of adults and children are distinct. It may be less crucial in village cultures where children
participate in adult activities from an early age.
First Friendships
As preschoolers interact, first friendships form that serve as important contexts for emotional
and social development. Tak e a Mo m e n t. . . Jot down a description of what friendship
means to you. You probably pictured a mutual relationship involving companionship, sharing,
understanding of thoughts and feelings, and caring for and comforting one another in times
of need. In addition, mature friendships endure over time and survive occasional conflicts.
Preschoolers understand something about the uniqueness of friendship. They say that a
friend is someone who likes you and with whom you spend a lot of time playing. Yet their
ideas about friendship are far from mature. Four-to 7year-olds regard friendship as pleasurable play and sharing of toys. But friendship does not yet have a long-term, enduring quality
based on mutual trust (Damon, 1988; Hartup, 2006). Marks my best friend, Sammy would
declare on days when the boys got along well. But when a dispute arose, he would reverse himself: Mark, youre not my friend! When researchers asked preschoolers to identify their best
friendsthe children they most liked to play w
ithless than one-third mentioned the same
best friend one year later, and only about o
ne-fourth identified playmates who reciprocally
named them as best friends (Eivers etal., 2012).
Nevertheless, interactions between young friends are unique. Preschoolers give twice as
much reinforcementgreetings, praise, and c omplianceto children they identify as friends,
and they also receive more from them. Friends play together in more complex ways and are
more cooperative and emotionally expressivetalking, laughing, and looking at each other
more often than nonfriends do (Hartup, 2006; Vaughn et al., 2001). And early childhood
friendships offer social support: Children who begin kindergarten with friends in their class
or readily make new friends adjust to school more favorably (Ladd, Birch, & Buhs, 1999;
Proulx & Poulin, 2013). Perhaps the company of friends serves as a secure base from which to
develop new relationships, enhancing childrens feelings of comfort in the new classroom.
5. Evaluate
of strategies.
4. Generate
possible problemsolving strategies.
3. Formulate
6. Enact
2. Interpret
social cues.
1. Notice
social cues.
The Social P roblem-Solving Process Nicki Crick and Kenneth Dodge (1994)
organize the steps of social problem solving into the circular model shown in Figure 10.1.
Notice how this flowchart takes an information-processing approach, clarifying exactly what a
child must do to grapple with and solve a social problem. It enables identification of processing deficits, so intervention can be tailored to meet individual needs.
Social problem solving profoundly affects peer relations. Children who getalong well with
agemates interpret social cues accurately, formulate goals (helping or cooperating with peers)
that enhance relationships, and have a repertoire of effective p
roblem-solving strategiesfor
example, politely asking to play, requesting an explanation when they do not understand a
peers behavior, and working out a compromise when faced with peer disagreement. In contrast, children with peer difficulties often hold biased social expectations. Consequently, they
attend selectively to social cues (such as hostile acts) and misinterpret others behavior (view
an unintentional jostle as hostile). Their social goals (satisfying an impulse, getting even with
or avoiding a peer) often lead to strategies that damage relationships (Dodge, Coie, & Lynam,
2006; Meece & Mize, 2011). They might barge into a play group without asking, use threats
and physical force, or fearfully hover around peers activities.
Children improve greatly in social problem solving over the preschool and early school
years. Between ages 2 and 4, they increasingly display positive emotion and sociable behavior
when negotiating with peers (Walker etal., 2013). Five-to 7year-olds tend to rely on per
suasion and compromise, to think of alternative strategies when an initial one does not work,
and to resolve disagreements without adult intervention (Mayeux & Cillessen, 2003). Sometimes they suggest creating new, mutual goals, reflecting awareness that how they solve current problems will influence the future of the relationship (Yeates, Schultz, & Selman, 1991).
By kindergarten, the accuracy and effectiveness of each component of social problem solving
are related to socially competent behavior (Dodge etal., 1986).
Enhancing Social Problem Solving Intervening with children who have weak
social problem-solving skills can foster development in several ways. Besides improving peer
relations, effective social problem solving offers children a sense of mastery in the face of
stressful life events. It reduces the risk of adjustment difficulties in children from low-SES and
troubled families (Goodman, Gravitt, & Kaslow, 1995).
In one interventionthe Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) curriculum
for preschool childrenteachers provide children with weekly lessons in the ingredients of
social problem solving. Using stories, puppet characters, discussion, and role-play demon
strations, they teach such skills as detecting others feelings, planning sequences of action,
generating effective strategies, and anticipating probable outcomes. In evaluations of PATHS,
preschoolers who completed 30 lessons in their Head Start classrooms scored higher than
nointervention controls in accurately reading others emotions, inferring how others are
likely to feel based on situational cues, selecting competent solutions to social conflicts, and
cooperating and communicating with peers (Bierman et al., 2008; Domitrovich, Cortes, &
Greenberg, 2007).
Direct Parental Influences Outside preschool, child care, and kindergarten, young
children depend on parents to help them establish rewarding peer associations. Preschoolers
whose parents frequently arrange informal peer play activities tend to have larger peer networks and to be more socially skilled (Ladd, LeSieur, & Profilet, 1993). In providing play opportunities, parents show children how to initiate peer contacts and encourage them to be good
hosts who consider their playmates needs.
Parents also influence childrens peer interaction skills by offering
guidance on how to act toward others. Their skillful suggestions for managing conflict, discouraging teasing, and entering a play group are associated with preschoolers social competence and peer acceptance (Mize &
Pettit, 2010; Parke etal., 2004b).
Ask Yourself
l ReviewHow is social competence related to childrens
Foundations of Morality
Young childrens behavior provides many examples of their budding moral sense. In Chapter4, we noted that newborn (and older) infants often cry in response to the cries of other
babies, a possible precursor of empathy. And after watching scenes in which one puppet helps
another by returning a dropped ball while a second takes the ball away, babies as young as
3months overwhelmingly preferred (looked longer at) the helpful character over the hinderer
(Hamlin & Wynn, 2011). They seem implicitly drawn to the nice guy and repelled by the
mean guy.
By the middle of the second year, toddlers expect others to act fairly, by dividing resources
equally among recipients (Geraci & Surian, 2011). As children reach age 2, they often use language to evaluate their own and others actions: I naughty. I wrote on the wall or (after being
hit by another child) Connie not nice. And we have seen that children of this age share toys,
help others, and cooperate in g amesearly indicators of considerate, responsible, prosocial
Adults everywhere take note of this developing capacity to distinguish right from wrong
and to accommodate the needs of others. Some cultures have special terms for it. The Utku
Indians of Hudson Bay say the child develops ihuma (reason). The Fijians believe that vakayalo
(sense) appears. In response, parents hold children more responsible for their actions (Dunn,
2005). By the end of early childhood, children can state many moral rules: Dont take someones things without asking. Tell the truth! In addition, they argue over matters of justice:
You sat there last time, so its my turn. Its not fair. He got more!
All theories of moral development recognize that conscience begins to take shape in early
childhood. And most agree that at first, the childs morality is externally controlled by adults.
Gradually, it becomes regulated by inner standards. Truly moral individuals do not do the
right thing just to conform to others expectations. Rather, they have developed compassionate concerns and principles of good conduct, which they follow in many situations.
Each major theory of development emphasizes a different aspect of morality. Psycho
analytic theory stresses the emotional side of conscience developmentin particular, identification and guilt as motivators of good conduct. Social learning theory focuses on how moral
behavior is learned through reinforcement and modeling. Finally, the c ognitive-developmental
perspective emphasizes thinkingchildrens ability to reason about justice and fairness.
Today, most researchers disagree with Freuds view of conscience development. In his
theory (see page 16 in Chapter1), fear of punishment and loss of parental love motivate conscience formation and moral behavior. Yet children whose parents frequently use threats,
commands, or physical force tend to violate standards often and feel little guilt, whereas parental warmth and responsiveness predict greater guilt following transgressions (Kochanska etal.,
2005, 2008). And if a parent withdraws love after m
isbehaviorfor example, refuses to speak
to or states a dislike for the c hildchildren often respond with high levels ofself-blame, thinking, Im no good, or Nobody loves me. Eventually, to protect themselves from overwhelming guilt,these children may deny the emotion and, as a result, also develop a weak conscience
(Kochanska, 1991; Z
ahn-Waxler etal., 1990).
This teacher uses inductive discipline to explain to a child how her misbehavior
affects others. She indicates how the child should behave, encouraging empathy
and sympathetic concern.
gives children information about how to behave that they can use in future
By emphasizing the impact of the childs actions on others, induction encourages empathy and sympathetic concern, which motivate prosocial behavior.
Giving children reasons for changing their behavior encourages them to adopt moral
standards because those standards make sense.
Children who consistently experience induction may form a script for the negative emotional consequences of harming others: Child causes harm, inductive message points out
harm, child feels empathy for victim, child makes amends (Hoffman, 2000). The script
deters future transgressions.
In contrast, discipline that relies too heavily on threats of punishment or withdrawal of
love makes children so anxious and frightened that they cannot think clearly enough to figure
out what they should do. As a result, these practices do not get children to internalize moral
rules andas noted e arlieralso interfere with empathy and prosocial responding (Eisenberg,
Fabes, & Spinrad, 2006; Padilla-Walker, 2008). Nevertheless, warnings, disapproval, and commands are sometimes necessary to get an unruly child to listen to an inductive message
(Grusec, 2006).
The Childs Contribution Although good discipline is crucial, childrens characteristics also affect the success of parenting techniques. Twin studies suggest a modest genetic
contribution to empathy (Knafo etal., 2009). More empathic children require less power assertion and are more responsive to induction.
Temperament is also influential. Mild, patient
requests, suggestions, and
explanationsare sufficient to prompt guilt reactions and conscience development in anxious, fearful preschoolers (Kochanska etal., 2002). But with fearless, impulsive children, gentle
discipline has little impact. As a result, parents of preschoolers high in externalizing behavior
are unlikely to use induction, relying instead on power assertive methods including physical punishment. But power assertion also works poorly. It undermines
the childs capacity for effortful control, which strongly predicts good conduct,
empathy, sympathy, and prosocial behavior (Kochanska & Aksan, 2006). Parents of impulsive children can foster conscience development by ensuring a
warm, harmonious relationship and combining firm correction of misbehaviorwith induction (Kim etal., 2014; Kochanska & Kim, 2014). When children
are so low in anxiety that parental disapproval causes them little discomfort,
a close p
arentchild bond provides an alternative foundation for morality. It
motivates children to listen to parents as a means of preserving an affectionate,
supportive relationship.
In sum, to foster early moral development, parents must tailor their disciplinary strategies to their childs personality. Does this remind you of goodness
of fit, discussed in Chapter7? Return to page 259 to review this idea.
The Role of Guilt Although little support exists for Freudian ideas about
conscience development, Freud was correct that guilt motivates moral action.
By the end of toddlerhood, guilt reactions are evident, and preschoolers assertions reveal that they have internalized the parents moral voice: Didnt you
hear my mommy? Wed better not play with these toys.
Inducing empathy-based guilt (expressions of personal responsibility and
regret, such as Im sorry I hurt him) by explaining that the child is causing
someone distress and has disappointed the parent is a means of influencing children without using coercion. E
mpathy-based guilt reactions are associated with
stopping harmful actions, repairing damage caused by misdeeds, and engaging
When children are impulsive and low in anxiety, a secure
in future prosocial behavior (Eisenberg, Eggum, & Edwards, 2010). At the same
attachment relationship motivates conscience development.
time, parents must help children deal with guilt feelings c onstructivelyby
This preschooler wants to follow parental rules to preserve an
guiding them to make up for immoral behavior rather than minimizing or
affectionate, supportive relationship with her father.
excusing it (Bybee, Merisca, & Velasco, 1998).
But contrary to what Freud believed, guilt is not the only force that compels us to act
morally. Nor is moral development complete by the end of early childhood. Rather, it is a
gradual process that extends into adulthood, building on foundations that emerge during
early childhood.
Consistency between assertions and behavior. When models say one thing and do another
for example, announce that its important to help others but rarely engage in helpful
actschildren generally choose the most lenient standard of behavior (Mischel & Liebert,
Models are most influential in the early years. In one study, toddlers eager, willing imi
tation of their mothers behavior predicted moral conduct (not cheating in a game) and guilt
following transgressions at age 3 (Forman, Aksan, & Kochanska, 2004). At the end of the preschool years, children who have had consistent exposure to caring adults tend to behave
prosocially whether or not a model is present (Mussen & Eisenberg-Berg, 1977). They have
internalized prosocial rules from repeated observations and encouragement by others.
Effects of Punishment Many parents realize that angrily yelling at, slapping, and
spanking children are ineffective disciplinary tactics. A sharp reprimand or physical force to
restrain or move a child is justified when immediate obedience is n
ecessaryfor example,
when a 3year-old is about to run into the street. In fact, parents are most likely to use forceful
methods under these conditions. But to foster long-term goals, such as acting kindly toward
others, they tend to rely on warmth and reasoning (Kuczynski, 1984; Lansford etal., 2012).
And in response to serious transgressions, such as lying or stealing, they often combine power
assertion with reasoning (Grusec, 2006).
Frequent punishment promotes immediate compliance but not lasting changes in behavior. For example, Robbies parents often punished by hitting, shouting, and criticizing. But as
soon as they were out of sight, Robbie usually engaged in the unacceptable behavior again. The
more harsh threats, angry physical control, and physical punishment children experience, the
more likely they are to develop serious, lasting problems. These include weak internalization
of moral rules; depression, aggression, antisocial behavior, and poor academic performance in
childhood and adolescence; and depression, alcohol abuse, criminality, physical health problems, and family violence in adulthood (Afifi etal., 2006, 2013; Bender etal., 2007; Kochanska,
Aksan, & Nichols, 2003; Lynch etal., 2006).
Repeated harsh punishment has several undesirable side effects:
Parents often spank in response to childrens aggression. Yet the punishment itself models
treated children react with anger, resentment, and a chronic sense of being personally threatened, which prompts a focus on the self s distress rather than a sympathetic
orientation to others needs.
Children who are frequently punished develop a more conflict-ridden and less supportive
parentchild relationship and also learn to avoid the punitive parent (McLoyd & Smith,
2002; Shaw, Lacourse, & Nagin, 2005). Consequently, the parents effectiveness at teaching
desirable behaviors is substantially reduced.
By stopping childrens misbehavior temporarily, harsh punishment gives adults immediate relief, reinforcing them for using coercive discipline. For this reason, a punitive adult
is likely to punish with greater frequency over time, a course of action that can spiral into
serious abuse.
Children, adolescents, and adults whose parents used corporal punishmentphysical force
that inflicts pain but not injuryare more accepting of such discipline (Deater-Deckard
etal., 2003; Vitrup & Holden, 2010). In this way, use of physical punishment may transfer
to the next generation.
Although corporal punishment spans the SES spectrum, its frequency and harshness are
elevated among less educated, economically disadvantaged parents (Giles-Sims, Strauss, &
Sugarman, 1995; Lansford etal., 2009). And consistently, parents with c onflict-ridden marriages and with mental health problems (who are emotionally reactive, depressed, or aggressive)
are more likely to be punitive and also to have hardtomanage children, whose disobedienceevokes more parental harshness (Erath etal., 2006; Knafo & Plomin, 2006). But even after
Difficult temperament
Easy temperament
Mean Externalizing
Behavior Score at 3 Years
Corporal Punishment at 15 Months
Percentage of Parents
Reporting Corporal Punishment
controlling for child, parenting, and family characteristics that might otherwise
account for the relationship, longitudinal findings reveal a link between physical
punishment and later child and adolescent aggression (Lansford et al., 2011; Lee
etal., 2013; MacKenzie etal., 2013; Taylor etal., 2010).
On average, the negative effects of physical punishment are small after controlling for the factors just mentioned (Ferguson, 2013). But physical punishment affects
children with vulnerable temperaments more negatively than others. For example, in
a longitudinal study extending from 15months to 3 years, early corporal punishment
predicted externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers of diverse temperaments,
but negative outcomes were more pronounced among temperamentally difficult
children (see Figure 10.2) (Mulvaney & Mebert, 2007). Similar findings emerged
from a twin study in which physical punishment was most detrimental for children at high genetic risk for behavior problems (Boutwell et al., 2011). Ta ke a
M o m e n t. . . Return to page 85 in Chapter2 to review findings indicating that good
parenting can shield children genetically at risk for aggression and antisocial activity
from developing those behaviors.
In view of these findings, the widespread use of corporal punishment by American parents is cause for concern. Surveys of nationally representative samples
ofU.S.households reveal that although corporal punishment increases from infancy
to age 5 and then declines, it is high at all ages (see Figure10.3) (Gershoff etal., 2012;
Straus & Stewart, 1999). Furthermore, over the past 40 years, the prevalence of physical punishment has remained stable among preschoolers and declined only slightly
(remaining high) among school-age children (Zolotor etal., 2011). And more than
one-fourth of physically punishing U.S. parents report having used a hard object,
such as a brush or a belt (Gershoff, 2002).
A prevailing American belief is that corporal punishment, if implemented by
caring parents, is harmless, perhaps even beneficial. In one opinion poll, 72percent
of adults agreed that it is OK to spank a child (Survey USA, 2005). But as the Cultural Influences box on the following page reveals, this assumption is valid only under
conditions of limited use in certain social contexts.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Age of Child
Cultural Influences
Ethnic Differences in the Consequences of Physical Punishment
Use transgressions as
opportunities to teach.
When a child engages in harmful or unsafe behavior, intervene firmly, and then use induction, which motivates
children to make amends and behave prosocially.
When children appreciate that rules are fair to all concerned, not arbitrary, they strive to follow the rules because
they are reasonable and rational.
By joining with adults in preparing a meal, washing dishes, or raking leaves, children develop a sense of responsible
participation in family and community life and acquire many practical skills.
When a child refuses to obey, express understanding of the childs feelings (I know its not fun to clean up), suggest
a compromise (You put those away, Ill take care of these), and help the child think of ways to avoid theproblem
in the future. Responding firmly but kindly and respectfully increases the likelihood of willing cooperation.
Express confidence in childrens capacity to learn and appreciation for effort and cooperation, as in You gave that
your best! Thanks for helping! Adult encouragement fosters pride and satisfaction in succeeding, thereby
inspiring children to improve further.
When children are tired, ill, or bored, they are likely to engage in a ttention-getting, disorganized, or otherwise
improper behavior as a reaction to discomfort. In these instances, meeting the childs needs makes more sense
than disciplining.
Young childrens moral reasoning tends to be rigid, emphasizing salient features and consequences while neglecting other important information. For example, they have difficulty distinguishing
between accidental and intentional transgressions (Killen et al.
2011). And they are more likely than older childrento claim that
stealing and lying are always wrong, even when a person has a morally sound reason for engaging in these acts (Lourenco, 2003;
Poplinger etal., 2011). Furthermore, their explanations for why hitting others is wrong are simplistic and centered on physical harm:
When you get hit, it hurts, and you start to cry (Nucci, 2008).
Still, preschoolers ability to distinguish moral imperatives from
social conventions is impressive. How do they do so? According to
cognitive-developmental theorists, they actively make sense of their
experiences (Helweg & Turiel, 2011). They observe that after a moral
offense, peers respond with strong negative emotion, describe their
own injury or loss, tell another child to stop, or retaliate. And an
adult who intervenes is likely to call attention to the rights and feelings of the victim. In contrast, violations of social convention elicit
less intense peer reactions. And in these situations, adults usually
demand obedience without explanation or point to the importance
of keeping order.
Social Experience and Moral Understanding Cognition and language support preschoolers moral understanding, but social experiences are vital. Disputes with s iblings
and peers over rights, possessions, and property allow preschoolers to negotiate, compromise,and work out their first ideas about justice and fairness. Children also learn from warm,
sensitive parental communication and from observing how adults handle rule violations
(Turiel & Killen, 2010). And they benefit greatly from a dultchild discussions of moral issues.
Children who are advanced in moral thinking tend to have parents who adapt their com
munications about fighting, honesty, and ownership to what their children can understand,
tell stories with moral implications, encourage prosocial behavior, and gently stimulate the
child to think further, without being hostile or critical (Janssens & Dekovi, 1997; Walker &
Taylor, 1991).
Preschoolers who verbally and physically assault others, often with little or no provocation, are already delayed in moral reasoning (Helwig & Turiel, 2004). Without special help,
such children show long-term disruptions in moral development, deficits in self-control, and
ultimately an antisocial lifestyle.
from early childhood through adolescence, in children of both sexes and in many cultures,
with most of these practices predicting both physical and relational forms (Ct etal., 2007;
Gershoff etal., 2010; Kuppens etal., 2013; Nelson etal., 2013; Olson etal. 2011).
In families like Robbies, anger and punitiveness quickly create a conflict-ridden family
atmosphere and an outofcontrol child. The pattern begins with forceful discipline, which
occurs more often with stressful life experiences (such as economic hardship or an unhappy
marriage), a parent with an unstable personality, or a temperamentally difficult child (Dodge,
Coie, & Lynam, 2006). Typically, the parent threatens, criticizes, and punishes, and the child
whines, yells, and refuses until the parent gives in. At the end of each exchange, both parent
and child get relief from stopping the unpleasant behavior of the other, so the behaviors repeat
and escalate.
As these cycles become more frequent, they generate anxiety and irritability among other
family members, who soon join in the hostile interactions. Compared with siblings in typicalfamilies, preschool siblings who have critical, punitive parents are more aggressive toward
one another. Physically, verbally, and relationally destructive sibling conflict, in turn, quickly
spreads to peer relationships, contributing to poor impulse control and antisocial behavior
bythe early school years (Garcia etal., 2000; Miller etal., 2012; Ostrov, Crick, & Stauffacher,
Boys are more likely than girls to be targets of harsh, inconsistent discipline because they
are more active and impulsive and therefore harder to control. When children who are extreme
in these characteristics are exposed to emotionally negative, inept parenting, their capacity for
emotional self-regulation, empathic responding, and guilt after transgressions is severely disrupted (Eisenberg, Eggum, & Edwards, 2010). Consequently, they lash out when disappointed,
frustrated, or faced with a sad or fearful victim.
TV shows (Coyne, Robinson, & Nelson, 2010). And violent content is 9percentabove average in childrens programming, with cartoons being the most
Reviewers of thousands of studiesusing a wide variety of research
designs, methods, and participants from diverse c ultureshave concluded
that TV violence increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and emotions
and of verbally, physically, and relationally aggressive behavior (Bushman &
Huesmann, 2012; Comstock & Scharrer, 2006). A growing number of studies show that playing violent video and computer games has similar effects
(Anderson etal., 2010; Hofferth, 2010). Although young people of all ages
are susceptible, preschool and young school-age children are especially likely
to imitate TV violence because they believe that much TV fiction is real and
accept what they see uncritically.
Violent programming not only creates short-term difficulties in parentand peer relations but also has lasting negative consequences. In several
longitudinal studies, time spent watching TV in childhood and adolescence
predicted aggressive behavior in early adulthood, after other factors linked to
TV viewing (such as prior child and parent aggression, IQ, parent education,
TV violence increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and
family income, and neighborhood crime) were controlled (see Figure 10.4)
emotions and tolerance of r eal-world aggression. Playing violent
(Graber etal., 2006; Huesmann etal., 2003; Johnson etal., 2002). Aggressive
video and computer games has similar effects.
children and adolescents have a greater appetite for violent media fare. And
boys devote more time to violent media than girls, in part because of m
ale-oriented themes of
conquest and adventure and use of males as lead characters. But even in nonaggressive children, violent TV sparks hostile thoughts and behavior; its impact is simply less intense.
Furthermore, media violence hardens children to aggression,making them more willing
to tolerate it in others (Anderson etal., 2003, 2010). Viewers quickly habituate, responding
with reduced arousal and greater acceptance when exposed to r eal-world instances.
Preschoolers, as we saw in Chapter9, spend much time watching educational programs
for young children. Although beneficial for cognitive and academic progress, high exposure to
educational programs is associated with a rise in relational aggressionin young children (Ostrov, Gentile, & Mullins, 2013). The likely
reason is that these programs often present social-conflict scenes,
in a well-intentioned effort to model social problem solving. But
preschoolers have difficulty connecting characters relational con40
flicts to their eventual favorable resolutions, so they readily imitatethe relationally aggressive acts they see. When brief explanations
are inserted, alerting young viewers to an educational programs
prosocial message, they more often respond as intended (Mares &
Acosta, 2010).
The ease with which screen media can manipulate childrens
beliefs and behavior has led to strong public pressure to improve its
content. In Canada, a nationwide broadcasting code bans from chil15
drens shows realistic scenes of violence that minimize consequences
and cartoons with violence as the central theme. Further, violent
programming intended for adults cannot be shown on Canadian
channels before 9p.m.In the United States, however, the First Amendment right to free speech has hampered efforts to regulate TV broad0
More than 3
1 to 3
Less than 1
casting (and many Canadian children have access to violent TV fare
Hours per Day of TV Viewing in
Childhood and Early Adolescence
As a result, parents bear most responsibility for regulating their
childrens exposure to media violence and other inappropriate conFigure 10.4 Relationship of television viewing in childhood
tent. In the United States, TV programs are rated for violent and
and early adolescence to aggressive acts in adolescence and early
sexual content, and since 2000 new TV sets have been required to
adulthood. Interviews with more than 700 parents and youths revealed that
contain the Vchip, which allows parents to block undesired matethe more TV watched in childhood and early adolescence, the greater the
rial. And parents can control childrens Internet access by using filannual number of aggressive acts committed by the young person, as reported
ters or programs that monitor website visits.
in followup interviews at ages 16 and 22. (Based on Johnson etal., 2002.)
Parents should provide clear rules limiting childrens TV viewing and computer and tablet use and should
stick to the rules. The TV or computer should not be used as a babysitter. Placing a TV or a computer in a
childs bedroom substantially increases use and makes the childs activity hard to monitor.
When media access is used as a reward or withheld as punishment, children become increasingly attracted
to it.
By raising questions about realism in media depictions, expressing disapproval of onscreen behavior, and
encouraging discussion, adults help children understand and critically evaluate TV and online content.
Parents can extend TV and online learning in ways that encourage children to engage actively with their
surroundings. For example, a program on animals might spark a trip to the zoo, a visit to the library for
books about animals, or new ways of observing and caring for the family pet.
Parents media behavior influences childrens behavior. Parents should avoid excessive TV and computer use,
limit their own exposure to harmful media content, and limit mobile device use duringfamily interactions.
Children of warm parents who make reasonable demands for mature behavior prefer media experiences
with educational and prosocial content and are less attracted to violent programming.
Helping Children and Parents Control Aggression Treatment for aggressive children must begin early, before their antisocial behavior becomes well-practiced and
difficult to change. Breaking the cycle of hostilities between family members and promoting
effective ways of relating to others is crucial. The coercive cycles of punitive parents and aggressive children are so persistent that these children often are punished when they do behave
Leslie suggested that Robbies parents see a family therapist, who observed their inef
fective practices and coached them in alternatives. They learned not to give in to Robbie, to
pair commands with reasons, and to replace verbal insults and spankings with more effective
punishments, such as time out and withdrawal of privileges. The therapist also encouraged
Robbies parents to be warmer and to give him attention and approval for prosocial acts.
Finally, she helped them with their marital problems. This, in addition to their improved ability to manage Robbies behavior, greatly reduced tension and conflict in the household.
Parent training programs based on social learning theory have been devised to improve
parenting in families like Robbies. In one highly effective approach called Incredible Years,
parents complete 18 weekly group sessions facilitated by two professionals, who teach par
enting techniques for promoting childrens academic, emotional, and social skills and for
managing disruptive behaviors. Sessions include coaching, modeling, and practicing effective
Look and
Watch a half-hour of childrens
cartoons and a prime-time
movie on TV, and tally the
number of violent acts,
including those that go
unpunished. How often did
violence occur in each type of
program? What do young
viewers learn about the
consequences of violence?
Ask Yourself
l ReviewWhat experiences help preschoolers differentiate
Gender Typing
Gender typing refers to any association of objects, activities, roles, or traits with one sex or the
other in ways that conform to cultural stereotypes (Blakemore, Berenbaum, & Liben, 2009). In
Leslies classroom, girls spent more time in the housekeeping, art, and reading corners, while
boys gathered more often in spaces devoted to blocks, woodworking, and active play. Already,
the children had acquired many g ender-linked beliefs and preferences and tended to play with
peers of their own sex.
The same theories that provide accounts of morality have been used to explain childrens
gender typing: social learning theory, with its emphasis on modeling and reinforcement, and
cognitive-developmental theory, with its focus on children as active thinkers about their social
world. As we will see, neither is adequate by itself. Gender schema theory, a third perspective
that combines elements of both, has gained favor. In the following sections, we consider the
early development of gender typing.
masculine behaviorsa preference for trucks and blocks over dolls, for active over quiet
play, and for boys as playmateseven when their parents encourage them to engage in gender-
typical play (Berenbaum & Beltz, 2011; C
ohen-Bendahan, van de Beek, & Berenbaum, 2005).
Maternal stress during pregnancysuch as unemployment, divorce, or death of a close
relativemay influence prenatal hormones, and it has been linked to masculine behaviors
among preschool girls (Barrett etal., 2014). Similarly, boys with reduced prenatal androgen
exposure(due to hereditary defects or maternal contact with industrial chemicals that interfere with androgen production) tend to engage in feminine behaviors, including toy choices,
play behaviors, and preference for girl playmates (Jrgensen etal., 2007; Swan etal., 2010).
Eleanor Maccoby (1998) argues that biologically based sex differences, which affect childrens play styles, lead children to choose same-sex playmates whose interests and behaviors
are compatible with their own. Preschool girls like to play in pairs with other girls because
they share a preference for quieter activities involving cooperative roles. Boys prefer larger-
group play with other boys, who desire to run, climb, p
lay-fight, compete, and build up and
knock down (Fabes, Martin, & Hanish, 2003). At age 4, children spend three times as much
time with same-sex as with other-sex playmates. By age 6, this ratio has climbed to 11 to 1
(Martin & Fabes, 2001).
In a study following almost 14,000 British children from ages 2 to 13, g ender-typed behavior rose steadily over early childhood and persisted into early adolescence, with the most
gender-typed young preschoolers showing the sharpest increase (Golombok et al., 2008;
2012). A wealth of evidence reveals that environmental forcesat home, at school, and in
the communitybuild on genetic influences to promote vigorous gender typing in early
The Family Beginning at birth, parents have different expectations of sons than of daughters (see Chapter7). Many parents prefer that their children play with gender-appropriate
toys (Blakemore & Hill, 2008). They tend to describe achievement, competition, and control
of emotion as important for sons and warmth, polite behavior, and closely supervised activities as important for daughters (Brody, 1999; Turner & Gervai, 1995).
Actual parenting practices reflect these beliefs. Parents give their sons toys that stress
action and competition (guns, cars, tools, and footballs) and their daughters toys that emphasize nurturance, cooperation, and physical attractiveness (dolls, tea sets, and jewelry) (Leaper,
1994; Leaper & Friedman, 2007). Fathers of preschoolers report
more physical interactionschasing, playing ball, playing outdoorswith sons, and more literacy a ctivitiessinging, reading,
storytellingwith daughters (Leavell et al., 2011). Parents also
tend to react more positively when a son plays with cars and
trucks, demands attention, runs and climbs, or tries to take toys
from others. When interacting with daughters, they more often
direct play activities, provide help, encourage participation in
household tasks, make supportive statements (approval, praise,
and agreement), and refer to emotions (Clearfield & N
2006; Fagot & Hagan, 1991; Leaper, 2000). For example, when
playing housekeeping, mothers engage in high rates of supportive
emotion talk with girls.
As these findings suggest, language is a powerful indirect
means for teaching children about gender stereotypes. Earlier we saw that most young children hold rigid beliefs about
gender. Although their strict views are due in part to cognitive
limitations, they also draw on relevant social experiences to conOf the two sexes, boys are more g ender-typed. Fathers, especially, promote
struct these beliefs. Even parents who believe strongly in genmasculine behavior in their preschool sons through activities that stress action
der equality unconsciously use language that highlights gender
and competition.
distinctions and informs children about traditional gender roles (see the Social Issues box on
pages 388389).
Of the two sexes, boys are more g ender-typed. Fathers, especially, tend to insist that boys
conform to gender roles. They place more pressure to achieve on sons than on daughters and
are less tolerant of cross-gender behavior in sonsmore concerned when a boy acts like a
sissy than when a girl acts like a tomboy (Blakemore & Hill, 2008; Wood, Desmarais, &
Gugula, 2002). Yet some parents have more flexible views. Recognizing the negative effects of
restrictive norms for males, they want their sons to be comfortable expressing feelings. As one
father explained: Im more reserved than my wife emotionally. I realize that it is better to have
our son be more open emotionally....So, thats a challenge. You want him to open up, and you
have to do the same thing. Im not used to doing that (Parker etal., 2012, p.61).
Parents who hold nonstereotyped values and behave accordingly have children who are
less gender-typed (Brody, 1997; Tenenbaum & Leaper, 2002). Young children with gay or lesbian parents are less g ender-typed than agemates with heterosexual parents, perhaps because
of their parents more egalitarian gender norms (Fulcher, Sutfin, & Patterson, 2008; Goldberg,
Kashy, & Smith, 2012).
Other family members may also reduce gender typing. For example, children with older,
other-sex siblings have many more opportunities to imitate and participate in cross-gender
activities and, as a result, are less g ender-typed in play preferences, a ttitudes, and personality
traits (McHale etal., 2001; Rust etal., 2000).
Look and
While observing 3 to 5year-
olds during a free-play period
in a preschool or c hild-care
program, note the extent of
gender segregation and g ender-
typed play. Did styles of social
influence differ in boys and
girls gender-segregated groups?
Jot down examples.
Teachers Teachers often act in ways that extend gender-role learning. Several times, Leslie
caught herself emphasizing gender distinctions when she called out, Will the girls line up on
one side and the boys on the other? or pleaded Boys, I wish youd quiet down like the girls!
Like parents, preschool teachers encourage girls to participate in adult-structured activities. Girls frequently cluster around the teacher, following directions, while boys are attracted to
play areas where adults are minimally involved (Campbell, Shirley, & Candy, 2004). As a result,
boys and girls engage in different social behaviors. Compliance and bids for
help occur more often in adult-structured contexts; assertiveness, leadership,
and creative use of materials in unstructured pursuits.
As early as kindergarten, teachers give more overall attention (both positive and negative) to boys than to girlsa difference evident in diverse countries, including China, England, and the United States. They praise boys more
for their academic knowledge but also use more disapproval and controlling
discipline with them (Chen & Rao, 2011; Davies, 2008; Swinson & Harrop,
2009). Teachers seem to expect boys to misbehave more o
ftena belief based
partly on boys actual behavior and partly on gender stereotypes.
Look and
Observe a parent discussing a
picture book with a 3 to 6year-
old. How many times did the
parent make generic statements
about gender? How about the
child? Did the parent accept or
correct the childs generic
Girls soon find that gentle tactics succeed with other girls but not with boys, who ignore
their courteous overtures (Leaper, 1994). Boys unresponsiveness gives girls another reason to
stop interacting with them.
Over time, children come to believe in the correctness of gender-segregated play and
to perceive themselves as more similar to same-sex than other-sex peers, which further
strengthen gender segregation and g ender-stereotyped activities (Martin etal., 1999, 2011).
As boys and girls separate, ingroup favoritismmore positive evaluations of members of ones
own genderbecomes another factor that sustains the separate social worlds of boys and girls,
resulting in two distinct subcultures of shared knowledge, beliefs, interests, and behaviors
(Maccoby, 2002; Ruble, Martin, & Berenbaum, 2006).
ignore exceptions. As
wewill seelater in this
chapter, generics proChildren
mote gender-role con
formity. Statements such
as This toy is for girls
induce children to prefer
the toy labeled for their
own sex and to avoid
thetoy labeled for the
other sex.
Mothers and childrens
use of generics increased
sharply between ages
2 years
4 years
6 years
2 and 6, a period in which
gender stereotyping and
gender-role conformity
rise dramatically (See
Figure 10.5 Mothers and childrens use of generic referFigure10.5). Initially,
ences to gender during storybook conversations. Generic utterances
were broad in scope, in that they referred to many, or nearly all, males and
mothers led the way in
females. Mothers and childrens use of generics increased dramatically
generic talk; at age 2 they
between ages 2 and 6. At age 2, mothers produced more generics than
introduced these category-
children. By age 6, children produced more generics than mothers. (From
wide generalizations nearly
S.A.Gelman, M.G.Taylor, &S.P.Nguyen, MotherChild Conversations
three times as often as
About Gender, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,
children. By age 6, how69[1, Serial No. 275], p.46. Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Blackwell
ever, children were proPublishers.)
ducing generics more often
than mothers. In addition,
motherchild pairs produced more generics about
sailors. Most girls dont like trucks. Even gen
males than about females, and generics were
erics that were gender-neutral (Lots of girls in
especially common in speech to and from boys,
this book) or denied a stereotype (Boys can be
who are the more gender typed ofthe two
ballet dancers, too) prompted children to view
individualsof the same gender as alike and to
Mean Percentage of Utterances
During Storybook Conversations
As we will see next, children do more than imitate the many g ender-linked responses they
observe. They soon come to view not just their social surroundings but also themselves
through a gender-biased lensa perspective that can seriously restrict their interests and
learning opportunities.
Gender Identity
As adults, each of us has a gender identityan image of oneself as relatively masculine or
feminine in characteristics. By middle childhood, researchers can measure gender identity
byasking children to rate themselves on personality traits. A child or adult with a masculineidentity scores high on traditionally masculine items (such as ambitious, competitive, and
selfsufficient) and low on traditionally feminine items (such as affectionate, cheerful, and
softspoken). Someone with a feminine identity does the reverse. And a substantial minority
(especially females) have a gender identity called androgyny, scoring high on both masculine
and feminine personality characteristics.
Gender identity is a good predictor of psychological adjustment. Masculine and androgynous children and adults have higher self-esteem than feminine individuals, perhaps because
many typically feminine traits are not highly valued by society (DiDonato & B
2011; Harter, 2012). Also, androgynous individuals are more adaptableable to show masculine independence or feminine sensitivity, depending on the situation (Huyck, 1996; Taylor &
Hall, 1982). The existence of an androgynous identity demonstrates that children can acquire
a mixture of positive qualities traditionally associated with each genderan orientation that
may best help them realize their potential.
Gender-Schematic Child
Im a boy.
Should boys
play with dolls?
Ignore doll
Am I thinking
about gender?
Gender-Aschematic Child
Do I like
this toy?
Im Billy.
Interest Filter
Figure 10.6
Cognitive pathways for gender-schematic and gender-aschematic children. In gender-schematic children, the gender-salience
filter immediately makes gender highly relevant: Billy sees a doll and thinks, Im a boy. Should boys play with dolls? Drawing on his experiences, he answers
yes or no. If he answers yes and the doll interests him, he plays with the doll. If he answers no, he avoids the gender-inappropriate toy. Gender-
aschematic children rarely view the world in g ender-linked terms. Billy simply asks, Do I like this toy? and responds on the basis of his interests. (Reprinted
by permission of Rebecca Bigler, University of Texas, Austin.)
in gender-schematic reasoning, preferring toys labeled for their gender and predicting that
same-sex peers would also like those toys (Martin, Eisenbud, & Rose, 1995). Highly attractive
toys, especially, lost their appeal when they were labeled as for the other gender.
Gender-schematic thinking is so powerful that when children see others
behaving in gender-inconsistent ways, they often distort their memory to make
it gender-consistent. For example, when shown a picture of a male nurse, they
may remember him as a doctor (Martin & Ruble, 2004). And, because g ender-
schematic preschoolers typically conclude, What I like, children of my own sex
will also like, they often use their own preferences to addto their gender biases
(Liben & Bigler, 2002). For example, a girl who dislikes oysters maydeclare, Only
boys like oysters! even though she has never actually been given information supporting such a stereotype. At least partly for this reason, young childrens genderschemas contain both culturally standard and nonstandard ideas (Tenenbaum
et al., 2010). Not until well into the school years do childrens gender schemas
fully resemble those of adults.
dolls and both pink and blue clothing. Teachers can ensure that all children spend time in
mixed-gender play activities and unstructured pursuits, as childrens behavior tends to be less
gender-typed in these contexts (Goble et al., 2012). Finally, adults can avoid language that
conveys gender stereotypes and can shield children from media presentations that do the
Once children notice the vast array of gender stereotypes in their society, adults can point
out exceptions. For example, they can arrange for children to see men and women pursuing
nontraditional careers and can explain that interests and skills, not sex, should determine a
persons occupation. Research shows that such reasoning reduces childrens gender-biased
views. By middle childhood, children who hold flexible beliefs about what boys and girls can
do are more likely to notice instances of gender discrimination (Brown & Bigler, 2004). And as
we will see in the next section, a rational approach to child rearing promotes healthy, adaptable functioning in many other areas as well.
Ask Yourself
l Review Explain how the social environment and young
Tabl e10.2
Acceptance and
Autonomy Granting
to their childs needs. They establish an enjoyable, emotionally fulfilling parentchild relationship that draws the child into close connection. When necessary, authoritative parents exercise firm, reasonable control called confrontive control: They insist on mature behavior, give
reasons for their expectations, and use disciplinary encounters as teaching moments to promote the childs self-regulation. They avoid using coercive control, which is arbitrary, rigid,
intrusive, and punitive. Finally, authoritative parents engage in gradual, appropriate autonomy
granting, allowing the child to make decisions in areas where he is ready to do so (Baumrind,
2013; Kuczynski & Lollis, 2002; Russell, Mize, & Bissaker, 2004).
Throughout childhood and adolescence, authoritative parenting is linked to many aspects
of competencean upbeat mood, self-control, task persistence, cooperativeness, high self-
esteem, social and moral maturity, and favorable school performance (Amato & Fowler, 2002;
Aunola, Stattin, & Nurmi, 2000; Gonzalez & Wolters, 2006; Mackey, Arnold, & Pratt, 2001;
Milevsky etal., 2007; Steinberg, Darling, & Fletcher, 1995).
Authoritarian Child Rearing The authoritarian child-rearing style is low in acceptance and involvement, high in coercive control, and low in autonomy granting. Authoritarian
parents appear cold and rejecting. To exert control, they yell, command, criticize, and threaten.
Do it because I said so! is their attitude. They make decisions for their child and expect their
child to accept their word unquestioningly. If the child resists, authoritarian parents resort to
force and punishment.
Children of authoritarian parents are more likely to be anxious, unhappy, and low in
selfesteem and s elf-reliance. When frustrated, they tend to react with hostility and, like their
parents, use force to get their way. Boys, especially, show high rates of anger and defiance.
Although girls also engage in acting-out behavior, they are more likely to be dependent, lacking interest in exploration, and overwhelmed by challenging tasks (Hart, Newell, & Olsen,
2003; Kakihara etal., 2010; Thompson, Hollis, & Richards, 2003). Children and adolescents
exposed to the authoritarian style typically do poorly in school. However, because of their
parents concern with control, they tend to achieve better and to commit fewer antisocial acts
than peers with undemanding parentsthat is, those whose parents use one of the two styles
we will consider next (Steinberg, Blatt-Eisengart, & Cauffman, 2006).
Permissive Child Rearing The permissive child-rearing style is warm and accepting but uninvolved. Permissive parents are either overindulgent or inattentive and, thus,
engage in little control. Instead of gradually granting autonomy, they allow children to make
many of their own decisions at an age when they are not yet capable of doing so. Their children
can eat meals and go to bed when they feel like it and watch as much television as they want.
They do not have to learn good manners or do household chores. Although some permissive
parents truly believe in this approach, many others simply lack confidence in their ability to
influence their childs behavior (Oyserman etal., 2005).
Children of permissive parents are impulsive, disobedient, and rebellious. They are also
overly demanding and dependent on adults, and they show less persistence on tasks, poorer
school achievement, and more antisocial behavior. The link between permissive parenting and
dependent, nonachieving, rebellious behavior is especially strong for boys (Barber & Olsen,
1997; Steinberg, Blatt-Eisengart, & Cauffman, 2006).
Uninvolved Child Rearing The uninvolved child-rearing style combines low acceptance and involvement with little control and general indifference to issues of autonomy. Often
these parents are emotionally detached and depressed and so overwhelmed by life stress that
they have little time and energy for children. At its extreme, uninvolved parenting is a form
of child maltreatment called neglect. Especially when it begins early, it disrupts virtually
allaspects of development (see Chapter4, page 153). Even with less extreme parental disengagement, children and adolescents display many p
roblemspoor emotional s elf-regulation,
school achievement difficulties, and antisocial behavior (Aunola, Stattin, & Nurmi, 2000;
Schroeder etal., 2010).
In sum, authoritative child rearing seems to create a positive emotional context for parental influence in the following ways:
involved parents who are secure in the standards they hold for their children
model caring concern as well as confident, self-controlled behavior.
Children are far more likely to comply with and internalize control that appears fair and
reasonable, not arbitrary.
By adjusting demands and autonomy granting to childrens capacities, authoritative parents convey to children that they are competent and can do things successfully for themselves. In this way, parents foster favorable self-esteem and cognitive and social maturity.
Supportive aspects of the authoritative style, including parental acceptance, involvement,
and rational control, are a powerful source of resilience, protecting children from the negative effects of family stress and poverty (Beyers etal., 2003).
Look and
Ask several parents to explain
their style of child rearing,
inquiring about acceptance and
involvement, control, and
autonomy granting. Look,
especially, for variations in
amount and type of control
over childrens behavior along
with parents rationales.
Cultural Variations
personal characteristics of the child and parent, SES, extended family and community supports, cultural values and practices, and public policies.
As we turn to the topic of child maltreatment, our discussion will underscore, once again,
that effective child rearing is sustained not just by the desire of mothers and fathers to be good
parents. Almost all want to be. Unfortunately, when vital supports for parenting break down,
childrenas well as parentscan suffer terribly.
Child Maltreatment
Child maltreatment is as old as human history, but only in recent decades has the problem
been widely acknowledged and studied. Perhaps public concern has increased because child
maltreatment is especially common in large industrialized nations. In the most recently
reported year, nearly 700,000U.S.children (9 out of every 1,000) were identified as victims
(U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Because most cases go unreported,
the true figures are much higher.
Child maltreatment takes the following forms:
Physical abuse: Assaults, such as kicking, biting, shaking, punching, or stabbing, that inflict
physical injury
abuse: Fondling, intercourse, exhibitionism, commercial exploitation through
prostitution or production of pornography, and other forms of sexual exploitation
Neglect: Failure to meet a childs basic needs for food, clothing, medical attention, education, or supervision
Emotional abuse: Acts that could cause serious emotional harm, including social isolation,
repeated unreasonable demands, ridicule, humiliation, intimidation, or terrorizing
Neglect accounts for about 78percent of reported cases, physical abuse for 18percent, emotional abuse for 9 percent, and sexual abuse for 9 percent (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2013). But these figures are only approximate, as many children experience
more than one form.
Parents commit more than 80percent of abusive incidents. Other relatives account for
about 6percent, and the remainder are perpetrated by parents unmarried partners, school
personnel, camp counselors, and other adults. Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are at greatest risk for neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. Sexual abuse is perpetrated more
often against school-age and early adolescent children. But each type occurs at every age
(Trocm & Wolfe, 2002; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Because
many sexual abuse victims are identified in middle childhood, we will pay special attention to
this form of maltreatment in Chapter13.
Origins of Child Maltreatment Early findings suggested that child maltreatmentwas rooted in adult psychological disturbance (Kempe etal., 1962). But although child
maltreatment is more common among disturbed parents, it soon became clear that a single
abusive personality type does not exist. Parents who were abused as children do not necessarily become abusers (Jaffee etal., 2013). And sometimes even normal parents harm their
For help in understanding child maltreatment, researchers turned to ecological systems
theory (see Chapters1 and 2). They discovered that many interacting variablesat the family,community, and cultural levelscontribute. The more risks present, the greater the like
lihood that abuse or neglect will occur. Table10.3 summarizes factors associated with child
The Family. Within the family, children whose characteristics make them more challenging
to rear are more likely to become targets of abuse. These include premature or very sick
babiesand children who are temperamentally difficult, are inattentive and overactive, or have
other developmental problems. Child factors, however, only slightly increase the risk of abuse
(Jaudes & Mackey-Bilaver, 2008; Sidebotham et al., 2003). Whether such children are maltreated largely depends on parents characteristics.
Tabl e10.3
Parent characteristics
Psychological disturbance; alcohol and drug abuse; history of abuse as a child; belief in harsh physical
discipline; desire to satisfy unmet emotional needs through the child; unreasonable expectations for child
behavior; young age (most under 30); low educational level; lack of parenting skills
Child characteristics
Premature or very sick baby; difficult temperament; inattentiveness and overactivity; other developmental
Family characteristics
Low income or poverty; homelessness; marital instability; social isolation; partner abuse; frequent moves;
large families with closely spaced children; overcrowded living conditions; nonbiological caregivers present;
disorganized household; lack of steady employment; other signs of high life stress
Characterized by violence and social isolation; few parks, c hild-care centers, preschool programs, recreation
centers, or religious institutions to serve as family supports
Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014; Wekerle & Wolfe, 2003; Whipple, 2006.
Maltreating parents are less skillful than other parents in handling discipline confrontations and getting children to cooperate in working toward common goals. They also suffer
from biased thinking about their child. For example, they often attribute their babys crying or
their childs misdeeds to a stubborn or bad disposition, evaluate childrens transgressions as
worse than they are, and feel powerless in parentingperspectives that lead them to move
quickly toward physical force (Bugental & Happaney, 2004; Crouch etal., 2008).
Most parents have enough self-control not to respond to their childrens misbehavior or
developmental problems with abuse. Other factors combine with these conditions to prompt
an extreme response. Unmanageable parental stress is strongly associated with maltreatment.
Abusive parents respond to stressful situations with high emotional arousal. And low income,
low education (less than a high school diploma), unemployment, alcohol anddrug use, marital conflict, overcrowded living conditions, frequent moves, and extreme household disorganization are common in abusive homes (Dakil etal., 2012; W
ulczyn, 2009). These conditions
increase the chances that parents will be too overwhelmed to meet basic c hild-rearing responsibilities or will vent their frustrations by lashing out at their children.
The Community. The majority of abusive and neglectfulparents are isolated from both formal
and informalsocial supports. Because of their life histories, many have learned to mistrust
and avoid others and are poorly skilled at establishing and maintaining positive relationships.Also, maltreating parents are more likely to live in
unstable, rundown neighborhoods that provide few links
between family and community, such as parks, recreation
centers, and religious institutions (Guterman etal., 2009;
Tomyr, Ouimet, & Ugnat, 2012). These parents lack lifelines to others and have no one to turn to for help during
stressful times.
The Larger Culture. Cultural values, laws, and customs
profoundly affect the chances that child maltreatment will
occur when parents feel overburdened. Societies that view
violence as an appropriate way to solve problems set the
stage for child abuse.
Although the United States has laws to protect children from maltreatment, widespread support exists for
use of physical force with children (refer back to page
376). Many countriesincluding Austria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Norway,
Spain, Sweden, and Uruguayhave outlawed corporal
High parental stress, low income and education, and extreme household disorganization
are often associated with child maltreatment. Abusive parents are more likely to live in
rundown neighborhoods that offer few sources of social support.
punishment, a measure that dampens both physical discipline and abuse (Zolotor & Puzia,
2010). Furthermore, all industrialized nations except the United States prohibit corporal punishment in schools. TheU.S.Supreme Court has twice upheld the right of school officials to
use corporal punishment. Fortunately, 31U.S.states and the District of Columbia have passed
laws that ban it.
Each year, fourth to sixth graders across Los Angeles County enter
a poster contest to celebrate Child Abuse Prevention Month. This
recent winner appeals to parents to treat children with warmth
and caring. (Katrina Weng, 4th Grade, Ya Ya Fine Art, Arcadia,CA.
Courtesy ICAN Associates, Los Angeles County InterAgency Council
on Child Abuse & Neglect,
Percentage of Parents
Engaging in Physical Abuse
began in Hawaii and has spread to 430 sites across the United States and Canada,
identifies families at risk for maltreatment during pregnancy or at birth. Each
receives three years of home visitation, in which a trained worker helps parents
manage crises, encourages effective child rearing, and puts parents in touch with
community services to meet their own and their childrens needs (Healthy Families America, 2011). In an evaluation in which over 600 families were randomly
assigned to intervention and control groups, Healthy Families home visitation
alone reduced only neglect, not abuse (Duggan etal., 2004). But adding a cognitive component dramatically increased its impact. When home visitors helped
parents change negative appraisals of their c hildrenby countering inaccurate
interpretations (for example, that the baby is behaving with malicious intent) and
Enhanced Unenhanced
by working on solving child-rearing problemsphysical punishment and abuse
dropped sharply after one year of intervention (see Figure10.7) (Bugental etal.,
2002). Another home-visiting program shown to reduce child abuse and neglect
is the NurseFamily Partnership, discussed on page 114 in Chapter3 (Olds etal., F igure 1 0 .7 Impact of a home visitation
program with a cognitive component on preventing
physical abuse of young children. In an enhanced
Still, many experts believe that child maltreatment cannot be eliminated as home visitation condition, home visitors not only provided
long as violence is widespread and harsh physical punishment is regarded as accept- social support, encouraged effective child rearing, and conable. In addition, combating poverty and its diverse c orrelatesfamily stress and nected families with community resources but also helped
disorganization, inadequate food and medical care, teenage parenthood, low-birth- atrisk parents change their negative appraisals of their
babies and solve child-rearing problems. After one year of
weight babies, and parental hopelessnesswould protect many children.
intervention, this cognitive component sharply reduced
Although more cases reach the courts than in decades past, child maltreat- physical abuse of babies (hitting, shaking, beating, kicking,
ment is difficult to prove. Usually, the only witnesses are the child victims or other biting) compared with an unenhanced home visitation
loyal family members. And even when the evidence is strong, judges hesitate to condition and a nointervention control. (Adapted from
impose the ultimate safeguard against further harm: permanently removing the Bugental etal., 2002.)
child from the family. There are several reasons for their reluctance. First, in the
United States, government intervention into family life is viewed as a last resort. Second,
despite destructive family relationships, maltreated children and their parents usually are
attached to one another, and neither desires separation. Finally, system tends to
regard children as parental property rather than as human beings in their own right, and this
also has stood in the way of court-ordered protection.
Even with intensive treatment, some adults persist in their abusive acts. An estimated
1,600U.S.children, most of them infants and preschoolers, die from maltreatment annually.
Nearly half suffered from physical abuse, including beatings, drownings, suffocation, or shaken
baby syndrome, in which shaking an infant or young child inflicts brain and neck injuries.
About 70percent were neglected, some so severely that it caused their deaths (U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). When parents are unlikely to change their behavior, the drastic step of separating parent from child and legally terminating parental rights is
the only justifiable course of action.
Child maltreatment is a sad note on which to end our discussion of a period of childhood
that is so full of excitement, awakening, and discovery. But there is reason to be optimistic.
Great strides have been made over the past several decades in understanding and preventing
child maltreatment.
Ask Yourself
l ReviewSummarize findings on ethnic variations in
Eriksons Theory: Initiative
versus Guilt (p.357)
Peer Relations
Self-Understanding (p.358)
10.2 Describe the development of self-concept
and s elf-esteem in early childhood.
preschoolers think more intently about themselves, they construct a self-concept that consists
largely of observable characteristics and typical
emotions and attitudes. Older preschoolers also
have an emerging grasp of their own personalities.
Securely attached preschoolers have a more positive, coherent self-concept. More elaborative
parentchild conversations about past events contribute to a clearer self-image, and conversations
about internal states facilitate s elf-knowledge.
Preschoolers self-esteem consists of several s elf-
judgments. Their high self-esteem contributes to
a mastery-oriented approach to the environment.
Emotional Development
Foundations of Morality
Gender Typing
typing is well under way in early childhood. Preschoolers acquire a wide range of
gender-stereotyped beliefs, which operate as
blanket rules rather than flexible guidelines
Prenatal hormones contribute to boys higher
activity level and rowdier play and to childrens
preference for s ame-sex playmates. But parents,
same-sex older siblings, teachers, peers, and the
broader social environment encourage many
gender-typed responses. Parents apply more pressure for g ender-role conformity to sons, and boys
are more gender-typed than girls.