Paper Screen Wire

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Reprinted from Powder and Bulk Engineering, December 2006

Choosing a woven wire screen for top

separation performance
Jeff Dierig


In any screening application, achieving top-quality

product and peak efficiency requires careful screen
selection. This article explains how to choose the
right woven wire screen for your application. Sections cover screen basics, how to choose the right
screen opening size, wire diameter, and attachment
method, and how to operate and maintain your
screener after the screen is installed.

screener (also called a separator or sifter) mechanically separates dry free-flowing materials by particle size by moving the material in relation to a
screen (or screens). Each screen is round or rectangular
and is attached to a frame in an assembly called a screen
deck. The screener can be used in a range of applications
including chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food products,
plastics, minerals, and pigments to scalp material, remove fines, or grade material. In any of these applications,
choosing the right screen is the single most important factor in achieving top separation performance.
The ABCs of woven wire screen
Most screeners use a woven wire screen with square openings. Four parameters mesh count, wire diameter,
opening size (often just called opening), and open-area
percentage can be used to describe the woven wire
screen. These parameters are mathematically interrelated,
as shown in Figure 1. When choosing a screen, you need
to specify at least two of the parameters, and which two
you specify depends on whether you use US or metric

In the US, screens are specified by mesh count and wire diameter. The mesh count is the number of wires per linear
inch or, depending on the users preference, the number of
openings per linear inch. The wire diameter is the wires
nominal diameter in inches. While this approach to specifying screens has been used for centuries, its rather counterintuitive because the larger the mesh count, the smaller
the opening. Specifying a wire screen in countries using
the metric system is a bit more logical because the screen
is specified by its opening size (in microns) and either its
wire diameter (in microns) or the open-area percentage.
So why isnt specifying the opening size by itself enough
to precisely specify a wire screen? Figure 2 shows two
screens with approximately the same opening size but different wire diameters. Because of the difference in wire diameters, the screens will perform very differently during
screening (discussed in the later section Choosing the
wire diameter).
About screen types. Woven wire screen cloth (also called
screen media) is manufactured in high volumes using
standard combinations of mesh count and wire diameter.
For a dry bulk material application, youll typically select
one of three screen cloth types: market grade, mill grade,
and tensile bolting cloth (TBC). Market-grade screen has
the largest wire diameter for a given opening size, and
TBC screen has the smallest.
A note about differences in process screener screens and
lab test sieves: Confusion often results because of the apparent similarity between the mesh count for process
screens and the sieve number for sieves used in lab test
sieve shakers. (In a lab test sieve shaker, a stack of sieves is
shaken so that a representative material sample falls from



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the top sieve [with the largest opening size] down through
the other sieves [with progressively smaller opening sizes];
then the material remaining on each sieve is weighed to reveal the samples particle size distribution.) For instance,
for a process screener, a 50-mesh TBC screen has a 368micron opening size and a 50-mesh market-grade screen
has a 279-micron opening size. But neither equates to the
300-micron opening size of a number 50 US Standard test
sieve. For clarification, refer to a particle-size-to-screenmesh conversion chart, which lists commonly available
screen cloths for process screeners and aligns each with the
US Standard test sieve with the most similar opening size.1
About wire. Most woven wire screens are made of stainless
steel. [Editors note: For information on other screen materials, see the sidebar Beyond woven wire.] Type 304 and
Type 316 stainless steel wires are by far the most common
for screening granules and powders. They not only resist corrosion, but are durable, readily available, and economical.
Some screens are available in Type 430 stainless steel,
which is suited to applications with strict product quality
requirements. This is because, unlike most stainless steels,
Type 430 stainless steel is magnetic and can often be
picked up by magnetic separators downstream of the
screener. This improves the odds of capturing stray wires
that might become detached from the screen and fall into
the screened material. However, Type 430 stainless steel
tends to be more brittle than other stainless steels, which
can reduce the screens service life.

Choosing the screen opening size

The opening size is the most important criteria to consider
when selecting a screen because it has the greatest impact
on your screening processs separation quality. But before
you can choose the opening size, you need to know what
specifications the final product must meet. This depends
on whether youre using the screener for scalping, fines removal, or grading.
Scalping. In a scalping application, the screener has one
screen and cuts a little off the top that is, it removes a
small quantity of oversize particles from a material thats already almost entirely within a particle size spec (or on size).
In a typical scalping application, the material entering the
screener contains more than 95 percent on-size particles.
To choose the right screen opening size, work backward
from your final product spec. Lets say that your scalping
spec is 0% +60 US. This means that when you analyze a
representative sample of the screened final product with a
lab test sieve shaker, no material should be retained on the
number 60 US Standard test sieve. This sieve has a 250micron opening size, so you should select a process screen
with an opening no larger than 250 microns. In fact, due to
variations in the wire-weaving process (called weaving
tolerances), youd want to choose a screen with an opening size several percentage points smaller than that of the
specified test sieve. So, by referring to a particle-size-toscreen-mesh conversion chart, youd see that a 60-mesh
market-grade screen would probably be a good choice for

Figure 1
Four inter-related parameters for woven wire screen
0.100 inch


Mesh count = 40
Wire diameter = 0.0065 inch
Opening size = 0.0185 inch
Open-area percentage = 54.8 percent
Opening size =

wire diameter
mesh count
Open-area percentage =
(opening size mesh count)2 100




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Figure 2
Screens with similar opening sizes but different wire diameters
a. 94 TBC screen

b. 80 market-grade screen

180 microns
178 microns

90 microns
140 microns

31 percent open area

45 percent open area

this application. Its 234-micron opening is slightly smaller

than that of the number 60 US Standard test sieve. In contrast, a 60-mesh TBC screen wouldnt be appropriate for
this application. Its smaller wire diameter gives the TBC
screen a 310-micron opening size, considerably larger
than that of the number 60 US Standard test sieve. As a result, oversize particles from 250 to 310 microns will pass
through the 60-mesh TBC screen and contaminate the onsize final product. When you analyze this final product in a
test sieve shaker, some material will be retained on the
number 60 US Standard test sieve, causing the sample to
fail your 0% +60 US scalping spec.

woven wire

hile stainless steel woven

wire is the most common
screen material for separating dry bulk solids, there are other
Screens can be made from woven
synthetic filaments like polyester

Fines removal. Screen selection can get more complicated when your screener must remove fine particles, the
opposite of scalping. This application also requires only
one screen. Lets say that your screener must remove fine
particles smaller than a number 60 US Standard test
sieves opening size. Because of inefficiencies inherent in
all screeners, its impossible to remove all fine particles, so
any properly crafted product spec for a fines-removal application allows some tolerance. For instance, a reasonable spec for allowable fines in the final product would be
5% max 60 US. This means that when a representative
sample of your final product is analyzed with a test sieve

and nylon. These filaments are

very smooth and extremely flexible, making synthetic screens less
prone to blinding than woven wire
screens in some applications. Synthetics are also suited to screening
materials that are too corrosive for
stainless steel woven wire.
In other applications, the screen
material isnt a screen at all, but a
metal perforated plate. The plate,
which has round perforations
rather than square openings, is
stronger and more durable than
woven wire screen. The plate also
presents a very smooth surface to

the material moving across it,

which helps separate elongated
particles from granules or more
spherical, uniformly shaped particles. The round openings provide a
more precise opening size than a
woven wire or synthetic screens
square openings because the round
holes dont have the square openings larger diagonal dimension.
However, the plate has a very low
open-area percentage, which reduces capacity and makes the plate
susceptible to blinding. A common
application for perforated plate is
removing streamers and strands
from plastic pellets. J. Dierig



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shaker, no more than 5 percent of the sample should pass

through the number 60 US Standard test sieve.
To achieve the 5% max 60 US product spec, your first instinct might be to select a 60-mesh screen. However, if you
choose a 60-mesh market-grade screen, its highly unlikely that the final product would be within your allowable fines tolerance because this screens 234-micron
opening size is smaller than the 250-micron opening on
the number 60 US Standard test sieve. A better choice
would be a market-grade or TBC screen with an opening
size somewhat larger than that of the 60-mesh marketgrade screen. The larger opening size will encourage nearsize fine particles to pass through the screen, making it
more likely that the final product will meet your allowable
fines tolerance. In fact, the larger the opening size, generally the better the fines removal. Be aware, however, that if
the opening size is too large, at some point a large number
of on-size particles will pass through the screen and discharge with the fines.

Grading. In grading (also called sizing or classifying) applications, the screener uses multiple stacked screen decks
to separate material into distinct discharge streams. Each
stream has its own particle size distribution, and typically
one or more of the discharge streams constitutes the final
product, which usually has a spec limiting the amount of
oversize or fine particles allowable in it. For grading applications, choosing the right screen opening size for a replacement screen is especially critical because any change
in the opening size can affect not just one, but multiple
final products.
Figure 3 shows a typical three-deck screener for a grading
application that yields two products, A and B. Product As
spec is 30 60 US (that is, the particles must be small
enough to pass through a number 30 US Standard test sieve
and too large to pass through a number 60 US Standard test
sieve). Product Bs spec is 60 100 US (that is, the particles must be small enough to pass through a number 60 US
Standard test sieve and too large to pass through a number

Figure 3
Three-deck screener for grading two products

24 market

50 market

94 TBC

Product A
(30 60 US)

(100 US)

Product B
(60 100 US)

(+30 US)



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100 US Standard test sieve). The screeners top deck has a

24 market scalping screen (that is, a 24-mesh market-grade
screen) that removes oversize particles (+30 US particles,
which are too large to pass through a number 30 US Standard test sieve) from Product A. The bottom deck has a 94
TBC fines removal screen that removes fine particles (100
US particles, which are small enough to pass through a
number 100 US Standard test sieve) from Product B. But
the middle 50 market deck performs two functions: controlling the amount of fine particles in Product A while limiting the amount of oversize particles in Product B.
Thus, replacing the middle decks screen with one that has
a different opening size will affect the particle size distributions of both products. For instance, using a screen with a
larger opening size will change both products size distributions, reducing the fines content of Product A and increasing the oversize in Product B. Changing the middle
screens opening size will also affect the product yield, or
relative production rates. Because of these interdependent
factors, its best to choose the screen opening size for a
grading application based on results of screening tests performed in your screener manufacturers lab.
The screeners impact on opening size. Other factors in
selecting screen opening size have more to do with how
the screener operates. Why? Unlike material in a lab test
sieve shaker, which spends several minutes in the shaker,
material in a process screener spends only seconds in the
machine. The screeners motion is different too. The test
sieve shaker moves only in a horizontal plane, which is effective for passing a small batch of material through the
sieve stack. But a process screeners motion has a vertical
component. This is because the machine operates continuously, and as the feed material enters, screened material
must be removed by conveying it across the screen to the
discharge. The screeners vertical screen motion, together
with the screen slope, conveys the screened material out of
the machine. Because the particles in the process screener
spend less time on the screen and move differently, they
have less chance of passing through the screen than
through a test sieve in a lab test shaker. This has the effect
of making the screens apparent opening size smaller than
the actual measured opening size in that screen, as shown
in Figure 4. (In the figure, the apparent opening size is represented by the small opening in the double images near
the images center.) Because the apparent opening size is
smaller, the actual opening size for a screen in a process
screener should be up to 10 percent larger than that in a
corresponding test sieve.
Some screeners have an inclined screen (or screens), which
also has an effect on the screen opening size. As shown in
Figure 5, the material on an inclined screen is exposed to
two different opening sizes: the actual measured opening
size and the effective opening size that results from gravitys influence on each particles impact on the inclined
screen. (You can calculate the effective opening size by
multiplying the actual opening size by the cosine of the

screen angle [cos ].) The result is typically less accurate

separation, making a horizontal screener with a flat rather
than inclined screen the best choice for applications with
exacting particle size tolerances.
Choosing the wire diameter
To determine which wire diameter is best for your screen,
consider the screener capacity, screen flexibility, and
screen durability your application requires.
Screener capacity. Choosing the right wire diameter can
have a major impact on your screeners capacity because
wire diameter affects the screens open-area percentage
and, thus, how quickly material can be screened. Any
woven wire screen can be described in terms of its openarea percentage (Figure 1). Generally, the larger the openarea percentage (rather than opening size), the higher the
screens capacity. For instance, consider two screens with
the same overall dimensions and the same opening size: an
80-mesh market-grade screen (with a large wire diameter)
with a 178-micron opening size, and a 94-mesh TBC
screen (with a smaller wire diameter) with a 180-micron
opening size. The market-grade screen has a 31.4 percent
open area, while the TBC screen has a 45 percent open
area. This means that the 94-mesh TBC screen with its
smaller wire diameter has 43 percent more openings than
the 80-mesh market-grade screen for the same screen dimensions. As a result, the TBC screen provides much
higher screening capacity.

A screen with smaller-diameter wire tends to give a

little, so that the screens natural movement can
dislodge the particle.

Screen flexibility. A screen with a smaller wire diameter has

another advantage for screening: It tends to be more flexible, which helps the screen resist blinding. Blinding occurs
when particles just slightly larger than the screen opening
become lodged in it, which is most likely in sizing applications handling materials with a high percentage of near-size
particles. Larger-diameter wire tends to tightly grip a particle stuck in the opening, which makes it hard to dislodge the
particle. A screen with smaller-diameter wire tends to give
a little, so that the screens natural movement can dislodge
the particle. Antiblinding devices mounted under the screen
(such as vibrating sliders [plastic rings] or bouncing balls)
also work better with a more flexible screen.
Screen durability. Before you decide that a screen with a
smaller wire diameter and more flexibility is best for your application, be aware that theres a tradeoff for this flexibility:
less durability. A screen with a smaller wire diameter is less



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durable than one with a larger wire diameter and can have an
unacceptably short service life in applications handling
large, heavy material loads or abrasive materials. For these
applications, it may be more practical to choose a screen with
a larger wire diameter. But if youre concerned about blinding problems, you can choose a screen with a smaller wire diameter and simply replace this screen more often.
Choosing the screen attachment method
Different methods are available for attaching a screen to its
frame and achieving the proper screen tension when you
install or change out the screen. The methods include
using mechanical fasteners and hook strips (which you
can handle in your plant) and using pretensioned screens
on rigid frames (which are most often provided by the

Figure 4
Apparent and actual measured opening sizes

opening size
opening size

Figure 5
Effective and actual measured opening
sizes on an inclined screen

opening size

opening size
angle ()

screener manufacturer). With any of these methods, consult the screener manufacturer to determine the right
screen tension for your application.
Mechanical fasteners. Using mechanical fasteners such
as tension bolts (for a round or rectangular screen) or
spring clips (for a rectangular screen) is the oldest and simplest way to attach the screen to the frame. With this
method, the screen periphery has a metal, cloth, or plastic
edging with holes punched in it. The bolts or spring clips
are placed through the holes to fasten the screen to the
frame and are adjusted to achieve the right screen tension.
While a screen thats attached with mechanical fasteners is
relatively inexpensive and, when equipped with flexible
edging, can be rolled up for easy transportation and storage, it has several disadvantages. For one thing, its difficult or impossible to achieve proper, consistent tensioning
of the mechanically fastened screen because its flexible
edging allows tensioning only at the bolt or spring clip locations. And because the screen is held tightly to the frame
only at discrete points around the screen edging, coarse
material can bypass the screen and simply flow under the
edging between these points, contaminating the screened
material. With a larger screener, dozens or even hundreds
of bolts or spring clips can be required to attach the screen
to the frame, making screen changes slow and labor-intensive. Screening vibration can also loosen the bolts or break
or dislodge the spring clips, loosening the screen tension
and, perhaps worse, contaminating the screened material
with metal fragments. These disadvantages limit this attachment method to relatively coarse screens in noncritical applications, such as scalping minerals.
Hook strip. A more advanced method, which is used for
rectangular screens, is attaching the screen to the frame
with a hook strip. In this case, a rigid metal edging forms a
lip (called a hook strip) around the screens sides. Tension
bolts mounted on the frame engage the edgings hook
strip, and tightening the bolts to a specified torque value
applies the proper tension to the screen. Unlike the flexible edging on a mechanically fastened screen, the rigid
hook strip edging distributes tension more evenly along all
screen sides. The hook strip screen is much faster to install
than a screen with mechanical fasteners and can also be
rolled up for easy transportation and storage. However, the
screen isnt suitable for fine screening applications because its difficult to maintain adequate tension on the
screen, and poor sealing between the tension bolts around
the frame can allow material to flow over the edging, bypassing the screen.
Pretensioned screens on rigid frames. A pretensioned
screen applied to a rigid frame is the most advanced attachment type and is available for round or rectangular screens.
The screen is manufactured by stretching the screen cloth
on a special tensioning fixture that can be adjusted to pro-



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vide the optimal tension for that screen. Then the tensioned
screens perimeter is permanently bonded with epoxy to a
rigid screen frame thats typically made from square or rectangular stainless steel tubing. Once the epoxy sets, the
screen-and-frame assembly (screen deck) is removed from
the tensioning fixture and the excess screen cloth outside
the frame is trimmed away. The pretensioned screen typically costs more than mechanically fastened or hook strip
screens, but provides several advantages. The uniform tension throughout the screens entire surface provides accurate and efficient separation performance, particularly in
fine screening applications. And because it has no bolts,
spring clips, or edging to wear or break off, the pretensioned screen is better suited than the other screens to sanitary applications with high product safety requirements,
such as food and pharmaceutical applications.

If your screen is attached to its frame with mechanical

fasteners or a hook strip, take extreme care when
handling and installing the loose screen.

With a pretensioned screen, the frame must have enough

structural rigidity to withstand the forces exerted by the
highly tensioned screen. In some cases, the screen is
mounted on flat sheet-metal plates instead of a stainless
steel tubular frame. Because the flat plates tend to distort
under load, this frame type is suited only to screens with
very low tension. Other pretensioned screens are mounted
on a composite frame made of polymer encasing a metal
core. The polymer provides a bonding surface for the
screen cloth. Instead of bonding the cloth to the frame with
epoxy, the cloth is fused to the frame by heating the cloth
and melting it into the polymer surface. Because the
frames metal core is completely encased in polymer, the
screen provides excellent durability for screening very
corrosive materials.
To increase the pretensioned screens service life, a
backup screen can be installed under the more delicate
process screen in the same frame to provide mechanical
support for it. The backup screen is coarser and more
durable than the process screen and is simultaneously pretensioned and bonded to the frame with the process screen.
The backup screen also protects the process screen from
direct impact and abrasion by antiblinding devices.
Some advice for operating and maintaining
your screener
Once youve selected a screen, its important to keep it in
good shape to ensure that it provides top separation performance over the long term. This means properly transporting, storing, installing, and maintaining your screen.
Always transport the screen in its original reinforced, cor-

rugated carton, and leave the screen in this carton until

youre ready to install it. Store the screen vertically not
only to conserve floor space in your plant but to prevent
damage caused by stacking other items on the screen. Follow the screener manufacturers instructions when installing the screen in your screener.
If your screen is attached to its frame with mechanical fasteners or a hook strip, take extreme care when handling
and installing the loose screen: Any dents or creases in the
screen cloth will create stress concentration points that can
lead to premature failure (tears or holes). Also take care
when tensioning such a screen because under- or overtensioning will impair the screens separation performance
and shorten its service life.
You can keep your screener running smoothly over the
long term by periodically inspecting the screen (or
screens) and providing regular preventive maintenance.
This is even more important if your screener has a fine
mesh screen. A screener that handles fine particles typically has multiple inspection openings on each screen
deck so the operator can make a quick visual check of the
screen without having to disassemble the screener.
Your routine maintenance should include checking screen
tension, checking for material buildup or blinding on each
screen, checking the condition of antiblinding devices,
and most important inspecting each screen for tears
or holes.

1. To receive a copy of a particle-size-to-screen-mesh conversion chart,
contact the author at the address listed below or download the chart
from the Technical Library on Swecos Web site (www.sweco

For further reading

Find more information on screens and screeners in articles
listed under Screening and classifying in Powder and
Bulk Engineerings comprehensive article index at and elsewhere in this issue.

Jeff Dierig is global marketing manager at Sweco, 8029

US Highway 25, Florence, KY 41042; 800-807-9326 or
859-727-5116, fax 859-727-5122 ([email protected], He holds a BA in marketing and an
MBA, both from Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, and has more than 13 years experience with
bulk solids processing equipment.

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